• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“...the good, and the evil....”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“...the good, and the evil....”

Black masses of creatures swarmed the city covering it like a dark tide. A multitude of creatures captured and turned into changelings by what ever perverse power their queen possessed. Creations of shadow and golems of all sizes made of black crystal surged along with the chittering mass descending on Canterlot like locusts on a field.

Buildings crumbled under the onslaught of golems and massive monstrosities of chitinous plate, claw, and fang. Aberrant creatures of darkness slipped among the inscetile warriors, slipping into cracks and gaps to enter buildings seeking those trying to hide.

A yellow unicorn filly scampered down an ally darting among garbage and rubble from a collapsed building. A cackling baying sounds behind her at the mouth of the ally a group of Diamond dog Changelings rush into the ally after her , their claws clacking loudly on the stone as they pursued.

The filly rounds and corner sparing a glance back to her pursuers before colliding with a wall and being knocked on her rump. She stares up at the stone wall and looks around the rest of the ally seeing no other way out. She whimpers ducking behind a trash can curing her red tail around her self tying to hide.

The three former Diamond Dogs step around the turn in the ally jaws slavering a foul icor as they scan the dead end sniffing the air lightly, quickly zeroing in on the filly. The largest one moves forward grabbing the trashcan the filly hid behind and flinging it out of the way.

“No point running pony. You are ours now.” hisses the changeling reaching to grab the filly in a massive claw.

The unicorn screams, dropping to her belly with her fore legs covering her face expecting to feel their claws.

All she felt was a wash of heat as the sickly scent of burning meat filled the air.

She slowly opens her eyes looking about,seeing no sign of the changelings aside from a black scorch mark on the ground, inky black smoke rising from the seared cobblestone.

The sound of wing beats drew her attention upwards to a massive figure that lands lightly in the ally before her. Pure white wings folded slowly against the figures back, a towering white spiral horn sprouted from the figures head, wreathed in a billowing mane that seemed to be made of a mixture of pink, blue and white fire. The ponies hooves steamed as they melted into the rock she stood on. A skeletal carapace of some sort of monstrous creature covered her form, the armor glowing bright orange as waves of heat emanated from it.

The figure looks down at the filly curiously the grimace of anger that was seen on the figures face quickly softening.

“Be at ease little one. You are safe now.” the towering mare placates.

“Ppp ...Princess Celestia?” whispers the filly as the armored figure nods.

A blue pegasus stallion in a Wonderbolt flight suit lands lightly next to the Princess.

“Bring her up to the chariot with the others, we have no time to dawdle.” Celestia commands launching herself into the air again.

The stallion moves over to the filly helping her up before picking her up in his fore hooves and launching into the air as well.

“So what's your name little Miss?” the blue maned Wonderbolt questions flapping his wings hard to climb higher in the air towards a large chariot with two other Wonderbolts hitched to it.

“Gl...Glimmering Posy.”

“Well Miss Posy, my name's Soarin. Don't worry we'll have you to the castle soon enough, just hold on tight til I get you to a wagon. You know, I've got a daughter about your age.”

As Soarin clears the rooftops Posy tunes out his constant chatter looking around at the sight of Canterlot.

Parts of the city were burning and the air was filled with pegasi and flying chariots, everything from normal transport chariots to the noble carts used by the rich filled the air loaded down with ponies, mules and several other creatures.

Soarin flies her over to a massive gilded chariot that she recognized as the Princess Celestia's personal carriage, she could see the strange dark curved form of Princess Luna's chariot flying off in the distance as well. All of the chariots were loaded with ponies, some injured others not. The Wonderbolt lands on the edge of the Royal chariot setting her down before taking off with a small nod to the filly as he heads back towards the ground to save some one else.

Posy looks around seeing the sky filled with armored pegasi, the blue and yellow costumes of the Wonderbolts, and strange purple and silver armored ponies with reptilian features that she knew little about though she had heard they were Princess Luna's Night Guard. Blasts of magic from the chariots and the air support from the fliers not attached to a chariot kept the changelings that could fly at bay. That coupled with the fire of the Goddess of the Sun kept most of the changelings on the ground for the moment.

The Princess flew in the center of it all, the sunlight shown over her form the bright rays seeming to glimmer over every feather and hair of her form, dancing and swirling around her in a vortex of heat that occasionally sparked into to flame vaporizing something that thought to attack, or some unseen target still on the ground. From time to time she would drop out of the sky to the ground followed by a guard or Wonderbolt. She would then rise again, the ponies that followed her to the ground bringing up another survivor or a injured pony to bring to the chariots. Though more often than not all she returned with was a grim expression.

The filly whimpered at all this watching the black swarm of creatures advance behind the chariots, a quiver running through her form as she could barely grasp what was happening.

“POSY!” some one shouts behind her. The filly turns looking up into the tear stained face of a light pink unicorn mare.

“MOMMY!!” the filly screams leaping up and wrapping her legs around the mares neck.


Soarin smiles softly watching the filly and her mothers reunion before looking around at the other chariots in the air.

There were not many reunions like that going on, most of the ponies they had rescued were dejected or weeping, many in shock from the attack. The longer this went on the less ponies they would find to rescue.

He had trained with the Guard at first like every one else on his team. They had all shown they were skilled enough to join the elite Monster Hunting Division, and any that made the Wonderbolts had shown they were the top tier of even that fearsome organization. He had seen a lot in his life, things that would make most ponies piss themselves. But this.... this was beyond anything he had ever expected to see.

A number of the ponies they had rescued needed to be cut out of pods, some of them already starting to show signs of being converted to changelings. There were an even greater number that had been left for dead and were in bad shape. They got lucky a few times and found ponies hiding out or holding their own, a number of them had fled already and made their way towards the castle. Canterlot Castle was large, but it could not hold the entire population of the city for long. If the Changelings trapped them and laid siege Food and water would be a problem in a matter of days. Still death might be a better alternative then what these creatures had planned for those they caught.

Soarin looks out over the city not seeing an end to the black tide that was swarming from the south. Some of them had already made it to the castle walls. Blasts of magic and spears rained down on the attackers keeping them at bay as the strange air convoy drew closer to the relative safety of the castle walls.

Still there were parts of the city that were still free of the changelings. The market and noble districts were on the north side so thus far none of them had been attacked by changelings, though there were rumors of another force causing havoc in the city already.

A streak of fire on the far side of the convoy plowing into some air born changelings and sending the burning bodies falling to the ground was a clear marker for Spitfire's presence. He knew she would have rather been with the rest of Moskau's unit training with that 42nd group. He would have loved that as well but training for a show had exempted them from going, still he would rather that he and spitfire were nearer to Ponyville and the family they had there.

A sudden flash of light distracts him from his musings and he looks back to it's source his eyes widening.

A massive column of white light and black lightning launches into the sky from the ground at the base of the mountain soaring up into the air before being obscured by the blinding light of the sun.

The beams lasts for a few moments before fading out. Looking down off the side of the mountain he could see it's source far bellow.



Celestia stares at the flash of light her eyes narrowing under the armor. She recognized the power, could feel what was mixed in with it, and knew who had done it.

Twilight Sparkle had some how managed to blend corrupted shadow magic and wild light magic into something new and unbelievable. Two types of magic that were often used to block or cancel each other out being blended together? Simply incredible.

She knew her student was gifted, but this? The light magic Twilight was using was the same wild magic that Celestia had learned in her past before she was a Princess. Something Twilight had only seen used when she and Luna trespassed in her dreams. The shadow magic was something Celestia had learned after fighting Sombra the first time, something she had only shown Twilight once before sending her to the Crystal Empire. Yet it seemed that those small tastes of magic were learned and adapted into something like this?

Celestia sighs hoping her student was alright, but not being able to spare the time to seek her despite an immense desire to go to Ponyville immediately. Duty came first....

The Princess of the Sun's gaze again turns to the ground in a search for any more lost subjects. A red glowing light and a soft hum draw her attention to her own chest, or more accurately the Element of Honesty that was now floating of it's own accord on the chain about her neck.

The Princess blinks in surprise yelping as the amulet flashes brightly and vanishes from around her neck a few motes of unknown energy floating in the spot it had been before vanishing completely.

“Wha..... What just happened?”Celestia gasps.


Chrysalis screams out, the dark green energy arcing from her horn and blasting the area around her tearing apart the ground and leaving smoking black craters where ever the arcs of energy struck. Unfortunately her attackers did not have the decency to be destroyed by any of the blasts.

The changeling queen bled from a number of superficial wounds, while none of them were deep enough to do any lasting damage they all burned like nothing she had experienced before.

Her love had informed her what the metal was that could do this sort of thing, she had seen the effects it had on her swarm first hoof as well. Because of this the swarm was avoiding the usual tactics of shape shifting as a single touch of this metal was enough to take them out while changed. This star metal was a dangerous thing. Thankfully it seemed rare and only one of her opponents had access to it, though that seemed enough. If the zebra managed to strike her horn with one of those blades there was a chance she would lose her ability to cast spells for a time and right now that was all that was keeping these two at bay.

The zebra was a formidable foe, Captain of the monster hunting division of the guard. A rather no nonsense mare that was clearly born in the wrong era, peace didn't seem to suit her. Chrysalis was certain that this was the pony that had found out about the plot against Canterlot during the wedding and informed the Princesses. Not that it had mattered at that point, but that the zebra had even found out was worrying and as show of the mare's information gathering skills.

Chrysalis suddenly kicks off the ground launching into the air as massive chunk of black crystal smashes into the spot she had been standing. She glares at the attacker a blast from her horn shattering the crystal golem arm and sending him bounding back.

And then there was this pony. Major Briar Rose. Her love had told her how this was the pony that lead the resistance against him in the Empire and was damn good at what he did. He was also the one who went to Celestia and Luna for help and Ruined Solomon's plans. He acted stupid and violent, but he was already figured out that since the black crystal was made by another god it should be able to hurt her.

Chrysalis was not sure entirely if that was correct, but she saw no reason to let him test it.

Both of them were far more troublesome that she had anticipated. Thankfully Moskau's troops were not having as good a time of it as their leaders nor the group that was fighting before them and Chrysalis was more than happy to blast a few of the cloaked figures who got too close.

Still she had wasted too much time here, she needed to rejoin the main force. The city seemed to be self destructing nicely even without her direct involvement. If she had more time she could have finished this pair as well as the rest of the force, but her time was up here. A massive blast of light from behind the group in Ponyville gave her the distraction she needed.

She flew higher into the sky with a last massive blast of magic that ripped apart the the entire road sending her attackers diving for cover and ripping through the ranks of the cloaked Guard. She took out a number of her own drones as well ,but it was easy enough to make more, Changelings bred true on their own and could be converted from any living race. Making more was not a issue.

The remainder of the swarm in town heeded her unspoken call and took to the air rising from the battle and the town soaring off towards Canterlot following after her. The number of her drones was barely half what she had brought to bear on this hamlet , but given the charred mess of the town this place and it's heroes would not likely be any aid to Canterlot.


Rose watched the bug queen fly off with an annoyed sigh.

“Ah doubt that was a win, she's headed ta Canterlot, we need tah git moving.” Rose mutters.

“You need to gather your troops and continue rescue operations in dhe town.” Moskau states watching the light pillar fade.

“Pffft fergit that. The fights up dhere and judging from tha shape yer crews in, mine has a better chance at doing some damage.”

“Dhere is a chain of command Major. You are under me in it.”

“Yah, well that's not tha sorta under you I'd like tah be.” chuckles Rose .” Besides, I always did have a problem listening tah orders, even from pretty mares.”

Moskau narrows her eyes.

“Are you hitting on me, a superior officer in dhe middle of a battle, while arguing about dhe chain of command?”

Rose considers a moment rubbing his hoof against his chin.

“Yep. Yah wanna hit a bar Friday?”

“Vhat? Of course not.... of all dhe stupid ideas.” Moskau snaps indignantly moving away from the pony towards the group of her soldiers still fighting a few remaining golems.

Rose shrugs lightly starting to follow when the zebra pauses and looks back at him.

“Dhe bars vill likely still be closed Friday for dhe clean up, not to mention all dhe paper vork dhat will need to be done. Ve go out drinking in two veeks.”

Rose blinks, then grins still planning to gather his group to take to Canterlot despite this. “ Yes Ma'am.”

“You vill call me sir, Major......Dhat is two.......”


Discord floated lazily around the Ponyville library pausing occasionally to take a bite out of the massive cello he still carried, the inside of it oozing white and gold cream like you would find in a candy egg.

“Such anger and hostility, who would have thought that little book worm had it in her.” Discord mutters finishing off the cello before unscrewing the head of the sword fish and tossing it aside with a crash. He pulls a crazy straw from the air putting it in a opening in the fishes top sucking out all the coloration of it in one gulp like a bottle of soda before tossing the rest of the swordfish aside. The fish hits a wall shattering like a glass bottle the shards fluttering away as multi colored moths.

“Ahh, here you are. I've been looking for you.” Discord chuckles picking up a small green book off the ground and thwacking it with a finger. “Oh stop pretending to be a real book, I know what you are.”

“What the hell do you want freak?” screams back the Jade Scroll. “I was enjoying the murdering and destruction going on. Don't you have some one else to bother?”

“As a matter of fact I do. A fat friend of yours has a spell I want and I need to know where it is.”

“What you mean Purple? That jackass ain't no friend of mine.”

“Really? You should be nice and buddy buddy, after all friendship is magic. Now where is it?”

“Why the heck should I tell you anything? You're a failed experiment gone rogue.”

“Three reasons” states Discord holding up four fingers. “ First because I know you and I know you would love to piss off the other books, which me finding them would do.”


“Two, you know I am much better at this rampant chaos nonsense than the six the books are currently running with. Seriously they are killing more than they are corrupting. Where's the fun in that?”

“That's not a good point.”

“Third, if you don't tell me I'll eat a bunch of taco's and use you as toilet paper.”

“That is disgusting...... You didn't even need the other reasons, the first was enough.”

“I have a fifth.”

“What happened to the fourth?”

The room darkens and Discord seems to turn even more demonic as lighting,fire and darkness swirl about him, his head swelling to fill the books vision completely.

“YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE FOURTH REASON.” Discord states his voice reverberating with enough force to blow out the few intact windows remaining in the library and rattle the tree building to the root foundation.

“Ummmm, right okay, whats the fifth?”

“I'm not going to tell you...you'll have to guess.” the draconequus chuckles reverting to normal.” Now then. Where are the other Books of Orbsah?”


Rarity exhales deeply her eyes closing as she focuses, going over the situation in her mind.

Cons; She was currently being held by the enemy behind a very potent shield spell. Fluttershy was cowering behind her and not likely to be helpful. Bleu was currently getting her tail beaten worse than anything she had seen before. The other prisoners were children or older pony teachers the few that might have been able to fight had tried and were battered much the same as Octavia now was. They were surrounded by bad guys, all of whom were well armed and knew she had taken out a few members of their group already so they were keeping a close eye on her. The prisoners all were tied some how with piano wires that stretched random distances into the air through the shield to attach to railings or hanging fixtures. The effect was such that if Bleu tried to use her breath weapon she would hit one or more wires and hurt the hostages too. At this rate Fluttershy was likely going to wind up being bred by the mad stallion beating up the dragon and it had been hinted she was being saved for someone else. Not exactly anything to look forward too with that line of thought. There was also the shield that was up over the whole building that would keep any help from arriving.

Pros; neither she nor Fluttershy were hurt, Bleu was also still alive judging by the dragon's pained cry and Claymore following her through the hole in the wall she had made. Most of the bandits watching the group were more interested in either the fight between Bleu and Claymore or the strange beam of light they had seen outside than prisoners trapped behind a shield. She also thought she knew who the pony was who was holding the shield up, and judging by the mares cowering when Claymore paid attention to her it was not a mutual arrangement.

Though the best thing was her hair still looked fabulous.

Well that and she had an idea.

“Fluttershy be a dear and make sure every one is ready to leave at a moments notice, see if you can untie some of the wires as well, particularly from the foals.” Rarity whispers.

“Umm alright I can do that.. wha... what are you going to do?” Fluttershy mutters.

“Oh nothing dear, I just plan to have a nice little chat with some pony I think I know. Perhaps I can show her what I have learned from the Canterlot elite as well.”

“The nobles? I thought you said they were all rude, arrogant, and insulting.”

“Exactly, now hop to it, we both have some work to do.” Rarity smiles trotting to the other side of the enclosure and closer to the hooded figure that was huddled on the other side of the shield between the magic wall and the real stone one.

Rarity sighs looking down at the gray cloaked figure seeing the platinum coloration of her tail and the faint blue glow of her horn under the low hood. Time to see if she had been correct.

“Hello Trixie.” Rarity utters, the tone cold enough that it could have frosted glass.

The hooded figure winces at the name huddling tighter against the wall, though that was all the answer Rarity needed.

Rarity holds her dark expression as the hooded mare slowly looks up at her, showing the battered visage under the hood. Rarity was sure now what happened, and it simply made her despise Claymore even more. She instantly felt pity for Trixie, but unfortunately this was the only idea she had, with luck Trixie was not too far gone for it to work.

“Pathetic..... I shouldn't be surprised however, a weak magician like you. No surprise a common earth pony is able to keep you under control. I suppose it was your destiny to wind up being some fools lackey with as sad of an excuse as you are. “ Rarity glares down at the huddled mess of a pony. “ Honestly with all the boasting and bragging you have done both times you have crawled from under your rock to come to Ponyville, I am surprised it took this long for some one to prove you the charlatan you are.”

The other prisoners look at Rarity curiously and with a bit of annoyance that she was wasting time insulting some one. They wisely remained silent as Fluttershy worked to try and undo their bonds as Rarity's ranting plethora of insults continued on unabated, a few of the bandits looked on with interest but didn't stop the tirade, in fact a few of them seemed to be taking notes.

“..... I am so glad you kept leaving after your return bouts of stupid. After all if Twilight had wanted to keep a half wit hedge witch like you around, it would have just made her look worse from simply associating with you. Expect my little sister is more skilled than you and she is only eight and has a tendency to burn orange juice while cooking breakfast. You are a sham and this nonsense proves it.”

“No....” whimpers Trixie.

“What was that? Did the Ponyville Villain of the week utter something?” Rarity smirks slightly digging at that little bit of resistance.” Honestly perhaps you should change your name. The Great and Powerful Trixie does not suit some pathetic mess like you. Perhaps it would be better if you changed it to the Meek and Underwhelming Trixie? That seems more fitting for a show mare of your lack of quality.”

Rarity could clearly see the mare shaking, see her tears running down her muzzle, but it was the clenched teeth that Rarity was glad to see. Trixie's hooves scraped as she stood up shaking. Rarity saw too outcomes to this. The first was less favorably getting blasted to bits, though at least she wouldn't end up as some fools trophy mare.

No she couldn't think like that, she was far to pretty to die.

“Oh, and another thing, that out fit of yours, stars and moons on a cape and a hat that looks like you got it from a discount costume shop? Horribly tacky.”

“It's not...... my mother made that..... “

“Don't like what I'm saying? Then do something about it.” growls Rarity.

Rarity hops back as Trixie screams out the cloak's hood shredding as her horn flares up suddenly her eyes glowing a bright white. Whips of energy lash out around the building severing piano wires tied to the captives and lashing into the gathered bandits and other hooded figures. The lights whip about the room bouncing off walls and the floors flinging bandits about like dolls slamming them through or into whatever solid objects happened to be nearby. The energy crackles and flails about the unicorn fading as the shield around the captives and the larger one outside wink out of existence

Trixie stands in the middle of a blackened sunburst on the floor her horn still glowing as she pants heavily staggering slightly and falling only to have Rarity catch her .

“Hmm.” Rarity states very glad that the second thing she had predicted was what would happen.
“Fought off abuse and control, took out the guards and freed the prisoners in one angst and rage filled burst of magic. Perhaps you are good after all.”

“Was there ever any doubt?” Trixie mutters before passing out against Rarity's side..


Scarlet cackles, slowly advancing on the shocked zebra and the pincushion of a red pony, this was far too easy. She wished all her targets went down with so little effort on her part, though she doubted she would ever have to worry about a killing a mark again unless she wanted to. Still it was nothing short of amusing to watch one pony sacrifice themselves for another, particularly since they were both going to die anyway.

She pauses momentarily wondering if she should leave the zebra for when ever Bloodtail pulled him self out of the chasm or just kill her and be done with it. Honestly the latter was looking to be the best simply because she hated loose ends. First the zebra and then the other earth pony and everything would be nice and tidy on her end and if Blueblood kept his end of the bargain ,well everything would be perfect.

Scarlet smirked advancing slowly, reveling in the shocked look on the zebra's face, when a brilliant flash of light catches her attention. A massive pillar of white energy with black lightning darting around it blasts up into the sky in the distance rising higher into the sky than than the assassin could see without being blinded by the sun over head.

Judging from the direction and distance it seemed to have come from the town, what the buck were Nocturne and Silver Claw doing? Not that it mattered at this point if the town was destroyed but if they were failing against Luna and Kaisur then there would be trouble later.

She stifled a small giggle as the energy fades, she was having trouble calming down, everything just seemed far too amusing to her. It had to be a side effect from that damn amulet. She should have taken one of the other ones and let this non sense one go to some one else. Still, being able to magically form as many weapons as she wanted with a thought was a nice ability, one that she was sure Pelt didn't appreciate now. She briefly wondered what else she could do before turning back to the zebra.

“Well I suppose I should simply end this then and get back to town. Pity it was fun.” Scarlet chuckles staring at the stricken zebra her hoof drawing back, a collection of multiple types of daggers popping into existence and floating at the end of her hoof.

A light tap on her shoulder causes her to turn her head in time to see a pair of orange hooves just as they impact her face. She flies backwards her newly made daggers dropping to the ground as her sailing form smashes into and through a pine tree, the thick trunk splintering and collapsing atop her prone form. As it fell.

Applejack drops back to all four hooves wiping her rear hooves in the dirt to clean off the blood from the impact with Scarlet's face. Her eyes narrow under the beaten hat on her head, she was covered in bruises and looked fairly roughed up, but she was clearly still in better shape than the ones she had fought.

“An that's fer mah brother!” AJ spits out glaring.


Claymore blinks looking up at the massive pillar of light that erupted in the distance briefly before filing it away as not his problem and stepping through the hole in the wall.

The dragon was trapped between the shield and a pile of rubble, she was still awake though he was not sure how. He could see her wing bent at a bad angle, clearly broken, possibly even shattered. Her left arm was useless, the scale and flesh along it split open all the way to the bone and there was a thick puddle of blood at her side. He was surprised she hadn't bled out yet, particularly since she was still about the size of a pony and couldn't have as much blood in her that he saw pooled on the ground.

“Well this was fun though I've got another couple of mares to break in, think I'll keep that gray earth mare too, quite feisty, I'll have a complete set with that. Unicorn, pegasus and earth pony. Good start of a collection, have to break in a zebra and a griffon at some point too.”

“What no dragoness? You speciest.” Bleu growls getting a chuckle from the earth pony before the flat of his blade impacts the side of her head sending her skittering along the shield smearing blood across the glowing wall. She hits the ground couching out a few teeth along with more blood.

“Now now, none of your talking bullshit, you need to learn for once in your life to shut up. Even if it is the last part of your life. Never found you lizards attractive any way. Yah know what though, just to show you I'm a sport I'll let you have your last little words. Make it a fine speech , can't promise you I'll remember it , or let you finish but hey least I'm trying.” chuckles Claymore resting his weapon on his back with a grin.

“Yeah well I got three words for yah.”Bleu mutters.

“Oh and whats that?”

“No Piano wires.”


The blast of lightning from Bleu surprises Claymore, though he reacts faster than Bleu expected slamming his blade in the ground before him and moving back as the lightning strikes and dissipates on the steel weapon not even reaching the pony who hid behind it.

“See it's this sort of shit that makes me regret trying to be nice.” Claymore snarls drawing his blade from the ground.

A violent scream from inside stops him for a moment from finishing the dragon off, his eyes widen as a massive blast of energy sails through the hole in the wall slamming into him and flinging him back against the shield. Claymore bounces off the magic wall only to be struck again by the spell and sent smashing to the ground and into the wall of the building. The wall partially collapses burying the earth pony in bricks and mortar.

Bleu winces looking up as other blasts of energy fling a number of bodies from the building. She pushes her self to her rear legs leaning heavily on the shield for support.

“What the hay? Mutters Bleu yelping loudly as the shield fades and sends her back to the ground landing on her injured shoulder.

“GRAAAAAH!!” screams Claymore throwing the rubble off of himself and yanking his blade from the ground. He notices immediately the lack of a shield and turns, ignoring the dragon rushing inside through the hole his chest singed. “TRXIE! WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING!?”


Starfall exhales looking around curiously and not seeing anything. No gorge, no griffon, no earth, nothing but a sea of endless stars.

“What the buck is all this?” mutters the pegasus turning about with a flap of her wings but not seeming to be flying or standing on any sort of ground, she was simply floating.

“Seems we meet again, Wannabe Bearer of Honesty.” comments a familiar voice, Starfall turns around again seeing a stallion standing on nothing and slowly advancing towards her.

The black coated stallion strides towards her, some how managing to convey a swagger in his movements, his mane and tail matching his dark coat and blending him in with the starry background. His bright lavender eyes and the strange purple plant cutie mark that adorned his flank was the only coloration that he had on him.

“Do I know you..... you do look familiar?” Starfall questions.

“We met once, when I said the test for worthiness of Honesty was shit.” the stallion sighs.”Surprised you even recall that much. My name is Nightshade. I was Luna's first bearer of Honesty.”

“Yeah I remembered you now, you were full of shit. I failed that and still wound up being the Bearer of Honesty. I remember that vision wasn't a lie either, it was fairly spot on showing what was going to happen. So what happened here any way, am I dead or something?” Starfall grumbles.

“Why does everyone ask that?” mutters Nightshade. “ No your not dead just unconscious.”

“So what do you want then? Here to bitch about how you were right that I wasn't worthy?” Starfall snaps.” A beyond the grave I told you so?”

“Seriously? Your still dwelling on that?”

“Considering you are supposed to be my predecessor and you still talk like I'm not worthy of the honor of Bearing that stupid trinket, yeah I kinda do. Particularly with you standing right there. I rather wish you had been right that thing brought me nothing but trouble.”

“Mare as far as I know there hasn't been a damn Bearer of Honesty worthy of it since the Element came into existence. Now shut up, I am breaking a large number of rules by talking to you like this and I am not doing it for my own damn health. The things I do for that damned mare.”

“Who Luna?”

“No, Imbrium... seriously, I have a hard time saying no to that mare.” Nightshade grins.” Heh, she's so intent in watching over Luna she won't choose whether to go on to another place or be reincarnated. If she doesn't, neither will I. Any way not the point. Let's make this simple, you are currently the only thing that can stop Equestria from getting royally bucked right now. The current Bearer of Loyalty has to survive and make it to Canterlot as soon as possible. If you fail she dies, none of the others are in that situation.”

“Yeah well I'm trying here....”

“It's not enough. So Imbrium decided to send me to help you, well give you something to help you. For now you are again the Bearer of Honesty, but as soon as this is over you will give it back to Apple Jack, understand?”

“Heh, not a problem, like I said she can have it. If it works the same way it did in the past I think I'm fine”

“It doesn't, not exactly, it's tuned to Apple Jack now, but you can still use it like you did.”

Starfall grins. “What about the other Elements?”

“They will return when the time is right. It's not as if a simple theft could keep them from their chosen bearers when they are needed.”

“Guess I should get going. Since I'm not dead, at least tell Loc I miss him.”

“Tell him yourself, he's reincarnated already.”

“What?! Where!?”

“Not my place to say. Bye now!”


Wind Razor lashes out with a claw shattering the remains of the spear and gouging chunks out of the Guard's breastplate.

The damn stallion was clever, she had to give him that, she hated clever. She had just started to let her wing regrow and was about to finish off Starfall when a massive beam of light lit up the sky and drew her attention to the massive pillar of light .

The Guard chose that moment to attack with the remains of his weapon and a number of black crystals lashed to the end with vines. The make shift weapon had not cut deep, but it had cut, and the wounds were not healing as they should. It's wasn't star metal, but it was something she herself had made and a god's power could kill another god.

The pony seemed rather annoyed the weapon had not done more damage, though he had been even more worried when she went on the defensive.

The Guard stumbles back from the blow blood oozing from the rents in his armor, she had not cut him deep enough for any real damage though the panicked look on his face was enough to show he hadn't expected even that deep of a wound

Wind Razor growls leaping at the staggered pony to finish him off so he wouldn't interrupt further when she was pulled up short by her tail and yanked back hard enough to send her stumbling back to the ground.

Wind Razor rolls to her paws yanking her tail free and whirling about, expecting Starfall had woken up though she was surprised at the ponies look.

The light Guard flight suit she had been wearing was gone. In it's place was a gold and bronze heavy suit of steel armor that covered her fully including her wings. Her hooves were encased in thick coverings covered with filigree depicting trees and various apples. A massive red crystal shaped like an apple sat in the middle of her chest glimmering brightly in the light. Her face was exposed though a pair of brass goggles rested over her eyes the red lens glimmering like the gem. The pegasus waists no time drawing the pair of blue crystal blades from their scabbards , her metal covered wings not making a sound as they moved.

“Am I supposed to be impressed?” Wind Razor growls.

“I am!” peach Blossom spouts as he clamors back to his hooves on the other side of the griffon.

“I don't care if you are impressed or not.” Starfall mutters. “You're going to die here.”


Luna rolls in the air, one hoof lightly touching the ground as a pivot point as she uses her momentum to swing her wing about clubbing Nocturne in the face sending the alicorn stumbling to the side. She lets herself follow the force of the spin planting her rear hooves to the ground and rearing up to bring both of her hooves down on Nocturnes back smashing the joint of her wings and slicing a pair of crescent shaped gashes in the dark mares back. The alicorn drops to her knees with a cry of pain though a flash of her magic teleports her a short distance away out of range of another strike by the Princess.

The strain was slowly getting to Luna, she had not cut loose like this since they first sealed Discord. Still she could not help relish the burn in her muscles and lungs, remembering a time before she ascended, where she could push herself to her limits of her form and feel the joy of surpassing them. As a goddess she could do no such thing, her limits were so high that trying to push them could be disastrous to every one around her not to mention hazardous to herself as well. Not since the time in the Darklands had she manage to wear herself out, but that was only magically, she was never exhausted physically.

Now here again she could feel the burn, feel the strain and heat of her body as she fought for her life against an alicorn that wished her dead. An alicorn that was showing the signs of strain far more than she was.

They were both tired, but neither would admit it.

Nocturne had started avoiding physically countering and was avoiding using any of the larger spells in favor of smaller ones when able. Luna had ceased some of her flashier moves and simply started trying to smash the other mare with brute force and speed.

Neither of them so much as blinked as the massive explosion of magic that happened nearby. Nocturne felt the power more than Luna did, but she couldn't let her eyes leave the pegasus for a moment.

Luna darted in again dodging around the sudden blast of fire magic Nocturne lobbed at her,she briefly heard it impact one of the buildings behind her and explode though her focus was on the other mare. A hastily raised shield brought the Princess to a stop, but only long enough to whirl about on her fore hooves and slam both her rear limbs into the magical barrier. Nocturne winces as her shield cracks under the blow though barely holds. Luna trembles a little herself feeling the impact against that barrier all the way to her teeth.

There were no taunts or rants now, just the flash of magic and the impact of hooves or wings on flesh or barrier.

As the pillar of light starts to fade the stalemate was finally broken.

Luna rushes in at the alicorn while her shield was down expecting the barrier to raise up. Nocturne's horn glows the shield flickering into existence for a brief second before fizzling out leaving Nocturne exposed , her eyes wide.

The goddess of War barely paused closing the distance til she was barely a pony length from the alicorn. Nocturne lashes out with her hooves at the charging pegasus only to find the mare was not there. The flap of wings causes her gaze to turn upward just as the full weight of the Princess of the Night slams down onto her head, a resounding crack echoing through the culdasac as Nocturnes horn splints under the blow bringing a scream from the alicorn as she was driven into the cobblestones.

Luna pauses a moment panting hard taking a step back before kicking Nocturne partial upright her fore hooves nearly blurring as she slams them repeatedly into the mare's limp form her wings lifted to keep the Princesses balance as the alicorns body was slammed back against a stone wall and kept there from the force of the blows tearing into her fur, shattering bone and ripping skin.

Luna stops again staggering backwards panting hard as Nocturne falls from the crater in the wall to the ground with a thud. The dark mare still breathing, though raggedly.

“Mommy.... mommy, daddy.... help, get up and help.... please ..... ahhhhhh waaaaaahhha” cries a faint voice wracked with coughing.

Luna's ears perk looking around her eyes wide seeing the wreckage of where Nocturne's last spell impacted. One of the homes was not only on fire but the top floor was partially rubble from the spells impact. The voice seemed to be coming from the currently uncollapsed section.

She glances back at Nocturne then at the whimpering voice as the coughing gets worse.

There was not a choice here.

Luna takes off again her wings straining as she flies up and into the hole landing lightly on a section of floor that was still relatively intact . She ducks her head coughing from the smoke and makes her way towards the back of the room. She pauses briefly seeing a leg sticking out from the rubble, a tan limb thick enough to belong to an earth pony, likely a stallion though the rest of the body was buried under the rubble. She touches it lightly, not feeling a pulse. The coughing and bawling grows louder as she moves further into the house spying a small form huddled against the neck of another figure half buried in the rubble, a cream earth pony mare. Several spars of wood pierced the mares body and the floor was soaked with her blood already, she was clearly gone, though it was the little spotted foal that brought a soft whimper to her own lips.

Pipsqueek's face was a mess of tears, snot, and splatters from his mother as he kept trying to wake her up.

“Please get up mommy...please.”gasps the colt between sobs.

Luna winces moving closer and scooping up the foal with her wings ignoring his screams of protest and his struggles to get back to the dead mare. She moves quickly back to the hole as the building creaks and groans the rest of it starting to collapse. Luna leaps off landing heavily on the cobblestones the foal on her back sobbing into her mane. She folds her wings covering the colt looking up as the building collapses.

She coughs clearing her lungs of smoke, Luna glances over to where she had left her opponent, only to find Nocturne was gone.


Blood dripped from his muzzle,dribbling from his nose, oozing from the corners of his eyes, and trickling from his lips. He was sure he had bitten his tongue at some point but with the pain in his head he couldn't feel it. His head felt like it was on fire and he kept having to blink away blood. Not that there was much to see, less than a apples length from his nose was nothing but blinding white light barely held behind a cracked green shield.

He poured more power into the shields as the white and black flare of energy continued, a massive ring of green glowing panels surrounded the blast area in a great cone channeling the power that was released upward and shielding the town itself from the raw power that was pouring out of the unicorn in the middle.

Jer'rahd had never felt anything like it and would like very much to never feel anything like it again against him. Several buildings around the market were reduced to dust when one of his shields failed for a heartbeat. They were all failing and every time they did he had another shield up just behind it to pick up the slack.

He was barely standing now, simply pouring more and more magic into keeping the shields up and preventing the town and who ever might be left in it from being vaporized, this much power would likely wipe out everything for leagues.

The screams of the massive beast trapped inside the column of power had stopped some time ago though he could still see flickers of the things massive bulk inside. One of the gargantuan wings had been severed by the initial blast of energy and now lay crushing a building on the other side of the market.

Jer'rahd curses as he drops to his knees panting her horn glowing almost as brightly as the energy blast, though the green light around it flickers occasionally from the strain and his rapidly depleting magic pool. It was only will power, stubbornness, and the knowledge that Luna and his friends might still be in the city that allowed him to keep his shields up at this point.

The light of the column slowly begins to fade and the pressure against his shields lessens until the pillar winks out. A purple unicorn mare stands in the center of the new crater, the Brilliant Darn stuck in the ground next to her it's scabbard burned away.

The mare sits back hard on her rump, streamers of smoke billowing from her mane, her horn glows brightly though it slowly fades to it's normal coloration. Her sides heaved as she lifts her head slightly staring up at the scorched skeletal remains of a massive griffon like creature that towered above her in the crater.

Jer'rahd lets his shields drop collapsing to the ground panting hard. He growls slowly pushing himself up to his hooves again staggering forward and tumbling down into the crater with a series of curses and gasps of pain. He lay in a heap a moment feeling his body start to repair itself a little and pushes himself back upright staggering towards the mare trying to shake the spots from his vision. As he approaches her he sloshes through some gathering water the rivers ground water beginning already to start to fill the crater.

His hooves thud heavily through the water as he approaches her, Twilight slowly turns her head, her eyes blank and unfocused as she watches him approach.

The stallion stands there looking down at Twilight struggling to catch his breath still, he finally snorts clearing some blood from his nostrils before rearing up and belting her across the face with a hoof, sending her sprawling into the muddy water.

Twilight yelps as she scrambles back upright to her hooves splashing water and mud every where as she moves away from him.

“What'd you do that for!?” screams out Twilight rubbing her face as Jer'rahd sits down hard seemingly worn out from just hitting her.

“What the buck do you mean what did I do that for? You bucking deserve worse than that I assure you. That's the best I can do right now after all that shit.”

“For what!?”

“Do you even know what the crap you just did?”

“I took out one of the bastards that was responsible for Pinkie's death.”

“Pinkie's dead?” Jer'rahd blinks surprised.

“Yes.” Twilight sighs.

The stallion rubs his head with a hoof wincing as he touches his burned temples.”While that is indeed bad news does it merit taking out the entire town and the rest of your friends along with one of the targets?”

“I..... I didn't think it would do that much.... I wasn't even sure the spell would work at all. I was just mad.... I needed to do something...”

“Yes, well warn me next time... Better still, don't let there be a next time.” he looks down to the pooling water before lowering his head submerging his horn and his forehead in the cold water. A faint hiss of steam is heard as his horn pushes into the mud and a shudder runs along his spine. He pulls his head back with a gasp shaking his head about and slinging water and mud.

Twilight picks up Brilliant Dawn and teleports both herself and Jer'rahd out of the crater.

“What the buck Sparkle!?” Jer'rahd yelps as he crashes to the ground after the teleport ,unable to remain upright.

“What now?”

“How the heck are you still casting? I can barely keep from passing out and I didn't let loose nearly as much power as you did.”

“I dunno, I mean I'm tired, but I'm not really tired, I know I put out a great deal of power but I don't feel it really. I don't even feel angry or sad any more... just numb.”

“Urgh. Sounds like some kind of shock.” Jer'rahd garbles. “So you fueled a spell with rage and grief, not the first time I've seen that happen. First time I've had to stop it though. Not pleasant.”

Twilight sits down staring up at the massive skeleton in the pit as the water slowly fills it.

“So tell me something Jer'rahd.” Twilight mutters. “ Does it ever get easier?”

“Does what get easier?”

“The killing.”

“Faster than you can imagine.”

Twilight looks up at the charred remains of Silver Claw and sits down hard laying down and covering her face with her forelegs.

“I.... I feel sick.....”

“Good. “


“Hold onto that.” Jer'rahd says flatly. “ That disgust you have right now for taking a life, hang onto that keep it close, make sure it's one of the first thoughts in your mind if you ever are in a situation where you need to kill again. Make sure you never lose it, killing should not be easy, it's the last thing that will ever happen to someone. You're not the type that should ever get used to killing. None of you are in this age, if I could have prevented you all from participating in this I would have. For what it's worth, I'm sorry to hear about Pinkie,but I have a feeling she's not going to be the only one we lose before this is said and done. We're not even sure what's going on in Canterlot right now.”

“You suck at speeches. That doesn't make me feel any better.”

“I keep telling Luna and Celestia that and they keep making me give them.”Jer'rahd sighs.

Jer'rahd's ears perk and Twilight turns her head looking around as a strange noise fills the air.

“What the buck is that?” questions Jer'rahd, his gaze drawn to the massive severed wing laying atop a building.

Twilight flinches as the wing jerks, twitching, and writhing, a section of it bubbling and swelling like a rapidly filling cyst..

“Yep definitely don't like seeing this from the other side.” mutters Jer'rahd as the swollen bubble of flesh on the wing bursts open like a lanced boil, blood and gore gushing from the popped section of flesh as the rest of the massive wing starts to shrivel away into dust, leaving a bright red scaled form barely pushing itself upright from the rended flesh.

Silver Claw drags himself up further, wiping the gore from his face as the remains of the wing disintegrate around him. His wings hang weakly at his side and his head remains low as if he couldn't muster the strength to lift it. He glares at Twilight and Jer'rahd and the unicorn pushes himself back up to his hooves as well.

“What in Tartarus ARE you mare!?” bellows the dragon vomiting out a mess of blood and gore.


“HEEEEEEEEEEREEE'S JOHNNY!” Discord shouts popping back into reality above a stack of books. He lands heavily on the table crushing the wood and driving the stack of tomes to the floor.

“Get the heck off me!”
“Who in Tartarus are you?”
“ what a pain.”
“Delightful both the mad god and the idiot in the same place.”

“You know I can hear you assholes right?” shouts the Jade Scroll wrapped up in Discord's tail.

“As can I, You all should be friendly with each other.... it's not like any one else will be. “ Discord chuckles. “Now kiss and make up.”

The draconequus laughs slapping the front of the jade Scroll and the Silver Script together while making smooching noises.

“Disgusting.” the Jade Scroll spits out.

“I don't even know you and I already hate you.“ snaps the Silver Script.

Discord tosses both books across the room to bounce off the wall and land in kiddie pool of lime jello.

“Really now? Ole monochromatic there didn't tell you all about lil' ole me?” discord gestures to the Gray Grimoire. “Bit of an oversight on his part I would say. Well no matter.... Hey is this Forgy's kids place? Nice digs.... isn't that little rug rat of Twilight's supposed to be here some where? Spiiiiiiike oh Spiky kins!? It's your uncle Discord..... olly olly oxenfree?” Where is that boy?”

“Cease your gibbering fool, the whelp has left.” Gray Grimiore curses as Discord lifts it from the mess on the floor.

“Aww, pity that, I wanted to say hi. No matter I have a goal here and you are not part of it.” The draconequus tosses the book aside letting it land in a toilet which quickly flushes and spins the book around in the water along with some things that were decidedly NOT Baby Ruths.

“There you are. “ Discord grins stomping on the Red Tome and Teal Text as he makes his way to the massive purple book propped against the wall yanking the large volume open.

“Rude, could you not have asked permission first.” howls the Purple Pamphlet.” What are you even looking for.”

“Just a spell I saw last time I had my claws on you, honestly I am quite surprised to see you all together. Though considering what's going on I suppose I really am not.” Discord mutters.” Ahh here we are.”

“What … That spell? Why would you want...... wait..... something is wrong here, you are not acting correctly.... by the stars. Are you .... lucid?” the Purple Pamphlet questions. “ How is that even possible? The spell that created corrupted Laughter should result in permanent madness.”

“Two blasts from the Element's of Harmony in a rather short time, by a gods standards any way , cleared my sinus's right up. Just as I planned.... well okay the stone thing was not JUST as planned, but it worked.”

“It's made you weaker.” the Gray Grimoire states seemingly ignoring it's dip in the toilet. “ You are a not going to be able to deal with Nameless like this with just a spell. This is all exactly as she planned, even I am impressed with that level of foresight.”

“Nameless? Who is that supposed to be? Wait do you mean ….? Oh this is going to be good.”Discord cackles much to the unease of the books.” well never mind that I have what I want now and hanging out with you old fogies has give me a bit of a headache.”

The draconequus snaps his fingers and and several sections of the cave collapse in on themselves sealing the dragons nest off from the outside with a massive rumble of rock and dust.

“Cruder than I like, but I don't have the time to deal with you all right now, there's so much going on out there that I simply must keep up with it all. Now you kiddies play nice, and we'll have a long talk when I get back....” Discord's face darkens. “.... with some hot irons and fire...... Toodles!”

Discord vanishes from the cavern leaving six very confused and annoyed books behind.

“I will never understand what he's thinking, if anything” sighs the Red Tome.


“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” screams out Starfall her hooves barely touching the ground as she runs slamming bodily into the griffon, sending them both over the edge of the cliff.

Peach Blossom winces hearing the clash of metal and the chime of crystal as the pair went over the edge. He rushes to the cliff looking over only to see the pair flying along the bottom of the gorge, Wind Razor seeming to be running away though Starfall was on her tail already, the bloody chunks of several more of the land eels were still falling to the bottom of the gorge. Peach Blossom was unsure if the new bodies were created by Wind Razor or Starfall, but it seemed the other eels were wise enough to remain hidden after three of their number were ripped open.

The pegasus stallion sighs watching the pair fly out of site along the bottom of the chasm. He obviously was not going to be much use here. He wasn't sure where that armor came from, but it clearly was holding up better than the steel plate he was wearing. He glances down at his armor sighing and pulling off the ruined chest plate wondering it he could do anything with it. A slight whimper caught his attention and he turns looking back towards the treeline seeing a mummified cyan pegasus propping herself up against a tree trying to get back on her hooves.

He sighs trotting over to her, wincing at the wounds that reopened on the mare.

“Geez sit back down. You're in no condition to do shit.” Peach Blossom sighs.

“I've been hurt worse... I've got no time to be laying around that bastard that killed Pinkie and Gilda is still alive.... I've got to stop her......” Dash curses stumbling forward.

Peach Blossom grumbles moving closer and poking the mummified pegasus in the shoulder with a hoof. Dash screams out, falling over with a whimper at the sudden flash of pain through her wound.

“Yeah, you'll do real well against a griffon who took a spear to the heart and still kept trying to kill me.” Peach Blossom rolls his eyes.

“I can't let her get away.....” mutters Dash.

“I doubt she's going to get away. Captain Silvertail is currently fighting her in some weird armor that just showed up.”


“Yeah kinda formed around her and there's this big apple shaped gem on the breast plate.”

“That sounds like that armor the Element's of Harmony gave them... but the Apple that's AJ's thing why ….. Ugrrrgh of all the times for Twilight not to be here to explain stuff.”

“Well we can always go back to town, you need to get to a hospital any way.”

“No.... I need to see this.... I need to know she's not gonna hurt any one else I care about...... Why the heck did you follow me any way?” Dash questions. “ Not that I'm complaining now, but....”

“Would you believe I was trying to impress a mare?”

“Hey now, I've got a colt friend....”

“Not you.....” Peach Blossom sighs blushing a bit. “ Never mind from what I heard from the Major she's probably not interested any way....”

“Won't know til yah ask.” Dash chuckles wincing again.


“Hold fast Apple Jack, you must cease your attack.” Velkorn states.

“What fer, I got her on the ropes....” AJ mutters glaring at the red mare as she stands back up shaking off dirt and broken bark from her back.

Scarlet mumbles something, blinks confused, and then reaches a hoof up and with a hard shove pops her jaw back into place to heal properly.

“I will need you to tend to Rhede, for the moment he is not yet dead.”

“Ain't that your thing? Yer the medic.”

“You won't be able to beat this one, a simple surprise hit doesn't mean you have won.” Velkorn rises to her hooves, trotting over to Apple Jack. Her eyes are locked on Scarlet as the earth pony opens and closes her mouth making sure her jaw was working again.

“Errrr you sure about this?” AJ questions as the zebra slips off her medical bags tossing them over the farm ponies back. AJ staggers a bit under the unexpected weight of the bags and looks at Velkorn surprised.“What tha heck yah got in these things?”

“Trust me it will all be fine, besides after what she has done this bitch is mine.”

“Oh delightful, I am sooo scared of the little doctor. I know all about you. Even in the middle of war and when your own life was on the line you wouldn't kill a damn thing. It's against that doctors code of yours do no harm and that bullshit.” Scarlet glowers whipping her tail and sending a group of daggers flying at the zebra.” Taunt and posture all you like, you won't do shit and I'll rip you apart.”

Velkorn rears back onto her hind legs, her fore hooves striking out and knocking the blades from the air. Apple Jack darts off headed towards Rhede wincing as she sees the extent of the damage on the stallion.

“It is true... I follow quite a number of codes and rules, no killing, meditative rhyme, and things others most would consider for fools.” Velkorn responds sounding a little strained in her speech.

The zebra mare cracks her neck glancing over to AJ and Rhede. A small shiver runs along her spine as she spies the pouch Bloodtail had pulled his powder from laying on the ground near them. She then glared back at Scarlet, her eyes narrowing.

“I think for just this once. Just for you. I am not going to follow any of my personal codes.”


The dirt crackles as it flash burns to glass, weeds and plants lining the edge of the road leading to a side entrance of the castle wilting from the excessive heat as a lance of fire bursts from Celestia's horn, screaming though the air towards a group of black skinned changelings.

A sudden wall of darkness flows up from the ground intercepting the blast of fire and reducing it to nothing but a brief flash and a puff of smoke and wind as the magics cancel each other out.

Celestia's eyes widen as a figure steps out of the smoke, red cloak billowing in the after shock of the spells collision. Glowing green and red eyes turn looking up at the Princess, a smirk crossing the gray stallions fanged face.

“So, the Solar Flare returns finally. I was quite upset she didn't come out to play last time we met.”

Celestia frowns glaring down at the figure before her, hooves shifting on the stone walk.


“The one and only.” the Love Cursed King chuckles.

The stallion grins looking past the Princess and to the southern wall of the keep behind her. A number of chariots were still pulling in refugees from the city into the castle. The changelings were leaving them alone letting all of their enemies gather in one place.

The swarm had started to mass around the castle leaving the rest of the city relatively untouched. The motion cut off any of the Guard patrols outside of the castle from aid or retreat, leaving them to fend for themselves against the changelings and what ever other forces were out there.

The last real bastion of resistance for the swarm was the castle and the fiery Princess standing outside of it at the castles weakest point, the east gate.

Sombra had planed this well, a large number of his golems carried changeling pods with ponies trapped inside of them, scattered among the rank and file of the changelings. Celestia couldn't indiscriminately lash out without risking frying her own subjects. Sombra had bet on her reluctance to do so and it had been proven correct. She had been forced back along with the rest of her Guard to the walls of the castle.

“I beat you once Sombra, I can do it again.”

“No... no you didn't, your magic was useless against mine, just as my spells have no real power against yours. The first time it was the Element's that sealed me not your fire, and the last time your sister beat me while you distracted me. And it is plain to see she is not here now. You are out numbered and surrounded. There are no more reinforcements, No last moment heroics to save you this time, you do not even have the Element's of Harmony any more. My Queen is on her way here now and she defeated you in single combat already, despite that fancy armor of yours do you really think you are a match for both of us?”

“Can we do it now?”
“Seriously they're in real trouble.”
“My sister says this is supposed to happen, it's called building drama.”
“I told you three I would allow you to do this if you behaved and they can hear us you know.”

Sombra and Celestia as well as most of the horde pause looking around trying to figure out where the quartet of booming voices were coming from.

“Oh right, that whole voice amplification thing you did on us.”
“Oooh can you cast this on us for the next school talent show?”
“Oh come on. Do we really want to hear you squeak your way through a song at this volume?”
“Alright fine the surprise is mostly gone any way. And I will see what I can do about the spell.”

Both forces look up at a sudden flash of green fire at the top of one of the wall's towers.

A orange filly with a purple mane and bright green burning wings hops up onto the towers rampart flanked by a small white unicorn filly on one side, and a yellow and red maned earth pony filly on the other side. All three leapt into the air shouting at the top of their lungs, the sound amplified by the magic likely heard as far away as Manehatten.


“What......” Sombra states staring at them as confused as Celestia was.

Another form leaps up and pulls the three of them back down off the towers edge before looking over her self. The tall pink crystalline mare with a long spiraled horn snaps her pink wings open wide, her horn flashes brightly briefly blinding those who watched her.

The brief flash is greeted by dozens of answering flashes as teleportation spells flash into life depositing small squads of heavily armed crystal ponies at various points around the changelings and shadow creatures. The crystal ponies waist no time laying into the surprised changeling s cutting a swath of destruction towards the front gate in order to regroup.

“Cadence?” Celestia questions.

“YOU AGAIN?!! Have you not done enough!? I will destroy you !!” screams Sombra turning into smoke and rushing up at the crystal Princess and the fillies Black lightning crackling around his smoky form.

Another flash of light appears before the Love Cursed King and a white and blue blur slams into the charging half dragon throwing him back to the ground with a crash. The form vanishes again with a flash of light and a soft pop appearing before Sombra.

A white crystalline unicorn with a blue mane and tail dressed in Royal Guard armor stands before the Love Cursed King, a light blue crystalline sword leveled at Sombra as the half dragon pushes back up to his hooves with a snarl.

“You will not touch my wife.” Shining Armor commands.


The scream of released steam pierces the air cutting through the frenzied buzz of the swarm.

A number of the changelings gathered at the west gate of the castle pause their siege against the walls looking back trying to identify the source with no luck.

Word had come around of something going on at the south gate though no order on what to do aside attack the western gate had been passed along.

The shrill scream sounds again along with an explosion of dust and debris as something smashes into a building behind the swarm gathered at the gates.

A larger number cease the assault as another explosion sounds along with the screech of metal on rock and a sound like thunder echos across the city, echoing off the walls. A building at the edge of the field that lay between the city proper and the castle explodes as a series of massive brown and gray forms stampeded though the remains of the building, chains hitched to the bulky forms drawn taught pulling something through the structure.

A heart beat after the dozen figures emerge from the dust of the ruined building a massive cylinder of steel and iron bursts through the structure at the end of the chains hitched to the figures. A plum of white smoke and a shrill cry of escaping steam scream from the top of the train engine as dozen buffalo braves rush into the back side of the swarm, stampeding ramshackle through the black chitinous ranks.

A much smaller orange buffalo cow stands firm on the cowcatcher of the train yanking free the chains that held the charging braves to the engine. She leaps onto the back of one of the massive buffalo as they are freed from the engine, spreading out and moving away as the iron horse plows into the belly of a changing hydra shoving the creature back and smashing it between the loosened engine and the stone wall of the castle.

The entire length of train cars shifts from the impact sliding sideways and smashing many other changelings before the ten cars finally come to a stop some how still upright. Several of the doors slide open as the dust starts to settle, though no one exits.

A changeling griffon leaps up onto the edge of the car, clamoring into the car to see what was inside.

The there's a loud crack of chitinous shell shattering and the echo of hoof striking flesh as the griffon is flung back out to crash to the ground before the milling changelings that had dodged the train.

A cream earth pony with sandy blond hair and a brown leather vest steps out of the train car, a western rancher hat perched low over his face.

A small smirk crosses the stallions face as he lifts his hat up, staring down the swarm with piercing green eyes, the smirk not leaving his muzzle.

“Howdy.” Braeburn greets as the rest of the Appaloozans and the Apple family flood out of the train along with the rest of the buffalo herd.


“YESSSS THEY MADE IT, An they brought that Buffalo too!”Applebloom cheers leaping up into the air nearly falling off the tower only to be caught by Cadence's magic and pulled back to safety.

“You sent a letter to your cousin Braeburn and Appleloosa?” Sweetiebelle questions.

“Yup, ah didn't think they'd believe me though.” Apple Bloom smiles looking down at the battle, the changelings still had the numerical advantage though that was dwindling quickly under the mad rush of the buffalo and the rough and tumble frontier ponies. “Ah figured as tough as they are on the frontier they could handle some bugs, ah didn't think they'd bring tha buffalo. DID you see tha train!!?”

“Aunt Celestia is going to have a nightmare in repair bills after this” sighs Cadence.” How many letters did you send out girls?”

“Three. Wait.. If you wrote the Apple's and I wrote Princess Cadence, who did you write to Scootaloo?” Sweetiebelle questions.

“Errrr well I really couldn't think of any one cool to write too exactly, but I know we needed help and I remember what he did when Big Mac and Fluttershy were attacked....”Scootaloo mutters sheepishly her burning wings dimming.

“Huh who is that?” Applebloom questions.

“Angel Bunny.” Scootalloo mutters.

“Fluttershy's pet? You're kidding?” Sweetiebelle stares. “You're not kidding. Can he even read?”

“I think so, I was hoping maybe he'd show up with some bears or something and help out like he did before when he ran off that Claymore guy.” Scootaloo sighs.”Okay so it was a dumb idea.”

“Yeah it was. Seriously what are a couple of bears gonna do in all this?” Applebloom teases before a massive roar shakes the castle.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” sighs Cadence looking to the east.

A massive form seeming composed of the very star filled night itself smashes down the outer wall of the city as if it was a foals sand castle and roars again. Another section of the wall is beaten away and a gargantuan spiked turtle creature clamors over the rubble, bellowing out in a voice more terrifying that the bear's. Swarms of small furry creatures, foxes, wolves, squirrels, and other fluffy creatures rush through the opening in the walls, the sky darkening with massive flocks of birds, cockatrices, and maticores. The collection of beasts crashes like a furry tidal wave over the changelings on the eastern side of the castle

The huge form of the Ursa Major growls sweeping it's claw down sending changelings and shadow constructs flying. The massive turtle lives up to it's name of Tank and thunders through the city towards the castle crushing golems and massive hydra in it's jaws at it rampages.

Sitting atop the massive star bears head, wearing a combat helmet and brandishing a butter knife like a cavaliers rapier was a very small, and very angry, white rabbit.

Scootaloo squees and bounces around atop the tower her green fire wings fanning wildly as she bounces around at the sight of the towering animals. Applebloom stares in disbelief at the scene and Sweetiebelle simply slaps her face with a hoof.

“Well this was unexpected. I think I might have seen everything at this point...” Cadence starts to say when another cry sounds from the castle courtyard at the south gates on the inside of the walls.

“OPEN THE GATE! ALL FORCES, CHARGE!!! DEFEND THE CASTLE!” bellows a voice from massive of soldiers that seemed to pour from the castle.

The small, group of Royal Guards on the rampart turn looking back at them in surprise though they open the gate enough to let the charge of soldiers rush out to join the crystal ponies in combat.

Cadence's eye twitches, noting that all of them were wearing the colors, or flying the flag, of her cousin.

Prince Blue Blood pauses again to bellow out orders before charging out the gate himself, his horn firing off a number of golden blasts of energy knocking some of the changelings away as he runs towards Princess Celestia.

“Alright now I have seen everything. BlueBlood being useful?”Cadence sighs shaking her head. “well I suppose that's it then.”

The Crystal Princess watches a small number of citizens and most of the remaining healthy Royal Guard rush out along with Blue Blood's mercenaries, the remaining Guards closing the gate behind them.

The Princess lifts her head her horn shining brightly, The burst of power fans out spreading from her spot on the tower and rushing out across the castle and the court yard. The wall of expanding energy passing harmlessly over the Guard and the refugees, though a small number of each was slammed into by the wall and flung out of the castle off of the mountain , their disguises fading as they were forcefully ejected from the castle.

Princess Cadence smirks slightly exhaling a little. She could keep this up for some time, though she was still worn out from aiding in all the teleports from the Empire. Thankfully a large number of unicorn researchers had been there investigating the library when the letter arrived, though two of them were more interested in possible grand foals. With their help the majority of the former rebel forces, now full time Imperial Guard were able to make it to Canterlot.

Still only time would tell if it was enough at this point.


“Aunty Celestia! I bring news, GAAH, back foul parasite,”Blueblood curses, blasting a Changeling who got to close, only to be forced to duck as Celestia roasted a much larger number of Changelings that had moved closer to the Prince.

“I am a little busy at the moment nephew.” Celestia mutters. This entire situation had gotten far beyond sane. A train full of buffalo, a Ursa Major and a Tank, all she needed now was that beast inside of Kaisur, and a flight of dragons or griffons to show up and it would be a proper madhouse. “ RESCUE THE ONES IN THE PODS, BRING THEM TO THE GATES IF YOU CAN!”

“I am aware of that Auntie, but I have found a changeling in your court that you should know about.”

“Does it matter at this point?”

“It may if he takes his disguise again, better you are told now and expect it. I doubt we have any one listening in now.” Blueblood mutters ears flattening at the din of combat. “ Lord Fancy Pants is a changeling. He was the one who freed the captured changelings in the garden.”

Celestia glances down at her nephew. A little concerned if one of her more trusted court advisers was a changeling. Though at this point it no longer surprised her for something to come out of the blue like this.” How do you know that?”

“I ran into him in the garden this morning just after he had freed them.”

“Why were you in the garden?”

“Errrr , taking a morning walk.....” BlueBlood mutters seeming to sweat a little.

“I have known you since you were in diapers nephew, you do not take morning walks. Why were you there ?” Celestia's eyes narrow, more than just changelings had been freed from the garden and she could not place why a changeling would free the prisoners, so there had to be some one else.

Blueblood looks ready to say something and sighs his ears flattening. “ Oh fine... I could never get anything past you any way... I have a new proposal to pass and I heard Auntie Luna raises and lowers the moon from a pedestal in the gardens... since she's turned down my requests for an audience for the last few months I thought I would try to drop in and talk to her there. I never found her, but I found Fancypants.”

The Princess's gaze softens, though she still seemed annoyed. At least this was something she could see her egotistical nephew doing.”Did you see any one else in the garden?”

“Not really, I ran back here as soon as I saw them. I had planed to get my mercenaries and deal with it when, well... all this happened.”

“Yes, about your mercenaries....” Celestia sighs looking around spotting Sombra and Shining still fighting. Sombra had formed some wicked looking black crystalline sword and the pair were going at it with enough force that other combatants had moved away to leave a large circle around the pair. She had heard Shining was training with the rebel fighters that had opposed Sombra in the past but it seemed he had progressed rather far in a short time to be able to hold his own against the half dragon.

“Look auntie is this really the place to talk politics?” Blueblood chuckles his horn glowing to take down another changeling.


“YES PRINCESS!” shouts the brown coated Guard Captain as he smashes a large changeling on the head with a massive ax.

“We will talk later about this nephew” Celestia states taking to the air and rising up over the shield dome headed to the garden on the other side of the Castle.

“That went better than I expected.” mutters Blueblood, falling back and slipping away to hide.


Scarlet was terrified, it was not a feeling she could recall experiencing before, scared perhaps, spooked of course, but never terrified. There was a uneasy silence in this fight. Velkorn had not said a word since it started and had closed the distance on Scarlet in an eye blink.

It was not a natural fear either, she could not tell why she was experiencing it, but she couldn't bring herself to meet the zebra's gaze. She flung daggers at the approaching mare but they were all batted away as if they were falling leaves from a tree.

The Zebra finally attacked, moving faster than she could keep up with. She had expected to feel a number of blows as Velkorn danced around her dodging counter strikes and dagger slashes as if Scarlet was standing still.

The most Scarlet had felt so far was the light touch of the mares hooves on her skin with very little pressure from the points of impact.

Scarlet grins thinking perhaps the mare was taunting her, though as serious as Velkorn seemed Scarlet doubted she was teasing. Perhaps being a god was offing more resistance to attacks than she expected, though the look on the zebra's face did not show any sign of a failed attack, or any emotion at all.

The striped medic bounces out of the way of a barrage of daggers. Scarlet opens her mouth to taunt the mare, though it was at that point the artery in her neck ruptured with enough force for the blood to puncture her skin in a crimson spray. Scarlet winces at the sudden stab of pain staggering back as her body quickly heals the wound. She glares at Velkorn noticing the zebra was muttering to herself, keeping time.

“Six seconds until the effect shows itself. Three seconds to heal.” Velkorn states.

“What the buck are you babbling about?” Scarlet growls stumbling suddenly as another point the zebra touched twinges causing her legs to buckle under her suddenly sending her to the ground.

“I have treated all manner of creatures, including gods. I am simply testing your resistance and healing before I get started taking you apart. You are still just an earth pony, that has not changed.” the zebra monotones slamming a hoof down suddenly on the back of the fallen ponies neck with enough force to sever the earth ponies spine at the base of her neck.

Scarlet gags at the immense pain from the first blow then nothing for the multiple other hits she was receiving. She quickly lost count of how many impacts were landed on her before the zebra stops.

Velkorn steps back as Scarlet feels her spine repair, she leaps to her hooves flinging a brace of daggers at the zebra ,who bats them away with barely any effort.

'Heh trying to torture me for what I did to that toy you drool over. Not much good if I can't feel it.”

Velkorn simply stares at the earth pony.” Three seconds to heal, six for the effect to show, two, one.”

Scarlet's muscles suddenly seize in a violent spasm, the forceful jerking of her muscles snapping bones, ripping tendons, and cracking her ribs as it flails about in a uncontrollable manner sending her flopping to the ground. Her skin tears in some places at the violence of the spasms, her insides being shifted and crushed around organs as her body moves of it's own accord, her jaw even clenching shut with enough force to shatter her teeth inside her jaw.

Velkorn approaches again looking down at the flailing mare with no expression on her face as the seizures begin to subside and Scarlet's body begins to rapidly heal. Her hoof once more comes down slamming into the back of Scarlet's neck severing her spine just as the spasms come to a full stop.

“Three seconds.” mutters the zebra starting to strike the earth pony's body again as Scarlet screams.


Apple Jack flinches at the scream from the mare on the other side of the clearing, doing her best to ignore what the zebra was doing and work to pull the daggers from Rhede. The stallion was still breathing. but the amount of damage that had been done to him made her wince.

There was not single apples length of skin along his side and flank that did not have a dagger imbedded into it. Even so she was surprised that most of the wounds were shallow, piercing the muscle and the scant bit of fat the stallion had, but none were deep enough to hit anything vital though a number of them did sink deep enough to stick into the bone. Pulling those out made her flinch more that Scarlet's screams as she could feel the grinding of metal and bone against her teeth as she pulled them out.

AJ sighs dumping open Velkorn's bags pulling out gauze and bandages while looking for some other items. It wasn't the wounds that were gonna kill him. Every one of the daggers was covered in some strange sap like stuff, and his fur and flesh was starting to turn black around the wounds, the dark spots slowly spreading out from the wounds, his whole side now matched the color of his leg.

It was the same thing she had seen used on Big Mac, though on a much larger scale.

Apple Jack winces watching the necrosis start to set in from the Wind Serpent's poison before dumping out the other saddle bag and looking to see if Velkorn had any of the ingredients for the cure.


Jer'rahd rises to his hooves teeth clenched around his sword as Silver Claw stumbles and crashes to the ground panting hard a moment before trying to scramble to his claws again with a curse.

“Hurts like nothing you've felt before doesn't it.” Jer'rahd growls around the Waning Moon's grip staggering closer to the flailing dragon his red eye glowing brightly, anger allowing him to push past his desire to curl up in a corner and sleep for a year. “First time changing back is always the worst. I don't even want to know how you managed to survive that attack.”

“There was enough of the creature left for me to reform from it. The beast is quite powerful, pity you never read the books to learn how to use your ability's properly. A Bearer of corrupted loyalty is much more than a mindless engine of destruction.” Silver Claw mutters scraping his claws over the ground seeming to trace something.

“Yeah that worked out real well for you I see.” Jer'rahd stops noting the tracing.

“What's he doing?” Twilight questions moving up behind Jer'rahd. She had the Brilliant Dawn gripped in her magic floating next to her, but she still seemed hesitant, clearly relieved she had not really killed any one despite her anger. Though she still remained seemingly detracted from the situation.

“I cannot die here, I have my own mission. Good bye peasants.” Silver Claw growls slamming a claw into the circle he drew.

Jer'rahd tries to raise a shield ready for an attack though the spell fizzles, but no attack comes, instead Silver Claw seems to vanish, sucked into the earth in a eye blink

“What the buck?” Jer questions.

Twilight darts over as Jer'rahd sits down again panting. The purple unicorn looks over the remains of the runes with great interest.

“This is amazing , I've never seen a earth magic teleport before, I wasn't even sure they could be done. I guess if there was a massive amount of power recently nearby the charge would still be in the earth and it could be siphoned by an experienced caster. Though I suppose that might only work with a lightning strike or some kind of magical blast, though where would he get...” Twilight looks over at the crater she made. “ Oh right...”

“So he teleported, great. Any clues where?”

“Not from this, no.” Twilight sighs.

“He most likely went to free his father. That always appeared to be his end goal.” Luna states trotting back into the remains of the market. Her wings fold tight across her back and a soft sobbing is heard from under them.

“Princess? Good to see you're alive.” Jer'rahd winces struggling to get up again.

“I hope that is some one else's blood Kaisur. What happened here?” Luna mutters.

“Wait? Princess Luna? What happened, why are you a pegasus?” Twilight questions her ears perking at the sobs.

“I was always a pegasus, just with a few extra abilities that have currently been removed.”

“ Fraid the bloods mostly mine. Are you alright Princess? Nocturne dealt with I assume?” Jer chuckles wiping the blood from his eyes.

“No. I flew to an area I thought cleared of ponies to fight her, it was not clear and this little ones home was destroyed and his parents killed. Nocturne escaped while I rescued him. I will bring him to the hospital and find Nocturne before she hurts any one else. Twilight, …... Kai.... Jer'rahd, can you make it to Canterlot from here?” Luna corrects herself, her ears flattening a little as she turns her gaze from the bloodied unicorn.” Silver Claw is likely going to the garden to free his father. He needs to be stopped before Forgescale is released.”

“As you wish Princess.”



“Just ….. just call me Luna Jer'rahd.”

“As you wish then. Luna.”Jer'rahd winces as he stands up his horn sparking a little as he picks up his sword tucking it into the scabbard before his magic fails again. “ Sparkle, think you can teleport us there?”

“What? Oh, maybe … I dunno … I mean I'm not completely worn out, but I'm no where near as fresh as I was last time I teleported all the way there.”

“It took both myself and my sister to trap Forgescale last time. I do not know when, or even if, I will return to normal. You need to stop him before he wakes his father or we will have far more problems than what we already have.”

“I'll try Luna.” Twilight mutters.

“Hey she said I could call her Luna not you.” chuckles Jer'rahd getting an eye roll from both of them.

“I will join you when I have dealt with Nocturne.” Luna states.

“Okay, I'm set, I think I can get us to the pedestal where you were in stone.” Twilight responds.

“Good luck Luna.” Jer'rahd responds as Twilight's horn glows brightly enveloping the pair of them in light before there's a pop and the light and pair of ponies vanish.


Wind Razor dodges through the forest zipping among the trees and taking the thickest path trying to get ahead of the mare chasing her. This was insane, she lost count of how many times Starfall had landed a killing blow on her and even with her crystal claws she couldn't so much as chip the gold paint on the mares armor, even the leather parts of it seemed to turn aside her attacks.

The pegasus had been relentless in her attacks as well forcing the griffon back from the very start. Wind Razor needed some room to breathe and after slamming bodily into the mare and stunning her for a second or two she had taken off into the forest, flying low and hoping that her better maneuverability in the air would keep the pegasus off her back long enough for the griffon to come up with something else. Dodging around all these trees was not unlike how she had gotten the drop on the mare back in Canterlot, tight flying was not Starfall's strong suit.

The first explosion and crack of splintering wood behind her told a different story.

Hazarding a glance back Wind Razor could see the mare still hot on her tail smashing through the massive wooden trees as if they were already paper. A rainbow trail of light was beginning to form behind her the thick tree trunks not even slowing her down.

Wind Razor had barely a moment to gasp before Starfall plowed into her shoving the griffon though a few more trees before she spiraled up into the air gripping tight on Wind Razor's wings and forcing the bird high into the air before her.

Wind Razor squirms to get free feeling the air start to turn fridged, frost rapidly forming on her fur as the pair kept climbing bursting through layers and layers of clouds. The curve of the world visible as the darkness of space approaches and the air almost seems non existent.

Wind Razor panics her wings frozen solid as she started to choke from lack of air her body fighting to recover itself as she suffocated.

Starfall finally lets the griffon loose and Wind Razor whirls on the pegasus only to have a sword blade shoved into her chest. Wind Razor gags looking down and blinking at the crystalline blade piercing her. The pegasus wraps her fore legs around the blade growling in the griffons face the steam of the mares breath billowing out of the armors helm.

“I said once before that I was going to kill you and I was going to make it hurt.” Starfall snarls. “ Here's where I prove I was given the right Element.”

Starfall's second blade impales into the griffons chest driven forward by her wings. The mare wraps her forelegs around the swords grips flicking her armored wings out and turning the pair over at the edge of space before another hard flap sent them back towards the earth.

Wind Razor spreads her wings trying to slow the decent though the weight of the pegasus as well as the force Starfall was creating by flying downward made her efforts useless. She attempts to turn to smoke though the crystal blade buried in her chest prevented the ability from working. Wind Razor glances back seeing a mountain peak and the ground rushing up to meet them as she the pegasus pours on even more speed. The griffon lashes out claws striking at the armored pony with little effect. The air around them erupts into a massive display of light and color the horrendous boom not even heard as they pair plummet towards the ground leaving a rapidly expanding ring of rainbow colored light in the air behind them.

The pair impact the mountain top with Wind Razor's back the first thing to hit. The ground crumbles at the impact giving way to the force of the blow and turning the peak of the mountain to rubble as the pair continues to plow thought it.

Starfall does not slow down adjusting her flight only enough to drag the griffon against the side of the mountain. Wind Razor screams as her wings as shears off her back being ripped apart by the rocks and dirt of the mountain side. Starfall pours on more speed leaving a trail of blood and body parts streaking down the side of the mountain towards the base. The pair finally impact with the ground with a massive explosion of dirt rocks and brightly colored smoke that billows up into a mushroom cloud.


Nocturne curses tumbling over a fallen changeling corpse as she moves through the smoke filled streets of Ponyville. She glances up into sky ducking into a small ally as a pair of half dragon Guards fly over head. Sparing a glance back to the sky she stumbles along her whole body aching.

Luna had done a number on her, her left eye was swollen shut, she was sure one, if not both her wings were broken, she had lost some teeth and it was most likely that several of her ribs were either cracked or broken judging by her difficulty breathing. Her forehead burned around her horn from the over abundance of magic she had cast and the new crack running along it's length, she doubted she could cast anything better than a light spell at this point.

She couldn't fly, she couldn't teleport and after that beating she had taken she was lucky she could walk.

She cursed Silver Claw again, that spell would keep her power sealed for at least a day, but once she got out of this city she would bide her time and come back to destroy everything She would rain fire from the sky far above any repercussion and let death take everything for leagues. She should have done that to start with, perhaps she should find the god who could call meteors and take their power first... yes that would be a better plan. It may take some time ,but it would lull them all into a false sense of security.

Nocturne pauses looking up at a wall and the wanted posted plastered all over it. The sign above the door listed this place as the post office's delivery entrance, but it was her own wanted poster that drew her attention.

“Two hundred bits? That's it?” Nocturne growls. She looks at the posters for the rest of the group seeing that Silver Claw's was three thousand bits, Scarlet's was seven thousand, and even Claymore's was two thousand.

She snarls turning to move on down a side ally, planing to smash the bounty commission first when the Post Office door bursts open and four figures step out, three ponies and a small griffon.

The earth pony and a young unicorn were dressed in Postal worker uniforms though the pegasus and the griffon wore the armor of Luna's Night Guard, each bearing a patch with Luna's symbol and a trainee patch with the logo of the 42nd in it. All four of them looked at the alicorn with wide eyes, then to the poster on the wall behind her, then back to the alicorn before the griffon gets a rather vicious smile.

“That her?” Breezy questions shooing the other two ponies towards the hospital.

“Yes.” Dusty grins reaching back and yanking open her saddlebag and pulling out a box.

“Looks like the Princess did a number on her, hasn't vaporized us yet so likely burned out.” Breezy states zipping over into the ally as Nocturne tries to bolt his hoof connecting with the alicorns chest knocking her back into the street though not enough to damage her further.

“Hey now be careful this ones mine.” Dusty grins flipping open the box and pulling out a pair of griffon claw gauntlets pulling them on quickly and tightening the straps.

“Like a carton of eggs.” Breezy chuckles making sure the alicorn couldn't run. ”We can spare five, love. Make them count.”

Every time Nocturne tried to move the pegasus was there to shove her back. She tried to cast a spell though the pony seemed to recognize the attempt and slapped her horn with the butt of his spear disrupting what little focus she had and sending her to her knees as as her horn is cracked further.

“Hey I said be careful.” snaps Dusty.

“Then hurry the buck up before she manages something.”

Dusty clenches her talons, the gauntlet's claws scraping together as she smirks. Nocturne's eyes widen recognizing the material the griffon's weapons were made of.

Star metal.

“Who the buck are you idiots.” snarls the alicorn backing away from the pair her rump pressing to the wall with the wanted posters.

“Me? No one special... this one over here though... well, I'll let her introduce herself.” Breezy smirks stepping away from the griffoness. “ She's been practicing.”

Dusty glares at the alicorn advancing on her, the star metal claws clacking against the cobble stones.

“My name is Dustina Devilin Talon. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

“Slowly!” quips Breezy.

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