• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,741 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...


Fluttershy and Applejack dashed over to Ghost's seemingly lifeless body. It was fairly monochrome before, but with the addition of Discord's influence, it was even greater.
"Ghost? Are ya okay?" Applejack asked, concerned. Fluttershy prodded the body with a trembling hoof.
"He's out cold," Fluttershy said to nobody in particular. Applejack began biting at his trouser leg in a desperate attempt to move him.
"Fluttershy, I need your help for a minute. Can you see if you can fly Ghost to your cottage and try and fix 'im up?"
"Um, okay. For you, Applejack. But I might need your help with him too. I don't think he likes me very much." Fluttershy squeaked.
"Of course, Fluttershy. If he just gets too much for ya, you just come a hollerin'." Applejack hugged Fluttershy briefly, then turned and trotted into the studio.
"HEY! What about us!?" Rainbow Dash shouted, attempting to bat off the swarm of bees as Fluttershy flew off, the rather heavy Texan in her hooves.
Twilight and Rarity exchanged worried glances.
"Maybe I can help? I have been studying up on changing an object's form," Twilight announced. "So fair I've only used it to change apples into oranges, but I'm sure if I focus my energy a little harder than I did previously it should have you both back to normal in no time!"
"Me first, please!" Rainbow yelled, ruffling her bouquets ineffectively.
Twilight aimed her horn and it started to glow the faintest shade of purple. Rainbow Dash tried to remain motionless, but it was very hard with nearly the whole hive going after her. After a few seconds, Twilight's horn glowed brightly and fired at Rainbow Dash, temporarily stunning her. As the area around Rainbow Dash cleared, Pinkie's nose stopped itching, and the pegasus' wings were back to normal, with a small flowery headband around her forehead as a memento. She quickly removed it and threw it behind herself before flying away.
"Me next! Me next!" Pinkie cried out.
"I'm sorry, Pinkie, that spell's got me a little worn out. It's going to take me a while to recover. In the meantime, why don't you just stay hidden?" Twilight said, rubbing her horn. "I bet if a bird saw you it wouldn't be able to resist itself." Pinkie sped into the library with a nod.


It was a little while later that Ghost and Fluttershy finally arrived at her cottage. They had to take a few breaks, as Ghost was simply too much for her slender frame to carry. Fluttershy dropped Ghost onto her sofa, sighing with relief. She gently flew into the kitchen to get something for Ghost to eat, when it struck her that she had no idea what the dietary needs of a human was.
"Don't you worry, little homo. I'll find you something, you'll see!"
Almost instantly Ghost woke up, albeit something had changed within him. He didn't quite feel like the Texan he was before as he yawned and stretched. This caught Fluttershy's attention.
"Oh, Ghost! You're awake! Do you want anything to eat?" Fluttershy asked, smiling. She had to be a good host, after all, even if her guest wasn't.
"Um, do you have any tiger shrimp?" Ghost asked. Fluttershy's eyes widened. Ghost's voice had shifted about three octaves upwards, and he sounded, quite frankly, fruity. Of course, Ghost didn't notice the change at all.
"Um, yes! I'll just, uh, go get some for you." Fluttershy opened a cabinet and found the bucket of chum used to feed her otter friends. There had to be a couple of tiger shrimps in there somewhere.
Meanwhile, Ghost was prancing around Fluttershy's living room, humming "World In My Eyes" by Depeche Mode, much to the amusement of Angel and his fellow animal friends.
Fluttershy heard Angel's little laugh and came back into the living room with a plate of tiger shrimp.
"Here you go, Ghost! Tiger shrimp, just like you asked for."
Ghost grabbed the plate and said "Oh, thanks Fluttershy!" before sitting down again. Fluttershy wanted to burst out laughing again, but it wouldn't have been polite. She certainly wasn't expecting Ghost to hug her, and wondered what possessed him to do so briefly, before hugging him back.
I guess this will be easier than I expected, thought Fluttershy.


Applejack snooped around the studio, looking for the microphone, to see if she could send Ghost back again, like she did last time. It almost pained her to do so, but she knew it was for his own good. Hunting about, she only managed to find a couple of open beer cans, one of which was still full. No trace of a microphone anywhere.
Man, that stuff smells strange, Applejack thought. What does Ghost see in it?
Hesitantly, but curiously, she sat down in Ghost's chair, and grabbed a can in her hooves. It was difficult to handle.
"Well, why not. What harm could it possibly do?"
Applejack tipped some of the the Johnny Walker Blue Label into her mouth, a small sliver trailing down her cheek. Instantly the orange pony felt very groggy and dizzy. Yet she wanted more. Some more of that-
"No, Applejack. Just remember the...uh..." Applejack scratched her head in confusion. "What was I doing again?"
Applejack tried desperately to remember what exactly she was doing. She knew it was something important, but she couldn't quite place it. As she tapped her hoof on the switchboard, she had a realisation.
Of course, Applejack. You're in the chair in the studio. You were probably gonna give shoutouts.
That was a perfectly logical explanation.
True Capitalist Radio went live in the next minute.