• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,004 Views, 479 Comments

RvB: Friendship... Sucks. - Alphadud

  • ...

Still have no name... Which Sucks badly. (1/2)

RvB Chapter 11(1/2); Still have no name... Which Sucks badly.

Church woke up to a rainbow mane and something laying on his chest. He barely was able to keep his head up because the way he felt, I mean after being a robot for so long, he hadn’t had sex in a really long time. So having his release after that long a time, made him feel... Its hard to describe, but here in the manly way, try not to fap for two weeks then fap. IT FEELS AMAZING.

This fiction was rated teen, so go fuck yourselves if you think this is supposed to be mature.

He laid there with a small smile, because you know sex, and thought of how it wasn’t so bad to be laying in the bed with a woma- mare on top of him. He sighed happily before he rested his head back down on the pillow. The moment was perfect. Nothing could ruin i-

“CHURCH GOT LAID!?” Tucker shouted from the other side of the wall. “That is total bullshit!”

“Well... FUUUUCK YOU TUUUUUUCKER!” Rino yelled through a laugh.

“Ditto!” Roger shouted happily. “Congrats by the way, Church!”

“Well.... Thanks?” Church shouted back.

“Yes!... Snuggle snuggle...” Roger said.

“What the fuck? Stop that!” Rino said a bit annoyed.

“Hey, if I can’t poke your belly, then I get to nuzzle and snuggle you!” Roger huffed. Rino just sighed and looked at Roger.

“Good reasoning.” He said sarcastically.

“Yes, now get back over here so I can snuggle you to death.” Roger said opening her arms. Rino just crossed his arms and pouted.

“No.” He said stubbornly.

“Pwease?” Roger said giving her best puppy dog eyes.

“No.” He said stubbornly again, looking away to spare himself from the torment. He looked back to see Roger had a few small tears in her eyes and her bottom lip was slightly quivering. Rino just.... Just sat there with a giant.... stoic face.

“Now thats just cheating on a major level.” He muttered as he scooted over to her. Roger smiled happily and hugged him before snuggling him some more.

“Yay!” She said quietly as she nuzzled into his mane. “And it’s not cheating. You’re just weak willed when it comes to my incredibly OP puppy dog eyes.”

“Taunt is OP.” Rino muttered, before giving Roger a small kiss.

“Yay!” Roger said as she snuggled into Rino a bit more.

“Whatever.” Rino said as he hugged Roger, and back at Church’s room, Rainbow was stirring a bit.

“Oh man... Yeah, that.... Was tiresome.” Church said sighing and yawning a bit.

“Such the flatter.” Rainbow said snickering.

“Oh morning.” Church said looking at Rainbow.

“What no kiss?” She asked playfully. Church just rolled his eyes. “Oh come oooooon!”

“Fine fine, come here.” Church said looking at Rainbow Dash, then giving her a kiss. She smiled widely and laid back down on his chest before giving a content sigh.

“Your awesome.” She said happily.

“And tired too... And yes, you are awesome too.” Church said as he heard a small squee from under his chin. “Did you just....”

“Maybe...” Rainbow said quickly. “It’s a possibility.”

“Right, first time I heard a girl squee, and probably the last.” Church said as he heard one more from outside.

“YOUR MANE IS SO SOFT!” Roger shouted in glee as she squee’d.

“Right.” Church said as he cringed from the tone. “You are like really close, no need to shout.”

“BUT IT’S SOOOOOOOOOO SOFT!” Roger shouted back. Church just folded back his ears and groaned.

“Damn it woman, I’m trying to sleep here... Or well kinda sleep.” Church said.

“Sorry!” Roger whispered as she peeked her head through the door then closed the door and went back to snuggle Rino some more.

“Fucking shit... This coffee! Aaah!” Washington said as he walked past the room.

“HA!” Grif laughed.

“What?! It’s not my fault this shit is hot!” Wash yelled out.

“Like the sex I am not getting behind that door!” Tucker shouted.

“Ha... Ha... Ha... You're fucking stupid.” Wash said, walking past the guys.

“Oh go blow yourself.” Tucker said.

“WOULD EVERYONE JUST KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP?!” Church yelled out really annoyed.

Then all was quiet.

“Thank god.” Church muttered quietly.

“And that is why you are awesome.” Rainbow said snuggling into his chest a bit more. “You can get things done.... On more ways than one.”

“Heh... Guess I can.” Church said as he leaned back and sunk back into his bed.

“Why are you always so glum looking?” Rainbow asked as she got herself comfortable.

“... A lot of bad things have happen to me, not very much to look up to.” Church said grimly.

“Well, I will be here to help you have good times from now on, alright?” Rainbow said as she began to fall asleep on Church’s chest. Church just sighed softly and smiled a little.

“Whatever you say Skittles.” He said before nuzzling her slightly. She let out a happy sigh and opened her wings before wrapping them around the two of them, effectively making a large blanket of warmth. Church just wrapped his arms around her and after a few minutes they fell asleep in each other’s arms.



The two new lovebirds along with everyone else who were asleep was awoken by a loud sharp whistle from the front of the train.

“Next stop! Ponyville! Get your belongings ready, because we aren’t stopping so you have to jump out as we spe-... Wait we are stopping, nevermind me!.” One of the conductor’s yelled.

“Oh man... are we already there?” Rino complained as he walked past Church and Rainbow’s room.

“Apparently...” Wash said as he was munching on something. “God damn this thing is awesome.”

“Snuggle attack!” Roger yelled as she pounced onto Rino’s back and began to snuggle into his mane again. “Snuggle snuggle.”

“God damn it... Just when I thought I was homefree.” Rino complained.

“Don’t complain... At least you get some action.” Tucker said sadly.

“Snuggling doesn’t count as action.” Roger said as she laid down on Rino’s back and stopped her snuggle attack.

“Need some help?” Wash said as he munched away, on a sandwich. “God damn this thing tastes great.”

“Eh... Better not help... Shes like... Cookie monster, she will just snuggle you to death too.” Rino said. Roger reached over and took a bite of Wash’s sandwich. Just because she could.

“Nom.” Roger mumbled as she chewed her food.

“Eh..... My sandwich suddenly is missing a huge piece....” Wash said sadly.

“Tasty.” Roger said happily as she swallowed her food then she put a hoof to her chin. “Where did you get that sandwich?”

“Huh?” Wash asked as he took another bite of his sandwich. “What do you mean? There was a food car down that hallway.”

“Oh really?” Roger said. “Hmmm... Rino could we go to the foo-”

“Nope.” Rino said sternly.

“Aaawww... Nom?” Roger said as she looked to Wash.

“No.” Wash said shielding his sandwich.

“Aww... I haz a sad nao.” Roger said laying her head onto of Rino’s. Then she looked over to Wash before she lifted herself and jumped onto Wash’s back. “YAH! Snuggle attack!”

“Woah!” Wash said almost losing balance. “Oh, that was unexpected.”

“Hey asshole! If I don’t get to sleep you don’t either!” Grif yelled as he banged on Church’s room door.

“FUCK YOU!” A feminine voice said.

“When did Church become feminine?” Grif asked to the group.

“I’m Rainbow ya jerk!” Rainbow shouted. Grif just gasped, which was kinda weird since well. He don’t really do anything.

“Do we suddenly have a flamboyant female Church on our hands?” Roger asked looking down at Wash.

“I have no idea, nor do I want one.” Grif said as he quickly walked away from the door, a few minutes later Church came out yawning.

“Oh man, I’m still fucking tired.” He muttered as he walked up to the group. Rainbow walked out too and stretched her wings and hooves out like she was a winged cat. When she finished she sighed happily and nuzzled Church.

“Woah... When did that happen?” Donut asked.

“Wha-...? Huh?” Church asked as he was really tired.

“Soo... You two a couple now?” Donut asked smiling and pointing between Church and Rainbow.

“What the fuck are you talking about Donut? Shut the fuck up.” Church said tiredly.

“I’m wondering that too.” Roger said from Wash’s back. “You two going steady now or something?”

“What’s it to you bit-” Rainbow began.

“Really? You want to do this? Right here and now?” Roger said annoyed. They glared at each other for a moment before Rainbow sighed.

“No not really...” She said.

“That’s what I thought. Now come on let’s go get some food!” Roger said happily.

“No, I’m not taking you back there.” Wash said.

“Aaawww... Come oooooon Wash!” Roger said bouncing on his back a little.

“Mmmmm.... No.” Wash said firmly.

“Pweeeease?” Roger pleaded.

“Nope, you can eat later.”

“But I am hungry nooooooow!” Roger said whining a little.

“Later, my sis-... What am I saying? You can eat later Roger.” Wash said, taking another bite of his sandwich.

“Did you just call me sis?” Roger asked.

“Mmmm.... No?” He questioned.

“... I think you did.” Roger said smiling evilly.

“Why do I feel a giant evil presence on my back all of a sudden?” Wash asked shuddering a bit.

“I dunno know...” Roger said in a sing song voice.

“Uh... You are planning something aren’t you?” Wash asked, and what was unknown to them, in the back of the group Rainbow and Church were having a make out fest.

“Maybe?” Roger said again in the same tone.

“What are you planning?” Wash asked trying to look at Roger.

“Noooothing.” She said innocently.

“Well.... Alright...” Wash said as he almost bumped into Twilight. “Oh... Sorry.”

“Onward, my metal pony! To victory!” Roger shouted standing straight up and kicking Wash in the sides. “Giddy up!”

This caused Wash to run out of the train, and he almost dropped his sandwich. “Oh what the hell?!”

“To the closest food shop my steed!” Roger shouted kicking his sides a little harder and latching onto his neck.

“What the fuuuu-..!” Was the only thing that was heard from Wash as he disappeared into the village. After a short while was all of the main six and the other guys on the platform.

“Soooo... What happens now?” Tucker asked.

“Well... What is there to do around here?” Donut asked.
“Well, there is the spa... If you are interested.” Rarity said, with an unsure smile. Donut let out a massive squee before he put a hoof to his forehead and fell backwards effectively fainting. Everyone simply blinked before Grif said.

“The wild Donut has fainted!”

Church just shrugged with Rino and the girls just looked at each other awkwardly, before Church walked over to Donut and started lightly to kick him. Since he didn’t wake up he looked at Rino, and waved him over. Whilst the girls made sure that they had every thing with them.

“Rino, pick this guy up.” Church said pointing to Donut.

“No.” Rino said stubbornly.

“Do it god damn it.” Church said getting a tiny bit annoyed.

“Why can’t you do it?” Rino asked Church.

“Because I’m not made out of four hundred pounds of muscle, now pick him up.” Church said.

“But I don’t want to catch his gaaay!” Rino whined.

“That’s not is not how it works you...... Fuck.” Church said narrowing his eyes. “Just pick him up alright?”

“Fine...” Rino said before picking up Donut and flinging him over his back. He then walk over to the girls which had all of their suitcases and other supplies they needed while they were in Canterlot visiting their foreign guests.

“You girls done?” Church asked, through a yawn.

“Yup, but we don’t know what happened to Wash or Roger.” Applejack said.

“Didn’t they run off somewhere?” Tucker asked.

“Oh dear god help me!” Wash yelled out from somewhere in town.

“Well that’s different.” Twilight said before adding. “Lets get going, I’m getting homesick.” She said starting to trot towards the library.

I’m just gonna.... Cut it right here....

Author's Note:

I'm really sorry for cutting the chapter short, its only 2K words... But I'm having a small writers block and I can't seem to get rid off it. I'm probably going to have trouble thinking up the next chapter, so don't expect any new chapters and also, I hate school, but I like my pillow, it makes me more comfy when I do stuff. (Does not include fappin', because I don't want Jizz on Mr.Pillow.)

So yeah, I'm really sorry to cut things short and I hope you all have a good day.
And you know the drill, if you find a error, just post it below and or punch me in the face. (which ever works for you.)
And I shall fix it!

Till next time.
-The Alpha.

Comments ( 35 )

“Next stop! Ponyville! Get your belongings ready, because we aren’t stopping so you have to jump out as we spe-... Wait we are stopping, nevermind me!.”

Pay close attention to the ending. I'll let someone else find the other one. It's an error with an apostrophe.

Welcome to sober lunar

Mr Alpha. Just write what pops up into your head no matter what. Writer's block fuck that.

So, Rino&Roger, Church&Rapebow Dash, who is next in line to get shipped? Tucker&Hooves (his own, not the Doc :pinkiehappy:)?

2391564 simmons and twi? (or did simmons even go through?)

2391933 Nope, Simmons is still in Blood Bulch trying not to kill himself for being with Caboose and his Pinkie Pie level of insanety :pinkiehappy:

The wild Donut has fainted!

You gain 238 exp. points.

“Nom.” Roger mumbled as she chewed her food.

“Eh..... My sandwich suddenly is missing a huge piece....” Wash said sadly.

“Tasty.” Roger said happily as she swallowed her food then she put a hoof to her chin. “Where did you get that sandwich?”

“Huh?” Wash asked as he took another bite of his sandwich. “What do you mean? There was a food car down that hallway.”

“Oh really?” Roger said. “Hmmm... Rino could we go to the foo-”

“Nope.” Rino said sternly.

“Aaawww... Nom?” Roger said as she looked to Wash.

“No.” Wash said shielding his sandwich.

“Aww... I haz a sad nao.” Roger said laying her head onto of Rino’s. Then she looked over to Wash before she lifted herself and jumped onto Wash’s back. “YAH! Snuggle attack!”


So, when they're ponies.... They turn into icanhazcheezebuger when it was good?:rainbowhuh:

Titles for the next chapter "Ponyville...sucks!"/ "Getting back to work ...sucks!" / Being bored ... sucks!"
Love the shipping so far.
How about you take a "lost ai developed in a secret laboratory " as an antagonist and call it Xi , Rho ,Sigma, Tau or Phi (there are more but meh too lazy) letting it appear in bloodgulch?

Till next time:twilightsmile:

Camo Flash OUT! :scootangel:

Tucker needs to get extremely drunk then wakes up with Flitter.

2396977 Oh dear god yes. Thought no one would ask.

2403339 Is it that obvious? x__x

“Well... What is there to do around here?” Donut asked.

“Well, there is the spa... If you are interested.” Rarity said, with an unsure smile. Donut let out a massive squee before he put a hoof to his forehead and fell backwards effectively fainting. Everyone simply blinked before Grif said.

“The wild Donut has fainted!”

Donut would be a perfect match for Rarity.

buck you 2405165 this is not cool :ajbemused::duck::twilightangry2::flutterrage::pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2:

I demand moar. This is an awesome story.

You should put Simmons and cabouse

3206544 I see what you did there. :pinkiehappy:

COMEDY GOLD!!!! :rainbowlaugh:


Broken link is broken.

3654366 Well...at least I got the Lieutenant right!

I'm enjoying this fics humour greatly... Although Roger and Rino do make kinda bored at times but at others they're great. ^.^ hope for more

This is really good, keep it up! Oh and I have an idea for the antagonist for the story (if you want one that is). You could use the Meta/Agent Maine (very original, I know but it could help with writers block). The Meta arrives in Blood Gulch (because he's running away from Project Freelancer people) , scares the living crap out of Caboose, Simmons and Sarge who dive through the rainbow portal to get away (the portals on because they want to go in after Church and co...or Caboose did something to get the rainbow portal back because he liked it), then Project Freelancer people arrive and attack The Meta (who also dives through the portal because there was a shit load of them) and then the portal turns back to normal. On the other side, he suddenly discovers that he feels more powerful (the magic of Equestria increases his powers) and becomes super OP. He then tries to dominate Equestria using his insanely effective powers so he can be the most powerful (and also control it and shit). Meanwhile the Reds, Blues and the Mane Six attempt to track down Wash and Roger. Next chapter done. Now get yer arse in gear, I demand copious amounts of more!!!

I think Church and Rainbow Dash work well...or perhaps that's just me...It's probably just...just me...*sniff

Heh,I can imagine Tex kicking Church's ass for "cheating" on her. Does this mean he has come to the conclusion Epsilon has about Tex being a shadow?

If you are this planning on updating this, superpArkourwaffle's idea
Sound like good antagonist plot :)

“But I don’t want to catch his gaaay!” Rino whined.


“The wild Donut has fainted!”

Ahhhh those were the good old da....... ah who im i kidding i still play pokemon especially the new ones.
Btw rarity used spa info, wild donut fell asleep
Church uses kick, its super effective
Rino uses master ball, HOORAY you caught a wild donut. Do you want to give him a nickname? "Lightish Red"
Church gained 1,560 xp.
Rarity gained 2,5067 xp.
Church evolved into....Epsilon

5986595 that's not the SCP's name that's it's rank, Euclid. It means it's dangerous in the regular world but manageable in containment.

Hey, another crossover fic!
Darn, hasn't seen an update in 2.5 years.

Oooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk.:twilightoops:

Will Tex be in this fic.

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