• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,003 Views, 479 Comments

RvB: Friendship... Sucks. - Alphadud

  • ...

Having a thought really long .... What? Sucks.

Chapter 9; Having a thought really long .... What? Sucks.

Rino was happily strolling down the hallway and looking through the windows, and noticing... That it was noon.

“Hm... Time flies.” Rino mused as he kept happily strolling through the hallway, he kept walking happy as ever, until he heard someone grumbling... Or sobbing, whatever. He froze in the hallway for a few seconds before blindly storming into the nearest room and sitting down in a recliner.

“Hmmmm.” Rino mused, before looking around and seeing three confused guards. “Fine day don’t you say, chaps?”

“Yes?” One of them replied.

“Well that’s good to hear, now excuse me as I take my leave.” Rino said as he got up and left before continuing his happy stroll.

“Wait, what was I supposed to do again?” Rino asked himself, as he held up a hoof to his chin. He was thinking about what he was doing before he noticed a cloud that was looking like a giant eagle, which made him think of eagles... And how great chicken tastes. He kept sitting there for a few minutes before his mind went blank.

“Uuuuuh....” He mused as he practically drooled a bit. “What was I thinking about again?” He asked himself as he looked out the window. “Oh right... Chicken.”

“Hey! I’m not a Chicken!” Someone called out from the end of the hall.

“Oh well... Maybe not....” Rino said as he got up and turned around... Surprise surprise Roger was standing there glaring a bit.

“Well hello there... Gonna say I am fat again?” Roger said still glaring.

“Huh?” Rino said looking over her. “Wait who said that?”

“Down here numbnuts.” Roger said tapping his chin.

“Oh? Oh! Oooh!” Rino said looking down and noticing Roger. “There you are.... I’ve been... Looking for you?” Rino said almost questionably as he tilted his head.

“Still not getting any ass.” Roger said plainly.

“Yeah well I don’t really care.” Rino said, “I just.... Hmm... What was supposed to do again?”

“I found you drooling in the hallway... For like thirty minutes... How am I supposed to know?” Roger said shrugging and still glaring a bit.

“I was out here for more than a hour thinking about chicken?” Rino asked tilting his head.

“Yeeeees?” Roger said almost questioningly.

Rino looked at Roger before grabbing her and hugging her tightly and saying. “I wuv you.”

“Still mad at you.” Roger said plainly.

“Don’t care... Still wuv you.” Rino said snuggling into her.

“And it’s still strange that I am smaller than you and your the one that snuggles me.” Roger said hugging back a bit.

“Well you are cute... and fluffy!” Rino said as he kept snuggling into her. “And you smell like coconuts for some reason.”

“It’s called a shower and shampoo.” Roger said.

“Hey! I did that once!” Rino said looking down at her face. “You know that you are my world right?”

“I am?” Roger said looking up at Rino. Whom just nuzzled her before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

“Yes.” he said with a big smile.

“When did you get all luvy dovey?” Roger said smiling just a bit.

“Since I started wuving you.” Rino said still smiling.

“That works I guess.” Roger said smiling a bit wider. “Still mad at you.”

“Awww....” Rino whined as he let her go and scooted back a bit. “So how can I help you today my fine lady?”

“Hmmmm.” Roger said tapping her chin. “I like snuggling.”

“Well come here then!” Rino said opening his arms.

“Tackle snuggling!” Roger yelled out before full on tackling Rino to the ground and holding onto him. Rino just laughed some before snuggling into her again.

“Still strange that you are the one that snuggles into me.” Roger said.

“Oh come on, snuggle some too!” Rino whined a bit. “I don’t want to be the one doing all the snuggling.”

“What’s the magic word?” Roger said in a singsong voice.

“Pretty please?” Rino said looking up at her. Roger simply smiled and snuggled into Rino’s coat.

“Happy now?” She asked sighing as she got comfortable.

“Yes...” He said as he hugged her and held her like a teddy bear before he let out a sigh of content.

“Okay... I’m not mad anymore.” Roger said replicating Rino’s action.

“So what now? A kiss to make it all better?” Rino asked as he looked up at her again. Roger simply let out a small, light snore in response. “Oh... That works.”

Just as he said that two guards walked by giving only a moments glance before trotting off a little quicker than normal. As they left Rino could hear them say. “Well... That’s something you don’t see everyday.” One of them said.

“Nope certainly not...” The other one said. “In fact, thats the first one I’ve seen in a good while.”

“Wait what about the other day when we visited the hoofcamp?” The first one asked.

“Ah... Well that does not count... They were in bed.” the second one said. Then they turned the hall and Rino’s hearing failed to pick up their conversation.

Rino just laid there and looked around... “Huh, well this... This awkward.”

Roger just mumbled something and gently swatted at Rino. “Stoph... Talking... Sleeping.” She mumbled.

“Awww.” Rino mused silently as he looked around before his vision grew dark and he was slowly falling asleep. “Nyeeeh....” he mused silently before falling into a small snore.


(12 hours later)

Rino awoke up to himself snuggling into Roger’s coat... Again.

“Well that’s different..... Probably...” Rino mumbled before looking at Roger who was sleeping happily with a smile on her face. Rino though... Had a morning wood.... Or steel if you prefer.

“Stupid Walrus... Zzzz... I kill you with this giant foam finger.” Roger mumbled in her sleep.

“Wat?” Rino asked himself.

“DIE PENGUIN!!!” Roger yelled out before sleep smacking Rino in the face with a pillow. “Got you... You-” She let out a adorable yawn. “-You stupid.... Pink polar bear.”

“... Wat?” Rino asked himself again, since they were apparently was back in their room again. Roger just leaned over and kissed Rino before mumbling.

“I saved Princess Peach from Bowser and Sonic.”

Rinos eyes just narrowed before saying again. “Wat?”

“ISAAC NOOOOOOOO!” Roger yelled sitting up real quickly and panting heavily. She then looked to Rino before cuddling against him and mumbling. “Don’t let them let Elucid out... He stalks you when you blink.” Before she let out another adorable yawn and fell right back asleep.

If one of you get that reference, I will love you forever.

Rino was still very confused, but his groin was screaming at him to masturbate or maybe, just maybe place himself on top of Roger and do a “Unwanted entry.”

“Commander Shepard Why you do dis?” Roger muttered in her sleep. “Master Chief isn’t a chef.”

“The posistion shes laying in.... It’s so tempting...” Rino muttered to himself, looking away. “Wat do?”

Roger simply got up for a second and yawned before taking all the blankets and simply cocooning herself in their warmth.

“What the fu...?” Rino muttered out before getting extremely cold. “Holy fuck this is cold!”

“Mmmmm... Warm.” Roger murmured as she was all balled up.

“You are taunting me.” Rino said pointing a hoof at her.

“Mmm warmth....” Roger mumbled again before somehow pulling all the pillows around her as well, effectively making a cave like structure made of pillows.

“What the hell?” Rino muttered before looking at the pillow cave thingy. “Okay....?”

He got up and crawled over to it before looking inside. “Huh, cozy.”

“Mmm... Teddy bear.” Roger mumbled before she grabbed and pulled Rino over to her and wrapped them both in the blankets. “Mmm warm.”

“...” Rino remained silent before realizing something. “Shit, I still have my morning steel... Wat do now?”

This was the moment Roger yawned again before getting up and walking out before a bathroom door was closed. A minute or two later she came back still yawning and crawled back into the pillow cave and curled up. Which kinda Rino effectively had taken over... Just kinda.

“Oh hai.” Rino muttered as he was curled up, still somehow, not gotten rid of his morning steel.

“Yea yea I killed the hobo so wat?” Roger mumbled.

“Lay down on your back please.” Rino said nicely. “Or... Or … Uh uh... Um yeah...”

“You have morning steel don’t you?” Roger asked not waking up.

“Is is that obvious?” He asked back.

“Well that and the Rainbow one is staring again.” Roger said pointing to the door.

“Huh?” Rino said looking at where Roger was pointing. “Wat, naffin is there.”

“Just wait a minute.” Roger said pointing still.

“No...” Rino said crawling closer to Roger.

“What’s the magic word?” Roger asked.

“Please?” Rino said kinda with puppy eyes.

“Those are mine. Take them off.” Roger said before rolling over. “There you go...”

“Thank you...” Rino said nicely, before crawling on top of her and... You get the idea. And over in the ceiling’s corner there was a flash of rainbow before the door quickly opened and closed.


(One relief later)

Both, Rino and Roger were panting heavily. “Stupid... Moring steel.” Rino muttered.

“Stupid eroctic dreams of video game characters.” Roger said.

“Icameinsideofyou.” Rino said very quickly, almost too quickly. Roger slowly turned and looked to Rino, too tired to glare.

“You... Did... What?” Roger asked slowly.

“I uh.... I um... I yeaaah.... I urugh. Yes.” Rino muttered out looking at Roger, before looking away again.

“That explains that sudden warmth.” Roger said looking up. “Oh and I am going to kill you when I stop being tired.”

“You didn’t say anything! You were just lying there!” Rino said throwing up his hooves in the air.

“And who had the morning wood huh?!” Roger said.

“Morning wood? I say its steel.” Rino said.

“No. Right now it’s wood until further notice.” Roger stated.

“Aww... But you never said anything about.... Uh... You um yeah...” Rino said nervously.

“I thought that was a common rule we had!” Roger said angrily.

“Hey, morning sex has a lot of rules, but um... eh, yeah..” Rino said looking at the ceiling.

“You... Forgot.” Roger said facehoofing.

“Okayokay... I forgot to pull out, I’m sorry.. Geez.” Rino said with slight hint of frustration.

“You’re not the one who is gonna get pregnant you know.” Roger said grumbling a bit.

“Oh right.... Does that mean you will get fat?” Rino asked tilting his head a bit.

“Rino... That is strike three... You get one more because I was having eroctic videogame dreams.”

“That might explain why you screamed out ‘Garrus’ in the middle of everything was kinda confusing.”

“Shut up.... You’re not gonna have something the size of a watermelon go out of you.” Roger.

“That because you were talking about Watermelon the next second!” Rino said throwing his hooves in the air.

“I am going through a tough time right now! Shut up!” Roger yelled at Rino. “Also... I am hungry.”

“Well, I would say I have something for you... but you are not in the mood so, call room service.”

“Yes... So shut up.” Roger said before getting up and then simply laying back down. “No nevermind... I haz a sad nao.”

“What the....” Rino said before something clicked in his mind. “Wait..... You are on your period right?”

“What made you think YOU STUPID JERK FACE!” Roger yelled angrily getting right in Rino’s face.

“Yeah, on her period... I’m gonna be a dad in nine... Eleven... A year?” Rino said.

“I don’t know!” Roger yelled out suddenly bawling into a pillow.

“Well this is awkward... If I go close, she will hit me, if I walk away, she probably will cry to death.... Hard choice here.”

“IMMA KILL TUCKER!” Roger suddenly yelled before running and simply breaking through the doors, leaving a pony shape in the doorway.

“Well.... That’s.... Neat.” Rino said getting up and walking over to the door, he poked his head through the hole and looked around. He saw Twilight sitting there scared to death and holding a scroll in her magic.

“....R-R-R-Rino-o-o... What was th-that?” Twilight shakily asked.

“My girlfriend.” Rino said with a huge smile.

“What is wrong with her?” Twilight asked calming down.
“What’s a pony version of a period?” Rino asked quickly.

“A what? A punctuation?” Twilight said.

“A mare’s time of the month?” Rino said looking at her.

“Ooooh you mean heat.” Twilight said smiling.

“Yeah... On that, and I may or may not have done something that um... Shes probably pregnant.” Rino said bluntly.

“That would explain why she yelled she is going to go make Wash throw a baby shower.” Twilight said scratching her head. “I am assuming she is not very happy about that.”

“No... Morning sex gone wrong.” Rino said while Twilight blushed profusely and look away.

“Wh-what?” Twilight asked while her face was lit up like a volcano.

“You heard me... Morning. Sex. Gone. Wrong.” Rino said slowly.

“Sooooo... She is going off to kill Tucker and get Wash to throw a party for that?” Twilight said still blushing but now looking at Rino.

“Eh.... Think so? She’s acting really strangely.” Rino said as he took careful steps out of the room.

“TUCKER IMMA KILL YOUUUUUUU!!!!” Roger shouted from somewhere in the castle.

“Well... There she goes again...” Rino said facehoofing. Then Roger came back a few minutes later grumbling something incoherent, but you could faintly hear the words ‘Paint can’ and ‘Rusty spoon’ in her mumbles.

“Paint with a rusty spoon?” Rino randomly asked. Roger grabbed Rino’s face and pulled him close before saying softly.

“Noooooooooooo....” Then letting go and walking back into the room.

“Well that’s different...” Rino muttered out, before looking around.

“... Do I want to know?” Twilight asked.

“I told you! Morning sex gone wrong! Also everyone else, you are sitting here alone.” Rino said looking around again.

“Probably sleeping. It’s like ten in the morning right now.” Twilight said shrugging before picking her scroll back up.

“Huh.... Well.... Wonder what Church and Tucker are up too..” Rino mused to himself.


(Out in the garden... Somewhere in ze castle)

“That is one fuckin’ ugly statue.” Church said pointing to the stonified Discord inc front of him.

“Yeah no kidding.” Tucker agreed.

They both stood there silently before Church looked at Tuckers sword.

“Hey wanna slice it in two?” Church said pointing at his sword.

“.... Oh fuck off.” A random voice said.

“Wait, who said that?” Church asked looking around.

“Me?” The voice asked again.

“This is officially getting creepy.” Tucker said before taking a few steps back.

“Oh that’s no fun!” The voice said again.

“Yeah fuck this.” Church said quickly before walking quickly towards the gates of the castle.

“Hey! We are not supposed to go outside the gates....” Tucker said looking at Church.

“What are you a pussy?” Church said looking at Tucker.

“Well no... You’re a ghost. You can go anywhere.” Tucker said plainly.

“Hey hey! I can’t fly god damn it.” Church said.

“OH boo whoo!.... You can walk through walls and posses people... But you want to fly.” Tucker said.

“I yeah I want to fly.” Church muttered. “Because then I wouldn’t have to put up with you guys... So I’m just leaving through those gates. Oh and not to mention... You still have that badass sword.”

“But I can’t walk through walls.” Tucker argued.

“You can slice shit in two with that sword.” Church deadpanned.

“Oh right.” Tucker said walking over to Church.

“Let’s just get the fuck away from this place.” Church said continuing his walk towards the gate.


“Why fuck did we go out in the street?” Church muttered looking around a corner, and seeing a patrol of guards.

“Well one...... YOU. ARE. A. MAAAAAAASSIVE. DUUUMB. AAAAASSSSS.” Tucker said slowly.

“We just got fucking discovered thanks to you.” Church hissed before sprinting down the alley.

“Hey! Wait up!” Tucker yelled running after Church. “I DON’T WANNA DIE A VERY SOFT, HOOFED DEATH!!”

“Well FUCK YOU TOO THEN!” Church said turning a corner out into the open street he ran to the middle and skidded to the halt. “Oh.... Fuck.”

“WHAT’S ALL THE FU-uuuuuuuuuuuuuck... About.” Tucker said slowing down to meet Church.

“Eh.... Shit.” Church muttered as he looked around and saw lot’s of ponies that were staring at them.

“..... Welp... Back to the castle?” Tucker said jerking a thumb behind himself.

“Since the castle is over there, and the road over there is crowded with random civilian ponies.... I guess they are civilized or something.... Anyhow I say we go that way.” Church said pointing the opposite direction of the castle.

“But I have this!” Tucker said pulling out a frag grenade.

“Where did you get that?” Church asked as he looked at the granade.

“Roger’s belt.” Tucker said plainly.

“Tucker Imma kill youuuuuuuu!!” Was heard in the distance.

“If you want to go to jail then... Sure use that...” Church said looking to the alley and seeing more guards and then looked forward to see some more guards.

“Aw... Didn’t think of that.... Also don’t know if this is a flash bang or a real one.” Tucker said poking the grenade.

“I... I’m just going to... RUN AWAY!” Church yelled out before bolting down the street. Tucker just looked at Church then the guards before following suit.

“Wait for meeeee!!” Tucker yelled out.

“Well fucking hurry up then!” Church yelled back before bumping into a pony, and sending it flying back a bit. “Uh sorry about that! … Sucker.”

“Shit!” Tucker said jumping over the pony and continuing to follow church. “Wait why are we running from a guard patrol again?”

“Because we stole a lot of shit and probably smashed something that costed, probably well over ten grand.” Church said, as he kept running.

“Son of a bitch Church! You don’t even need twinkies! How do you get me to do this stupid shit!?” Tucker yelled.

“We got to something when Caboose is away! … And twinkies TASTE GREAT!” Church yelled back, before turning a corner and almost smashing into a table. “Shit!”

“You can’t even eat them!” Tucker yelled following Church. “AND CABOOSE IS THE STUPID ONE! I’M A LOVER NOT A STEALER!!”

“Well, say that to the guards!” Church said as he ran into a building.

“Oh fuck you.” Tucker said plainly before jumping over a pony Church had pushed over and running into the building with him. Church slammed the door shut before looking around and quickly walking up the stairs.

“Well... I hope they don’t find us.” Church muttered.

“Yeah... ‘Oh hey! Have you two seen any brightly colored bipedal creatures run by holding bags of stolen goods?’.” Tucker simply changes voices and dismissively waves a hand. “ ‘NAAAAAAAAW Of course not!’.”

“Yeah yeah whatever, Just hope for your sake that they don’t start banging on that door, because I noticed that the escape plan is a two story drop.” Church said looking out the window stealthily.

“What about yo- nevermind... Ghost. Right.” Tucker said facepalming.

“Well... The coast seems clear, let’s eat these...” Church said taking out the twinkies.

“You are a ghost-bot. YOU. CAN’T. EAT.” Tucker said slowly.

“Yeah I don’t give a fuck, Imma smash ‘em into my visor or somethi-...” Church began before aloud banging was heard.

“YOO WHOO! AH KNOW Y’ALL ARE IN THAR!” Applejack yelled through the broken doorway.

“Well... That went fast.” Church said looking at Tucker. “Probably because you smell.”

“Oh how can you even smell? You’re a robot.” Tucker said looking to church with a confused expression.

“I was guessing... but Okay... If you say so... You dumbass.” Church muttered before leaning against a table there.

“Oh shut up metal head.” Tucker said before they heard hooves walking down the hallway towards them. “Ah shit.”

“Well, fuck … Goddamn it.” Church muttered out before looking out the window quickly... He walk over to the door and locked it before turning to the window. “Alright...”

He quickly sprinted and jumped through window as he heard a loud crash behind him and saw Applejack. He then flipped her off. Mid air, before faceplanting on to the road.

“Ouch.” Church muttered as he was laying on the road.

“How did you even feel that?” Tucker yelled from the window.

“This body stimulates pain... Or something, all I know is... That hurt....” Church muttered loudly as he heard a loud ‘thump’ behind him. Tucker had jumped down to the ground with Church before he fell to the ground.

“Oooooow!... Fuck!” Tucker yelled before clutching his ankle. “Stupid suit! You’re supposed to protect me!”

“Well the armor does nothing!” Church said getting slowly up but was pushed back down by something. “What the fuck?”

“Sup?” Rainbow Dash said from Church’s backside.

“Get of me you stupid..” Church said angrily.

“Oh save it. You have nothing going for you right now.” Rainbow said.

“Ha.” Tucker said before limping/running towards the castle. “Yeah fuck this.”

Then a lasso out of literally nowhere came and latched onto Tucker before dragging him over to Church.

“Well so much for you escaping.” Church said still trying to get up, but was held down by Rainbow.

“Nope.” Rainbow said with a smug grin.

“Just get off me!” Church said waving a hand at her.

“Nah.” Rainbow said simply while looking at one of her hooves.

“Oh right to the bondage, not even gonna buy me dinner first?” Tucker said smugly with a grin behind his visor.

“Oh hush up you stallionwhore.” Applejack said glaring at Tucker.

“Oh, she even talks dirty.”

“Yeh want teh lose yah stallionhood?” Applejack asked.

“Well... All of a sudden I don’t feel like talking anymore.”

“Good.” Applejack said.

Church was lying there and looked at his hand, before noticing that it was softly glowing green. He realized last time something glowed softly green was when he had gotten out of the teleporter and when Rino, Roger, Tucker, Donut, Wash, and Grif... Turned to ponies or human again.

“Oh fuck.” Church complained.

“All kinds of duck?” Tucker asked.

“Well that works.” Church said before the glowing intensified, as it did that Church just closed his eyes and sighed angrily. “GOD FUCKING DA-...” He was cut of by a bright green flash. When the bright light died down, Church was somehow lying on his back with a mare on top of him.

“Ugh my head...” Church muttered.

“Well that’s odd.” Rainbow said tilting her head.

“What odd?” Church muttered as he closed his eyes.

“Oh nothing... Just this.” Rainbow said tapping Church’s new horn.

“The fuck? That hurt! Somehow.”

“Well sorry! At least I didn’t do this!” She said swing both hooves at the horn like she was about to smash it in her hooves.

“Nonononoo! Wait a minute.... I can feel pain... My body feels stiff..” Church began before he got interrupted.

“Bow chika bow wow.” Rainbow said before Tucker.

“Hey that’s my line!” Tucker complained.

“And you groped me in my sleep!” Rainbow said back.

“Hey not my fault you were all snuggling with me.” Tucker said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Yeah snuggling! Not groping!” Rainbow said.

“Oh please you know you want me.” Tucker said.

“Oh please yourself!.... Like literally. I would rather do this guy that you.” Rainbow said pointing to Church.

“I AM ALIVE!!!” Church yelled up and springing up and standing on two hooves and waving in the air dramaticly. “Wait... That means, I’m no longer a ghost?” He questioned himself.

“Wait you were a ghost?” Rainbow said still on his chest.

“Wait are you clinging to my chest?”

“Maybe.” Rainbow said smiling. “How come if you are a metal pony you have such soft fur?”

“I’m made of meta-...” Church began.

“Bow Chicka bow wow.“ Tucker interrupted.

“No?” Rainbow said before looking to church and tapping him on the head. “Nope. You’re not metal.”

“I wonder if I’m still a ghost or not...” Church said to himself before falling and landing on his back. “Son of a bitch that hurt.”

“Ha.” Rainbow said smiling still on his chest.

“Why are you on my chest?” Church asked.

“Holding you down.” Rainbow said shrugging.

“You are doing a terrible job of it.” Church said.

“Oh yeah? Try and get up?” Rainbow challenged.

Tucker just walked over, that right he can walk in pony form now. And picked up the bag of stolen goods. “I’m just gonna give ya the twinkies.” He said before picking out the twinkies, and throwing them to Church.

They landed a bit away from him, and he was desperately trying to grab it. “Eh, almost... Ehhh.” His hoof was a inch away from reaching the box.

“Whoops.” Rainbow said as her wings flared and knocked the box away even further. “Silly me.”

“Oh you....” Church said glaring at her.

“Oh you love it.” Rainbow said before using one of her wings to bring the box back to it’s original place away from Church.

“Oh now you are taunting me.” Church said trying to get up.

“Yea.” Rainbow said forcing him back down and still smiling. “Still not getting up by the way.”

Church just glared at Rainbow before going back to his quest for the golden morsels that are twinkies. “Almost.... Got’em.”



(At the castle)

A cobalt blue stallion, with a short, spiky black with blue tinted tips and a tail that was the same also had a rough beard, walked into the room... And he had a sky blue, rainbow maned Pegasus on his back. Snuggling into the back of head.

“Why are you so sooooooft!?” Rainbow asked as she snuggled into his mane more.

“For like the tenth time! I don’t know!” Church said annoyed.

“Awwwwww that’s so cute!” Roger said smiling at Church and Rainbow.

“Oh fuck off bitch...” Church hissed.

“Oh I love you too!” Roger yelled before picking up Church and hugging him, with Rainbow falling off.

“Ah! Let me down damn it!” Church said, before noticing. “Wait you are human again.”

“I am? Sorry I haven’t noticed... Mood swings.” Roger said plainly.

“Eh...... Right....” Church said slowly and carefully.

“Why are you so soft?” Roger asked petting his mane.

“I’m not soft! I’m hard god damn it!”

“Bow chika bow wow.” Tucker, Rainbow, and Roger said at the same time.

“Eh.... Uh.... EGAAHHASG!” Church screamed out as he was slowly having a mental breakdown.

“Oh calm down!” Roger said before gently scratching Church behind his ears.

The effect was instant, he was slowly melting and starting to kick with one of his hindlegs. “Oh god that feels so goddamn gooooood.” Church said as all of his troubles melted away from being scratched behind the ear.

“Wow.... That was unexpected.” Roger said before stopping.


(Meanwhile back at Blood Gulch)

“Oh my god..... CHURCH IS GETTING SCRATCHED BEHIND HIS EAR!” Caboose suddenly screamed out.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?... And how do you even know that?” Simmons asked.

“I’m his best friend, do you wanna know how I and Church becomes best friends?” Caboose asked.

“No. No. No. No stories! I have had enough of those!” Simmons yelled out.

“It all started, on a sunny a day in...” Caboose started.



(Back to Equestria)

Church was sitting on the couch next to Roger and had Rainbow snuggling up against his side.

“Cooome ooon!” Church whined. “It felt so good! Cooome on!”

“No! I am not doing it again!” Roger said looking at Church.

“Come oooon! I know you want too! Just one more time! Please?!” Church whined out clinging to her side.

“When did you become so needy?!” Roger asked slightly annoyed.

“Since you scratched me behind the ear!” Church said doing puppy eyes. Roger just looked at Church before sighing.

“I liked you better when you were an asshole.” Roger said shaking her head.

“Oh I can still be that.... But, I want my ears scratched nooow!” Church whined.

“You’re like a child!” Roger yelled.

“Oh consider me your second then.” Church said smiling evilly.

“.... Now you don’t get any ear scratches.... EVER.” Roger said looking away.

“...” Church just remained silent before climbing on top her lap and looking her straight in the eyes. “Scratch.”

“No.” Roger said back before pushing him down so he was sitting. He just quickly got back up and looked at her with a little water in his eyes.


“Gonna have to try harder than that. I have killed things that have had tears in their eyes.” Roger said deadpanning.

Then he pulled out the heavy artillery, he used puppy eyes and tears at the same time, and directed them at roger.

“Oh you bitch.” Roger said trying to look away.

“Pweeease?” Church begged. ‘This is utterly humiliating for me, but holy fuck getting scratched behind the ears is like having ten orgasms at once!’

“.. Fine! God enough of the face!” Roger said finally pushing him back down, laying him across her lap, and gently beginning to scratch his ears. “Happy now?”

“Ooooh, god yes....” Church said as his hind leg kicked and he wagged his tail. Roger just shook her head and looked at her Robot arm for moment before she switched hands from a warm hand to a suddenly cold hand.

“Woah!... Woah! That’s cold!” Church said shuddering a bit.

“Just hold on!” Roger said firmly before her robotic hand warmed up to the point of near boiling but not hot enough to burn or singe anything. “Better?”

Church could not find any words to say anything but instead just drooled and gurgled to himself.

“Wow..... That had quite the effect.” Roger said looking to Church. She continued to scratching his ears for a few minutes before finally stopping and sighing. “There... I’m done.”

Church, just quickly snapped out of it and said. “Thank you!” before going back to gurgling and drooling.

“Oh what’s so great about it!?” Tucker asked slightly frustrated that he still didn’t get any attention from the mares or girl.

“He’s still soft...” Rainbow said and looked up and saw Twilight. “Hey Twi! Come here!”

“Yes Rainbow?” She asked looking at her scroll.

“Would just come here!” Rainbow said impatiently.

“Ugh fine!” She said rolling up her scroll and walking over. “Yeeesss?”

“This guy is so soft it feels like touching a cloud..... But better.”

“Oh nothing is that soft.” Twilight said lifting a hoof and putting it against Church’s side. “........ Holy beard of Celesita’s mother..... That is soft.”

No seriously.... This guy’s coat... I mean. Wow.

Reverse effects for the win?

Hell yeah.

“Okay seriously, Church... How is getting scratched behind the ears so great?” Tucker asked walking over.

“It’s like an orgasm... Except …. Ten time or hundred times better!” Church said snapping out of his trance.

“Oh now that’s bullshit.” Tucker said pointing a hoof at Church.

“Hey Rarity! Come here quickly!” Twilight yelled, soon after Rarity came walking out of her room.

“What is it, darling?” She asked.

“NYYEEEEEEH!!” Twilight squealed rubbing Church’s stomach.

“Is it really that soft?” Rarity asked walking over and gently touching Church’s stomach. “By the beard of the mother of Celestia’s mother....... That is REALLY soft.”

“I don’t understand... I used to be metal!” Church whined as he laying down on his side in Roger’s lap. “Stop it!.... It feel good, but stoooop goddamn it! I feel so violated!”

“Hey Rainbow grab his horn.” Roger said. Rainbow thought about it for a minute before shrugging.

“Okay!” And simply dragging her hoof along Church’s horn suddenly. And the the effect was instant, he had literally had an orgasm right there, aka horngasm and it was quite powerful too, I mean it was so powerful that the table flipped, the windows shattered, Tucker got thrown and stuck in the wall. In fact it was so powerful that a giant blue shockwave was echoing through the sky and left a permanent mark of his magic. And Church was simply laying there panting heavily.

ROger looked to Church then to Tucker before saying. “Dude.... Not did you get upstaged.... YOu got owned.... By a horngasm.”

“Oh... God.....” Church said trying to crawl away. “No... no!... More pleasure! Please!”

Roger just burst into laughter and picked up Church before standing up. “Alright alright... That was funny as hell though.”

Then she walked down the hallway of the rooms until she stumbled upon Wash. “Hey who’s that?” He asked and surprisingly he was human again.

“Wow... Your human again.” Roger said before shaking her head. “Anyway... This is Church.... And feel his fur! It’s fucking soft!”

“Oh it can’t be that soft.” Wash said before reaching forward and gently rubbing Church’s belly. “Oh..... My.... God.... That is the softest fur.... Ever.... OF.... ALL.... TIME.”

“No! Nooo more!” Church whined. “Tooo much... Pleasure!”

“Oh you love it.” Roger said looking down at him.

“Just... Gimmie... A Kiss then! OrgoawayIdontknowanymore!” Church cried out.

“Oh hush up.” Roger said ever so gently scratching his ears again.

“No! Nooo! Noooo! Oh god it feels so good.” Church said sobbing a bit.

“..... Should we be worried?” Roger asked Wash, who was still rubbing Church’s stomach.

“I just want to go to beeed!” Church sobbed out.

“Oh okay.... Now shoo! Shoo you!” Roger said slapping Wash’s mask with her normal hand. Wash just quickly scurried away, like some sort of stray animal. “That.... Was creepy. Better Church?”

Church was quietly sobbing but trying to control himself. “So… Much... Pleasure! I wanna sleep.”

“Shuuush. Shush Church. Roggie with take care of everything.” Roger said gently patting Church on the back and letting her motherly instincts take over for a moment. Church just nuzzled into her neck before sighing and trying to control his sobbings. Roger simply took him over to the guest rooms before opening them up and walking to her room.

With a quiet, somehow, kick of the door, it was opened and she brought Church over to the bed. “Alright I am just gonna put you down now alright?” Roger said starting to lower Church onto the bed.

Church reluctantly let go of Roger, she was kinda like a bit of his mother right now, and since apparently turned into a pony causes you to revert back to your childish instincts for either a day or forever (In Rino’s case.) Or just occasionally. She lifted the covers up before setting Church down on the bed.

“There you go Church.” Roger said smiling down at Church before thinking. ‘Where the fuck did this come from? Oh well. Figure it out later.

“Snugglie snugglie.” Church muttered as he snuggled into the pillow. Roger just shook her head and walked to the door. She smiled as she saw Church snuggling into the pillows before she turned off the lights and closed the door as she walked out.

“B-but! I want Roggie! Or mommy, either one works!” Church yelled out. Roger just stopped and sighed before opening the door again and looked inside.

“Yes, Church?” She said softly.

“Huggies?” Church asked looking at Roger with his arms in the air for hugs. ROger just shook her head and walked over before sitting on the edge of the bed and putting her arms, both mechanical and organic around Church.

“May I ask why you wanted a hug?” Roger asked.

“I feel lonely otherwise.” Church said a little bit sad. Roger just sighed before hugging Church a bit tighter.

“I know that feeling Church. I know that feeling.” Roger said. Church just hugged back tighter before a small snore was heard. Roger just shook her head before letting go and standing back up, unfortunately..... Church’s grip was pretty damn good and he hung from Roger’s neck like a necklace. “Well then.... What do I do now?”

Roger just stood there for a moment before shrugging and laying on the bed with Church next to her, still gripping her midsection and snoring. “Might as well take a nap.” Roger said yawning.

All of a sudden, the bathroom slowly opened and someone came out of the bathroom. There was the distinct sound of paws hitting the ground, and it was getting closer to the bed. Something sniffed the air and said.

“You smell like waffles.”

“Rino? What are you talking about?” Roger asked

“You smell like waffles.” Rino repeated himself.

“And pray tell how you know that?” Roger asked looking into the darkness. “And for the love of god just turn on the light if you’re not gonna lay down.”

“Eh... Not sure if....” Rino said reluctantly.

“Oh what is it? Did you get a dog or something?.... Because I am smelling wet dog.” Roger said sniffing the air for a second.

“Well... Uh...” Rino mused still standing still, he scratched his head for a few seconds before walking over to the couch and sitting down.

“Oh why are you over there?” Roger asked looking up. “Is it because I am snuggling with pony Church?”

“He smells, like...” There was some loud sniffing. ”Twinkies for some reason.”

“Oh he ate like 20 of them earlier. So are you gonna come over here or just continue to sit in the dark like a stalker?” Roger asked.

Rino just put up his legs on the table in front of him and leaned back and putting his hand behind his head. “I’m comfy here...”

“Rino just get over here.” Roger said too tired to really argue at this point.

“You are bossy all of a sudden...” Rino said sounding a bit more gruff than usual.

“I’m tired. And having something soft pressing against me. So yes. I am a bit tired. Plus chaning back to human takes a rather large toll of energy from me.” Roger said leaning back onto the bed.

“I can’t see with my left eye.... Yet I guess, it must be off or something.” Rino said still sitting there, not moving. Roger just groaned before beginning to pry Church off of her waist.

“Come. On. GET. OFF!” Roger angrily muttered at Church as she pried his arms off. “There finally.”

Rino was humming a tune, and was leaned back in the dark, just chilling in the middle of night. Roger just grumbled a bit as she replaced a pillow in Church’s arms before getting out of the bed and going over to the wall and searching for the light.

“Wha’cha doing?” Rino asked casually.

“Looking for the light. What else?” Roger said as she patted the walls.

“Finding the door maybe?” Rino asked.

“Whhhyyyyy?” Roger asked as she continued to look for the switch.

“To get out?....” Rino said.

“And why would I do that?” Roger asked as she continued to search.

“I dunno, beer?” Rino said.

“I stocked the mini-fridge in case you haven’t noticed.” Roger said as she neared the switch, hopefully.

“Oh, you have?” Rino said looking at the mini fridge under the table. He opened it and took out a beer. “Oh you have!”

“Yea-... Fuck this, Imma using my flashlight.” Roger said as a small box lifted from her arm and shined a very bright light. “That’s better.”

“Woah! All of a sudden it’s very fucking bright here.” Rino said squinting his eyes.

“Yeah... I turned on my flashlight. Like I said I would.” Roger said before shining it around. “AH HA! There’s the lightswitch.”

“Huh... I thought it was next to the door...” Rino said.

“It is.” Roger said walking over to the door.

“So you could have looked for the door.” Rino deadpanned.

“Yes, but... I didn’t want to.” Roger said smiling in the darkness before grabbing the switch and turning the lights on. “There we go!”

“GAAH! MY EYES!” Rino almost yelled out.

“Oh, don’t be such a big bab-” Roger said before turning around. “EHHEY hey.... Woah.”

“What?” Rino growled out as he covered his eyes.

“... Well... You are a very big dog.... With. Arms. And hands.” Roger said looking over Rino and letting the flashlight retract into her arm. “And bipedal.”

“Well... Yes? Is there a problem with that?” Rino said as he removed his hand to reveal Deep sea blue eyes, well, one at least.

“Considering we were both ponies for a long time.... Naw. This isn’t that big of a deal. Kinda grown used to seeing stuff like this now.” Roger said gesturing to both Rino and Church.

“Well the sense of smell I have...” There was some sniffing. “The hell, why do I smell excitement on you?” Rino said looking at Roger.

“Well it’s kinda... That.” Roger said pointing to a private area of Rino’s.

“Oh.... Well.... Still I kinda smell some on you. Weirdly enough.” Rino said looking at her.

“This is gonna end up in sex isn’t it?” Roger deadpanned.

“Oh hell yes.” Rino said sarcastically. “Let’s see how long I last.”

Roger just shook her head before a idea popped into her head. “Hmmm... Hey Rino. Do you think your leg would kick if I scratched your ears?”

“Huh?” Rino just said tierdly and looking at her. “Why do you want to know that?”

Roger justy shrugged before walking over and sitting next to him. “Eh. Just your a dog... Man... thing. So I thought that you might have the same traits as a dog.”

“Eh... I dunno, I’m just tired.” Rino said shrugging a little.

“Then hold still a moment.” Roger said before she reached up and gently scratched behind Rino’s, now furry and pointed, ears.

Slowly but surely, his right leg started to kick as he leaned in to the scratch. “This feels ungodly good!” Rino said as he almost started drooling. Then Roger simply stopped and smirked.

“I was right!” She said happily.

“Heeey! Why did’cha stop?” Rino whined before looking at her and leaning back again.

“Well because of what happened to Church.” Roger said.
“And that was?” Rino asked with a eyebrow raised.

“Too much pleasure.” Roger said giving Rino her best grim and dark voice she could muster, which was pretty easy for a soldier.

“I wonder how I would.... Hm.... I wonder how I would.... Huuuuh.....” Rino said as he looked off in the distance, although it looked like he looked at a wall.

“Hey lassy there is no well over there.” Roger said snapping her fingers in front of Rino. Rino shook his head as he was ‘snapped’ out of it and looked at Roger, he then looked at her boob before grabbing it and honking it again.

“Teehee.” Rino said as he kept squeezing.

“Well fine then. No more ear scratches for you.” Roger said.

“I have these.” Rino said as he gave both of them a firm squeeze. Roger just shook her head and took his paw-hands off before sighing.

“Then no more of anything.” Roger said smiling.

“What! But the beer!” Rino said despaired.”

“No beer either.” Roger said.

“NOO!!!!” Rino yelled out getting to his knees.

“Oh don’t be so melodramatic.”

“ANYTHING BUT THE BEER!” Rino begged as he grabbed on to Rogers leg. Roger jsut shook her head and gently flicked his ear.

“Oh hush up.” She said.

“Holy fuck! These things are sensitive!” Rino said folding his ear, more awkwardly his face was more or less buried close to Rogers crotch.

“Well stop being so dramtically then!” Roger said snickering at Rino’s discomfort. “You act like my dog back home if he could’ve talked.”

“You had a dog?” Rino said looking up.

“Well yeah. Where else would I learn the ‘ear-flick’ trick?” Roger said shrugging.
“I learned it from a doctor named Cox.” Rino said.

“Huh... Oh well then. Oh get off the floor!” Roger said looking down at Rino.

“So you count as the floor now? Then don’t mind me undressing you.” Rino said as he grabbed a hold off her pants and started pulling on them.

“Nooooooo.” Roger said pushing him away with her robot arm. “Not right now.”

The pushing just made Rino fall back while holding her pants, causing them to slip off faster. “Oh bugger. Stupid spandex.” Roger muttered. “Why do superheros wear them?”

“I dunno.... Hey, didn’t know you had pink panties!” Rino said looking at her panties.

“Oh shut up. I couldn’t find any others. All my black ones disappeared. Besides they aren’t mine.” Roger said shrugging.

“Soo... who’s are they?” Rino said.

“Well.... Earlier.” Roger said.


(In Celestia’s chambers)


“Why do I feel as if something is missing from my room?” She asked herself as she looked around. “I know! It’s the newspaper!... Now where did I leave it?”

Then she walked over to her door and saw Luna walking down the halls. “Hey Luna!” She yelled out.

“Yeah?!” Luna yelled back.

“Where’s the newspaper!?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know! Maybe you sat on it!” Luna answered.

“You that last time!” Celesita whined.

“And you sent me to the moon for it!” Luna yelled angrily

“Alright, really! Where is the news paper?!” Celestia yelled back.


“But I can’t!” Celestia whined. Then Luna appeared in front of Celestia.

“WHY!?” Luna bellowed at her sister.

“Because I don’t have any money!” Celestia whined. Luna blinked.

“What?.. Dear mother tell me you didn’t spend the government funds on a cake factory again.” Luna yelled facehoofing.

“No... I.... I haven’t gotten my allowance in.... Oh I don’t know... A few thousand years maybe?” Celestia yelled back.

“Celestia... You are a princess. You don’t get a allowance.” Luna yelled dragging her hoof down her face in frustration.

“Does that mean I can take it all from the government funding?” Celestia yelled back.

“NO!!” Luna bellowed. “JUST!... Just go to your royal bank account. And take it from there.”

“But its all empty....” Celestia yelled.

“....... You spent it on cake, crayons, parchment, and hookers didn’t you.” Luna deadpanned.

“No, Not hooker.... Never hooker.... Although... “ Celestia mused.

“Expensive prostitutes?” Luna asked. “The pimps themselves?”

“I was more thinking....... Giant whales.” Celestia yelled.

“Wha... Ho... WHERE WOULD YOU EVEN PUT THEM!?!” Luna bellowed.

“Look at the floor!” Celestia yelled back.

“WH-” Luna looked down and seeing a massive aquarium put in Celestia’s floor. With giant whales in it. “Yeeeee...... How did I miss this?.. Not only that... How did you find the whales?”

“I bought like ten of them!” Celestia yelled back with a huge smile on her face. THen the doors to Celestia’s room were flung off ther hinges to reveal a very angry and very sleepy looking Roger.

“Will both of you kindly... SHUT THE FUCK U-... Why are there whales in the floor?” Roger asked looking down.

“I bought like ten of them!” Celestia repeated herself.

“Huh..... So. Two things.” Roger said walking over to Celestia’s drawers and stealing a pair of undergarments. “One: I borrowing these.”

“Have you seen my newspaper?” Celestia asked. “Also can you feed the whales?”

“How would I feed the whales? Don’t they eat like... krill?” Roger asked.

“I don’t know... I just throw black undergarments in there and they seem to eat those...” Celestia said.

“.... So that’s where my panties have been going.” Roger mused. “Also you owe me like.... ten pairs of black panties. Even more pressing use fish. They eat those.”

“Why not the colors of the rainbow?” Celestia asked.

“Because they are not unicorn whales.” Roger said walking into Celestia’s bathroom and a emerging a few minutes later. “Alright. And you answered my second thing so I will be off. And please dear god stop yelling.”

“But, my whales like it when I yell.” Celestia said.

“How can you tell?” Roger asked as she walked to the door.

“They have huge puppy eyes.”

“... Celestia... That means they don’t like it.” Roger said putting emphasis on ‘don’t’.

“Oh by the way! I fixed new new panties... But they will be here in like three days...” Celestia said.

“Thanks.” Roger said walking to the door.

“I also got your bra size!” Celestia said with a smile.

“That.... is... so creepy.” Roger said looking at Celestia.

“Luna sniffed one of your panties!” Celestia said throwing a hoof around Luna.

“I DID NOT! You made me do it!” Luna said blushing.

“Oh please you did on your own accord!” Celestia said with a huge smile.

“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!” Roger bellowed at them nearly matching their Canterlot voices. “Now... I have just one thing to ask.”

“Okay? I like crayons.” Celestia said.

“Very nice. Anyway... Do either of yo-” Roger began.

“Do you like salad cake?” Celestia said quickly.

“Huh? I like carrot cake?” Roger said.

“Do dogs kick their leg when scratched behind the ear?” Celestia asked quickly.

“Yes.” Roger answered. “Now will you let me finish.

“No?” Celestia asked. “Luna wants to say how big a fan she is.” Celestia said.

“Of what?” Roger asked looking at Luna.

“Uuuuuh... I like explosions. A-and fire.” Luna said looking away and blushing.

“More like your panties.” Celestia said.

“Oh shut you fool.” Roger said to Celestia. “Also... ANyone want to snuggle? I’m tired and bored.”

“Nah Its okay, I got a missing newspaper to find.” Celestia said with determination in her voice.

“Aw... How about you?” Roger said looking to Luna.

“... Sure?” Luna said unsure. “Actually I have to go attend night cou-”

“Too bad! We snuggle.” Roger said Picking Luna up. “Oh and the newspaper is in the hallway next to the dining hall.” Then walking off with a confused Luna in her arms.

“Oh... Right o! I’m off to find it then.” Celestia said walking after them before taking a left.


“And that is what happened.” Roger said shrugging, somehow sitting on the couch with Rino now. What she failed to notice was that Rino had somehow managed to take of her panties, and was holding them.

“They are stretchy.” Rino said stretching them.

“AH! How did you get them off!?” Roger said covering herself.

“You were so busy storytelling to notice...” Rino said, sniffing them.

“Well give’em back!” Roger yelled.

“They smell weird.” Rino said wryly.

“That is because they aren't mine.” Roger said bluntly before trying to snatch her stolen panties. Rino oddly enough just steered his arm right, causing her to swipe at empty air. “Oh come on! Now you are actually doing something?”

“Uh... What did I do?” Rino said tiredly.

“Oh just give them back!” Roger said still covering herself. “It’s cold!”

“Oh right.... You don’t wear a bra...” Rino said before slowly backing away.

“OH SHUT UP!” Roger yelled before almost whining. “Just give’em back! It’s freezing here!”

“Eh... They are not yours.... I might just rip them ‘cause why not.”

“Oh for fucks sake.” Roger said facepalming. “Rino don’t do that! I need those damned things!”

“You didn’t say that when you were naked in the bed.” Rino said smirking, somehow, smugly.

Roger just remained quiet before shaking her head. “Nope. Just nope.” Then getting up and walking towards the doors. “No shame.”

Now was the time Church who had remained quiet with a small smile on his face looked at Roger and said. “Bitch, please.... I can see the blush from here.”

“Ooooh... Now you are dead.” Roger said turning around. “Imma throw you to a bunch of schoolkids and let them feel how soft your fur is.”

“Oh dear Jesus, Not that! Anything but that.” Church said backing away a bit before falling off the bed. “Son of a bitch.”

“But first.... My pants.” Roger said walking over and picking up her pants before trying to put them on.

Then some asshole named Rino came and swiped them from her before going ape shit all over the place and somehow, end up standing on the bed, whilst Church was on the couch.

“GOD DAMN IT RINO! I JUST WANT MY FUCKING PANTS!” ROger yelled out in borderline rage.

“Nope! can’t do princess.” Rino said with a smug smile.

“Oh just fuck it all to hell.” Roger said glumly and sitting down hugging her legs.

“The hell?” Both Church and Rino said at the same time. Roger just sat there before she let out a small sob, trying not to let Rino or Church hear. Unfortunetly for her, both Church and Rino have very sensitive hearing, you know dog... and a pony....

Church just sat there awkwardly, just looking away tying to be invisible. “I fucking hate these situations...” he muttered, Rino just walked over and kneeled down next to her... But not before dropping the pants and panties on the bed.

“Hey, hey, hey. What’s with you all of a sudden?” Rino asked with a very comforting voice, somehow. Roger just pushed him away a bit.

“Oh, go away. You’re mean.” Roger said before turning away and hugging her legs again. You could literally hear both Church, and Rino's jaws just snapping off of their hinges and literally having a rocket blast off.

Rino regained his composure before just hugging from behind. “I’m not mean, I’m just teasing with you.... You forgot to say please!”

“You’re still mean.” Roger said shrugging off his hug and not looking at him.

“Oh come on, don’t be like that.” Rino said, before hugging her again.

“No go away. You’re mean.” Roger said trying to scoot away from Rino.

“No.” Rino said stubbornly.

“You’re still mean.” Roger said holding her verbal ground.

“... But... But I love you! Why would I be mean towards you?” Rino asked.

“You’re still mean.” Roger repeated still not looking at Rino.

Rino just sighed, before releasing her and standing up, he then walked over to the bed and threw himself over it.

“Well this is awkward...” Church said, looking around the room.

“You’re mean too.” Roger said.

“The fuck have I done?” Church asked in disbelief.

“You’re both mean.” Roger said not looking at either of them.

“Just come to bed?” Rino said.

“No, you’re mean.” Roger said.

“Okay.... Be that way, Church come here.” Rino said.

“What? I can’t have this couch? Its like ungodly soft.” Church said.

“Shut up, apparently Roggie wants the Chur- Couch. The Couch okay.”

“This is cold.” Roger complained to herself. Then she got before walking over and grabbing her pants, can’t be cold anymore can she?, before putting them on and snuggling against Rino.

“Soo... Change of mind?” Rino said as he looked at Roger.

“What?” Roger asked before she snuggled into Rino’s chest. “Mmm snuggle snuggle. Imma snuggle you to death.”

“Oh? All of a sudden you are very affectionate....”

“Mm snuggle snuggle. Imma snuggle Church too.” Roger said before getting up and grabbing Church.

“What?” Church said looking at Roger before looking at the Couch. “Wait! I was all comfy and shit!”

Then Roger hopped onto the bed and laid Church next to her before snuggling against Rino and holding Church with one arm while she does it. “Mmmm. Snuggle snuggle.” Roger said snuggling into his fur. “Snuggling is fun.”

While Church was snuggling back because he was tired. “Ehhhhgeee... eh.... Mommy.” He muttered.

“Wait what?” Rino said wide-eyed. “What the hell? Did Roger adopt you?”

“Yes.” They both said at the same time.

“Okay this is the time I say, for real break u-....” Rino tried to say before he was interuppted.

“Kissy.” Roger said as she kissed him. “Kissy kissy.”

Rino just... Was stunned, just didn’t know how to act, so he just returned the kiss.

“Yay. Kissy kissy.” Roger said happily before pulling both Church and Rino closer and giving a small yet adorable yawn. “God I am tired all of a sudden.”

“Well..... Let’s sleep maybe?” Rino suggested. Then two small snores were heard from his side as Roger had cuddled up against Church while Church was snuggled into Her side.

“Oh well.” Rino said getting up and walking over to a chair before putting on clothes and walking to the door, then out of the room.

“Time to go to Chillax tree!... Wherever that is.” And then, he walked around the castle for a while trying to find his Chillax tree.

Author's Note:

Aright! Finally! A freaking chapter.... Took me long enough.

My editor says Hi to you all, at least he says it over the skype call I had with him... Oh and why the chapter have been delayed? This is why.

Too much solo cue with Darius does that, that and shit ton of hours on Dragon age. I mean come on, the game is fucking enchanting... Same for Far Cry three.... And Minecraft.... You know, I've been playing shit ton of games.. And been lazy as fuck when it came down to writing this chapter all in all.... Another thing is that I seem to be running out of ideas, so next chapter will possibly be a small time skip... To where they are in Ponyville.

Also I want to thank Chillax brony for letting me use his name in my story, and I want to thank RainbowBob, Pinkies imagination, and Beta Master (or Masta Beta.) for helping me with the name.

Anyhow, with that out of the way.
If you spot any errors, feel free to hit me up on PM... Or Punch me... either way... You can also comment down below.

Till next time,
The Alpha