• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,002 Views, 479 Comments

RvB: Friendship... Sucks. - Alphadud

  • ...

Relaxing... Sucks badly. (1/2)

Chapter 3 : Relaxing... Sucks badly. (1/2)

As the Spartans and the group of ponies walked down the hallways, they couldn’t help, but admire the art work and structure.... Well one of them anyway.

“Wow these paintings are amazing!” Donut said as he looked at the art work on the wall. Roger looked down to the pony in her arms and shook her head.

“When did you wake up?” She said before looking ahead again.

“Just a minute or two ago.” He said looking up at Roger.

Roger just looked down and smiled behind her visor. “You know your a lot more tolerable now that you’re a adorable pony.” Roger said looking back up.

She looked at a few pictures before looking over her shoulder and saw that Rino and Tucker were both bobbing their heads a bit.

“God damn it. Now he has Tucker doing it.” Roger said frustrated. “I may not be as ‘military’ as that guy, but I know damn well you don’t listen to music in a foreign environment.”

Tucker, who now was on top of Rino’s helmet instead of his shoulder said

“Hey don’t blame the music baby, this guy has actually got a great taste in music.”

“Oh shut up Tucker.” Roger said looking forward.

“At least we can agree that Sympathy for the Devil by Guns ‘n’ Roses are good.” Rino said.

“I like Rise against!” Donut said waving at Tucker.

“Oh shut up, everyone knows you hate Metal.” Tucker hissed.

“Yeah....” Donut said lowering his head.

“Hey Rino, wasn’t Sympathy for the Devil done by the Rolling stones?” Tucker asked a bit curious.

“Yes, but the Guns ‘n’ Roses are much better.”

“Eh, can’t complain that much. I’ve never heard them anyhow.” Tucker said as he kept listing to Rino’s music.

Roger was getting frustrated and just decided to be a hypocrite and block them out with some music of her own. Pressing a few buttons on her helmet, she turned on a her music and turned up the volume. As the song Imma try it out by Skrillex came on she gently bobbed her head to the beat.

She was interrupted by Donut tapping on her helmet. She sighed and turned her music down before looking at him. “Yes, Donut?”

“What are you doing?” He asked with curious eyes.

“I am listening to dubstep.” She said before turning the volume up again. They followed Twilight down the halls for about 5 minutes until finally reaching a set of rooms.

“Okay everypony. We are going to have to share rooms because there aren’t enough .” Twilight said while everyone watched her. She failed to notice that the Human Spartans weren’t really paying much attention, due to the music in their helmets.

You could faintly hear a “Hearts on fire” coming from the helmet of Rino. Then you saw Tucker who was clinging to Rino’s helmet bobbing his head. Roger was just gently nodding her head while Donut was actually listening to Twilight.

“Wait so who are we sharing with?” Donut asked. Then almost everyone of the girls said the exact same thing.

“I’m sharing with Rino!”

Roger flinched and pulled out her SMG at the sudden noise and accidentally put a few new holes in the ceiling, although with the silencer all that was heard was a few ticks and some dust falling.

Donut, Tucker, and Rino all just stared at Roger as she turned off her music and turned to Rino. “That’s why you don’t listen to music. Something bad happens.” Roger calmly stated.

Rino just looked up and and said.

“That was a waste of ammo.” With a huge grin behind his helmet.

“Oh shut up swiss cheese.” Roger retorted.

“Hey, Rino... Is this who I think it is?” Tucker asked with curiosity.

“Yes, Its Freddie Mercury and yes I’m listening to ‘Another one bites the dust’.” Rino answered to Tuckers question

“Also weak comeback there Roger.... You dissapoint me.” Rino said slowly shaking his head with disappointment and the fact that Tucker was clinging to his helmet.

“One of these days..... I’m going to kill everyone....” Roger growled clutching a grenade on her belt. Then she walked over to a random door and opened it. “By the way I am taking this room and I guess Donut is my bunk mate.”

Donut smiled and stuck his tongue out at Tucker before Roger walked into the room with him. Then there was a knock on the door to the guest room which apparently had several guest rooms inside of it and Rino was standing inside the first guest room.

Anyhow, Rino noticed that someone knocked on the door because he had lowered the music volume in his helmet so he turned around and walked over, then opened the door, and there was a lone unicorn guard standing there and he was carrying some thing very familiar with his magic.

“Mr. Donut forgot his helmet.” The guard said.

“Oh.... Thank you.” Rino said as he took the helmet in with his hands then closed the door.

“What the fuck am I going to do with this?” He said looking at the pink helmet in his hands.

“Uh, maybe give it to Donut?” Tucker suggested.

Rino just shrugged and was going to walk to Roger’s and Donut’s room but as he turned around he met the eyes of Rainbow Dash.

“The fuck.” He said taking a step back. “Why are you so close?”

“Just admiring the view.” Rainbow said smiling.

“Ooookay.... that’s slightly creepy.” Rino said

“Not only slightly, this is like ‘Mega’ creepy.” Tucker added.

“It’s creepy that I find your mindset to keep fit is admirable?”

“Rainbow? When did you start using big words?” Twilight snickered.

“Shut up Twi!” Rainbow yelled.

“Anyway... How much can you bench?” she said in lower volumed voice.

“720 pounds.” Rino replied a little spooked

Instead of answering Rainbow just dropped to the floor with her mouth agape and wings at full attention.

“S-S-Seven..... H-H-H-Hundred.... T-” She fell backward mumbling incoherently before she could finish anything. She was also twitching a little bit while on the floor.

“Right.... Tucker what just happened?” Rino said as he stepped over Rainbow Dash.

“You made a girl from a different species faint dude.... You suck.” Tucker said with a little venom in his voice.

“Well, not my intention... But whatever works.” Rino said as he was walking to Roger’s door. As he walked away he heard a country accent ask.

“Wha’ happened teh Rainbow?”

Rino just shrugged and looked at Roger’s door room. Right before he got to the door he felt some sort of invisible force stop him. He stood there waiting a few seconds before looking down to see a pink pony with the biggest smile ever.... Of all time.

“HI!” she said as she bounced up to his visor level. Rino just blinked and shook his head once completely forgetting that Tucker was still clinging to his helmet.

“Woah! Woah! Dude! Stop with the shaking!” Tucker Said as he clung on for dear life.

Then a small muffled explosion came from Roger’s room. “DAMN IT DONUT! I TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH MY GRENADE BELT!!”

Rino sighed and looked down to find that the pink pony wans’t there any more. Right as Rino was going to turn the handle of the door he felt some weird weight on his left shoulder.

“What the fuck? How and when did you get up here?” Tucker asked the pink pony.

“How? I jumped, duuuh.” the pink pony said as Rino turned his head left. “So why do you wear that stuff all that time?” She said tapping Tucker’s helmet.

“Wear what stuff?” Both Rino and Tucker asked in unison.

“This stuff!” The one one said pulling off a metal plate off of Rino’s shoulder. “Why do you wear this all this time!”

“What?” Rino was utterly confused. He had never... I mean like never in his whole life had answer why he was wearing armor in the first place.

“Well?” The pink pony said suddenly wearing Donut’s helmet and still holding Rino’s shoulder plate.

“Christ.... uh...” Rino began

“Why we wear the armor? Because it looks awesome and its soft too... on the inside.” Tucker said before adding “Bow chicka bow wow.”

“Did you just ‘bow chicka bow wow’ yourself?” Rino asked.

“Yes... Yes. I. Did.” Tucker said smugly. Rino just shook his head and took his armor plate out of the pink ones hooves and put it back where it belonged. He then looked at her and saw she still was wearing Donut’s helmet. He blinked once and was going to grab it, but as he blinked she somehow had gotten off the helmet and he had it in his hands again.

He looked at the helmet then at the pony, then at the helmet again. He just shrugged and placed a hand on the handle again.

“Wait what’s your name again?” Rino asked before opening the door.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Nice to meetcha!” She said as she hugged his head and Tucker.

“YES FINALLY SOME ACTION!” Tucker yelled out in happiness.

“I don’t think getting hugged is a form of action.” Roger said as she walked up to Rino. She had removed the armor from her left arm and her breastplate as well, revealing a simple black sleeveless shirt.

Both Rino and Tucker did not expect this and got their gaze locked at her breast level. Roger just shook her head and smacked Rino across his head with her right, robotic arm.

“Eyes to the visor dumbasses.” She said putting a hand on her hip.

“Ouch...” Tucker said. “That must have hurt.”

Roger walked up and flicked Tucker’s ear with her right hand. “OW!! Don’t do that! These things are really fucking sensitive.” Tucker whined.

“Eh... Donut’s helmet.” Rino said as he held out Donut’s helmet and said “He forgot it in the throne room I think.”

“Hey my helmet!” Donut said as he bounded over and rammed into Rino’s legs. “Ow.... Do I have to really wear this blindfold?”

“Yes. Be thankful I am at least letting you stay in the same room.” Roger said looking down at Donut, who was currently blindfolded.

Rino sighed, and turned around. “I bet she wanted to bunk with you...” Tucker said from on top of his helmet.

“Can still hear you dipwad.” Roger said. Helping Donut off the ground.

Rino just sighed louder and walked into the room opposite of Roger’s.

“Finally some peace and quiet.” Rino muttered as he walked in to the room.

“What was that?” Tucker asked. “Thought you said something.”

“Aaaaand it’s gone.” Rino said painfully. He pried Tucker of his helmet and threw him down on the couch that were in the room and again sighed then he closed the door that he came through.

“Hey! We got a balcony!” Tucker said as he looked out the balcony door.

Then they heard something get slammed against their door before a groan was heard.

“What the hell?” Rino said as he opened the door. He saw Roger holding one of the royal guards by his chest plate with her robot arm and you could almost feel the anger coming off her.

And for the forth time in a row Rino sighed. “Whats going on here?” he asked.

“THIS FUCKER GRABBED MY ASS.” Roger said tightening her grip and crumpling the guards armor. The guard whimpered a little at the sound of his armor bending.

Rino just turned and faced the wall before repeatedly smashed his head against it. “Why...Did …I …Have …To ...Get …Tele...Ported ....HERE?!” He asked himself.

He then took a step back and looked at the giant crack that was formed in the wall.
Now for the fifth and final time, he sighed.

“Alright here, let me handle him then.” Rino said as he stepped out of his room.

Roger glared at the pony cowering and shaking in her grip and growled before throwing him into Rino’s arms and stomping back into her room. “If he does it again. I am going to stick him with a grenade and throw him out the window.” She calmly, as she could, said and slammed her door.
Rino just lifted him to meet his visor and said “Don’t do it again.” Then gave him a punch to the stomach and threw him out the main door. As Rino was done with that he turned around and prepared to walk back but saw that a chess board was out.

“Hmmm.” He hummed to himself as he was thinking. He walked over to the fridge to see if anything was there and surprise surprise he found a beer. How it had gotten there he had no idea, but he took it any ways, he then picked up the chess board and walked back to his room.

As Rino entered he saw that Tucker was sprawled out on the floor. “How the fuck did I get here?” he asked himself.

“How should I know? I was planing on training then drink this beer.” Rino said as put down the beer and the chess board on the table before he started to take of his arms’ armor.

“Wait they got beer?” Tucker asked “Can you get some more so we can get hammered?”

“I’m pretty sure that they only had one but I can check after my training.” Rino awnsered.

“Wait... You already did one thousand push ups... And sit ups. What are you going to do now? Stand on your hands and push yourself up?” Tucker asked

Rino just looked at Tucker and nodded before going back to taking off his breast plate, once he was done with that. He removed his helmet and placed it on the table before starting up some music, he then proceeded to stand up on two hands. Before slowly lowering himself then push himself back up.

As he continued to work out someone knocked on the door again.

“Rino is busy! Go away!” Tucker yelled over the music. Instead the door opened and Roger walked in before crossing her arms and just shaking her head.

“Really Rino? Hand stand push ups?”

“Hey, I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“Bow chicka bow wow.” Tucker interrupted.

“I swear to god Tucker. Anyway I was just wondering... Do you know if they have any weights here?” Roger said curiously.

“How should I-” Rino huffed a bit “-Know if they have that? Just use Tucker or something.”

Roger looked to Tucker before shaking her head. “No thanks. I’ll use Donut. At least he won’t be sleazy about this.... Actually... I have a better idea.” Roger said walking out of the room with a unsettling skip in her step.

“What the hell? What’s she up too?” Tucker asked from his position on the floor.

“I have no-” Again with the huffing you know ‘cause hes working out.”-Idea.”

Before anyone else could say another word there was a small scream from the hallway.

“The fuck?” Tucker said as Rino did not give much of a fuck and continued working out.

They soon heard Twilight yell from the other side of the door. “ROGER PUT THAT GUARD DOWN!!”

“What the fuck?” Rino said quickly before doing another push up.


‘What is she planing?’ Rino thought to him self.

There was a loud ‘THUMP’ followed by some clanking before Roger opened up their door again. “I found a nice substitute for weights by the way.” She said and then left back to her room.

“Well that was unexpected...” Tucker said as he looked at the door, which was left opened. “Uh Rino... Stop working out please?”

“Why?” Rino asked as he did another push up.

“Because that creepy horse is staring again....” Tucker said as he pointed a hoof at Rainbow Dash, who was drooling at the sight of Rino.

“What?” Rino said as he looked towards Rainbow Dash and when he saw her, his eyes widened.

“Helloooo again. I see your working out again.” She said smiling again.

“Uh yeeeah? Whats it to you.” Rino said as he stopped doing his push ups.

“Just wondering if I could watch.” Rainbow said more as a statement than a question before walking in and sitting down on the couch.

“Uh... Maybe?” Rino said unsure of himself. But continued anyways. A good 30 minutes later Rino was done with his work out and walked over to the table.

“Hey… Rainbow dash was it?” Rino asked.

“Yeah....” Rainbow said without really paying any attention.

“Where can I find a towel?” Rino asked with out checking the bathroom first. Tucker just face-hoofed at this and pointed at the bathroom.

“In there you idiot.” Tucker said shaking his head a bit.

“Oh... Right.” Rino said a little bit embarrased, but quickly shook it off and walked to get a towel to wipe away the sweat. As he entered the bathroom he checked around and saw that the towels were next to the shower so he thought ‘Eh to heck with it I’m going to shower.’

He stepped inside of the shower not caring about removing his leg armor and turned on the shower and stood there with hot water running down his neck. It felt so good that he had to say.

“Sweet Jesus! This feels good.”

He stood in the shower for at least five more minutes before someone decided to sneak up on him.

“Fancy seeing you in here.” A certain rainbow maned pegasus said.

“What?” Rino said as he turned in the shower. As he turned he saw a Rainbow in the doorway with a rather disturbing smile. “Uh... What are you doing?”

“You said I could watch. So I am.” She said with smug tone.

“BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!” Tucker yelled from the bedroom.

“Wow, invasion of privacy right here.” Rino said, “Mind leaving me alone in the shower?”

“No, I’d prefer to stay.” Rainbow responded. She bit her lip although I’m not really sure why.

Rino who thought he was done sighing for the day, all of a sudden had the huge urge to sigh and kick Rainbow in the face. He was close to doing it, but resisted. But he was very close.

He rubbed his temples before turning to back to the shower’s wall leaned against it. He let out a small yawn before looking over his shoulder, and surely Rainbow was still standing there with her wings erect.

Yeah Rino could not fight the urge to sigh, so he sighed. While Rino was sighing, Rainbow had walked over and hopped into the shower with him. The first reaction Rino had was to yell “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” and have a huge horrified expression on his face.

Rainbow winced and splayed her ears a little at his yelling and said. “Calm down big guy!”

“What are you doing?” Rino asked in disbelieve that she would actually do something this bold.

“Helping you wash off. What else?” She said with a smug grin.

“That smug grin of yours is giving me the fucking creeps... Not to mention that you are in the same fucking shower as me and invading my privacy....” Rino said.

“This is a privacy invasion for your kind?” Rainbow asked tilting her head in curiosity. .

“So what? You share showers with strangers?” Rino asked. “That seems fucking weird to me.”

“Pfft of course not, but we aren’t strangers are we?” Rainbow said taking a step forward.

“I barely know you... And I strangely have the biggest urge to kick you right now.” Rino said.

“Oh really? Well I think I may be able to fix that.” Rainbow said taking another step forward.

“Oh come on!? How does Rino get all the chicks!? FROM A DIFFERENT SPECIES TOO!!” Tucker yelled from the bedroom room.

“Yeah fuck this.” Rino said as he quickly turned off the shower and walked past Rainbow dash. “This fucking place is more fucked up than Caboose when he talks to plants.”

“Aw where you going?” Rainbow slightly whined.

“To drink my beer and hopefully not... Punch you in the face...” Rino said a bit annoyed. He walked out with the damp Rainbow following him and right as he stepped out of the bathroom someone walked in.

“Hey guys to you think I co-” Roger began as she walked in and stopped at the sight of Rainbow and Rino stepping out of the bathroom. “Well..... I can see Rino is getting more friendly with the inhabitants.” Rino’s eye twitched before he yelled.


“Riiiight. Well I was coming in here to ask for a towel as my bathroom strangely has none.” Roger said. “Buuuut I can take a shower another time. Enjoy your time with your ‘Friend’.” Then something sparked in Rino’s brain, you could literally see the light bulb go out next to his head.

Since he was standing in the doorway between the toilet and the door out he quickly grabbed Rainbow Dash and ran to the door before pulling Roger in and throwing Rainbow Dash out and locking the door. He then raised his arms in the air and felt victorious, he walked over and picked up his beer and took off the bottlecap and said

“VICTORY BEER!” Then chugged half the bottle. Roger just looked at Rino through her visor and shook her head.

“May I ask what that was all about?” Roger said facepalming at Rino’s reaction.

“Creepy staring, creepy grining, creepy tone of talking, invasion of privacy, more staring?” Rino said a little bit more calm.

“Tucker? Is it just me or can he not tell when someone is flirting with him? Or in this case trying to flirt.” Roger asked the limp pony on the floor.

“Well he is a moron...” Tucker said before thinking a little. “Or he just prefers his women non-pony.” He added with a smug grin.

“Or he is gay.” Roger said smiling behind her helmet. “Would explain a few things.”

What Roger forgot to check was that Rino was standing there and staring at her breasts before reaching out and squeezing one while saying “Honk, Honk.”

Roger stood still for a moment before calmly taking his hand off her chest and letting it drop. “I let the guard live..... And now I am doing this.”

She calmly walked up to Rino before punching his face as hard as she could with her right arm and sending him into a wall. Then walking over to him, pulled him from the wall and broke the door down with his body.

With a unseen frown she stepped over the body of Rino and opened up her door making sure to hit his head with the corner before walking. “Do that again and I will kill you. Slowly.”

And then she slammed the door.

Rino just laid there thinking ‘What? Just happened?

Tucker came crawling and said.

“Man she reminds me of someone called Tex.”

Then roger came out again and picked Tucker up by the collar of his Armor and threw him down the hall. “THAT’S FOR BEING A CREEP!!” she yelled before walking back into her room.

Rino just sat up and looking around. ‘Again.... What? Just happened?

On the other side of door he could he Donut talking. “Um... Roger what’s going on? I still can’t see remember?”

“I kicked Rino’s ass for touching my boobs and threw Tucker down the hall way for being a creep.”

“Awww...And I missed all that?” Donut whined.

“Donut... Your the only one so far that hasn’t pissed me off...” Roger warned.

“Shutting up.” Donut said.

Author's Note:

Ah yes.... This will be my first chapter that's split in two...
I hope you don't hate me for it...
Anyhow... I'm still not that very sure if i made a mistake or not, feel free to point them out. Otherwise I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
P.S : First one to figure the movie reference I made get to say one line that I will implement in the next chapter.