• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,740 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...

I'm fruitin' up (It's what I do!)

"5...16, Radio Gurfeety," Applejack slurred. The amount of Johnny Walker Blue Label she had consumed in the past 20 minutes had taken its toll on the young mare, and she was stumblin' over her own tongue like a troll would. She had since moved on from taking shoutouts to start Radio Graffiti, the show's popularity spreading like wildfire as the bronies realised Applejack was on the other end.
"Oh, Applejack, don't talk to me without my coffee!" chuckled a male voice.
"Shuttup. 215, Raydio Grafeeti."
"Asho, is Goofy Bone your dad? Oh my!" said TubGuy.
"This is this-are you calling me from the tub again?" Applejack had had TubGuy call up before, but she wasn't as drunk as she was now.
"When the hell do I not call you from the tub, Applejack?"
"Take this a-GET 'IM OFF!" Applejack yelled. "Why're ya even listening ta me in the tub?" However, TubGuy had already hung up. "718, Rayjo Graffidi."
"Gee, it sure is boring around here!"
"Mah boi! This peace is what all-"
"Yeah, well get outta here, GET OUT, then! GET OUT! Nobody asked yadda be here anyways!" Applejack interrupted. She put a hoof to her forehead in frustration, still forgetting her other priorities.


Meanwhile, back at Fluttershy's cottage, Ghost was becoming a minor annoyance. Fluttershy had pressed him for information about other members of his race out of curiosity.
"I am an over-feminised fruitbowl, I mean look at my over-feminised physical attributes!" Fluttershy looked even more concerned than usual: Ghost didn't usually act or talk like this.
"Ghost, are you feeling okay?" Fluttershy pressed a hoof to his forehead. "Hmm. You don't have a temperature."
Ghost grabbed Fluttershy and lifted her up. "Oh, Fluttershy, I'm sorry about being such a racist to all you ponies." Fluttershy's eyes grew wide.
"Um, that's fine, really," Fluttershy said, trying to break free of the hug.
"No, I mean it! I've been so mean to you all! I guess I just got off on the wrong foot-erm, hoof. I'm sorry, Fluttershy."
Fluttershy contemplated calling Applejack for help, she was only a stone's throw away. But something inside of her felt touched by Ghost's speech, and she decided to let him stay for the moment.
"Hey, Fluttershy? Do you think I'm sexy enough in this outfit?"
Fluttershy screamed as loudly as she could for help before running back to the studio. Once there, she began pounding on the door, calling out for Applejack. Unfortunately, all she could hear inside was an "I HATE YOU TOO!" Fluttershy kept knocking in earnest, unaware that someone was sneaking around behind her.
In her mad dash to call Applejack, Fluttershy had forgotten to close and lock the door to her cottage, causing the fruity Texan to follow suit after her. He had been pursuing her for quite a while, but then she started knocking on the door to a grimy, horrible-looking building, which disgusted Ghost to the point of considering heading into another property with an almost non-existant, high-pitched "Hello...what have we here?"


"Pinkie Pie, stop moving about so much," scolded Twilight. Spike was in front of her, holding an open book, detailing how to return Pinkie's pastry physique back into her normal form. "This requires total concentration from both of us."
The bright pink pony nodded her head. Rarity stood a little way back from Twilight, worriedly watching what was about to happen. She'd heard stories of Twilight accidentally turning other creatures into oranges, and if this went wrong then Pinkie Pie would almost certainly follow them. Rarity snickered at the thought of an Orangie Pie, before snapping right back to being worried for her friend.
Pinkie Pie herself was more than ready for the spell, and could not wait to be returned back to the form of a pony again. She glanced at Owlowiscious, who eyed Pinkie hungrily. Pinkie gulped, and resumed her position by the door. If only Rainbow Dash was here, she'd sort that owl out in a flash. Pinkie's attention was now on Twilight as she charged her magic, her eyes closed and her horn glowing a very vicious shade of purple...


Ghost could hear someone muttering inside the house, and, excited at the prospect of making new friends, threw open the door. Pinkie was on the other side of it, and was sent flying over to Rarity. Twilight opened her eyes just long enough to see the figure step through the door, but it was too late to stay her spell now. She fired, hitting Ghost in the chest, sending him flying backwards, out the door and through the studio's window. Fluttershy gasped in horror at seeing the speeding body, and looked in the direction it came from. Rarity's mouth was hung agape, and Twilight had her head in her hooves, sat down. Pinkie looked like she was on the verge of tears, Spike hugging her to try and calm her down.


Meanwhile, inside the studio, Applejack was still quite angry and drunk. She had just finished yelling at Debi Daly when something smashed through the window, knocking Applejack to the floor. Angrily, she turned around to look at the mysterious object, which appeared to be moving slightly. The digits on its hands were retracting, its ears were changing shape, and its eyes were growing wider by the second. The ugly nose on the thing was smoothing out into a muzzle, and its skin was changing colour...or was that the fur sprouting from its body? Its smile grew large as a tail managed to sprout from its backside. Elsewhere, the being's brown hair was growing out into a full-out blonde mane, flowing crazily from under its hat. Applejack rubbed her eyes as the creature turned from greyscale back into full colour. It lifted its head and opened its eyes fully, took one look at Applejack and collapsed.
Applejack nearly did herself, instead deciding to watch in astonishment as the Texan pony rested on the glass-covered floor.