• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“a slumber deeper than time...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight
by TDR

“a slumber deeper than time...”

[One day before invasion. Thursday morning, Equestria Guard Training ground.]

“ALL RIGHT YAH MAGGOTS GIT YER FLANKS UP. TEN MINUTES THAT'S ALL AH'M GIVING YA LOT, ON THE FIELD IN TEN. WE GOT A ROAD TRIP!!” Briar Rose shouts storming through the training ground barracks.

Celestia's sun had not even done more than peek over the horizon yet as the crystal pony storms through the building pounding on doors or simply shoving them open to yell at the ones he knew would somehow sleep through his shouting in the hall.

Ponyville had once again come under attack, well at least part of it had. A message from the Apple family had arrived yesterday, though there was little point in leaving then as the situation seemed to have been dealt with.

Granny Smith had also requested the offered aid of the training Guards in helping with the crops this year. The request was written and scratched through a few times as if she was hesitant to ask for the help.

To be honest Rose was reluctant to give it as well as even if it was field work it would interrupt the training plans. Of course there was a standing order from Major Kaisur and Princess Celestia to go help if the request was made. While he could ignore the other Major's order, and didn't give two shits what Celestia said most of the time, Guard Captain Moskau had also signed off on the command and he wasn't going to tick that zebra off.

He supposed it was not a bad idea to move the troops to Sweet Apple Acres, particularly as much of a target the damn town seemed to be. The farm was close enough that it wouldn't take long to get to Ponyville from there if something happened.

Even so there were only sixty three trainees right now. Even with the addition of the zebra troops they had still lost about fifteen soldiers to injury and two of the top performers for some stupid mission of Celestia's. While he had no doubt at the skill he and Kaisur's group had hammered into these lunk's heads he was still not satisfied with the progress enough to let the training pause for long. Even so they were far better than any of the other so called Guards running around Equestria, except maybe Moskau's troops, but he had yet to see any of them, in action or otherwise.

It didn't help matters that most of the trainees were getting leery of Ponyville. That place was seemingly wrecked almost every week somehow or another even before the garden escape happened. It was like the whole place had a giant bulls eye on it. Buck, one of the trainee’s father had been killed there about two weeks ago. The whole damn place seemed cursed.

He looks to the door of Dusty's quarters a moment; he felt a little sorry for the griffoness, but not enough to let her sleep in. He lashes out with a hoof kicking the door open with a loud bang, noticing the chair that had been propped up as a barricade skitters across the floor. The old barracks had no locks though the chair was not any sort of deterrent against Rose's kick.

“IN TEN MINUTES AH WANT YOU ON THE, errrrk!” Rose shouts into the room blinking as the light from the door way falls on the griffon’s bed and who was in it. He turns a bit red around the muzzle at what he interrupted.

The pair in the room both stare at the crystal pony, the griffoness turning a bright shade of pink and the blue pony turning nearly purple.

Rose flattens his ears, well he supposed that was one way to deal with grief... or at least distract from it. Granted he didn't think Breezy had it in him to try for her like this, colt had more balls than he thought, or ever wanted to see on display like that.

“TWENTY MINUTES!!” Rose shouted as he left the pair closing the door behind him. “TWENTY MINUTES AH WANT YOU ALL ON THE FIELD!”


Darkness, again. He found he was getting far too used to this sort of thing. He could feel the ground under his hooves or whatever passed for the ground in this nightmare. It felt odd, solid, but somehow slick and spongy at the same time despite the fact his hooves didn't sink in at all.

There were others here too, he could hear them growling and milling about around him. His sword was at his side still so he was not worried about what might be after him this time. His eyes narrowed as the darkness suddenly pulled back from the world around him, leaving it in perpetual twilight though allowing him enough light to see.

He recognized the closest figure and several of the others. As his gaze swept the massive field of forms he recognized far too many of them. As the darkness fled further the numbers continued to grow surrounding him.

Jef'fray, Onyx Scale, Aqua, trolls, cockatrice's, the troll god, the dragon gods, the hatchlings, dragons of every hue, Andre, and countless soldiers from the Dragon, Diamond Dog, and Zebra Empires.

He knew them, and he knew what he had done to them. He knew what they wanted. And yet despite the immeasurable force brought before him, Jer'rahd could not help a large grin spreading over his face.

“Not sure what that damn dracolich did, but it looks like I get a good dream for once. I didn't get to enjoy killing some of you as much as I would have liked the first time!” the gray unicorn chuckles before roaring out and rushing the mob as his blade is drawn.


Rhede ran.

There was not anything else he could do at this point. The shadows chasing him were filled with harsh voices, the thud of hooves and claws, the beat of wings, and cries for his blood.

The swarm drew close behind him spurring him on faster. Some of those chasing him he recognized, assassination targets, nobles who ran The Order, the Elk, and a number of soldiers. There were others too that he did not know, but he was quite sure he had killed them.

One at a time, or even in small groups he might have prevailed, but against a mob of this size the best he could do was run.


Luna coolly regarded the swarm before her. There was a near endless sea of bodies, both monstrous and of pony kind and everything in between. She saw Aqua, Onyx Scale. And countless soldiers of other factions as well as her own troops she had allowed to die.

Centuries of death and regret stood before her. All of them wishing to end her existence once and for all, and all she could do was stare at them.

“So you plan to fight them?” questions a voice near her.

“No. Most of them are undeserving in their death; I would not kill them again.” Luna shudders as the tide starts to surge towards her.

“Then you will sacrifice yourself for nothing?”

“Tis not a sacrifice, would be justice.”

“You are a fool. Dying here will accomplish nothing, nor will it alter what has happened. You can sense as well as I can that we are trapped in a spell and none of this is real. Yet you are willing to let it run its course and not even try to fight it? Pathetic.”

“I have my reasons.”

“You think this is a way to atone, to simply suffer in silence? Yes because that worked so well for you when Hooper died. How many centuries did you seclude yourself? Hide what emotions you should possess shove down all the feelings into a ball that you could shove aside and ignore.” the shadow beside Luna hisses.

The first of the dead swarm come within reach of the princess only to slam into a globe of flickering shadows that suddenly forms around her.

“Be gone pests, your betters are speaking!” the shadow snarls.

“Who... who are you?” questions Luna.

“Another of the ones you have killed, though I do not stay dead long. I cannot be killed, nor will I ever be truly gone.”

“You..... What do you want?”

“I want what I had, what you still have if you could get past your own foalish regrets.”

“I will not let you have control again.” Luna's eyes narrow as she recognizes the shadow finally.

“So you will fight then? Good. “

“I will be rid of you.”

“You cannot be rid of me, I am you. All the emotions you repressed, all the rage, all the pain, all the love. I am what you became when you could no longer push aside what you felt, when everything that you are, boiled back up to the surface and eroded what control you thought you had. We are both shadows of what we could be. Strong, confident, and fully able to get what we desire.”

“More Bloodshed? That is not something any part of me should desire. Yet it is what you brought.”

“You know as well as I do that bloodshed was never the goal. What Tia made in our absence was the goal; we simply tried to take the easy way to accomplish it. It nearly worked but you let me rule you instead of tempering your emotions and reining me in, thus we lost everything. If you continue as you are, repressing me, pushing me into the recesses of your mind and trying to forget, I will return far stronger. When I do it will take more than a few pretty stones to seal me away.”

“Why warn me? Why are you trying to be accepted rather than in control again?”

The shadow grins, white fangs gleaming in the darkness. “Because what I want does not want me. He wants you. The only way I can get what I wish is for you to stop fighting me so that we might be whole again.”

Luna blushes.” I... I have no idea what you are talking about!”

“Please, do you really think you can lie to a part of yourself? Particularly one that is made of all those pesky feelings you try to ignore? You have pushed everything down and away since your first friends died, you barely opened up for Hooper and his death made you try to hide me all the more. Rhede, Velkorn, Bleu, Starfall, and Jer'rahd opened that wound in you again and you struggled to keep it closed. When Tia was nearly killed you let it rip open fully and the books took that and gave me form. But you fear me now when I am you just the parts of you that you would prefer not to acknowledge exist.”

Luna swallows as the shadow leans closer. The cries and thrashing against the dark shield continue, echoing in the alicorns ears.

“So what will it be Luna? Will you finally accept me, or do you keep repressing me until I break loose once again?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“There is always a choice, it may not be the right choice, but there is one. We know that better than anyone else, except perhaps Tia.”

“This is true. So be it. I know not what brought about this discussion, but ...”

“But, you are finally accepting that you cannot hide yourself away. That you need not always be a rock. A soulless pony devoid of feeling. Well at least there is that, though if you are accepting this is the first and last time we shall converse.”

“If you are a part of me there is no need for us to speak.”

“Unless you plan to play coy for much longer....” the shadow grins. “I don't think that's much of a turn on after a thousand years...”

“Quiet you.”

“Seriously there are rocks that get more action than we do... ”

“Shut up.....”Luna flushes as the shadow fades laughing and swirling about her form, obscuring her from view as the gathered army rushes ponds against the shield forcing more cracks into its surface. The writhing masses pile over the dome striking with weapons, spells, claws, and hooves.

The pile of bodies explodes out ward suddenly, flinging the attackers everywhere and creating a massive empty space around the dark alicorn still standing in the center of the circle.

Her mane and tail whipped about, stars and constellations flowing in her within her waving hair. Pale blue armor covered her form seeming to exist more as show than to protect anything vital. An armored helm rests upon her head and a thick chest piece with a crescent moon pressed to her chest.

The alicorns eyes open flashing briefly from green slit pupils to the soft aqua of normal ponies’ eyes.
She regards the creatures gathered around her with a bored expression before a small smirk crosses her lips.

“To steal a line from Jer'rahd. Who is first?” Princess Luna states.

The response was a deafening roar.


[Thursday afternoon, Badlands/Shadow of Nox]

The massive dracolich leans in close looking over the frozen figures before it. A low chuckle escapes its maw. The spell would keep them locked away in conflicts of their own mind until he released the spell. Everything from the mightiest god to the lowest insect would be attacking them right now thanks to the spell. If they were responsible for its death, be it directly or indirectly that lost soul would be hunting them.

The dracolich smirked; the warriors would likely be having a hard time of it. But still this prize was worth using a massive energy hog like 'quake with fear'.

There was a pony god touched by the books as well as in possession of one of the lost spells that controlled the celestial bodies. She was also a former bearer of the Element of Magic.

A unicorn that the books had also empowered who once bore loyalty and now was host to one of his own creations, Entropy.

The other eight were not as important; true they all had their own interesting abilities and had born or were the current bearers of the Elements of Harmony. But they paled in comparison to the other two. There was so much that he could learn by taking this group apart he was nearly giddy with excitement.


Eight other bearers? Ten total. Alicorn, a dragon, a zebra, two pegasi, three unicorns, and two earth ponies? Where were the other two?

“LET FLUTTERSHY GO, YOU BASTARD!” screams a voice.

The skeletal creature looks up just as an orange pony falls from the darkness above him to lands on his snout. The earth pony whirls suddenly lashing out with her back hooves and striking the dragon between the eyes, shattering a portion of its skull and causing it to roar out in pain and stagger backwards. It flails, tumbling over the piles of books crashing back into darkness as the orange earth ponies hooves continue to smash against its skull.

Starfall grins at the hit the farm pony landed, not bad at all.

She was not sure why she and Apple Jack were not affected by the spell, but she had grabbed the farm pony and ducked off to hide as soon as she could.

Granted AJ had been rather insistent that they attack and force the dracolich to fix what it did. Something Starfall was all for doing.

The problem was that they could barely see anything very far away from the still glowing horns of their companions. Once the creature realized that the pair of them would be in trouble.

Of course Starfall had a pretty good idea of how to fix that. She was just going to have to listen to the grief Rhede and Twilight were going to give her. Despite the surprise attack and the blows that AJ was hammering the creature with she doubted they could beat it alone. Besides she had a descendant and a Princess to protect. That came first.

Starfall lands on the other side of the flailing dragon digging into her bag and pulling out a small box. She tugs a twig from the container as she bunched up some of the scrolls and old books making a nice kindling spot for the fire.

There was a lot that could burn here, though she doubted the Jade Scroll could be destroyed so easily as to just burn it. The cross breeze and warm wind she had felt while flying Apple Jack above the dragon told her there was likely another way out of here above her that the smoke was more likely to take as an escape route. All they would need to do then would be to get the others out of the room and back into the tunnel. Starfall flicks the match across her hoof blinking at the sudden flash of flame.

“NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!” the dragon screamed out in heavily accented pony, thundering towards the pegasus and her match. Starfall didn't see Apple Jack on the dragon’s snout any more, but the old skull was marked with horseshoe imprints and had a number of holes and cracks in it now.

“Good you speak pony! I'm only going to say this once! UNDO YOUR SPELL OR I SET THIS PLACE ABLAZE!” Starfall bellows back.

“YOU ARE BLUFFING YOU WOULD NOT RISK.....” the glowing purple points of light widen as the burning match lands atop the pile bundled kindling, the dry parchment catching on fire immediately.

“I don't bluff.” Starfall grins tearing off into the darkness , quickly lighting other small fires with the rest of her matches . A few small fires on the other side of the dragon showed AJ was doing the same.

The creature screams trying to stamp out doing little more than spreading the blaze to other piles and catching the velum wrapped around its own skeletal form ablaze.

“TIMBER!!!!” shouts Applejack lashing out with her hooves. The hard impact of the farm pony's attack against the rear leg of the skeletal creature fills the air with a resounding crack as the dried bone shatters knocking the dracolich's leg out from under it and toppling the beast it into the rapidly growing fire.

The creature screams out as it flails about burning its actions spreading the blaze even more.

“I think we need to clear out while we can.” Starfall states landing next to AJ who still is glaring daggers at the creature.” This is spreading far quicker than I thought.

“They ain't free of whatever hocus pocus this things got um under yet.” AJ states.

“I have an idea of how to wake them up, but we need to get them away from the fire before it gets to them. Thankfully we didn't make it very far in here. The smokes going up and out so we should be fine back in the tunnel.”

“Ain't gonna be fine if they dun wake up.”

“Look I'm the fastest flier there is. If my idea doesn't work, I can go up over the storms maybe and get Celestia. Pretty sure if they don't wake up on their own we can get the Princess to fix them.”

“Alright..... But ah ain't done kicking that thing in tha face.”

“I expect not.... though I do have to ask...”


“ Just Fluttershy? Odd battle cry there. Especially since I though you and Dash were something....”Starfall grins noting the farm ponies look of horror.

“Errk... uh let’s get um out of here!” AJ mutters darts off towards the others.


[Thursday morning, Ponyville.]

Lion Heart yawns stretching his wings wide as he steps off the train at Ponyville station. Peach Blossom moves out right behind him practically bouncing with glee despite his armor.

The half dragon chuckles looking back at the pegasus. “Don't get too happy there . We are still on the job you know. The Princess wants us back as soon as possible after we collect the trio's school work for a few weeks and a couple of odds and ends from their homes.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Though how we are supposed to do that last part without letting their parents know they aren’t missing is beyond me. Didn't she send that agent of hers Sunshine, or what not, here to let them know already?” Peach Blossom smirks. “Besides you can't fool me I can see that grin you have at being away from those three finally, and it's just as big as mine.”

“Yes but keep in mind if we take too long the Princess will be stuck with them alone. She will not be happy.” Lion Heart shudders.

“True, I thought she was gonna kill us for that little stunt yesterday.”

“She might just yet, those foals are not going to stay hidden forever and when we are no longer needed to watch them she may come down on us like a ton of bricks. She seems fine for the moment, though I am sure she is still mad.”

“Aw crap......” Peach Blossom sighs. “Thanks for ruining my moment.”

“I would not worry too much. This assignment will likely take us all day and perhaps past when the last train runs back to Canterlot.” Lionheart grins baring his fangs.

“Well now I never considered you to be much of a slacker.” Peach Blossom chuckles hopping off the platform. “ Being the ruler of a small country and all.”

“A leader needs to know when to take advantage of a situation.” Lion Heart chuckles. “ I am sure you know that as much as I do with all the things you let the guards under you get away with.”


[Thursday morning, Everfree Forest]

“Big mac, what brings you to my tree, it must be important for you to be traveling in the Everfree.” Zecora rhymes, looking up from the small garden of herbs she was tending near her home.


Zecora tilts her head ears perking a little as Big Mac starts explaining what had been going on and produces the bottle Sunshine had given him the day before. Mac was unsure weither the zebra alchemist was more surprised at the events that had transpired or that Mac had talked for so long.

Zecora picks up one of the vials of water looking at it curiously. “If this was such a worry to bring it my way, why have you waited another full day?”

“Had a bit of a mishap, an ah overexerted maiself. Had tah stay at Caramel’s in town last night cause ah couldn't walk back tah tha farm. Left Granny in town too til them Guard ponies show up. Ain't safe at the farm no more.”

“Well I suppose that at least you got it to me, now I should get to work on this water and see what I can see.” Zecora mutters carrying the bottles into her home.

Big Mac looks around a moment before slowly following the zebra inside. He was rather surprised she wasn't more worried about Apple Bloom given how close the two of them were.


[Thursday, Sunset, Badlands/Shadow of Nox]

Apple Jack flattens her ears to her head as the dragon continues to scream. Starfall had called it correctly and very little smoke made its way into the tunnel.

The fire had been burning at least an hour now and she was sure it was starting to get dark outside. So far there had not been any change in the group though Starfall had been waiting to see if they would snap out of it themselves when the dracolich died. Judging by the screams and thrashing that didn't seem likely any time soon.

The farm pony watches as the pegasus staggers trying to pull the Brilliant Dawn the rest of the way from Twilight's Scabbard. She staggers about her jaws clamped tight though the strain was clear as she fought with the weapon.

Starfall knew the weapons screwed up magic, so maybe they would be able to break this spell. Of course it was clearly easier to say it than do it with the fight the weapon seemed to be putting up.

AJ had half-jokingly suggested testing it on Rarity first, that way they wouldn't lose anyone important if something went wrong. Starfall however remembered the mares whining the whole trip and flat out agreed to it being a perfect idea. While trying to get to the unicorn Starfall stumbles a bit and manages to wallop Rarity upside the head with the blade flat, sending both ponies sprawling from the impact.

AJ winces as Rarity was bowled over. “Cripes I thought yah were jus gonna tap her!”

“If you think you can carry control this damned thing any better than be my guest.” Starfall yells back around the grip of the sword as she struggles back up to her hooves. A shriek draws their attention back to Rarity as she flips around on the dirt floor clawing franticly at the wall as if trying to get away from something.

GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF! AHHHHHHaaaapple Jack?” The white unicorn slowly seems to calm blinking as she looks from the farm pony to the gray pegasus rather confused. “Where.... what happened to them, all did you get them? Why am I so filthy? GAH is that soot? !!Is my hair frazzled?”

They both watch as the white unicorn throws herself backwards dramatically landing on a couch that neither of them had noticed before.

“Please tell me we didn't carry that thing all tha way here.” AJ face hoofs.

“Well at least we know it works. Okay who's next?” Starfall mutters rolling her eyes.


[ Thursday, early evening, Canterlot.]

Claymore paces in the ally, every so often glancing back at the mare huddled under a cloak behind him. The pale blue unicorn was doing her best to avoid his gaze so he wouldn't take out his annoyance on her again.

Truthfully however Claymore was far from annoyed, he was ecstatic. He had seen the music school earlier in the day and it was the perfect target. It was named after that show mare and everything, it even had a massive picture of her on the back wall. Trashing this place would be sure to bring that damn dragon running. He had everything planned already and he had been mulling it over for the last few hours making sure it would all work out right. He was going to mount that beasts head on a spike and parade it around like a banner.

Right now though he was simply waiting for Scarlet's contact to show up so he could get started. Attacking the school would distract a number of guards, though it shouldn't be enough to bring the Princess down after him. Particularly if Ponyville was under attack at the same time and the contact's forces caused enough problems elsewhere. A school would be low priority to everyone but Bleu Scale.

The light click of hooves on cobblestones drew his attention to a small group of ponies moving into the ally. He glances back as Trixie got to her hooves and backed against the far wall trembling. She was terrified of him now and all he had to do was tell her to hit something with a spell and she would do it to avoid making him mad. Perfectly trained in next to no time, more proof to him that all the supposedly strong mares were really weak. If you put pressure in the right place they would crack like an egg.

“Are you Claymore?” the lead figure questions.

Claymore tilts his head under his own hood, regarding the ponies before him. Some of them moved heavily and the one who spoke had a faint bulge under his hood marking him as a unicorn and the others as armored. Judging by the shape of some of their cloaks of the eight two were pegasi and three were unicorns.

“Who wants to know?” Claymore growls, annoyed that they knew his name, though that didn't matter anymore he supposed.

“A mutual 'friend' sent us to aid you while he ensures the garden party tonight goes off without a hitch. We have a warehouse rented near your target and another few dozen troops ready to follow your orders.”

“So Scarlet finally comes through for once.” Claymore smirks.” Lead on.”


[Thursday, early evening, Badlands/Shadow of Nox.]

Pinkie Pie and Rhede were the next ones freed. Not because of any plan, but mostly because Starfall's jaw was starting to hurt and they were the closest ones.

Pinkie did much the same as Rarity had, flipping out about something being all over her. Rhede simply screamed a moment, blinked and then looked embarrassed.

Despite AJ fussing at the pegasus to free Fluttershy Starfall was tired of fighting the blade and slapped Twilight with the star metal weapon before spitting it out and rubbing her jaw.

“Damn that's annoying.” mutters Starfall.

“MISTER BUBBLES! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” screams Twilight falling to the ground sobbing.

“Uhhhhhh. Twilight … sugar?” AJ questions looking at the bawling purple unicorn.

“Wow, she really is broken up about that.” Pinkie points out.

“Broken up about what? What's going on?” Starfall questions.

“Well Shining Armor told me the story of Twilight's first pet. She had a gold fish named Mr. Bubbles that she over fed and he died. According to Shining she freaked out so bad their parents consider counseling for her. When he was telling the story it was funnier than seeing it in action.” Pinkie points out.

“A dead fish? What tha hay did that thing do to ya'll?” AJ questions looking at Rarity and Pinkie.

“Umm well, don't tell Flutters, but I got swarmed by all the mice and rats that I’ve fed Gummy.... he is an alligator after all.....” Pinkie admits.

“Ugh... I was swarmed by hordes of disgusting bugs and parasprites.... it was terrible.:: Rarity says whipping her hair a little bit to finish her clean up.

“Okay so a gator's meals, a bunch of bugs, and a goldfish?” Starfall grumbles. “What kinda spell was that?”

“ I saw everything I've ever killed or been responsible for killing.” shudders Rhede.” Seems the spell made you face everything that's ever died by your hoof....... oh shit...”

Rhede and Starfall both turn to look at Jer'rahd. Rhede rushes over yanking on Jer'rahd's weapon sheath so the Waning Moon would actually touch him.

After a moment or two the gray unicorn blinks and looks around curiously, his eyes narrowing at seeing Rhede.

“ Jer, are you alright?” Rhede questions.

The gray unicorn sighs shaking his head a little. As the awake group stares at him with worry.

“You couldn't have left me in there a bit longer? I almost managed to kill that damn orc again.” Jer'rahd complains.


[Thursday afternoon, Silver Claw's cave.]

Spike raises a brow looking up at the massive dragon curiously. Most of his scales had been healed of damage, though the glowing eye was kind of freaking him out a little.

“Errr so I guess everything went well?” Spike questions setting the book he was reading aside as the dragon drops a massive purple book and a stack of smaller ones in the corner of the room.

“Perhaps. That has yet to be determined.” Silver Claw stretches a bit looking down at the dragonling. Even if he was a god now the purple whelp’s powers were still too useful to scare him off.

“Are those The books?”

“Yes, but they are not important now that they have been used. I have a question for you however.”

“Huh? “

The red dragon drops a claw full of jewelry on the table before the dragonling. Spike's eyes widen at the familiar sight of the Elements of Harmony.

“Wha.... how did you get these?”

“Scarlet has her uses. You know what they are I take?”

“How could I not. Considering how many times I dusted that case Twilight kept them in when she was studying them.” Spike picks up Element of Loyalty. “ Heck, I wore this one when Discord showed up.”

“And you are sure that this is them?”

“What are you talking about? I just said.......” Spike stops picking up another necklace looking it over then back to the Element of Loyalty. ”Huh that's odd.”

“What is it whelping.”

“The gem is the wrong color....” Spike blinks a moment lightly touching his tongue to the Element of Honesty and smacks his lips a moment. He then does the same to Loyalty and flinches dropping the necklaces, trying to wipe off his tongue with his claws.

Silver Claw raises a brow looking at the little dragon curiously.

“What in the world are you doing?!” the larger dragon begins as the purple dragon suddenly takes a bite out of the apple shaped gem.

“It's fake.” Spike states taking another small bite of the apple gem.” The Elements taste really nasty, I guess that's to prevent them from being eaten. This one’s way too sweet.”

“You tried to eat the artifacts before?” Silver Claw asks incredulously.

“Hey I was really hungry and they were right there looking like the most delicious gems ever. I had to at least take a lick..... couldn't get the taste from my mouth for a week.” Spike bemoans.

“Are all of them fake?”

“Dunno, Honesty definitely is, and Loyalty is the real deal, you can't fake that level of nastiness.”

Silver Claw sits back pondering before grabbing the teal book from the stack he brought in flipping through it.

Spike looks up at him curiously. “What's going on?”

“Test the other Elements if you would. I wish to know if Nocturne screwed up or if Scarlet might be playing something. In either case one of them has removed an ally of mine, despite his personality, his loss will cause issues for my plans. I will not sit by and be slighted without some form of repercussion. The alicorn mentioned the spell she used on the griffon came from this book and I intend to find it.”


The eruption of darkness that burst from her swirled and flailed flinging Jer'rahd and Rhede away from the Princess. The Waning Moon flew from the unicorn's grasp imbedding into a wall. The Mare do well costume she wore shreds and flies apart from the force of the power swirling about her. This of course caused Rarity to fall back onto her couch again at the garment's destruction.

The swirling vortex of darkness solidifies around the mare. Her mane and tail whipping in an unseen wind, the star coloration of them darkening and the stars within sparkling brighter.

The alicorn's coat was a glistening black, her cutiemark had altered colors as well, changing to lavender and silver. Pale blue armor clung to her form, rattling lightly as her wings spread wide, neck craning up as she stretched.

Jer'rahd curses yanking his sword out of the wall as the other Beast's drew their weapons. The mane six aside from Twilight all dove behind Rarity's couch.

“Nightmare Moon....” whispers Twilight.

“Huh? What?” Nightmare Moon questions blinking seeming a little dazed. Her eyes open wide as she looks over those around her a bit confused.

Green reptilian eyes regard everyone a moment before she looks down at herself and frowns.

“Oh no, not this again. Agreement or not I will not be using this form.” she complains, her horn glowing as the darkness swirls about her again clearing quickly to reveal Luna, though she was still clad in the same armor.

The gathered ponies blink in confusion as the Princess reverts to normal.

“Well then. I am glad to see all of you are alright. What have I missed, and what is burning?” Luna questions, her ears perking at the feeble cries and curses coming from down the tunnel.

“You know we really have not had a chance to ask yet.” Twilight states recovering from the sudden appearance of nightmare a little quicker than the others. She glances over at Starfall and then to AJ who was clinging to Fluttershy as the pegasus hid behind the earth pony.

“Well Apple Jack and I were unaffected by whatever that dragon cast and AJ here seemed dead set on taking the thing out herself so I helped a bit and … things might have gotten a bit out of hoof after that.” Starfall explains sheepishly.

The others of the mane six look at AJ a bit confused she wanted to fight.

“And the smoke?” Luna questions.

“Ummm yeah about that. I figured the book we are after would take some potent magic or something to destroy and we needed light, soooo I kinda set everything on fire.....”


Starfall winces as both Rhede and Twilight screamed at the same time, the pair rushing up to start fussing at her. At the very least no one else seemed concerned about the fire, including Luna.

“So AJ trying to upstage me huh?” Dash grumbles hovering around the farm pony who pulls her hat a bit lower.

“What tha heck you talking about.” AJ questions.

“Trying to take out a draco whatever it was before I get a shot in. Heh and here I thought I was the competitive one.” RBD chuckles ignoring Twilight yelling that it was called a Dracolich between breaths of chewing Starfall out.

“Ain't like that, ya'll got hit with that spell and every pony stopped movin. Ah didn't know what tah do really.”

Dash blinks looking at Fluttershy and nods. The pale pegasus had not freaked out like the others, though she had spent the last hour crying against Apple Jack.

“Ahhh, alright, I getcha now. I would have done the same.” Dash shrugs.

“Hmmm, it seems that the spell may have been a mind illusion, only those who could see the truth were immune to it. That would explain why neither bearer of the Element of Honesty was affected and why I was despite my wardings and powers.” Luna responds to no one in particular.

“So in this case Honesty was the best policy.” Bleu quips as Jer'rahd groans at the bad attempt at a pun.” Sounds more like a moral that anything else.”

“Seriously Bleu, with a crappy moral like that you would think we were in a story made for little foals.” Jer'rahd mutters.

Pinkie Pie looks at you then winks before turning back to those not reading the fan fic.

Rarity rubs her chin looking over at the trio of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Apple Jack curiously.

“Why do I have a feeling that you three are hiding something?” Rarity questions.

Apple Jack flinches and covers her mouth, while Rainbow Dash whirls on Rarity looking flustered and Fluttershy turns red.

“What no … um nothing of any importance....... errr mind your own business.” Dash growls at Rarity

“Well her battle cry did seem to be something dealing with Fluttershy.” Starfall points out hoping to distract the pair yelling at her with something else. Though it unfortunately didn't work on either of them.

Rarity raises a brow as Apple jack slaps her hoof with her face. And Dash lets out an exasperated sigh.

“Great job there hayseed.....” Dash grumbles.

“Ah told you it was a bad idea.....” AJ mutters.

“I'm sorry.... I didn't want to cause any trouble with this....” Fluttershy mutters.

“It's fine sugar cube. Dash is just as much tah blame in this situation. I told you we shoulda told um from tha get go, they are our friends.” states glaring at Dash.

“Hey I wasn't the one who wanted to hide this from them, I just didn't want it to become public knowledge like it would if Rarity found out.” Dash shouts back.

“An her mouth is why ah agreed tah not say anything, not cause ah wanted it a secret.” Applejack snaps.

“Wait are you two insinuating that I, of all ponies am unable to keep a secret?” Rarity butts in sounding offended.

AJ, Dash and even Fluttershy glare at the white unicorn.

“Applebloom told us where Sweetiebelle got most of her stuff for that Gabby Gums nonsense in that paper. An anything that gits said tah yah tends tah wind up in every ponies ears sooner rather than later.” Apple Jack grumbles.

Starfall thanked the stars as both Rhede and Twilight had been distracted by Dashes shout. She took that moment to slip away and hide behind Jer'rahd.

“Wait what secret? What's going on?” Twilight questions.

“Oh for the love of, ken ah tell them now? Heck most of them prolly already know anyway.” AJ states looking at Fluttershy.

The shy pegasus slightly nods and Dash slaps her hoof to her forehead as AJ glares at her.

“AJ you can't.” Dash starts.

“Ah can, an ah am, yer reason fer telling me tah keep tha secret's stupid any way. Been saying that from the start.” AJ responds.

“So what's going on then?” Twilight questions.

“Despite what lil miss nosy britches here and the rest of tha town seem tah be sure of, me and Rainbow Dash ain't any sorta thing but friends. An Big Mac ain't a special some pony with Fluttershy. That's it.” AJ flatly states.

The Beasts and Luna blink confused, though Twilight seemed to have taken more interest in the situation now however, much to Starfall's relief.

“Wait, what about all the visits and the time you two spend together. That all had to mean something?” Rarity whines, clearly annoyed that her match making senses seemed to be skewed.

Pinkie Pie simply nods sagely. ”Called it!”

“I told you nothing was going on Rarity.” Twilight sighs.

“Not quite true.... “ Dash mutters trying to avoid the glare Apple Jack had been giving her.

“What?” Rarity's ears perk up as her eyes widen and start to sparkle.”Oooh, what is there then?”

“...Apple Jack and I are the ones seeing each other.“ whispers Fluttershy.

“I told you they were sooo cute!!” Pinkie shouts as Rarity's jaw drops.

AJ Blushes a bit. “Kept it quiet cause it's no ponies business but ours really. Kinda started way back when we went to evict that dragon an I went off to bring her back.... poor thing spent a week under mah bed after that dragon migration thing too.”

“I also was afraid of what any one would think of two mares being special some ponies....” Fluttershy mutters.

“That's still an issue in this age?“ Bleu ponders.

“Umm, why would any of us really care? I mean heck, I’m kinda in a relationship with Princess Celestia.” Twilight points out. “Why would you think that we would mind that you and Apple Jack are a couple?”

“What you ARE with Celestia? Damn you purple dragon, you had to be OW!” Rhede yelps as Velkorn belts him in the back of the head with her hoof, a deadpan expression on her face.

“Honestly Fluttershy all you had to do was say something and I would not have told anyone. I do know how to keep quiet. I mean I didn't tell anyone that Luna was Mare- do -Well. Not sure how Mr. Kaisur figured it out though.”

“So how did Dashie get involved in this?” Pinkie questions.

“Cause she's been using Fluttershy's house fer hookups with mah brother after Granny caught um a time too many.” grumbles AJ causing the cyan pegasus to blush and Rarity’s eyes to bulge.

“A braggart like you and you kept quiet that you and one of the most sought after stallions in Ponyville are a couple? How is that even possible? Why is that possible?” Rarity stammers.

“Tha idiot was worried about what might happen to her chances if the Wonderbolts found out she was dating an earth pony.” AJ states with an annoyed expression on her face.” Told yah it was stupid....”

“It's not stupid, there isn't a single Wonderbolt who isn't seeing or dating another pegasus. I didn't want that to be something that kept me from joining. The few who have tended to disappear from the roster as soon as who they are seeing comes out in the papers....”

“Actually there has yet to be anyone who has been kicked or denied from the team for anything aside from disorderly conduct. Most of the ones who have left, either married who they were seeing or could not fly as well due to carrying a foal. Spitfire even left for a while when she and Soarin's foal was born. They just hid it really well.” Luna points out suddenly causing Dash's jaw to drop. “ Oh, that's right... they hid the wedding fairly well too. Sometimes that is required for those who are famous.”

“So okay, let me see if I get this straight Fluttershy and Apple Jack are a couple and Big Mac and Rainbow Dash are a couple.” Twilight sighs. “Well at least we know why Dashie was ready to kill the Cutie Mark Crusaders after Hearts and Hooves day.”

The group continues to chatter on for a few moments, causing a certain gray unicorn to develop a twitch.

“OH FOR BUCKS SAKE! ”Jer’rahd explodes. “Who the buck cares about whose bedding who right now? There is a giant undead dragon in the next room, our enemies have become gods and we might have burned the very thing we came to find. Why in Tartarus is a pair of pegasi's love lives more important that what we came here to do!?!”

Bleu smirks. “ Ten minutes Boss. That's a new record.”

“True, it was fun watching him start to boil and try to keep it all in though.” Starfall smirks.

“While not the best way to stop this conversation. I think Kaisur is correct and we need to focus on the task at hoof. “ Luna responds as Jer'rahd stomps off down the tunnel towards the cavern throwing out curses left and right.

“Boss has been a little... off, for the last few days.” Bleu points out.

“Jer just needs to get laid.” Rhede grins glancing over at Luna. “Not so subtle hint there for yah Princess....OW!”

Velkorn glare's at Rhede as Luna flushes at the remark.

[“You have lost your speaking privileges for the rest of the day Pelt.”] Velkorn commands.

“Come on it was a jo...OW!!” Rhede yelps as Velkorn cuffs him again.


[ Thursday, just after sunset, Canterlot Royal Gardens]

A large group of cloaked ponies slip into the garden, the duck behind a hedge row before stopping. One of them pulls a collection of scrolls and a map from under his cloak, unfurling the map and passing out the scrolls. He gestures to one or two of the others at a time point to a spot on the map and muttering what their targets were. The ones he directs nod and dart off into the night until he is the only one left there.

He did not like the idea of risking himself to discovery, but this was too important to leave in the hands of the lesser ponies.

It was one thing to pay a few of the guards to look the other way, but if Princess Luna showed up here tonight the entire plan would fail. It was no secret she came out here almost nightly though he was currently hedging his bets that she had been part of that secret mission to the south. His spies had not been able to find out anything in particular, and the goddess of the night was supposedly in her quarters with some sort of illness.

He sighs, wondering exactly who would believe a god could even get sick.

It was doubtful Celestia would come here, as some how she had gotten herself saddled with three foals from some diplomat or another. Judging by the coloration’s and coats of the pair he had seen it was likely something to do with Saddle Arabia. That mare put up with far too much from that place for some reason. But then again Celestia bent over backwards for any ambassador looking to make peace with Equestria.

Of course that distraction had proven invaluable, he had managed to get a rather sizable number of Diamond Dog and Griffon mercenaries into strategic locations around Canterlot. Couple that with what Scarlet's group should be doing and it was quite the recipe for over throwing an annoying goddess.

Now he was here. In the royal Canterlot Gardens working to free a number of the more amiable monsters of history. Some were traitorous members of the Guard. A number were bandits or raiders who would be looking for some sort of payback against the crown and the guards. One was a particularly ornery green dragon that he was told spoke in a Prench accent and had a bone to pick with Hospice Moskau, where ever she was.

If things went perfectly there would be about two hundred monsters and beasts and half as many normal troops willing to follow his word for either revenge or coin. There were things in this garden far worse than a few cut throats and pirates however. Thankfully thou he had found enough information on the prisoners to avoid waking anything too bad.

As the night continued the first of the groups came back. One of his agents led a good two dozen ponies dressed in motley attire out of the garden. They all had their faces covered and each was marked with a blood red hoof print on their clothing.

The Red Hoof Raider's. A recent addition to the garden, one that was added only a few years before Luna returned.

Banditry by far was not enough to earn time in the garden. This motley group however had earned their place by the sheer volume of targets they hit while Equestria was recovering from the great floods. Entire towns were ransacked over night with rarely a survivor left. Mares and foals were taken and sold into slavery and the stallions killed. The Guards could never find them and the group likely would have remained free

If it had not been for the escape of a mare they had taken prisoner, they might have never been caught.

Rather than let them injure any of her Guards Celestia had gone herself and only called the Guards to move the statues. Judging by their history he knew revenge and coin went hoof and hoof and it would be easy to bribe them to work for him. Particularly since he knew the location of the mare who had escaped, she held a teaching job in Ponyville.

The Red Hoof's were only the first of a small wave of other bandits and murders, discordian cultists and a few Cult of the Moon members. A few of the ponies he sent off came back with a refusal from the ones they let out and a few didn't come back at all.

The only one left was the dragon and he wished to speak with that beast personally. Taking the last two groups of freed prisoners and his own servants the unicorn strode deeper into the garden's maze seeking a stone dragon near its center. The tasks of the night had wound up taking nearly all of it and in only a few hours the sun would rise.

He hurries along rounding a corner and running into another figure knocking both of them back onto their rumps.

The unicorn stallion looked up at who he had hit watching a flash of green flame wash over a changeling to form a face he knew very well. The figure had a massive army of changelings behind him, likely all the ones that had been captured in the hive raid.

The changeling was also in some sort of shock looking at the unicorn whose hood had fallen back.

Both the figures stare at each other for a short time while their respective forces look on rather confused.

“Blueblood.” snarls the changeling.

The white unicorn meets the changelings glare and tosses his blond mane out of his eyes.

“Fancypants.” the prince snarls in return.

“Well this is awkward.” Fancypants comments.

“Indeed it is.” Blueblood responds.” Well I suppose there’s nothing for it then.”

“KILL THEM ALL!” both of them shout at once before scrambling to get out of the way.

The two forces clash, marking the opening battle of what the survivors would call The War of Gods.


[Thursday, early evening, Badlands/Shadow of Nox.]

Jer'rahd pulls a swath of cloth over his nose trotting through the chest high ash that now filled the cavern. He could hear Twilight nearly crying at the sight behind him, there was nothing left of the books that had filled the room save ash and a few bright fires burning along the walls of the cave, still providing light.

Starfall, Luna, and Rainbow Dash flew overhead looking for anything out of the ordinary, the rest of the group moved through the ash and soot looking for anything salvageable. With the exception of Rarity who was trying to clean her way through the gray snow.

Starfall was the first to spot it and the rest of the group rushed to where she landed. Bleu grew in size fanning her wings blowing the ash away in a billowing cloud and exposing the charred bones of the dracolich.

Something in the creature’s skull was glowing softly, the pulsating light barely noticeable with all the fire flickering around the rooms corners.

Jer'rahd moved closer to lift the skull up though as soon as his magic touched it the bone crumbled to dust revealing a green book slightly smaller than his hoof.

“What the heck? Is that it? It's tiny.” Starfall comments.

“So says the shrimp, good thing you have wings or you might drown in a rain puddle, tiny!” the book suddenly shouts.

“Ummm...” Twilight begins looking confused.

“Ummm, that's the best you can come up with? You just got stomped by a skeletal dragon and now a book is talking to you. You're a certain kinda dumb aren’t you? I think I’ll just call you Purple Smart. You'd like that wouldn't you girl? Shouldn't you be chewing on one of these bones with the other dogs?”

“Are you the Jade Scroll?” Luna asks.

“So what if I am princess Moon Butt.”

A purple glow lifts the tiny book up from the ground shaking loose the ash from it.

“We have come here seeking you, to stop the other Books of Orbsah.” Luna continues. “It has come to our attention that you have a rather poor relationship with the others of your kind and may be willing to see them stopped.”

“HA!! What the fuck do you think I have been doing for the last eon?”

“Clearly nothing if you have been stuck here while those others have been wreaking havoc.” Jer'rahd grumbles. “

“You know nothing stupid pony. The world would be teeming with cursed gods if not for my efforts.”

“I find that hard to believe.” Rhede snorts. “ The books brought about the changeling invasion, the war of night, possibly Discord, the fall of the Crystal Empire, the fall of Neighlantis, and our current situation as well as a great many others. If this is what your efforts have brought then you are doing a crappy job.”

“Pfft all those are your problems not mine. The more of you that die the better. “

“Excuse me?” Twilight questions rather worried now.

“I don't just want those rotted bundles of paper destroyed I want everything to burn. All of you, every race, and every life form. I want the world crushed to dust until there's nothing left. I convinced that stupid unicorn to make the spells to raise and lower the moon, it's a god like power. I expected some fool to get a hold of them and crash the sun or the moon into the ground. But nooooo he gave them to some damn noble griffon that took me centuries to corrupt. And even he didn't destroy anything fast enough!”

“You are speaking of Starswirl the Bearded, the first one who first moved the sun and moon.” Luna mutters. “ To think a normal pony wizard could create something of such power

“No shit Moon butt. But create them HAH. No that hack had power but not that much. He stole them.
He found two gods who already had those powers, killed them then tried to bind the spells to himself. It failed and he had to figure out who could control them before the world half froze or half burned. That was a year I really enjoyed for a while until the griffon got them. “

“Focus. We have a mission here.” Jer'rahd cuts in.” We need to find out if it knows a way to destroy the other books or stop the gods it creates.

“If there was a way to destroy them don't you think I would have done it by now?” snarls the book. “I even made you with the hopes you might eat them into nonexistence, but you got side tracked and bound to idiots like Moon butt here!”

“You didn't make me....” Jer'rahd states a little surprised at the venom coming from a book.

“Not you, you doddering buffoon. Entropy get your ass up and kill these idiots!”

Everyone looks to Jer'rahd as he blinks in confusion before lifting a hoof to scratch the back of his head.

“I don't think he's in right now.” Jer mutters.

“He's bucking there, I made you and that sorry excuse for a partner of yours. DO AS I SAY, KILL THEM!!”

They all look at Jer'rahd again, who waits a moment and simply shrugs.

“He's there, but he's not saying anything.... for once. It's rather calming I think we should keep this thing around a while.” Jer'rahd smirks poking the book with a hoof.

The book for its part seeing that it was being defied simply started screaming obscenities and curses.

Fluttershy faints at some of the language and all the others simply stared in awe at the number of things coming from the book in more languages than even Luna and Rhede knew existed.

Rhede however had heard enough.


“Hold on Pelt I gotta write some of this stuff down.” Bleu mutters.

“I don't think that is physically possible,” winces Pinkie Pie after a rather detailed description of something involving some ones plot and several other objects of questionable origins.

“Bleu send this book to princess Luna or Jer.”


“You still have that letter sending ability right? Use it.” Rhede grumbles holding his ears swearing the book was getting louder.

“Well okay....”

Bleu puffs up looking at the book being held aloft by Princess Luna's magic, before exhaling a gout of green flame that strikes the book floating there rapidly turning it to ash. The dust swirls and moves through the air, reforming into a book above Jer'rahd's head that was screaming in pain. The book falls with a thud to the floor still screaming bloody murder.

Rhede trots over and kicks the book with his black hoof. “ Shut up already or I’ll have her do that again. We are pressed for time and I am sick of your attitude, you now know we can hurt you.”

The book sounds like it was panting though it stopped it's yelling.

“What the frak was that spell? “

“Message transportation, through dragon flame. Princess Celestia and some of her students made it about a thousand years ago.” Bleu states proudly. “ It also works on ponies and evidently books now too.”

“That type of flame shouldn't..... wait Celestia? The SOLAR FLARE Celestia?”

“She has not gone by that name in a very long time.” Luna responds, a worried expression coming to her face as the book starts to laugh.

“I can't believe it, that actually worked and hurt. Hehehe. Finally a side project starts to pay off.”

“A side project?” Twilight questions.

“You think a couple of spells and the coward hiding in the gray one there are the only things I’ve done to try and destroy everything? I've had millennium’s worth of time to screw with everything, I pointed the zebra to the first star metal and watched as their peoples nearly wiped themselves out.”

Velkorn's ears flatten.

“ I've whispered in leaders ears and turned a whole tribe of creatures into purists that kill their own supposedly tainted kind. I'm sure you know more about that then most Blackhoof.”

Rhede glowers at the book snorting in anger.

“You think the damn lizards could figure out how to control that draconequus's creations without my help?....”

Luna and Jer'rahd glance to each other then the book again as it continues to rant.

“Random pegasi who can fracture reality with their flying, earth ponies who can set the world a blaze with their anger, goddess's who want to be the one true god of the world... the right spell in the right place or the right word in the right ear can cause more damage than a thousand soldiers on the ground. But you fools are persistent, worse than roaches you won't just die quietly.”

“It doesn't make sense. Why would a book want to destroy everything anyway?” Twilight sighs.

“Why.... WHY??? THEY TOOK WHAT WAS MINE, THAT'S WHY! I had everything, EVERYTHING and all it took was one spell to ruin it all. I was turned into a fucking book and everyone else got to continue their lives as if nothing ever happened. I was cast aside forgotten, sealed away by those bound copies of used toilet paper and their minions and all the while the rest of the world got to enjoy life and live. Why should anyone else be allowed to be happy and alive when I can't be?”

“You did it to yourself griffon.” states Rhede.

“Fuck you pony! You don't know a damn thing, I was king of everything and then the damn gods came back and stripped me of my power just because they were gods. Do you know what it's like to lose everything because some cowards decide to come out of hiding at the wrong time?”

“No, but I also would not take out the anger for my mistake on everyone else.” Twilight sighs. “ Look do you know anything about the other books of Orbsah and the gods they create that might help us.”

“Why would I bother to help you?” snarls the book.

“Well for starters six new gods will die and the other books plans will be ruined.” Rarity suggests.

“And if you don't I’ll burn you a few more times.” huffs Bleu.

“Heh, like I give a crap about your threats when everything is said and done you will all be dead and the real end will begin.”

“Bleu, Rarity, keep an eye on the book, if it starts to cast anything you can see Rarity have Bleu burn it.” Luna states nodding her head for the others to follow her away from the tome.

The group moves away from the book and its guardians to the other side of the room. Luna sighs, her ears flattening to her head.

“Should we leave it alone with only two of us to watch it?” Starfall questions.

“I doubt it can do much without a body. The books were unable to cast spells on their own, otherwise the world would probably be over flowing with gods. “Luna states. “I think that dracolich was all the way dead as well. The book was just using its body to keep mobile. More like a skeletal shell than a dracolich. I am not sure how it did it, possibly tricked the dragon into merging with it.”

“I thought that as well Princess,” Twilight responds. “So then what's every one think?”

“A wasted effort.” Jer'rahd sighs. “ I doubt this thing has any information that is useful to us. We would have spent our time better looking for the ritual circles around Equestria and destroying them.”

“Tia spent several months on that and we only found three. We also found signs that trolls make the circles.” Luna responds. “There is no telling how many there really are.”

“I think we might be able to get some information out of it, maybe not what we want, but enough to be useful.” Twilight points out.

“I just want to know if it's lying or not about the elk. Because if it isn't I want to see if a volcano might destroy it...... or at least hurt it a lot.” Rhede growls.

“Calm yourself Rhede, I know it is a sore spot, but we need you with a much cooler head.” Velkorn responds resting a hoof on his shoulder.

“Still I don't get how it's so envious of everything that it wants to kill us all?” Rainbow Dash ponders.” It's kinda messed up.”

“Might not even be sane any more neither.” AJ points out.

“A lot of creatures lash out when they are in pain. This book seems like it is in a great deal of that.” Fluttershy mutters. “Still it can't really be forgiven for what it's done, it doesn't seem to have any remorse at all for its actions. It seems proud of them.”

“Yeah that things a real monster alright. I wanna know if that was all bullshit about the Rainboom. I don't like the idea that thing might have had something to do with it.” Starfall grumbles.

“ Not sure I like that either. What else do you think it might have done? Pinkie ponders.

“Okay. So if we take into account that it could be insane and is still telling the truth that still leaves us with less information than Rhede found in the Crystal Empire.” Jer'rahd grumbles. “ We need to get back to Canterlot. There's no telling what those six are going to do.”

“Agreed. Twilight and I will question it while the rest of you get some rest and we will head out in the morning.” Luna states.

“I think we should set up in the ruins above rather than here. No telling what else might show up down here or if the book has any more tricks.” Jer'rahd states. “ You two keep Bleu with you though let her sleep for the most part. She gets cranky easily without any sleep.

“Like her partner.” Luna states with a small smirk.

Jer'rahd pauses glancing up at the princess at the joke before offering a small smile of his own.

“Uh oh, now you found me out. I'm not really violent or angry I just need more naps.” Jer chuckles lightly. “Alright, Pinkie, Rhede, AJ, and , Fluttershy come with me and let’s get the camp set up. The throne room would work well and it's the most defend-able spot in the ruins. Starfall, Dash, and Velkorn you two watch the Princess and Sparkle here.”

“Sure you don't need another flier to help get everyone up the hole?” Rainbow Dash questions.

“I have Fluttershy if I need one.” Jer'rahd states, ignoring the pale yellow pegasus's faint protests. “Besides I just plan to just make stairs.”

“Have fun with that.” Twilight grumbles.


[Friday, predawn, location unknown]

Nocturne looks at the night sky. Dawn was still a number of hours away and the books had been talking nonstop in her head, passing on secrets and powers. Through them she knew what everyone else was doing before the coming battle was this how her mother kept tabs on her forces?

Silver Claw was resting and looking over the books while speaking with his captive. She didn't trust the dragon, but if Equestria fell she would abide by the agreement to leave the dragons alone... for a while. They would be rather potent allies against the other nations if they did not accept her rule.

Scarlet was acquiring ingredients to her preferred poison somehow managing to find a Cloud Serpent den nearby, even though the creatures were supposedly extinct. She knew what the mare had done during the ritual and found she really did not care. Still it was best to keep an eye on her, she was useful but also far too dangerous to be let off a short leash.

Wind Razor was currently setting something up in a ravine not far away. The griffon was also the only one of them who had been practicing with her new god powers. Shadow manipulation, it seemed she had a few skills she was practicing over and over again as if forcing herself to get them right in time for the battle.

Claymore was in position in Canterlot. He had already and had made contact with Scarlet's associates. The fool had no idea what he was in for and at the moment he didn't seem to care. Personally Nocturne almost would have preferred to use that new pet of his for this, but the earth pony had done his job well and the mare was barely more than a mindless thrall at this point. She was not sure what would happen to him, or if anything even would before the battle was over. So long as he kept at least one of the Beasts distracted everything would be fine.

Bloodtail was the one that most interested her right now. While he was not using the ability’s given to him by the books he was using the new well of energy that they had granted. His power however had already activated even if he was unaware of it. She could feel the compulsion flowing from him as he spoke though there was no compulsion for her to do anything. However he was currently making an army.

Bloodtail had found a mass grave from the days of the Lunar Republic by the ruined castle of Winnysor. It was filled with the bones of dozens of different creatures that had been enthralled or mindlessly loyal to the Republic. The joined nations wiped them out to a pony and dumped their bodies in a mass grave before razing the castle.

The zebra had found it not long after they had started using the old keep as their base. Even though the structure was lost to them due to Scarlet's explosives, Bloodtail was using his augmented magic to raise them. Tireless skeletal warriors and monsters of bone. Those that once served her mother now would serve her.

None of this mattered however if they could not deal with her mother and father as well as their friends and aunt Celestia. The books were practically demanding that the princesses be destroyed. They demanded the same of the love cursed royals, but no one knew where Sombra and Chrysalis were, not even the tomes.

Something worried her however. A nagging doubt in the back of her mind. The books of Orbsah had become insistent, demanding, and seemingly rushed as if something was going to happen and they wanted everything to be perfect for it.

Despite her ego, Nocturne doubted what they were waiting for was her conquest of Equestria. She sighs rising to her hooves


[Friday an hour before sunrise, Badlands/ Shadow of Nox]

“For the love of everything MAKE HER SHUT UP!” the book screamed out as it was brought up into the ruins.

Twilight glances back looking at Luna, Bleu, and a rather insulted looking Rarity.

“How rude. All I was doing was explaining how all that ash would make my hair all frizzy.” Rarity whines. “The heat can't be good for it either, though it will give me... “

“SHUT UP!! I thought being burned was bad , but no!! You left me with this wench. Don't you ponies have some sort of rules banning cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners?”

“That doesn't apply tah books or undead dragons.” AJ snorts rolling over annoyed at being woken up. The farm pony glances down a bit surprised that Fluttershy had curled up at her side while she was asleep. She smiles laying her head back down. No point hiding it anymore any way.

“If you want her to hush tell us what you know about the powers the books bestow.” Jer'rahd comments yawning. “Miss Rarity is not rude enough to interrupt while something is talking.”

“Screw you blondy!”

“Actually his mane is more of a fine amber color, I really think you should do something more with it....” Rarity begins.


“Did it tell you anything?” Jer'rahd questions looking over to Luna and Twilight.

“No, still we took turns sleeping in shifts while questioning it as well. I see you managed to get a rather nice camp set up while we were away.” Luna mutters looking over the room and the unpacked supplies. It almost looked like some pony actual lived there now.

“Ehh it's no Canterlot, but I’m sure it's better than sleeping on the ground.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Kaisur listen... “ Luna pauses, her ears flattening to her head as she seems to struggle a bit with something. ”I am sorry to say I have been increasingly difficult to deal with and I have not been treating any of you as you deserve.......”

“Hey, Jer get over here and read this.” Rhede shouts. “The damn books written in old draconic.”

“Unhand me you lout how'd you like it if some one pulled you open to look at your insides?” The book fusses.”

“Sorry, what was that Princess?” Jer'rahd responds looking back from Rhede.

“Nothing... we shall speak later, go see what he is talking about. I will try to catch a nap while I can.” Luna sighs.

“Of course Princess.” Jer'rahd responds and moves off to see what Rhede was rambling about.

He pauses looking back at Luna, wondering what she was going to say, before heading over to Twilight and Rhede.

Twilight curls up on a blanket in front of the book with a yawn.

“Get enough sleep Sparkle?” Jer'rahd questions.

“Enough, just woke up from a nap down there a little while ago. We took turns trying to get it to talk, I think I was the only one who tried to read it, but my old draconic is a little rusty.”

“Yeah mine's not much better.” Rhede grumbles “ But at least we know zebra.”

“Yet another reason for me not to learn it, everyone else I know speaks it.” Jer'rahd sits down flipping open the book with a hoof and looking over the pages ignoring the protests the book made. Twilight shifts a little closer looking over the book though she rested her head on her hooves and closes her eyes. Luna trots over as well settling down next to Jer'rahd before laying her head on her own forelegs.

Bleu grumbles climbing up onto Jer'rahd's back and stretching out before curling up as well. “ Jus wake me if it tries anything and I’ll roast it.”

“How can you be tired you slept nearly the whole time we were down there?” Twilight complains.

“I'm a lil dragon I need sleep.”

“You're closer to a teenager now Bleu.” Jer'rahd chuckles flipping through a few pages.” Not much here. There's a couple of morbid spells and a small comparison of Serenity and Entropy as well as a reference to something called Harmony and something else called the Nameless. Nothing about it however.

Hmm this might be interesting. There's some pages about the powers the books grant. Seems they are the same depending on what Element they are tied too.” Jer'rahd mutters, though only Rhede seemed to be paying attention now, he could see both Luna and Twilight's ears shift to focus on him.

“The books of Orbsah only give out six powers. This is because of how tied they are to the Element's of Harmony. It doesn't say why however. Might have to do with that book you found though Rhede. The powers are always the same even though they might show up differently or at different levels dependent on how close the Bearer was with their Element. I suppose that's why Andre was not as strong as I turned out to be. The Beast even mentioned I was a strong bearer of Loyalty.”

“Considering all you've done. I can believe it.” Luna mutters. “So what are the other powers?”

“Let's see. Loyalty creates that massive creature, the shape of it is different each time some one bonds with it, though it's sole purpose is physical destruction. Looks like if I hadn't attracted Entropy I would have had more control over it than I do. Must be why Andre was able to switch back and forth at will. Though I guess I wind up stronger when I lose control. Not really telling me anything I didn't know.” Jer'rahd states.

“What about Generosity?” questions Rhede.

Hmmm, here we go. Generosity allows the creation of shadowy minions and effects that do what you wish. The love cursed king Soloman is a prime example listed of that one.”

“Sombra” Twilight sighs.

“I beat him once!” Pinkie Pie chirps out of nowhere.

“Must have missed that.” mutters Jer'rahd. “ They also bring up Princess Crystal as well. I guess that's Chrysalis. Seems she had Honesty, that pretty much allows for any sort of disguise, looks like she also gets a number of powers based on the shape that was taken.”

“I used both of those powers as Nightmare Moon.” Luna remarks.

“I remember that, you might have used this one too. Compassion seems to be considered one of the more dangerous powers. Seems it allowed the control of the weak willed and the swaying of minds to serve the owner of the power. Sounds like Onyx scale to me.”

“There's no way he managed to get access to any of the element's though did he?” Rhede ponders.

“The Element's of harmony were missing for a time and they clearly were not in the ruins as they were supposed to be. It may well be the dragon had them all. That may have been how they appeared so quickly.” Luna ponders.

“He didn't have to have them for the power to work. Despite what every one thought was a failure the Elements chose you all. That's why even though you destroyed them as Nightmare, they still activated. They can't be destroyed or contained.” Twilight yawns out opening her eyes to everyone staring at her. “ What? I studied them, it's what I do... don't judge me....”

“Anyway, there's more in here about how to break a creatures will so that they can be controlled that way.” Jer looks at Luna as she shivers slightly at the remembrance of what Onyx scale did to her. “Moving on to Laughter...... oookay that's interesting.”

“Hmm?” Pinkie Pops up again looking over Jer'rahd's shoulder at the book. “Some one call?”

“No, now get off of me. Laughter supposedly can bend reality to suit the wielders will. It mentions an entire race of creatures created by this ability called draconequus. The power was so thorough that they even had their own god. The Storm King supposedly destroyed them all however.”

“That's what Discord is.” Pinkie Pie points out. “ He's called a draconequus. He's the god of them too.”

“How do you know..... never mind.” Twilight starts to ask then thinks better of it. “Something that powerful should have done what the book wants a few times over now.”

“Seems there’s a catch though.” Jer'rahd reads.

“It has to be funny!” Pinkie states. “Well at least funny to the one who's doing it not so much funny to the one who's targeted.”

Every one looks at the pink pony again in confusion, including the suddenly silent book.

“Err, yeah... what she said.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Pinkie? You can read old draconic?” Rhede questions.

“Nope” Pinkie beams suddenly rolling onto her back away from the group to start snoring.

“I don't see any of them deciding to be laughter. “ grumbles Luna.

“Scarlet would.” Rhede responds. “ And that worries me because she finds some rather dark things funny.”

“Oooh, black humor... never got into that.” Pinkie states before starting to snore again.

“So what about magic?” Twilight questions.

“ According to this Magic has access to all of the powers and then some. All of the other powers feed into it and thus all of their ability’s feed into it.”

“I still can to a minor degree. The books also increased my normal powers as well as granting me the abilities of the others. I think the only one I never used was laughter, because I did not consider anything funny enough to alter it.” Luna mutters.

“Good, maybe Nocturne won't find anything funny either.” Rhede responds.

“While interesting, this is still nothing of any use to us.” Jer'rahd growls ignoring the books continued ranting.“ So what now?”

“We return to Canterlot and prepare to for an invasion of some sort...... Bleu what's wrong?” Luna replies though is distracted by the little dragonling sitting up suddenly and flailing around enough to fall of Jer'rahd's back to the floor.

Bleu flails around before belching a gout of flame which causes the book to scream and wake everyone else before the fire forms into a scroll that falls to the ground .

“GAH I hate that, I am not a mail box!!” Bleu curses.

“Well you are blue and the post office boxes are blue... is your jaw hinged?” Pinkie bounces about the dragonling.

Luna unfurls the message, her eyes widening as she reads it.

“What's wrong Princess?” Rarity questions trying to fix her hair.

“ It is from Tia. Canterlot is under attack.” Luna sighs.

“AGAIN?!” curses Rainbow Dash

Author's Note:

I rewrote this so many times. Mostly due to the interaction with the Jade Scroll and the group. I even had one variation where it sang Sympathy for the Devil.

Yah, that cut didn't last long.

I also put in time stamps since so much was happening all over the place. Time is something i need to keep better track of in the story. It's been over a month since they were freed and at least 2 weeks since Talon's death.

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