• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“Light at the end of the world” Finale

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“Light at the end of the world”

The great wyrm opened his eyes, glowing green orbs staring into a sea of darkness scattered with countless stars. The beast lifts it's head slowly blinking in surprise at the lack of pain he was feeling, his mind churned with this thought, clear of the haze of rage for the first time in centuries.

“Well, bout time you got here. Guess you decided to hang around a little longer than I thought you would.” chuckles a voice.

The dragon sighs lifting a claw to his head and rubbing his temple.

“Countless years have passed in a haze and when I can finally think straight the first voice I get to hear he is yours? I must have been horribly cruel to puppies in a previous life, Discord.” the dragon growls.

“You are lucky you are hearing my voice at all Forgy. I'm the only one left.” Discord responds floating through the void to poke the red dragon's nose with a claw.

Forgescale disregards the draconequus words his gaze shifting over the void around them.”What sort of place is this Discord, where am I?”

A sigh from the draconequus draws Forgescale's attention back to Discord. His eyes narrow as he doesn't see the usual jovial expression on the creatures face, but rather a look of sadness he had only seen once before.

“This is the gateway Forgey. I really shouldn't be the one telling you this, but you're dead.” Discord states flatly.

“What?” the dragon questions.” How?!”

“Your son woke you up and your adopted great grandson killed you.” speaks another voice from behind the dragon. Forgescale whips his head around to look down at at the sky blue earth pony trotting up to him. The stallion's black and red mane was pulled back into a short braid. A silver spear wrapped by a green serpent adorned his flank. “By the same token, that great grandson of yours also killed me.”

“Andree?” Forgescale questions.

“He also was responsible for my end, though he had the help of the current Princess of the Night.” A sultry voice states as a golden form of a sea pony swims up into view circling around the earth pony and landing lightly to curl atop his back. Her turquoise fins fold along her form as she looks down at the earth pony with a small smile then up to the dragon. “It has been a long time Forgescale.”

“Aqua. Seems this is to be a bit of a reunion of sorts.” the dragon chuckles.

“Yes, a reunion of those that have been greatly mistreated by one they called friend, and in your case, lover.” another voice comments.” Forgescale smiles looking down as a zebra stallion seems to fade into being before him trotting though the void as if it was solid ground.

“Ruin.... let me guess did my adoptive great grand child kill you as well?” Forgescale sighs.

“No, one of your real children did, the one named Silver Claw.” Ruin states though he smirks a little. “I do not blame you for that however. You always did tend to teach your children to be aggressive.”

“Tis necessary for a dragon to be vicious.” Forgescale chuckles his gaze turning to Discord who simply floats there staring at them all. “ You are unusually quiet Discord. Normally by this point you would have made an inappropriate joke or some such.”

“I am finding my sense of humor lacking for once as I watch the gathering of my dead friends while the mare I was hopelessly in love with still sits with the living and looks to dominate them to her will.” Discord responds. “I spent so much time in stone due to her actions I was not there to help any of you. I started all this.... I told her about the book. I didn't think she would do all this to get it.”

“Discord we fell under the books charm as well. We cannot blame you for the same.” Aqua comments.

“I wasn't around to help Forgy because I was looking for them for her, I wasn't around to help you, Ruin, or Andree because she manipulated me then sent ponies to kill me. “Discord mopes. “I am terrible at this. And now.... now, the best I can do is sit here and talk to the dead because even after everything she's done, I can't bring myself to hurt her.”

“Considering how you reacted when she wed me I can indeed imagine it Discord.” Forgescale mutters. “The blame does not lie with you, but with her. Her thirst for power drove her and resulted in our ends. Not you. I loved her as well and she turned on me as readily as a stranger.”

“I agree. While I can point a hoof or two at Forgescale's insane child rearing tactics for some issues we have had, there is no fault to be had by you Discord.” Aqua replies.

“To be honest finding those books helped Aqua and I stay together as long as we did, I'd say that part wasn't bad, at least til the corruption set in any way, then it got weird.” Andree points out.

“I thought you liked weird.” mummers Aqua giggling.

“Shush you....”

“None of us blame you Discord, just her. Unfortunately our ire will never find her as she has given herself over and she will never reach this place as we have.” Ruin sighs. “You are still alive Discord. I suggest you stop dwelling on what you think you did wrong and live. None of us blame you for being manipulated by her. She fooled us all. Besides I know what you did this day. That was a surprising act from you my friend.”

“If she had not been there, this would have been much worse Aviana could have taken control of Corrupted Loyalty, with the books backing her she has the power. This day has already become far too depressing for it to have gotten worse.” Discord sighs.

“Why are all the bearer's of Laughter an emotional mess?” Forgescale sighs.

“Why are all the Honesty's hard headed idiots?” Aqua chuckles.

“Personally I am curious why all the ones who bear Generosity tend to be either promiscuous or down right slutty.” Forgescale growls back. Andree bares his teeth about to say something back when he's cut off by Ruin.

“.....And the Loyalty’s are always ready for a fight leaving those of us who hold Compassion to smooth everything over.” sighs Ruin.

Discord chuckles watching them all. “To think I missed this banter. Now I know I am screwed up in the head.”

“Still Discord. You need to go back,to see what other aid you can offer.” Forgescale mutters. “Anything to spite her at this point.”

“Fraid I’m tapped out. I'm surprised I was able to make it here before you left. I didn't expect everyone else to come and meet you. I guess this is our last good bye.” Discord sighs rubbing his eyes with his arm.

“No, just a small farewell for now. You still have a chance we didn't Discord. You are free of their influence and have a chance to be rid of her. You can start fresh. You had best take it.” Aqua points out slowly fading out of view.

“Really weird seeing you serious. Try to get back to normal fast or you might disrupt the fabric of everything.” Andree chuckles fading out of view.

“What you have done will cost you more than you think it will Discord. “ Ruin explains with a small smile.” But in the end, I expect you will find it was well worth what you gave up and what you still will.”

Forgescale and Discord watch as Ruin fades before the dragon speaks.

“I am sorry that it turned out as it did. I did not expect that she would chose me over you.”

“It's fine Forgy, turns out that was for the best anyway. Mare's a total bitch.”

“If you say so. I sense my son Sombra still lives, though nothing of the others. At least my line still continues, at least until Aviana finds him.”

“Silver Claw is dead, though you do have a whelp that might wind up doing great things if he's pushed properly. He is a god, so that has to account for something.”

“I felt that one, saw him before the darkness took me. He will be a strong one in time. I must ask however, what is the name of the grand whelp of Krisis?”

“The adopted son, the one who betrayed you to Equestria? You actually care?” Discord asks.

“He turned on me because he found love with a pony. Considering my past to find fault in that would by hypocritical of me.”

“I see. The ponies name is Jer'rahd Kaisur. He bore the Element Loyalty for Princess Luna.”

“Gods shield, hmmm? It never ceases to amaze me how ponies some how manage to name their foals for what they are destined.” Forgescale sighs. “I suppose I should go. I regret there is not any more time Discord. I would like to hear what has happened in my slumber.”

“Next time I meet you, I'll make sure to have a massive tale to spin for you.”Smirks the draconequus . “ Just so you know Forgey.... I never blamed you for her choosing you.”

“Thank you, but I will have you know, I still blame you for the noodle incident.”the great dragon smirks before fading away.

Discord remains there chuckling softly at the last line of his friend though the laugh is cut off as he seems to choke on it, curling up into a ball in the void.

And in the empty field of stars. Discord wept.


A small group of changelings patrol along the edge of the castle grounds looking for stragglers. The pony forces had been pushed back to the base of the shield, the changelings had suffered heavy losses, but they had more bodies available for the conflict and their numbers were wearing on the defenders. The patrol was out as rear guard and searching for any of the defenders who had been separated in the conflict.

The creak of wood and the flap of wings causes one of them to look up just as an ambulance cart crashes down, slamming the small group of bugs to the ground ,crushing them under the carts weight. Three more flying ambulances land less dramaticly, the wheels barely touching the ground before the doors burst open releasing groups of armed and armored ponies another group of pegasi and half dragons glide in behind the carts landing and checking over gear as they work to secure the perimeter.

A large red stallion drops down off the roof of the lead cart looking at the small half dragon pegasus mare that had been pulling the wagon with a wary expression.

“Bit much there Miss Primrose.” Mac comments.

“Pffft says you, that's four more points to my tally. YOU HEAR THAT MOON GEM, I'M FOUR POINTS UP ON YOU NOW, HA!”

A male half dragon who had been pulling another of the carts snorts in annoyance as he slips off his harness.

Major Rose steps out of the back of one of the carts looking up towards Peach Blossom as the pegasus slips free of his harness. The 42nd quickly moves into formation before Major Rose though Peach Blossom and Big Mac stand away from the rest, ears perked, their gazes turned sky ward as Rose starts barking orders.

“Is that?” Peach Blossom questions.

“Eeeyup.” Mac states shifting his stance wider, bracing himself.

“EVERY PONY BRACE FOR IMPACT!” shouts Peach Blossom as the thunder of three rain booms explode over their heads lighting the land with color.

The entire force looks up as the secondary bursts of light fill the sky, the streamers of light falling to smash hard into the ground across the battlefield, throwing multicolored blasts of smoke into the air, the shock wave decimating the Changeling ranks.

Peach Blossom stares in awe though as soon as the clouds begin to fade both he and Big Mac were off like shots from a cannon. Each had seen where a certain pegasus had landed and they were eager to get there before any Changelings did.


Spitfire coughs pushing herself up out of the crater with a small wince. That had been intense, her wings were shaking and she couldn't feel her hooves, but damn.... She glances down at the tatters that remained of her uniform smirking slightly betting her Soarin would love to see how much flank she was exposing here, maybe she could convince him to help her get out of it later if they both survived any way.

A cheer from above her brings her gaze up to the top of the tower on the other side of the softly pulsating pink shield she had landed next to. A small orange filly with green wings of flame emerging from her back was bouncing happily atop the embrasure. “MOM! MOM, UP HERE!” the filly shouts.

Thoughts of sexy time with her husband were shoved aside as Spitfire flew up level with the top of the balcony. The mare blinks watching the orange pegasus filly dance around with a white unicorn filly and a yellow earth pony filly holding onto her tail to keep her from falling off the edge of the tower.
She took brief notice of the pink alicorn behind the trio her horn glowing brightly as she concentrated on the shield.

“Scootaloo? What are you doing here?” Spitfire gasps.

“Long story mom, but that was awesome, wasn't that awesome, seriously now you see why I think Rainbow Dash is awesome, you've got to show me how to do that!” Scootaloo continues to ramble on to the shocked Spitfire. The pegasus mare looks up at the alicorn who simply shrugs.

“Scoots, why aren’t you in Ponyville with your aunt? What is going on with your wings and...... is that a cutiemark?” Spitfire smiles slightly. “We are going to have a long talk after this is all over, now you stay right there I need to go make sure your father didn't brain himself or get distracted by a pie again.”

“Errrr... yes mom. I think dad landed over there.” the filly points to another crater.

Spitfire smirks knowing that's where Soarin was assigned to land. Her daughter had good eyes.

“Wait what is that?” Scootaloo gasps tumbling back onto her friends as the castle and all of Canterlot began to shake.

Spitfire looks around seeing everything shaking before she was blinded by a bright light and the image of a blue alicorn fills her mind.


“Come on now, this is no time for sleeping.”Peach Blossom chuckles helping Starfall up.

“Ugh I think I hit a little harder than I expected. Thanks Captain, did the rest of the 42nd make it?”Starfall sighs staggering a bit to lean rather heavily against the stallion for a moment.

“Yeah they're here. So's one of the Apples. Big pony, rather insistent he be allowed to come.” Peach Blossom comments seeming a bit upset as Starfall steps away from him stretching her wings.

“Huh, wonder why he came. Any way we need to get back to the..... what's that ?” Starfall questions as the ground begins to shake.


Big Mac smirks as Dash grips tighter around his neck. It had been a bit of a pain getting here, while most of the changelings were knocked prone, there were still enough left that he had to plow through them or slip around.

Rainbow had recovered by the time he got there though she quickly feigned injury just so she would have an excuse to be carried out of the crater. Then again, intentionally missing out on a fight? Maybe there really was something wrong with her.

Granted he liked to think it might be because she wanted to be rescued by a knight in shining armor or some such. No matter how much she might deny that. Mac could tell she was faking being hurt, she was not a very good actor, though she did seem exhausted. It was alright though, he might not have been Guard trained like the soldiers running around but he had been in enough fights to have have no trouble avoiding or beating the tar out of with a couple of boom dazed changelings.

“So why are you here?” Dash mutters.

“Came tah see if yah needed help... glad I did.”Mac chuckles knocking aside a changeling with a fore hoof sending the creature tumbling across the ground into his fellows. The 42nd was already moving around him as he headed back to the carts, cutting down anything they could get to.

“It's all under control, I didn't need help...... but thanks anyway.” Dash mutters hugging him a bit tighter.” Feel like I could sleep til Hearths Warming.”

He was almost back to the wagons to the wagons when the ground began to shake.


[Current time]

Jer'rahd whips his head up from the ground, his ears plastered flat to his head and a loud growl escaped his throat.”WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT!?“ he glares at Celestia. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN AVIANA!?”

“That is Aviana.” Celestia states coldly. “That was compulsion magic, it was not something I recall her practicing. Her specialty was always ice and wind.”

“Jer'rahd you said you heard voices? Was it the books again?” Twilight questions whipping her head to clear out the image of the blue unicorn. It seemed the compulsion was short lived but she could not help but look up and glare at the floating alicorn.

“I don't know. They were all talking about it being time and then one said that they ascend and then all this happened.”

“Books and Compulsion magic... might be something from the corrupted Compassion.” Rhede groans not yet having been able to get up from where he had suddenly bowed. He tried again struggling to get up before finally giving up and simply laying all the way down in the dirt letting Velkorn look him over again as he pants softly.

“Great. What's next.” AJ mutters as a ear piercing shriek fills the air.

A wave of green fire fills the sky cascading towards the blue alicorn, smashing against a hastily raised shield and falling like a waterfall onto the dome over the castle. The pink shield flickers from the green energy falling onto it, though Cadence's shield holds.

Aviana turns her head tot he source of the blast as a black and green form lifts up from the ground, hole filled wings carrying the bug like mare aloft to the same level as the blue alicorn.

“This is the worst. THING! EVER!” Rarity shouts.

“Geez , drama much?” Bleu comments as Pinkie giggles.

“Really Bleu, you of all of us should know how bad this is.“ Rarity snaps back. “Or did you forget what happened the last time two dietys went all out in a brawl?”

“Nightmare Night.” Twilight mutters. “The whole coastline of Equestria was changed from a single battle.”

“What? Nah it can't be that bad, can it?” Pinkie questions. “Can it?”

“Well that depends on whether or not Chrysalis and Aviana were powered up by the rain booms and if they are willing to kill each other....” Twilight states trailing off.

“If the book I read was right then Aviana is the reason Chrysalis is the way she is.” Spike chimes in.

“And Aviana is also responsible for sealing her away in Tartarus.” Rhede interjects trying not to move as Velkorn rushes back to the ambulance for more supplies.

“So yeah.... ” Applejack sighs “......This is gonna be bad.”


High over Canterlot a pair of goddess glare at one another from either side of a shimmering white shield spell.

“It has been a while Crystal. I trust my son and you are doing well?” Aviana comments as the last of the green flames fade as they flicker, falling away from the glowing white shield.

“The only thing I want to hear from you are you death wails... little sister......”snarls Chrysalis, her horn flaring slamming another ball of green fire again Aviana's shield. The blue alicorn remains unimpressed.

“I have the full backing of Orbsah, Crystal. Do you think that a creature that only has the power of one book can deal with a being who holds the energy of all six? Do you really think you can even touch me with my own power?” Aviana trails off as the Changeling Queen grins wide, her fangs bared.

“You have no idea do you. You are still the same egotistical little brat you always were. Looking down on everyone else because you think you have the upper hoof.” Chrysalis snarls the magical billowing around her horn changing to a solid black. Aviana's eyes widen as a second blast of magic shatters her shield forcing her to dodge out of the way of the lance of black energy.

Chrysalis smirks.” It has been a very long time little sister and I have been through a great deal of pain and suffering due to you. I have my own power, I don't need to draw from the books to destroy you. “the Changeling Queen cackles. “Not only will I have my revenge, but how many mares have the chance to relish killing their mother in laws?”

Aviana narrows her eyes glaring at the mare before her. “Congratulations Crystal. You have my full attention now.”


“Velkorn! You and Fluttershy take the wagon and the Guards we have here, go try and tend what wounded you can find, but stay away from the fighting. Sparkle I need you to stay here and do what you can to deflect anything they throw this way. Block it if you can or redirect it into the changelings or at least a uninhabited sector of the city, keep the attacks away from the shield around the castle as best you can.” Jer'rahd bellows his magic gripping the Waning Moon and floating it at his side.” Rhede, Bleu, you two stay here, Applejack, Spike you two keep watch over them and any other injured that Velkorn brings back over here. Celestia.... CELESTIA!”

Jer'rahd glares at the Princess of the Sun as the ambulance cart rumbles away. The mare doesn't seem to notice his shouts, her gaze locked on the two forms engaged in a spell duel in the air above them.

“Dammit. Sparkle see if you can figure out what's wrong with her and get her to start burning some changelings again. Do not let her attack those two. With luck they will finish each other off or at least weaken each other so we can do it for them. Rarity, come with me I need a bit of magical back up and you don't seem to be doing anything else.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“Umm alright. I'll do what I can.” states Twilight.

“Who put you in charge?” Rarity grumbles.

“Princess Luna ah figure, an ah think Celestia made him an officer too.” points out Applejack smirking. ”Side's it's not like yer coming up with anything.”

“Oooh, ooh, what about me!?” Pinkie shouts bouncing around the angry looking unicorn. “ What do you want me to do.”

Jer'rahd blinks looking at the pink mare. “Errr, well, do what ever it is you do, so long as it helps us... I guess.”

“Yuss siarh.” Pinky salutes with both fore hooves then happily bounces away.

Jer'rahd blinks as Rarity gets a rather worried expression on her face.

“What did I just do?” Jer'rahd questions.

“I assure you it may be best if you do not think too much on that.” Rarity sighs keeping up with the stallion as he runs off towards the gardens exit.” What did you need me for any way, while I am fully recharged as it were my magic is not focused for combat.”

“I need to relay the information we have to those in charge on the field. I met Guard Captain Moskau once so I know her, though I cannot recall what Guard Captain Armor looks like and I have never met this Blueblood pony or Princess Cadence. I expect you know most of them and can point them out so I can convey the information.”

“Oh I suppose that will work, though most of them should be by the castle walls, why are we going this way?” Rarity questions glancing over her shoulder at the pink dome around the castle they were heading away from.

“Princess Luna landed over here and I need a good view of things to try and cover the battle field from any stray shots with my shields. Sparkle's good but she can't stop everything, I need to get into a position to deflect things she can't. If we find Guard Captain Armor, Rose said he is good with shields as well and we can get him to cover the other half of the battle field. If we find Princess Luna she should be able to help us search for him.”

“Do you really think it will be that bad?” Rarity responds, though before Jer'rahd could answer his attention was taken by a large object falling from the sky. A panel of green blinks to life over head as the object strikes it and bounces off to hit the ground and crash into a gardeners shed.

Jer'rahd winces and stumbles as his shield shatters from the impact, the green shards swirling around like a tornado as they are pulled after the black orb and swallowed by it.

Rarity watches with mute horror as the shed and the ground around the fallen sphere starts to draw up as it's pulled, slurped up like noodles by the black ball until the small orb is floating over a hole ripped out of the very earth. After a moment the black orb fades and a solid chunk of compressed crystal falls back down into the hole. A chunk of dirt and rock the size of a wagon now compressed to the size of a foal's marble.

“Still want to know how bad?” Jer'rahd mutters shaking his head to clear out the headache.

“Question withdrawn.” responds Rarity.


Fire, lightning and acid rain down on the combatants. Guards triumphantly strike down changeling warriors only for a stray shot from the furry of magic above them to wipe them out of existence.

The changelings were faring little better, but driven by their queens rage they pressed on meeting the refreshed defenders with new savagery. Despite this a number of the bug creatures were starting to try and withdraw, falling back away from the castle and the dueling goddesses.

Perhaps they might have continued to flee the city if they had not been stopped.

Some of them encountered the 42nd as they moved to flank secure the main road to begin an assault against the rear of the enemy ranks. Some found their way blocked by fires, they or their goddess, had started. Then others encountered Sombra, the Love Cursed King did not allow the attempted deserters a word in defense before his magic obliterated them.

The actions of their King showed the few changelings with a mind of their own exactly what the situation here was. They only had two options presented to them.

Win or die.


A changeling flew out of the crater impacting one of his fellows, sending both crashing into a large black carapaced hydra sending it reeling back as Rarity and Jer'rahd arrived at the crater.

The white unicorn winced as the gray stallion rushed head long at the hydra dodging about the lashing heads and severing several of them as a dark blue pegasus launches out of the crater, her hooves striking out to crush another of the beasts skulls.

“Glad to see you are alright Princess.” Jer'rahd grins.

“While it has been some time since I have preformed that, I am happy to note I recalled how to do it properly without breaking my neck.” Luna comments dodging out of the way of the hydra's snapping jaws. ”While I expect you did come to check on me, I doubt that is the only reason General.”

“The mare fighting the queen up there is Aviana.” Jer'rahd responds, his blade splitting one of the heads snouts in a shower of gore.

“Truly? How has my sister taken it?” Luna questions zipping around a pair of heads letting the beast tie it's own neck into a knot.

“She seems like she's in shock. Kinda surprised you are not as well.” Jer'rahd states lashing out with a rear hoof and smashing a changeling in the face who was sneaking up on him.

“I only met her once personally when I was granted my station and that was only briefly. The rest of the time I only saw her from afar and never with any great detail. Though her voice remains unchanged, I should have recognized that commanding tone.” Luna retorts watching the wounded hydra stumble back wards and fall into the crater Luna had made when she landed. “ Tia was much closer to her than I.”

“Noted. Have you seen Starfall, or Dash?” Jer'rahd questions his shield forming in the air over them again deflecting a massive ball of fire and sending the deadly spell crashing into a group of changelings nearby. He rubs his horn lightly at the effort with a hoof, though he said nothing.

“No though perhaps we need to find Rainbow Dash first and see if the Element's can be used again to stop this.” Luna states.”Wait, was Rarity not with you as well?”

Jer'rahd blinks then curses looking around for the mare.” Crap she was right behind me when we got.... here?”

Luna and Jer'rahd both stare at the white unicorn standing in a small circle of changelings. The mare held a mirror in front of her face as she re fluffs her hair seeming to take no notice off all the unconscious groaning forms of the bug creatures laying about her.

“Ummm.” Jer'rahd starts to question.

“Are you two finished? Honestly Jer'rahd what sort of gentle colt are you that you would leave a lady alone like that to fend for herself. I suppose you did come from a different time and all, but this is inexcusable. I find it hard to believe that you managed to attract as many mares as you did with such an attitude.” Rarity rants as she tucks her mirror and brush away. “There, much better, I suppose schooling you on the proper way to be a gentleman will need to wait, shall we go find Rainbow and the others you wished to speak with now?”

Jer'rahd flattens his ears as Luna snickers.


Braeburn spits out of the corner of his mouth in annoyance. There was no end to these things and the thrill of a brawl was nearly gone now, replaced by sore muscles and a number of pangs of guilt at the sight of some of his kin and other townsfolk's injuries, or worse still, bodies.

When that mail mare had delivered the letter from Applebloom yesterday, he had though it a joke, not a funny one mind you, but still nothing more than another attempt for her to get a cutie mark. Of course then he got to talking with that brown stallion that had showed up with the gray pegasus. Claimed to be a doctor or something, at any rate he was much more convincing that they should all head this way. Some how got the buffalo to come along as well.

Wasn't sure where the pair went after that though one of the foals said they both ducked into a blue outhouse of some kind that vanished. Braeburn had seen some strange things in his life though a vanishing outhouse was a new one.

Still, after arriving here and experiencing all this, he was almost glad he came.

“Appleloosains helping tah decide tha fate of Equestria.” Braeburn grins, smashing his hoof into a changeling's face. “Won't that be something tah tell visitors?”


Celestia stared up at the fighting pair in the sky. Fire and lightning arced across through the air bouncing off shields and destroying sections of the city and the surrounding landscape. Her ears perk at a rumble like thunder that echos between the sound of the spells. She glances behind her ears flattening to her head as she gallops off suddenly ignoring her her students protests.

She comes to a halt before a massive pillar, her hooves kicking up dirt as she slides to a stop. Chunks of marble were missing from the towering edifice were spells and fighting had crumbled it's formerly smooth surface. She only briefly glanced at the damage before making her way up the nearly hidden path along it's side to the top of the dais where Nightmare Moon had been banished long ago.

The view from here was not much better than from the ground. She could see the expanse of layered space that made up the Canterlot Royal Garden and the devastation that the battling titans had caused, but that was not what she was seeking.

Her gaze scanned across the new horizon of her city, the edges ragged with juts of stone and crystal. Another loud rumble filled the air and she watched as a portion of the Canterlot skyline shifted and then vanished.

She stared at the spot, the silvery moon providing just enough light for her to watch another building tumble away into the darkness.

The realization of what was happening hit her like a bucket of ice water.

Aviana was losing her grip on the floating island. If she continued to fight Chrysalis all of Canterlot would fall. The top of the mountain would tumble down the Maneterhorn and destroy the city atop it as well as anything in it's way. The falling buildings and rocks would already likely be causing panic to those living in the mountains shadow. But if the whole floating mountain top fell it would crush anything near the base. Celestia glances to the moon calculating the direction before wincing. Of course the floating mass of rock and city would be on the Ponyville side of the mountain, that town was a magnet for disasters.

Flame suddenly ringed Celestia spreading out and flowing away from her like a mini molten rain boom as she fought to control her anger again. Everything she had worked for and believed was being ripped away from her this day and she was nearing her limits of calm.

Celestia's ears perk up, the flame dissipating as she hears her students voice. She looks down as Twilight clamors past debris heading for the path leading to the top of the dais. .

Celestia bites her lip and closes her eyes. She could feel the flame, the rage wishing to be loosened , to char and burn the enemies that were before her eyes, but she held back there would be too many ponies harmed if she cut loose with the power she suspected she would need to destroy the pair of waring goddesses in the sky.

She knew the rage that screamed at her , that anger was the same that had cost the lives of nearly all that followed her after Discord.

She could feel the sun's heat even with it set, could feel it feeding her power wanting to be let free, it was taking all of her control just to keep herself from lashing out, and she could feel that fading.

A body pressing to her side snapped her out of the struggle,she glances down seeing the lavender form of her student pressing against her. The cold snap of what would happen to Twilight if she lost control made holding back the rage she felt that much easier, though the flame of rage was still there.

“Princess are you alright?” Twilight questions.

“I am alright, Twilight.” Celestia sighs.” I am just a little... angry....”

“But you ran off when Aviana showed up and came out here and then there was that weird fire burst around you .....” Twilight rambles, her voice cut off as Celestia leans down pressing her lips lightly to to her students.

“I am fine, it is nothing I have not held back for centuries, a little longer will not matter. Though we need to move quickly to end this, the city is falling apart the longer those two fight.” Celestia replies.

Twilight blinks looking over what she could see of the city and the large swath of land that was held airborne. Her eyes widen as she watched another set of buildings fall off the edge the mass of land seeming to get smaller and smaller as the duel continued.

Celestia sighs wondering what she could do at this point, her magic was limited as her flames could only blind and burn. If she still had her powers fully lifting this slab of rock would have been no trouble at all, moving the sun would make holding a city next to nothing. While she could feel the sun, she could not tap into it's power in any way that might be constructive without a horn. She was quite certain Luna would not be able to do much either.

“So what are we going to do?” Twilight mutters.

“I suppose we should try to evacuate as many as we can from the Castle, though I have no idea where we could send them.” Celestia responds looking up at the duel again.


“So what brought you back kid? Finally figure out Silver Claw was an ass?” Rhede questions looking up at Spike.

“I already knew that, but he had his moments. He wanted to rebuild the Dragon Empire.” Spike sighs.

“Well that wouldn't have gone over well. Glad that got nixed.” Rhede grumbles.

“No... no it isn't.”


“No, it isn't nixed, I’m going to do it. I'm gonna rebuild the dragon empire and make it work this time.” Spike states.

“Kid are you sure that's a good idea the Empire was a blight on the land.”

“Because it's leaders chose it to be, it existed in peace for centuries before Forgescale came to power. Besides dragons now a days are wild and savage, organizing them might curb a great deal of that mentality.”

“Nice thought , but you would need to be insanely powerful and or a god to make that work.” Rhede sighs.

“Yeah well, Silver Claw showed me I’m at least half of that already. The power I just need to learn. I can't always rely on Twilight to save me. And I certainly don't need the abuse everyone's been giving me. I need to be something else other than that dragon that Pines over rarity or the comedy relief of the group.”

“I'd like to hear this whole story when we have the time kid, might be able to give you a few pointers in regards to ambassadorial stuff.”

“Hey thanks... errr sorry about what he did to your leg.”

“Don't worry I really don't even feel my leg at the moment.” Rhede grins sheepishly.

“I don't think that's a good thing.” Spike mutters.

“Probably not, but go get Bleu and Applejack. I have an idea.”


Sombra growls, his focus not even on the battle raging around him , but the one that was taking place in the sky. He knew the limits of his love's power and he thought he knew what his mother was capable of. From what he was seeing however Crystal was showing far more power than she should have been able to supply at this point, either that of Aviana was all bluster, which did not feel right to him.

His eyes narrow as he considers a way to aid his queen. Nothing he could create nor any of the swarm would be able to get close to the pair, his power was severely limited after what that dragon had done. But he was not powerless, he would need time though to prepare something, though it seemed time was something he did not have a decent supply of.


The love cursed king winces dropping his gaze to the armored white unicorn before him. The stallions' blue crystal sword was aimed towards his face and the half dragon ruler snarls in response. Shining Armor had found him at the worst possible time.

“Begone pest, I do not have time for you.”snaps Sombra, his horn flaring, the magic quickly gathering a number of broken golem shards and forming them into a large black crystal scorpion between him and his challenger.

The scorpion hisses lashing out with it's tail and smashing it into the ground in the spot where Shining had been standing a moment before. The white unicorn curses looking up at the golem and back to the half dragon.

The whistle of something whirling through the air causes Sombra's ears to perk up. A spinning duel blade wrapped in a green glow spins across the battle field severing the scorpion’s tail sending the chunk of spiked crystal tumbling towards the love Cursed King forcing him to dive aside or be crushed with his own creation. The tailless scorpion whirls on the new attacker it's claws clicking and gnashing.

A unarmored gray unicorn trots through the throng of battle knocking aside changelings standing in his way with an ease born of a thousand battles. A white unicorn moves along just behind him and a dark blue pegasus glides through the air over him smashing aside any changeling who thought to fly with in her reach.

“Looks like you have time now!” shouts Shining, launching himself at Sombra , giving the half dragon a split second to form a red crystalline scythe to block the unicorns sword strike.

The gray unicorn notes the pair and grins rushing past them towards the crystalline scorpion plowing into it bodily with enough force to send the construct tottering backwards.

Sombra lashes out with his weapon forcing Shining Armor back. “You are making a mistake in stopping me here fools!”

“The only one who made a mistake was you when you decided to attack mine kingdom nave.” the dark pegasus growls landing hard on a changeling that was moving up to strike Shining from behind. “Even considering the situation we will ask this ,but only once. Surrender now. “ Princess Luna orders.

“You have no idea what your interference is going to cost you!” Sombra shouts glancing up to the airborne battle.

“Actually we have a fairly good idea of what will happen, but at the moment we simply need to take care of what we can do.” Rarity comments as she uses a diamond dog changeling as a spring board to land on the back of a griffon, driving the avian changeling's head into the ground.

Shining lunges forward again, his blade meeting Sombra's and sending sparks of magic flying as the two crystal blades ground against each other. “Personally I’m just here to remove one of the heads of the snake so the rest of the body dies.” Shining growls over his blade, his horn flaring as he forces the dark unicorn back with a blast of magic.

“That's my line!” shouts another voice as a massive swath of changelings around the combatants gets flung into the air. A massive white crystalline pillar that vaguely resembled a spear whisks across the field again clearing a large portion of the field around Sombra of changelings.

A grinning white crystal pony with flaming red mane and beard steps forward flinging the massive weapon over his back with no clear effort. Now dun think yer gonna start dhis lil partah without me nao.”

“Rose, Kaisur, Shining, and Luna I presume... and who ever you are mare.” Sombra grumbles causing Rarity to huff in annoyance. “ This many of you coming to deal with me. I should feel honored, though you should have sent The Solar Flare, she might have stood a chance against me.”

An explosion of light erupts from Sombra's horn forcing Shining back.

“This will use more power than I would like, but my time is precious. I built your precious empire in a day Crystal Knight. What do you think I can do with the acres of untouched crystal that fills this mountain!?” Sombra bellows at Shining, the ground around them beginning to rumble. Shards of multicolored crystals burst up through the ground, yanked towards Sombra like iron fillings towards a magnet.

Whole sections of the ground suddenly open up as the crystal supports holding the rock and dirt give way opening massive sink holes across the city that drop buildings as well as luckless ponies and changelings through likely to be dumped out of the other side of the floating island to fall to their deaths on the mountain side far below.

The crystals gather around the glowing alicorn melting and merging until they formed a creature almost as large as Forgescale. The glowing red crystal stone dragon growls the construct booming with Sombra's voice, even though the half dragon was barely seen sealed in the dragon's chest.

“NOW DIE!” Sombra bellows.

“Well crap.” Rose spits out, though the pony had a smirk on his face still.

“This changes nothing.” mutters Shining still looking nervous at the sudden change . He glances over at Jer'rahd as the unicorn trots up a grin on his fanged face.

“Princess, can you and Rarity find the Wonderbolts have them start rescue duties before any more of our ponies fall through? Might be time to start an evacuation as well.” Jer'rahd mutters glancing over at Rose. “Let Sparkle and crew know if you can.”

“Can you deal with this General?” Luna questions.

“Heh, just another damn dragon. I figure between the three of us we can have it done in ten seconds flat.” Jer'rahd grins.

“Ego colt, watch the ego.” Rose grumbles. “ I'd say a full thirty seconds just to be sure we get it all.”

“You two are nuts.” grumbles Shining, though he readies his sword.

“As you say General. I expect you to win.” Luna smiles.

“”I'm not going to lose anything until you forgive me Princess. You can count on that.”Jer'rahd states rushing towards the towering crystal dragon the Waning Moon whirling over his head.

“Does he do this sort of thing often? “ mutters Rarity as the two move away from the conflict.

“A little to often for my tastes, but it is usually spectacular to witness what a motivated pony can do. Come we have things of our own to do.” Luna responds taking to the air. “ I will find the Wonderbolts then return to inform Miss Sparkle and Tia, you inform Princess Cadence and see if you can find Velkorn to pass on the evacuation order.”


Four changelings poke their heads around a scorched hedge looking into the Garden clearing nervously. A sizable number of other changelings lay strewn about, either dead or wishing they were, including a whimpering one under a rather large cart that looked like it had been driven into him.

Something in here had been laying waste to any Changeling foolish enough to show up here. The four were about to turn and head the other way when a fifth larger changeling barked something at them forcing the four to scurry into the fire blasted clearing.

Looking over the clearing the only thing they could find aside from the chard forms of changelings and various statues of the same, was a heavily bandaged red earth pony near a small crater. The quartet spread out moving closer to investigate though aside from the unconscious red pony there did not seem to be anything else in the clearing. The leader grumbles moving up to look over the earth pony/

A loud yelp sounds and is quickly quieted. The others look up from their investigations noticing the changeling who had gone near the crater was missing.

The ponies body hadn’t moved and nothing else seemed to have changed in the blackened field. Another yelp and a second changeling vanishes. The remaining two back up moving closer to the leader and the earth ponies body trying to watch over each others backs as they prance around nervously.

The sound of move meant causes the three of them to whirl about to see the red stallion sitting up before them with a rather wide smile on his face.

“Hello.” Rhede greets as Applejack bursts from the ground behind them and smacks the two surprised changelings heads together with a sound not unlike colliding coconuts. The leader whirls to face the pony only to have a purple claw close over his muzzle and yanking him backwards and slamming him into the ground.

Rhede chuckles as Spike dusts off his claws watching Applejack tie up the remaining Changelings. Bleu pops her head out of the ground and the tunnel Spike had dug offering a rope up to the pony sized purple dragon allowing him to haul up the other two they had caught.

“A tunneling dragon who would have thought it.” Bleu grins.

“I was always a fast digger, guess I’m even faster when I’m bigger.” Spike mutters, looking over at AJ. “Why are we taking them alive again, digging around here is not easy.”

“But it's so much fun watching you work. “Bleu chimes watching Spike flinch.

“Tell you what, I’ll try my hoof at digging and you can be the bait next time.” Rhede grumbles. “We're taking them alive because if the book is true then they are likely as much victims as we are. No sense killing them if we don't have to.”

“Trying tah get yer karma points up fer all you've done in tha past?” AJ questions.

“I don't see you recommending killing them.” Rhede sighs.

“True, but ah ain't tha solider here.” AJ responds.

“So long as those ropes hold them, there should be no problem.” Rhede nods.

“Heh, just ask Spike there, nothing gets out of my hog tying.” AJ beams.

“Ooooh kinky.” Bleu singsongs.

Spike growls though Applejack turns as red as her cutiemark.

“Hey, what goes on in mah bed room ain't no business of yours...... aw crap....”Applejack sputters, before realizing what she said as Bleu starts to laugh.”Ah walked intah that one.....”

“By Celestia will you get your mind out of the gutter?” Rhede grumbles at Bleu before slapping his face with a hoof.”Did I seriously just say that?”

“This conversation officially never happened now.” Spike states pushing the two bound up changelings into the crater before jumping back down into the hole he had dug.

Applejack ignores Bleu's laughter as the little dragon clamors into the hole as well.

“Hey Rhede.” AJ states looking over the injured earth pony as if she wanted to ask something.

“Hmm what is it?”

“Yah said yer mom talked to yah right? I mean earlier when yah died fer a bit....”

“Yeah she did... gave me a bit too much information on things too.” Rhede winces recalling that particular part of the conversation.

“She still mad at yah fer all that yah did?”

“Probably some, but I don't think she is holding any of it against me. I have been trying to set things right, key word there, trying. Guess I won't really know for sure til I see her again, when ever that will be. Why do you ask?”

“Just wondering. Yah managed tah help out a number of times with every pony here, yah seem rather intent on trying to do tha right thing no matter what now. Like yer actively looking for forgiveness or something.”

“What, you mean from Luna, that's mostly Jer, not something I would turn down mind you , but I offer no apologies for most of what I have done in my life. Everything had a reason, even if that reason was revenge. There was always a reason.” Rhede sighs looking up at the midair battle of goddesses. “If I seem concerned with how everything is now it's mostly due to none of you ponies deserving to suffer for things we didn't finish in the past.”

“Ain't no ones fault but Discord's that lot got woken up. Ye been doing yer best. Can't say ah approve of any of yer methods mind you , but ah can't argue they work most times.”

“Heh, thanks I suppose.”

Applejack exhales brushing some dirt off her hat.

“If yah want, ah'm sure ah ken talk Granny intah letting yah intah the family. Yah ken change yer name like yer maw did all them years ago, figure yah might have done enough tah at least be let back intah tha Apple family.” AJ spouts suddenly. “Ain't a sure thing mind yah.”

Rhede blinks looking up at the orange pony in surprise though he smiles and shakes his head. “Thank you, but no. I screwed up the name to start with so I am going to do my best to make sure it gets fixed. I'll be keeping the name Pelt.”

“Ah ken accept that, though the offer stands.” AJ smiles.

“Might still crash some family reunions for the food though, provided we make it though this.”

“We'll make it just fine.” Applejack states matter of factly.

“Oh how are you so sure of that?”

“Ah ain't, but ah am the Element of Honesty. An ah don't think tha universe is gonna make a liar outta me. So cause ah said it, it's gotta be true.”

Rhede chuckles. “ I really hope it works like that.”


A good dozen changelings skulk into a small culdasac surrounded by town houses. One of them had seen a strange figure run into the ally and in light of all the goings on they were not taking any chances at only sending a few.

Strangely this area of the city seemed untouched by fire or spell. The unit leader of the small force thought that odd but they had all seen the bright pink earth pony run down this way before vanishing. The group had rushed down the ally way into this strange place.

There was something off about the buildings here, they were too bright, too colorful, even by the gaudy nature of most pony houses these were their own special style. They all looked like they were colored with crayons rather than normal house paint.

Before they changelings had a chance to investigate further a pink earth pony with a dark red headband and sunglasses bursts out of no where in front of them pointing at the group with a dramaticly quivering hoof. As she stands up on her rear legs.

The group of bug ponies blink trying to figure out what this one's deal was.

“Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I’m hear to ask you one question and one question only. EXPLOSIONS?” Pinkie all but screams at them.

The changelings stare in confusion at this strange pony as she flicks her tail pulling a string that had been tied to it.

The rows of houses in the culdasac suddenly fall over, crayon drawings on cardboard cut outs tumble away revealing a sizable collection of brightly colored cylinders behind them, all pointed at the changelings massed in the center.

The pink pony yanks on another string and the group of party cannons around the dead end street fire at once in bright explosions of cream, chocolate, and dough.

The changelings scream out as they were assaulted with eggs, milk, and clouds of flour.

When the smoke clears a giant pink frosted cupcake stands in the middle of the street with a number of unconscious changelings entombed within it. A few of them only had a leg or tail sticking out of the frosted treat though the leaders head was at free and sticking out of the top of the cup cake.. He hissed softly as the pink pony came up dipping her hoof into the frosting and tasting it.

“Hmm needs more cream and less changeling.” Pinkie states smacking her lips.

The lead changeling tries to wiggle free before the pink pony bounces a rather large cherry off his head knocking him out with the cupcake topper.


“So when did you get here?” Jer'rahd questions diving to the side as a red crystalline claw rips into the ground where he had been standing. “Shining watch the sky for errant spells we got your back.”

“Me or tha rookie? “ Rose shouts back his massive spear slamming into the side of the golem splintering the red crystal but causing little more than superficial damage. “Suckers a bit tougher than tha black ones.”

“Heck either one of you, I knew you were on your way, but when did the colt find out about this? Last I heard the Crystal Empire was a good few days travel north by train.” Jer'rahd questions a glowing green panel forming over his head blocking another strike from the dragon golem. “Got heah right before tha light show started. Kinda surprised Kaisur wid all yer talk, ah figured you'd have all this under control by now. Ah'd planed to stay in Ponyville a bit more.” Rose snorts hoping back to clear the area around Shining of Changelings as the unicorn's shield blocks a blast of lightning from above. The white pony winces from the feed back but manages to smash the flat of his blade into the face of a Changeling Rose missed.

“We had some issues with a much larger dragon and a giant monster. That got sorted out quick enough though.” Jer'rahd chuckles darting to the front of the golem lashing the Waning Moon at the golems face forcing it back a step. “ What about you colt?”

“Is this really the time to be asking about that sort of thing?” Shining questions, a few bolts of energy leaping from his horn and bouncing off the dragons rock hide.

“Yah make a good point colt. Maybe we should start talkin bout when you and tha Crystal Princess are gonna produce and heir for tha empire.” Rose shouts back blocking a lash of the creatures tail with his spear though the force of the blow sent him back a good dozen paces.

“How about not. How are you two even concentrating on this? We are in a fight for our lives here and you two are talking like you are at a cafe somewhere.” Shining grumbles forming a shield to block a second strike from the tail from reaching Rose.

“Probably because this is a pretty normal event for me. I really can't even recall the number of times I’ve fought dragons or some giant creature or another. Only thing different this time is there's a pony inside it, and it's made of crystal. That's a new one for me, but not new enough to be a problem.” Jer'rahd chuckles hacking a gash out of the golems leg.

“Not too different a day fer me either. Ah spent far to long fighting this idiot when he first took over the Empire. A crystal dragon's pretty routine. Now that crystal octopus ah fought once, that was strange. Knew a rather strange mare who wanted tah keep it as a pet rather than kill it.” Rose laughs rushing back towards the dragon. “Give it time colt and you'll find this sorta thing is no big deal any more..”

“Two gods fighting in the air, an army attacking the capitol, and the leader of the opposing faction is encased in a red crystal dragon that's trying to kill us. How is this NOT a big deal!?” Shining snaps.

“Well when you put it like that I suppose it is a bit odd that I’m fighting some one I'm related too and with someone I’m related to.” Jer'rahd grumbles his shield deflecting a errant bolt of green fire from the battle above into a pack of changelings nearby.

“Wait yer related tah this yahoo? Short, dark and moody?” Rose yells.” Exactly how screwed up is yer family line?”

“Yeah I’m curious now too.” Shining yells moving to the other side of the dragon to flank it with Rose.

“Well for starters this crystalline idiot spewing crap over here is supposed to be my great, some ungodly number, grandfather on my grandmothers side if what Princess Luna said was correct.” Jer'rahd states.

“Yeah I can see the resemblance, you're both nuts.” Shining snaps forming a shield to block a flechette blast of crystal shards from the dragons maw.

“Shut up colt.” grumbles Rose as Jer'rahd laughs.

“Any way Sombra here is the son of the blue alicorn in the sky there and according to Celestia, that mare is the progenitor of the Blueblood line too. I'm a decedent of that line too.” Jer'rahd rambles off .

“Oh crap, you're a Blueblood?” Shining grumbles his crystalline sword lopping off a claw as the golem takes a swipe at him. “And here I thought I might actually start to like you.”

“Colt's got some cheek to him.” Rose cackles.

“Distantly, on my mothers side, disowned a long while back at that.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“So you're, part crystal pony, part dragon, and part unicorn.” Rose smirks as his spear pierces the dragons hide narrowly missing the pony within the golem. “Quite the mutt you are.”

“Part earth pony as well from my fathers side. Buck, for all I know I’m part freaking griffon and sea pony in there some where too.” Jer'rahd states, ducking under a bite attack from the dragon.” Any way back to the topic at hoof, how did you get here so fast colt?”

“We got a letter yesterday from one of the fillies that was a flower bearer at our wedding. Miss Rarity's little sister. We thought it was a joke at first though the mail mare who delivered it was quite insistent that it was real. The Doctor with her was very convincing as well so we set up a plan using the unicorn mages who were sent to research the Empire's library to teleport a small force here to investigate at the very least.“ Shining explains a shield forming around Jer'rahd as another blast of crystal breath weapon was sent his way. “Cadence decided to come along in case it was nothing and smooth over any issues that might happen with an armed force suddenly appearing in the middle of Canterlot. And well, you know the rest.”

“A Doctor convinced you? Doctor who?” Rose yells.

“No idea, never seen him before but he seemed to know a lot about what was going on. I plan to track him down after this and find out.” Shining shouts back. “Provided we live through this.”

“Colt calm down , like I said this is nothing new.......shit.” Jer'rahd begins as the dragon changes directions suddenly from Shining to the gray unicorn smashing a red crystalline claw down atop of the pony. A spray of blood bursts out from between the claws as the impact creates a crater were Jer'rahd had been standing. The green glow holding the Waning moon aloft fades and the blade clatters to the ground nearby.

“KAISUR!” Rose shouts.
“Oh shit!” Shining swears.

Sombra starts to laugh inside the golem. “Do not worry fools you will be joining him in the after life soon enough. I shall enjoy crushing you all utterly and dominating this land.... what the Buck?”

The dragons limb begins to crack and crumble before shattering with enough force to fling the massive crystal golem backwards.

Jer'rahd climbs out of the claw print looking like nothing more than a zombie. His gray fur was pierced with red crystals and the white of his own bones, his skull was distended and horn shattered, one of his back legs was held on by little more than a strip of muscle the leg bone splintered to powder.

As the three of them watch the wounds begin to heal rapidly the bones snapping back into place and reshaping into their proper structure. The rips in his flesh mend save a long swath across his side that had been bandaged before he was hit, the flesh now flopping free again and bleeding profusely.

His ribs cracked and reformed pulling back into his side as his horn seemed to regrow from nothing. The red crystals embedded in his flesh fall out of his skin tumbling to the ground around him. He shakes himself violently sending a cloud of dirt and a shower of blood around the area he stood. He spits bloody saliva striking the ground along with a number of shattered teeth as he glares up at the stunned Sombra.

“So you are a godling, and that damned dragon stole my power. This has gotten far more than bothersome.” Sombra snarls taking another step back away from the unicorn.

“That hurt asshole! I'm done playing with you!” Jer'rahd yells rushing at the back peddling dragon.

“What. The. Buck......?” Shining states staring in confusion.

“This has officially gone beyond my pay grade.” mutters Rose.

“I'm married to a Princess and this is over MY pay grade.” responds Shining.


“I'm getting too old for this shit.” Starfall curses yanking her blade from another changeling and spinning to face another that was lunging at her.

“Really Captain? Cause you look pretty good for your age then.” Peach Blossom comments. The pegasus had gotten another spear from some where and was currently laying into the changelings that rushed and swarmed around them.

Starfall blinks not sure whether to snap at him or blush from the compliment though she opted instead to partially ignore it and focus on the fighting.

“I want to know where all these damn things are coming from, there were not this many in the entire hive we wiped out.” Starfall growls.

“Can't say for certain but I think there are multiple hives around the world. If Chrysalis is the queen of all of them I can see how she could yank them all here.” Peach Blossom responds stomping on another changeling to make sure it stayed down. “Only a few of them seem to know how to fight though, if Sombra and Chrysalis are from another time like you are then likely they trained some of them as well. Those might be the squad leaders.”

“Well aren’t you a wealth of exposition.” Starfall sighs lashing out with a wing and catching a changeling in the throat sending the creature coughing to the ground where her hooves finished it.

“I am a never ending fountain of exposition..... though yeah that's all I got.” Peach Blossom chuckles.” Maybe if I had some more time I could make a chart or something.”

Starfall glances up at another roar spotting the gargantuan crystalline dragon. She kicks off the ground into the air as the ground starts to rumble, the area she was standing dropping out from under her hooves. Peach Blossom and a hoof full of changelings manage to take to the air though others fall with the chunk of earth. The pair quickly take out the few changelings that managed to save themselves and glance over the battle field at several other sink holes that appeared.

“Okay seriously? What is this crap, I’ve been in four wars and it has never been this insane. Multiple dueling gods, a floating mountain top, a invasion, super rain booms, a never ending swarm of enemies, gods being depowered, massive dragons, crystal creatures, and a swarm of things that seem to have forgotten they can change forms. This. Is. NUTS!” Starfall shouts.

“Yeah it does seem like it's the end of some really long story and the tale spinner is just throwing everything they have into it.” Peach Blossom states.

Both of them blink as a pink earth pony floats up between them with a bunch of balloons tied around her waist.

“Pinkie Pie?” Starfall states incredulously.

The pink pony jabs a hoof into Peach Blossom's mouth with a growl.

“Hey now stop that, the 4th wall breaking's my shtick!!” Pinkie shouts at the confused pegasus before reaching up and popping the balloons dropping back into the fray below as Peach Blossom coughs around a mouthful of cake.

“What.... ah by Celestia's mane this is foul, it tastes like that green goop the Changelings make” Peach Blossom gags staring down at where the pink pony vanished back into the fight.

“How do you know what that tastes like?” Starfall questions.

“We don't talk about the events of the Royal wedding.” mutters Peach Blossom sheepishly.

“Ah well. That's still not the strangest thing I have seen.” Starfall mutters.

“Dare I ask what the strangest thing you have seen is? Cause that was up there for me.”

“A tiny blue dragon devouring a cake as big as a cart in one bite. “ Starfall states matter of factly before diving back down into the battle.

“Ummm....okay...” Peach Blossom blinks considering it a brief moment before diving after her.


There were no words exchanged now, though the Changeling Queen punctuated her every attack with a scream of rage as the wild blasts of black and green magic ripped apart Aviana's shield, forcing the mare to draw more power from her surroundings and the books themselves.

Chrysalis was not bothering with a shield, but she had changed her form to a smaller and lighter body and was flying circles around the alicorn as she attacked.

Aviana's expression remained impassive, but she was starting to grow angry at the mares constant attacks, as well as how powerful she seemed to be. There was something very wrong with how much energy Crystal was using, even if she had some how become a god to these changelings her power should be waning with the more of the bugs that died. There was no way rage alone was fueling her when before she required love. That she could even become a god spontaneously without aid of the books baffled Aviana. She had spent millennium searching for paths to godhood and the only way a new race gained a god is if was large enough and bred true, even then it was not a certain thing as shown by the Harpies and Half Dragons.

Something else was going on here she was sure of it. Perhaps she was changed in Tartarus?


“I have no idea, during our time there we never saw her, just endless fire.” the Gray Grimiore comments.
“It wasn't fun.” snarls the Red Tome.
“sounds dull, I might like it.” the Teal text bemoans.
“What do changelings feed on any way?” the Silver Script questions.
“Emotion, Primarily love and hope if my studies are correct.” the Purple Pamphlet states.


This made even less sense then,hate, rage, fear, and pain were all that normally covered a battle field, even if all the changelings and Soloman were directing their love to her, she should not be pulling this much power.

Aviana curses lightly snapping her wings forward and bringing forth a blizzard of ice and snow in the air around her battering the flying form of Crystal only for the changeling queen to change again to the form of a white dragon, letting the ice and snow slide of her new hide like a light rain.

Aviana dodges the counter attack of a breath weapon and the follow up claw swipes, snarling as more of the floating island crumbled.


“ I got it. I had wondered what that damn mare was doing. Seems now I know.” the Jade Scroll mutters.
“What are you talking about?” the Gray Grimiore snaps.
“I am curious as well. I do not like not knowing something.” The Purple Pamphlet states.
“Serenity let Chrysalis out when Red and Gray were retrieved. I felt that even in the badlands. I wondered why, but now I know. That stupid aberrant is feeding her.”the Jade Scroll snaps. “Crystal is feeding off that thing that escaped from Compassion.”
“Is that possible?”Gray questions.
“Seems it. Those two are enigmas even to me.” Jade responds.
“Ah, I sense the link now. It is tenuous at best and should be easy to sever.” the Gray Grimiore states. “ It seems you might be useful after all Jade.”


“I suggest you idiots hurry before there is no more castle left for me to rule from.” Aviana snarls.


A low growl from three heads draws the cloaked figure from her meditation.

“iT sEeMs ThAt I hAvE bEeN dIsCoVeReD.” the cloaked figure sighs standing up. The skeletal mare lifts her head as Cerberus flattens his ears, all three heads looking in a different direction. The underbrush surrounding the clearing before the gate of Tartarus shakes, loud howls and cries filling the air, rapidly growing louder as more and more mass.

“I aM sOrRy CrYsTaL, bUt YoU aRe On YoUr OwN nOw.” the ferry mare sighs, a orange glow growing brighter in the empty eye sockets of her skull.” I hOpE tHaT wAs EnOuGh.”

The cries reach a climax as the trees and underbrush around the gate explode with swarms of trolls that rush towards the pair before the gate.


Chrysalis flattens her ears, she whips her head down looking t the battle field her eyes wide. Her love had been filling her with power though for it to suddenly stop was he ….?

Her eyes linger on the crystalline dragon, confused that Soloman was still alive, was it not his love that had fueled her?

Unfortunately the brief distraction had been expected by Aviana, and she took full advantage of it. The blue alicorn wasted no time unleashing a built up spell.

A beam of colorless light burst from the alicorns horn, the air searing around the scorching ray as it had done with Forgescale's breath. The Changeling Queen whipped her head back to Aviana managing to raise a sudden shield to deflect the beam only for the fire to punch through her protection as if it was not there engulfing the queen in colorless fire.

Chrysalis screams as her flesh was seared, her body flung from the air leaving a trail of smoke as she fell, her wings and hair burnt off, skin blistering.

Another scream echos the queens from the ground. A dark half dragon unicorn vanishes from inside the red crystalline dragon he had created, the golem collapsing to rubble as his magic leaves it.

Sombra pops into existence below the falling Changeling Queen, his magic catching her slowing her fall.

Aviana narrows her eyes at the rescue, her horn glowing once more before launching a second blast to finish off the Changeling Queen and her rescuer. Sombra pulls Chrysalis close looking over her wounds and casting all the healing spells he knew, not even paying attention to Aviana.

The super heated blast smashes into the pair, the ground and the changelings around the area turned to slag as the blast erupts into a massive fireball that rivaled the rain nukes for intensity.

“THUS SHALL BE THE FATE OF ALL WHO OPPOSE MY RULE....... WHAT?!” Aviana bellows into everyone’s mind though her gaze is locked on the blast crater as the fire ball dissipates.

Sombra and Chrysalis remain on a undestroyed section of land, with molten rock and smoke all around them. Surrounding the pair was a red spell shield, covered in cracks and beginning to splinter. The magic slowly crumbles and breaks with the sound of shattering glass causing Sombra to finally look up from Chrysalis.

The Love Cursed King stares across the battlefield to Shining Armor as the magic from the white unicorn’s horn fades and the pony stumbles breathing heavily returning the stare.

“That's gonna come back and bite ya in the ass colt.” Rose mutters.

“I'll deal with it then.””Shining mutters watching as Sombra wraps Chrysalis in his magic and scrambles atop a changeling maticore. Urging the beast to dive into one of the sink holes and the open air below the floating island. A small force of changelings follow suit as the hole fills itself up with red crystals behind them.

“I hope you are up for it colt. As much as he talks about honor he doesn't seem much one for returning a favor. Though I suppose we have other issues now anyway.” Jer'rahd mutters looking up at the angry Aviana.


Twilight winces watching the duel come to it's conclusion. Luna had returned and the princesses were working to try and plan an evacuation along with Spitfire and another Wonderbolt whose name Twilight couldn't remember. Celestia had somehow managed to rescue most of the cities inhabitants during the invasion, so trying to evacuate that many ponies again was not going to be easy even if Aviana permitted it. Twilight still stood on the dais that the Five Beasts of the Moon once occupied, looking over the wreckage of the city.

She shifts her gaze around the Canterlot Royal Gardens noting the paths the dragons fire took and the ruts in the earth caused by the dueling giants. She could see Applejack, Spike, Rhede, and Bleu trying to secure a changeling they were attempting to capture for some reason. Out side the Garden Princess Cadence's glowing shield still held fast over the castle, though there was no way that would last if Aviana decided she wanted it down. She could see several pegasi in the air along with hordes of changelings that were now trying to flee with their leaders. The remaining Guard were still working to drive off those that still had some fight in them. She could see the m ambulance cart being pulled by a Guard dart around the battle field while Fluttershy and Velkorn tried to tend the wounded.

Far above it all a goddess waited, simply floating there as if she was expecting something else to happen. Just when the suspense was almost to much Aviana bellowed into every ponies minds again.


“That is not good.” Twilight mutters taking off the crown of Magic staring at the golden crown. She could feel the power slowly building in it some how, but there was no where near the amount of power that she could normally feel from the Elements. Her friends could try to use them again , but she was not sure what might happen.

A loud crash draws her attention behind her as another sink hole opens swallowing a large section of the garden. She briefly wondered what that would look like from outside the dimensional folds of the garden, when a stray thought runs across her mind.

She looks up at Aviana again studying the mare intently, noting a few marks and a bit of a strained look in her eyes. It seems the fight had taken more out of the blue alicorn than she had first thought. The floating island was still falling apart, though if Aviana was trying to use intimidation or awe to cow every pony then she would be doing her best to hide her strain.

She looks down at the crown again considering, she had been recharged by the rain boom, but by the same token there was no way she could deal with a god in one on one magical combat. Aviana and Chrysalis both had been slinging spells that Twilight could not even identify, let alone know how to counter or cast. She briefly considered something along the lines of what she had and her friends had done the last time she was over powered, back when Trixie had shown up. But this was not a civil spell duel, this would be life or death she couldn't risk her friends in something like that, could she.

“Gah, this is so ridiculous I actually wish Discord was here so I could question him about Aviana. But nooooooo, he has to vanish right when we could actually use him after making some comment about keeping Celestia angry.......” Twilight blinks staring at the crown and the reflection of the full moon in the shiny gold. She turns her head looking up at the silvery white orb, her eyes widening, sparkling in the light. All that she had learned from her studies into the past and on all of the magic she had learned recently was coming to mind, swirling into a plan just crazy enough to work. She looks down at the two Princesses talking, she needed a distraction so she could explain this, something to keep Aviana occupied for a few precious moments while she worked everything out.

“HEY YOU, WORDY BITCH! YOU WANT ME, HERE I AM!” bellows Jer'rahd from the other side of the battle field, his voice being magically amplified somehow.

“Thank the stars for the predictability of that one. “mutters Twilight watching Aviana's attention turn to focus on the voice.

Twilight blinks out of existence appearing between the two Goddesses her attention focused on Luna.

“Twilight what....? Celestia begins though the purple unicorn ignores her.

“Celestia I need you to go somewhere else for a while, I need to speak with your sister alone.” Twilight snaps trying to put an edge to her words that might make Celestia angry, though her teacher seemed more confused than anything else.

The Purple unicorn sighs as Celestia moves away, she was not cut out for this sort of thing, she needed Jer'rahd or Rose …..”Miss Spitfire I need you to find Major Rose, he's a blue crystal pony with a very large spear made of white crystal.”

Spitfire looks over to Luna who nods.” Alright I’ll see what I can do Miss Sparkle, you want him brought back here I gather?”

“Yes, also tell him he needs to do his best to annoy Princess Celestia when he gets here, make her mad.” Twilight responds getting a strange look from Spitfire.

“Alright, not gonna ask why, but okay, let's go Fleetfoot. We'll start up the evacuation as well, some of those mercs might know a way out from under the castle if they hid there for a while.” Spitfire states taking to the air the smaller pegasus following suit.

“Twilight are you going to tell me what thine are doing? Why art..are you trying to make Tia mad?” Luna questions glancing off to the side towards the battlefield as Jer'rahd continues to rant at the blue alicorn above him.

”Princess Luna, I have a plan. I need to borrow your moon.” Twilight states.


In a history of doing really dumb things, Jer'rahd figured this might be the dumbest. He knew absolutely nothing about the goddess he was taunting, his head still rang from all the spells he had deflected of hers and they had not even been directed at him. He was sore from the battle, he still had a strip of flesh hanging off of his side and was bleeding profusely from the wound he received from Silver Claw. If not for that damned ritual he would have been dead by now even if Sombra hadn't clobbered him.

Now here he was antagonizing a goddess who could very easily kill him in an eye blink.

Yeah, not his brightest idea.

“You know every time something crappy happens in my life. Every time some dark secret comes to light that screws with me, your name has always come up. We've never even met before and you kept screwing me over. Now you want me turned in for your new order or what ever the heck it is you are doing?” Jer'rahd shouts, his voice still magically amplified by Shining Armors spell. “I'm sick and tired of all this shit, every time I turn around some new fight starts and I’m stuck in the middle of it, we beat down the dragons, the griffons attacked, we beat down the griffons, the dogs attacked, we beat down the dogs, the zebras attacked, we beat them, and the dragons attacked again. Then when we beat the dragons our own race turns on itself. That finally gets straightened out, then Discord screws up things again. Once that gets fixed some idiotic prisoners attack, they finally get killed off and we have to deal with the changelings, they get beat and now you're here. You see a freaking pattern yet?”

The blue alicorn raises an eyebrow staring down at the pony on the battle field. The changelings were fleeing for the most part, the loss of their leaders threw them into confusion not unlike what had happened with the Half Dragons once Onyx Scale was killed. Noticing that he told Rose and Shining to just drive them off or try and capture the ones who surrender instead of killing them. Likely they had passed that on, though whether the order would be followed was any ones guess.

He was going to join in the rout when the command and the images flashed across his mind. Aviana wanted him and a number of others to be turned in, likely to be executed before they regained strength. Judging by the looks on every ponies faces around him they had seen it too. He needed to buy time, give Luna and the others a chance to get out of here, in their state they likely wouldn't be able to deal with this, well maybe Celestia could with that fire she was flinging around, but Aviana was flinging around way too much attack magic, with out their horns it was doubtful either Princess could compete and Sparkle didn't know any real attack spells, he had taught her a few things, but that was mostly sword play.

“WHO ARE YOU TO SPEAK TO ME THIS WAY WORM?” Aviana demands, the voice echoing in his head.

Jer'rahd grins, his magic bringing the Waning Moon up before him, the blade tip pointing at the floating alicorn as he takes a deep breath.

“ I am; The Demon of Dullahan, the Monster of Manehatten, Hero of the Zebralands War, Son of the warrior Amano Kaisur and the mage Nevan BlueBlood, Grandson of Vermillion Rose and Spartan Kaisur heroes of the first dragon War, Black Sheep of the Blueblood line, adoptive son of the Pelt family founders of Ponyville, God Slayer, The Noble's Bane, Consort of Nightmares, Leader of the Five Beasts of the Moon, Major of the Royal Guard, Death Destroyer of Worlds, Head of the 42nd Legion of the Equestrian Guard, bearer of the Element of Loyalty, host of Corrupted Loyalty the beast known as Troph, annoyer of Celestia, and blue ribbon winner of the first, second, and third, Sibete Empyrean Tavern's ale drinking contests.”

Jer'rahd grins after rambling all that off, the battle field had gone quiet enough that you could hear a pin drop as everyone tried to process that glut of titles.

“I am General Jer'rahd Kaisur of Princess Luna's Royal Guard and you will stand down and surrender at once!” Jer'rahd bellows.


“He is an idiot.” Luna swears under her breath.

“Yeah, but he's your idiot.” Bleu sighs helping Applejack and Spike carry Rhede over to the base of the pillar.

Luna blushes and Rhede chuckles a little.”What did you need me for Princess? I'm not in the shape to move around this much.”

“I would like to know if you know anything about the powers of the sun and the moon my sister and I possess.” Luna responds.

“Odd choice of questions, though I’m afraid I don't know much. The books I have read on the subject only speak of them to state that Starfall the bearded created them so that the unicorns would not have to use so much power to raise and lower the sun and moon. Evidently it was a big problem back in his time, of course once he made the powers he gave them to a griffon god who eventually abused them and was taken out by the bearers of the Elements.”

“That doesn't help, was there anything on how the powers were given?” Twilight questions.

“No, I don't recall anything about that, just that Starswirl gave them to the Griffon god and when he was defeated the Element bearers got them.”

“So it is something that can just be given.” Luna questions.

“How did you and Celestia get them Princess? Twilight ponders.

“We turned the Children of Discord who were using them to stone and the powers simply came to us.” Luna states.

“So what happened when you were on the moon?” Applejack points out.

“I know this one, Celestia raised and lowered the moon like she did during the war, the power didn't transfer.“ Spike chimes in, though he seemed partially distracted by what Jer'rahd was yelling.

“HAH, he remembered that one, he should have used lead hoof , I gave him that title when I was teaching him to dance” Bleu chuckles.

“So you would have to turn me to stone?” Luna states flatly.

“I didn't know that... arrrgh there goes that plan.” Twilight curses.

“Nay, we shall do it the way you say Twilight Sparkle. A small time in stone shall not be detrimental to me provided your plan works, it may even add fuel to the fire.” Luna responds glancing over to Celestia.

“What ? You think it will work then?” Twilight gasps, though Rhede flattens his ears, paying more attention to the pair than the dragons and Applejack were.

“I do. I have only seen my sister in this state once before while in the badlands. She is holding herself back for now, but if any pony can end this....... Tis a pity Major Rose has not been found yet however. I am sure two or three minutes with him would have her in a fervor unmatched. Shall we start then?”

“I don't like it.” Rhede mutters. “But I got nothing else.”

“Alright, um I can do that Princess.” Twilight mutters her horn starting to glow.

“Aim for the near side Sparkle, the sun will be brightest there.” Luna sighs her ears perking suddenly. “Hold thine spell a moment Sparkle.”

Twilight blinks, her horn brightening a little as the spell was paused.

“Wait, what spell, Princess what are you doing?” Spike questions looking between the pair.

“TIA!” Luna bellows across the garden. The white earth pony turns looking back at the the small group as Luna tries to hide a small grin. “We are the ones who ate your last mint and chocolate cookie of thinness, we did thou a favor in truth, for thine posterior has grown most corpulent as of late!”

The group looks from Luna over to Celestia slowly the Sun Goddess stares at Luna a moment before her ears flatten and her mane catches fire.

“Ahh there we go, cast your spell Twilight Sparkle and strike the match.” Luna sighs closing her eyes as Twilight's horn flashes a glow washing over the Princess rapidly turning her to stone as Celestia watched.


Aviana stares at the unicorn below her. The stallion looked as if he had seen better days, his light gray fur was smeared with blood, there was a massive gash along his side that ran from his shoulder to his cutiemark and a strip of flesh dangled from it. Blood flowed from the wound dripping thickly on the ground below him though he barely seemed to notice. His two colored eyes glared at her, full of anger with no fear at her presence, though she could sense the creature behind them was equally angered. It was his mane color that held her attention. The amber coloration was a perfect match for the flowing mane and tail that graced her own form, his rant informed her of why.

“You are one of my descendants then?” Aviana states, her lips unmoving though her voice was heard clearly by every one in Canterlot. “To think my line would have survived this long, let alone to have ascended again.”

Jer'rahd says nothing glaring up at the alicorn, Aviana cocks an ear as if listening to something, Jer'rahd could hear the mutter of the books, though for once it was not loud enough for him to hear.

“A lesser god, with a fair history. You could have been useful. Pity your loyalty lies with the false god. Perhaps if I destroy her you will serve.”

“Like Tartarus I’m going to let you even try!”Jer'rahd snarls wincing a little as Aviana laughs.

“As if you could stop me. No, what you are doing is stalling so that the others that need to be destroyed will have a chance to escape. There is no need for an evacuation. If you are loyal to the true god of these lands you have nothing to fear.” Aviana states.

“Still preaching that crap? No pony is going to fall for that drivel, Celestia kept the peace for a thousand years on her own until a couple idiots screwed it up. You showing up and making demands is not going to endear you to any pony.” Jer'rahd shouts back.

“As if they will have a choice.” Aviana whispers only in his mind. Jer'rahd's eyes widen as the alicorns horn glows brightly.

“You speak of lies, but all of Equestria knows that none of this started until you were freed. I have stopped the Changelings in their tracks and you and the false god of night have done nothing but bring pain and suffering since your return. Look around at the state of this city, at the state of the lands. This was a peaceful place built on fear of the rulers power, though that ended the moment you were freed from the prison of the garden. The changeling queen took you specificly, a griffon god died while with you causing a international incident with the griffon lands, you return and start training an army. You and those you associate with are harbingers of destruction. And like the changeling threat, I will remove you as well.”

“Damn wordy bitch aren’t you?” Jer'rahd growls as a beam of white light erupts from the mares horn lancing down at him. A series of green shields burst into being between Jer'rahd and the alicorn.

The gray unicorn winces as several of them shatter under the impact of the blast, though enough hold that he barely feels more than a cold breeze from the effects of the blast.

Jer'rahd lets the shields drop as the alicorn stops casting, a great sheet of ice crashing to the ground in front of him as he glares up at the blue mare.

“If that was your best, then you are in for a world of trouble.” Jer'rahd growls.

Aviana looks shocked and some what taken aback that he managed to stop her attack, though Jer'rahd could hear the voices whispering to her, the grim expression on her face causing Jer'rahd to smile, he knew that look, Celestia had it often enough when he pissed her off.

“It seems I have underestimated you. That shall not happen again.” Aviana states as the air around her seems to swirl and shift slightly.

Jer'rahd's eyes widen as he feels the growing power of the spell the mare was creating. He launches the Waning Moon upward at the mare only to have the blade blocked by a shield with no apparent effect on Aviana. His horn glows brighter as he lashes the magical bane weapon against the shield the mare has lifted, the blade glancing off the energy with out even scratching it.

“How the buck?” Jer'rahd growls.

“Do you think you are the only pony to study and train with Starmetal? I have had access to train with it since the founding of Equestria. Your weapon holds no threat for me.”

The mares horn grows brighter, the glow suddenly winking out as she whips her head to the side looking towards the garden.

Jer'rahd's eyes widen as well, along with every other unicorn on the floating island.

A single silvery moon beam stretches down from the large white orb focusing on something in the garden, the power brought with it felt on par with the spell Aviana had been building.

“What is this?!” the blue alicorn curses.

“Seems they aren’t going to run. Guess I was a good distraction.” Jer'rahd chuckles.


Twilight was not sure what she expected to happen. She supposed if she had time to ponder what would happen if she took control of the moon from a depowered Princess Luna in the middle of a changeling invasion, and the attempted overthrow of Celestia by a long forgotten goddess empowered by a series of evil books while the previous Element bearers of Harmony around , and after one of her friends died and came back all because she listened to Discord not once, but twice she would have to say.....

Okay there was no way she would have come up with anything after that many variables were thrown into the mix.

The silvery white light that fell on her was warm, she wasn't sure how or even if a transfer of control of the moon would happen, but this felt strangely nice. Luna was a statue before her though every other pony around her was frozen as well, Celestia was in mid gallop towards her, her face a mix of panic and anger. Rhede and Applejack stared at her in shock and Bleu and spike both were still distracted by Jer'rahd's ranting. She lifted her head up to the alicorn in the sky watching the mare slowly start to turn her head towards Twilight.

So they were not frozen, she was just moving fast. She didn't feel any different, maybe it didn't work, or it took time?

Suddenly her vision blurred and the world under her was yanked backwards. She screamed out watching the world receded away from her at a frighting pace until she could see the large globe of the world laid out under her.

She barely felt the soft dirt under her hooves as she stared in awe at the planet floating before her.

“A unicorn this time? Well I suppose considering all things, that is not entirely bad.”

Twilight whips her head around her eyes widening as she looks over the lunar surface.

“Rather awe inspiring view isn't it. Sadly after a few million years even the majesty of our home grows lack luster.”

Twilight blinks looking around before finally spotting the speaker.

The gray unicorn stood in the moon dust not far from her staring up at the glowing planet. His white mane and tail were long, though they were some what wild as if the stallion only spent enough time grooming to ensure that they wouldn’t knot or tangle, but couldn't be bothered to style it. His long beard was the same way, though it was the same dark gray as his coat. He wore an old hat and a rather ratty blue cloak, the hat was ringed with small golden bells and a pattern of the night sky covered both the cloak and the hat. His golden eyes danced and swirled as he looked up at the planet, his gaze finally dropping to meet Twilight's.

“You.... you're Starswirl the Bearded!” Twilight stammers. “The father of the amniomorphic spell...”

“Oh, well I am glad that some pony finally remembers me, Usually the ones I talk to tend to recall my successors.” Starswirl chuckles. “I had nothing to do with the cheese cake spell. Though I rather wish I did, come to think of it now. I could use a good cheesecake.”

“What, what are you doing here?”

“Hmm, oh, I'm not.... well I am, but not really.”

Twilight blinks, starting to go cross eyed at figuring out that statement when the stallions chuckle snaps them back straight.

“Ahh, don't think on that too hard. Consider me an echo if nothing else. You are aware that every spell you cast leaves a small trace of you behind with it?”

“Um yes that's why magic is rarely used for crimes as it's easy for a trained unicorn to identify who cast a particular spell.”

“Yes now consider what would happen if you created a spell so massive, it allowed a single individual to do what before took three score of highly trained unicorns to do. All with out the burn out that normally happened after only one or two castings from the group.”

“The spells that allow the control of the sun and the moon? With a spell like that the... oh I see.”

“Yes, the bit of you that is left behind in the casting would be rather large, thus here I am. If you gained control of the sun, there I am as well though likely much less civil given the temperature. But enough of that. Why are you here?”

Twilight blinks at the sudden question.

“I umm, I needed more power to try and stop a evil goddess from taking over Canterlot.”

“Hmm, alright. Take what you need then.”Starswirl shrugs.

“Wait that's it? No moral choice or test of character I just get the power?”

“You would not have made it this far if you were not worthy of it. I simply asked because I was curious. The spell is designed that once something happens to the current bearer of the power that the closest and most worthy will receive the power. Granted there are far too many loopholes in that that I did not consider. The current host can give it to any they wish at a whim, and chaos can steal the power through certain means, but I suppose I was looking more for ease of use than tight security.”

“Wait Luna could have given the magic to me with out being turned to stone?” Twilight mutters.

“Oh certainly, you just needed to have touched horns and she could have willed it to you. Wait... Luna? Luna Fantasma?”

“I don't know the Princesses last name actually.”

“Dark furred, rather angry, pegasus mare?”

“Umm yes....”

“Hmm I suppose horns would be out of the question at that point then. I was always told that was too personal any way.”

“No offense, but you don't really seem shocked about the conflict going on, shouldn't you be .. a little more motivated?”

“Not really. Conflicts happen all the time. Violent over throws, sneaky assassinations, end of the world scenarios. Getting worked up over it is rather pointless when I cannot really do anything about it. I am just an echo after all.”

“Errr, I guess, so what now?”

“Well that's up to you to be honest. While I don't mind the company I suppose you need to refocus on what's going on in the land of the living as it were.”

“But how do I get back? I don't even know how I got here?”

“Oh is that all, Just refocus on yourself as if you were preparing to cast something, I had to explain it last time as how you start to fly. That took a while.” Starswirl chuckles.

“Alright here we go.” Twilight mutters starting to focus and with a last look the moon was gone.


Celestia rushed forward, watching as her student turned her sister to stone,a million thoughts rant through her mind passing over the whys and the hows. Had a changeling taken over for Twilight? Was she under control of the books? Was this some insane plan on the part of her students?

The beam of moon light drew her up short as Twilight's horn began to grow brighter, her eyes snapping open and pure silvery light filled them casting a glow to rival the moon light pouring down from above.

A flare of magic from above drew the Princesses attention towards Aviana and the massive spell hurtling down at the garden. There were the fading remnants of a number of green shields as well as the shattered remains of several red ones. The spell was clearly potent enough to punch through both Kaisur and Shining Armor's magic.

She turned the flames around her form flaring up wildly as she quickly tried to figure out how to stop the massive spell herself, when suddenly the spell was gone.

Celestia blinks looking up at Aviana only to find she was gone as well. The Sun Goddess turns to look at Twilight who was staring at her.

“Please come back to me when you are done Princess.” Twilight whispers.

Her student smiles softly then everything else around Celestia was gone.


Jer'rahd rubs his head staggering as he struggles to remain standing. His eyes scan the battle field and the sky over Canterlot looking for any sign of the mare or the spell that she had thrown.

The flap of wings drew his attention to the pair of pegasi landing nearby. He glanced back at Starfall and Peach Blossom not noting the expression on the mares face until a hoof smacked heavily into the back of his head sending him tumbling forward.

“What the buck was that for Silvertail!?” Jer'rahd shouts his voice still magically amplified.

Starfall flattens her ears.

“Because you did something stupid.” Starfall states.

“Brave....” mutters Peach Blossom.

“But stupid.” snaps Starfall again. “Besides Bleu won the third year, that's when she got banned from participating.”

“Like there was anything else to do? I expected some ponies to try and get away not every one stand around with their jaws open wide enough to drag the ground.” Jer'rahd growls.

“Can you turn that off Major?” mutters Peach Blossom rubbing his ears.

“I don't care why you did it, I was told I needed to smack you next time you did something stupid or suicidal.”

“Bleu doesn't out rank you.” sighs Jer'rahd.

“Princess Luna does.” Starfall smirks.

“Not to be the bearer of bad news, but if Aviana is gone who is holding up the top of the mountain?” Peach Blossom questions.

The two veterans look at each other then glare at the pegasus who takes a few steps back as the ground starts to rumble.

“Oh come on some one was going to ask that sooner or later!” Peach Blossom pleads.

The ground begins to crack and splinter as the floating island begin to tip forward, debris and bodies beginning to slide as the edge of the island drops down, tilting the land mass.

“Oh buck.” swears Starfall

Jer'rahd curses as his horn glows a number of green shields forming along the ground catching a group of sliding ponies before they tumble down the side of the listing island. The last of the magic holding it up fades and every one still on the floating island feels their stomach suddenly try to escape through their throat as gravity takes hold and the island suddenly drops.


Applejack curses diving forward and catching Luna's statue as it starts to topple. Rhede curses snapping his teeth on Spike's tail as the dragonling digs his claws into the ground to stop himself from sliding.

Rarity screams out though Lion Heart catches her holding her up off the falling landmass.

Twilight grits her teeth starting to sweat as her horn's glow increases, white silvery light swirling and wrapping around her purple magic as she pulls more power her own magic wrapping around the falling island her body straining as she poured her magic and the moons into holding the island up.

She was only partially successful.

The island rights itself and the decent slows, though it still falls.

Twilight screams out her body glowing with a silvery light. Long trailing whips of purple and silver arcane energy flow from her horn dancing over her form and trailing up from her back like massive gossamer wings.

“We're still dropping!!” Bleu screams out.

Every pony on the island was flung to the ground as the bottom of the floating land mass strikes the top of the broken Maneterhorn and nearly tips over again.

Twilight screams out managing to keep the island level though the huge mass of rock continues down starting an avalanche of dust and stone that cascades down the mountain side towards Ponyville with the massive formerly floating island right behind it.


“Get every one into the castle! Find Shining and any other unicorn who can still caste make sure they bolster that shield as best they can!” Jer'rahd bellows his voice echoing across the city.

>”Let me free host.”<

“Peach Blossom grab as many fliers as you can and start evacuation, send the fastest to tell the ponies in the town below to run.” Jer'rahd screams out ignoring the voice.

>”I can assist in this host. Let me free.”<

“Starfall get to the garden find out what's going on and get back here.....”


Jer'rahd flinches, staggering as the Beast screams in his head. Starfall winces as he staggers moving over to help him stay upright.

“What the buck do you want?”snarls Jer'rahd.

“What? “ questions Starfall.

“Not you.” mutters Jer'rahd.

>”You are in dire straights here host. If you let me free, I can help.”<

“Why the buck should I pay any attention to you. I may have agreed to help you, but that doesn't mean I am just going to cut you lose. My guess is you are planning to cut your losses and run.”


“Then why...?”

>”Because I will be able to do more than you can, you are barely able to stand, and even injured as I am ,I will be of more help..... besides.... I felt her. She was here, some of her power was here, she fought against the blue one. That mare reeked of the Corruption of the books. If Grace was aiding you, then I shall as well.”<

“Fine then, what did you have planned?”

>“Get me to the edge.”<

“Fine, but so help me if you try and run....”

>“You are offering to help me find my Grace host. The least I can do is try and ensure that you survive to fulfill that agreement.”<

“Starfall change of plan. Get me to the edge.” Jer'rahd snarls

“What?! I just listened to you hold a conversation with yourself, heck with that spell going the entire city heard the conversation. I need to get you to Velkorn, I think you hit your head a bit too hard.” Starfall mutters.

“Silvertail I have a massive creature trapped inside me, both Luna and I have spoken to sentient books and nearly all of us hold regular conversations with the dead. How is me talking to myself odd?”

“Good point. I hope you lost some weight since last time.” Starfall mutters trying to grab Jer'rahd around the waist and lift him in the air.

“If it helps I've been bleeding profusely for most of the day, that had to be some sort weight loss program.” Jer'rahd grumbles as Starfall wobbly flies him towards the leading edge of the falling island.


Those along the edges of Equestria were likely too far away to witness the spectacle of the falling mountain top. Though for the ones close enough to witness the floating islands fall and the silvery glow holding the city together, it would be another in a long list of things tales they would recall about this day to their grand foals.

Though they were soon to find, that the night still held more things in store for them.


Aviana lifts her shaking off the disorientation that came with the forced teleport. She cranes her head up looking to the blue orb that floated in the sky far above her head. She could see the world turning before her, could make out the shape of the nations and landmasses of the world, the bright sun was in clear view next to it bathing the dust covered land she stood on in it's light.

She lowers her gaze looking over the gray surface she stood on, the lingering trace of magic flowing towards Canterlot felt even here.

The mare snaps her wings shut, glaring at the world.

“An impressive display of power, but simply teleporting me to the moon is futile, it shall not take me long to simply return to the world. You are a stupid mare Twilight Sparkle if you think this would even slow me down.” Aviana curses.

“Actually, she is a beautiful, caring mare who is highly intelligent.” states a white earth pony as she trotted towards the blue alicorn. “She may need to work on her aim a little, but to be capable of this moments after obtaining power? She is a very gifted student.”

Aviana stares at the white earth pony, the glowing white mare was as tall as she was and returned the stare with a look that would have made lesser gods flee in terror, Aviana merely flinched.

“I was wondering when I would be seeing you again.” Aviana states.

“Hello mother.... “ Celestia responds.


“This is a bad idea!” Starfall yells looking down at the cascade of rock tearing down the side of the mountain below the pair. The tumbling stone and debris looking like nothing more than a blender of stone before the sliding island.

“Yes it is, but when has that ever stopped me! Go back and find Luna and the others make sure they get off of the rock if this doesn't work.” Jer'rahd states slipping free of the pegasus and falling towards the grinding boulders, shadows flickering around him.

Starfall watches wincing as he vanishes into the cloud of dust and rocks.

A moment later a gargantuan claw bursts out of the dust cloud slamming into the side of the sliding island, claws the size of a buildings dig into the rock wall. Starfall back peddles in the air her eyes wide at the Cobalt blue scaled claw. The claw alone was nearly as large as the Beast had been, the coloration was different as well, what had the Elements done? A second claw bursts from the cloud slamming into the rock, the leathery snap of wings was heard as a massive pair of dark blue scaled draconic wings bursts from the cloud of rock and debris pushed before the falling land mass. Starfall stares in awe as the wingspan stretched from onside of the falling city to the other.

The wings unfurl wide and a immense growl emerges from the dust. The rock under the claws begins to crack and splinter, a massive spined tail lashes out at the front of the cloud. The down beat of the wings billowing the dust and rock away from the form.

A cobalt blue dragon is briefly revealed, the creature dwarfing Forgescale as the dragon had dwarfed ponies. The dragon's muscles strain as it's rear claws dig in to the side of the mountain. It's wings lash furiously fanning the avalanche of dirt and rock away from its form as it shoves against the falling island.

Starfall gasps as the land mass was visibly slowed by the great beasts power, though it was still sliding and pushing the dragon along before it like a pony trying to stop a cart from sliding down a icy hill.

A green glow of magic draws the pegasus's gaze away from the dragon as hundreds of green panels of magic spring to life before the descending land mass shattering and reforming in a vain effort to slow it further.

Starfall looks back to the dragon only to have the creatures gaze focus on her, two rows of three eyes each stare back at her five glowing red red eyes and one glowing green look at her before the creatures attention focuses on the island again.

Starfall swallows hard and takes off to try and speed up the evacuation. This was way above her pay grade.


Rarity winces looking around at the panic going on around her. She bites her lips seeing pegasi grabbing ponies and carts laden with the injured and dying rushing towards the castle. Lion Heart stood nearby barking orders to the Guards and the ponies trying to evacuate trying to keep some semblance of order.

The pink bubble shield was formed like a rainbow now, she lost count of how many spell shields had gone up around the first to aid in protecting those within from the inevitable stop at the end of the ride. She shivers looking across the remains of the city and to the ground that was rapidly coming towards them at the base of the mountain. At the rate this was going even if the castle survived they were going to plow right through Ponyville and crash into the Everfree forest, perhaps not even stopping there.

The land mass suddenly lurched and a loud growl could be heard from the leading edge of the island.

>” Interesting. He did it on his own. I suppose if he can so can we.”<

Rarity blinks looking around, though no one was close enough that they could have said something in that sort of hushed tone.

>”Ah you can hear me. Good. That will make things easier.”<

Rarity's ears flatten, the voice sounded sweet, if a bit sultry, it was enough to send a shiver along her spine though she worried she might be going mad.

>”Perhaps, though that could be from the company you keep, not me, but I digress. Do you wish to help?”<

“That was quite possibly the most foolish question I have yet to be asked in my life.” Rarity scoffs, then pauses to ponder some of her encounters with nobility. “Third most foolish. Though I am not in the habit of trusting strange voices from no where. That does not end well.”

>“Fair enough, though I do not have time to explain everything just know that this might save your family in the town below and your sister who is in the castle before you.”<

Rarity winces looking up at the glowing shield. “That will be for nothing if what you want in exchange for the help is worse.”

Lion Heart glances back his ears perking as he notices the unicorn evidently arguing with herself.

>” Oh, no no no. Do not misunderstand me. This is not a deal, Nothing will change for you after this. I am simply asking permission to use you so I can offer my power to aid in this endeavor. Once this is over you might be a bit tired but there is not deal that you will have to honor. ”<

“That sounds a little too good to be true.” Rarity mutters still wondering where the voice was coming from.

>”Not too good to be true, just very generous of me. Something you are quite familiar with my bearer.”<

Rarity blinks looking down to the jewelry resting on her neck, the purple diamond in the center of the gold necklace pulsing softly.

>”So then. Shall we try to save everyone?”<


>”Ah hello.”<

Applejack jumps whirling around.

“Did you say something?” she questions Rhede.

“Hmm? Not since you told me to shut up already with my complaining.” Rhede grumbles.

“I didn't say anything “ Spike points out then gestures to Bleu who was doing her best to make sure the statue of Luna was some how comfortable.

>”Oh no, it was not any of them. No, not her either, look down please.”<

Applejack tears her gaze away from the silvery glowing form of Twilight and looks down to see the orange gemstone on her necklace pulsing softly .

“What the hay?”

>” I need to make this quick, I will need to take control of you in order to use my power to try and help everyone. I am limited at the moment though with all that has happened I feel that it is a good time to offer my aid. The corruption is weakening as they put more power into the seventh. We can act now though as I said, time is limited.”<

“What in the hay are you talking about?” AJ grumbles.

“I didn't say anything “ Spike shouts.

“Not you, this bit of jewelry here's talking tah me.” Applejack mutters.

“Ehh why not.” Rhede mutters. “That's likely the most tame thing that's happened today.”

>”Will you allow me to help?”<

“Ah reckon so long as this ain't some kinda trick...”

>”I assure you Bearer, it is not. I do not lie.”<


Pinkie stares down at the unconscious bloated swarm of changelings passed out in Pony Joe's shop with a small bit of awe.

The brown unicorn in question was just putting up another fresh tray of donuts and was starting to wipe down the counter as Pinkie came in seemingly taking no notice of the rumbling of the island sliding down the mountain.

She stared at Joe and he stared back, She looked at the changelings and he shrugged. Pinkie Pie narrows her eyes and points at the shop pony.

“I knew you were a super spy!”

>”Hey pink pony wanna save every one?”<

“Okay!” Pinkie chirps.

>”Oh .. well that was easy! Lets do this!”<


“Why?” Celestia asks simply looking at the blue alicorn.

“Why what? You will need to be a bit more specific in your query child.” Aviana smirks.

“Why are you doing this? You gave up your godhood after we defeated Discord. Why would you need to leave only to come back and demand it again?”

“I needed time to prepare child, it was simple as that. As much as I adored the devotion of my subjects I knew there would always be problems and that only one supreme god would be able to solve them. You found that yourself when you achieved peace for a thousand years on your own at the cost of your corrupted sister. With her gone peace was relatively easy to achieve by flaunting power wasn't it? That is a small taste of what can be done child.”

“That peace came at far to high a price. It was only achieved after far too many deaths and a great show of force.”

“Force is needed to keep those in line who prefer to follow the wrong paths.”

“You say that as if you believe yours is the only path any should follow.”

“It is, and I shall ensure all follow it.”

Celestia sighs her ears flattening. “If you thought force was needed, why did you make me agree to only seek peace, never to fight or seek conflict?”

“To be honest mare after you killed your own followers, you were more than ready to come up with that on your own. I simply edged you along that path in the hopes that a vain quest for peace would either cause you to give up your position, or be killed off before I would need to do so myself. I do harbor some feelings for you. I had hoped I would not need to be the one to end you.”

“So you manipulated me.”

“You are guilty of the same with others. How is what I did any different?”

“My manipulations were to save lives, not kill off potential challenges. Is that why you sent me after Discord? Was he actually telling the truth when he said he did nothing to you?” Celestia snarls.

“Does it matter? He served his purpose. Just as the others did.“

“And your sister? You really would turn your sister into a monster simply so you would be the sole ruler?”

“She turned herself into the monster child, I simply had to clean up the mess she left. Something it seems I must do again as sealing her away was not enough. I could not kill her just as you could not kill your own sister. Sealing her away was the only option I had, I sealed my son as well, do you not think that hurt?”

“Considering the party you threw after they were sealed, and your attempt to kill them earlier this very day, no I do not think it did hurt.”

Aviana chuckles. “You have grown a bit child, you used to think everything I said was written in stone.”

“I have seen far too many die because I tried to follow your word. I lost those I cared for do to your manipulation, I have seen the shadow you cast over my little ponies lives long after you vanished.”

“Well you will at least not need to see any more die then my child. Goodbye.” Aviana's horn flashes brightly,a glowing circle flashing into existence on the ground around Celestia. The mare's eyes widen as the moon beneath her hooves erupts in a volcanic explosion of fire and rock.

“Rest now child, I will ensure that your idiotic student follows you soon.” Aviana sighs looking back at the planet.

“My student is brilliant, Aviana. Far more so than you are.” Celestia states.

Aviana whips her head back around as Celestia steps out of the billowing pillar of flame, molten rock sliding off her pure white fur.

The white ponies pink mane and tail burst into a inferno as her eyes glow a bright orange.

“She sent you here, not to banish you, but so that I would not have to fear for my little ponies when I confronted you.”

Aviana steps back as Celestia's coat turns a soft gold coloration, bright wings of flame emerge from her back setting the air around her ablaze. A small flicker of white fire forms on her forehead spiraling upward like a reverse tornado to become a swirling horn made of white flame.

“She would at the very least know that a fire spell would mean nothing to the Goddess of the Sun.”Celestia snarls sparks flicking from her gnashing teeth.

Aviana narrows her eyes the light around them getting brighter. The blue mare turns suddenly looking back at the earth only for the entire sky to be taken up by the glowing red hot ball of the sun.

“Now then, 'mother', let me show you what centuries of repressed anger looks like.”


As the lands watched to see what this strangest night might still hold for them, the dawn came.

The first light of morning brightened the sky’s heralding a new day, the sky was awash with the brilliant coloration of a red dawn.

Those ponies who had time pieces or could see a clock tower were able to inform their fellows that it was only a little before eight pm.

Even if the time was not given it did not take long before most noticed something else. The sun was rising from the west where it had set, and the red glow was not from the clouds changing the color of the sky.

A bright red orb rose in place of the sun, golden and white flares and arcs of flame dance across it's surface. The sun rose rapidly, and in a matter of moments it had taken a position behind the moon creating a blood red halo around the moon.

The silvery orb still glowed it's pure light, though it was ringed with fire, lashes of flame could be seen arching out from behind the moon, some of these tongues of flame played over the Lunar surface setting the silver orb ablaze with color as the dust melted on it's surface turning to mirrored glass.

The solar eclipse dominated the sky, the fire flickering over the surface making those watching think the moon might very well be consumed by the angry sun.

Then as suddenly as it began the sun pulled away from the moon, bringing light to the world again as it moved across the sky, it's glow returning to the golden hue as it settled across the sky to set once more in the west.

The silvery orb of the moon seemed to shine a little brighter, brilliant lines of reflected light crossed it's surface shining like diamonds reflecting the world below it creating lines of silvery blue across the surface.

All of the lines led to a single spot barely visible from the land, on the edge of the moon. A pillar of white flame flickered on the edge of the moon burning brightly.


Those in Canterlot did not have the time to watch the show as their city fell.

Pegasi flew every where carrying ponies to floating chariots.

In the garden a purple unicorn screamed out her horn flickering madly as she struggled to maintain a hold on the crashing island, the bellow of a monster momentarily drown out the thunder of the avalanche as it's muscles strained trying to hold back the sliding land mass.

Applejack bites her lip looking at Twilight.

Rarity flattens her ears looking at the castle where her sister was.

Pinkie Pie stood outside the doughnut shop tapping a hoof in boredom.

“Alright.”says Applejack.
“I agree.”says Rarity.
“COME ON ALREADY!” whines Pinkie Pie.

The three Elements of Harmony glow brightly, the light growing and swirling around the three mares growing brighter until suddenly they flashed out of existence.


The light around Applejack grows forcing Spike and Rhede to shield their eyes. Bleu notices the flash and turns in time to see a towering form standing before the others.

>”This has been a while”< mutters a strange looking Diamond Dog standing where Applejack had once been. The wolf like canine stretched and popped his neck, towering over the ponies standing around him by easily another two pony lengths.

The dog blinks, lavender eyes looking over those staring up at him as he smirks slightly baring his teeth in a sheepish chuckle. It reaches up pulling a fine strand of gray blue hair from its face tucking it behind a pointed ear.

>”Yeah sorry about that, my names Forth, I would chat a bit, but there does not seem to be time for that.”< the Diamond Dog's voice held a soft timber that would be more at home with a noble pony, rather than the usual harsh voices of the Diamond Dog.

The creature hopped into the air, flipping around to face downward and dove into the ground like it was water. Rhede,Spike, and Bleu watched as the hole closed up behind the beast as if it had never been there.

“This is above my pay grade.” mutters Rhede.

“You get paid?” Bleu questions.


The air around Rarity swirled and flared with light, rain started and faded in the growing fog cloud that surrounded where the element of Generosity had been. A number of Guards paused to watch as the clouds broke and a strange form floated there. Lion Heart stares up at the creature that floated where Rarity had been his eyes wide

The head and neck of the creature were that of a effeminate stallion. Where his ears should have been were white scaled fins. It's forelegs were replaced by long gossamer like fins and a row of flowing spines with nearly transparent webbing between the tines ran down the creatures back. It had no rear legs and instead a long serpentine tail ran from it's torso and ended in a delicate fluked tail. The creatures white scales glimmered silver in the light of the moon and coppery stripes crossed it's form not unlike a zebras, or a tigers.

The creature opened it's eyes, the soft glowing teal orbs taking in it's surroundings. The serpentine form of the creature stretched upward as it let out a soft groan at the exertion, as if it had been cramped up for a long time.

Lion Heart shifted,leveling his spear as he looked up at the creature that was easily as tall from head fin to tail fin as the castle wall.

The creature glanced down at Lion Heart curiously, leaning down to inspect him, making a soft humming sound as it circled around the half dragon.

“Hmm I can see why she's interested, don't worry there little one, the Bearer of Generosity is fine, though there is much to do and no time to do it. I wounder if Grace and Troth's children would have looked like you. Adorable. Ahh well, no time to dawdle.”

One of the creatures head fins glows softly causing a swirl of misty clouds to solidify around it, launching it into the air like it was shot from a cannon, it's sea foam green hair and diaphanous fins flowing out behind it.

The Guards ponies blinked watching it soar off as the small area where it had been was showered with rain.

“What the buck was that?” questions Lion Heart under his breath.


Pony Joe looked curiously out the front of his door seeing the bright glow that had come from just around the corner. He shifted a tray with his magic fully expecting he might need to feed another few changelings into submission, or at least silence an annoying pink pony.

“Pinkie Pie?” Joe questions a tray piled high with doughnuts floating over his head. He looked both ways down the road in front of his shop not seeing anything. He reached up with a hoof scratching his chin when a rather large chocolate crumb bounced off his nose.

He slowly lifted his head up to be face to beak with the largest most vibrant golden griffon he had ever seen. The creature was the size of a dragon and the gold and white plumage and fur was such that it would have made even the most fashionable griffoness he had seen look like a well used feather duster.

The griffon notes she's being stared at and tosses another doughnut into her beak gulping it down before grinning.

>”Hello, I know I have something to be doing, but I wanted to try these, they are very good though I suppose I should go now.”<

Joe blinked as the creatures tongue suddenly snaked out from its beak giving him a rather long lick from the front of his shirt up to his hat.

>”Hmm you taste like strawberries and powdered sugar!”<

The unicorn blinks as the massive griffon drops down from where she had been hanging off the front of his shop. The creature hunches up and launches herself into the air with barely a gust of wind being felt from what should have been a massive down draft from her wings

Joe reaches up with his hoof wiping the drool from his face, his magic gripping and wringing out the saliva from his hat. He looks for the griffoness in the sky though she was already long gone.

He sighs looking at the empty tray he carried and heads back into the shop wondering if he could bill the Princesses for all this.


Celestia stares down at the smoking hole in the face of the moon and the chard form in the center of it. The sun remained close to the lunar surface, it's heat turning huge swathes of the moon dust into sheets of glass.

The white earth pony glares down at the twitching form, molten trails of plasma arc off the surface of her sun twining and joining with the Goddess's mane and tail as she stood over the crater containing the chard form. The mares white coat did not even seem to exist as anything but pure light at the moment and only the thought of what might happen if the moon was destroyed kept the Princess from simply smashing the molten orb of fire against the blackened figure in the crater.

If she got back up however, repercussions be damned.

The twitching form suddenly crumbles a bit, the chard flesh of Aviana's flank collapsing in on itself with a shower of ash and dust. The rest of the body quickly follows crumbling to little more than a pile of cinders.

Celestia frowns the flame spiraling from her fore head growing brighter as a flare from the sun arcs down to swirl about it.

The dust billows away from the heat leaving something that seemed little more than a rectangular chunk of crystal. The Mare of the Sun regards it curiously.

“A Crystal Chronicle? This is what you have become Aviana? You caused so much suffering and pain, and all of it to become one of the books?” Celestia questions, tongues of flame lifting the crystal book into the air flicking ash from it.

“You would not understand, I am beyond immortal like this, nothing can destroy me and I am ageless. Even gods can be killed or die of their own violation. You think you have won? You will not last forever Celestia, and when you are gone I will succeed where I failed this day.”

Celestia regards the book curiously the flame licking over the pages making no mark on the books surface.

“It seems you are correct,” Celestia sighs. “I cannot harm you directly, however. A book exists to be read, and that I can stop.”

The tongues of flame flick the crystalline book back to the moons surface and into a puddle of the molten glass on the lunar surface.

Aviana laughs at the gesture though the laugh quickly ceases as the book sinks deeper into the rolling surface of the strange Lunar sea of glass. Celestia stares down at the book, pouring on more heat, turning the glass and rock beneath it molten letting the book drift down deeper towards the moons core, her ears flattening as the book screams.

“Well now seems I am a bit late to the party.” states a voice with a forced chuckle. “Might be for the best though. You are rather grumpy when you're in a bad mood.”

Celestia whirls only to find her self face to face with a furnace blast shield with a stick covered in melting marshmallows in front of her.

“Mind turning around again? There still one marshmallow that might be edible on there. You flank is the perfect place for roasting them sun butt.” Discord chuckles from behind the massive iron door.

“DISCORD!?” Celestia growls.” What are you doing here?”

“Mostly wishing I had some SPF ten million sunblock, though I have at least three other reasons.” The draconequus states as a bit of marshmallow goo drips from the stick landing on the angry ponies muzzle turning instantly to ash.

“You're here to retrieve the book she became aren’t you?”

“Buzzzzt wrong answer, but I see you are not in the mood for game shows so I will get right to the point, though I doubt you believe that. I was here to speak a few words with the source of most of my problems.... and no not you don't flatter yourself sun butt, it's not you.”

“ You brought those on yourself from what you did.”

Discord tosses aside the blast shield staring at Celestia with a strangely serious expression.

“Maybe towards the end, but then again I had as much success fighting the books corruption as your sister did, and I don't see you threatening her every time you turn around. And if it's about me supposedly raping Aviana? After all this do you still believe that?” Discord glares forcing Celestia to take a step back, his usual visage of cheerfulness or even apathy was gone replaced with a look of quiet despair that he was doing a poor job at hiding.

“I do not know what to believe in that regard any more.” Celestia grumbles looking at the slag pit where the book could still be heard screaming curses. “I am at least willing to listen this time.”

“The story takes too long to tell fully, but lets just say I brought her the first book and she used her whiles to convince me to let her try out the ritual on me. I foolishly agreed and was driven mad by the result. What little bit of sanity I had left in me forced me to steal back the book and try to figure a way to reverse it. Because of that she sent you after me, and well ,you know the rest.” Discord shrugs.

“Why would she do that?”

“She wanted to test the limits , she also likely wanted a loyal pet monster like Andree, but she got a mad god instead. Any way it's probably for the best that she did become a book. If she had died there are several very angry individuals who would not have nice things to do to her when she made it to the other side.”

Celestia sighs watching her sun slowly move away from the lunar surface.

“So why are you here then?”

“Ehh, I’m bored, besides I wanted to see the look on your face when you realize your young protegee banished you to the moon.”

Celestia glowers.“I am not banished Discord I can get back any time.”

“Really? And how will the little Solar Flare earth pony do that hmmm? Shoot a rocket of fire out her but and soar like a graceful anvil back down to Equestria?”

Celestia blinks looking at the smirking Draqounuss then to the planet above them before cursing lightly.

Discord adopts a shocked expression. “Why Princess, such language and from you no less. The scandal will be horrific.”

“I may not be able to teleport back Discord, but do not think I will not hesitate to burn you for your mockery.”

“Ahh yes there’s the Celestia I knew and really didn't miss. Though considering all I have done already this day, I doubt either of us is in the mood or in any condition to continue to fight. Besides I am willing to offer you a lift, I fully expect they might need you back down there soon.” Discord smirks snapping his fingers, suddenly becoming hitched to a golden chariot not unlike Celestia's own, though rather than the symbol of the sun there was a leering Rainbow Dash face on the wheels and a row of scepters with a dopey looking mockery of Twilight's head on them as a buckboard.

Celestia raises an eyebrow.

“Why are you doing this?”

“I have my reasons.”

“I don't trust you.”

“Good. Though if you want to wait until your powers come back.... which should be by the end of the week, be my guest.”

Celestia growls though she slowly steps onto the cart eyeing the gilded scepters with a bit of annoyance.

“Fine then, though if you try anything...”

“Your mouth is moving but all I hear is 'angry...grrrr.'. Oh wait a moment I almost forgot.”

Discord pulls a small box from somewhere. The box reads Apple Jacks in red lettering and has a picture of Big Mac in a sailor suit. The draconequus rips the top off dumping some sort of golden popcorn mix in his mouth chewing it a few times before spitting out a little blue package of paper. He swallows the popcorn tearing the paper open and pulling out a small plastic card with his picture on it and the words 'Flying License' printed on it.

“Oh goody, just what I wanted too. The fuzz can't touch me now.”

“Wait did you just get a flying license, as a priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeee!!” Celestia screams out as the chariot rockets off into space, spiraling around madly as Discord zooms off towards Equestria, leaving a trail of fire, screams, and boisterous laughter.


Troth's wings beat furiously, muscles straining under his scales that he could not recall having used in eons. Still it was not enough the rock and dirt gave way far too readily under his rear claws and his wings were not enough to do more than slow the falling land mass. It also did not help that there was a perilously large griffon seated on his nose, it's feathers tickling his snout.


Troth's six eyes widen and cross focusing on the beast perched on it's nose. The griffon waves a fore claw at him before leaping off his nose into the air, the griffons wings spread wide, the gusts from the birds massive wings swirling in small eddies in the dust and dirt billowing around them. The eddies grew larger forming cyclones that swept up the loose rocks and billowing dust blowing them all away from the dragon and more importantly the town below them

“Mirth?” the cobalt dragon mutters.

The sliding land mass crackles and bursts as shards of multicolored crystal and rocks stab out of the island digging into the side of the mountain dragging though the rock and dirt like anchors. When one shatters, another replaces it. The rock under his claws seems to solidify further no longer giving way under the dragons pushing. The dragon was briefly given a glimpse of a large Diamond Dog as one of the crystals shattered. The beast appeared briefly before filling the gap with another massive spire of stone.

“Forth?“ the great dragon blinks, the sudden blast of cold water along his back forcing him to grit his teeth as he glares back over his shoulder.

A river flowed through the air, the water spiraling and sliding about like a serpent, several other masses of water rose and flowed behind the first all of them rushing forward to crash against the rock with the force of a tsunami, the snakes of water pushing hard against the landmass, while in the center of them all a sea pony danced.

“Munificence....?” Troth gasps a small smirk slowly crossing his face, turning into a massive fanged grin as he dug his claws in deeper shoving against the falling city, flame licking across his muzzle with every breath as the great wyrm starts to laugh.


Twilight noticed none of this. She saw only darkness.

The darkness however also saw her.

The unicorn was only dimly aware of her surroundings, she felt the surge of power as Jer'rahd transformed and she could feel several other bursts of power as the others were engulfed in light as well, though she didn't see Applejack's light right before her.

She felt hot, she felt sick, and she wanted badly to vomit and collapse in a heap. The flood of raw magic coursing through her horn was searing the flesh around it and feeling as it it was charring her skull, she could feel the blood trickle down her snout as her flesh blistered and popped. She also knew she could not quit, she was keeping the island stable and doing her best to lift it, but the strain was costing her.

That was when she saw the mare.

Everything else was a blur of lights and colors, but the mare was a black spot, a void in the world that should not be there.

The dark pony approached, towering over her, taller than even Celestia the mare regarded her with a sad look.

“I am sorry.”

Twilight couldn't respond and she was not sure she even heard the voice so much as felt it.

“My failure to stop him has lead to your suffering. I am truly sorry Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight winces gritting her teeth feeling the strain on her magic lessen a little as if some other force was trying to stop the island from falling.

“Who...”gasps the purple unicorn, failing to form a full question, though the mare seems to understand.

“When we first met I told you I have many names, though you could call me Harmony. With the others awakening even temporarily I suppose I should return to my first name. I am Bonnie.” the black mare explains.

“We gave ourselves to stop my brother and yet we still required our charges to serve as vessels for the power we offered to combat against him. Far too many have suffered for our failure, for my failure to stop him. I cannot do much, but for all the Bearer's of our power have done for the balance of the world, I can at least do this for you.”

Twilight starts to ask another question though the mares horn lightly touches her own before she can.

The purple unicorn screams as power floods her form, the surge greater than anything she had experienced even making the rush she felt from the moon seem as weak as a firefly's glow against the sun.

There was no pain involved with this surge, nothing but a cool flood of energy washing through her form.


Rhede, Bleu and Spike turn in horror as the silver glow that had been coming from Twilight flickers out and the mare staggers.

Before any of them can react the unicorn screams out thrusting her head into the air as black energy swirls and flows around her body the glow surrounding the island shifting from silver to a black darker than the night sky itself.


Troth winces as the island briefly becomes heavier, nearly toppling him backwards from the sudden force, just as suddenly the weight was lifted and the falling slab of mountain slowed coming to a stop.

The great dragon blinked, his tail slowing in it's whipping and lowering only for a loud crunch to greet him.

The great cobalt beast looks back over his shoulder taking note of his tail buried in the top of a building in the center of town, his rear claws barely a pony length from the edge of the town itself.
A sudden wet smack on the back of his head causes the dragon to growl and turn to glare at the floating form of the sea pony.

“And that was for?” Troth growls.

“Sorry, seems that was my hosts shop you just crushed with your tail. She suggested a bit more than a slap, but I supposed that would have to do..” Munificence shrugs.

“Oh wow, that was awesome! Wasn't that awesome? I think that was awesome.” Mirth giggles flying around the dragons head in spiraling loops. “At least my host says it was awesome, I don't even know what awesome means but that sounds like a word that's fun to use I mean come on say it out loud … awwwwwwessoooommmme.”

“Why are you here? How are you here, is the better question?” Troth responds partially ignoring the griffons antics though a smirk crosses his face.

“The same way you are, though we didn't need to find a corrupted host to do it.” states a Diamond Dog burrowing out of the rock in front of the dragon. “The grounds shored up so it won't be going any where else. You can let go of the mountain now.” Forth states with a smirk as Troth holds out a clawed hand for the Diamond dog to climb onto.

“Bonnie found a way, though we are still connected to the Elements themselves. I do doubt we could pull this off again any time soon.” Munificence sighs. “We also do not have very long until our time here is spent.”

Mirth glides down landing on the ground as Munificence descends as well towards the great dragon. Forth hops off Troth's hand and stretches a little his tail starting to turn to dust.

“Well that was fun, though it seems our time is up, you should return as well Troph, your host is at his limit as it is.” Munificence states watching with a sigh as his fins start to turn to mist.

“After all this time, our reunion is to be this brief?” Troth sighs.

“We are rather lucky we even get this. Though I wouldn't worry to much there Troth.”Forth states. “ Time stretches forever onward. We will likely meet again many times. Perhaps not as we are, but we will.”

“I still think this is too short, for our sacrifices can we not at least remain in each others company rather than the prisons of our own making?”

“Says the dragon who has had way too many chances to come out and play.” Munificence chuckles.

“Under another's control. I would not call that playing.”

Troph blinks as a clawed hand pats him on the head, Mirth grins taking hold of one of his horns and guiding his head around to look out over village below him.

“Open your eyes and look. This was never about us. It was always about them. All the races have fought argued and killed one another but look at the land now. Look at it. Despite the flaws Griffons, Ponies, Diamond Dogs, Zebras, Sea ponies and even a few of the stubborn beasts you watch over are living in relative peace with each other. Even at times when they fought, when wars ripped the races apart there were those that sought common ground even in the worst of it. Do you think that would have happened if we had not stopped Zacherle? Everything will work out because we gave our charges the chance for it to happen. We still have a purpose so long as there are those who are willing to fight as we did. So cheer up already, mopey doesn't suit you. Angry, lovestruck and dopey maybe, but not morose.”

The three of them stare at the griffon who remains floating upside down over the dragons head, her wings slowly dissolving.

“As long as I have known you, that is the most sense you have ever had in one of your monologues.” Munificence gasps.

“Hey, I can't always be silly.” The griffoness shrugs drifting back down to the ground. “Besides I got to eat a doughnut … they are gooooooooooooooooooooood!”

Munificence slowly floats down landing next to her as Forth drops down next to him.

“Pity we didn't get to see Bonnie again though.” Forth states wistfully.

“Yes, I fully expected you to clumsily flirt with her again if we did. Quite entertaining.” Munificence chuckles.

“Hey it worked for Troth.” Forth grumbles.

“I wasn't as bad as you, she was here by the way, I could feel her presence as well. Likely she is the reason the island stopped.” Troth sighs noting the shadowy mist dancing over his scales as his connection begins to fade.

“Seems that's it. At least for this time.” Forth sighs.

“Hey hey hey hey hey heya Troth hey hey hey hey hey.” Mirth sing songs until the dragon looks down at her. She smiles looking up at him and waves“Hi.”

“Hello Mirth.”Troph chuckles.

“Hey, hey, hey, guess what.”

“Dare I ask what?”

“Ferry Mare.”


“That wasn't for you, you blue lump, that was for the little used to be a dragon kid in your head, find the Ferry Mare.” Mirth smirks.

“What are you...” Troph blinks watching as the griffon fades away leaving a very bewildered looking pink earth pony who suddenly falls over in a heap.

The dragon looks over to the others watching as the silvery sea pony turns to a glimmering cloud of mist and a white unicorn collapses onto a red couch that had not been there a moment before. Forth offers a last wave as he turns to ash, a orange earth pony staggering away panting before falling hard on her rump.

“Ugh.. ah feel like I did tha whole harvest myself again.” Applejack mutters struggling to remain upright.

The dragon grins a little as it's six eyes close, the shadowy ash billowing out as the massive form fades and a gray unicorn is left standing in the massive claw print left by the dragon.

“Well.... at least I am on the ground this time.” Jer'rahd mutters before collapsing.

Applejack watches him fall, looking up to see a number of ponies from Ponyville slowly making their way towards the edge of the fallen mountain. AJ weakly raises a hoof as she sees Nurse Redheart catching the ponies attention before she falls over on her side.

“Ah need a nap....”


“We stopped? We're not falling any more? “Bleu yells looking up from where she was holding the statue of Luna steady.

The black aura fades from around Twilight, steam coming up from her horn as she staggers forward tripping over her own hooves before toppling over, to be caught by Spike in his larger form before she hits the ground. Spike gently lays her down looking over her a moment his tail whipping in panic.

“How is she? “Rhede mutters struggling to stand to move closer. Bleu mutters moving over to help the earth pony upright.

“ I don't know... her horns and forehead are burning up though. It's like she's burned out, but I’ve never seen it like this before.” Spike explains.

“Alright, we need to get her to a medic or find Velkorn, Bleu see if you can find a Guard or something to help us out.” Rhede sighs looking down at the collapsed unicorn.

“No need. Starfall's back.” Bleu states as the gray pegasus lands next to them.

“What happened to Sparkle? Where are the Princesses and Applejack?” Starfall questions.

“Spike thinks Twilight's suffering burn out, Luna's that statue behind me, and Applejack turned into a Diamond Dog and burrowed off some where. And Celestia was banished to the moon I think.” Bleu reports ignoring Starfall's confused expression.” You know where Velky is?”

“Yeah she was bringing everyone she could back to the castle. She and Fluttershy are more than likely going to set up shop there to start treating ponies. Peach Blossom is looking for a intact cart so we can bring you and Rhede there. I suppose Twilight too. Why is the Princess a statue?”

“Long story, we'll wait here for the ride, you and Spike are still in decent shape, you need to get out there and do what you can.” Rhede responds.

“I'm staying with Twilight.” Spike states.

“I get the loyalty kid, but if you really want to rebuild the dragon empire you need to gain support, offering aid here to the best of your abilities will be a nice start.” Rhede mutters. “Let Jer know what's going on if you see him, he won't be happy about the Princess, but he'll cope.”

“Considering what he was doing when I last saw him I'm more hoping he's not buried under a mountain.” grumbles Starfall.

“What?” Bleu questions.

“Long story, Starfall states deadpan as Rhede rolls his eyes.


[Two weeks later.]

Twilight sits up with a start, a wince, and a whimper before slowly lowering her head back down on the pillow.

Sunlight was streaming from some where, somehow managing to shine directly into her eyes. She gingerly lifts a hoof blocking the light and opens one eye. The plain white room and small beeping of a vitality device told her that she was back in the hospital.

Twilight slowly sat up opening both her eyes with a pained effort to look around. The small room had three other beds crammed into it, all three of which looked like they were occupied at some point, though aside from her there was no one else present. She sat up a little more, immediately regretting it though stubbornly refusing to lay back down until she could figure out what was going on.

The door creaks open to the sound of voices, two of them arguing with each other while the third eggs them on.

“Honestly can you not keep your things in one pile at least, I understand you have a large family that brings you gifts, but I cannot abide by the amount of food that some how makes it onto my bed.”

“Don't forget about the pie you sat on.”

“Ain't mai fault you can't watch where yer sitting, if it weren’t fer the crowded conditions here ah wouldn't even be sharing tha room with yah. Side's yah snore like a train engine. So ah should be tha one complaining.”

“Oh I do not !!”

“You do and there's this cute little whistle at the end of it that sounds like a chipmunk sneeze. Oh look Twilight's up.”

“That is absurd, a lady does not snore.”

“Guess you ain't a lady then... Wait what was that Pinkie?”

Twilight smiles slightly as the pink pony points a hoof between the arguing pair towards her and bounces over to the purple unicorns bed and hugging her friend lightly.

“You should lay back down, I don't think you should be up yet.” Pinkie states as Rarity rushes over and Applejack darts back outside to get a doctor.

“I'm alright.”Twilight mutters receiving a glare from both of her friend before she sighs and lays back down with a wince. “Why are you three here, did you get hurt?”

“I was possessed by a dead griffon god. Kinda knocked me right out for a couple of days.” Pinkie states. “ They decided to keep up here a bit longer for observation and we kinda faked still being out of it so we could stay nearby you for when you woke up. You've been out cold for about two weeks, even Jer'rahd's woke up before you and he was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig dragon thingy twice in one day.“

Twilight looks at Rarity who shrugs. “Honestly are you surprised at anything that happens to us any more darling?”

“No I suppose not. So what happened ….. did we win?What happened to the others, where's Princess Celestia? Is Princess Luna alright...ow.....” Twilight questions wincing as her horn twinges forcing her to bite back her excitement.

“Calm down dear, I suppose you can say we did win, though.......” Rarity sighs. “ A great many ponies were either killed in the conflict or during the invasion. I am not sure it really counts as a win just to have driven them back.”

Pinkie glares at Rarity as Twilight slumps a little at the news.

“We did win. We didn't ask to be attacked and if we hadn't have driven them back everyone would be changeling food or whatever that Aviana pony wanted. Any pony who can make me bow just by yelling at me in my own head is not a good pony.”

“So she's gone?” Twilight asks.” The Princess beat her?”

“Yep, Dissy brought her back from the moon not long after you fainted. She and Luna have been hard at work trying to get everything back to normal.... well as normal as it can get now that Canterlot is in Ponyville.” Pinkie mutters.

“Princess Luna is alright too?” Twilight smiles a little.”” Wait Canterlot is in Ponyville?”

“Yeah, Dissy fixed her up too before he left again. Canterlot's well, slightly above Ponyville I guess. The whole mountain side slide down until it nearly ran into Ponyville and now what's left of Canterlot is only like a hop skip and a jump away from Ponyville, it's like a uptown downtown thing... only with more rocks.” Pinkie bubbles.

“Yes well while I am rather ecstatic to be that much closer to the fashion centers of Canterlot, well what remains of them anyway, there is still a great deal of rebuilding and I am unsure if my insurance covers random acts of long dead gods.” Rarity sighs thinking about her ruined shop.”Spared the fire to be tail slapped out of existence... the horror.....”

“What about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?” Twilight questions starting to struggle to keep her eyes open. And my brother and ….”

“ Dashie just kinda passed out after the Rain boom but Big Mac found her and kept her safe, guess nearly getting killed, using the elements and then doing a super rain boom wore her out big time. Fluttershy's running around tending to the injured still along with Velkorn. Mostly she's working on the animals that got hurt, she's got a few vets helping her. Shining and Cadence went back to the Crystal Empire to start tracking Sombra and Chrysalis, though they sent an envoy to help us rebuild and left a bunch of their Guards here to help in our defense while Celestia gets everything in order.” Pinkie lists off still going though Rarity holds up a hoof to her lips pointing that Twilight had dozed off.

“Well how rude I still had a lot of things to say...” Pinkie Pouts.

“You can tell her later Darling. We will have plenty of time.” Rarity sighs as AJ finally returns with a doctor.


“Boss not to call you stupid, but you're stupid.” Bleu grumbles picking at the bandage on her arm only to have Velkorn slap her claw away from it with a hoof.

“If you keep picking at it, it will never heal, now just ignore the itching and finish your meal.” Velkorn orders glaring at the little dragon who looks away and starts pushing the hospital mush around on her plate again.

“Seriously Velky ,I’m a dragon we don't eat alfalfa.” Bleu grumbles.

“I have to agree with Bleu, Jer. That thing in you has been nothing but trouble, not sure I like the idea of figuring out a way to let it loose permanently.” Rhede states with a sigh.

“We made an agreement. Troth actually went a little beyond what was required of him to try to help so I should at the very least see if there's a way I can give him what he wants.” Jer'rahd mutters laying on his back trying hard to not think about the insane amount of stitches that were holding his skin in place on his side so he could heal normally. “ Besides it will give me something to do while healing that Velkorn won't try and kill me for.” The gray unicorn sighs lifting the edge of the ice pack on his head with a hoof looking at the zebra mare as she fusses over the dragonling.

“Still say it's a bad idea, but hey, not like it's the first we've had, heck we had a whole slew of them at once during that battle.” Rhede grins looking over at Starfall who sat by the window of the room watching the ponies and pegasi rush about outside.” Go ahead and tell him Starfall I know he wants to know and I don't want him getting moody.”

“I would rather not until he is better. Besides Rose is already making up the list, he doesn't need to do anything.” Starfall sighs.

“On a scale of Dullahan to Cutie Cena party whats the damage?” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“War of the North.” Starfall sighs.

“Ugh, better than I thought, but not likely something any of these ponies have ever seen.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“They had a flood about ten years ago that killed around a hundred or so, that was the worst disaster they had seen in a thousand years.... well until this. The property damage from the invasion alone dwarfs the flood's and the cost of life is easily seven or eight times that. The biggest issue is there are a great many still missing. The collapse of Canterlot, the fires and the Changelings capturing ponies is making a proper tally rather difficult. Right now they are being counted among the fallen until we find out otherwise. Ponyville got off rather light by comparison with only a few dozen dead though there are very few who did not suffer any kind of injury, only a few structures left intact as well.” Starfall continues.

“So we have our work cut out for us.” Bleu quips.

“Pretty much, at least when I can stand on my own again. We'll have to check in with the Princess and Celestia to see what they want us to do. I expect going after Chrysalis and Sombra is going to be the top priority.” Jer'rahd responds.

“No, that is actually the last thing on our list General. The first is to restore order and rebuild.” states Luna as she slowly pushes open the door. The alicorn goddess flaps her wings once folding them against her large form the dark spiraled horn again emerging from her waving mane and tail.

Starfall and Velkorn start to bow and the others make the effort to at least attempt it, though Luna waves it off.

“After everything we have been through do you really expect that any of you need to bow before me.” Luna sighs.

“Hard to tell where we stand really Princess.” Rhede points out. “You've been everything from spiteful to angry to buddy buddy with us since we woke up.”

“Yes... I am sorry about that. I have had some … difficulty with my emotional state for some time now.” Luna sighs.

“What, been that time of month since we've been back?” Bleu questions with a chuckle. Jer'rahd groans and Rhede and Starfall face hoof while Luna simply stares. Velkorn breaks the silence by cuffing the dragonling in the back of the head.

“She means the Nightmare Bleu.” Jer'rahd sighs.” I'm gathering Sparkle and the Elements didn't fully destroy it?”

“No more than it destroyed the Beast within you. But I digress.” Luna sighs. “ My sister and I have need of you still so I would prefer if you did not do anything stupid like attempt to return to stone.”

“Didn't plan on it.” Rhede grumbles.
“Likewise.” Bleu mutters.
“Yeah like I need more Parasprites using me as a nest.” snarks Starfall.
“And miss Rhede actually try and woo me? That is something I cannot wait to see.”
“Thought about it, but I’ve got some other business to take care of first...... wait what was that Velkorn?” Jer'rahd starts lifting the ice pack again.

“Never you mind,” Rhede growls as Velkorn laughs.

“Oh..... I apologize for the assumption.“ Luna mutters. “It's just that.. well....”

“Don't worry, I woulda made the same assumption Princess. “Jer'rahd sighs. “I'm still thinking about it. Starfall's got a relative here, Velkorn has a thousand years of medical knowledge to catch up on, Bleu's got a schools she can run, and Rhede well,I’m sure he'd find some mare that he's not related to eventually....”

“Gee thanks Jer....”

“So what's an old solider supposed to do in peace time? Take up knitting?” Jer'rahd sighs. “I think Ruin had the right of it. Stay out of the way until needed.”

“That is not going to happen General...... Jer'rahd.” Luna sighs. “This conflict has shown that our Guard are in sore need of training and after seeing how those you and Major Rose trained fared in the conflict, we wish for any who wish to join the Guard to under take your training regime. There will be plenty for a as you put it' old solider to do.'”

“....... I need a hat.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“What the heck is it with you and that damned hat Boss?” Bleu sighs.

Luna chuckles as Rhede, Starfall, and Jer'rahd shudder at the memory of their time training with the pony with that hat.

“I take that means you will do it?” Luna questions moving closer to Jer'rahd's bed curiously looking over the scar on his side.

“Of course Princess. “ Jer'rahd sighs. “Guess I will be around a bit.”

“Quite a long time if I am correct in another assumption.” Luna's smile fades and her ears flatten to her head. “ There is something else however…. for all of you... I do not blame you for what you needed to do. I forgive you all for what happened a thousand years ago, though you needed not have waited for my forgiveness as you have no need of it. I am not worthy of granting you five forgiveness. It is I who should be asking for your forgiveness.” Luna states .

“We betrayed you when we should have stood with you. “ Jer'rahd states. “That isn't something I can forgive of myself Princess. I don't understand how you can.”

“Despite what I have said to you before, there is nothing to forgive, though I am also truly sorry about my outburst after the events in the Garden Jer'rahd. I should not have reacted that way.”

“It's alright Princess... I never liked those medals any way.” Jer'rahd half smirks showing a fang. “I don't blame you for that reaction.”

“As I do not blame you for your attempt to stop me as Nightmare Moon. Do you understand now?” Luna mutters leaning down a bit over the side of Jer'rahd's bed looking down at him as he lifts the ice pack off his face. “So are we even now, can we go back to being friends ?”

“Of course Luna” Jer'rahd smiles watching as Luna does the same, the mare lingering over him.

“NOW KISS!” Bleu shouts causing both of them to jump and turn away from each other with a flush.

“I need to go speak with Twilight about regaining control of my moon... if you will excuse me.” Luna mutters hastily darting out the door.

Rhede and Starfall glare at the cackling dragonling as Velkorn slaps her upside the back of the head again.

Author's Note:

I would like to thank all of you for reading this story.

There will be two epilogues to follow this story that tie up a couple of loose ends, but this was the big finisher.

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