• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,741 Views, 125 Comments

MLP: TCR - Omlliw

Ghost throws his microphone a little too hard.

  • ...

That's it (Period!)

Ghost hurled the papers wildly in the ponies' direction, screaming "YOU DISGUSTING, DESPICABLE F-" However, before he could finish his sentence Ghost found he was paralysed and couldn't move, but only watch as his surroundings vanished before his eyes. The next thing he knew he could move, and was automatically throwing the papers at the empty floor of his studio. His eyes grew wide as his arms returned to his sides, before he turned tail and ran to the window, threw it open and took a look outside. The sun was beating down, and as Ghost hadn't been outside for a whole day, he was blinded as soon as he did this. What a stupid move. But once his eyes had fully adjusted to the light, he saw the same dingy, neon-lit surroundings that he was accustomed to on a regular basis. It felt good to be back.
Did it?
In a way, he sort of missed those candy-coloured equines that had caused him so much aggravation in the past. He didn't quite know what it was, but to him they were like aliens, and surely aliens deserved a little bit of respect? Tch, of course not. Not when they were ponies.
Ghost felt like doing some Radio Graffiti, but on the other hand, he had no idea how long it had been for the trolls on Earth while he was gone in Equestria. A minute? A year? He didn't really want to get interrogated about his time in Ponyville, by trolls OR bronies. He still didn't see what bronies found so goddamn sexual about those creatures. Disturbing, fruity milky-lickers.
Happy to have his fingers and thumbs back, at long last, he slumped back in his chair, picked up a beer and opened it. The satisfying hiss of the beer was music to Ghost's ears, and he downed half of it in one go. "Johnny Walker, Blue Label, ohhh yeeeaah!" he half-said, half-sang.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pieces of paper he threw on the floor earlier. It occurred to him that he hadn't actually taken a look at them before (or after) he threw them. Leaning forwards on his chair, he reached down and picked them all up. What he saw shocked him, and he nearly dropped the pictures in his fright.
Looking dead at him were Applejack and...what was her name? Twilight Twinkle? Oh, Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle. Anyway, there they were, standing in the studio, looking Ghost right in the eye.
"Son of a bitch..." Ghost started, as he realised the figure in the middle of the two ponies was none other than himself, asleep. As Ghost tried to comprehend when they would have the time to take that picture, he remembered the pictures were hot off the press when he was about to throw them at the ponies. Did they really take it just before he was sent home? Did they miss him that much?
No, they were just so obsessed with this whole "friendship" idea. They would've done it to anyone. Ghost browsed the other pictures, but it was just more of the same. In fact, all of the same: The other five pictures were copies of the first, and Ghost's brow grew more furrowed each time he saw it. It just didn't make sense why they'd do that. I thought they all hated me, Ghost thought. Maybe there's more to this 'friendship' lark than meets the eye. Ghost grabbed his beer and swallowed the other half. It would be a restless night, with visions of those ponies dancing through his head as he tried to sleep. There was no way he could tell anybody about this. Perhaps I'll lay low for a while, so those fruity assholes will forget this ever happened. Maybe a year or two'll do it.


Back in Equestria, life had gone back to normal after Ghost's last visit, not that many of them remembered him; after all, he'd been gone for seven months. About the only Equestrian citizens who could remember him were Fluttershy (scarred for life by his fruity outbursts, but hiding it surprisingly well), Discord, Twilight and Applejack, who still had the picture of him in her room in Sweet Apple Acres. Every morning, without fail, as she woke up that was one of the first things she saw. And every night, before she went to sleep, she fondly recollected the last few Radio Graffitis and Twitter shoutouts they read out. She had chuckled when Ghost tried to scroll through them with hooves, and he laughed too, although that was probably due to his drunkenness.
After all, she considered him a friend, and friends should be treated with respect whoever they are.


But Ghost didn't want to think of Applejack much, if at all, over the next few years. He tried to drink the memories away at the Blind Pig Pub on Sixth Street, but to no avail. Try as he might he could not get their distinct and fruity personalities out of his head. He even contemplated suicide at one point, but ultimately stopped himself.
Nobody can be sure of what happened to Ghost next. Some say he started a different radio show under the name of Lester Live, but this has been disputed heavily. We may never truly know what happened to Ghost after this point, but all we, the listeners, can do in the meantime is pray for his safe recovery, and hope he finds the true magic of friendship in Texas.

You've been listening to True Capitalist Radio. The thoughts, views, ideas, comments and opinions of the host of this show are...absolutely his.
Catch more live episodes Monday through Friday from 3:330 to 6:30 central, or check out archive shows at blogtalkradio.com.
"That's it!"

1993-2013 (?)

Comments ( 8 )

*clap* *clap* *clap*

I miss Ghost. I really do.

Oh my god this story was great. I really wonder what happened to Ghost tho

It's happened like 5 times in the story already, which has just finished.

4841345: Yeah, I said that way back while I was still in the first five chapters.
Good story. If Ghost ever comes back, show this to him.

I guess it would have been better if I had pointed out that Johnny Walker Blue Label is whiskey, not beer, way back when you first made the mistake...

Oh well. I'm pointing it out now.

4976690 What difference does that make?

4976878 The difference between putting it in a can and putting it in a still, mostly. :)

The point of Ghost bringing up Johnny Walker Blue Label on his show frequently is that it is an expensive (200 dollars a bottle) premium blended whiskey.

Hmmm. I know Ghost mentioned his beer a few times, but I don't remember any brand names.

I seem to remember the trolls spoke about he had "beer cans" on his desk quite often, and as he constantly brought up Johnny Walker on the show I assumed that that would be what all the crap on his desk was.

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