• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 2,779 Views, 177 Comments

Diamonds and Butterflies - Princess Glitzy

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

  • ...

Sweetie Belle Hears All

"FLUTTERSHY! RAINBOW DASH! TWILIGHT! PINKIE PIE! APPLEJACK! I've missed you all so much!" The mares wrapped Rarity in a tight hug.

"You've been gone for super duper long! I missed you! I made you this cupcake to make you happy when you came back!" Pinkie Pie thrusted a purple cupcake into Rarity's mouth.

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted in a way that says 'that's no way to treat your friends, go sit in the corner'. Pinkie sat down with a frown.

"Don't be sad, Pinks. We can go pranking later. Right now, I want to see what it was like to be in Canterlot." Everypony looked at Rainbow Dash.

"What? It's Canterlot, ponies! That is like the coolest place!" She paused. "Did you meet the Wonderbolts?!"

"No, Rainbow. I'm afraid that I was too busy being a famous fashion model/designer/manager."

"Ah reckon that that's still perty cool! How 'bout ya tell us 'bout yer time in Canterlot?" Rarity beamed.

"It was really beautiful! I got to meet dazzling ponies and have tons of fun! I was worked to the bone, though and many of the ponies there are a bit stuck up. I did make a few friends, though!" The ponies look at her with sad eyes.

"They could never compare to you though!" Pinkie Pie sprang up.

"Was it THE BEST POSSIBLE PLACE?!" She pulled off a spot on impression of Rarity. Rarity raised her eyebrows and then took a step towards her.

"You shall not mock a lady."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Applejack put her hoof on Pinkie's mouth.

"Ah bet that Rarity would like to talk to her fillyfriend for a while." She shoved the two mares together and they looked into each other's eyes and then they engaged in a heartfelt kiss.

"Ew! Get a room!" shouted Rainbow in disgust.

"They can't get a room! It would be to hard to drag it here silly!" Rainbow Dash shoved Pinkie Pie.

"Ow! Why, Dashie?"

"Pinkie, something important is going on!" She pointed a hoof towards the two kissing ponies.

"But, I thought that you loved Fluttershy, so you didn't want them to be together." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"I love her so much. That's why I want her to be happy. She's happiest with Rarity. I can't force her to love me."

"Sappy Dashie!"

"Pfft, whatever."

Fluttershy and Rarity then broke the kiss that Applejack could've sworn had been going on for several minutes now.

"Are y'all gonna say anythin' ta one another?!" Rarity turned to AJ.

"Since when are you the lovely, dovey type, darling?"

"Ah ain't never been a 'lovey dovey type' in ma whole life!"

"Try telling your crush that." AJ blushes.

"Ah don't have a crush on anypony!" Rarity smiled.

"Sure you don't." Fluttershy raised a hoof and was about to say something. I am one of the main characters in this story and I am also the love interest. I'm pretty sure that I should say more in this chapter. But, she decided against it.

"Well, darling?"

"I- I... um... wanted to know if... I could have some alone time." Rarity looked hurt.

"Alone time? We haven't seen each other for months and you want alone time?"

"I- I just need some time t- to do something."

"This hurts, Fluttershy."

"I'm sorry." Fluttershy flew away hastily. Twilight looked at Rarity.

"Would you like to come hang out at the library and talk about stuff."

"Are you asking if I would vent my problems to you?"

"Well, yes actually."

"That would be great!" Pinkie frowned.

"All of my bestest friends are leaving!" AJ and RD put their hooves on Pinkie's shoulders.

"You still have us." That brought a smile to her face. Twilight and Rarity took this as their chance to slip away.

"So, how are you, Rarity. Let's begin with the whole long distance thing." Rarity sighed.

"I really missed Fluttershy. I hate the ponies in Canterlot. I'm starting to hate Canterlot. It's just not real. Ponyville has spirit and originality. That's one of the reasons that I love Fluttershy. She's one of a kind. Nopony is as shy and brave at the same time as she is. She's also the most beautiful mare that I have ever met." Twilight posed in a silly manner.

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sexy!" Rarity laughed.

"Yes, you're very pretty." Twilight smiled. "Anyway, back to Fluttershy. First, are you okay hearing this? I thought that you were in love with me and now you're devastated!"

"True, but I want you to be happy. Also, by this point the grieving process usually ends. I still love you, though," She paused. "Has Fluttershy said that yet? Does she love you?" Rarity paused just as Twilight had before.

"Yes and no. I know that she loves me, she just hasn't said it. Today, I'm not so sure what happened, though. Do you know if she's been seeing anypony while I've been away?"

"Well, she has been sleeping over at Carrot Top's house. They've been hanging out a lot."

"REALLY?!" Rarity screamed frantically.

"Nah. Just kidding." Rarity punched her lightly.

"I hate you."


"True, true, nothing could break our friendship. Even that morning."

"Wait, what mor- oh!" Twilight suddenly felt very awkward. "So, back to the topic. You think that you need to bond or you may drift apart?" Rarity nodded. She looked at the clock.

"I should go now. Bye, Twilight. I'll be at the boutique if you need me."

"Okay, bye!"

Sweetie Belle crawled out of her hiding spot in the bushes in front of Golden Oaks Library. She slowly crept behind Rarity. She had something to tell her.

Rarity looked at the boutique. It looks different. It's like I'm a stranger in my own home. She looked at some of Fluttershy's designs. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Suddenly, the door opened behind her and she jumped. "Ah! Who's there?!"

"A robber. Gimme something." Rarity would know that voice anywhere.

"How about I give you a hug?"

"That would be nice!" The two sisters hugged and it was adorable (Yes, I had to add the adorable part. Why? Because of the reason.).

"Um... Rarity, are you having problems with Fluttershy?"

"Sort of, see there is this- hey! How do you know?!"

"I know... things and I think that I have a solution."

"I'm all ears."

"I have some connections." At this Rarity raised her eyebrow, but Sweetie Belle ignored it. "I can throw together a little ball/party for the two of you. It will be all mushy and romantic."

"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA, SWEETIE BELLE! Would you mind singing for me?" There was a sparkle in Rarity's eyes that made Sweetie smile.

"No, not at all."

Fluttershy walked through the store. I hope that Rarity isn't mad at me. She seemed really upset earlier. I really would hate it if she doesn't want to see me anymore. She spotted the exact thing she wants. This will be great... I think.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood in the center of the Royal Canterlot Ball Room. It was a hassle to get book place, but Rarity's Canterlot friends offered to help pay for it.

"I'll be right back, I've got to inform Rarity's friends of the party." Sweetie Belle used her weak magic to teleport, one of the few spells that she has mastered.

She appeared in the Apple family barn. Sweetie Belle spotted Applejack and dashed towards her. "I'mthrowingapartyforRarityandIneedyoutomakethedrinks!"

"Woah! Slow down, sugarcube!"

"I'm throwing a party for Rarity and I need you to make the drinks. I will need cider, apple juice and some apple martini things. I don't know if you can make the fancy drinks, but I know that Rarity likes them. Oh, and the party is for Rarishy."

"Ah understand everything, but Rarishy."

"Rarity and Fluttershy."

"Oh! Why didn't you just say that?!"


"Fine, I can make the apple juice and cider easy peasy. I can probably figure out how to make those fancy drinks." Sweetie Belle nodded happily and then teleported to her next location.

"Bye!" AJ uttered in a semi-angry tone.

Sweetie Belle appeared in Sugarcube Corner. "Pinkie Pie! I need you to make really fancy wedding-ish cake for a Rarishy party." Pinkie Pie came out of nowhere with the cake that she had pictured in her mind.


"Gypsy Pinkie, Pinkie sense, been making cake for years, I know you and I'M RANDOM!" Everypony in Sugarcube Corner nodded their head at that.

"That. Makes. Total. Sense. Anyway, you will need to keep that for a little bit. If you eat it, I will personally hit you."

"Meanie!" She stuck her tongue out and then teleported away.

Suddenly, she was at Rainbow Dash's home in Cloudsdale. "Rainbow Dash!"

"What?! I'm napping!"

"Not anymore! I need you to do something for me."


"I was wondering if you could do a sonic rainboom at a Rarishy party. I also need you to-"


"As I was saying, I also need you to play the guitar with my singing."

"I- I can't play the guitar in front of tons of ponies! I do that in private! How do you even know that I play?!"

"I know everything. Also, you have a guitar right there." She pointed towards an epic guitar.

"So, I play the guitar."



"Yeah!" She teleported back to the ballroom and then ran towards Scootaloo and Applebloom.

"Scootaloo, you are going to need to be my backup dancer on the stage. You will also need to do some scooter tricks afterwards."


"They won't, trust me. I'm your friend. Rarity and Fluttershy are Rainbow Dash's friends. Your friends need you."

"Just say yes, chicken!" shouted Applebloom.

"I'll do it."

"Awesome!" She turned towards Applebloom.

"I need you to do the decorations."

"That sounds fun!"


"It's a little long this time."

"How 'bout this. CMC PARTY PONIES!"

"PERFECT!" The fillies all hugged and then spread apart to prepare for a very important night.