• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 6,537 Views, 931 Comments

Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

  • ...

“The best is yet to come.” Epilogue 2


The Princess lifts her head up, her horn's glow slowly fading as the spell dies out. She remains still resting on the cushions for a few moments basking in the glow of what she had seen. A small smile creeps on her face and she raises a hoof to rub the tears from her eyes.

This was far from the last time she had seen any of them. As Element Bearer's their lives were extended far longer than a normal ponies. Or would have been, had some of them not been cut tragically short.

She looks over at the other table with a small sigh. The two sets of Bearer's lives had become closely intertwined after that, and the world did not make things easy for any of them. Yet despite what it seemed like at the time, it was only here nearly a hundred thousand years later that she could properly appreciate the friendship they had, as well as the love. It had been over half that time since the last of them had left to their deserved rest and not a day went by that she did not miss them all terribly. Despite all the friends she had now, all the new loves she had gained, these ponies were her best friends and came with her fondest memories.

She sniffles slightly eyes, collecting with tears once more. Her ears perk suddenly at a light clatter from the stairs and a faint angry muttering.

The alicorn smiled softly wiping away her tears and lifts her gaze to look towards the staircase. A small dark blue unicorn foal peeked her head around the door frame, bright orange eyes widening as she saw the Princess looking at her.

The foal yelps, ducking back around the corner as the Princess notices her, though the child's tail and blank flank were still in view as the filly tried to take advantage of the, 'if I can't see you, you can't see me' rule.

The alicorn chuckles softly rising to her hooves and stretching out her wings, clearing away the last of her tears with the tips of their soft feathers.

“I can still see you Nox.” the alicorn chuckled receiving another yelp from the tiny filly.

“Umm, no Nox here just us cobwebs and .. SPIDER!! AHHHH, HALP, HALP, GIT IT OFF, GIT IT OFF!” Nox shouts back peddling furiously a strand of cobwebs stuck to her horn.

The Princess stifles a laugh, her magic catching the filly in her wings and pulling free the sticky strands away with her magic before the poor thing fell down the stairs or crashed into something.

“Nox..... what are you doing up here?” the Princess questions.

“Umm well I wanted to come see you, and your room was empty, but I thought I saw light behind the bookcase, so I got behind it and came up here and you were crying and I didn't wanna say anything, but then you saw me and I hid, and you didn't see me then there was this great big spider attacking me and now I’m telling you why I’m here.” Nox rambles on bringing a smile to the alicorn's lips.

“You should be careful Nox. There are some dangerous places in the castle still. It's not exactly filly proof.”

“Nothing here can hurt me.” The filly proclaims proudly.

“I think that spider had a different opinion of that.” the Princess states watching the tiny filly shiver.
“Are your lessons with Princess Astra finished for the day?”

“Uh huh.” Nox looks up at her seeming concerned. “ Why were you crying? Did something bad happen?”

“It did, but it was a long time ago. I came up here to remember.”

“Why do you want to remember something that hurt?”

“It is not the hurt I want to remember, it is all the good things that came along with it. If one remembers the pain, all the good things seem that much sweeter.”

“Like when I skinned my knee and got a cookie?”

The alicorn laughs.” Not quite that literal my little student, but yes something like that. Everything good must come to an end, but there are countless other good things out there for us when one is finished. It is one reason I am still around after all this time. Just when I think I might be done for good something else delightfully interesting comes along.”

The dark blue filly scrunches her nose at that.” Are we still talking about cookies, or are we talking about books again?”

The alicorn blinks. “I thought I was talking of life in general, but books .... and cookies sound about right too. When one story, or cookie ends there is always another.”

“Unless my brother eats them all again.” Nox pouts.

The Princess smiles getting a mischievous look on her face. “Tell you what Nox, lets sneak down to the kitchen and see if we can find some cookies from the pantry.”

“Before dinner!?” The filly asks incredulously.

“I won't tell if you won't”

YAY!” the little filly hops darting down the stairs.

The alicorn smiles looking back over the room once again her eyes falling on the two tables as she sighs. Her dark hair shifts with it's own breeze, star filled mane and tail flowing around her lavender form.

Princess Twilight Sparkle smiles softly addressing the artifacts.

“We will meet again my friends. I just hope I won't upset you too much by making you wait just a little longer for me.”

She turns heading down the stairs, the lights cutting out behind her leaving the chamber dark save for the soft blue glow of the Waning Moon as it reacts to the presence of the Goddess of Night. Though as Twilight leaves, that light too, goes out.

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight


Author's Note:

This concluded. Stories in Stone, book 2. Memories of Twilight.

The story will be carried on in Book 3 Lost Empire.

Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 58 )

:pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss::raritydespair::pinkiesad2::fluttercry::ajsleepy::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::raritydespair: In order of reaction


THAT FINAL LINE:raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair:I CAN'T STOP, RIGHT IN THE FEELS.

Okay now I am confused. No wait... So what is Luna, If Twilight is princess of the moon?

HA! I knew It was gonna be Twilight.

book 3 better introduce Astra though. Because this series has a bad habit of making me dislike Princesses that aren't canon characters.

It should have been Fluttershy. She'd be a great Princess. Princess Twilight and princess Fluttershy.


3876446 Glad some one got that

3876644 thank you

3877462 You and many others

3877496 okay TWO people got it.

3877686 3878092 that whole scene THAT ENTIRE SCENE was made for that one joke...... i'm ashamed.:pinkiesad2: okay no i'm not:twilightblush:

3878119 GAH!!!! don't say that!!

3878181 thank you as well.

3878908 1. i have no idea
2.You can say that... or she can something.
3. And a sigh of relief from Lion Heart
4.The ferry mare is harder than a rhyme, if you practice enough you can do one every time.
5.like i said tourettes.
Q. Bow before Taco Belle:unsuresweetie:

3879252 lotta faces.

3879254 ..... kay

3879255 and thus i know it was the right end.

3879260 This 3879263 though Last Dance will explain it.

3879299 there were a few others who called it. But i mean come on ... It was the freaking title......

Astra will be in last dance

Fluttershy wouldn't leave AJ


eh. That could have been ANY Twilight.

okaaaaay...Whats Last Dance?

I know, She'd still make a good princess.

Great ending for a great story! Really enjoyed reading this all the way from the beginning :twilightsmile:

Awesome story. Woo Hoo.

So Twilight is the Goddess of the Night, now?

This ending both makes me sad and happy (:(

Sad because the mane 6 are gone and the beast of the moon are also gone..... I knew it was coming since the start of MoT but I though I could live through it.....sadly I need to borrow one of rarietys fainting couches :(

But I am also happy because everyone got a happy ending and just about everyone finds what they are looking for

But what about spike? Is this some joke that nobody cares for the little guy? Like in the show? How's the dragon empire coming along and bleu? And discord? Is he reformed or just to himself causing chaos with pinkie pie? And that little black rabbit that I have no idea who that is >.>

And the last thing that makes me happy is

IT'S NOT OVER FOR THERE IS A BOOK 3!!!!!! Which in sure it will answer my questions about the dragon empire coming back and everyone's favorite god of chaos Pinkie djdodjdjs I mean discord

Great story

You ROCK lol LRG joke a little late But don't care

I'll be looking forward to the next installment of SiS

A third part? You spoil us, you magnificent bastard.

I can find no words to properly express the emotions I'm feeling right now. A mixture sadness, happiness, sleepiness (3:08am!), ect.

Just amazing. You are an amazing writer and wish more people would read this. Just keep on doing what your doing! :D


Even in the end Luna and Jer act like that...

I hate you, TDR...

Just kidding, nice ending thought. After what? One and a half year reading your work it finally ended?

NOPE' book 3

Damn you TDR, in a good way.

It was already a good ending for that bunch of characters. Why do you want your characters to suffer? Did you base Jer in some kid who stole your D20?

The worst thing is, I am actually interested in seeing all this continue.

While Aviana was the most obvious final villain, I considered her attitude too pathetic. After the kind of gods I like that were in the first story "I am a god and you are not, and I am better than you because that's the way the world works", we have this Aviana with her power hunger. That's now how gods act in the fiction I like.

I would also like this to be the end of the story for Blueblood, Chrisy and Sombra. Blueblood kind of got away but now he will constantly fear for his life, it fits really well. Chrys and Sombra I like them together, and I want them to stay that way.

Amazing, simply amazing. You talent, your imagination, your perseverance and the little black rabbit popping up ocassionaly Love Pinkie breaking the fourth wall also. .Hope you have the stamina to keep up such wonderful work in later chapters and I see now what was meant by the title.
Bravo, sir, Bravo.

The Old Brony

I seriously thought the princess at the beginning and the end was celestial. Bravo TDR

ok I c the point of the 2nd epilouge and I have 2 admit I was shocked whn the alicorn at the end wasnt Celestia good twist but it makes me sad:fluttercry: please dont make sad again


4606117 I suggest when i get around to it that you do not read last dance then.

ok but I still will but Ill just cry myself 2 sleep then and I read in a earlier comment u asked y does everyone want slow deaths 4 these villians my answer is that u wrote them as people who just the mention of their name and what they did we as readers just hate them but thnks 4 the warning :derpytongue2:

3952173 Heey,your spell check screws up too whenever you attempt to type celestia's name!:pinkiegasp:

4676559 Ha! I never even noticed that.


4810117 she didn't find one, Luna gave it too her. It belonged to the creator of the original designer of the Shadowbolts suits.

And yeah i could only hope....wait... What?

TDR just so you know before I start reading this story. YOU. ARE. A. COMPLETE. UTTER. BUTT! It took me months to finish your story only to find out that it had a cliffhanger. Let it be known I both Love and Hate you right now....

Silver Spade
(Ticked off bad enough I'm not even going to do my signature right.)


4977271 Ummmm Then you are really gonna hate me. I'm up to book 3 with at least 4 spin offs.

SiS Reign of Night.- Tells a AU of what happened in Jer'rahd hadn't turned on Nightmare moon and killed Celestia.

SiS Mare the Dragon and the Draquonuss - is a prequal.

Sis Lost Empire. - Is a sequal to Memories of Twilight.

Record of Beryal wars - puts a Fallout Equestria spin on everything.

And Tales in Stone has a couple of random side stories of the series..

The timeline however is MDD, LRG,[RoN, RoBW] MoT, [TiS] LE.

of course only LRG and MoT are done and i am reworking much of LRG.

4978882 I know how far you got the story up to so far. Don't Remind me just yet how much I have left to read. I done killed my phone today reading on this story.:ajsleepy: Oh well I will say this I am thoroughly enjoying the story, so don't let my anger at you for giving me a cliffhanger mislead you. Thus why I said "Let it be known I both Love and Hate you right now...."

Silver Spade


4979443 Yeah that cliff hanger made a lot of people mad. Particularly with how often i hinted that it was the end.....


5355730 It's not over even then. There's side stories and book 3

God I loved this. Cant wait to start book three!


5534607 As i return to redo this fic, i'll make sure all my rhymes stick

This story received ridiculously little recognition. I got stuck reading it day and night and couldn't bother to comment yet, since it sucked me in so badly. All it needs is a bit of TLC to kill all them typos.
Wonderful OCs, great story, awesome action, all in all... awesome fic. I'll probably re-read it later just to comment properly, but for now: Thanks for writing this gem. :heart:

I think I managed to outdo myself in reading this one, I am once again impressed, though admittedly I thought it was a different princess performing the scrying spell.

Seems you managed to again merge cannon and your own verse successfully, with only a few surprise changes and one glaring issue, but I am willing to overlook it anyway in the grand scheme of things.

Now comes the time for the next one to be read as I am not yet done, some songs are as yet unsung.

Comment posted by TDR deleted Feb 7th, 2015

5598054 http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/98/Jul/gazebo.html

It's something that has sort of become something of a urban legend to D&D players

these stories are epic in scope. I wish a lot of fanfics would be written as paperback novels, as I would snatch them up in a heartbeat. one of my favorites is Background Pony, which deals with lyra, who is cursed by nightmare moon. it is a tragic tale, but also another epic story. I also wish that the hie story Contact would be completed, as I have been waiting so long for new chapters. I thoroughly enjoyed Article 2. I look forward to reading pt 3. you could consider these stories to be as epic as The lord of the rings trilogy. I also want Survivorshy to be completed. I don't like to read too many uncompleted stories, as it keeps my on the edge of my seat, waiting for new chapters, so I kind of shy away from reading too many of them. I wish there were more completed stories.


5716712 close enough.

I'm confused, this is showing up on the list of recently updated fics, but there's no update. It's all from 2014 or earlier.


5863083 Yeah that was a mistake on my part. The chapter update was to book three and i put it here accidentally.


5883955 I had to do it once or twice. It's not a common event in any case.


5969364 dang i thought i fixed that!


5969974 :pinkiehappy:

5986771 thanks
6020332 A thousand years of security detail where the most vicious thing they do is fight wars with pies. Pure peace makes a military weak... granted they are not ALL like that.


6021959 Yup... it only happens a few times any way .

6025010 * Cackles evilly * Wait until you get to Lost Empire

6030016 I get that quite a bit.

6855765 Sentences start with capital letters. Don't respond to comments that are over 30 weeks old.

6920944 I've already given you this talk. Sentences start with capital letters. Don't respond to comments that are over thirty weeks old.

Beats me, this is an odd spot to be discussing it though. I guess it would depend on the nature of the curse.


This is probably a little late now , but with what i'm doing with Lost Empire i keep forgetting to check back and comment on the comments. Not that i mind , i rather enjoy seeing peoples first trip through my story.

6034486 Prolly a little late now, but you'll see.

6047039 HA

6696243 I do like my songs.

I still have errors but far less than when i started.

Glad you liked.

6795913 There in lies the issue with the fic's current size and the speed that i write getting a proper editor[ to stick around] is a pain. Also it doesn't help that some people left the fandom and that no one around me is a fan.

6860527 6888272 I don't mind personally, but i can see how it gets confusing for other people who are well past this point. Perhaps just comment for the story Link or at least leave Gi6791 out of it when responding to some one.

6924710 Thanks. Though for me it's less that it's confusing and more that my personality is quite different from when I originally wrote those comments and it pains me to see how stupid or childish some of them were. I realize that this isn't how everyone is but I find it a bit rude to comment after more than half a year later because people definitely change their opinions. Also the fact that they did it again after I mentioned it. But yeah, thanks.

[Edit]: I didn't mean for this to come off as sarcastic, but after reading back over it, it slightly seems like that. No sarcasm was included in this post.

6966605. its most likely deleted by now.

So after a very long time I've reread this and, that line about how even the light of the waning moon goes out. Damn that still hits me where it feels. It's a testament to your skill that this story holds up as well as it does.

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