• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“The best is yet to come.” Epilogue 1

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“The best is yet to come.”
Epilogue 1

[Two years after what would be known as the War of the Gods.]
[New Canterlot]

A mummer of excitement filled the air as throngs of ponies and other creatures dressed in their best clothing milled around the newly rebuild throne room. Decorations hung every where, garlands of blue and lavender flowers with bright green vines covered in leaves, streamers and other items of a celebratory nature. A host of the Royal Guard and the newly formed 42nd, now referred to as the EDF officially, or Equestrian Defense Force, stood around the room both as guests and as security for the event. No pony wanted a repeat of the last wedding held here, and with Chrysalis and Sombra on the loose still, it was on the fore front of everyone’s minds. Except perhaps the pair of stallions standing before the alter at the end of the aisle.

The first was a tall red earth pony with a flowing black mane and tail that reached nearly to the floor. He wore a Guard dress uniform, with a small number of medals sewn onto it though it had no patch to denote either rank or unit. While it only covered the front of his body it was easy to see one of his hooves and part of his fore leg that was visible was completely black. One side of his body from his neck to his flank was covered in lines of white scars surrounded by blackened fur. Those that did not know him most might consider him an odd half zebra with the coloration he now had. His blue eyes shifted over the crowd before glancing to the stallion next to him with a small smirk.

The other pony with him was a gray unicorn with with and amber colored tail and mane that looked like they had only been brushed for the first time right before he came in. He too wore a Guard dress uniform though it was hard to tell for sure with the over abundance of medals that covered the front of it. A few spots were empty, as if the pony had slowly been removing them, though he still felt the front of his uniform could have doubled as a shield. His two tone green and red eyes looked over the crowd as if searching for any sort of trouble with the ponies, griffons, zebras, and other races filling the room.

“Honestly Rhede I have no idea, why you are doing this. You never had any interest in wearing a Guard uniform before.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“Not true, I always said mares love a stallion in uniform.” Rhede chuckles. “I expected you to be a little more jittery than this though Jer. Especially given what's going on.”

“Not jittery at all, just annoyed I have to wear this thing. You know Celestia created ten new medals just to stick on this uniform. Big heavy ones, each denoting a hundred years of service.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“I see you managed to lose at least four of them.”

“They were too heavy, fell off somewhere,” chuckles Jer'rahd. “ I only worry some pony might break a hoof if they kick one.”

“Sure they did. Where's Bleu at... I figured she would be all over this.” Rhede sighs.

“She was asked to be a brides maid same as the others, she wasn't about to turn down the chance to wear a pretty dress. Or flirt with Spike. Seems she wasn't kidding about him.”

“Yeah he's gonna have his claws full dealing with her, whether he ever returns her interest or not. So then..... You and Luna planing to have any foals?” Rhede chuckles as Jer flinches a bit.

“In light of everything else, no. Neither of us is comfortable with the idea of the corruption we're infected being passed on. Of course that's not to say there aren't any little ones. She adopted nearly all the orphans of the battle, Celestia had to talk her down though we are keeping four. Celestia was less than thrilled at first though after meeting Pipsqueek she kinda melted. Seems cute does work on her.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“Seems to work on you too. Particularly since I’ve heard you started to train the colt like your grandfather trained you.”

“I'm doing that with any of them that are interested, Pip's just feverent about it. Orange isn't interested and wants to be a doctor and the Lily's are not in any shape still to do much of anything. Pip however remembers what happened all to clearly, he's got a drive to make sure it doesn't happen to any pony else and I am simply helping him in that. He's got a long way to go before I do more than teach him the basics though. Carries around the training sword everywhere though.”

“Heh sounds sorta cute. Luna has him as the ring Bearer right?”

“Yes. Though we had a heck of a time getting him to turn over his sword.” Jer chuckles glaring at the door. “How long is this gonna take? I feel like I’ve been standing here for an hour.”

“Old solider like you? Should be used to it.”

“Shut up ….”Jer'rahd smirks. “You are just not gonna drop that old solider comment are you?”

“Depends you gonna drop the 'My Momma said Rhede Pelt was my daddy.” shtick?”


“Okay then.” Rhede chuckles.

Both ponies as well as all of those in attendance suddenly turn as the doors to the throne room open and strains of music begin to play.

A pony sized purple dragon with green spines, dressed in a tux steps though the door, with a shimmering blue dragoness in a purple dress clinging to the crock of his arm.

Spike didn't look bad, though he did look as if he would rather be any where else aside from with the dragoness he was with. His eyes shifted over the crowd as if looking for some one else and given what he had heard Jer'rahd expected he was looking for Rarity. Bleu would have to break him of that infatuation if she wanted a chance with him, granted Jer'rahd wasn't even sure if she was really serious about her interest or was just amused by how flustered the younger drake got when she teased.

Bleu on the other hand looked like a disco ball given form. The dress was a simple lavender coloration though her scales shimmered between several coloration’s of blue creating a dazzling effect. That had a great many in the audience staring in awe.

Jer'rahd rolls his eyes as the pair approach and he hisses under his breath at the pony sized dragoness.

“You're not supposed to try and outdo the bride Bleu.”

“Trust me, I could be made of diamonds and I wouldn't outdo her boss.” Bleu chuckles moving off to the side.

“You owe me for this Pelt. “ Spike grumbles practically being dragged by Bleu.

“You didn't protest half this much when I asked.” Rhede chuckles. As the little dragon moves to stand next to him and Jer'rahd while Bleu moves to the other side of the alter.

The light sound of hooves draws their attention back up to the front as the next set of ponies steps out of the door.

Jer'rahd raises a brow rather surprised to see Applejack without her hat, he was a little more surprised to see her wearing a lavender dress. A flush of red colored the mare's cheeks as she trotted down the aisle.

Fluttershy moved gracefully along side of Applejack, though at the same time she seemed to be doing her best to also try to hide behind Applejack. Unlike her mare friend, Fluttershy was actually in a tux not unlike the one Spike wore, with a single violet tucked into the lapel.

Jer'rahd glances at Rhede who shrugs. “Wouldn't have had a even number of bridesmaids and groom colts if one of them didn't wear a tux. I figured AJ would wear it but Fluttershy insisted. Looks good on her any way.”

Jer'rahd and Spike both roll their eyes at the explanation though as soon as the pair reach the alter Fluttershy darts behind Spike and hides there.

“You okay?” Rhede asks.

“Umm yes.....”

“You used to model Fluttershy, how does walking down a carpet freak you out?” Spike questions.

“This is a wedding and I was walking with Applejack and.....” Fluttershy said more but most of it came out as little more than muffled squeaks as her face turned brighter red.

“Oookay.” Jer'rahd states turning back to the front a wide grin crossing his muzzle at the sight that greeted him.

If ponies could tell at a glance that Jer'rahd hated wearing his dress uniform, ponies several leagues away would know what Starfall thought about the dress she was wearing with out even seeing her. She gave no real out word appearance of hating it, though her purple eyes burned with a hatred that could not be expressed in words. The aura around her silenced most of those chatting in the crowd to the point you could hear a pin drop.

To be honest The little gray pegasus didn't look to bad. The lavender dress matched the color of her mane and tail even discounting the blue gray stripe that ran though her hair.

Peach Blossom walked beside her in his dress military uniform though he gave the mare a few paces of space. Jer'rahd grins glad to see the colt wasn't stupid.

“Never thought I would see the day. Starfall in a dress? When was the last time that happened? That first Gala we went to? I don't remember you hating it so much then.” Rhede remarks snidely.

“Screw you Pelt.” Starfall mutters.

“Don't hate it too much Starfall, we have a bunch of friends and likely a few more weddings yet to come. “ Bleu snorts in amusement.

“So help me, next time Peach Blossom is wearing the dress.” Starfall snarls.

“I'll be fine with that if it means you don't act like you're gonna kill me if i try and compliment you on it.” Peach Blossom states, darting behind Rhede as Starfall glares at him.

“Look on the bright side Captain. At least she said there will be a next time.” Jer'rahd chuckles looking back up towards the end of the isle as the heavy thud of hooves on carpet fills the air.

Big Mac trots down the aisle with the determination of a farm stallion plowing a field. He had no swagger in his step but his motions and the way he carried himself along was not far off that of a Guards pony. Still, Jer'rahd could swear the stallions tux had enough material to make three suits for a normal pony.

Rainbow Dash on the other hoof was dwarfed by the stallion, she looked almost as upset as Starfall to be wearing the lavender dress. At the very least she didn't seem ready to murder some pony about it.

Rhede glances over to the bride's maids area smirking a little as he hears Starfall squee at the sight of Dash in the dress.

“Seems Spike's not the only one who has to worry, Starfall's probably already making plans.” Rhede chuckles.

“Trust me you don't want to know,” Peach Blossom sighs.

“You're the one who wanted to date her.” Jer'rahd smirks.

“Yeah well she's fine as long as Rainbow Dash doesn't get brought up.” Peach Blossom sighs. “That Wonderbolt's kid is less of a fan filly about Dash than Starfall.”

As soon as the words left his mouth the aforementioned filly, along with Apple Bloom and Sweetiebelle skip down the aisle throwing flowers, and in Scootaloo's case small sparks of green flame from her wing tips. Thankfully she had learned enough control not to set everything on fire, but at the same time that control seemed a bit strained when she was excited. Thankfully Granny Smith had prepared for this and hobbled along behind them on the carpet, spraying a few spots of char with a seltzer bottle before they caught fire fully.

The trio bounce along moving over with the brides maids as they reach the end of the isle. Granny smith simply nods and moves back to her spot with the crowd and sits down.

A much smaller patchwork colored colt emerges from the door dressed in what could have almost been a tux for a doll. He ignores a number of d'awws and marches with a form mimicking military precision. A lavender pillow with a silver ring in the middle of it is balanced perfectly on his head as he trots forward. Rhede raises an eyebrow looking at Jer'rahd who sighs.

“I didn't teach him that,“ Jer'rahd mutters.

Pipsqueek moves forward stopping by the other ponies stopping directly before Jer'rahd and saluting with the wrong hoof.

“Ring delivered and mission accomplished sir..” Pipsqueek states.

“Please stop calling me that. Call me Jer'rhad at the very least.” the gray unicorn sighs.

“As you say sir.” the small pony states again moving back by Spike.

Jer'rahd glares at Rhede who does his best not to snicker.

“Oh wow, he's just like you at that age... perfect.” Rhede chuckles.

“Stuff it Pelt.” Jer'rahd grumbles his ears perking as the music changes.

Jer'rahd looks up a wide smile crossing his face as he sees the tall form of the Princess of the Night emerge from the door. Luna's mane and tail were without their usual glow, she had changed them to the simple platinum blue that he rather liked though they were done up in a rather impressive style that looked more like something that Rarity would wear. It was a rather awe inspiring look for her, Jer'rahd couldn’t help to stare, something she evidently noticed as her cheeks flushed slightly.

The princess continues slowly down the isle, the lavender bridesmaid dress swishing lightly around her. Her horn glows holding the end of the massive train of the wedding gown of the figure before her.

Velkorn wore a dress that could have blinded Celestia, Bleu was quite correct that what she had done earlier was nothing compared to the bride. The trains and lace covering the mare both hid her form and showed it off with every step she took. Velkorn blushed a little under the wavy design her mane had been styled into and she clutched the violet bouquet closer to her chest as she approached. Half of the gown seemed to carry itself buoyed by the Princesses magic and whatever strange powers the white unicorn dress maker possessed.

Jer'rahd smirks glancing over at Rhede and lifting a hoof up to push his friends jaw back up off the floor.

“Never thought I would see the day where you of all ponies get tied down to one mare. Guess the days of Rhede the casanova are finally over.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

Rhede grins his eyes not leaving Velkorn. “Heh, took an exceptional mare, for that.”

Jer'rahd glances behind him as Celestia steps forward. To preside over the wedding. Jer'rahd shakes his head and moves away from Rhede off to the side as Velkorn steps up next to the red earth pony her hooves encased in silver slippers that seemed to shine with their own light.. He spares a glance to Luna who offers a smile that he returns. He glances over to the crowd at a series of cheers that are suddenly muffled as Twilight and Rarity struggle to silence the exuberant Pinkie.

Celestia coughs lightly for silence and gaining every ones attention before she starts the ceremony.


[ Three years after the War of the Gods.]
[ Deep in the Everfree Forest ]

The raccoon screamed and thrashed as the fanged maw clamped down on it ripping it apart a limb at a time. When the animal finally went silent and stopped thrashing the creature tormenting it smacked it a few more times with a ragged claw to be sure and then ignored it, swallowing the little bit of meat it had peeled from the creature.

It's ears perk a little hearing several smaller members of it's kind fall on the corpse behind it as it walks away, devouring it messily, though it did not care. There was something lingering at the edge of it's mind, pulling it in a direction that it did not wish to go. Voices in it's head that wanted it to make the slobbering things that trailed behind build something.

Far back in it's mind it knew what was going on and was pissed off about it. That anger was the only part of that portion of it's mind that made it through. Anger, rage, hate, those emotions defined it now.

The large scared troll looked back at the smaller fellows that were eating it's last kill, the lesser trolls quickly took note of his attention and scattered out of sight. They knew from first claw experience that staying in the gnarled creatures view for long often made one of them his playthings for a time. Still trolls were attracted to power, and the scared one was the strongest many of them had ever seen.

The mottled gray and brown creature turns away again, his claws digging into the earth, twisted hairless form, looking clumsy as it moved with it's odd gait, but having surprising agility and speed.

Granted that agility was useless when taken by surprise.

A explosion of thunder sent the great troll flying forward, skidding across the ground, claws ripping up the soil and rock as it tried to right itself and stop it's forward momentum. It's back was scorched the patched fur of it's rear limbs flash burned off from the bolt of blue lightning that struck. It's scared face furrowed as it looked at the chard remains of it's followers, several of their body parts still raining from the sky as the after effects of the bolt echoed across the forest. It turned it's gaze skyward seeing the clear sky above it with not a cloud in sight, confused.

“Finally I have found you.” states a voice, with a soft chuckle that was devoid of humor, from the treeline.

The troll whirls, though it never completes it's turn before magic grips it, flinging it though the air and smashing it hard through several smaller trees before pinning it to a large, troll blood splattered, oak with the sound of splintering wood and bone..

A pale blue mare with a white mane and tail steps out from behind a tree. A purple star pointed hat covered in yellow and silver stars rested atop her head and a gaudy cloak of the same make covered her back, a bulge on either side hinting at a pair of saddle bags underneath The unicorn glares at the troll from under the brim of her hat, lavender eyes burning brightly.

“It took me nearly a year to recover from what you did to me. The physical pain was nothing, the conditioning and abuse was the worst to break. The nightmares, those took even longer to shake free of.”

The mare growls pulling the troll away from the tree ,yanking him through another series of smaller trees and smashing him into a large rock before pinning him back to the bloodied oak.

”Ponies I once considered my enemies helped me, they asked nothing and helped me because I needed it. My greatest rival even offered up her home and her job in Ponyville so I would not have to travel while I recovered. Do you have any idea what that feels like? Any idea what it's like for some one you hated to do that sort of thing for you? I found that the hardest thing of all to deal with.”

Trixie growls moving closer to the pinned troll the creature flailing,bloodied and broken limbs taking too long to heal from the violent attack, it drags it's claws against the tree trying to get away from the magic holding it.

“I would have turned her down flat, taken my chances of having a break down on the road somewhere rather than feel indebted to that mare.” Trixie turns around slowly her cloak flipping up a little as she moves away from the troll.” But you took that from me too. The ability to even live on my own any more. I was forced to over came my problems with her, because I had to.”

Trixie sighs laughing softly a lance of light shooting from her horn and dissolving a troll that was trying to sneak up on her. She did not even pay the pile of ash any mind, or even glance at it as she passed, her focus on the troll against the tree.

“It took me far too long to find you and I am not even sure you are still in there any more Claymore. Though I pray to the stars that there is a small piece of you left behind in this beastly thing. Some small part that can hear me and understand what I am saying before I remove it's taint from this world for good.”

Trixie pauses looking back at her cloak. The cloth moving on it's own. The edge of it is lifted by tiny hooves, and a white unicorn foal with light a light blue mane pokes it's head out of Trixie's saddle bag looking around with a small yawn.

Trixie sighs looking back at the little foal with a soft smile which the tiny pony returns. The mare looks back up at the troll and the foal whimpers hiding partially under the edge of the cloak peering up at the monster it just noticed with big brown eyes.

The troll stares down at the mare and the foal, dark brown eyes narrowing.

“Meet your son Claymore. His name is Trevor. Trevor say hello to daddy.” Trixie states with enough venom to kill a wind serpent.

The foal says nothing sinking a little deeper into the saddlebag until only his horn and eyes are visible tiny ears flat against his head.

“Now say good bye.” Trixie snarls turning to focus on the troll fully.

“Bye bye.” Trevor chimes dropping back fully into the saddle bag.

Trixie's eyes flare white as her horn flashes brightly. The energy gripping the troll begins to constrict snapping bone and rending tendon and flesh to powder as the large troll is slowly compacted with the force of the unicorns magic. No blood falls, no flesh tears free, it all simply grows smaller and smaller and more compact until it what was once a cart sized troll is little more than a the size of a foals marble. Trixie sneers at it and the compacted wad of flesh and bone bursts into flame burning away like a candle wick until nothing remained, not even ash.

Trixie stares at the spot for a good while feeling Trevor poke his head back out of the saddlebag. She exhales a long breath before her horn's glow fades and deflates a little her ears flattening to her head.

“That was far less satisfying than Trixie thought it would be. What is Trixie supposed to do now?”

“Cuppyca?” Trevor calls out waving a tiny hoof out of the bag.

Trixie blinks looking back at the foal and smiling slightly.

“Yes, well that is better than anything I was coming up with. Let's go see if your auntie Pinkie Pie has some made.”

“Pinny pi!” Trevor gurgles gleefully as the pair turn away from the blood splattered section of forest heading back towards Ponyville.


[Six months after the War of the Gods]
[ Blue Blood Estate]

Prince Blueblood sighs looking over the damage to his home again with a small curse. This was not how it was supposed to be.

His manor was in squalor, half collapsed, with the lawn and many of the outbuildings torn up and burned by the conflict. He was expected to live in this filth as well, since all the hotels that were undamaged were made available for the peasants who had lost the hovels they lived in.

He supposed he could have easily diverted some of the workers repairing the city to work solely on his manor, though given the state of things that would be a bad idea. With the state the city was in even the Princesses were refusing to have their home repaired until their subjects were safe and secure, if he or any other nobles did otherwise their already tenuous standing would likely be lost to a mob of angry ruffians or even severed by the Princesses themselves.

It was no secret that Luna did not like the noble houses. Only a fool or one sure of themselves would even seek an audience with her. Celestia was little better as of late, though it was no small surprise given all of what had happened he considered. She was easy to manipulate before even in her own court, but now she did not even bother to listen. Things were done her way. Period. If the nobles did not like it and did not have a better suggestion they needed to suck it up.

Most would do just that particularly when Blueblood let the rumor slip that they were still looking for changeling infiltrators, and arguing over the rebuilding would likely make the Guards consider investigation. While the Royal Guard was uniformly considered window dressing for the court before, after the battle the Guards that remained were nothing of the sort. And the two units hunting changelings in the city, the Guard from the Crystal Empire and the 42nd answered to no one but the Princesses and had proven themselves not only unbribeable, but utterly ruthless in their search.

Blueblood was spared the attention's of this lot simply because Celestia knew he started the rumor, and despite her dislike from his actions, the mercenaries had been a unexpected boon, and the castle may not have held with out them.

He was officially reprimanded for disobeying her of course, but it was mostly show as she had other things to do besides yell at someone who's actions, though illegal, helped.

Thankfully she had not put together the real reason he hired them and was content to let the survivors remain on his payroll to aid the guards. He created a list as well of certain servants of his who had gone missing on the night of the conflict, heavily implicating them as changelings and forcing some of the other blame off onto Fancypants.

At the moment all of his subordinates who knew what had been done were either dead, or 'missing' Something he had made sure of, just as he made sure the changeling that was found really was Fancypants.

The former nobles property was raided and damning evidence was found by the Guards. Something else that made him look good in the eyes of Celestia and the Royal Court. Failure had turned out to advance him almost as much as success. Little had gone according to plan, but none the less, it all worked out for him. Granted he was not entirely convinced Scarlet was gone until he saw the body himself. Despite others claims she was dead he fully expected her to show up again.

He trotted back towards one of the outbuildings that was marginally intact. Not the best place to stay, but the small three story building had belonged to his former head servant. The 'missing' stallion would never use it again so he made due as best he could.

“Excuse me. Are you Blueblood?”

Blueblood sighs wishing at the very least he could get some pony to repair the wall, or even the gate around his home. News ponies had been wandering in and out like his home was an all night diner for months now. And the gall of even needing to ask who he was... wait , why would a news pony be here without knowing who he was?

Blueblood turns looking back at the unicorn stallion behind him. The gray pony looked as if he had seen better days and a rather large bandage was covering his side. A ragged amber blond mane grew wild on his head and one red and one green eye stared at him from under that mop.

Blueblood was about to yell for the Guards expecting the hobo esk looking pony to attempt to mug him when he took note of the slightly curved double blade hanging from the ponies side marked with the patch of Luna's Royal Guard sewn onto it. He decided for discretion in this instance, the last thing he needed was for a over worked Guard to raise a fuss about him. Still something about this pony unnerved him greatly and he had to suppress a desire to try and be any where else as fast as possible.

“Errr, yes, I am, is there something I can.... help you with?”

“Nothing directly, just rather wanted to meet a member of the family who actually had a pair enough to do something right for a change.” the pony shrugs.

“Umm excuse me?”

“Hmm, oh right introductions. I'm still getting used to ponies not knowing me and running the other way. My name is Jer'rahd Kaisur, I suppose I’m one of your distant ancestors or something. Not sure on the actual linage this far along however.”

Blueblood blinks processing all the information he was being given. Of course he knew who Kaisur was, there was not a soul from here to Vanhoover who had not heard the rant with the absurd list of titles behind it. This pony had shouted at the goddess who wrecked Canterlot and actually sought to fight her, he was being called a hero by some and a mad stallion by others. It was also well known that he was one of the group along with the Element Bearers who saved the city as well, the details were a bit sketchy in that regard, but both Princesses confirmed it. His name was also at the top of the list involving a not so secret Guard training program that began a while back that produced the now feared but respected 42nd. Still what would he want? Oh, of course.... family member.

“I am sorry, but I doubt I can spare any funds for you, most of my money is going into the restoration of the city, perhaps the Princess might be able to help one of your statue....”

“What? Oh no, I should have guessed you would assume that though. Trust me bits are not an issue.” Jer'rahd interrupts.

Blue blood stares for a heartbeat, completely thrown off track. “Err then what exactly did you want?”

“I don't want anything from you. I'm just rather surprised that it took more than a thousand years for another family member not to be a worthless sack of shit. Keep doing things like this and I might start to think your side of my family might deserve at least half the praise they think they should get.”

“That is a rather back hooved compliment.”

“You don't know what your ancestors did to me, If your acting like this then I might not need to make good on my plan to wipe out the Blueblood line to a foal.”

Blue blood was about to chuckle, with the rather dark joke when he noticed the serious expression on the pony and his blood ran cold.

“Err yes well, glad to have eased your mind on that. I hate to cut this short... but ...”

“That's fine, I should probably get back to the hospital anyway before my doctor has a fit. Celestia seems to think I should reforge bonds with the family I have that's still around. Don't worry though I prefer to stay away from the bickering nobles get to. Still, let me know if you need help with something, might be the least I can do for showing me that even complete scum might turn out a decent pony every so often.” Jer'rahd smirks baring a set of fangs that made Blueblood even more skittish.

“Yes. Thank you, I shall keep that in mind, though I am doubtful I will need assistance from you. I am sure your skills will be much better used with the Guard. “ Blueblood stammers. “Good day, I hope you recover soon then.”

The gray unicorn nods heading back down the path towards the gate and Blue Blood couldn't help breath a massive sigh of relief and had to stop himself from galloping away to the house.

That creature was terrifying. He had heard rumors, even before the battle, but to meet him directly. That pony was a monster that should be destroyed as soon as possible, not allowed to run free, and definitely not allowed to train new Guards. Still there was no way to do anything about him, both the Princesses considered him one of the heroes of the battle and every pony in Equestria knew his face thanks to that damned blue alicorn.

Blueblood grumbles trotting back towards the house, eager to get some where safe. He had just trotted up to his door, his horn starting to glow to open it when the door was flung open. A pair of black clad hooves reached out and yanked him bodily inside, smashing him roughly against a wall a blade pressing to his neck as his face was ground into the wood paneling.

“Bout time you got back, for a uninjured pony you are slow as a shit after a cheese bender.” a rough voice growls behind him. “ About as useful too.”

Blueblood winces his horn starting to glow as he prepared a teleport spell to get away though the blade leaves his neck and smacks his horn sending a shooting pain through his head as the spell is nullified before it even begins, barely a heartbeat later the blade is pressed back to his throat as he whimpers.

“None of that now. Just stand there and listen colt, this won't take long.” the voice states running the flat of the blade against the unicorns neck. “We know what you did. We know who you were working with.”

Blue blood swallows.” What are you GAH!!!” the unicorn cries out as his horn is slapped with the blade flat again, the feed back burrowing into his head. He couldn't even think about magic without pain, what the buck was this pony hitting him with?

“We said listen. Not talk. One. We know all about the deal you made with Scarlett. Turning into a god doesn't remove the scars you had before, so we tracked down the doctor who could have fixed a mares face. Easy enough to do, though some one had made sure he had an accident. Still the good doctor was kind enough to leave a paper trail. Your account paid for a reconstructive surgery on a burn victim matching Scarlet's description. Two. Fancypants was more than willing to come clean on what happened in the garden. Imagine our surprise to find you were there personally with a number of prisoners who were freed that night. Don't bother trying to deny it or say something silly like the information won't hold up in court. Or that Fancypants is dead. Do you really think this would make it to court or we don't have ways of making even the dead spill their guts? Of course not, you would simply wake up one day and find all of your holdings liquidated and your family line branded traitors to Equestria. And once you watch everything you know and care for brought down to ruins around you. Then, and only then would we kill you. And no pony would care or shed a single tear for the loss, hell, they might even give us a medal, we don't have many of those.”

Blueblood trembles his eyes wide in the near darkness of the room. The small house was boarded up as even though it had not received much damage many of the windows had been shattered by the rain boom and needed to be covered with boards. The room was nearly pitch black and the only thing he could see of his attacker was the hilt of a ragged dagger of some odd dark metal and the black fur of his foreleg.

“You are in luck however little pony, that we still find you useful. Keep your wits about you and don't press you luck and you might live long enough to see old age. The current infrastructure does not need another blow to it, revealing your actions would send a number of ripples that we would prefer to avoid right now. We would suggest doubling up on your charitable donations for a time however. Make no mistake, we will be watching you, and if you slip up or try anything even close to this again, they will never find ALL of your body.”

Blueblood yelps as his head is slammed into the wall driving his horn into the wood. The blade leaves his neck and he falls back to the floor with a wince his horn quickly lighting his horn up, despite the pain, to show nothing more than an empty room.

Six months after the War of the Gods]
[ Outside of the Blue Blood Estate]

“I don't like this Rhede.” Jer'rahd states walking down the road seemingly talking to himself.

A shadow nearby smiles and chuckles lightly.

“You keep saying that Jer, I think I get the point.” Rhede laughs.

“I never did like this cloak and dagger crap you pull, you should have let me just kill him and be done with it. Simpler and cleaner in the long run”

The shadow moves and Rhede steps out of it, stretching lightly as if working out a few kinks.

“If you killed him we might never know how many were in on the conspiracy. Right now he's off guard and probably looking to find a scape goat to pin things on. We keep an eye on him and see who he meets with then track them. Simple crap. Honestly I think you are more upset with having to play nice with him.”

“I coulda ripped his throat out six times during that conversation and made the world a better place each time.”

“Yep, that's why you're mad. If it makes you feel any better you made him wanna soil himself. We could take him out, but then the majority of the control of the family goes to the next eldest male. Blueblood had enough accidents happen to his family that he's the only male of direct linage left. Well except you of course. You want to be in charge of the Bluebloods?”

“Only if I could foist that nobility crap to some pony else at the earliest convenience.”

“Which you couldn't do. So , there yah go, another reason to keep him alive, one that benefits you directly too. “ Rhede laughs at Jer'rahd's grumbling. “Here's another benefit, the work out you would have gotten killing him would be enough to piss Velkorn and Luna off at both of us. They only let you out because I promised not to let you do anything strenuous.”

“Killing a limp hooved noble is relaxing entertainment, not a strenuous activity.” Jer'rahd growls.

“Jeez, violent, no wonder your blood pressure always reads high Jer.”


[ Four years after the War of the Gods]
[ The Gates of Tartarus]

“Are you sure about this Sparkle, this is rather close to New Canterlot for a portal to a nether realm.” Jer'rahd grumbles pushing past some shrubbery.

“Twilight's memory is quite clear, the gate is close we are quite near.” Zecora states glancing back at the strange group that was following her.

Zecora trotted ahead of the group with Jer'rahd right behind her clearing a path through some of the underbrush with his blade. Princess Luna followed him with both Twilight and Princess Celestia bringing up the rear. Bleu and Starfall were back at base camp along with a rather sizable contingent of Guards from both the Crystal empire and the 42nd, all of them were on standby waiting for a signal from the advance force in case something went wrong.

None of the ponies approaching the gate were quite sure what the Ferry Mare would do, both Twilight and Celestia had seen that she allowed the release of Chrysalis, Jer'rahd claimed that she had something to do with the battle though neither he nor the Beast could say what that had been for certain. Jer'rahd however could sense Troth's excitement, neither of them knew what Mirth had meant when she said to find the Ferry Mare, though this was the first chance they had to find out.

Jer'rahd was a little confused about Zecora's presence here, though both Luna and Celestia insisted she come despite even the zebra's protests, claiming they wanting to cover all options in case something went wrong.

Granted with the sheer amount of power, both magical and physical that was with in this small group, if the Ferry Mare was a threat, she wouldn't be for long.

Zecora pushed past a last row of bushes before freezing in place, Jer'rahd side steps and moves up beside her weapon at the ready with Luna flanking him on the other side of the zebra. Jer'rahd lowers his weapon with a light whistle as Twilight and Celestia trot up beside them to look over the clearing before the rock crevasse that housed the door to Tartarus.

Graves filled the field before the gate.

Most were little more than stone blocks, devoid of a name or even a rest in peace, though a great many more had names as well as what seemed to be a date of birth and two dates for death. Twilight crouches down looking over one of them curiously.

“What language is this?” It seems familiar, but I don't recognize it.” Twilight mutters.

“This one is different. It looks, more like claw marks, but it's in a stylized pattern.” Jer'rahd responds.” Troth says it's Harpy though he doesn't know it.”

“These are all new stones, something horrid happened here, I can feel that in my bones.” grumbles Zecora.

“Jer'rahd. This one is in ancient dragon, you can still read that, correct?” Luna questions.

Jer'rahd moves over to the stone the Princess indicated running his gaze over it curiously as the others crowded around him.

“Rest with the stars, Steelwing the Jadetail. Hatched 1217 4A , Died 1801 4A, laid to rest 11409 4A” Jer'rahd reads aloud.

“Rather long gap between died and laid to rest.” Celestia mutters. “Though i am not sure what 4A even means.”

“It Is ThE fOuRtH aGe. ThErE aRe MaNy WaYs OnE cAn Be CoNcIdErEd DeAd, RuLeR oF pOnIeS.” a haunting voice states. The click of bones faintly heard as a cloaked figure trots towards them from among the graves.” tRuSt Me WhEn I sAy It Is A hOrRiFiC tHiNg To DiE bUt nOt Be DeAd.”


Discord pops onto the screen with Pinkie Pie swinging from his neck and a little black rabbit sitting on his head.

“We interrupt this part of the fanfic to inform you that the author has decided to be a lazy little SOB...”Discord begins, ignoring the rabbit kicking him on the head.”... and as such he shall not be typing out the Ferrymare's unusual speech pattern for the remainder of this scene, because as he put it ' this is way to damn much work for this overly talky bit.' end quote.”

“Yep so if the change of speech throws you off just blame the rabbit.” Pinkie chirps in ignoring the mentioned rabbit glaring at her.

“We now return you to our regularly scheduled fanfic, already in progress!” Discord chimes yanking the fic to the next page and back to the scene in the graveyard.


Jer'rahd and Luna both dart to the sides suddenly, the pair of them having the cloaked figure flanked and both were ready to strike before the Ferry Mare even finished her statement.

Twilight and Celestia on the other hoof managed to avoid tripping over each other as they both moved for the same cover at once.

Zecora simply blinks remaining where she was, rather annoyed at the groups antics.

>“Oh do relax, if I had wanted to do anything to you I would have already done it. I expected you quite some time ago, of course that was assuming you survived.”< the Ferry Mare states. >”Do not damage the graves, they took me far too long to dig and carve on my own.”<

“I would think Cerberus would be well suited to helping you dig.” Celestia states, annoyed at the figures tone of indifference to the situation.

>“His grave took me even longer to dig. There were more trolls than we could properly deal with.”< The Ferry mare responds back trotting away from them. >“Come now, leave the dead their rest.”<

“While this is a slightly distasteful question I fear, exactly who or what, else is buried here?” Zecora questions following along. Both Luna and Jer'rahd move along as well though the pair both take a position between the mare and the others, the flickers of a green and blue still lighting their horns and Jer'rahds sheathed blade.

>“Trolls and a few changelings. Creatures who succumbed to the darkness of Orbsah or the Love Cursed Queen's power without even realizing it. I can see their names and their stories as easily as my own hooves..or what is left of them. Though some had neither and were likely born into the cursed existence that they were removed from.”< The Ferry mare states finally stopping by a glowing portal set back into the rocks. >“Go ahead and ask your questions Pony Princess. You will not like my answers and they will not change anything regardless.”<

Celestia frowns her mane sparking a little, though the pressure of Twilight's hoof against her side calms her a little. “Why did you allow the escaped Prisoners to enter Tartarus and retrieve the books?”

>“Because I knew that the Seventh's location would be revealed if all the books were brought together again. I was the one who made sure that Nocturne knew of the books location and even how to use them and avoid returning to a statue when she woke in the garden.”<

“Why would you do that?” Twilight asks.

>“The Seventh needed to be stopped, but she would not reveal herself until conditions were favorable for her. I sought to make them favorable enough for her to appear, so that she could be removed. The Love Cursed Queen was part of that, she was meant to destroy the Seventh. All the rage and hate that she held for that one made her a perfect weapon.”<

“That was a risky plan, foolish even.” Luna growls. “ The queen turned her attention onto us rather than Avaiana. She could have destroyed or enslaved everyone.”

>“A fitting punishment for those of same creation as the one who started this. Yours is a weak race, destined to be over come by things stronger than yourself or crowd yourself around power. Even your strongest are shadows dependent on others. Of course it is not as if I had not given your kind aid as well. If not for my actions you would not even be a goddess mare.”<

“You were the reason I became a god of the ponies? Why?” Celestia states her eyes narrowing in disbelief.

>”You were an apex predator, pony. The only prey that was above you was the one you needed to kill, a corpulent slug, tainted by the books even then. I gave you the power and watched as you kowtowed in subservience to what you should have destroyed. Had I known you were that weak you would have never gained anything from me. At the very least you showed again why I thought you a predator when you finally did what you were supposed to and removed the seventh. Quite the display.”<

“Do you even care about the lives that your plan cost, how many suffered because of what you did?” Twilight snaps.

>”Do you care about what I have lost? What I had to give up to ensure that you had a chance to be born and live long enough to complain to me?”<

“I find it hard to believe you are supposed to represent the Element of Kindness.” Jer'rahd growls.

The Ferry Mare turns as if seeing him for the first time though the skeletal face under the hood seems to pull back in a grin.

>”I was never Kindness, how that became my Element I shall never know. I was the Wild, pony. Primal nature at it's fullest, the savagery of the land, the circle of life, the uncaring wilderness. Kindness Compassion? I may have showed these to some then , but that was not what I was. Only the strongest survive the wild, pony. You have proven yourselves to be the strongest this time, but that means nothing if you cannot keep that strength when something tests it.”<

The Ferry Mare's glowing eyes narrow, as she looks from Jer'rahd then back to Luna.

“But that is something you should not know. You are tainted, less than most, but I can sense it, what did the books tell you pony? Did they want you to destroy me? Did they tell you that it could happen? I can no more be destroyed than they can. I cannot even find a final rest to be with those I have lost. All I have left is the conflict with Orbsah. Most of my power remains with the trinkets forged, but as you have seen, I am not powerless.”<

Jer'rahd blinks tilting his head a little his ears shifting as if he's listening to something else.

“That makes sense, so we need to get the other Bearers, no? Well what then?....... will that work?” Jer'rahd mutters to himself. “Alright I’ll try that, though I am not sure if I can pronounce it right. What? Fine, you do it then.”

The Ferry Mare gives him a curious glance though before she can say anything Jer'rahd closes his eyes a few shadows dancing around his neck as he states something that sounded half like a growl and partially like the chirping of crickets cranked up to painful decibels. He pauses suddenly coughing and rubbing his throat in pain, the skeletal mare simple staring at him, her bone jaw agape.

“Ow, damn that hurt.....” Jer'rahd coughs. “Damn dragon, I didn't think you were gonna rip open my own throat for that.”

“Kaisur what was that supposed to be?” Celestia fusses glaring at the gray unicorn.

“Jer'rahd are you alright?” Luna questions looking past the Ferry Mare to the coughing pony.

“I'm fine.... I’ll explain it in a moment... gah... feels like I swallowed a broken shot glass.” Jer'rahd grumbles.


“What?” Twilight states yelping as the Ferry Mare rushes forward suddenly her cloak barely having time to flap from the sudden rush.

Jer'rahd manages to lift his head though he was unable to form a shield or draw his blade before the skeletal pony was on him. His eyes widen as her face pressed to his, one skeletal foreleg wrapped around the back of his neck holding him to her with a unexpected strength.

Everyone stood in shock for a heartbeat as Jer'rahd starts to flail. Zecora was not sure what was going on as the mare's back was to her blocking Jer'rahd from view.

Luna however, growls loudly and flattened her ears to her head leaping into the air and diving at the mare. Just before she hit, the skeletal pony lept away from Jer'rahd sending the stallion tumbling to the ground and allowing Luna to slam into the ground between them smashing the stone ground to rubble. Dark blue light flares around her horn as the ground turns to dust from the impact of her landing fully, the motes of rock swirling up around her as her horn grows brighter.


Zecora dives to the side a soft red glow flicking in her hair as she tries to remain hidden and prepare a spell. Celestia and Twilight's horn's also flare up as the Ferry Mare chuckles, watching Luna spread out her wing to try and obscure Jer'rahd from view.

“Kaisur are you alright?” Celestia shouts debating on what to cast, or if she should just burn the skeletal mare where she stood.

“ah kabn't fee my wips.”Jer'rahd mutters.

“What?” Twilight questions.

“He said he cannot feel his lips, this trollop stole a kiss most foul” Luna rants.

>”I could accuse you of the same Pony goddess. What he has was mine first, and we are married unlike you and his host.”<

Twilight slaps a hoof to her face as Zecora groans in annoyance at a small chuckle from Celestia.

“Geez..... and I thought Applejack was overly protective of Fluttershy. She's got nothing on you Princess.” Twilight snarks.

Luna blushes, though she remains standing protectively over Jer'rahd until he gets back on his hooves.

“Well that had unexpected results. Troth's all bubbly now too and I feel like I kissed an ice cube. I am vaguely creeped out by both of those things.”

“Explanations would be nice, though I do not need to know more about kissing ice.” Zecora states.

>”The host spoke Troth's pet name for me in a long dead language. Once I looked directly at the host I could sense Troth past the radiant auras of you all to his.”< the Ferry Mare visibly shivers at the thought. >”After so long apart being this close I could not restrain.....What is the meaning of this? How is it even possible?”<

“Oh good so you are Grace. Well that takes care of most of my agreement.” Jer'rahd grumbles. “ Now the hard part.”

The skeletal mare stares at him as he explains.


[One month after the War of the Gods]
[Canterlot Hospital]

Jer'rahd watches as Luna sets up a small table next to his bed, placing a rather impressive chess board of of sapphire and onyx atop of it. The figures were of the same material though rather simply carved. Jer'rahd lifts up a black knight gently in his hoof, looking it over before glancing back to Luna.

“What's all this?”

“Considering as long as we have known each other, we have never played. Velkorn is still adimate that you do not move until your side heals up fully, and neither you nor Twilight have full access to your magic just yet either. This is about all that you are allowed to do.” Luna responds.

“I'm fine. Really.....”

“So you say, though it is a grievous wound dealt by a god, tis not something that can be ignored. Besides any pony with eyes can tell that it is not healing properly.” Luna responds.

“So it's gonna scar... no surprise there. Don't suppose you find that sort of thing attractive?” Jer'rahd smirks.

“Perhaps.” Luna chuckles. ” But it will need to heal first before I can decide if I like the look or not, so until then you stay here and rest.”

“Great, Rhede gets poisoned and Bleu nearly gets cut in half and they are up running about already. I get a oversized paper cut and I'm still bedridden.” Jer'rahd sighs shifting a single piece on the board starting the game.

“Neither Bleu nor Rhede are doing anything physical, we all know you would go right back into training the moment you were allowed to move.” Luna shifts a piece settling down to play.

“I can't recall the last time I played... You don't cheat like Celestia do you?” Jer'rahd questions shifting uncomfortably as Luna glares at him before moving another piece.” I'll take that as a no.”

“Celestia does not play the game properly, she uses it as a tool and while I cannot fault her for that, it defeats any enjoyment one can derive from it.” Luna states over the click of another move.

“I can understand that.” Jer'rahd clicks another move taking note of how serious Luna seems to be taking this game.

After a time he briefly wondered if he should throw the game, let her have a win, with all that had happened she might need it. The longer the game progressed the less he was willing to give up. She was good, and he was starting to enjoy the counters and set ups she was preforming If he intentionally lost she would know. Trust the Princess not to be an amateur. Still how intent she was taking this worried him a little. They played in silence for a time with only the click of the pieces on the board and the

“Check.” Luna states seeming to be a little hesitant about the statement. Jer'rahd sighs moving a bishop into position that removed the check, but would sacrifice the bishop, still if she took it....

Luna traces her eyes over the board moving a knight to take the bishop.

Jer'rahd smiles slightly moving his other bishop half way across the board to the path opened by the knight's move. “Check.”

Luna blinks then smiles softly. “For a moment there I thought you were going to give up and let me win.”

“I was.”

“Don't. Do not even consider doing that Jer'rahd. Play this to win as if your future depended on it, because it does.”

“The board going to blow up if I lose?”

Luna blinks turning her head a little. “That came out a little more serious than I intended.”

Jer'rahd raises a brow at the tone of the Princess as she moves her Princess from check by shifting a pawn forward. Something else was wrong here and he wanted to know what, he doubted he would get an answer however while there was still a game.

The room again lapsed into silence save for the click of the pieces, Jer'rahd was forced to move them by hoof or mouth as his head still hurt when he tried to cast after he burnt out. He was not sure how long these pieces had been in storage but he could taste the wax they had been sealed in.

“Check” Luna states prompting another sacrifice by Jer'rahd. Although he lost his Prince the move lost Luna both her Rooks and placed her Princess in check again.

“Check.” Jer'rahd utters, still worried about Luna's command. Was there something about the game itself?

“I will have my knight returned.” Luna orders moving a pawn to the end of the board. Jer'rahd chuckles replacing the onyx knight and moving the transformed pawn.

“I'll have my Prince back, and check.” Jer'rahd retorts sliding the sapphire pawn into the last square on the board.

Luna frowns moving her Princess from it's starting point.

The game continued with more pieces leaving the table until only a hoof full were left on either side.

Luna had her Princess, both knights and two pawns remaining. Jer'rahd had his Princess, a Bishop a Rook, a Knight, and a single Pawn.

He looked over the board taking note of a few strategy’s he could take though most of those would end in a draw.

“Play to win hmm? Well all or nothing I suppose.” he mutters moving his Princess.

Luna narrowed her eyes seeming to be trying to consider what he was doing though she made her next few moves following a strategy that Jer'rahd recognized. He sacrificed his bishop, though took one of her knights, He gave up his rook in order to get his pawn into a position to move to the end of the board. Luna was forced to change up her strategy each time he moved his Princess across the board, with the pieces she still had it would be easy for her to pin his princess and put him in check mate. So long as he kept it moving she would have to readjust. With this many pieces left, the game would often end as a stalemate as neither would have enough left to put the Princess in Checkmate. Luna however rarely moved her princess unless she had too, that kept the figure on the back line. He smirks slightly moving his princess to the third line leaving it staring across a single grid square at her princess.

Luna narrows her eyes finally seeing what he was doing and sent her knight to try and place his king in check. She would have him in two moves. Though it was over now as he pushed his pawn into the last square on the board.

“Make it a prince. And check mate.”

Luna flattens her ears looking over the board in annoyance. The new prince would force her to move her Princess though if she moved left or right she was still in the Prince's line of attack and if she moved forward away from the end of the board Jer'rahd's Princess would have her. Luna opens her mouth to say something though bites her tongue a little before uttering it.

“You did tell me to play to win.”

“That I did. Though I shall refrain from what I was going to say to avoid another disaster.” Luna nods a smile starting to cross her face.

“Want to tell me what this is all about? You wanted to play for fun then got all serious.”

“I have a reason for that.” Luna states flatly beginning to replace all the pieces on the board.

“Well do tell Princess, cause it's bugging me.”

Luna smirks looking at him, before leaning over and kissing him deeply.

“You defeated a Valkyrie in combat of her choosing.” Luna smirks.” I'll let you figure out what that means. For now I need to depart to attended to things.”

Luna gathers smiles heading to the door stopping briefly to glance back at the stunned unicorn.

“Please do not allow Bleu to eat any of those pieces.”


[Five days after the war of the gods.]
[Ruins of Canterlot]

The ground buckles and tears, cobblestone being pulled up from the earth as a whole mass. The dirt and dust fell about the dark alicorn like rain though her eyes remained focused, her horn glowing brightly as she lifted the massive slab of ground.

A zebra and a yellow pegasus were in the hole before she had even fully ripped the top off the street. The still forms of a filly and a colt lay in the storm water drain huddled about one another. Even with the crack of rock and the sounds ponies and Guards across the streets she could hear the soft whimpering. A small rat stood on a chunk of rock looking down into the hole then up at the alicorn as she flung aside the street dropping down into the storm water drain herself while Velkorn checked over the two small ponies.

[“They are alive, but barely, malnourished and dehydrated as well as suffering from exposure, but they are alive.”] Velkorn mutters pulling the cloak from her back and wrapping the pair in it as Luna gently lifts them out of the hole wrapped in the cloak.

“GET THEM TO THE HOSPITAL AT ONCE.” Luna declares placing the pair onto a gurney in the back of a flying chariot. The pegasus puller hesitates long enough for Velkorn to climb aboard as well before taking off into the air.

Luna watches them leave glancing to the rat then to a hundred or so other small animals bouncing around the ruins of the city.

“Five days later and we are still finding ponies alive in the rubble.” Luna sighs. “Astounding.”

“I... I am sorry I didn't think to ask before Princess we might have saved others if I asked when we first started searching.” Fluttershy mutters.

“Nay, that they were willing to help yet again is a boon I shall not question.” Luna sighs. “Have they said anything else?”

Fluttershy looks around at the animals gathering about her. Several other rats squeak a few things, a Squirrel and a couple of birds start chirping.

“Umm the mice found a few bodies and a couple of changeling pods in the basement of that building over there.” Fluttershy reports.

“And the birds?”

“They hear noises from a warehouse a block over, though they aren’t sure about what is making it.”

Luna nods and a pair of Wonderbolt's who had been standing nearby salute the Princess and fly off to relay the information to the rescue teams.

“And the fox, what does he say?” Luna questions.

Fluttershy looks at the fox who was making all sorts of noises and bouncing around on his back legs .

“Oh I don't repeat what Mr. Fox says.... he has Tourettes.”

Angel Bunny tugs on Fluttershy's leg pointing to a rather large sewer rat that was trying to get the pegasus's attention. Fluttershy leans closer listening to the chittering her eyes widening. “Oh my goodness, where is it? Of course thank you.”

“What is it?”

“Mr. Rat says there's a changeling nest in the sewers in front of the library and there's evidently a sizable swarm in there.” Fluttershy reports. “Though most of them seem hurt.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “GUARDS! TO ME.”


[ Two months after the War of the Gods.]
[ New Canterlot construction site]

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia look down out Luna's bedchambers at the top of a crumbling tower held up by scaffolding in what remained of Canterlot Castle. The placement offered them a perfect view of the rebuilding process in both Canterlot and Ponyville.

The floating island had come to rest partially looming over the smaller town and one of the first things Celestia had done was make sure the fallen mountain top was not going to topple onto the recovering city below.

A group of Pony and Diamond Dog engineers had inspected the foundations only to find the island itself was locked into place, some how bonded to the very bed rock in a way that one of them likened to cloth being stitched together. While none of them had ever seen anything like it, all of them agreed that the fallen city was not going anywhere.

Once that was out of the way Celestia and Luna both had ordered the rebuilding processes to start with private homes and emergency services, completely refusing any work to be done on the castle until every other ponies home was repaired.

At the suggestion of Twilight and Rhede a massive staircase was carved into the rock leading from Canterlot down to Ponyville. A great stone arch was raised over the bottom of the stair well, carved with the names of all the Ponies and others who lost their lives in the conflict so they would not be forgotten and that they would be there to watch over those that remained.

There was also talk about joining the town and the city into one and calling it New Canterlot. This was an idea that was growing in popularity, and the few protests against it, or for rebuilding at the top of the Maneterhorn again, were rather weak and easily drowned out by those in favor.

Still even a short two months after it's fall ,the city was starting to return to normal.

“Have you heard from Cadence and Shining yet sister?” Luna states breaking the silence between the two.

“No, not since Shining requested Major Rose and several others return to the Empire to begin training the Guard there in case of an attack by Sombra and Chrysalis. Have Kaisur and his ponies found anything yet?”

“We have found a few things, though they were mostly due to Fluttershy's animals and the actions of General Starfall, and Captain's Lion Heart and Peach Blossom. Jer'rahd has not been allowed to leave the hospital yet. Something he is quite unhappy about. The wounds he received from Silver Claw are mostly healed though Velkorn won't let him leave until the stitches are removed.” Luna smirks.” She denies it, but I suspect she is stalling at their removal. Since she is the only expert of divine medicine there is, all the other doctors are deferring to her in this instance.”

“It would serve him right.” Celestia smirks. “What was found?”

“A nest of changelings in one of the storm drains that avoided destruction under Canterlot. There were about forty some changelings and eighteen pods. We rescued the ponies in the pods and they should make a full recovery though it was the hive itself that was of interest.”

“How so?”

“Most of the Changelings were injured, the few that were unhurt were either trying to treat the others or defend them from us. Velkorn likened it to a primitive field hospital, she took control of it almost immediately and is using it to study changeling medicine. The whole area is surrounded by Crystal Pony Guards and we have a number of the star metal rods on hoof to test for any trying to escape. So far though they have been content to remain as they are.”

“I suppose they are out of Chrysalis’s control here. Still we cannot keep them down there.” Celestia sighs.

“Your student is working on that. She has spent much of her time there as well citing something about a final project.” Luna mutters.” Do you have any idea what that is about?”

“She wishes to graduate from being my student.”Celestia ,mutters with practiced annoyance and humor at her students mindset. “She claims it would not feel right to continue our relationship as it is, so she plans to do all in her power to prove her self worthy of being my consort.”

Luna stares quizzically at her sister. “ Has she been speaking with Jer'rahd? That sounds like the rubbish he would spout.”

“Most likely. How are the two of you getting along now Lulu?”

“He beat me in chess.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “I am starting to believe you are simply trying to find an excuse to not like him. Not that I believe that statement in the slightest.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I believe you let him win.”

“I would do no such thing.”

“So you expect me to believe a Princess of War who has not lost a chess game in over six thousand years suddenly loses to a pony she has a crush on?”


“ Well go a head and ride him as soon as he's better this sexual tension between the two of you is driving me nuts.”

“ I we.... gah … it is not like...... fine.....Still, I plan to take it rather slow.” Luna grumbles blushing brightly.

“Is that wise?”

“Rhede and Twilight have both brought up that he is likely as immortal as you or I now since his encounter with the books. They theorize it is the same with Sombra, and Andree, that was how they did not age and their life spans seemed unending.”

“Not sure if I wish to consider him a god.”

“I am not sure he wishes to consider it either, or if he has, the implications have not sunk in yet.”

“That he will outlive everyone he knows? Considering how close and protective he is of his friends I do not think that will sit well with him at all.”

“No, but when it happens I will still be here for him.” Luna sighs. “Both of us will need each other when those days come.”

“Those days are a long way off yet Lulu. There is no point on dwelling on them now, there are other things for you to dwell on.”

“Yes, I suppose you are correct sister. Left to wander my mind still seeks the darkest path. What else is there to discuss?”

“Your adoption of a host of little ponies for starters.” Celestia smirks her eyes narrowing as Luna flinches.

“Tis our fault they lost what lives they had. I could not in good conscience leave them in the care of some pony who did not feel truly responsible for them.”

“Luna there are places that could find homes for them, some of them might even have relatives alive in other cities.”

“Nay I checked that. Between those captured by the changelings ,and those killed there were a sizable number who were made orphans. Most are in a nursery I had built in the castle, the youngest of them will be gifted to a worthy family once everything is settled. We shall only be watching them a short time before they go on.”


Luna rolls her eyes. “But there are four of them who will not be going any where for some time if ever I have adopted them personally in order to care for them. The eldest, Orange Danish is in the hospital with severe burns from the fires in Ponyville. She will thankfully recover fully in time, but she will be scarred for life. She has but three more years of schooling before she would be of age to choose her own life. I shall ensure that she is granted that opportunity with no more hardship. She has already spoken of her interest in the medical profession. With no family to aid her it would be unlikely she could pay for the schooling needed. And considering her cutie mark appears to be more set in baking she would be void of most grants.”

“But you will be seeing that she does have it payed for. Alright I can accept that, for the most part. What of the others?”

“Brushstroke Lily is only seven and his sister Berry Ice Lily is four, the pair were found in a sewer drain in Canterlot half starved and weak from exposure. Both of their parents bodies have been recovered and the pair has no other family that we can find. They are physically recovering but both are suffering from rather horrific nightmares that even I am barely able to lessen, it may be some time before they are able to overcome the shock of what they have been through.”

“Again something that is fitting as I doubt any other pony but you can visit dreams. So what of the small colt currently digging through your dresser, he is the fourth?” Celestia questions wryly.

“Tis Pipsqueek, he is only six and likely the one who is dealing with his situation the best, though I am......” Luna flattens her ears turning around to see the brown and white blank flank of a small colt sticking out of the bottom drawer of her dresser, his little back legs kicking furiously.

“Pipsqueek? The colt who claimed you best Princess during Nightmare Night. Well I suppose I understand why you are interested in him.” Celestia smiles. “Seems to be the adventurous type.”

“Pipsqueek, what are you doing?” Luna questions more curious than angry at the foal digging in her sock drawer.

The small pony lifts his head out of the drawer, a green cookie box in his mouth.

“Ah smefled chocolate.” Pipsqueek states around the cookie box. “Ah wasn't near a kichem so ah had tof check it out. An ah foumd coofies”

Luna chuckles at the colts logic, though a flash of heat from behind her caused her to slowly turn to see the tips of Celestia's mane and tail flickering with fire.

“Pray tell dear Lulu, are those my mint thins the little colt has there, found in your drawer?”

“Ummmm.” Luna states backing away a bit as Pipsqueek pulls open the box happily munching on the cookies inside.

“Yes, now that I recall, didn't you also say something about my posterior before sister?” Celestia grins with no joy in the smile.

“Eeeep.” Luna squeeks darting off suddenly with Celestia racing along right behind her.

Pipsqueek looks up at the suddenly empty room and tilts his head a little.

“Croiky wonder where they got off to in sucha hurry, nevah a dull moment around heah.”


[One year after the War of the Gods]
[New Canterlot / Ponyville suburbs.]

“Come now it won't be that bad.” Rarity laughs nearly prancing along with Lion Heart in tow.

“I was threatened with a slow painful death by your little sister.” Lion Heart sighs. “I had to knock General Kaisur down a rank on my terror scale after speaking with that filly.”

“Oh now it wasn't that bad, Sweetie is just being a little over protective of me, she is a darling. Besides you did say you were willing to face any danger for me .” Rarity coos batting her eyelashes at the half dragon who blushes a little at the attention.

“I expected to face down dragons, trolls, or nameless horrors from the depths. Not terrifying little fillies with stares that burn into your very soul.”

“Pfffft you are exaggerating surely, besides we have been dating for a few months now, my parents were bound to want to meet you at some point.” Rarity chimes heading towards the front door. She pauses a moment considering something. “Now you won't have to worry about my mother she already loves you just from my talking about you. I do expect a bit of issue from my father.”

“He's defensive of his little girl. I can understand that.” Lion Heart mutters still not wanting to have the talk with his mare friends father. If he was a more traditional sort Lion Heart's being a half dragon would already put a damper on things.

“Oh no, for the most part daddies a push over except for two things.”

Lion Heart's ears perk at this glad Rarity was planning to give him a survival tip for the ensuing conversation.

“First off, although he is pro military it would be best if you did not talk politics with him, he tends to get heated and argumentative over certain things and I don't know what could rile him at any given time. Steer it away to hoof ball or something like that.”

“Alright, sounds easy enough.”

“Secondly if you see him wearing his luchador mask, duck.”

“Right luchador mask.... wait what?”

Rarity glances back as the door opens ducking suddenly, a burly pony in a brightly colored mask and matching tights flies out of the door plowing into Lion heart and sending them both rolling back into the lawn.

Rarity stands up with a sigh as her mother comes to the door.

“Well I did warn him.”

“Ooh, he's a cute one too... Let the boys play dear, come on in and tell me more about him.” Rarity's mother giggles shouting over the anguished cries of the half dragon Guard. “Dinner's in thirty minutes love, be sure to leave time to wash up.”

Rarity side steps as Sweetiebelle rushes past throwing herself into the fray with her own brightly colored mask.

“TACOBELLE HAS ENTERED THE FRAY!!!” the filly screams.


Zecora and Twilight stared at the situation with slightly differing levels of disbelief and annoyance. Granted much of this was due to Celestia barely containing the her laughter and still having to hide her face in her wings to badly mask her constant fits of giggling.

Jer'rahd was clearly unsure of what he should be feeling at this point.

Luna and the Ferry Mare however were glaring each other down on either side of him as he was trying to work through what the next step was. It didn't help matters that Troth was doing his best to try and get out with Grace so close and shadows were flickering around him.

At the very least after a long discussion something had been put on the table, though Luna was currently arguing over it.

“He is not going into Tartarus with you.” the Moon Princess snaps.

“That will be the only place I will be able to remove Troth from him.” the Ferry Mare snaps back

“Doubtless you would simply keep him there. I care not your reasons for what is done you should be treated as a criminal not given what you wish.”

“I have no desire for the host just who resides in him, you can have him back as soon as I’m done with him.”

“Do I get a say in this?” Jer'rahd mutters.

“No,” Grace, Luna and Troth state at the same time.

Jer'rahd rolls his eyes as Celestia finally fails to contain herself and collapses into a fit of giggling.

“We are not accomplishing anything this way, if you do not try this at least the Beast is here to stay.” Zecora chimes in.

“This might be a good way to take care of two problems at once. It will remove the Beast, errr Troth , from Jer'rahd and at the same time at least be something of a repayment for all the Element's have done for us, no matter how small it seemed to be. “Twilight sighs.” Also it will hopefully keep the Ferry Mare, err Grace here from letting anything else out of Tartarus.”

“As I said before Crystal was released to combat the seventh. Something she did well enough considering you are all still alive. I did not free Soloman or the dragon. They found their own way out. Tartarus is not a solely separate place from Equestria. There is also more than one way in and out, this is simply the most stable.” The Ferry mare explains though her glowing eye's do not leave Jer'rahd despite Luna moving between the two again.

“Fine then, though if he is going in so am I.” Luna states her ears flat against her head her wing tightening around the unicorn who really didn't seem to mind it despite his attempts at protest.

“Hahaahaha oh this is too much hehehehe” Celestia giggles.

Luna blushes glaring at her sister while Twilight and Zecora try to ignore the Sun Princess.

“That is acceptable, though I will warn you that time is not stable on the other side, years could pass here and only seconds there, or even flow backwards or not at all.” the Ferry Mare states.

“So it's like how the Darklands were. “ Jer'rahd muses.

“If that is what you called the land that sunk into the sea. The mad one found the opening there and expanded it far wider than it should have been able to be opened. Many things fell through into this world from that hole.” the Ferry Mare responded.

“Princess you need to stay here any way. You need to take care of Pip, Orange and the Lilys.” Jer'rahd states causing Luna to wince.

“And what of our friends, would you leave them as well?”

“They have their own lives now at least. I will try to hurry back.” Jer'rahd smiles.

“Not to interrupt you two, but if it helps you worry less, I can accompany you.” Zecora states.

Celestia finally snaps out of her giggling to look at the zebra.” I am not sure I like that idea.”

Zecora shrugs. “ I came along with you due to a nudge, this is a middling solution since neither side here will budge.”

“Zecora are you sure about that? I mean if the time is strange you might grow old and die over there before you can make it back.”Twilight states.

Celestia sighs and Zecora chuckle. “She was bound to find out sooner or later any way mother.” Zecora states plainly causing Twilight to blink in confusion.

“I would have preferred later Sunshine.” Celestia grumbles.

Jer'rahd and Twilight both stare at the pair confused, though Luna offers a small smirk.

Zecora lets her disguise fade, her black stripes turning red and the crystalline horn emerging from her Mohawk. “I do not think I will have to worry about old age claiming me Twilight.”

Twilight's jaw drops though Jer'rahd stares at the zebra and then to Celestia.

“Question. Does Velkorn know about this?” Jer'rahd queries.

“No and I would prefer if you did not tell her. I do not wish to cause any sort of issue between us.” Zecora states.

“Fair enough, question two, who's the father?”

Celestia rolls her eyes at the bluntness of the question though Twilight answers instead.

“It was Baelit..... she's the Sunshine from the scry...........”Twilight gapes putting everything together in her head.

“Baelit? Velkorn's Nephew?”Jer'rahd blinks then he adopts an expression that could only be called an evil grin. “Does Rhede know?”

“Ummm I don't think so ,why would that matter?” Celestia states noting Luna was developing the same sort of grin. It was rather disturbing.

“You can't say anything to him until I get back Princess . I have GOT to see the look on his face.” Jer'rahd chuckles looking up at Luna.

“Then you had best hurry back, as it will be difficult not to see his reaction to his ''student of love' surpassing him.” Luna giggles.

“Alright I am a walking skeleton and these two are creeping me out a little.” The Ferry Mare points out. “I do not care who comes with him, but I want to go now.”

Once every pony settled down further and a great deal more discussion the trio walk though the gate leaving Luna, Celestia, and Twilight staring after it.

“So then shall we place a guard here or just return to check on it?” Celestia sighs.

“If not for my duties I would stay personally. He waited for me, how would I not do the same?” Luna states running a hoof over the sheathed Waning Moon she held.

“Seriously you two need to hurry up and have some foals already. I want some one to be calling me auntie other than Blueblood.” Celestia sighs

“Pipsqueek already calls you auntie. Tough if you are going to bring that up when are you and Twilight expecting? I should like to see you raise a foal instead of simply hearing about what messes Sunshine made second hoof. Though which of you would carry the foal and who would be the father this time?

“Magic does make a great many things possible in that regard Lulu.” Celestia almost purrs hugging Twilight closer with a wing.

“I am not comfortable with the direction of this conversation.” Twilight interjects her eye twitching a little.

Before any of them could say anything further the gate flared to life again and a massive blue draconic head pokes out of the gate staring down at the trio with six eyes.

The three of them stop and stare up at the dragon though only Luna seems to recognize the creature.”Thou are the beast Troth? Where are the others?”

A small flicker in the gate appears under him and a pair of figures step out. A red stripped zebra mare wearing a very wide brimmed straw hat and a mass of beads and flower garlands about her neck. Her mane and tail were both braided up with more brightly colored crystal beads and she wore an oversized pair of sun glasses on her face. A coconut with a bendy straw floated near by gripped in her red magic

The gray unicorn next to her by contrast looked more like a pack mule. He had on a bright flower print shirt and had a smaller version of the straw hat on his head though one of his eyes was covered by an eye patch. Across his back and sides was a horde of bags and boxes that were strapped to him. He trotted a few steps in with a growl glaring over at the zebra, before turning his gaze up to the dragon.

“Where's Grace? And why the heck did you stop half way through?”

“She errr, is holding onto my tail. Still in Tahiti.” Troth rumbles his scales turning a bit purple.

“Riiiiiight tail.... like I’m gonna believe that after listening to you two go at it like rabbits for the last six months.” Zecora chuckles “ Oh they haven't moved yet. It seems she was right about the time situation. How long has it been mother?”

Celestia blinks.” About a minute and a half....”

“A little over eight months from this side. Also I now know that is definitely your daughter. She's just as good at pissing me off as you are Celestia.” Jer'rahd growls stomping away from the gate and shrugging out of the piled stuff on his back grumbling as Zecora laughs.

“That was quite enjoyable Tell Grace I would love to visit again.” Zecora states waving to the blushing dragon as he nods and vanishes back into the gate.

Luna rises moving over to Jer'rahd who looks up at her with a smile, fangs still clearly apparent. “ So what happened?”

“Grace spent a few months working on a way to remove Troth from the cursed power the books gave me. She figured out a way that I still don't under stand, and well you saw the result.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Are you.... are you mortal again?” Luna questions trying to not to sound nervous about it, though she completely ignores Zecora going into details behind her about Tahiti being a magical place.

“No, even with Troth gone I’m still stuck with the books curse. Still have a monster inside of me , but I have more control of it now that Troth's not trying to break free. ”Jer'rahd smirks.” You won't get rid of me that easily Princess.”

“I wasn't trying to.” Luna smiles.


“..... If there are any here who have issue with why these two should not be wed......”

As Celestia reaches these words there was a rather loud flurry of movement from around the throne room as nearly all the members of the 42nd readied weapons. Jer'rahd grins wide unfastening the clasp of the Waning Moon as Bleu, Luna, and Starfall menacingly loom behind him.

“...... It would be in your best interest to hold your peace.......” Celestia continues rolling her eyes at the display. After a moment of nothing, not even a nervous cough, the guards relax, though the four standing around the couple to be wed continue to watch over the crowd suspiciously.

“.... you may now kiss the bride.” Celestia finishes as Rhede and Velkorn lean close, lips meeting to a roar of cheers and shouting from the gathered crowd.

Jer'rahd looks out over the guests, quite a gathering of ambassadors and other contacts Rhede and Velkorn had made in the short time after the war filled the seats. A massive number of Apple family members also packed the throne room, many of whom were more then interested to find out what their family line was before it became Apple. A host of Guards and a sizable number of cadets that Rhede hoof picked himself for his own personal training stood along the walls with the 42nd . And a sizable number of doctors and nurses sat on on Velkorn's side of the room, as did Zecora. Still it was a full house for the wedding.

The reception after wards was more of a Apple Family reunion than anything else, quite a number of Apples wanted to talk to Rhede about the family history, or other tidbits about the founders of the family. One or two of the older more hidebound members of the family wanted to try and complain about him marrying a zebra, Rhede took most of the jabs in stride until one lobbed a insult at Velkorn directly. Suffice to say none of the others continued on that vein and the one who had would only be able to eat only applesauce for a while.

Jer'rahd smiles watching the crowd and the strange peace that seemed to fall over everything. Twilight, Celestia, and Bleu were talking about something by the alter, Spike, Rarity and Lion Heart were talking about something off to themselves too, though the dragonling didn't seem to be taking it well.

Pip and the other foals Luna had adopted were playing with the trio of filly’s that were referred to in hushed whispers as the Cutie mark Crusaders. He wasn't sure on the reasoning for that, but he did note that Granny smith was keeping an eye on the orange pegasus with a fire extinguisher close at hoof. Pip was fine though Luna knew he still occasional cried himself to sleep . The Lily's had recovered though the little filly had not spoken a word since she got out of the hospital. Orange was recovered enough to start working on finishing her normal school to begin on her medical training, something Velkorn offered to help with much to the young mare's delight.

Pinkie Pie was doing something.... she seemed to be talking to a bunch of the the Guards on duty then rapidly changing her fur and mane and tail coloration as she bounced about. Jer'rahd rolls his eyes wondering if Bleu taught her that.

Fluttershy and Applejack were off to the side talking quietly and Velkorn and Zecora were chatting with a collection of doctors and a few of the Apples.

Dash was trying to hide behind Big Mac, her face red with embarrassment as Starfall chatted with the big stallion, who looked as if he would like to be any where else, Peach Blossom had the same look as he stood close by.

Jer'rahd sighs contently, blinking as a cup was floated in front of him and a tall dark alicorn moved up next to him pressing lightly against his side. He smiles taking the cup from Luna before sipping it, relishing the taste of the drink even though he was likely going to be unaffected with this small amount of booze.

“So does this count as a happy ending?” Luna questions.

“More or less, we still have to deal with the remaining changelings, the books have gone missing, and it will be a while yet before everything could be considered normal. But yeah this is a good start to a happy ending I think.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“I am surprised Discord has not come to crash the party. It seems like something he would do.”

“Sparkle said Pinkie convinced him other wise. He's supposed to be on his best behavior so he doesn't get turned to stone again.” Jer'rahd states.

“I do not wish to know how. “ Luna smiles glancing over as a crowd of mares and one blue dragon ling gather to catch the bouquet.

“Not going to try for it?”

“No. It is a silly tradition, supposedly who ever catches it will be the next to be wed. if that were true, Rarity would be wed by this point several times over. I have heard she makes a habit of catching them.”

Jer'rahd glances over to see the aforementioned mare who was seemingly prepping herself for a battle, not some tradition. Lion Heart looked a little wary at this.

“Any word from Dusty?”

“Celestia has been keeping more in touch with the diplomatic situations, but last I heard Lieutenant Dusty had taken over her fathers position until such a time as a new griffon god is born and is old enough to hold court in the aerie.”

“Breezy requested a diplomatic transfer up that way as well, I also received a request for him from a ambassador. Seems those two hit it off pretty well.”

“She is going to cause a incident.”

“From her file it wouldn't be the first time. I still had a heck of a time getting Nocturne's head from her, she wanted to put it on her wall.”

There was a scream as Velkorn threw the bouquet into the air and a even louder scream as a blast of green fire erupted from the crowd incinerating the flowers in the air.

“She did not.” Luna states as Jer'rahd starts to laugh.

“She did.”

After a moment a trail of green ash whirls over Luna's head and a bouquet of flowers materialized dropping down to get stuck on Luna's horn. The unamused alicorn turns slowly to glare at the little blue dragonling who grins wide puffing out a bit of smoke.

“BULLSEYE!” shouts Bleu.

“Yeah this could be a happy ending.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

Author's Note:

one more to go.

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