• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,002 Views, 479 Comments

RvB: Friendship... Sucks. - Alphadud

  • ...

Another split.... Sucks so bad. (2/2)

Chapter 5: Another split.... Sucks so bad. (2/2)

As Rino were standing there looking at Roger with a raised eyebrow behind his helmet, he noticed both that she had a fine looking ass and that she were frantically looking for her helmet.

“Still have not found you’re helmet?” Rino asked yawning a bit.

“Nope! Which is really starting to piss me off!” Roger said growling a bit at the end. “I swear, I am just going to set fire to this room and find my helmet in the ashes.”

“Have you looked on the right side of the bed? Under the covers?” Rino asked leaning against the wall. Roger just stared off for a moment before walking over to the right side of the bed and lifting the covers.

“FUCK.” She yelled out as she angrily grabbed her helmet and put it on.

“Well.... That was different.” Rino said yawning again. “What’s the time anyways?”

“Um...” Roger finished fastening her helmet and looked at the corner of the helmet as it’s HUD came on. “9:30. Why?”

“Shit.... That’s way to fuckin’ early for me...” Rino said as he stopped leaning against the wall. “I usually wake up around 12.... Or 3:30....”

“Oh quit your bitchin’ and come on.” Roger said puling out one of her SMGs. “We got something to take care of remember?”

“Oh yeah.... That’s why we are in this armor....” Rino said with a sigh. He walked over to the Guard and looked down at him, he almost fell asleep right there. Were it not for Roger who tapped him on the visor.

“Stay awake big guy. I don’t want to have to tell Sarge I found a K.I.A. Blue alright?” Roger said somewhat supporting the Blue spartan.

“Holy fuck, it’s so damn early... Let’s just get this over with...” Rino said leaning against Roger a bit who had some problems supporting Rino.

“Oi! I am not you’re bed! Your teddy bear maybe, but not you’re bed.” Roger said giving his armored arm a slug before turning to the guard. “Let’s get a move on before this guy turns me into a pancake.”

The guard just nodded and motioned them to follow him as he rushed out of the room and set off for the Throne room. After a few minutes of running around in the halls and dodging servants. They finally arrived at the throne room, where a new voice was yelling and he sounded a bit pissed.

“What the fuck is this?!” He yelled from inside the throne room.

“Hey Rino.... I have a riddle for you.” Roger said as she put her hand against the door. “Who is light blue and sucks with a sniper?”

“That would be.... Church.” Rino said as he looked at Roger “Why?”

“Well.... I have a certain feeling you should just stand still for a moment.” Roger said opening the door. As the door swung open several shots went past Roger’s head and whizzed by Rino. “Told ya.”

“Son of a bitch!” Church yelled from his position behind the throne.

“Hey Church! I see you haven’t stopped sucking!” Roger said walking into the throne room and holstering her SMG.

“Shut it bitch!” Church snapped at her. “Why is there horses everywhere?”

“Well first, nice to see you too, secondly... You’re kinda in a different plane of existence.” Roger said placing her robot hand on her hip. Rino walked into the room yawning loudly, he almost walked into wall before realizing that he should go back to sleep.

“I should sleep again.” Rino said tiredly.

“You can sleep after Church explains why he is here. And why we shouldn’t let the royal guards throw him in the dungeon for assualt.... Meger assault with a deadly weapon.” Roger said walking over to Church and taking his rifle away.

“Hey give that back!” Church said as he leaned over and tried to take his rifle back, but it was like when a bully had taken your doll or whatever thing you had. She just held it above her head making it harder for Church to get it back.

“I will give it back when you tell me how and why you are here.” Roger said like a teacher would to her student. What she didn’t notice was that Rino quietly... Somewhat quietly, walked up behind her and firstly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. “Um Rino? What are you doing?”

Rino then reached up and grabbed the sniper and saying “Yoink!” he then ran over to a balcony and opened the door. He put the sniper on the guard rail and looked through the scope before zooming in over the landscape.

“Hey, look there is a village to the East!” Rino said much less tired. Roger just walked up behind him and looked over in the same direction.

“Really? Here let me see.” Roger said taking the Rifle from Rino and looking. “Huh... Your right. Wait..... Rino?”

“Yeees?” Rino asked as he looked over the landscape again.

“Do we know any spartans that wear grey armor with yellow stripes?” Roger said as she saw a spartan lying on the grass about half a mile away from the village.

“May I have my fucking sniper rifle back?!” Church yelled from inside

“Nope!” Roger yelled back.

“Not sure if I know anyone with grey armor... Much less with yellow stripes...” Rino said as he leaned against the hand railing... Or hoof railing, I have no clue!

“Hey blue boy! How about you?” Roger asked as she continue to look at the spartan through the scope.

“Oh yeah, that’s... Agent Washington I believe he was supposed to pick you guys up from Blood Gulch.” Church said before walking over. “Why you asking... New Red chick... Or guy.?”

“Well... For one, I am a girl. And Two: There is a grey spartan with yellow stripes passed out near that village.” Roger said slightly annoyed. “Oh and call me a guy again. And I will do what I did to Tucker to you, Blue boy.”

“Tucker is here? Son of a bitch, just when I finally thought that I was rid of him... He comes back to haunt me.” Church said with a annoyed sigh.

“Well if it makes you feel any better. Tucker is a pony. A clusmy one at that.” Roger said snickering. “Also Rino. You might want to put your legs to use and go get one of the princesses.”

“Why me?” Rino asked as he looked at Roger. “Why not Smarty Mc wee wee over there.”

“Who?” Roger said looking at Rino.

“Church.” Rino said with a sigh.

“Oh. Well one: He has no idea where he is, Two: He is rather incompetent and Three: One of us has to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid or scare anymore ponies with his horrible aim.” Roger said smirking behind her visor.

“Too late.” Rino said as he looked back and saw that Church was flailing his arms and running after a terrified guard pony.

Roger just sighed and put the rifle in Rino’s hands. “Hold this.” Then she ran over and tackled Church before picking him up like he was wounded and walking out the door and taking a right disappearing around the corner. “I am taking him back to the rooms! Tell the Princesses to meet us there!”

“Fucking shit... Just because I’m together with you doesn’t mean you can boss me around.” Rino grumbled under his breath and straight in to the radio.

“Mic is still on!” Roger said through her helmet’s radio microphone. “And it’s not like you had a plan.”

Rino just sighed in annoyance before turning away from her and looking over the land scape. “I’m just going to turn on my megaphone... Wait, what is ass in their language?”

“Um... Donkey?” A guard next to him said.

“Donkey?” Rino said bating a eyebrow behind his visor “I thought it would be flank.”

“No... That’s flank.” The guard pony said.

“Okay.... Well...” Rino said before turning his megaphone on and turning back over the landscape. “PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS A FAT FLANK!”

A few seconds later a furious looking Celestia came in to the throne room. “Who said that?” She said as steam blew out of her nostrils.

Rino just pointed at the guard which looked nervous as fuck. A few seconds later Celestia was up in his face.

“I’ll talk with you later.” She said before teleporting him somewhere.

Then Roger came onto the radio. “Why the fuck did you yell something like that? It’s not that big! Well... For a pony.”

“Quiet! She’s like right in front of me!” Rino said growling quietly.

“Oh.... Did I forget to mention that these ponies have very good hearing?” Roger said rather nervously through the radio.

“Yes... Yes you did.” Rino said before facing Celestia. “Alright would you be so kind and teleport us to the guest rooms? And you follow?” He asked a bit nervously.

“Sure. But first.. What did your friend say over your hearing device?” Celestia said taking a step closer.

Rino rolled his eyes before saying “Look what you’ve done Roggie.” with a childish voice.

“Ain’t my fault you’re a big mouth." A faint 'BOW CHIKA BOW WOW!' was heard in the background "SHUT UP TUCKER!” Roger yelled over the mic.

“Ow my ears...” Rino said as he tried to reach his ear with his right hand but ended up touching his helmet. “Anyhow she just said something about a flank, not sure who’s.”

“Oh? And what did she say?” Celestia said taking another step closer.

“Uh....” Rino said tilting his head a bit, he hummed for a few minutes before a light snore was heard from him. Celestia rolled her eyes and smacked the side of his head with her hoof.

“Hmm- Wha...?” Rino asked as he was awoken.

“You were going to tell me what your friend said.” Celestia said calmly.

“Oh. I can’t remember, you will have to ask her yourself.” Rino said before yawing and streching a bit.

“Uh huh.” Celestia said before sighing and gesturing Rino over. “Alright I will. Now come.. Yo-”

“BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!” Tucker somehow managed to yell all the way from the guest rooms. Then a “OW!” Was heard shortly after.

“You said we needed to go somewhere?” Celestia asked slightly confused, but did not show it.

“Yeah... The guest room please.” Rino said as he went over to Celestia.

“Oh! Such manners! I can tell why Roger fell for you.” Celestia said with a wink and charged up her horn.

“How...” Was all that Rino managed to say before they were teleported to the guest rooms. As they stood in the middle of the room he saw that the door flung opened to reveal Roger and Church.

“Hey Roggie!” Rino said as he waved casually before walking towards their room.

“Where you going?” Roger asked as she saw Rino walk by.

“Sleep.” He replied before opening their room door. He then looked at his left hand which held on to the sniper rifle. “Oh right.... Hey Church, catch!”

Rino then threw the sniper at Church who was all confused and ended up getting the sniper in his face “Fuck!”

“Ha.” Roger said before walking over to Celestia. “Alright Princess. I asked Rino to bring you here so I could inform you of not one, but two new Spartans in your land. One is here and the other is outside of a small village to the east.”

“Oh? And what is this second ‘Spartan’ doing?” Celestia asked becoming protective

“Actually, there might be three if we are not counting me.... Also I’m not sure if you can count this guy as a spartan, I’m pretty sure he’s a living garbage dump.” Church said before going over and sitting on a couch with his sniper.

“Who are you talking about?” Roger said turning to Church.

“Who else, but your favorite orange slob?” He said looking bored..

“Grif is here? Grif? Grif came to a alternate dimension?” Roger said almost not believing him.

“Well, you know that Grey guy? Washington?” Church asked. Roger nodded. “Right, well he threw us through the teleporter... Before rushing through himself I guess, anyhow I’m going to kill him when I find him.”

“Well alright. Who is this guy anyway? Like is he a Sargent? Captain? What?” Roger said crossing her arms.

“Agent from Command...” Church said before leaning back in the couch and yawning a bit. Roger’s whole body became stiff at the sentence but relaxed as Church look back. Rino burst through the door of their room and asked.

“Did someone say ‘Agent from Command’?” He said with a serious tone. Roger just pointed to Church. While Celestia just remained confused.

“Don’t say it again, I’ll rip your spine out and wear it as a thropy.” Rino said with a dead serious voice. Before looking at Roger. “Come to bed, it’s to early for this.”

Roger just sighs and nodded. “Fine. Be there in a minute.”

“Man where did that come fro- Wait did he say... Are you to sleeping with each other?” Church asked in disbelief. Roger just pulled out her SMG and pointed it at Church.

“Got a problem with that?” She said with venom in her voice.

He pointed his Sniper at her before saying “No way I’m missing at point blank...”

Roger just sighed and grabbed the barrel of the rifle before yanking it away. “Snipers aren’t meant for close range numb nuts.” Roger said.

“God damn it.” Church muttered before laying down in the couch. “And no, I don’t got a problem with it... Might be jealous yes, but I don’t have a problem with it.”

“Jealous?” Roger said snickering.

“You are good looking, what can I say.” Church said tierdly.

“Oh man. I can’t wait for my old squad to hear about this. Two of the opposing side fell for me!” Roger said snickering and walking towards the room. “Oh and Celly? You might want to go get that Spartan before he wakes up. Those agents aren’t to keen on unfamiliar environments.”

“Hey! I said you look good, It does not mean I like you.” Church yelled before a certain aqua pony came crawling out.

“Church?” Tucker asked.

“Is that Tuck-” Church said as he sat up and looked at Tucker who was trying to stand up.

“What... The fuck?” Church said before bursting into laughter.

“Fuck you too man!” Tucker said pointing a hoof at Church. Roger just chuckled at Church and walked over to Tucker.

“Oh! And Tucker? I have been meaning to tell you this.” Roger said kneeling down to Tucker.

“What? You finally want some?” Tucker said smirking. Roger just chuckled and patted him on the head.

“Nope. I just wanted to say...” She leaned in and whispered into Tucker’s ear. “.. Rino got some.”

Then she leaned back up and walked to her room before opening it up and walking inside. Then the door opened up and a Sniper rifle was thrown out before closing again.

“What?! That’s so fucking unfair!” Tucker said over Church’s laughter. After a short while Church calmed down and walked over to his Sniper rifle and picking it up.

“You look like fucking weird.” Church said before walking over to... ‘His’ Couch as he had marked it, with a ‘Church was here.’

“Yeah well you try becoming a pony and we will see who’s laughing!” Tucker yelled. Before Rino came bursting out again, this time with a bag in his hand.

“God, how hard can it be to just fucking put the booze in the fridge?” Rino muttered under his breath. Roger also came out flipping through a magazine before tossing it over to Tucker.

“That’s yours by the way!” She yelled before walking back into the room.

As Rino was opening and stacking stuff inside the fridge, he started glowing a soft green. Same was for Tucker, who just had figured out how to take his first steps as a pony.

Rino just finished up putting all the booze inside fridge before he really started to glow green, the same went for Tucker.

“Holy shit! Did you see that? I just managed to take a st-” He said before a huge green flash blinded them and when the light died down there was a new Deep sea blue pony in the room and a human with Aqua armor on.

“YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Tucker yelled angrily. His voice was accompanied by a very,very ,VERY angry roar from a certain red’s room.

“WHO THE FUCK DID THIS!?” Roger bellowed before she skidded out of the room and slammed into the wall.

Rino just grunted before trying to get up but was to tired. “I have no idea...” he said before again trying to get up. Roger just flailed about for a moment before sighing and simply rolling onto her stomach. She gingerly tried to push up but only got to stand. As she took a step she fell right on her face.

“FUCK.” She yelled out. Somehow Rino had managed to get up on his back hooves and walked like a bipedal. Everyone in the room, including the mane six who had burst through their rooms to look what had happened, was staring in disbelief.

“Okay... Now that’s bullshit.” Roger said standing up again. “How did you even get up like that?”

“Uh... How?” Rino said shrugging. Tucker gestured at him.

“Like that.” He said as he pointed at his back hooves. “It makes no sense.”

“Yeah like the time you had a grub.” Church said looking at Rino and some of the other ponies in the room.

“Hey don’t talk bad about junior!” Tucker said turning around violently and glaring at Church. “He might be a alien, but he’s still my kid.”

“Can we forget about Tucker’s mutant man child and figure this out!?” Roger yelled out angrily. She shakily took a step forward and sighed with relief as she didn’t fall down. She took a few more steps before walking next to Rino. “Tucker? How did you now learn to walk? That was easy.”

“Shut up bitch.” Tucker growled.

“Dude...” Roger said as two large feathered appendages flared off her back. “... You just fucked up.”

She flapped the two wings and propelled herself into Tuckers stomach before beginning to beat him senseless with her hooves. “I like hooves! It’s like always wearing brass knuckles!” She said continuing to beat Tucker.

“Ow fuck!” Tucker yelled out before jumping back a bit and drawing out his energy sword. “Come at me, bitch.”

Roger just deadpanned and pulled a grenade a off her belt with her robotic hoof. He clicked a button and the small blue orb flared to life and she gently tossed it and stuck it to his chest. “Boosh beyotch.” Roger said.

Right before that thing exploded, some thing blue got in the way of Roger’s visor before she felt something impact with her head making her dizzy. A few seconds later something fuzzing blue few through a balcony and a land annoyed sigh was heard.

“That was a dick move Rino.” Roger said rubbing where Rino hit her. “Why did you have to do that?”

Rino just looked at Roger before punching Tucker in the kneecap. “HOLY FUCK THAT HURTS!” Tucker screamed before collapsing clutching his knee.

“Oh and you.” Rino pointed a hoof at Roger. “I’m tired, and I don’t want to deal with this shit.”

“So you punched me so you could save the one causing the trouble?” Roger said as her vision came back and she shook her head. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Rino just looked at Roger before gesturing Tucker who was Down on the floor still clutching his knee. “Seems like he will have trouble walking still.”

“Well... I am taking one of those beers. My head is pounding.” Roger said walking over to the fridge and pull out a beer somehow with her hoof. “I don’t care or want to know.”

Then she walked over to Rino and nudged him with her flank and nodded to the room. “Well? What are you waiting for? A invitation?” She said hopping on her three hooves over to the room.

Rino just sighed at looked at the Mane six and Church before nodding. He then quickly walked over to the fridge and taking out a Applejack-daniels. He shrugged before walking over to his room and closing the door and letting out a loud sigh.

“Okay I will say it...” Celestia started. “WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?”

Church just remained quiet before looking at Tucker. “Ha ha! He’s hurt.” He said pointing at him.

“Well that was different...” Pinkie said. Everyone just looked to her and blinked. “What? I can’t say when something was out of the norm?”

Church just sat there watching all of the ponies and Tucker who was groaning on the floor. He thought about mercy killing him but decided against it.

“So.... What happens now?” Twilight asked.

“Well.... Ah Guess.... Ah have no clue.” Applejack deadpanned.

“U-Uh... I-I have no idea either.” Fluttershy almost whispered.

“Well I have one thing to ask!” Rainbow said hovering over the group. “Who’s the new guy? Is he part of Rino’s group?”

“Yeah... Who is that strange fella?” Pinkie asked as she popped up next to Church, who almost got scared shitless thanks to her.

“What the fuck? How did you do that?” Church asked shaking his head and staggering back a bit.

“That’s Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it and you will save yourself one heck of a headache.” Twilight said sighing.

“Wait, so essentially this pink one is like Caboose?” Church said pointing to where Pinkie used to stand, but now was sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

“Caboose is the strange blue one who talks to... What were they? Tanks! That’s it. Right?” Twilight asked.

“Shit... Time to just ignore her... For the most part.” Church said looking at the kitchen before sitting down on the couch again. He basically sunk in to the couch and was close to falling asleep, when he noticed something by his side which woke him up.

“Hold on now!” Applejack said slightly shaking him. “Ya still haven’t introduced yerself blueboy.”

Church groaned in annoyance before saying. “The name is Church, don’t wear it out.”

He then tried to take a nap again, but as fate has it. It just loves to torture him.

“Nice to meet you ‘Church’!” Rainbow said almost crashing onto the couch next to him. “I’m Rainbow Dash! Fastest pegasus alive!”

Church just nodded and tried to go back to napping when, A certain pink pony decided to speak up.

“What you mean me?” Pinkie asked as she looked up in the ‘ceiling’ … And yes, I mean you Pinkie, now get to work!

“Geez you are such a slave driver.” Pinkie muttered before bouncing over towards Church. I’m not a...

“Is she always like this?” Church asked. Yes, yes she is Church.

“Did you hear that?” Church said looking around but was stopped by a pink pony who had a huge grin on her face.

“Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie!” She said before bouncing over to the couch and sitting down in it.

“Calm down Pinkie. Don’t make our guest more confused than he already is. You are a ‘he’ correct?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but this place makes me question my masculinity.” Church said before looking around. “What do you want with me?”

“Oh darling. How can you act like such a boar? And that armor! It’s horribly dreadful!” Rarity said looking over Church. “You certainly can’t pull it off.”

“I’m not a boar and I like my armor just fine and I can’t take it off. I had to repaint myself.” Church said shrugging a bit.

“What do y’all mean ya can’t take it off? Those others took theirs off just fine!” Applejack said poking him with her hoof which caused a small metal clang to be heard.

“I’m a robot, oh and a ghost.” Church said looking at Applejack. “That’s why I can’t do it.”

“Your..... A ghost.” Twilight deadpanned. “Robot I believe after seeing those other two. But ghost? Not possible.”

Church looked at Twilight before saying. “You want me to prove it?”

“Actually yes. I would.” She said taking a step forward.

Church stood up from the couch and took a step forward before breathing out a bit. “I’m not sure why I’m still trying to breathe... I mean I’m a freaking robot.” He said before his robot body just spasmed a few short seconds before falling to the ground.

Where his body fell were a standing white transparent spartan holding a sniper rifle.

“This good enough for you?” Church asked stretching a bit. Before Twilight could answer, Roger had run out with her SMG, Again, and helmet off before pointing her SMG and all around yelling.


“I’m alive bitch.” Church said mock waving at her. “And you can’t hurt me either.”

Roger just glared at Church before smiling. “Yeah I guess I can’t. But I can do this.” She turned and put several holes in the left leg of the lifeless robot on the ground. “Enjoy the lead, ghost fuck.”

She just smiled more and trotted back to her room yelling to Rino. “Hey Rino! Did you know that Church is just a ghost in a robot?”

Rino came skidding out of the room and could not stop until he tripped over Tucker. “Hijo de puta.” he said in spanish. Which roughly means motherfucker. He then got up and looked at Church.

“That’s... Fuckin’ cool!” He said with a huge grin on his face before he could walk over and inspect him more Roger grabbed him and started dragging him towards their room.

“Oh no. You wanted to sleep and that’s what we are doing.” Roger said making sure her mechanical hoof had a tight grip on him.

“B-But! Roggie! He’s a ghost!” Rino whined.

“And your a four hundred pound tank of a pony and I am a pegasus. What else is new?” Roger said as she continued to drag him.

“That you are going to bang him.” Tucker said as he had gotten up and limped toward Church and the others.

“Okay Rino... If I can kill Tucker you can look at Church all you want.” Roger said stopping in her tracks.

Church just snickered before walking over to Rino and crouching down. “Who is this guy?”

“It’s me! Rino!” Rino said a bit more excited than he usually was.

“Rino? … But you are a human not a horse.” Church said tilting his head.

“Pony actually.” Roger said turning around and fluffing her wings a bit.

“The hell? You have wings?” Church said noticing the wings, and getting a glare from Roger for checking her out.

“Visor to the eyes blueboy. This guy is the only one who gets to undress me with his eyes.” Roger said pointing to Rino, Who was amazed that his hoof went through the stomach of Church.

Church just shook his head before walking over to his robot body and inspecting the damage.

“Come back here! I’m not done with trying to poke my hoof through you!” Rino said as he squirmed around in Roger’s grip.

“You are such a child.” Roger said. “Okay go try to poke Church some more while I take the bullets out of his robot’s leg.”

Roger let go of Rino who just sat there for a few second before jumping at Roger and hugged her.

“No.” He said snuggling up against her.

“Oh now you want to love me?” Roger said jokingly.

“I always loved you.” Rino whispered so the others could not hear.

“Well that is always nice to know.” She whispered back before wiggling out of his grip. “Now go on and let your child out while I go fix Church’s body up. Been itching to tinker with something for a while now.”

“Okay.” Rino said sitting up, he gave Roger a quick peck on the cheek before standing up on his two hind legs and running over to Church.

“Oh and Rino?” Roger said walking over. “I would recommend you learn to walk on four hooves.”

Rino blinked a few times before looking at her with a questioning look. “Why?”

Roger just rolled her eyes and walked over before tapping a private area on his armor. “You not always gonna have this on are ya?”

As if on que Rino blushed furiosly before standing on four legs and nodding. “Y-Yeah... That’s true, b-but it goes much faster on two legs!” He complained.

“Bow chicka bow wow.” Roger said smirking.

“Hey! What did I tell you about that?” Tucker said from the couch, he was sitting next to Rainbow Dash, who was undressing Rino with her eyes. Roger gave Rainbow a milisecond of a glare before seeing a certain magazine on the floor. She just grinned evilly and picked it up.

“Oh shut up ‘PlayColt’.” She said tossing the magazine into his lap.

Tucker hummed for a few seconds before shrugging and opening it and reading it. “There are a lot of ponies in here...” He said a bit hesitant to continue.

“Tucker.... Is that hesitation of the females I am seeing?” Roger said grinning even more. “I thought you were a ladies’ man.”

“Except I’m not sure if this is hot or not....” Tucker said turning a page then showing Roger. Roger just looked at it before shrugging.

“I don’t swing that way, but I’d hit it.” She said plainly. Tucker just looked at her and the picture before nodding his head in agreement.

Rino though was totally ignoring everything and trying to touch Church, who was growing annoyed with Rino.

“Hey Roger, tell your boyfriend to stop this.” Church said gesturing Rino who was standing inside of Church. Roger just sighed and shook her head.

“Hey Tucker? Want to see how a lady gets a man?” Roger asked Tucker honestly.

“Hmm?” Tucker hummed as he looked up from his magazine. Roger just smirked and turned to Rino.

“Hey Rino! Want to see me make out with another girl?” Roger said smiling.

Rino’s eyes snapped directly towards Roger before nodding furiously. “Yes please!”

Roger just laughed and smiled even more. “I promise I will later, but for now stop annoying Church.” Roger said turning back to Tucker. “And that good sir, is how a woman gets a man.”

“Darling, that was repulsive! Not to mention brutish!” Rarity said.

“Is that a invite to the make session hot stuff?” Roger said smirking towards Rarity.

“U-Uh.” Rarity said blushing furiously before passing out.

“She was totally considering it too.” Roger said smirking. “See Tucker? I can make even the ladies pass out.”

“Yeah but you have to try. Rino does it sub-consciously, I mean look at you and him, he barely did anything.” Tucker said as he gestured Rino who let out a disappointed sigh whilst looking at Church, who was still inspecting the damage.

“Who said I was trying?” Roger said going over to Church’s body.

“Well, It certainly looked like you tried.” Tucker said as he looked back down in his magazine.

“Says the man who tried to pick me up with one liners and self complements.” Roger said lifting Church’s robot’s leg and looking at the damage.

Tucker just sighed and continued to read, as he did that Rainbow sneaked around Roger and up on Rino, before smiling devilishly and grabbing his shoulder.

“Let me show you my bedroom Rino.” she said in a sultry voice.

Rino had no time to protest before he was dragged away, he just hoped that Roger noticed before it was too late.

“Okay Church.... I think I see the problem in your robot’s leg.” She said looking to Church and not noticing Rino was gone.

“Alright what’s the problem?” Church asked looking up from his body and towards Roger.

“Well other than the fact that it has seven round of .45 ACP in it, two wires have been disconnected.” Roger said going back to the leg and holding up her metal hoof. A small tube popped out before a small flame flickered to life at the tip. “Here I will show you.”

“Alright... Hey Rin-... Where did Rino go?” Church said as he was looking around the room for him. Roger retracted the small welder and looked around as well.

“Hey..... Where did he go?” She said looking around until she saw some very noticeable skid makes on the ground. “Um... Those weren’t there before.”

“Now that you mention it.... Where is Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked from the couch.

“That little bitch!” Roger yelled out before growling and taking off towards the rooms. Church of course just walked through one of the walls. Before muttering.

“Damn, I’ll never get used to walking through walls, now where the fuck is Rino?” Church said as he walked through a empty room. He saw one of the doors fly off to reveal a VERY pissed off Roger.

“First I am going to break her wings... Then I am going to-” She was muttering as she exited the room.

“Jesus Christ, shes like Tex... But Overly protective instead of Overly aggressive...” Church said as he walked through a wall again. After a few minutes of walking through walls he found the room where Rino was kept. He was tied to the bed with Rainbow standing on the side.

“And now I am going to show you why they call me the ‘fasest pegasus alive’.” She said in a sultry tone as she slowly trotted over. She climbed up on the bed and got on top of him.

“B-But... I-I...” Rino said before Rainbow hushed him by forcefully giving him a kiss.

“Poor bastard.” Church whispered to himself before the door flew off it’s hinges with explosive force. In the light of the door way, Roger stood looking.... Well ever seen a dragon pissed off before? That times 1229485963.999999 repeating of course... Yeah. Angry.

“Who... The fuck. Do you think you are?” Roger said with venom spilling from her voice and walking in. Rainbow just broke the kiss and looked over her shoulder with a mocking grin before saying,

The fastest pegasus alive.” she said with a sultry voice.

“Yeah..” Roger said cracking her neck. “... But if you think your gonna out run a pissed of Spartan. Your so very wrong.”

Before anything else could be said Roger lunged and tackled Rainbow off of Rino before picking her up and throwing her through the wall which led to to hall way. “FUCK YOU BITCH.” She said through the hole in the wall. “He’s mine!”

Rainbow just sat up looking at the wall. “Why did that feel like a cloud?”

Roger just blinked before walking over and pushing part of the wall off and watching it dissipate. “That answer your question?” Roger deadpanned before socking Rainbow in the snout with her normal hoof.

“Ow! Why did you do that for?” Rainbow said with teary eyes as she rubbed her snout. “That hurt.”

“He is mine. Try and take him. And I will crush you. Got it?” Roger said getting in her face and poking her chest a few times.

“Just wait till he’s alone in the streets.” Rainbow said with a small grin.

“Just wait till I come out of thin air and throw you through a REAL wall.” Roger said clicking a button on her belt and letting her active camo take effect. The hole in the wall was closed and fixed same for the door. Roger just walked in to the room and slammed the door shut.

Rino looked up from the bed and towards the door. “Hey, Roggie! Mind letting me loose?” He asked hopefully. Instead of answering she merely crawled on top of him and turned off her camo, fading back into existance.

“Now why would I do that?” She said in a sultry voice.

Rino laughed nervously before getting kissed by Roger, what both of them did not know was that Church was standing there with his maw agape.... or well if he had one. He slowly backed out of the room before running back to his couch and sitting down on the floor next to it.

Tucker looked up from his magazine and saw Church, he looked at him before nodding approvingly. “Good for him.” he muttered before continuing to read.

Rainbow hovered into the room rubbing her bruised nose before sitting on her haunches and slumping next to Fluttershy. “Stupid Roger and her getting to Rino first. And her stupid colt hooves.”

“Don’t worry Rainbow, you will get another chance later.” Fluttershy said with a soothing voice.

As they talked to each other Church just sat there waiting until Roger would be done playing with her bo-.... Colt toy. Which would take at least two hours since she also had to... Off herself.


(Half a mile from Ponyville)

A certain Grey spartan was was slowly waking up to birds who were chirping away the day. The slow but gentle wind. The flies who are annoying as fuck when they get to you. Anyhow now that he was slowly waking up he noticed that he no longer were in Blood Gulch.

When he was fully awaken he sat up and looked around, he saw that there was a village about half a mile from his position and thought it might be a good idea to ask if they have seen Rino and, or Roger, not to mention his two missing teammates that he brought with him.

Boy, he have no idea what trouble he’s in. Or what Rino was currently dealing with.

Author's Note:

Yay! New chapter! I've done some of my homework and figured out how to squeeze in a few hours of work before school too.
I got to bed around 21:00 and sleep till 04:00 in the morning and wake up then I work for three hours and create new CHAPTERS OF LOVE!

That aside, Hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, if you spot a error. Feel free to PM me or say them in the comments and I shall fix them.

Till next time, The Alpha