• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“... secret, where no one can find ...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“... secret, where no one can find ...”

“I know this place.” Jer'rahd muttered.

“You too, boss?” Bleu quipped, standing up on Jer'rahd's back to look about the forest curiously.

“I thought it was just me,” Starfall grumbled.

Twilight glanced back at them as the group emerged from the ravine looking over the small clearing. King Talon snorted at the delay, though he was not about to say anything to the trio behind him. A series of overgrown paths and crumbling walls skirted the edge of the clearing, nearly retaken by the forest. The towering remains of an old structure rose above the treetops ahead of them.

The small group had left the town perhaps an hour ago and made their way to the point where Bloodtail and Wind Razor had been spotted. After some arguing, Starfall grudgingly agreed to go back along the path the pair left to find where they had been hiding rather than chase after Wind Razor.

King Talon and Twilight took the lead, Twilight for being somewhat familiar with area, and Talon because he was the best tracker of the small group. Starfall was annoyed that the griffon had come along with them, let alone was being useful,
though she was the only one griping about the griffon god’s presence.

As they emerged from the ravine, however, things started to seem oddly familiar to the Beasts.

Twilight sighed softly. “This should be familiar to you all. This is the start of the ruins. These are the remains of castle Winnysor. It’s the place where Nightmare Moon was finally defeated.”

The three looked to each other before Bleu finally broke the silence.

“Those asshats have been using this as a base? What nerve.”

Leaving the clearing and moving further into the trees, the first of the remaining recognizable structures of the castle were noted. There were, flanked by vine-covered walls, defaced or outright smashed symbols of the Lunar Republic dotting them all the way to the main castle's courtyard.

Jer'rahd and Starfall looked up at the ruined towers and fallen arches of the castle they had helped design and support. The mood seemed to darken within the group. It was fully apparent on the trio's face that the lapse in time was fully sinking in. When they had left this place, it was a castle not unlike the one in Canterlot— bustling with life; that seemed little more than perhaps a week or two ago in their minds. Seeing the ruins now was clearly a sobering thing.

“Boss, you think they might be hiding there...?”

“It would be the most likely thing to survive this long. See if you can find the stairwell.”
The pair nodded to Jer'rahd and took to the air, circling around the ruins in search for something.

“What are they seeking?” Talon questioned.

“There was an underground complex under the castle. Looking at the state this place is in, it is likely the only thing that would offer shelter to a group of that size,” Jer'rahd responded. “There was a main stairwell leading down; they are checking to see if that is passable.”

“This is where the tracks lead. Should we send back for your troops?”

“No. They are all exhausted anyway, and still training. The only ones that should be here are Silver Claw, Nocturne, Scarlet, and Claymore. None of them are gods, and it is highly unlikely they have access to any star metal, so you should be fine.”

“So what is your plan?”

“Sparkle should turn Scarlet to stone; out of the four, she would be the most annoying with her training and poisons. You should be able to take out Claymore; he's well-trained and strong, but he's just a pony. Bleu and Starfall can keep Silver Claw busy, and I should be able to finish off Nocturne before moving to aid them. The dragon and the alicorn will be the biggest problems in a longer fight.”

“Yes, because you did so well last time you fought her,” Twilight snapped.

“We have another six years of experience to fall back on now, as well as what I picked up in the meantime. I didn't have the Waning Moon or the Beast the first time we faced Nocturne. You also have the Brilliant Dawn. We have the advantage for once.”

“I want to deal with Silver Claw.”

“No; you will do what I said, Sparkle, or you can turn around now and go back to town. I don't care how pissed you are at the dragon for running off with your assistant. You are not even trained with that blade yet.”

“He also nearly killed my brother.”


“Fine... but when Scarlet is dealt with, I am blasting that dragon whether you like it or not.”

“Acceptable. You alright with the plan, Talon?”

“I expect it would be too much for you to use my title?” the griffon grumbled.

“There's only one god I address with any respect. You've at least earned enough for me not to talk crap, so you're a step above Celestia. I've seen you do something aside from just sitting on your flank hosting parties.”

“I suppose that's something. And yes, I am quite ready. So long as they have no weapons of star metal, I doubt they have anything that could be an issue to me.”

“A bit confidant about that?” Twilight muttered.

“More that I know what I am capable of and what I should worry about, Miss Sparkle. Star metal, other gods, and powerful magic are the only things that can truly kill a god. This group has one of the three in the alicorn, though if Kaisur removes her fast enough, there should be nothing to worry about with the zebra gone.”

“I hope you are right about that,” Twilight muttered.

Jer'rahd looked up as Bleu and Starfall dipped low to look at something. “Should I ask what you spoke with your daughter about before we left?”

“It is none of your business,” Talon snorted.

“If it was something that is going to affect her training, then it rather is.”

“It is not. I simply informed her that I was impressed she had not deserted it yet. She tends to do such things when she does not like them.”

“It's not even been three days yet; it's going to get much worse.”

“I have seen this training before, Kaisur. The first days are always the most brutal. If she has made it this far, she will likely be in for all of it.”

“I almost threw her and another one out already.”

“I am aware of that. I am aware that you hit her as well. I have issue with that.”

“I expected you would. That doesn't change that she deserved it.”

“Nonetheless, when this is finished, we will have a discussion about that.”

“When this is over, I need to get back to training them. Talk to me again in a few weeks.”

Starfall glided up into view again, landing atop a broken pillar, and Bleu flew back, changing in size, before landing in front of the small group, ushering the unicorns onto her back.

“We found the stairwell; it's been covered up and hidden from the air and the ground, but it's a clear path for at least a level,” Bleu reported.

“Then we have our entry point.”


Rhede dropped his head back onto the pillow, thankful the full run of tests was finally over. Even with the painkiller, he felt as if he had been poked and prodded with every sharp object that the hospital had to offer. As the first drugs had started to wear off, he was given something else and had dozed through most of the remaining tests. He was currently in a waiting room waiting for a specialist to look over the x-rays and to give him a prognosis on his leg.

Velkorn had taken command of the troops at Jer'rahd's insistence and was currently setting up shifts to allow some of them to sleep. A chariot had arrived for Celestia, and the princess had fixed the hole in the library with her magic before departing back to Canterlot. He was not sure where the others were, though the last he had heard, Fluttershy had gone off somewhere outside of town. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity had gone home. Pinkie had vanished at some point, though no one seemed concerned by that even with the current state of events.

Rhede struggled against the drugs that were eating away at his waking state, not liking that he was going to be knocked out while his leg was being worked on. There was little help for it, however, as the wound would not heal properly without the aid of magic, and even then he would need to remain off of it for a time. He was also worried that Scarlet might find him in this state. He was already outmatched compared to her; wounded like this, he would be dead before he could blink.


“GAH!!!” Rhede jerked in surprise, yelling out as the movement sent a lance of pain through his leg that was felt even through the haze of the drugs.

“Oops, forgot about that,” Pinkie Pie commented, looking down at his leg. “Is there anything I can do to help out? I mean, I know I’m not a doctor, but you did get hurt and, well, that's bad, but I could... ommph.” Pinkie was cut off by Rhede's hoof.

“Thank you, Miss Pie, but I am going to be headed into surgery soon, and I would like that you did not bother the doctors there. No offense.” Rhede pulled back his hoof from her mouth and patted the pink pony on the head with a small chuckle, the scabbard holding the star metal blade against his fore hoof bumping her head lightly as he did so.

He had given Velkorn his other weapons, but that one he was not willing to relinquish. It was something that needed to be a surprise if he encountered any problems— a last defense against casters.

There was a light pop, like a balloon quietly bursting, and his hoof passed though the air where Pinkie's head had been. He blinked, opening his eyes fully to look around for Pinkie and not seeing anything or hearing her chatting with some other pony. He lifted his head a little to see if she was on the ground next to the bed, and he saw nothing past a rapidly drying puddle of water.

“Miss Pie?” Rhede laid his head back on the pillow as he started to feel dizzy once more. “Heh, guess these meds are stronger than I thought.


Celestia groaned, sitting back in her throne. She had cleared the court rather than listen to any of them complain about how she had ignored their pleas and appointments. In little under an hour, Lulu would be taking over, and the Court of the Night would begin. Luna's audience was rapidly gaining favor with some due to the efficiency at which she heard the claims. Most of the nobles avoided the night court as Luna did not put up with any sort of rambling speech. She heard the claim or plan and judged it on merit, not on the words of those trying to push it.

Celestia was a little annoyed that she had let them all get away with their speeches for so long. All it took was one impassioned noble pony convincing her of the worth of something over a hundred years ago and they all thought they had to give speeches now. She only put up with it due to the fact that if the noble families used most of their time writing speeches, they would have less time to cause other issues. A bored noble tended to be annoying at best and dangerous at worst.

“So how were Ponyville and your student faring?” a voice questioned from the supposedly empty room. “Clearly, nothing too disastrous to have you back here in the same day.”

Celestia's ears flattened at the sound of the voice, though they quickly perked back up and a smile crossed her face as she sensed the speaker.

“You picked a bad time to make your usual dramatic appearance. Ponyville is fine; my student is stressed, as her partner has seemingly joined the enemy, though it is possible he is trying to play counter spy.”

“I apologize for my truancy. If I had been there like I was supposed to be, this may not have even happened.”

“No. Your power put you in exactly the right place yet again. If you had not been in Canterlot, I would not have been able to go to Ponyville myself. My presence there was needed for the citizens to calm themselves enough to not go into a panic. To be honest, I am still not sure why the ponies of that town are so flighty.”

“It keeps them alive. So much happens there that is of great danger: the parasprite swarm, the Ursa, and even the dragon attack. If they had not fled at the first hint of trouble, each of these events would likely have resulted in more than just property damage.”

“I suppose you are right, my little sunshine.”

“Of course I am... though I am nearly a thousand years old now, mother. Please stop calling me that...” the cloaked figure muttered as she stepped out of the shadows.

“We really should throw you a big birthday party for that. Seventeen days into the second month of the year, if I am not mistaken?”

“Is this really the time for that?”

“Considering both of your aunts are freed in this time, I would think a large party would be in order for once. I expect even Lulu would agree with me.”

“You will do what you wish no matter what I say. After all, you ignored my unease at your dating your student. A much younger mare than you even if we do not count the age you put on as a goddess.”

“Oh please; your father was younger than Twilight when he asked me to marry him. Besides, if he could see who I was in a relationship with now, he would simply ask if he could join in, not complain,” Celestia chuckled.

“Ugh, I assure you I did not need to know that...”

“You brought it up, Sunshine. Was there something you wanted to ask?”

“Nothing I am sure your student has not brought up. I, too, have grown curious about this Aviana mare.”
Celestia sighed, her ears drooping a bit.

“I told Twilight everything I remember.”

“Yes, everything YOU remember. Have you not thought to use your spell to find out more? Perhaps even the truth? It is clearly been wearing at you, mother.”

“I have considered it, Sunshine, but there is nothing I can scry on to find out. There is nothing left from her time here.”

“The Elements of Harmony remain. Aviana used Magic, did she not?”

“Yes; she also wielded Generosity for a single conflict.”

“You have something to scry on then... What is that?”

A loud crash and the cursing and swearing of guards were heard from the main doors of the throne room, along with the sounds of conflict. The hooded pony stepped back out of sight as Celestia sighed.

The doors burst open and a pegasus Royal Guard crashed to the floor, rolling into a heap, followed by another of the armored guards.

“PATHETIC!” a voice shouted.

Celestia rubbed her head as the hidden pony chuckled.

“Kaisur, do you have to do this every time? Shouldn't you be looking for Spi... You're not Kaisur...” Celestia trailed off, looking at the pony storming into the throne room.

The white crystal pony stomped across the red carpeted room. A bright red mane and beard ran wild over his shoulders and chest, though it was tinged with a great deal of gray. His tail was of the same red fire coloration, though unlike the hair around his head, it was cut short, though jagged as if it had been lost to an enemy’s weapon rather than a barber. That image was further added upon by the myriad of cuts and cracks running along and in his crystalline form. A blue diamond rose studded with thorns that looked like spear blades made up his cutie mark, and a massive green crystal spear rested across his back. He approached the throne not even acting as if he was going to bow. The pony’s green-eyed gaze locked on Celestia as if the look alone would kill her.

“What is the meaning of this? Who are you?” Celestia demanded.

“Ye forget mine face this quickly, ye godly wench? Ah stayed in that accursed place. We held tha bucking ground so yah could seal tha bastard, an’ ye bucking fergot us for thousands of years. Ah only stayed cause yah promised tah care fer mine wife and child. So where are they, yah damned harpy? What happened tah mine family!?” the crystal pony bellowed.


Bleu shifted on Jer'rahd's back as the small group moved down the stairwell. The heavy thud of Jer's hooves announced their presence as they descended. Bleu was annoyed with the noise, yet she doubted she could convince any of them to try for a stealthier approach, particularly the angry gray unicorn in the lead. As the path grew darker, Twilight's horn lit up, casting light as they descended further.

A loud click sounded, followed by an equally loud twang as Jer'rahd stepped down. Bleu yelped as a dart bounced off her scaled hide and clattered to the floor. She smacked Jer'rahd in the back of the head with her tail and glared at him.

“Jeez, Boss; be careful. You shoulda known Scarlet probably trapped this place!”

“Fine then. Plan B it is,” Jer'rahd muttered, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof. A green shield formed over the top of the stairs. The gray unicorn stepped up onto that and walked forward. A series of panels formed over the steps, lighting the path further and shielding the group from any other pressure traps.

The stairwell ended, leaving the group in a wide area before a pair of large rotted wooden doors that half hung off rusted hinges. One of the doors had fallen and lay in a soggy splintered heap in a pool of stagnant water. The whole area smelled of mildew, mold and stagnant water. Several hoof prints and the large clawed tracks of a dragon covered the floor of the muddy chamber.

“Don't fly,” Talon commented, pointing up into the air and to the condensation collecting on a number of cords and wires that lay strewn across the chambers at random intervals.

Jer'rahd pressed on, remaining atop the shield panels as they progressed into the next room. A loud snap as a shield formed over a bear trap echoed in the remains of an old guard barracks.
Bleu's gaze was drawn up to a stone vent in the far wall that trickled a steady stream of water into the dilapidated chamber.

On the other side of the room, another double door lay ripped from its hinges and thrown to the floor.

“I guess they never bothered to fix this place after our last visit,” Starfall muttered, looking down at the broken bear trap under the shield.

“There really was not any time before we attacked Canterlot,” Bleu replied. “I think the river or some runoff is flowing into the chamber through the vents. Place should be flooded unless there's a drain somewhere.”

“We had wells dug in certain points that tapped into an underground river. My guess is that in a thousand years, the river shifted,” Jer'rhad commented.

“That would definitely be something worth investigating...” Twilight muttered, “…at any point in time other than this.”

The next room held the remains of the prison. Metal cells still lined the room, though the rust and decay of the ages was telling on the old wrought iron; many of the bars had rusted enough that they had fallen free, leaving gaps in the cages. The steady drip and trickle of water filled the air, as well as the distant echoing sound of rushing water.

The next chamber lead to a dead end and a path down. The room that once held the remains of the Cult of the Moon's experiments was gone, the roof evidently collapsing and burying the chamber in earth and stone. The staircase leading down to the caverns was a rush of water as the trickle of liquid from the other rooms pooled at the top and started a cascade down the smoothly worn stone steps.

Jer'rahd set up more panels, pressing a shield against each wall, the ceiling and the floor. The tick and thunk of more darts against the green barricade was proof enough of the wise foresight of such action. The group descended further, finally stepping out into a massive cavern. The chamber was partially lit by what at first glance appeared to be torches, though they gave off no heat or smoke— clearly some sort of magic.

The water pooled and flowed around the edges of the room, leaving the slightly raised middle of the massive chamber dry.
The bones of some great beast lay crumbled against the wall of the room. The statue of a pony lay on its side near the bones, half buried in the silt. The statue’s features were mostly worn away by time and the flow of water, and it was covered with a multitude of cracks and chips.

“That's a big chicken,” Bleu muttered, looking at the moldy skeleton

A faint chuckle drew the group’s attention to the center of the room. A burst of magic flared to life from the darkened rise in the chamber’s center, revealing a black alicorn with a sandy blond mane and two-toned green and violet eyes.

“It took you long enough to find us, father...” Nocturne snarled.

“Stick to the plan,” Jer'rahdmuttered. The Waning Moon yanked from its scabbard and launched towards the dark alicorn before he even finished the order.


“Sir, you wished to speak with me, sir?”

[“You need not use that nonsense with me; please sit.”]

“Umm, sir?”

Velkorn rolled her eyes, looking up at the large half dragon before her. She had taken over the library as a command post when the others left. It was a not only a good position, being in the center of Ponyville, but it was also a chance to browse Twilight's collection of medical books.

She had not had much opportunity to do that, however; right after she had gotten Rhede to the hospital, Pinkie Pie showed up and tried to help. Velkorn sighed again as she thought about it; she had to have thrown that pony out of the library at least eight times before it seemed to sink in. She still wasn't sure how the bubbly earth pony managed to get back in so quickly.

“My apologizes for speaking like that. Do drop the ‘sir’, though; I simply wish to have a chat.”

“Err, yes, sir... err, miss. What is it you wanted to talk about?” Lion Heart questioned, looking down at the zebra mare, a bit worried that he was asked for and still somewhat distracted by his encounter with the Bearer of Generosity not that long ago.

“Nothing drastic, I assure you. I am curious about the state of your race and its history.”

“The half-dragons? While it is kind of you to consider us as a race, miss, there are no half-dragon gods, and thus we do not class as our own race.”

“Unlike the hippogriffs and yeti, your kind breeds true. Does that not sound like a proper race to you?”

“The council of gods does not seem to think so. Princess Celestia has been supportive and has nominated us such several times, though the Gallopagos is still considered as little more than a territory even if its population has well passed what is needed to be considered a civilization. Harpies and the minotaur are much the same; the Harpies lost their spot after nearly being wiped out after the civil war and the Minotaur never had a high enough body count to come close. And, well, the zebras also have no gods, but they, ummm... Well, you know.”

Velkorn waved that last bit off. She was quite aware of the zebras’ tendency to kill godlings at birth.

“It is the history of the last thousand years I wish to know. Silvertail and Pelt worked to ensure it would grow. To that pair your kind owe quite a bit, but I want to hear what has changed since our time. Now, do please sit.”

Lion Heart glanced down at the couch a moment before settling back on it, still a bit uneasy.

“So you just want me to tell you the history of the half-dragons since the Equestrian Civil War?”
Velkorn nodded. “Though I do hope you will not skip the part of how you, like the founder, have the name of Lion Heart.”

“Founder? Oh... you mean my grandfather.

Velkorn blinked, opening her mouth to question about that, but Lion Heart continued evidently having heard the questions before.

“I know who your small group is and I know what you all did for the half-dragon race when it first started. My grandfather fought alongside all of you and used to tell me stories about the Second Dragon War and the Lunar Republic. It was those stories that made me wish to join the guard, though it was far easier than he said it was. I suppose I am paying for that now.”
Velkorn opened her mouth to interrupt again, but he continued, not seeming to have noticed this time.

“Sorry, I am rambling a bit. The first generation of half-dragons that survived the miasma and Nightmare Night lived to be about a thousand years old approximately. There are still a few of them alive today. It seems that they inherited at least half of a dragon’s normal life expectancy, along with the rest of the traits we share. The second generation, the ones born of the first and including those that were made by the Cult of the Moon, only lived half as long. The third generation, which I am somewhat a part of, only lives around two hundred years. It seems to have leveled off there, as we are on the sixth generation now with a few of the seventh being born before I left, and it is still around two hundred years before old age takes us.”

Velkorn blinked a little, trying to figure out any other question to that, though yet again, Lion Heart seemed to have a set number of responses to this line of questioning prepared as he continued on.

“My grandfather had my father close to his five hundredth year. It was at that point he finally allowed himself to relax enough from running Gallopagos and convincing the other nations that we would not start the war again to find a wife. He had four children, mostly mares and my father. His wife convinced him to name his son Lion Heart the 2nd, and when my father married and I was born, he continued that somewhat annoying trend. My full title is actually Prince Lion Heart the Third of Gallopagos, though here, I am only referred to as Captain Lion Heart, which suits me, as my proper title is far too long and annoying.”

“The prince is something new. How did that manage to be attached to you?”

“Gallopagos is mostly a democracy. There is a council of elected officials that make most of the decisions with supervision from Equestria and the griffon nation on our borders. The Princess, however, convinced my grandfather that a royal family would perhaps add a bit of familiarity that the other traditionally god-ruled races would accept a little easier. We would have a government not unlike what the Zebra Nation enacted. The ruler would still make decisions, though they needed council approval in order to put any of them into law. The council’s decisions would likewise have to pass royalty.”

“Indeed, not at all unlike what happened in my home land. I take it for once things went as planned?”

“Quite; my grandfather ruled for most of his life and took over again when my father died thirty years ago.”

“My condolences on your loss, though if you are here, is your grandfather still the boss?”

“Err, no. My younger brother is currently ruling at the moment. He does not want to, mind you, but with me in the Guard, he really has little choice. My grandfather is the reason I joined, to tell the truth. He was a great leader and warrior, something he professes to have learned from when he was part of the Guard and the Lunar Republic. I thought that if I wanted to be even half the stallion he was, I would need to do the same and joined the Guard. I was fairly disappointed until Princess Luna returned and I was appointed Captain of the Night Guard. I was hoping to learn something, but, if you will excuse my rudeness, she reminded me far too much of a scolded foal. I did not think I would learn anything from her. I expected to serve out my term in relative boredom and wished something interesting might happen.”
Velkorn winced a little.

“Yes, I got that wish not long after Princess Luna returned... a parasprite swarm, the dragon god of smoke moving to Equestria, the gala riot, Discord, the garden riot, the dragon attack in Ponyville, the Royal Wedding, the defeat of the Royal Guard in Ponyville, the return of the Crystal Empire, the attack on the changeling hive, and now this. When the training was offered, I jumped at the chance, knowing who was going to be doing it. I had hoped I would learn what it was that made my
grandfather great. No luck with that so far.”

“You need not worry too much about what you might learn. Being a good leader is not something you are taught, it is something you earn. Though before you go complain about what it is not, the training is not over by a long shot.”

“I suppose that is true. Was there anything else you wished to know, miss?”
“You have barely scratched the surface of what I would like to know. I assure you, when I have had my fill, I will tell you, though. But this will also be of interest to Starfall and Rhede, at least when the latter is not drugged out of his head.”

“Err ,so I guess I keep talking then...”


Spike lifted his head, looking up at the veritable wall of books before him and sighed.

“I'm gonna need a ladder.”

“I shall see what I can find; this place was not designed with a small dragon in mind.” Silver Claw responded, looking up at the wall himself.

The bookcase of the cavern stretched up perhaps as tall as the town hall of Ponyville; the shelves were brimming with so many books that a large number of them could not even fit and were piled on the tables and rocks dotted about the room.
Silver Claw was correct, however, that there were fewer books than the Ponyville library, despite the greater space. Dragging one of the smaller books off the bottom shelf, Spike sighed as the tome rose above even his tallest head spike.

“I didn't expect them to be so big.”

“Pony books do not work very well for dragons. The tiny script does cause problems with eyesight. I will, however, make a few suggestions for your first books of study.” Silver Claw stated. He lifted up on his hind legs and pulled a book from the top and another pair from the middle and set them on an empty stone table.

“So what are these?”

“The first is a book that should help you learn to read dragon. It is rather simplistic, though; it is a book designed to teach whelps to read. I assume you only know the pony written language, so it will be useful. The other two are an abridged history of Cindervale and the Dragon Empire that should fill in many of the gaps that I have forgotten or neglected to mention. History was never my best subject.”

“You say that like you are leaving.”

“I am. I have other things to take care of and since you do not want anything to do with my current associates’ actions, it is none of your concern.”

“You're right, I don't care what you do with them. I'm wondering how I’m supposed to eat. There's not exactly an easy way for someone without wings to get down from this place.

“There is a wellspring in the back for water.” Silver Claw moved over to another part of the cave and pointed through an arch into another cavern. “It is back there behind your food source.”

Spike moved over to look where the larger dragon was pointing and his eyes widened almost bigger than his head. The entire room was filled with gems of all shapes and sizes, some set into jewelry or other items, though most were loose and lay about like candy spilled from an overeager Nightmare Night reveler’s bucket.

“I assure you, you will not starve,” Silver Claw chuckled. “I will check in on you every few days to see your progress with learning the ways of our kind. Everything you need should be here. Don't gorge yourself too much; you do have a job to do, whelp.”

“I know, I know. I'll learn what I need to. Once I get all this out of the way, I want to see what's left of Cindervale. I want to know if it's in any shape to be restored or if we need to find someplace else.”

Silver Claw tapped his chin with a claw, thinking.

“Hmmmm. That is something I have not even had the time to check on. The suggestion has merit; I will see what can be done. I will take my leave now, little whelp godling. With some effort on both our parts, our nation may rise again.”


“I am not sure I understand you. Who are you?” Celestia questioned, looking down at the spear-wielding crystal pony.

“Thou art not making it any easier fer me to resist bludgeoning yer plump arse, 'lestia. Mine is already a fouled temper an’ thou art making it worse with thine witless stalling. Should go ahead an’ wail on thine thick skull tah knock loose thine memories, lest thee plans tah move off thine posterior to try an’ stop me.”

“Just answer me already. Who are you?”

“Thou art as stupid as ah remember. Perhaps this'll unfrost that vapid hole where thy thinking muscle is supposed to be.
Thine sister and your own rotund self came seeking a way to stall Sombra ‘til thou could set up a way tah be rid of him. You promised a score of crystal warriors that our families would be removed from the empire to avoid tha king's wraith when we sided with ye. Now here ‘tis far in the future and ahm here to make sure that thou fulfilled that promise you made tah protect mine loved ones.”

Celestia winced a little at the broken old Canterlot the pony was speaking. The harsh bastardization of the language was only adopted by a select few groups of ponies in the most northern parts of Equestria before the fall of the empire, though even before the fall, there were very few who used it, and only a hooffull whom she could recall in the group who agreed to fight Sombra's constructs so that she and her sister could be free to go after the king himself.

“Briar Rose.”

“That's Commander Briar Rose tah ye, ye cake-munching limp-hooved frail!”

Celestia rubbed her temples. “Oh joy. I really do not need another one.”

“What is the commotion, sister? Who is this?” Luna questioned as she trotted in from the back of the throne room, her eyes passing over the hidden robed pony and then focusing on the crystal pony.

“Oh, now the other bint shows her face an me still without mine answer. This whale fat lump of a sorry excuse for a poniee is clueless about mine questions. Since she's as useless as a second ass on a fish, the question goes to you: what happened ta mine family!?”

“We are sorry, but who are you?” Luna asked, sending the crystal pony into another rant of near unintelligible rage.

Celestia sighed again, waiting for the ranting pony to catch his breath. If this was not so annoying, it would have been quite amusing watching Lulu's face grow brighter and brighter red from the crass language and the inventive swears the pony was coming up with. Surprising as well that Luna would be this taken aback by this sort of language, considering that Starfall was known to go off on tangents just as bad, if not worse. It was time to put an end to this at any rate.

“Oh, do shut up already, Rose. We fulfilled our end of things, but no one expected Sombra to take the entire empire down with him,” Celestia blurted out, putting a bit more force behind it than she meant to. Unfortunately, the only ones who seemed cowed by her tone were the cloaked pony and Luna. “It has been over sixteen hundred years since that event. I am sorry, but you must have been told that and realized your family is long dead.”

The crystal pony seemed to deflate a great deal from that, though it was clear that he had known that.

“Aye. That was the thought of the others, but mine has never been one tah give up on such a thing. Aye know they be gone, but what of became of the family, and what of Greenwitch?”

“Your friend died as well, though he passed more recently after delivering a warning of the empire’s return. It was that warning which allowed us to act with enough speed to ensure that Sombra did not retake the empire. I am sorry Rose; it seems time has caused a number of problems for a great many ponies as of late.”

“So Damask and Bourbon have passed... Did... did they find a place here alright?”

“They did. A number of the refugees from the empire took residence in Canterlot, though I am unsure if any of their descendants are around anymore. There has been turmoil and a number of wars since they arrived.”

“Damask Rose and Bourbon Rose?“ Luna muttered to herself, bringing a glance from both Celestia and Briar.

“What was that ye said lass? Speak up.”

“Damask never remarried; Bourbon married a minor noble and had a foal, Generosa. He sired two foals: Khordes and Macrantha. Khordes never married and Macrantha had a foal...” Luna muttered to herself as if reading something in her mind.

Celestia blinked. “Luna, what...?”

“When we returned, we started seeking a number of the older families and tracing where they went. We wished to see what happened to those we once knew. We found a number of books on old family lines in the library’s cellar; there were a multitude of names, including the Roses. There are a number of offshoots to your family through marriage that are alive now, but the only direct descendant was a mare named Vermillion Rose...”

Celestia's eyes widened and a small twitch started in her lip at that name. No, it couldn't be. It had to be a coincidence... she had been joking about that...

“We are afraid that if the book was accurate, she served in the Guard as a member of the 42nd during the First Dragon War and was killed soon after, along with her husband and child by some insurgents of the dragons. We are sorry.”

“Ah see... deh yah remember the name of their child? If ah'm gonna drink tah those lost, might as well get blasted tah them all.”

Celestia flattened her ears at the sheer ridiculousness of this situation. There was no way; there was no way this violent psychopath and that violent psychopath... She didn't care how similar their mannerisms were... It just couldn't be.

“If we recall correctly, the colt was named was Amano Rose...”

Celestia screamed out suddenly, falling off the throne and flailing about. Oh for the love of the stars she could even see the resemblance now that she was looking for it. Why this? What did she do to be forced to have two of them at once?

“Sister what...?”

“By the stars, NOT ANOTHER ONE! I CAN'T DEAL WITH TWO OF THEM! I was joking about that before, but arrrgh!” Celestia whined.

“Is the portly git having an episode or throwing a tantrum?” Briar commented.


Jer'rahd had to give the griffon credit: he already moved like he was one of the team. The moment the Waning Moon was slung towards Nocturne, Bleu, Talon, and Starfall were fanning out seeking any others who might be present. Even Twilight, it seemed, had picked something up as she was getting out of the way as well, a shield spell already raised.

Nocturne easily stepped out of the way of the blade, though her gaze followed it as it passed her, eyes widening, feeling the magic deadening properties of the star metal.

“Seems you picked up a new toy, father, and some new allies— the modern Bearer of Magic and a griffon god. How quaint, though you are not the only one who has gained allies in this time.” Nocturne laughed as she took to the air, dodging

Jer'rahd's attacks with the same effortless grace Luna showed in battle.

Jer'rahd cursed, not able to get a single hit on the alicorn with his blade. He galloped across the cavern, kicking up damp sand as the alicorn laughed again. A flash of light to his left sent a few spells arcing towards the alicorn, ones that the dark mare easily blocked with a purple shield of her own. Bleu's lightning attack was similarly deflected.

His hooves thudded on the dirt as he closed on the hovering mare. The sudden click of metal on hoof kicked on his survival instincts and he dove to the side quickly, raising a shield. The ground where he had been standing erupted in a pillar of flame turning the damp sand to glass around the small crater. Even with his shield, he was singed by the gout of flame. He glanced up to Nocturne and to where his blade had fallen when he raised his shield, and gathered the weapon up again.

“You think some fireworks are going to stop me?” Jer snarled.

“Empty as my horde, Boss; the bitch is it!”

Jer'rahd grinned as the others sounded off from around the massive cavern. All three of them knew who they were looking for. Bleu had the ability to attack and secure the area while he and Sparkle kept the alicorn’s attention. That Nocturne was alone was a bit worrying, as this felt like a trap of some sort. He hoped it was simply that they had caught her unaware. It would be nice to have things go as planned for once.

The griffon tore out of the darkness clinging to the edges of the room, his armored claws lashing out at the alicorn, forcing her to dodge again as Talon flew past, vanishing back into the darkness. A blast of lightning and an attack from a spell sent the alicorn flailing off balance as the group started coordinating attacks. The dark alicorn was already off balance when Starfall tore out of the darkness, lashing out with crystalline blades on the edges of her wings

The mare cried out as she failed to fully dodge and lost a few feathers of her wingtip to the speedy pegasus. She fell hard on the sand, a metallic click forcing her to freeze in place as she hit on one of Scarlet's traps. The Waning Moon flew over quickly, blade poised at the injured alicorn's throat.

The alicorn's horn started to glow and the weapon spun, quickly slapping Nocturne’s horn and causing the mare to scream out as the weapon touched it, the magic backlash making her feel as if her head had been split open and salt dumped in the wound.

“It seems that your allies have deserted you. Tell us where they are and we'll just send you back to the garden. Don't, and, well, you know quite well from reading that history book that we don't have issue with making you talk in ways you won't like.”

“Heh, you would do that to your own daughter?”

“You're no foal of mine, and every time you bring it up, you just remind me of something that couldn’t be, and that pisses me off more,” Jer'rahd responded. “So where are the others?”


“Well, this is quite a predicament.”
“Gah, the dumb bitch failed already? I gave her another month at least.”
“Do shut up, Red. We need to figure out what to do now, particularly since Teal is useless in this.”
“‘cause this is too much a pain to bother with”


Jer'rahd blinked, looking around the cavern.

“Did any of you hear that?”

“Hear what, Boss?” Bleu questioned.

Nocturne blinked, a little confused as well, though she smiled wide.


“Oh, delightful; it seems the container can still hear us. Hello, you magnificent monster. It certainly has been a long time. I was quite amused at the way you negotiated your contract to be able to slip free of the agreement and even drag the princess out of hers as well. It's quite like something I would do; my plan would have worked better, but still impressive for some one of low birth as yourself.”
“Perfect, this jackass as well. Shouldn't your old ass be dead by now? Quit fucking, shut up!”
“Ooh, this is one of the ones you trained? Not a bad specimen, I would have to say. And such savagery... I am intrigued.”
“not in as much control as he likes”


Four voices, there were four voices now. The first two he knew, but the others...

“Kaisur, might I question what you are doing?” Talon commented. “I do not hear anything and you seem to be freaking out. It is clear she is not willing to talk, so finish her off and let us be on our way.”

“General, what’s wrong?” Starfall questioned.

“The books... I can hear them...”

“Really, father?” Nocturne chuckled from the sandy floor. “You can as well?”


“We have come too far to allow this to happen now. I have no desire to return to that awful place.”
“So that's the go then? Yesssss, I’ve been waiting for this!”
“Just a taste dear, no sense giving up everything for free.”
“just get it over with”


“EVERYONE SCATTER!” Jer'rahd shouted. The Waning Moon slammed down violently into the alicorn’s throat; the dull thunk of the blade striking stone echoed in the cavern as Nocturne was no longer under the blade. The ground exploded where she had laid, lighting the cavern up with a pillar of fire.

“Wha? GAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Twilight screamed out, teleporting across the room suddenly as the section of wall she had been next to exploded in a mass of molten rock.

Jer'rahd threw himself to the side as a shadowy form ripped past where he stood, carving a flaming gouge in the mud and rock where he had been. A series of clicks kept him scrambling away as more explosions burst out of the sand from hidden bombs. He skidded to a stop as his hooves hit the pooled water and the last pillar of flame he set off died down.

“Where the buck is she?” Starfall shouted.

Another explosion illuminated Bleu as the wall burst open, showing the pony-sized dragon's silhouette as molten rock showered down over the blue dragon. Bleu ignored the flaming rock and lashed out with her tail, sending a shadow bouncing across the room, setting off more explosions and splashing down hard in the slowly running water on the other side of the room.

“That should have killed you!” Nocturne hissed as Bleu flew towards her, molten rock showering from her back.

“Pfft, dragons bathe in this crap,” she growled, firing off a blast of lightning. A second bolt launched from the darkness, catching the alicorn across the chest as she tried to dodge the first.

Starfall glared over at Talon as the griffon smirked, electricity crackling about his wings.

“What? Do you think I am called the God of Storms because I make it cloudy?” the griffon quipped.


“Well, that was a pathetic display. A rookie mistake at that. She did not even last two full rounds.”
“Honestly, what can you expect from the poor thing? She's not even two full years old yet— far from mature. Besides, she is facing two of the primary targets, after all.”
“not over yet”


The Waning Moon again struck nothing but rock and water as Nocturne teleported again, vanishing into the shadows.

“Give it up, Nocturne; you cannot win against all of us,” Twilight shouted.

“I have no need to win,” the darkness responded. “Just occupy you until Scarlet is ready.”

“What?” Bleu questioned as the archway behind them suddenly exploded. The stairs leading up and out of the cavern collapsed from the blast. Dust and rocks fell from the ceiling as the path out was caved in.

“Oh dear, I think that was bigger than expected.” A flash of light flew from the darkness. Twilight yelped, bringing the Brilliant Dawn about suddenly and knocking the blast away from her, though a second shot nailed the purple unicorn in the chest, flinging her back into the wall with a sickening thud.

“SPARKLE!” Jer'rahd shouted.

“Well, now that the teleporter is out of the way, enjoy your new tomb, father,” Nocturne chuckled, her horn flashing quickly as another series of explosions started raining stone and fire from the large ceiling above.

“The crazy bitch is trying to bury us!” Starfall cursed.

“Bleu, grab Sparkle and head for the back exit. With some luck, they didn't blow that up yet.”

“Luck is not on our side, Kaisur,” Talon shouted as he took wing and followed the dragon.


“He's what!?”

“You heard what I said, Lulu. The universe is clearly conspiring against me at this point. I cannot believe that I have to deal with him now, too.”

“Then why not just tell him?” Luna hissed, looking at the clearly depressed crystal pony being escorted to a room by one of the palace staff.

“Because of what Kaisur plans to do. Better that Rose gets the depression out of his system now than meet a family member who is plotting to kill himself at worst or simply return to stone at best. Not to mention the fact we do not need something akin to how Rainbow Dash took the revelation of who she is related to. Kaisur is bad enough without being pissed off even further.”

“Does everypony know about that?” Luna cursed.

“Everyone within earshot of the pair, which, with Dash's yelling, was about half of Canterlot. You know how rumor travels in this city.”

“Yet you somehow managed to keep your daughter’s visits a secret from everyone all the time.”

“She does that on her own. She is watching Ponyville for me, at any rate. That is not the subject at hoof, however, Luna. What good will come of telling him anything?”

“Plenty; for one, we owe this pony a great deal for our failure to stop Sombra in time to save him. We cannot allow him to remain in the dark, as he seems to be as interested as Starfall in who he is related to. And for second, sister, having a relative alive, even if it is one he has never met, might keep Kaisur from doing anything stupid.” Luna wilted a little under her sister’s glare with that comment. “Well, anything more stupid than what he has already done.”

“And why is it you are concerned with the state of mind Kaisur is in?” the cloaked pony questioned. “His death would alleviate the risk of you needing to become the Nightmare again. It would also clear your slate of any affections you may have had for him in the past that you felt were misguided by your other self. He seems quite content to make a rather final sacrifice to ensure that you will not have to suffer. You plan to try and deny him even that with this strategy?”

Celestia raised a brow, looking at her daughter curiously as Luna stammered, glaring at the hooded pony. “Because letting somepony die because of a mistake I made is not how it should be,” Luna snapped back.

“Ahh, I see. So is that the only reason? You have let quite a number of ponies die in the past because of mistakes that you made. Why the sudden push for this one in particular?”

“Because unlike most of the others, he still lives,” Luna snarled.

“Luna, calm down, and Sunshine, you shush. Don't you have somewhere else to be?” Celestia cooed. “I don't need you playing matchmaker as well.”

“It is not matchmaking if the there is already a match that is being denied. The only one missing that is her,” the hooded pony chuckled. “But yes, I do have some where else to be. I shall try to visit again soon, mother. Goodbye for now, auntie.”

The hooded pony trotted to a side door and pushed it open before hopping off the balcony and vanishing into the shrubberies.

“Does your daughter need to be so dramatic?” Luna grumbled. “And annoying?”

“She thinks it gives her an air of mystery and she thoroughly enjoys that. I am going to let you deal with this how you see fit Lulu. While I do not have the same connection as you do to Kaisur, I do not wish to see him throw his life away for nothing. I doubt my old threat still carries any weight with him.”

“Alright, I shall go speak with Commander Rose before he gets too settled in for the night. Or too far into the cups.”

“And my shift is finally done,” Celestia commented, rising from the throne and stretching. “Oh, one more thing, Lulu.”

“Hmm? What is that, Tia?”

“Bleu has asked for your representative to come aid the group in Ponyville when able.”

“My representative?”

“Yes; she called herself Mare-Do-Well, or something silly like that.” Celestia paused, stepping back a bit so she could lean closer to her sister and mutter in the dark mare's ear. “I do hope you have not eaten too many moon pies already that you can no longer fit in the costume after all that work Rarity put into it.”

Luna's eyes went wide and her ears flattened as she turned to meet her sister’s gaze, her dark coat seeming to pale visibly.
“Wha-… what do you mean?”

“Oh, relax, sister... we shall talk of that bit of disobedience later, after I have my beauty rest. Have fun with your shift, sister.
Good night!” Celestia chirped, all but prancing out of the room and leaving a somewhat panic-stricken Luna behind her.


“Please, please stop, before my ears get sore. Who is pounding on my front door?” Zecora grumbled, pulling open the front door of her hut.

The zebra blinked a moment, looking around into the empty night in confusion for a moment. A slight scrap of hoof on wood off to the side drew her attention to the roots around her hut, and the pink mane and pale yellow face peeking over the top of one at her.

“Umm, hello, Zecora. Sorry to trouble you... Ummm, you're not mad, are you?” Fluttershy squeaked.

The zebra smiled at the shy pegasus. “No, I am not angry at you. Please come in; I have some tea I can brew.”

“Oh thank you, some tea would be lovely.”

The zebra mare trotted back inside with the pegasus zipping in after her like a shot as an owl hooted behind her.


The large owl looked down at the hut as the door closed. It reached a wing up and pulled its head off, revealing Pinkie Pie.

“Pie two to Pie six. Do you copy, over? Kssssst, the butterfly has flown to the enchantress, ksssst; I repeat, the butterfly has flown to the enchantress. Ksssst.”

A rather large opossum dropped down in front of the owl Pinkie, hanging from its tail before pulling off its head to show another Pinkie Pie.

“Well duh, I was right here the whole time. I saw it too. Also, I will have you know I’m Pie two and you're Pie six.”

“Amm not, kssst.”

“Are too, I mean six. And you don't need to say ‘Kssst’ after every time you talk.”

“Oh yeah. Oh, you do know that opossums don't really hang by their tails to sleep, right?”

“They don't?”


“Oh, shoot,” the opossum Pie said before suddenly falling out of the tree to crash into some bushes.


Zecora glanced back from where she was setting a kettle over the fire pit and sighed as Fluttershy hid, shaking, behind one of her masks. The pony’s long pink tail was all that was sticking out from the hiding spot.

“Miss Fluttershy, is there something I can do for you? It must be important for you to brave the night, and the forest, too.”

“Well, um, actually, it sort of is...”

Zecora glanced back, her ears perking, waiting expectantly as the pegasus sighed loudly. “I ran away again... A dragon showed up and I just ran off, leaving everyone there without me. I… I couldn't help it. I was just so scared and I let everyone down.”

“I thought you took a confidence class. I was quite sure you would pass.”

“I did... but dragons are something else entirely for me. I mean, I managed to stare one down before that was the same size, but I really don't remember how I managed that...”

“I have heard of this stare that you use. Why not use that? I am sure that you would not lose.”

“The Stare doesn't work like that. I'm not even sure how I can use it. It's just something I found out about when I first came to Ponyville and started working with animals. The Stare only works if they have even the teensy tiniest bit of regret for their actions. If they don't, the Stare doesn't work. That's why it doesn't work on hydras or changelings. Neither of them have any regret for their actions at all.”

“You have used it on a dragon before. What is one more?”

“The only reason that one dragon did have any regret was because we tried negotiating first and it rebuffed us. It had no remorse over sleeping where it chose, but he evidently had a bit of lingering doubt as to how he treated Twilight when she came in peace.”

“You do not feel that Silver Claw would have reacted the same. You think he believes he is without blame?” Zecora trotted over, setting a cup of tea on a small table before the hidden Fluttershy, trying to coax the mare out of hiding, with little success.

“I don't know. I never stayed long enough to find out. I couldn't even try.”

“So what is it you want me to do? What do you think I have that can help you?”

“I want to be able to not flee every time someone even so much as mentions a dragon. Even Bleu makes me nervous, and she’s just a little thing like Spike most of the time. I was hoping you might know of some way; I mean, you helped us out with things in the past…”

“I have nothing that can quench the fear in your soul— no potion of bottle, herb or bowl. Though perhaps there is indeed something you can do: you simply need to hang around more with the dragon known as Bleu.”

“Wh-... what do you mean?”

“You know Bleu will not harm you. This is the truth; since she changes her size so easily, you can gradually learn not to fear the dragon’s claw or tooth.”

Do you think she would help?”

“Why not? I am sure she would have your back. After all, the others have been training Rainbow Dash and Applejack.”
Fluttershy thought for a moment, her ears flattening, though she slowly slipped from behind the mask as she thought on it. She picked up the tea, though she flinched, and sloshed the drink at another loud hoot from outside.

“That may work. You... you know, you have some very large and scary owls around here... not cute at all.”

“Those are not owls hooting at you. Those are simply disguised Pinkies, both number six and number two.”



Another explosion showered the cavern in rock. Bleu cursed, shifting her grip on Twilight and the Brilliant Dawn. She had taken a moment to re-sheath the blade on the mare’s side due to the weapon’s resisting her touch far more than the Waning Moon did.

Bleu wasn't sure what the deal with the weapons was, but both of them seemed to try and fight if anyone but their chosen owner used them. At least, that was what she thought until she watched Twilight fling around the Waning Moon like it was her blade; Luna had done the same. The Brilliant Dawn was just as finicky, though; supposedly, Twilight's brother had used it, too. Bleu grumbled, wondering why she was thinking about stupid things like those swords at that moment.

“Bad news: the back doors collapsed already. That must have been one of the earlier explosions,” Starfall stated, winging back over to the group.

“So what now, Boss?”

“I can put up a shield until Sparkle wakes up. That should protect us, and she can teleport us out of here.” Jer'rahd cursed.
“That is going to give them far too much of a head start, though. I have no idea how bad she's hurt.”

An explosion of light blinded the group for a moment as an arc of lightning struck a wall, detonating a section of it with a shower of rock and a sudden gush of water that surged around the low points of the cavern. Talon nodded, looking at his claw work. He gazed into another dark cavern as water rushed over the bottom edge of the new hole.

“I knew it had to be around here somewhere. This level of water was indicative of an underground river or lake.”

“So did you plan to just blast walls ‘til you found it?” Starfall snapped.

“No; this wall was oozing water. I have been around long enough to have helped dig a number of new aeries and mines; I know what to look for.”

“Any clue where it leads?” Bleu asked as she looked into the hole at the rushing water on the other side while the explosions behind them illuminated the churning water with every flash of fire.

“Does it matter?” Talon asked. “Anywhere is better than here right now.”

Jer'rahd stared at the hole and the dark water beyond, his ears flat to his skull. “I believe the shield will work better...”

“No time, you damned pony,” Talon shouted, zipping over and grabbing the gray unicorn bodily and flinging him through the hole into the water before he even had a chance to so much as scream out.

Bleu winced as the pony hit the water, surfacing again with a scream before being dragged under. Starfall cursed and leaped in after Jer'rahd.

“You know he's going to kill you for that?” Bleu muttered.

“If we live, he can try,” Talon chuckled as he dived into the water.

“Yeah, I am not gonna miss that fight. Ready, Sparkle Butt? Of course you are. No complaints... Hope I can keep your head above water,” Bleu muttered, leaping into the rushing water as an explosion brought down a large part of the ceiling where she had been standing.


Celestia nodded to the guards on either side of the double doors as she pushed them open with her magic, trotted into the room, and closed the doors behind her. Her hooves clicked lightly on the marble floor as she approached the vault. She paused, looking up at the plywood still covering one of the large broken stained glass windows. Those things took far too long to order.

She chuckled, considering moving the one in the hall of heroes before the throne room to take its place— perhaps the one where Pinkie Pie was the centerpiece after saving the Crystal Empire. That had been an unexpected image, particularly since the pink pony was in a jester costume as well. Maybe she should pull one out of storage and have at least one window devoted to the five heroes of the Second Dragon War and her sister. Being considered a hero worthy of a window would, of course, piss Kaisur off, which would make it all the more amusing.

Celestia sighed and shook her head, looking across the moonlit room to the vault door where the Elements of Harmony were kept. She was stalling, trying to find anything that might delay or stop her from scrying the Elements of Magic and Generosity to find out what really happened with Aviana.

Princess Celestia steeled herself again, moving purposefully towards the vault. Her daughter was right— it was high time these rumors were either put to rest or proven true, and no one but her should be the one to do it.

She slid her horn into the lock, the magic wards unlocking with a series of clicks as she turned her head slightly. She pulled her horn back as the vault slowly swung open.

The white alicorn's ears perked at a series of unexpected clicks and a loud hissing sound. As the vault swung open all the way, the collection of fuses on the mass of explosives sitting in the vault burned down all the way.

Celestia's eyes widened at the sight.

“Oh, buck...”


Princess Luna was flung off the throne as the tremor from the explosion knocked nearly every pony in the throne room who had gathered for her Night Court on their flank. Luna righted herself quickly, rushing to throw open the doors of the balcony looking out over Canterlot and to the massive cloud of smoke rising from a building in the eastern area of the castle.

“What now?” she growled. “Somepony clear the court and go and wake our sister, as if that explosion would not have already done that. The rest of you, with me.”

As Luna watched, the burning roof collapses in on itself along with tons of marble and stone. The Princess of the Night narrowed her eyes at the explosion before kicking off the balcony and gliding towards the fire, a group of her night watch taking flight after her as they flew towards the remains of the treasury.

Author's Note:

Editing by Jphyper

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