• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“Tempest tossed silence.”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“Tempest tossed silence.”

Rarity sighs looking up at the shield over them then down at Fluttershy as her friend tried to hide under the defaced painting on the roof.

“Well now that that bit of unpleasantness is out of the way.” Rarity states lashing out with a rear hoof and knocking out a still squirming bandit. The white unicorn mare lifts one of the bandits swords up looking at herself in the reflection of the blade. “How dreadful, split ends and my hair is so unbalanced right now.”

Fluttershy slowly crawls from under the painting as Rarity pulls a pair of scissors from her saddle bag along with a brush and some hair spray, before setting to work fixing her mane. The pale pegasus looks over the forms of the few bandits that Rarity had not thrown from the roof wincing lightly at the how bad Rarity had beat them up.

Even if they woke up any time soon it was not likely any of them would be walking any where, and she was certain at least two of them would never father any children. Though that might be for the best, it would be hard to find a proper daycare that could cater to the strange hours they would have to work as bandits.

“Um Rarity?”

“Yes dear?”

“Is this really the time to be fixing your mane?”

“Darling we are about to confront one of the big baddies here. No sense not looking your best when you lay the smack down as they say.”

“Where did you learn to fight like that?”

“You have met my parents, have you not?” Rarity sighs. “Do you really think my father would let his little girls grow up without being able to defend themselves?”

“No... I suppose Burt wouldn't but..... I didn't know he knew fighting like that. I thought all he did was bar fights and boxing.”

“Yes well, mother did help teach us. I even won a few competitions when younger, now I just practice to keep in shape. Sweetiebelle did just place second in her first ladder match a little while ago though. Father is a little less strict with her training it seems.”

“Um okay.”

A few more snips and Rarity tosses the sword away tucking her scissors away and tossing her head a bit, While her mane seemed a bit shorter, though besides that Fluttershy really couldn't see much a difference.

“How do I look?”

“Umm nice?”

“Why thank you, shall we head down stairs and see if Bleu has finished up yet?” Rarity beams trotting towards the door to the stairs.


This was bad. He had planned for things if a wrong turn was taken or he was betrayed ,but he did not expect things to reach this level.

Fancy Pants, or the changeling leader, he really was not sure what sort of term he could use now, was one of the surprises. Still no one would believe the bug and since Blue Blood had made it back to the castle first he could inform the guard who Fancy Pants really was and nothing the bug said would be believed.

He could not count that as a victory however. The number of prisoners he had freed and mercenaries he hired was dwarfed by the number of changelings attacking, even the dragon he turned loose was taken out, by a single Royal Guard of all things.

Granted that guard was a half dragon, Tigerhead or some such boring name like that, who was also supposed to represent the half dragons as a whole. Really it didn't matter, it was not if the creatures were a proper race any way, just some subset that came about through ponies with horrible taste in partners.

Still the loss of the dragon was a massive upset and one that he would make that Guard pay for later if he survived, still his options were becoming more and more limited now.

If Scarlet somehow delivered, which at the moment he doubted she would, activating his fail safe would cost him nothing. If the Guards were victorious he could use this as a way to raise his standing among the nobles, at least a little.

Of course if the changelings won, no plan he had would matter. That last bit was the clincher.

He trots rapidly through the castle ignoring the servants and the Guards rushing about. The horns along the ramparts sounded again, his ears flatten at the droning call. He had completely forgotten about those accursed things, if he had remembered he would have had them destroyed along with the normal alarm system.

Glancing around to ensure that no one was watching he pushed a lamp holder mounted to the wall up and to the left. A cool breeze from behind him flutters a tapestry hanging on the wall as a door opens behind it.

He looks around again before pulling the tapestry, one depicting a flight of dragon flies over a crystalline castle, and slips behind it into the secret tunnel.

His ears perk as he heads downward into the chambers under the castle, the door closing behind him with a soft creak as he descends.

Lights from ahead force him to quicken his pace as he crosses a landing over looking a wide open area in the abandoned crystal mine.

Nearly three hundred figures moved among the camps below. Griffons, Ponies, Minotaurs,Rams, Donkeys,Mules,a few half dragons, and a majority of Diamond Dogs milled about.

It had cost him a small fortune to keep these mercenaries here and in secret. He spent a large swath of his families fortune in hiring the small groups that would attack and loot Canterlot. Most of them were disgruntled former guards, bandits and thugs.

The ones he had down here were different. They were better trained and better armed. His own personal body guards along with those he hired out from under the noses of several other nobles and caravan trains. This group was ex guard, hunters,failed Wonderbolts, even a few bouncers from nightclubs that had caught his attention.

It was sad that he had to keep this lot as a back up plan, though there were far too many in this group that would have turned him in if they knew what the other group had done. So they had been moved to become his back up plan. He had hoped he would not have to use them, if the primary plan had worked out he simply would have sealed them all in the caves and forgotten them. Now he had a use for them.

He moved down into the camp headed for the tent of the pony he left in charge here. Many of them had heard the horns even this deep under the castle and were gearing up ready to go. Many of this group had considered him paranoid before , but were more than willing to take his bits. Now as he trotted past they watched him with a bit of fear and some awe that he had been right to gather them.

Blueblood smiles, he might just yet make it out of this situation favorably.


This was not the battle that Bleu wanted.

Her common sense was screaming at her to get out and come back with a plan of some sort, or at the very least some help.

The rest of her could only feel the boiling rage that the pony before hers visage brought. The one who gave Dullahan to the dragons, who showed them where, and when, the best place to attack was. The one who held most of the responsibility for Platinum being killed.

And now after all this time he had come back to try and kill her again.

The school was in ruins, the glass cases housing the artifacts of famous musicians had been smashed, the objects within burned or desecrated. The front window was smashed the sign with her sisters name had been destroyed, the memorial plaque that hung by the front doors was a battered and twisted lump of bronze. The few classrooms she could see lay in ruins, and a massive pile of music sheets lay in a crater in the marble floor burning along with a number of instruments.

The target of her ire stood before her just out of reach.

The earth pony had dodged aside from her first attack moving before a shield that took up a section of wall at the base of the stairs. Behind that shield was approximately a dozen foals and half as many adults, including the current Dean of the school Octavia. The gray earth pony looked as if she had seen better days, she was covered with bruises and cuts and her left eye had swollen shut from a massive bump on her head though the earth pony still stood, glaring at Claymore with just as much venom as Bleu was. What looks like piano wires were wrapped around each of the prisoners and stretched out of the shield attached to banisters and pillars in the air above her to the second and third floors. The wires would carry any electricity she fired right into the hostages if she even came close to one of those wires. To make matters worse despite how big the hall was to ponies to a full sized dragon it would have been constricting so she was forced to remain in her pony sized form.

Claymore kept his back to the shield and the ponies trapped within it. There was at least a dozen other ponies around, some in cloaks and hoods, others in what looked like salvaged armor and gear adorned with a red horseshoe. She could take out a few of the cloaked figures maybe even the one that kept the shield up to allow the hostages to run though Claymore would take advantage of that and she couldn't get all of the guards, there were enough of them that they could easily get to the hostages before she could stop them.

Claymore was rambling on about something and Bleu was not paying the slightest bit of attention to what he was saying as she tried to work out a plan. Something Claymore eventually caught onto.

“For bucks sake, you stupid lizard, I go to all the trouble of luring you here and you can't even bother to listen to the rant I had prepared?” Claymore shouts exasperated.

“Oh I am sure it was quite lovely full of 'rue the days' and 'fear mes' but lets face it, I've heard all that crap before from any number of creatures that are now little more than notches on a belt, so can we hurry to the part where I squish you? “ Bleu growls getting a laugh from Claymore.

“Fine then, I figured a chatterbox like you would be all for a running conversation.” Claymore kicks out a foreleg knocking the point of his blade out of the tile floor. The massive thing falls across his back and he shifts his shoulder moving the handle to where he could grab it . He shifts a little under it and smirks. “Trixie put a shield around the building, I’d rather take my time to enjoy this.

One of the cloaked figures yelped at her name being called and tried to push herself back further against the wall though the blue glow from her horn was readily apparent. Bleu made a note of her, likely also the one who made the shield that kept the prisoners.

Bleu turns her head back to Claymore cursing as she didn't see him, she quickly launches herself to the side barley dodging the massive blade as it came down destroying the tile floor and the ground under it where she had been standing. She flaps her wings hard flying backwards towards the entrance to dodge a return swing of the blade as well, ignoring the rocks and pebbles flung at her by the quickly hefted blade as they bounced off her scales.

Her eyes widen as the stones suddenly start to hiss, She launches herself straight up into the air as the rocks that struck her burst into small blobs of fire that pop and sputter like mini volcanoes for a heartbeat before going dormant.

“That's a dragon spell..... How many of those damn things did Silver Claw teach you?” snarls Bleu.

“Enough... it also helped I sat in on a couple of sessions he had with his little apprentice. Don't think this is gonna be easy this time bitch. You don't have Kaisur and a whole damned army backing you up anymore.” Claymore chuckles jerking his head to snap the massive blade and flick clear the gobs of molten rock that were clinging to it.

“Heh you think I came alone?” Bleu chuckles as Claymore flinches at that his gaze shifting about a little clearly worried about who she brought.

“Hey Claymore.” shouts a cloaked figure from above as she shoves a pair of ponies down the stairs with a jab of her spear. Six others followed behind the mare along with the white unicorn and the yellow pegasus.

Rarity chuckles waving to Bleu sheepishly..

“Caught them sneaking around upstairs. Want me to throw them in the cage?” the cloaked figure questions.

“HAH, this is your back up? The fashion bitch and that little mouse from Ponyville.” Claymore grins.” you saved me the trouble of hunting them down later any way, the contact wants the white one and I was after the yellow one. Buck maybe if I leave you alive long enough you'll present me with Kaisur's head too.”

It was only for a moment, though in that slight distraction Bleu was already on Claymore again claws ripping into his side as he tried to dive out of the way. Claymore chuckled slashing out with his blade forcing Bleu back. He grins wide as the claw marks rapidly close up along his flank.

“Well now, like I said in my speech I hope your ready to fight a god.”

“You won't be the first one I’ve killed.” snarls Bleu rushing the earth pony once more.


Silver Claw spits out a glob of blood watching as one of his teeth bounced on the stone. It had been a mistake to try and fight the Princess of the Night in the air, he should have realized that when she had mentioned a Valkyrie fighting style. Legends of the all female tribe of pegasi had lasted even to this day. It was said when they took to the air you went to ground, period. Still something was bugging him, as he crouched in the crater where he landed. When he looked up at Luna still floating above him he realized what it was.

“You and Kaisur trained together didn't you? You actually developed a style to compliment one another.” Silver Claw growls.

“We did expect to fight anything, so after you were sealed we all trained together extensively. It became even more important after we split from Canterlot. You have read the history, why is this a revelation?” Luna comments curiously.

“The book we had was incomplete and it seems the book my apprentice gave us left a number of details out as well.” Silver Claw chuckles. He shifts in the crater watching Luna for an opening or any sort of spell, though she seemed content to be crushing him with her bare hooves and simply waiting until he came out of his hole..

Both of them were distracted as Nocturne flew past sideways, slamming into a stone wall with Jer'rahd in hot pursuit.

“You've got another thing coming if you think I’m letting you go out like that young lady!” Jer'rahd hollers plowing into Nocturne as she tries to pull herself from the wall, driving them both into the building and collapsing it on top of them both.

“Kaisur can you please try to take this more seriously?” Luna shouts.

Nocturne explodes out of the rubble launching into the air only to find herself face to face with Luna's hoof and was immediately sent soaring back into the ground.

“Hey if she wants to keep calling me her father I am going to make sure she gets the disaplineing she clearly never got growing up.” Jer'rahd shouts climbing out of the rubble.

“You are mad..... both of you. Stark raving!” screams Nocturne yanking herself up from the new crater.

“Been a long time since I’ve been able to cut loose. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but I’m having fun stomping the crap outta you two.” chuckles Jer'rahd his red eye flaring brightly. “ Hey does this mean I can count Silver Claw as your colt friend, always wanted to intimidate my daughters dates.”

“Kaisur I wish you would give that up. This one is clearly no child of mine. If she was I would have already lost as I wouldn't harm my own child.” Luna glares at the other alicorn. “ She is simply a construct of a mad god, not even worth pity or hate. Simply something to be destroyed before the damage it causes spreads. Like a semi sentient fungus that infects crops.”

“GRAHHHHHHHHHH!!” Nocturne screams launching herself at Luna.

“I suppose I have had enough of this.” Silver Claw mutters as the alicorns collide in the air.

He turns his head firing a blast of flame at Jer'rahd, forcing the pony to raise his shield to block the white fire. At the same time he stretches out his hand towards the two alicorns. A sickly yellow ray leaps from his out stretched fore claw, striking the pair dueling in the air enveloping them both.

“LUNA” shouts Jer'rahd. The Waning Moon tears through the air slicing deep into Silver Claws outstretched arm, sending blood and scales flying as it cuts to the dragon's bone. The crimson lizard screams out, yanking his arm back.

Nocturne screams out again, though this time it's directed at Silver Claw. “ TRAITOR!!! HOW DARE YOU!”

“My goals were never yours Nocturne. Though look on the bright side while not a god, at least you are the only alicorn.” Silver Claw chuckles. Climbing out of the crater with a wince as he tries not to put weight on his arm.

Jer'rahd looks up again seeing dark blue figure floating in the sky. A short platinum blue mane and tail graced a form that while built as lithely, was only half the size of Luna, though still bigger than Starfall. She had no horn though her wings remained spread wide, keeping her in the air. The strangest thing however was her cutie mark was no longer a crescent moon, but now it looked to be a weapon not unlike the Waning Moon.

“Luna?” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Well.” Luna sighs.” This was unexpected.”


The spear blade rips through the griffons wing showering the rocky soil with blood and torn feathers, Wind Razor barely seems to feel the pain as she presses her attack on the Guard.

The stallions armor was shredded and his weapon full of nicks from her claws, though so far she had been unable to land more than a couple of glancing blows.

If she had not become a god the stallion would have likely killed her a few times already. She had underestimated him from the start thinking this one was the same as the Royal Guards up in Canterlot, soft and weak. After one wing had been lost and regrown and both her heart and belly pierced by that steel spear of his she was certain he was one of the new 42nd.

“You're good colt, but you unfortunately peaked my interest a little too much. I figure once I finish this little hunt I might start a new one.” Wind Razor smirks. “Using your tail as a starter.”

“Is that supposed to scare me?” Peach Blossom chuckles his eyes locked on the griffon as another wound he landed on her closes. Nothing he did seemed to phase her for long and he was sure he pierced her heart with at least one shot. She had been down for a few moments after that hit, long enough for him to make sure Rainbow Dash was still breathing and bandage a few of her wounds before the fight started again.

“Face it pony you already gutted me, stabbed me though the heat and I’m just a bit bloody for it, meanwhile all I’ve done it land a couple of scratches on you and you can barely keep that spear up.” Wind Razor cackles. “By Tartarus, i haven’t even started to use my new powers yet and you're already about to drop. You think you can hold me off forever colt?”

“I don't need to hold you off forever. Just long enough.” Peach Blossom grins.

“Long enough for what? We are in the middle of no where fool, if you expect a rescue they may want to hurry...... what are you doing?” Wind Razor questions as the pony suddenly dives to the ground covering Dash though keeping his spear up and pointed at Wind Razor, the but of it jammed against the ground.

Wind Razor turns her head hearing a high pitched whine just as a gray hoof connects with her throat snapping her neck at a unnatural angle and flinging her forward to impale herself on the guards spear, The shaft of the weapon snaps as the blade catches on her spine, though she still continues forward from the impact of the blow across the rocky surface and into the gorge. A loud roar is heard as a massive eel like creature bursts from a hole in the ground snapping the falling griffon out of the air and yanking itself back into its hole with it's meal.

“Well that was anti climatic.” grumbles Starfall landing a bit away before rushing over to Dash to check on her in a panic all but throwing Peach Blossom off the pegasus.

“Sir, I doubt that it's over, I landed a number of shots that should have killed her and she kept healing from them.” Peach Blossom curses tossing his broken weapon aside as he gets up.

“What happened to her?” mutters Starfall yanking her saddle bags off and digging out her own first aid kit to start trying to treat Dash.

“She was like that when I arrived, evidently the griffon has some sort of shadow power, she had a number of black crystals piercing her form, but we need to focus on....”

“Do you have any more gauze? I need to make sure her wings set properly...”


“....and a splint for her leg, give me that broken spear there....”


“... what about ointment, or something to prevent infection....

“DAMN IT SILVERTAIL!” Peach Blossom stomps over and grabs Starfall by the ears, turning her head to the chasm. The eel was back out of it's cave and flailing wildly, silently screaming in pain.

With a last few shudders it falls, hanging limply out of the cave. After a moment a metal covered claw bursts out of it's side followed by a second. The claws grip the edges of the hole and yank apart ripping the gash larger in the side of the eel. Blood pours from the wound running down the body of the creature, falling towards the bottom of the chasm like rain. A red gore soaked griffon climbs out of the tear clawing her way up onto the beasts back before flicking her wings to clear them of blood. She glances down at the spear in her chest gripping the haft and ripping it free with a pained roar before flinging it aside and glaring at the three ponies on the other side of the chasm.

“That hurt.” Wind Razor growls.

Starfall blinks, then looks up at Peach Blossom. “ Why didn't you point that out to me sooner?”

Peach Blossom slaps his face with a hoof. “ You deal with her and I’ll get Dash somewhere safe, then I’ll come back to help you.”

“Right, hurry up then.” Starfall mutters stepping back from Dash before launching herself into the air drawing her blades.


The swarm rushes down the street, galloping and flying down the main street of Canterlot, some of the wave branches off down side allies and smashing into the buildings after the ponies hiding there. If those found did not fight back they were cocooned and left in the partially destroyed buildings to be gathered later.

If they resisted, well a large number of the changelings were meat eaters.

Small Dragons, Chimera, Ponies, Griffons, Diamond Dogs,Ram, Minotaur, and countless other races even including a single massive hydra rush along the streets, smashing through the town with their goal being the front gate of the castle.

Small groups of ponies fled before them, the changelings did not press their speed any, knowing that when they reached the gates they could take the ones ahead of them easily as the gate would be closed against the swarm.

The charging wave of black and green crested the rise that brought the front gate into sight. The castle drawbridge was down and the gate wide open. A number of Guards stood by the gate though they seemed more concerned with the ponies running ahead of the swarm and the few faster members of the black wave that had rushed ahead. All of them stared wide eyed at the black flood of chitinous flesh that was racing towards the castle.

On the road just before the draw bridge however was a sight that made a few of the smarter changelings pause and a hoof full turn and go another way, though the main brunt of the swarm was still focused on conquest.

At first glance the figure seemed to be an off white unicorn though as the leading edge of the swarm drew closer it was clear the figure was white and wearing what looked like the skull and bones of a much larger creature. Glowing white eyes glared at the swarm from under the helm, her massive multi colored mane and tail whipped as if trapped in a unseen tornado. The figure snaps her wings open with the sound of a thunderclap.


The resounding boom of the voice made a few of the Diamond Dog changelings flinch and the swarm as a whole stall and slow, though howls of battle from multiple throats filled the air, the sound echoing louder than even the royal Canterlot voice had achieved.

“So be it.” Celestia states offering a glance back at the gate as the last of the ponies fleeing the swarm ran across the threshold. The gate slammed shut and the guards at the top of the wall dove for cover.

The Princess of the sun turned her gaze to the creatures rushing towards her in a giant wave. They were almost atop her when the leading edge drew up short, some were trampled though the sudden stop before reaching the Princess caused the entire rush to cease.

The mass of changelings lifted their heads in the air as one, looking into the sky at the tsunami of flames that rose and spread from the alicorn on the drawbridge.

Only a few managed to scream before the wave of fire crashed over them.


Bleu roars in pain, leaping away and leaving a splatter of blood and a large number of her chest scales behind her. The blow had not been deep, but it had not so much cut her as impacted, then torn the flesh away from the point of contact.

Claymore was laughing around the blade griped in his mouth, his blade smashing through pillars and walls and anything else Bleu tried to put between her and the rampaging earth pony. She had landed a few blows herself, though all of them had healed in a matter of moments, Claymore laughing at them as if they were nothing. Those few hits had cost her too, Claymore wielded a weapon three times his size like a swashbuckler with a rapier, the sheer mass of it barely seeming to register to him as he changed the momentum of the blade on the fly, ignoring momentum completely. She could see his neck and back muscles clearly straining from swinging it, though he had yet to even break a sweat.

She had planed to do the same thing she had done to his daughter, lift him off the ground so he lost connection with the earth and thus the dragon magic he was tapping into. It seemed however he was a bit more skilled than his daughter and she could not even get close enough to try.

Maybe she could take out a leg, she wasn’t sure how long it would take for one to grow back as she had never seen the Boss do anything along those lines. Maybe that would give her an opening she needed and she could try to rescue the others while he recovered.

Time for something sneaky.

“Seriously, this is your best? I thought you were supposed to be a feared bitch. One of those deadly Beasts of the Moon things. Riding too much on Kaisur's coattails it seems.” Claymore mocks. “ I mean fer buck's sake, you can't fight like a real dragon either, you're using a pathetic mishmash of dragon and guard training. Clearly you're too used to just using brute force to get what you want done. I suppose that means you're closer to the dragons of this age in ability, stupid and slow.”

Bleu growls launching herself forward at him. Claymore grins whipping the sword at Bleu's head only to find she was no longer there. His eyes drop watching the tiny dragonling scurry across the floor under the blade swing having shrunk down to a smaller size.

Bleu slips past the stomping of his forelegs moving under his belly. She rapidly changes to full size her jaws widening to rip open the earth ponies belly and chest with a single bite. Her fangs crackle with electricity as her maw slams shut.

Her jaws close on air.

Bleu stood at full size, stretched up two stories in the air eyes wide as she looks at the earth pony who seemed to momentarily float over the top of her muzzle.

Claymore had jumped into the air and bounced off the piano wires to get high enough to avoid the entire attack, and he still had his sword.

The earth pony whirls in midair, His whole body being used to bring the mass of his blade around. The weapon slams into Bleu's shoulder with enough force to send her crashing through the wall and the classrooms of the first and second floor and out of the side of the building in a cacophony of cursing rock, splintering wood, and shattering glass. Her flight comes to an abrupt pause as her body slams into the shield, her left wing being crushed under her own body weight as she slams against the unyielding surface.

One of the cloaked figures screams out falling to her knees as the shield cracks, but doesn't break.

Bleu shudders looking down at the cut running from her elbow to the base of her neck, the impact flaying scale, flesh and leaving a deep gash in the now exposed bone. She whimpers barely holding on to conciseness.

Claymore lands with a heavy thud flicking the blood from his blade almost as an after thought as he looks through the hole he made in the side of the building with interest. He glances to Trixie as she whimpers noting she still kept the shield up despite the impact.

“Hmm guess I hit her too hard. Oh well.” Claymore grins trotting among the wreckage towards the dragon. “Guess I should end this now. Don't feel too bad, I spent years on the wall killing things ten times nastier than you. This was never a fair fight to begin with.”


Sparks flew as blue crystal struck steel, flakes of both the metal and crystalline weapons flaking off from the force of the blows the pair where exchanging. A shimmer of dust from the weapons drifts about the whirling forms of the combatants like glitter giving the whole fight a surreal quality.

Peach Blossom watched from the treeline as the griffon and pegasus whirled about each other in the air the clank of steel and the chime of crystal punctuated by curses and grunts of effort.

The pair had met in the air over the canyon rushing to meet each other and trading verbal insults and taunts even before their weapons had connected for the first time.

The pegasus stallion was struggling just to follow their mad battle. The pair had not broken away from each other for more than a second since they first started. He had moved Dash to the treeline at the edge of the canyon and patched her up as best he could, she was still bleeding but none of the wounds seemed life threatening for now, at least judging by his limited medical skill.

Occasionally feathers or tufts of gray or purple fur would be cut loose, drifting down from where they fought like snow along with the motes of weapon dust. The stallion was sure that there was blood raining down too, though the pair moved to quickly for him to identify which had been wounded.

The battle slowed briefly as the griffon darted forward changing into a cloud of black smoke, though she turned back to normal just as quickly as the crystal blades struck the dark mist as if it was still her flesh sending a splatter of blood and a hoof full of feathers flying from the griffons neck.

Wind Razor fell back a moment before solidifying, her wound quickly healing. She lets out a cry like a roar and rushed forward to return to the rapid battle.

Peach Blossom shakes his head looking up at the conflict not liking the odds.

He considered heading back to town to try and find Major Kaisur, but he was reluctant to leave Starfall alone, particularly since he had no idea how to get the Major back here quickly enough to be a help. Rainbow Dash had yet to wake and was still breathing raggedly so it might not be best to move her haphazardly by trying to carry her. There was also the chance he might spot an opening that he could exploit to help take down the griffon.

Peach Blossom sighs not entirely certain how he would be able to do that with his weapon shattered. He glanced down at the wounded cyan pegasus, a small trickle of an idea crossed his mind as he looked Dash over. It wasn’t much , but it was better than doing nothing.


The trees around the gorge rustled slightly as they passed, though no other noise came from the trees until the clang of daggers striking each other in mid air and falling to the ground broke the silence. The Red and black blurs of the pair of earth pony assassins darted among the tall branches attacking and counter attacking as each strive to get a better position to try and take out the other.

Their expressions betrayed their opinions on the duel however, Rhede was panicked, Scarlet was amused. The pair moved faster than Apple Jack could easily follow.

Granted she was not trying very hard to keep watch on them at the moment. She had already lost sight of Velkorn and she had her own distractions anyway.

Carrot top swung a hoof at the farm pony forcing her to bring her hoof up to block, though before she could counter attack, the carrot farmer had bounded away and Feather Duster the Filthy's maid had fired a burst of magic at her.

Apple Jack dove under the attack and rolled to the side to avoid a kick from Thunderlane.

She scrambled back to her hooves looking at the seven ponies that were milling around her. There had been eleven though she had managed to even the odds a little. Two foals, Rumble and Button were tied to a tree with her lasso, they had been the first that she needed to get out of the way so they didn't get hurt. The enthralled pair of colts still struggled to get free and attack her however. Button's mom was currently pinned under a tree that AJ had bucked over, she was hoping to get a few more though the others had been quick enough to avoid it. The overly muscled Snowflake had been taken out with a lucky hoof shot to his face, big pony like that had a glass jaw, AJ would have been amused by that if she wasn't fighting for her life.

Still there were seven left and AJ was getting her flank stomped by them. She couldn't see Velkorn and only briefly heard a curse or a clank of daggers from Rhede and Scarlet, so it was probably better to focus on what was in front of her, Namely, Thunderlane, Feather Duster, Carrot Top, some musician stallion that played at the last Nightmare Night, and three others whose names eluded her at the moment.

“Welp.... guess I jus need tah get serious then.” Apple Jack smirks looking at the hypnotized ponies and angling her hat down lower over her eyes.


Part of Starfall could not help but relish this fight. It was a battle she had been seeking for years, a chance to finally avenge Loc.

Another part of Starfall was terrified of this fight. That part remembered how easily she had lost to the griffon in the past. That part of her worried what would happen if she fell, if she lost now. There would be no massive spell coming to save her this time, no rescue, no friends to pull her out of the fire at the last moment.

Just the pegasus and the griffon.

She had been hit a few times, and although the light armor she wore took the brunt of the damage she could feel the trickle of blood running down her chest from a strike that went deeper. Wind Razor on the other hoof should have been dead. The crystal blades cut though the griffon no matter if she was solid or that odd smoke form she now used. Every strike however had quickly healed and the bird seemed to realize that and was not even trying to defend herself now. She was simply attacking.

Fortunately the griffons armor and claw guards were not protected the same as she seemed to be. The armor was in ribbons and one of the metal gauntlets had been sundered by Starfall's sword forcing her to use her slightly less effective claws.

Unfortunately Wind Razor had picked up a trick or two and not long after her weapon had been shattered a new one of black crystal had been formed around her claw. It was that black claw that had scored the deepest cut on Starfall and easily cut through her light armor.

Starfall struggled to redouble her efforts thinking at the very least to move the fight far enough away from Dash and Peach Blossom so they could escape.

Wind Razor seemed to have other ideas.

Starfall turned suddenly doing a quick barrel roll over the griffon to get on the other side of her. She deflects a claw slash with the blue crystal blade on her wing, shifting the other wing blade to be gripped in her mouth. Starfall flips over an over extended claw attack. She lashes out with the blade gripped in her teeth and was shocked when it connected.

A shower of blood splattered over the pegasus as the griffons wing is severed spiraling away from the birds back. Starfall's momentum continues carrying her along with the hard swing. Her eyes widen as she spots the griffons grin and realizes Wind Razor sacrificed the wing so Starfall would give her an opening.

“Gotcha.”Wind Razor chuckles as she starts to fall.

Before Starfall could react the griffon's claw grabbed her foreleg, black crystal piercing her armor and sinking into her flesh as all of the griffons weight was suddenly yanking her down.

She lashed out striking the bird with her hooves unable to bring her wing blades to bare as she struggled to keep airborne. She tossed her head, attacking with the blade gripped in her teeth only to hand Wind Razor's other claw grab it and yank it towards her along with the pegasus's head. The griffon yanked on her leg at the same time pulling herself closer to the pegasus face. She lunges forward suddenly her forehead smashing hard into Starfall's muzzle rocking the gray pegasus' head back and knocking her sword free.

Starfall gasps seeing spots, her wings going limp in the moment of disorientation, speeding the pairs decent.

Wind Razor grins using her remaining wing to spin the pair around in the air right before impact so Starfall's was the first body to hit the ground.


“What the buck did you do?” snarls Jer'rahd rushing the dragon.

“I raised my chances to win of course.” Silver Claw chuckles launching into the air again though not fast enough that he didn't feel the touch of the Waning Moon carving another few chunks out of his tail. The red dragon winces looking down as the gray pony continues to follow him into the air forming a ramp of green shield panels that he gallops up. That part of the books seemed to be accurate in that the unicorn could not create his shields and move his sword at the same time with his magic. Still it wouldn't be healthy to let him get close. Silver Claw back peddles in the air though a cry from Luna distracts Jer'rahd from his target.

The Princess was darting around in the air, with a speed close to what he had seen Starfall achieve, with a cluster of spirally blue bolts of energy trailing after her leaving long tracers of light. Nocturne stood bellow adding to the swarm of magic missiles as the alicorn raged. A veritable airborne circus of colors and and energy filled the air swirling about in a a chaotic dance of trails and power showering the whole area and all those in it with bolts of destructive energy.

“Poor mare throws a tantrum when things do not go her way. Little better than a child despite her protests to the contrary.” Silver Claw sighs, lifting his arm and swatting away the glowing balls away the magic exploding against his arm though he barely seemed to register the impacts.

The ones after Jer'rahd slammed into a hastily raised shield with just as much effectiveness as they had against the dragon. Another shield was quickly raised protecting Luna from another series of missiles. The ground and buildings around the market explode into splinters and kick dust and spoke into the air obscuring the ground from the impacts.

Nocturne takes to the air chasing Luna firing further bursts of magic at the rolling and diving Princess. Luna dodges them easily and zips past Jer'rahd's position in the air calling out to him as she passes, Nocturne in hot pursuit.

“Deal with Silver Claw, I have this one Kaisur.”

She glares at him stopping any protests he could have made with the look before she rolls over another blast of magic and dives into the clouds of smoke below with the ravening alicorn on her hooves.

“I'm not seeing how taking out an ally raises your chance to win, even if you did get Luna, I can still rip you apart myself.” Jer'rahd growls.

Silver Slaw seems amused by this as he watched Jer'rahd moves closer.

“I am not surprised you don't get it. With your situation, I suppose you wouldn't. Nocturne used the Element of Magic as did Luna when she activated the books. You and I were in possession of Loyalty. I assume you know what that means I have access to now.”

“The Beast.”

“Well a version of it, not nearly as potent as the one in you considering the creature that was created by the merger of the books power and Loyalty resides in you. Though my power is still staggering compared to others.”

“If you know what you have is weaker, why is that even a factor in this?”

“Because a corrupted Bearer of Magic controls the monster their corrupted Bearer of Loyalty turns into. But I just took both Magic bearer's out of the equation.”

Jer'rahd flinches catching on.

“That means your free of Nocturne's control and Luna wouldn't be able to stop me if I changed.”

“Exactly and since there's nothing to fight for control within me. I have no qualms about changing and ending you.” Silver Claw grins flying higher as Jer'rahd gallops across his shields trying to catch the dragon before it was too late.


“ DO SOMETHING DAMN IT!” screams out Rhede, kicking off a tree and somersaulting though the air, a trio of blades launching from his tail to knock the same number of daggers from the air, flung at him by another red pony bouncing among the trees.

“Oh, but I am? Scarlet laughs.” What, do you think I’m not trying hard enough to kill you? You always were the impatient pupil Pelt. Wanting to know everything immediately.”

Rhede for the most part ignored her taunts, he couldn't lose focus on the fight or she would have gut him in a heartbeat, though his attention kept shifting to Velkorn.

The zebra mare was backed all the way to the edge of the chasm, her eyes wide in panic, ears flat and her head whipping about looking for some way out.

Bloodtail however was calmly moving towards her shifting his approach so that she had to move closer to him to get away and in the freaked out state Velkorn was in she wouldn't go any where if it meant getting closer. It was likely only her sense of self preservation that kept her from diving over the cliff, or trying to jump the wide gorge.

This was something he had worried about despite Velkorn's assurances she would be fine. He knew they would need to deal with Bloodtail at some point and even before he had tried to brainwash her Velkorn had been scared of him, afterward she had acted much like Jer did towards deep water.

She had tried to hide it ,but she shuddered every time the zebra's name was even mentioned. When she first saw him here she had froze in place only breaking out of the shock when Rhede shoved her out of the way of one of the enthralled ponies attacks.

Rhede thought he knew fear, he was afraid of his former teacher Scarlet, He was afraid for his family, and he was terrified of that vision he received from the Elements where his cowardice cost ponies their lives. He was even more afraid the vision would mean he was going to let some one he cared about die.

But he didn't understand a fear that would make a pony simply freeze in place, or run away screaming for no reason. It had no rhyme or reason, Bloodtail was not a physical zebra, Velkorn should have been able to simply slap the shit out of him and be done with it, as it was she was backed against a cliff wall and seeming to be considering whether jumping into a canyon was a viable option or not.

“Aww what's the matter Pelt, worried about your little mare friend? And here I thought I was enough for you.”Scarlet chuckles from some where in the trees. “You found me beautiful once.”

“Honey, you got reeeeeeeal ugly.”Rhede growls diving to the side as a dozen daggers imbed into the tree he was standing on.

Scarlet cackles at he avoids her attack and Rhede flicks a couple of daggers from his tail towards the sound, not really expecting them to hit.

He scrambles off the ground, up into the tree using a springy branch as a catapult to launch himself into another tree hoping for a better vantage point to target the mare.

A resounding crack catches his attention and Apple Jack lays out a dark coated pegasus stallion though she takes a hit from another of the enthralled ponies in the process. The farm pony had lost her hat though she was still holding her own well enough against the remaining six, though it was clear she was taking a few blows she could have avoided while pulling her punches to prevent from really hurting the enthralled ponies.

The sound of chanting drew his attention back to Velkorn, as he fought back the panic that nearly gave Scarlet a chance to embed a dagger in his throat.

“Now now Pelt, as I said you better pay attention to me.” Scarlet states simply appearing before him and lashing out with her hooves. Rhede drops from the tree landing lightly and darting away into the bushes as the sky rained daggers on the spot he landed.

He knew that chant, knew that spell, he had spent several years trying to break it.

He darted around a tree seeing Velkorn still at the edge of the cliff, frozen in place, a cloud of blue powder drifting in the air around her head, the color staining her muzzle. Bloodtail was less than a pony's length from her, chanting the same spell he had been the last time Rhede saw him in the Zebra capitol.

Velkorn's eyes were glazed, her body trembling still recoiling in fear though it was clearly not obeying her any more.

“Well isn't this a predicament you have yourself in Pelt.” Scarlet whispers in Rhede's ear.

He dives aside as the mare laughs bouncing after him like her legs were made of springs. He flings another group of daggers at the mare watching as the blades collided in mid air with her own thrown weapons.

He shifts his gaze from the mad mare back to Velkorn and Bloodtail his ears flattening to his head. He couldn't let the spell be finished, nor could he turn his back on Scarlet unless he wanted a dagger in it. Of course he would encounter these psycho’s after Starfall had passed by and with no other fliers around. They were easily a twenty minute run from the edge of town and unless some one was on their heels following the markers they were not likely to get any back up in time.

He drops from the tree, his tail whipping sending his last three throwing daggers from the brace hidden in the hair towards Scarlet. The mare dodged again though her movement gave him the second he needed.

Rhede takes off running towards the two zebras hearing the earth pony mare's laughter behind him at the choice he made.

He didn't consider it much of a choice. Certainly he had spurn her, turned her away and did his best to drive her towards another stallion, but it was for her best interest, he couldn't let anything happen to Velkorn.

He rushes on expecting at any moment to feel a blade in his back from the cackling mad mare in the trees. He presses on kicking a fallen throwing dagger from the ground into the air catching the weapon in his mouth.

[“ …. and with the last cry of the Mourning Dove....”] Bloodtail chants in ancient zebraic pausing briefly as the thunder of hooves reaches his ears

The zebra stallions eyes widen as he sees Rhede though the larger pony was already on top of him before he could react. The massive red earth pony slams bodily into the much smaller zebra, the blade gripped in his teeth burying deeply into the side of the deadlocked stallions head as the force of the charge lifts Bloodtail into the air. The zebra screams as he flails his form spiraling away from the pair and over the lip of the cliff edge into the gorge.

Rhede spits out the foul taste of blood from his mouth looking at the blue powdered face of Velkorn. This was the second time he had seen this scene and the second time he had stopped it at this point. Unlike how it had been long ago, he knew what to do this time.

[“ And with the last cry of the Mourning Dove, chose freely your life and whom you will love.”] Rhede responds completing the spell.

Velkorn blinks coughing hard and dipping her head wiping the powder from her face as she gags on the powder.

[“Rhede.. What? What happened to... Bloodtail ...”]

“It's okay I stopped him, you should be fine for now. Get Apple Jack and get out of here, find Jer and Luna as fast as you can, I doubt the fall killed him and Scarlet is still here too.”

[“Fine.. what about... by the stars.....”] Velkorn's eyes widen as she looks at him.

“Yeah I don't think I will be going any where. Sorry, but this is why I refused you... I knew this was gonna happen... pity … you almost convinced me too.” Rhede chuckles leaning forward and touching his nose lightly to hers before falling to the ground with a crash and the clatter of metal.

Velkorn stares down at Rhede, his entire left side and back was filled with enough daggers to make him look like a steel porcupine. Blood and green gray icor covered the blades pooling rapidly around his fallen form turning the dirt to crimson mud.


Luna whipped and darted among the burning buildings, dodging the magic blasts from Nocturne by a feathers thickness. Her lungs burned and her wings ached at the strain she was putting them under, not that she had gotten lazy but having a gods resilience it was nearly impossible to push the limits of endurance.

Nocturne was keeping up quite well, despite the wild blasts of magic she was flinging she had yet to be shaken loose from Luna's tail.

Honestly though this is what the Princess had wanted. While her normal magics were inaccessible at the moment, this was not the first time she had been depowered, denied access to her casting abilities, it was one of the reasons she had kept practicing her physical skills, just in case. And in a town filled with clouds of smoke, a pegasus's abilities could be just as deadly as a unicorn's magic.

She darted through the billowing smoke of Ponyville her pegasi magic starting to drag the dark clouds of soot along in her wake. Nocturne, still hot on Luna's hooves, was forced to fly in the growing dense cloud of ash, while Luna had slightly cleaner air to breath. The dark pegasus finally found what she was looking for in a small area of houses that had yet to be touched by flame. Most of the doors hung open the ponies clearly having fled. A perfect spot to end this with out any pony else getting hurt.

The smoke trailed behind her as she burst into the clear area, inhaling deeply of the fresh air before dropping down to the ground. Her momentum carried her as her hooves touched the dirt sending her sliding across the back yard of one of the buildings. Luna twists letting her momentum carry her sliding form around to face back the way she had come from. As she comes to a stop between a swing set and a small herb garden she charges forward back towards Nocturne as she bursts out of the choking cloud . and skidding over the cobble stones and she twisted letting her momentum spin her about to face Nocturne.

The alicorn wheezed coughing from the smoke she had inhaled following the princess through the town, her eyes watered as she cursed her horn flaring though she was unable to see a target as she tried to blink the ash from her eyes.

“I am going to destroy you mother!” screamed Nocturne.

“I doubt that very much.” states Luna softly, barely a wings breath from the hacking alicorn's face.


“So this is what it looks like from the other side..... I feel kinda sick now.” Jer'rahd mutters.

Silver Claw had called upon the beasts power while he hovered in the air and for a moment it appeared as if nothing happened. Moments later with a the sound of splitting stone a crack formed across the dragons chest, some of his thick scales starting to flake off the surprised dragon. The cracks continued spider webbing across his form at a alarming rate.

Bits of the red dragon seemed to fall away, dropping to the ground or being pulled inside of itself leaving gaping black holes in the cracking form of the dragon. After several seconds of this Silver Claw looked like a porcelain figure that had been broken and hastily glued back together by foals trying to avoid punishment.

Seconds later the massive dragon shattered like an eggshell revealing a mass of feathers and fur that seemed to flicker across every hue imaginable and some Jer'rahd could not name. The form slowly unfurled like a baby chick hatching free of it's egg. The things multi colored wings spread wide until it seemed at least half of the town was in the shade of its feathered wings.

A pair of reptilian fore claws,appearing to be made of steel slammed into the ground on either side of the market place,the massive points gracing them digging furrows in the earth, ripping up cobble stone and building foundation with equal ease. The body of it was not unlike a griffons though it's fur was black and rather than a Leonid tail there was a massive spiked dragons length, covered in glistening black and red scales, that smashed through a row of buildings as it whipped back and forth.

The creature raised it's vaguely draconic feather covered head, six curled horns pushing up from its temples and forehead, giving the odd impression of a crown of bone that swept back over its head with a subtle upward curl. A massive ship sized beak gaped open, rows upon rows of teeth filled it not unlike a sharks.

Two rows of three eyes each opened above that beak, the solid red and faintly glowing orbs staring down at the small gray unicorn standing on the green glowing shield below it.

Jer'rahd sighs looking up at the creature shivering a bit in spite of himself.

“I think I need a bigger sword.”


Twilight Sparkle twitched slightly as the last book was slid into place. The main room had finally been cleaned up from the teleport from the Badlands. She looked at the clock on the wall idly expecting that weeks had gone by while she distracted herself.

It had only been a little over an hour since Pinkie's death.

Twilight trembled trying to push that thought as far back in her mind as she could, she had been a weeping mess until those guards had shown up. When they left she had started to clean up, trying to distance herself, to blank her thoughts, though it wasn't helping, she was practically on auto pilot at this point and was rather surprised she had accomplished this. Perhaps not stopping to read every other book while putting them away had helped speed things up.

Twilight sniffled back the tears and slowly moved to the door to the side room to see if there was something she could do there. She knew she should try to help out, there were still ponies who needed it, but she couldn't. She had tried to help everyone by freeing the others from stone, she had tried to help Celestia understand that perhaps her memories were not right, she had tried to help everyone and now the world was burning around them and one of her best friends was dead. Better if she stayed in the library and never left again.

She had barely opened the door when she screamed, leaping away from the room as a series of loud pops fill the air splattering her with strands of something and sweet scented smoke.

Back peddling furiously she crashes into the book case she had just put back up, knocking it to the floor again and nearly crushing herself. She lay there a moment panting , though nothing else continued the attack.

Pulling herself free she looks up to see a brightly colored streamer of ribbon dangling from her horn, a quick shake of her head dislodged a shower of confetti from her mane.

She moves back to the door slowly pushing it open again to find the entire room was covered in party favors, balloons, and more decorations than she had seen since Gummy's after birthday, birthday party. A massive banner across the room read ' Victory Party.'

Twilight blinks trotting into the room in a daze, there were numerous bottled drinks set on the tables along with a large number of covered deserts and a number of games set up and ready to play all around the room.

Twilight's mouth drops as she looks around at the preset party. Pinkie Pie had only been out of sight for a few seconds when they got back, how had she managed to set this up so quickly? Twilight moves over wiping a hoof over the table.

It was covered in dust.

She looks over the room again at the balloons and the banners noting the thin layer of dust on everything. Most of the balloons were drooping though a single pink one remained floating in the air defiantly as if the other sagging balloons would not keep it down.

This had to have been set up before they left for the Badlands. Pinkie Pie had been so sure they would be back that she prepped a party for them when they returned.

Her last party.

Twilight whimpers, tears welling up in her eyes again as she sat down hard collapsing to the floor as she bawled. She was unsure of how long she cried, but the faint sounds of cello music caught her attention. She slowly lifts her head ears perking curiously. The music was faint, she didn't recognize the tune ,nor could she identify the source but she didn't really care at this point. She lifts her head looking up at the pink balloon floating defiantly tied to the chair as she wipes her eyes.

“I can remember everything,
But I can't tell if this is true or dream.
Deep down and side I feel to scream,
this terrible feeling stops me.”

Twilight slowly rises to her hooves reaching up to lightly touch the still floating balloon watching it bounce away lightly from her touch.

“All of my friends trusted me,
to guide down a path they couldn't see.
I've failed those who relied on me,
nothing is left but pain now...”

She turns slowly making her way back out into the main room with a last longing look at the room before closing the door behind her.

“Hold back tears from your pointless death,
Princess please help me......”

Twilight whimpers the last slowly making her way up the stairs to her bedroom, the cello music gets a little louder, seemingly coming from outside. At this point the music while sad almost seemed inviting, calling her closer. She pushes open the door from her room and trots out onto the balcony not seeing any one around playing, though the performer seemed close. Her gaze shifts over the burning town, thankfully the flames did not seem to be coming towards the library.

“Standing here it is much too real,
loss of a friend and how I feel.
But I can't look forward to reveal
without you how will we live?”

“I can't predict what I'll see,
will others stay or will they leave me?
Better if I had just let things be,
than a have a friends life cut from me.”

Twilight looks up to the sun over head squinting from the harsh light that filtered through the smoke.

“Hold back tears from your pointless death,
Princess please help me......”

Twilight closes her eyes feeling the light beat down on her face, the smoke of the choking fire nearly blotting out her teachers sun.

“No more laughter, none of your fun
Oh stars, help me
Hold my tears from your pointless death
Princess please help me.”

A massive roar shakes the building knocking Twilight off her hooves. She winces as she hits scrambling back up to her hooves to look around,wiping the tears from her eyes and looking for the source of the roar. The source was not that difficult to determine, a massive griffon like creature stood towering over the city it's wings spreading wide casting a shadow over everything.

Twilight shudders at the sight, knowing what it was even if it looked different. This was the power of corrupted Loyalty. This was the beast. But it didn't look like the form Jer'rahd took, that must mean....

Anger filled the purple unicorn at the sight of one of those responsible for all this, the fear that such a creature produced burned away in a heart beat.

The mysterious cello music seemed to pick up on this change of emotion, suddenly becoming faster and more frantic.

Twilight vanishes from the balcony with a light pop, reappearing on the ground in a dead run, the Brilliant Dawn bouncing against her side as she galloped towards the market.

“Regret imprisoning me.
All that I see
All of the horror.
To those that live.
On those who died.
Tortured, in pain.
All for just mere power!”

The purple unicorn gallops through the town her mane and tail flowing behind beginning starting to flicker and spark as her eyes turn red. Her lavender fur coloration bleeds away, leaving her pure white. Her mane and tail spark brightly and burst into flames that fan out behind her as she runs towards the towering creature.

The cello builds to a frantic pace still somehow staying around the galloping mare.

“Monsters have taken my friends!
Taken my town!
Taken my laughter!
Taken my life!
Taken my peace!
Taken my soul!
Left me with naught but rage!”

Jer'rahd looks back hearing the singing and the strange cello music. His eyes narrow as a white unicorn teleports into the center of the market directly under the changed Silver Claw.

The mare had no cutie mark and seemed to be on fire. She opens her eyes and a flare of darkness begins flowing from them like tears. Her red eyes contract to pinpricks, the whites turning bright green as the fire of her mane and tail suddenly change into a roaring black inferno of flame.

“Sparkle!?” questions Jer'rahd his eyes widening as he spots the Brilliant Dawn on the mare's side.

Twilight screams out in rage. A massive burst of black and white energy exploding from her horn rushing out ward and quickly enveloping her, the creature, and the gray unicorn.

Author's Note:

The song Twilight is singing is Metalica's, 'One'.
Discord is playing the cello in the background to the tune of Apocolyptica's cover of 'One'

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