• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,004 Views, 479 Comments

RvB: Friendship... Sucks. - Alphadud

  • ...

Trying to think of chapter names.... Sucks

Chapter 4: Trying to think of chapter names.... Sucks

As the Spartans, both Humans and Ponies, slept in their warm beds, a certain midnight blue Alicorn was investigating the sudden littering around the lake. Once she finished cleaning up the mess and dumping it into a nearby ‘trash can’ and then left off to go report her finding to her older sister.

Meanwhile there were a few Spartans about to wake up from a sudden knocking from a certain angry purple unicorn.


(Several hours prior to event)

Twilight had just gotten up and was currently getting ready for the day much like the rest of her friends. She was too busy thinking about what was going on with the new visitors to notice that Rainbow had been calling her name for the past 20 minutes.

“Twilight.... Twilight.... Twilight.... TWILIGHT!!” Rainbow finally screamed. Snapping the purple unicorn out of her trance like state and glared at Rainbow dash.

“What was that for?” Twilight asked. Rainbow just face hoofed.

“You were standing there brushing your mane for like ten minutes. I kept saying your name, but I got no response. So I did the next best thing.” Rainbow said smirking. “What were you thinking about anyway?”

“I was thinking about our new visitors and their story... Something just doesn’t add up you know?” She asked Rainbow. When she looked to the mare with the spectrum mane, all she saw was a Pegasus lost in her own fantasy with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“Rainbow? Yoo hoo?” Twilight said as she waved a hoof in front of Rainbows face. Soon after she attempted to wake the daydreaming Pegasus, Applejack walked in and chuckled.

“That ain’t gonna do you no gud Twi.” Apple jack said walking up to her. “Ya see... The fastest Pegasus alive has a crush on a certain pony.”

This was enough to snap Rainbow out of her day dreaming. “I DO NOT!” Rainbow yelled while blushing like crazy. “I don’t got a crush on anypony.” She said after calming herself down a bit.

“Your right..... He ain’t even a pony.” Applejack said smirking. Twilight turned to Rainbow.

“You have a crush on one of the humans?!” Twilight almost shrieked. She quickly remembered that they were in the room next to Rino and Tucker before she hushed up a bit, but not before more of her friends came in.

“What is going on here? I had the most fabulous dream, before I was rudely awakened by somepony screaming.” Rarity said as she entered the room. She had a cosmetic makeup mask on right now and looked rather grumpy.

“Can you please keep it down?... I-If you want that is.” Fluttershy said also stepping into the room.

“Whats going on here anyways?” Pinkie said as she somehow came out from under the bed, how she got there still remains a mystery. “I was just dreaming of throwing the worlds greatest party with the greatest pony in the world there is! His name was Michael. J. Caboose!”

“What?” Everypony in the room asked.

“You know! That crazy Blue guy?” Pinkie said. “The one Roger was telling us all about?”

“Who?” Everypony asked again.

“Oh never mind.” Pinkie said before sliding under the bed and popping out next to Twilight. “So what was all the shrieking about?”

“I vaguely recall something about a crush... Oh please do tell!” Rarity said as she giggled like a school girl.

“Yeah! This sound interesting!” Pinkie said hopping out from behind Rarity.

“I’d like to know as well.... I-if that’s alright.” Fluttershy said shrinking back a bit.

“AUTHOR STOP TAKING CONTROL OF US!” Pinkie randomly yelled at the ceiling, but everypony just ignored her random outburst. “Darn author and his ability to change the conversation.” Pinkie just muttered quietly.

“Well, who is it darling? Who is the lucky stallion?” Rarity asked.

“Who has the crush anyways?” Pinkie asked as she somehow was hanging off the chandelier.

“Y-yeah... W-who have the crush anyway?” Fluttershy said somewhat hiding behind her hair.

“That would be Rainbow right ‘ere.” Applejack said giggling.

“I told you! I don’t have a crush on Ri-” Rainbow put a hoof over her mouth before she could continue.

“Ri? I don’t know anypony by that name....” Pinkie said scratching her head. “Maybe she meant Rin-”

Rainbow tackled Pinkie before she could say anymore. “I told you I don’t have a crush!”

“D-Don’t you mean Rin-” Futtershy tried to say.

“Don’t say it!” Rainbow yelled, scaring the poor Pegasus and making her shrink back until she was on the ground covering her eyes with her hooves.

“S-s-sorry...” Fluttershy whimpered out before receding a bit more into her mane.

“Oh for Luna’s sake, she has a crush on Rino!” Applejack finally said. Everyone went dead silent and stared at the rainbow maned pony still pinning Pinkie to the floor.

“Really?” Rarity said with a smug smile.

“M-maybe.” Rainbow said blushing and getting off Pinkie.

“That is really strange Rainbow.” Twilight said rubbing the side of her head. “They have only been here for nearly a day and you already developed a crush on one of them.”

“That reminds me! I have not thrown them a party yet!” Pinkie said gasping. “In fact! I’ve been more quiet than usual! I should talk more!” Pinkie quickly added... You know what, I’m not going to let her talk.

“You sure about that author?” Pinkie said looking up in the ceiling. Yes... I’m very sure.

Again everypony just ignored the weird things Pinkie Pie did.

“W-well... I-it’s not that bad.” Fluttershy said. “Th-they do seem friendly enough.”

“Has anyone seemed to notice how the doors keep breaking down?” Pinkie said.

All my attempts to not let her talk just got shattered...

“Not really.” Rainbow said.

“They seem to repair them selves...” Rarity said holding a hoof up to her chin.

“Yes the princess put those enchantments up after the changeling invasion. Makes it easier on the staff.” Twilight said.
“That makes sense...” Pinkie said as she poked a door to see if it was alive, when no one was looking the door moved. Pinkie of course just stood there tilting her head for a few second before turning back to the conversation.

“Yes, it does. Now back to the point in hand. Rainbow Dash why do you have a crush on Rino?” Twilight said turning to Rainbow.

“I-I don’t know.... He is really strong. And quiet.” Rainbow said. “And he is pretty awesome. I mean he is a soldier! How awesome is that?!”

“Not to mention he looks a little cute too.” Rarity added.

“I think he would make a great party animal!” Pinkie also added.

“Plus, did you see the artificial eye? That must have taken some intelligence and skill to implement it.” Twilight said tapping her chin with a hoof.

“He looks pretty darn sturdy too.” Applejack said.

“A-and he seems pretty gentle for such a big... Um human.”

Little did all of them know, that in fact. Rino was not that intelligent, gentle, nor party animal-ish. He was just your normal front-line soldier, who has stabbed more aliens than I bother to count. All he liked was to have some peace and quiet, but he never seems to get it and he also wants to shoot something. ‘Cause you know why not and it helps with the rage. Oh and his greeting to new aliens usually end with a knife to the throat.

Before the group of ponies could continue their little gossip fest a sudden knock on their door brought all their attention away from the conversation.

“Who would be calling at this hour?” Twilight said as she walked over to the door and opened it. As the door slowly opened up, she saw two royal night guards staring at her with their reptilian eyes.

“Message for Twilight Sparkle.” One said before handing her a scroll before both walked down the hall and out of sight. .

“That was.... Weird.” Twilight said walking back and looking at the scroll. She opened it up and read the scroll to herself before smiling. “Well girls it seems we are going to have to go help out one of the Princesses again.”

“What do you mean one? The message is from Princess Celestia isn’t it?” Rainbow said pointing to wax seal of a sun.

“Yes, but she wants us to go fill Princess Luna in on what is going on. It seems she missed everything and Princess Celestia doesn’t want her harming our guest when she meets them.” Twilight explained.

“Sounds nice... But it’s like just past midnight! And I need my beauty sleep!” Rarity whined.

“Well this is the only time Princess Luna is awake. She is the goddess of the night you know.” Twilight said going over to her bed to retrieve her notes from earlier. “Everyone get a cup of coffee. We might be a while.”

“Don’t give a cup of coffee to Pinkie... She’s hyper as it is.” Applejack said.

“Yeah... Why don’t we just eat some of her cupcakes? Those usually are enough to make a dragon hyper.” Rainbow said.

“They are?” Pinkie asked.

“With how much sugar and sweetness you pack into one, yeah... Seems like one could.” Rainbow said with a nod.

“Huh.... But I like sugar.” Pinkie said to herself as she bounced to her room and grabbed a plate that held six cupcakes. She placed it on her back and bounced back, before handing everypony one. “Well, dig in!”

Everypony began to munch down on their cupcakes while leaving to go grab what they need. After about 20 minutes of grabbing some supplies and another 30 waiting for Rarity to be done styling her mane, they were finally able to get going. Unfortunately, rainbow was right about the cupcakes and everyone was a little jittery from the sudden rush of energy.

“Okay... The princess should be in the throne room waiting for us.” Twilight said as she lead the group down the halls.

“Okie dokie lokie.” Pinkie said as she happily bounced down the hallway.

“Hey I have a question. Did anyone notice what that one red human did when she got startled?” Rainbow said flying above everyone.

“You mean that Roger gal right?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah! she pulled something off her leg and then it small this weird tick noise.” Rainbow said.

“Huh, I never noticed that...” Rarity said, Pinkie just nodded in agreement.

“Weird.... She never mentioned any type of equipment they had brought with them either.” Twilight said.

“Anypony notice that purple stick looking thingamajig that Rino walks around with?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah! Remember he was all protective of it when we first saw him!” Rainbow added on.

“There must be something special about it don’t it?” Rarity said.

“H-he did try to attack Donut because of it.” Fluttershy said finally speaking up.

“That settles it! We need to ask them after this!” Applejack said.

“Right!” Everypony said. Twilight’s ears twitched slightly.

“Did someone hear a explosion?” Twilight said looking to a window.

“What? No... I didn’t hear anything.” Rainbow said.

“N-neitehr did I.” Fluttershy responded.

“Heh heh... Guess it’s just me then.” Twilight said as they got to the throne room. “Alright everypony. Here we are!”

“Yay!” Pinkie said before freezing in the air.

“Pinkie get down. We are meeting the princess for Celestia’s sake!” Twilight said completely ignoring the fact that she broke physics.

“Aww.....” Pinkie said a bit sad before landing.

“You can break the laws of physics later.” Twilight said before opening the doors. She walked in to the large room and bowed as they reached the throne. Luna was sitting happily on the throne while smiling at the small group of friend. “We are here like you requested Princess Luna.”

“Hello dear Twilight Sparkle! We are glad to have thou here with us today!” Luna said before she pulled out a scroll and opened it. “This document says thou met up with a new species called.... hymen?”

“Um.. Well no princess. They are called Humans.” Twilight said smiling.

“Hoo muns?” Luna responded

“Humans.” Twilight corrected again.

“Hyrule?” Luna responded.

“Humans!” Twilight said a bit aggravated. Everypony else was snickering at the fact that Luna was just messing with poor Twilight.

“Hukins?” Luna said acting confused.

“Humans!!” Twilight said again getting annoyed beyond belief.

“Bread?” Luna said smiling a little bit

“HUMANS!!” Twilight finally yelled out panting a bit before Luna burst into laughter as well as the rest of her friends. She looked around before chuckling herself.

“We are sorry Twilight. We could not pass it up.” Luna said snickering. “But thou must admit. We had thee going.”

Twilight nodded before Luna burst into laughter again, but this time she accidentally fell off her throne. She just laughed at that too and caused the other to burst into laughter as well. When Luna finally calmed down she walked back up to her throne and sat again.

“Alright. We are calm.... We are ready now to hear about the humans.” Luna said before giving one last chuckle.

“Okay princess. We have quite a few notes-” Twilight began

“A FEW!?” Rainbow said. Twilight blushed and nervously chuckled.

“Okay... A lot, but anyway.” Twilight said as she began to review everything that she had taken on the humans. This took about a hour and a half before they had finally finished. Unfortunately, her rather long review was just boring enough that everyone else, except Luna and Twilight, had fallen asleep. Even pinkie passed out. “..... And that is all we found out.” Twilight summed up.

Luna had gotten a mug of coffee with the words ‘The moon rules, Celestia drools.’ on it and was currently wearing a set of sunglasses. “We see.”

“Although they did come in with a set of equipment we know nothing of. They didn’t explain what they were.” Twilight said going over her notes again. Luna just looked to Twilight before dropping her mug and standing up.

“MOTHER OF ME.” She said dramatically while taking off her sunglasses. “What have they brought into out world.”

“Um... Princess?” Twilight said a little confused. Luna just smiled and sat back down.

“We should probably ask them about their equipment then.” She said while using her magic to clean up the mess she made with her mug. Using a bit more magic she put the mug back together and put the coffee back in before sipping it again. “Huh... .Coffee taste better when it’s been magically reconstructed.” Luna said looking at her drink.

“That is.... Nevermind.” Twilgiht said rubbing her head. “Well that is all we have on the humans.”

“We see. Well we shall have to visit these strange creatures. Plus we still have to figure out what caused the fish to explode out of the lake.” Luna said looking out a window.

Twilight tilted her head for a second before bouncing in place. “I KNEW IT! I knew I heard something earlier!” She said happily.

“Well yes. We also heard something opening our gates...... Plus we had to clean up all the fish.” Luna said shuddering. Then she smirked and snickering “We did put it away in the right place.”

Meanwhile in the guestroom.
Tucker then turned in his sleep and muttered in to his pillow “Bow chicka bow wow.”


(Meanwhile in Blueblood’s chamber)

“Ugh.... Now I can finally get some sleep.” Blueblood said throwing his tie and suit-top off into the darkness. He walked over to his bed before throwing the covers off and hopping into his ‘prince sized’ bed. As he finally laid his head down, he heard something squish.

“What the...”


(Back in the throne room)

A few seconds after Luna spoke, a very feint, but present, scream was heard. “Yes.... It was put away.” Luna said with a rather disturbing smirk.

“Luna what.... Nevermind... I actually don’t want to know.” Twilight said rubbing her head. A sudden knocking at the throne room brought both Luna’s and Twilight’s attention to the doors. A guard stepped into the room and walked over the ponies sleeping in the middle of the room.

“Your highness. You have a pony requesting your audience.” The night guard said.

“Alright. Send him or she in.” Luna said righting her posture and using her magic to move the sleeping ponies to the side. After she righted everything, so she looked more ‘Royal’, the pony ran in looking rather distressed. He passed Twilight.

“Princess!” The pony yelled. “Somepony robbed me!”

“Did they now? Pray tell where do you work?” Luna said gently

“ At Twenty-four seven! They stole all these items.” The pony said as he pulled out a scroll that had a list on it with all the stolen items.

“Ah... Well what is this scroll you have taken out?” Luna said leaning a bit.

“All the items.” The pony repeated himself.

“Ah yes. Let us see.” Luna said levitating the scroll over to her. She unrolled the scroll nad began to browse it until one thing caught her eye. “They stole a PlayColt?”

“Uh... Yes, I had to search all the shelves and one copy was missing...” The pony said embarrassed. Another thing Luna noticed was that they had stolen extremely large amounts of booze.

“They stole.... ALL the liquor you sold?” Luna said a little flabbergasted.

“Uh.... Yes.... Somehow they did manage that...” The pony said looking down and poking the marble floor with a hoof.

“Pray tell.... Did you see anything? Like whom had done it?” Luna said looking over the scroll again.

“No.... The door just opened up and some things became blurry. Then it disappeared.”

“Very interesting. What did the shape look like?” Luna said lowering the scroll.

“Uh... Big Diamond dogs..... Except that one was slimmer than the other...” The pony said thinking back a bit. Twilight’s ears twitched slightly and she shook her head. ‘No... No it couldn’t be the humans.... Could it?’ Twilight thought.

“They also appeared to have stolen.... A toy.” Luna said deadpanning.
“Yes.... It makes little sense.... But a toy was actually missing.” The pony said looking a little confused.

“Well it appears we have either a unicorn and a few diamond dogs working together to steal.... Or you have some GHOOOOOOSTS.” Luna said dramatically.

“No, but seriously... You might have Ghosts, Diamond dogs and unicorns.... or The changelings are back.” Luna said shrugging. “We will dispatch a few guards to take positions around your store. Will that help?”

“Uh... Sure, I think so. Thank you Princess!” The pony said lighting up a little.

“Of course my little pony. If I may, go to a night club and forget your worries. Everypony deserves a rest.” Luna said happily.

“Okay, will do! Goodnight to you.” The pony said before bowing and trotting out.

Luna relaxed and sighed before using a hoof to rub her neck. “We hate having to sit like that for so long. It ‘tis a good thing not very many ponies visit night court. I can at least get some exercise. Our flank would get as larger as your sister’s if we sat here all night.” Luna mumbled.

“Princess..... I think I might know who stole all that from the store.” Twilight said standing up.

“Oh? Who?” Luna said getting off her throne and stretching a bit.

“I think it might have been the humans! They have equipment they hadn’t told us about, so they might have been able to do exactly what that pony explained!” Twilight said jumping in place for a moment. “I say we go have a word with them!”

Luna just sighed and nodded. “Okay... We shall go with thou. It’s not like anything is happening anyway.”

Twilight nodded and went to her friends before she woke them all up. “Okay everyone. Wake up. We need to go visit the humans.”

Rainbow Dash shot up from the pile and grinned somewhat disturbingly. “Well what are we waiting for!? Let’s go!!”

She sped off down the hall while Luna walked up to them. “We art assuming that she has a crush on one of the humans?”

“You can see it too?” Twilight said and Luna nodded.


(Guest rooms: Rino’s room.)

(few minutes prior to event)

Rino had just finished cleaning “The Impaler.” and was both grumpy and tired, not only because he had found out that Roger took all the booze, she also took all the other stuff. Like the snacks, the comics... The new cleaning rag...

“Fucking crap...” Rino muttered to himself quietly before standing up and walking over to his bed with “The Impaler” carried carefully towards the bed. He gently put it down and leaned it against the wall. He then stood up and looked over his shoulder, there he saw Tucker sprawled out on his own bed on the far side of the room. Rino flipped Tucker off before removing his shirt, and laying down on his bed and closing his eyes. A few minutes passed before he heard some knocking.

At first he just ignored it. But after a few more knocks it became more furious eventually Tucker stirred and said “Go the fuck away, I’m trying to sleep here.” Rino let quietly chuckle before trying himself to sleep. That’s when someone from the other side yelled.

“OPEN UP THEE SCOUNDREL!! THOU MUST PAY FOR THEE CRIMES.” Luna bellowed from the other side of the door.

“Holy shit lady! I said I’m trying to sleep here can’t you fucking hear?!” Tucker yelled back before sticking his head under his pillow.

“WHO THE FUCK IS YELLING AT THIS HOUR!?” Roger yelled from her room.

“HOW THE FUCK SHOULD WE KNOW?!” Rino yelled back. Before trying to sleep again.


“DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK?!” Tucker yelled before trying to sleep again.


“GOD FUCKING DAMN IT GO BACK TO SLEEP ROGER!” Rino yelled as he rolled around on his bed.

“OH FUCK YOU TOO...” Roger said before a thump was heard.

“What the fuck? Did you hear that?” Rino asked Tucker.

“Uh yeah. I’m not deaf you dumbass.” Tucker said before, for the fifth time, trying to sleep. Then a door opening was heard.

“Who the fuck is yelling!?” Roger yelled.

“You are bitch!” Tucker retorted. Some movement was heard until Rino’s room door was flung open.

“Okay you little fuck come here.” Roger said walking over to Tucker.


“After Tucker’s dead.” Roger said grabbing Tucker’s collar.

“God damn it.” Rino said as sat up, groggily grabbed “The Impaler” and aimed at Roger “Alright unless you want a fucking spike through your shoulder put down Tucker, go back to your room, calm down and sleep.” Rino said calmly

Roger looked at Tucker then to Rino, conetmpleting whether it was worth it or not. “Fine.....” Roger said. “But he is sleeping on the floor.”

She dropped him onto the ground and walked back to her room. “Hello ponies. Hello taller pony.” Roger said as she walked into her room and closed it’s door.

Rino got up and walked to his door before looking at all of the ponies and he was still holding “The Impaler.” He gave them a nod before closing the door and locking it, he then went back to his bed gently set his weapon down and got back into the bed.

“Not the most likeable bunch are they?” Luna said before unlocking Rino’s door and opening it. “Rise, Rino... Or Roger. What ever thee’s name is. Thou are being charged with robbery and destruction of royal property.”

Rino not actually giving much of a fuck waved a dismissive hand in the air before trying to sleep again.

“Creature, If thou doesn’t rise we thee shall endure our wrath.” Luna said.

“Look lady, I don’t really give a crap about what Rino have done right now. But holy hell the clock is like three in the morning. Go away already!” Tucker said before covering himself with some sheets that he had pulled down from his bed.

“Thou asked for it...” Luna said while gaining a evil grin. She walked over to the bathroom before the faucet was turned on for a few seconds. It turned off before Tucker had a basket ball sized orb of ice cold water dropped on him.

“What the...” Tucker said as he looked up and saw that water was hovering above his head. “...Fuck?” his eyes shot open. The water fell and soaked the poor, weak limbed pony.

“HOLY FUCK THAT’S COLD!” Tucker some how yelled quietly. “Why are you doing this?!”

“We did say though would endure our wrath did we not?” Luna said.

“That was Rino you stupid bitch. Not me.” Tucker said annoyed. Luna’s smile dropped and she picked Tucker up with magic before bringing him to her face.

“Odd... Thou has guts.... Yet reeks of cowardliness.” Luna said looking over Tucker.

“Put me down! I’m fucking tired! I want to sleep!” Tucker said waving his hoofs in the air like he don’t care.

“We will put thee down.... But I think your red friend still has some unfinished business she needs done.” Luna said walking over to Roger’s room and slowly opening it’s door up. .

“She is not my friend!” Tucker said whilst pointing a hoof at Luna.

“Yes yes, but have fun!” Luna said before throwing Tucker onto Roger’s bed and closing the door.

“Who the fuck threw a pi-..... Tucker?” Roger said from the other side of the door. Then a rather odd pony shaped indent was formed in the wall. “YOU LITTLE CREEP!!”

“Oh yay.” Rino said tired before standing up. “Who threw tucker?”

“That was us. We are sorry, but he would not shut up. And he was insulting.” Luna said calmly before smiling. “I assume you are.... Rino? Correct?”

“No that’s the other blue guy.” Rino said sarcastically.

“Right. Well if thou would mind getting up, we just want to ask thou a few questions and then thou may go back to sleep.” Luna said.

“Jesus fuck, fine, I’ll do it.”

“Thank thee. First question: Where were you this evening?” Luna said while sitting down.

“Here. In this room, drinking with Tucker and playing chess.” Rino answered with a stonic face.

“Alright. Question two: Have you left the guestroom at all?” Luna said while pulling a mug of coffee out of seemingly nowhere.

“Yes, to get beer.” Rino said looking tierd.

“Okay and where did you get the beer?” Luna said sipping on her coffee.

“The fridge.” Rino deadpanned.

“Okay. Now may I ask a few things about your... Companions?” Luna asked.

Rino sighed. “Fine, just make it quick.”

“We will go at our own pace thank you very much. Now what about your friend Roger? Do you know what she was doing?” Luna took another drink from her mug.

“No fucking idea, I don’t want anything to do with the reds.”

“Okay then. What can you tell us about this equipment you all seem to have brought with you?” Luna asked walking over and siting on the couch.

“Nothing.” Rino said tiredly. “You done yet?” he said in a yawn.

“Not until you tell us what you brought with you. Such as that strange purple stick with the pink spike in it.” Luna said pointing to his gun.

“Alien artifact.” Rino said more tierd.

“And what does it do?” Luna asked.

“Looks badass.” Rino said looking at Luna.

“Thou is not cooperating.” Luna stated sounding tired as well. “If thee just tells us we won’t have to take it away.”

“You are not touching my fucking g- Alien artifact.” Rino said

“BOW CHICKA B- OW FUCK!” Tucker yelled from the other room.

“SHUT UP YOU LITTLE FUCK!” Roger yelled.

“Are they always like this?” Luna asked looking to Rino.

“Not that I know of... Except Tucker.” Rino said.

“Ah, the annoying disrespectful one.” Luna said rubbing the side of her head. “Alright we are just going to ask one more thing then we are out of thee’s mane.”

“Just get on with it.” Rino said annoyed

“Did thee rob a store and blow up our lake?” Luna said taking one last sip form her mug.

Rino yawned and laid down on the bed. “No.... But what if I did?”

“Then thou would have to simply just work off the bits thee would owe and thee would be on thine’s way.” Luna stated happily.

“Yeah, Didn’t do it. Bet one of the reds did it.” Rino said as he closed his eyes.

“Alright then... Oh and thou left thine’s PlayColt on the bed.” Luna said smirking and walking out of the room.

“That’s Tucker’s just leave it there. You probably don’t want to touch it.” Rino said as he yawned and rolled over on to his stomach.

“That.... Is rather disturbing.” Luna said closing the door and locking it from the outside. “Yes, don’t let him out. He most certainly has done the deed.”

“Alright.... Time to sleep....” Rino said as he rolled onto his back. “Wait... Fuck Tucker.... I’ve got to get him.” ‘Ah fuck it.’ Rino thought as he soon fell asleep.

Luna placed a few extra enchantments on the rooms, so nothing bad would happen.... Hopefully. Then she walked over to Roger’s room and knocked.

“Who the fuck is it that won’t let me sleep!?” Roger yelled. Luna just shook her head and opened the door before walking in and sitting on the couch that was next to the bed.

“Hello. We are Luna. Thou is Roger correct?” Luna said looking at the sleepy human .

“Yes.... What do you want?” Roger said as she sat up in her bed.

“Just a few questions before we leave thee alone to rest.” Luna stated calmly.

“Alright, but when you leave can you take that creep out with ya?” Roger said pointing to the pony imprinted in the wall. Luna nodded and Roger smiled. “Then shoot.”

“Hey fuck you bitch.” Tucker said.

“Me or the pony?” Roger asked.

“You.” Tucker said as he coughed a bit.

“Yeah. Take him away now before I kill him.” Roger said sounding more happy than anything. Luna’s horn glowed as she took Tucker out of the wall and placed him out side. “Thanks. Now please ask your questions so I may sleep.”

“Alright. Question one: Where were you this evening?” Luna asked

“Here.... Being bored.” Roger lamely said.

“Question two: Did you at anytime leave your guestroom?

“Yes. Several times.” Roger said stretching a bit

“Okay what did thou leave for?”

“To kick Tucker’s ass.” Roger answered.

“We see..... May we ask about your friends now?” Luna said leaning forward a bit.

“Yeah sure.” Roger said .

“What was your friend Rino doing?”

“The fuck should I know? I just saw them drunk and playing chess.” Roger said shrugging.

“Okay one final question and then thee may sleep.” Luna said. “Did thou rob a store and blow up the lake?”

“Lake yes.... Store no.” Roger said before lying back down. Luna blinked before shaking her head.

“Thank you for answering out questions. Have a nice sleep.” Luna said getting up and walking out before doing what she had done to Rino’s room. “We believe we may have some crazy visitors in our midst.”

Author's Note:

Ah.... Here we are again.... Sooo, Caboose eh? You sure that's what you want?
Pinkies imagination Is helping me editing. So you can go thank him.
P.S Might still be errors here and there, feel free (as always) to point them out. Oh and also... Me and Pinkie have this awesome crossover idea that we might end up doing and no, I won't tell you the idea.

Anyways... Hoped you enjoyed the chapter.