• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,004 Views, 479 Comments

RvB: Friendship... Sucks. - Alphadud

  • ...

Relaxing… .Sucks badly. (2/2)

Chapter 3: Relaxing… .Sucks badly. (2/2)

Rino was sitting in the hallway trying to figure out what had just unfolded.

‘Okay.... list time....
1) I grab Roger’s boob and Honk, honk’d it ....
2) She kicked my ass.....
3) She randomly picked Tucker up and threw him like a football down the hall......
4) She actually got Donut to shut himself up.’ He thought as he sat on the ground.

Rino just sat there looking confused and his cybernetic eye was glowing orange. He looked around and then stood up as he stood up he looked even more confused. He was going to get Tucker, but then we have Rainbow Dash... Who I’m pretty sure would stalk Rino if she got the chance.

So he looked at his door to his room which was on the floor.... He picked it up and leaned it against the wall before walking inside his room and changing in to casual clothes... Which he somehow had brought with him. (The suit’s compartments are rather large actually.)

Once he was done changing into his slacks and a white t-shirt which had a text on it. It read out
“BLUE RULES!” with big blue letters. Rino walked down the hall which Roger had thrown Tucker into.

After a few moments of walking, he saw that a aqua colored pony was sitting with his back leaned against the wall.

“I think she broke my everything, except my head and face surprisingly.” Tucker said quietly.

“Well.... I know one other part that did not break.” Rino said with a grin.

“Wait what?” Tucker said looking at Rino with a confused expression.

“Never mind.” Rino said as he shook his head, he then took Tucker by the collar of his armor and started dragging him back to the guest rooms.

“Ow.... Ow.... My everything ow.” Tucker whined.

“Bah, You will get used to it.” Rino said as he scoffed.

Tucker then looked around and felt something detach from his leg.

“Hey Rino stop!” Tucker said.

“Huh?” Rino said as he stopped and dropped Tucker.

“Ow....” Tucker muttered as he crawled back a bit before exclaiming “Oh sweet! I got my sword with me!” he jabbed a hoof at it before remembering “Ah fuck... How am I supposed to hold it?”

Tucker nudged the sword’s handle before it randomly stuck to the button of his hoof. “Ah! What the fuck!?” Tucker yelled as the sword activated and shot out.

“What the fuck? Where did you get that?” Rino asked a he looked curiously at the sword.

“Eh... Long story.” Tucker said as he waved the sword around a bit and accidentally slicing into a wall. “Uh... Whoops?” Tucker said sheepishly.

“That was there when we got here.” Rino said as he picked up Tucker again. “Wasn’t it?”

“Uh... Yeah.” Tucker said as he deactivated his sword somehow and stuck it back on his leg. “Okay that is kinda freaky... But whatever. It works.”

Rino remained silent as he dragged Tucker back to their guest room after a few short moments they came back to it and the door, had some how been fixed.

“Alright we are here.” Rino said as he opened the door and walked in with Tucker. He then put him down on the couch and went out in to the hall again. He quietly walked down the hall for reasons unknown before reaching the fridge, where he committed the sacred art of fridge raiding.

After a few minutes of rummaging around, he had actually found around ten beers. He had taken all of them and walked back to Tucker and his room. When he got back he stepped through the door with style and said.

“Time to get hammered.” with a huge smirk.

“Hell yeah!” Tucker said throwing a hoof in the air.

He then put down all the beers on the coffee table before unfolding the chessboard on it too.

“Hey hand me a beer!” Tucker said from his seat on the couch. Rino just took a beer and gave it to him, and he some how held it with one hoof.

Rino just shook his head and opened a beer of his own before setting up the chess pieces.

“Why are you setting up a chessboard with pieces?” Tucker asked.

“So we can play.” Rino deadpanned.

“And you expect me to able to play?” Tucker said tilting his head at Rino before taking a chug of his beer.
“If its for ten grand, then yes. I’m pretty sure you would play then” Rino said with a grin.

“Yeah, n- Wait did you say ten grand?” Tucker asked Rino who just nodded “Hell yeah I’m game.”


(Thirty minutes later)

Roger was still in her room attempting to cool off from Rino’s little ‘joke’. She had finished taking off the rest of her armor, revealing a simple set of jeans and s sleeveless black shirt. After she had gotten her armor off and set somewhere safe, she had taken Donut’s blindfold off and threatened to beat him if her stared or tried anything.

“Finally I can see...” Donut said rubbing his eyes and looking to Roger. She had taken off her helmet finally showing her face.

She was a brunet with a set a ash grey eyes. Her hair was about shoulder length and was completely loose.

“Donut what did I say about staring?” Roger warned.

“B-But... You look so pretty.” Donut said whimpering slightly.

“Well thank you!... But seriously, stop staring.” Roger said before walking back to her armor. She stopped and knelt down before grabbing her grenade belt and picking it up. Carefully pulling one a grenade off, she made sure not to pull the pin and inspected it before going to her helmet and playing the song Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold.

At the drums kicked it Roger tossed the grenade in the air before smacking it back up on it’s decent with the side of her foot. Donut flinched involuntarily as the grenade came back down.

“What are you doing!? That’s dangerous!!” Donut said scooting back a little.

“Not if the pin isn’t removed! Besides I have nothing else to hacky-sack. I left my little bean bag back at Red base.” Roger said she kicked the grenade back into the air. After a few more minutes of continuous girly shrieks from Donut when ever the grenade would hit the ground when she messed up and the constant interrupting from Donut when ever she would try again, Roger finally stopped and put the grenade back on her belt before slumping into a chair next to the door.

“Thank you for stopping that.” Donut said as he placed a hoof over his heart which was attempting to pound it’s way out of his chest. Roger just sighed and used her left hand to gently rub the side of her head.

“I swear this place is going to kill me with boredom.” Roger said.

“Oh don’t be like that! I am sure there is something you can do!” Donut said trying to calm himself down and attempting to cheer up Roger. Roger just shook her head, before getting up and turning off her music in her helmet.

“Like what?” Roger said walking back to her chair. Donut smiled and raised his non-broken hoof.

“You could.... Talk to those ponies outside and see if there is something to do.” Donut said. Roger shook her head.

“No thanks. The only thing I think there is to do around here is either train or.... Well nothing else.” Roger said sighing a little bit.

“Well I don’t know about you but...” Then Donut realized something. He looked down and then back up. “... Hey Roger? Could you possibly help me get this armor off?”

Roger stared at Donut for a moment before saying. “On a few conditions. One: If you make any sort of move on me, I am throwing you out that window. Two: If you bitch too much I am going to beat tucker with your body. Three: When I finish helping you don’t come crying to put it back on in half an hour. Got it?”

Donut nodded before Roger got up and walked over to him. She sat on the bed and turned Donut to face her. “Alright let’s se-... Donut... You’re staring again.” Roger deadpanned.

Then before she could do anything else she heard a yell from outside her room.

“YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” Tucker yelled from somewhere.

“And now I have to go see what dumbass one and dumbass two have gotten themselves into...” Roger shook her head and got up again, much to Donut’s displeasure.

“But this armor smells! And is itchy now!” He whined. Roger just chuckled and said ‘Deal with it’ before going over and knocking on Rino’s door.

“WHAT THE FUCK?! There is no way you can do that!” Rino yelled

“HELL YES I CAN DO IT! Because I just did!” Tucker yelled back. “Wait, did someone knock on the door?”

“I don’t know.... If someone knocked.... The door is open.... Oh and if its Rainbow, STAY THE FUCK AWAY PLEASE.” Rino said.

Roger snickered at Rino’s words and opened the door. She walked in and saw something that was rather strange, considering what she knew about the Blues. Tucker and Rino were just playing chess. ‘Chess.... That is what they are yelling about?’ Roger though then she saw the beer bottles that were standing on the table.

“What the hell are you guys doing and where did you get beer?” Roger asked.

“Well, We are playing chess and drinking beer.” Rino said as he held up a open bottle. “Cheers.”

“No shit, did you forget that your helmet is blaring music too?” Tucker said as he looked at Rino.

Tucker had taken off his helmet to drink with Rino.

“Are you guys drunk?” Roger said pointing to the two babbling Blues. “Cause I am not going to be responsible for you two when your asses are kicked out of here for doing something stupid.”

“I’ll just blame it on you.” Rino said before taking a chug of his beer.

“That’s smart... Why didn’t I think of blaming everything on Donut?” Tucker asked himself before somehow grabbing his beer bottle and taking a chug all with one hoof.

“Yeah, I am just going to ignore the fact that Tucker is somehow breaking the laws of physics by doing that and tell you two... That if I end up getting pulled from a warm bed in the middle of the night because of something you have done.... I am going to make Rino eat Tucker. Alive.” Roger threatened. “You don’t want that do you?”

“Bow chicka bow woooo- wait. That’s gay. In loads too...”

“Bow chicka bow wow.” Roger said smirking before turning to leave.

“Hey fuck you bitch! That’s my line.”

“Shes probably still pissed off that I grabbed her boob.” Rino said. “But hey not my fault it looked like it wanted to get honk’d.”

Roger held up her hand and flipped off the two before walking over and flipping the chess board. “How’s that for a ‘fuck you’?”

“What the hell! I had ten grand on this game!” Tucker said.

“Well now it’s a draw.” Roger said smirking at Tucker. “Now I am leaving before I get dragged into something that will inevitably end bad.”

“Psst, hey Tucker. Grab her ass.” Rino whispered to Tucker.

“Are you trying to get me killed?” Tucker whispered back. Instead of getting a answer Rino grabbed Tucker’s fore-hoof and Steered it in the direction of Rogers ass who had turned to leave. After a few short milliseconds it connected, Rino quickly let go of Tucker’s hoof and retracted his hand.

Roger stopped dead in her tracks before slowly turning to see what Tucker was doing. “Tucker?....”

Tucker just looked at Rino then at Roger. “What the fuck man.”

“I am going to kill you.” Roger finished before whipping around and grabbing Tucker by the collar of his armor and lobbing him through the door of their guest room like he was a baseball. Then she turned to Rino. “By the way. I heard everything. Your getting hurt too.”

Rino just sat there with a huge grin on his face. “That’s the second time you broke down our door. Keep this up and we will get thrown out.”

“Worth it.” Roger said before grinning sadistically. She grabbed Rino’s shirt and threw him at Tucker.

Somehow, Rino still held his beer bottle up straight. Not a single drop of beer had been spilled.

“That was close.” Rino said as he stood up.

Roger walked over and smacked the beer out of his hand before punching Rino through her guest room’s door and scaring the unholy crap out of Donut. Then turning to Tucker she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him down the hall, waving as she past the ponies she met earlier.

“Owowowowowowow! Not the ears!!” Tucker whined.

“Shut up.” Roger said before lifting him, but before she could do anything she felt her self get spun around to meet the eyes of Rino. Then she felt something connect with her stomach, she lost all the air she had in her lungs for a moment before falling down to her knees and dropping Tucker.

“You broke my fucking beer and it was still half full.” Rino growled.

“You made Tucker grab my ass. I’d say were even.” Roger said before using her robotic arm and smashing he fist into his right leg and giving him one hell of a charlie horse. “Now at least.”

Rino just stared at Roger for a while before saying. “I never noticed that you had taken off your helmet.”

“Really? I was literally looking at you for 5 minutes until Tucker was too weak to resist you.” Roger said finally getting up holding a hand over her stomach. “You pack one hell of a punch by the way.”

“You were? I can’t seem to remember that time...” Rino said.

“That is because you're drunk Rino. You're drunk.” Roger said patting the side of his face with her right hand. “Please throw Tucker out the door while I walk this off.”

“Eh... Noooo, You know. You look really pretty when the room is spining.” Rino said.

“Well thanks... Would be more flattering if you weren’t shit-faced. The charlie horse will kick in when you begin to move.” Roger said walking away.

“I’m pretty sure that it’s the head trauma...” Rino said as he grabbed his head he held his hand there for a few second before feeling some warm liquid against his hand.

“Oh great, I’m bleeding. Bah it’s only a flesh wound.” Rino said before picking up Tucker.

“Do you need some bandages?” Roger said looking over her shoulder. “I am sure that nurse pony is somewhere nearby.”

“Uh, sure... Hmm I wonder.... How many grenades do you got left Roger?” Rino asked.

Roger smiled a large smile. “Many Rino. Many. More than I bothered to count.” She said as she stood up a bit straighter and coughed. “Why do you ask?”

Rino just looked up at the ceiling, before looking at Roger again. “I was planning on going on a fishing trip at late midnight.... I saw a pond in a park not far from here.... It was filled with fish.”

“Don’t you think that is a bad idea? I mean those might be ‘royal’ fish.” Roger said walking back to her door which had been somehow fixed.

“Bah! If they have fish, its ment to be fished! And besides, can’t you follow? I’d like some company. Aside from Tucker.... And all the other ponies.” Rino said abit awkwardly.

“Oooh. Do I hear admiration coming from the great Rino? I am honored!” Roger said with a dramatic tone before opening up her door to see a cowering Donut under the bed. “Maybe Rino. Maybe. Stop being drunk and then ask me.”

With that final word she walked into her room and gently closed her door. Walking over she pulled Donut out of his hiding spot which he promptly grabbed her waist shaking like a leaf.

“G-g-ga-a-int m-man b-b-broke t-the d-door down.” Donut stuttered. Roger looked down at Donut before prying him off and putting him on the bed and laying down herself.

“I am going to sleep Donut. Try anything and I will make giant man come back.” Roger said before yawning. Donut just curled up and laid next to Roger before passing out from stress.


(Five minutes prior to Midnight)

It had been almost two hours after Tucker and Rino had gotten their chessboard flipped and had nothing else to do. So Tucker decided to take a drunken nap.

Now Rino had no one to talk to, nor drink with and most of the booze that he had in his system were to low for him to get a proper buzz on. He currently was sitting on the couch, and looking at the table.

“What to do? What to do?” Rino asked him self quietly. He then looked to his left and saw that Tucker was sprawled out on the bed with his armor on. He sighed and stood up, he then looked at the balcony. He walked up to it and opened the door quietly. He was immediately met with the cold night air when he stepped out on the balcony.

He looked up in the sky and saw that the stars were out and there was a full moon. He then looked out toward the glimmering city of Canterlot. Of course he had no idea what the city was called since he had listened to music instead of listening to the ponies and Roger ramble on.

He sighed and leaned at the hand rail. He was so damn bored that he could actually think about jumping over the rail to see if he could fly, but he decided against it since he left the last untouched beer in the room. He walked inside and saw that Tucker was now on the floor instead of the bed.

“What?” Rino asked himself out loud before shaking his head and walking over to the table, picking up the beer. He then sighed and shrugged before quietly walking over to his door and opening it. He quietly stepped out and closed the door.

He looked at Roger’s room door and walked over to it. He looked at the handle before thinking.

Should I? I’m not sure I mean... This might look like I’m trying to get her laid or something... Christ what the fuck am I thinking?’ He grabbed the handle but didn’t turn it. ‘Ah to hell with it.’

He turned the handle, opened the door and realized. ‘Shit... I forgot to knock...’

“Hello?... Who is there?” Roger asked sitting up in her bed.

“Uh... Me.” Rino said quietly.

“Oh... What do you want?” Roger said laying back down.

“I was wondering... Uh.” Rino said awkwardly before coughing a bit. “I can’t sleep and I was wondering if you um... wanted to take a walk with me?” He said before awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

“What?” Roger said sitting up and looking to Rino. “Why is your eye pink?”

“H-Huh it is?” Rino said embarrassed. “Damn it... I’ll just leave now.”

“Nah it’s alright. I’ll come with... Just let me get up.” Roger said stretching before standing up and walking over to her armor and grabbed her grenade belt. “Always be prepared right? Okay let’s go.”

She walked over and gently pushed Rino out the door and gently closed it. “So... Where to big guy?”

“Uh... this way.” Rino said as he turned and walked to the main door, before quietly opening it and looking out. He looked left and right before stepping out. “Come on.” he said quietly motioning Roger to follow him.

She followed him out the door and just sighed. “I don’t think we have to be very quiet. You know why?”

“Uh no?” Rino asked.

Roger just smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder before they both began to disappear from view. “That’s why. Active camo rules.” Roger said smiling. “Now lead the way.”

Rino turned and was going to walk away but Roger grabbed his hand before that.

“This again?” Rino asked.

“Hey it’s easier. Besides I’d rather not get caught by those guards. I am not exactly on speaking terms with them.” Roger said snickering.

Rino just shrugged and smiled a bit before quietly, even though Roger said that they could be louder. Running down the hallway. After weaving through a maze of hallways they found themselves at main room. You know the room you enter in?

Anyhow as they got there Roger asked Rino something.

“How did you know where this room were?” she asked a bit curious

“A man has got to know the way to freedom. Its in his instincts.” Rino said dramatically.

“Or we could just do this...” Roger said pulling Rino over to a nearby window. Then she began to pick up a little speed and jumped through the window with Rino in tow. “GERONIMO!!”

They both crashed through the window and rolled on the ground before standing up.

“Well.... That works too.” Rino said as he tilted his head with a huge grin on his face. “This way.” Rino said as he motioned Roger to follow him for the second time.

“I am holding your hand... You don’t need to continually give me hand gestures.” Roger deadpanned before grinning.

Rino’s eye switched from being blue to pink before quickly switching back. He then led her through the court yard which happened to have a lot of weird statues in it. Roger pointed to one in particular and whispered.

“Hey look at that mix and matched one!” She pointed over to the discord statue.

“Hmm? What...” Rino gave out a quiet chuckle before asking “What do you think it is?”

“Well there is a plate on the base of the statue.” Roger said poiting to it. “Come on! Let’s go see what he is!”

“Sure.” Rino said as the walked over to it. They read the plate which were on the statue.

“Hmmm.” Roger hummed. “Lord of chaos huh? Welp, what better offering than one of these?”

Roger carefully took a grenade off her belt and put it on the pedestal Discord was frozen on. “Good on ya, mate.” Roger said before smiling.

Rino looked at the beer in his left hand and was thinking how it was not broken before looking up and saw Roger looking at him curiously.

“What are you doing?” Roger asked.

“H-Huh?” Rino said as he hid the bottle behind his back. “I’m just thinking of how pre-” he coughed a bit. “How pretty you are in the moonlight.” He said awkwardly

“Oh really?” Roger said nudging him a bit. “Are you sure that’s not the booze talking?”

“Y-yeah... I’m pretty sure...” Rino said looking away from her because the awkwardness were killing him.

“Well thanks then. Your not that bad to look at either.” Roger said smiling.

Rino grinned and started walking toward the main gate dragging Roger with him. Roger just went along with it, although she could of sworn she heard that statue snicker as she was dragged off.

When they got to the main gate Roger asked

“How were you planning on getting through this? Blowing it up?” She said looking at the huge steel gate. Rino just shook his head and pointed to a lever that had a sign above it that read out ‘Open gate’

“Well that’s convenient. And kinda stupid.” Roger said thinking over why they would just have a lever to open some massive gates.

“Eh... What ever works for them, works for them.” Rino said as he flashed a toothy grin before trying to make Roger let go of his hand. “Uh mind letting me go quickly?”

“Hmm? Oh sure sure.” Roger said letting go and Rino’s camo faded him back into sight while Roger was still invisible.

Rino quietly walked over to the lever before looking around and pulling it. It took a few seconds before the gate started moving. All of a sudden it started screeching.

“Ow... They really need to oil the hinges.” Rino said as he held a hand up to his ear. Roger just smiled and walked through the gate. Then she whispered.

“You might want to hurry through.... I hear a pegasus coming.”

Rino’s eyes widened at Rogers words before he ran through the gates and passed Roger.

“Hey Rino! Get back here!” Roger said running over and tackling him. As they both landed on the ground the active camo cloaked them both as the pegasus landed a few feet away.

“What made this impudent noise? Whom disturbed our nightly flight of our night sky?” Rino and Roger heard someone say. Roger leaned down and whispered.

“Don’t. Make. A. Sound.”

Rino just laid there on the ground with Roger on top of him.

“BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!” Tucker yelled from the guest room. Roger flinched causing the camo to blink for a second before whisper yelling.

“Does that little creep have a sixth sense or something!?”

“Uh... Maybe?” Rino whispered his thoughts were though disoriented but one thought kept coming back ‘The sexual tension is killing me!... Wait no... BAD BRAIN. BAD!

“Humph! I guess the ruffiains left.” The pegasus said before the sound of wings flapping was heard. After the sound receeded into the night air, Roger got up and helped pick Rino up.

“What was up with that pony’s speech?” Roger asked dusting herself off.

“Must be some sort of... Noble?” Rino guessed. “Or she just have some problems speaking.”

Roger just shrugged before turning off her camo so Rino could see her evil grin. “Now when can we blow stuff up?”

Rino grinned and said.“Soon enough.”

As he turned and walked towards where he saw the pond... Or lake... Now he can’t remember.

“You forgot was it was didn’t you?” Roger said sighing.

“Eh.... No.” Rino said with a unconvincing tone.

“Riiiight.... It’s over there by the way.” Roger said pointing to the pond a few yards away.

“Right I knew that... Just got a bit turned around that’s all.” Rino said as he turned around and walked the way Roger pointed. They walked for about a minute until the pond was in clear view. The funny part was it was on the border for being a small lake.

“Welp.” Roger clapped her hands together and pulled off a grenade before tossing it over to Rino and smiling. “Your up.”

“Wait... I’ve got to ask.” Rino said as he catched the grenade. “What’s up with you and holding my hand? I mean we still are on different teams, just a few hours ago you were trying to kill me.”

Roger thought about it for a second before pulling her own grenade off her belt. “Well.... I guess when we aren’t in situations were we are trying to murder each other, I just kind of forget about the bad things and focus on the good.” She pulled the pin of the grenade and tossed it into the water. “Fire in the hole.”

Then the grenade went off and fish, well bits of fish, rained from the sky while Roger cackled like a maniac.

“Well.... That was deep... By the way you suck on throwing.” Rino said as he pulled the pin and pitched the grenade as a baseball. When it struck the water surface it skipped not once, but twice before landing in the water and sinking a bit then it went off.

Roger once again laughed like a crazy person and then pulled off another grenade. “You think that was throwing? I will show you throwing!”

“Oh! But I’m using this.” Rino said as he flexed his right arm. “And you use cybernetics a bit unfair if you ask me.”

“Who needs a robot arm?” Roger smirked. She pulled the pin and tossed it into her left arm and threw it causing it to skip rapidly across the water before hit the middle of the pond/small lake and exploding. “I had lots of practice while I was getting this replacement.” She smirked and patted her robotic arm.

Rino nodded before picking up a stone with his right arm then saying “Gimmie a grenade.”

Roger looked at him curiously and putting another grenade in his hand. “What are you up to?”

Rino stood there weighing the rock and the grenade before handing back the grenade. “Watch this. See that building over there on the other side.” Rino said as he pointed at a building. Roger nodded. “Now check this.”

Rino backed up a bit before pitching the rock like a baseball. It wizzed by Roger almost like a bullet before a few seconds later embedded it self in the wall of the building.

“Nice.... Very nice.” Roger said clapping. “But I think I have one better.”

Roger pulled off a frag grenade before pulling out another grenade, only this one was blue. Roger tossed Rino the frag grenade before saying. “Toss this in the air. Not to high or else the grenade will go off too soon.”

Rino just nodded and threw it Just a few centimeters above his head and backing up a bit. Roger deadpanned and looked at him before picking up the grenade. “Smart ass. Higher than that. And pull the pin please.” then she handed over the grenade again.

Rino just smirked and nodded. He then pulled the pin and threw it a few yards in the air before backing up. Roger nodded a ‘thank you’ before pressing a button on the blue grenade and lobbing it directly at the other grenade. The blue grenade had a fizzing blue glow around it and met near the frag grenade before going off causing something close to a firework to happen.

Roger yelled out loudly and jumped in that air, fist pumping the enter time. “Yes! It worked! It worked!! Yesyesyes!” Roger said giddily

“Explosive enthusiastic much?” Rino asked

“More then you’ll ever know hot stuff. Now what else is there to do?” Roger asked.

“Well... We could buy some beer or something.... Or we could blow up a fountian....” Rino said as he was thinking “I did not plan this far ahead...”

“Well we can’t buy anything because we don’t have any bits.... And I am pretty sure Celestia would get pissed if we blew up her fountain. It’s bad enough we are killing her fish.” Roger said.

Rino stood there in though before saying. “We could steal...” with a big grin on his face.

“With what disguises?” Roger deadpanned.

“Walk in, Camo, sneak out.” Rino explained.

Roger put a hand on her chin in thought and then sighed. “Fine. But if we get caught, I am punching you in the crotch. With my robot arm.” Roger threatened.

“Ahh! There is the old Red hostility!” Rino said with opened arms.

“And there is the old Blue stupidity.” Roger said grinning. Rino then chuckled and looked around and saw a store open not far away for where they were standing.

“Let’s go get some snacks.” Rino said

“Hope they have something close to Doritos.” Roger said following him. “Wait... Let me get the camo in place.”

Roger pressed a few buttons on her arm and the Camo activated before she waled next to Rino and grabbed his hand again. “Alright lets go.”

“Okay....” Rino said as they walked towards the store and when they got close they saw that the store name was Seven eleven.... Except it was Twenty-four instead of eleven.

“Huh, who would have thought that they had a Seven eleven here.... or Twenty-four Seven.” Rino said.

“Damned pony variations. Shall we go now? I am hungry.” Roger said.

“Sure, let’s rob these suckers blind!” Rino said with a toothy grin.


(Thirty minutes later)

Both Rino and Roger were walking back happily to the castle. Both of them had managed to steal what they wanted.

“Can’t believe they actually had booze there.” Rino said happily

“Or something close to Doritos! And Twinkies!” Roger said happily opening a bag that held all their ‘procured’ food items. “Wait.... Should we have gotten something for Donut and Tucker?”

“I already did.” Rino said as he picked up a Toy for Donut. “I’m sure he will love this.”

“Considering him.... Yeah. He will go nuts.” Roger chuckled. “What about Tucker? Dear god don’t tell me you grab him a play boy or something like that.”

“Uh.... Don’t look in the bag?” Rino said as he looked down at the bag. Roger just shook her head and patted Rino on the back.

“At least you were thinking of him.... I guess.” Roger said hesitantly.

“Don’t think I forgot you.” Rino said as he pulled a flower bouquet from behind his back and held it in front of her. The flowers were red roses.

“Awww. You flatter me good sir! Keep this up and I just might think you like me Rino.” Roger said as she took the flowers.

Rino just let out a chuckle and said “Oh... B-but I do like you.” with some hesitation

“Oh really?” Roger said grinning at his nervousness. “Like how much?”

“Uh... Extremely much? I-I mean, we might be on different teams but that dosen’t keep me from liking you...” he said a bit more quiet.

“Okay may I take this moment to say that reminds me of a old earth play.... Oh what was it.” Roger stopped in her tracks. “Romeo and Juliet! That was it! Same thing happened in that story and it ended well!” Roger smiled at Rino before frowning. “Wait... No they died.”

“Don’t we all in the end?” Rino asked himself before holding up a hand in the air. “To die or not to die? That’s the question.”

“Cliche!” Roger said in a singsong voice and nudging Rino.

“Heh, well we should get a move on before we get spotted.” Rino said what they failed to notice was that they were back at the castle entrance... No not the main gate, but where you enter the castle.

“Yeah yeah.... Um.... How do we get back in?” Roger said looking at the large window that they had crashed through. “Or do we use the back door?”

“Back door maybe? It might be closer to our guest rooms... Wait they are still like a few levels up... Nevermind.” Rino said.

“Hmm.... If I had my armor I would do a grenade jump, but....” Roger said as she watched Rino walk up to the door and grab the handle. “Do you really expect the door to be un-”

She got interrupted by Rino opening the door. “Huh, will you look at that... It’s unlocked.” he said with surprise in his voice.

Roger just facepalmed. “These ponies are WAY to trusting.”

She ran up to Rino and walked in with him before closing the door. “Now what? We have no idea where are rooms are.”

“Wait... I thought you listened to where they where?” Rino asked.

“I did.... From the throne room. This is the front door.” Roger explained. “Get me to the throne room then yes, I can get us back.”

“Oh, alright this way.” Rino said as he ran of in a direction. “Are you coming?”

“Bow chicka bow wow!” Echoed through the halls as Rino finished speaking.

“Right.... Yes I am.” Roger said running over to Rino. “Now let’s get going before a guard finds us.”

“Right.” Rino said as ran ahead of Roger. After a few minutes they reached the throne room.

“Alright.... You lead the way from here” Rino said as he motioned her to go on.

“Okay. Come on!” Roger said. She quietly ran down the hall and after a few turns they arrived at the guest room. “See? I told you I could find it.”

“I know you could...” Rino said before giving her a light hug. “Now I will grab the booze and put it in the fridge and you can stash your snacks some where.”

“Like my armor’s compartments?” Roger said. “And when did you get all touchy-feely?”

Rino just shrugged and opened the door quietly and peeked inside to find no one awake. “Alright the coast is clear.” he whispered before quietly going inside. Roger nodded and followed in. They walked down the halls and finally got back to their rooms.

“Alright night Rino...” Roger said winking at Rino before walking into her room and closing the door silently.

“Night...” Rino said as he quietly entered his and Tuckers room before realizing.

“Wait she still has my booze.”

Author's Note:

Alright, Pinkies imagination Is now pre-reading for me. From this chapter.

I've made sure that I have little to no grammar mistakes. But, if you find them do feel free to send them. I hope you enjoyed tha chapter.
P.S: I dun goofed on the Movie referance thingy in the last chapter, I really ment the episode. But oh well... I was spoofing "Bow chicka honk honk" from Junior in episode 94 from RvB.