• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 2,781 Views, 177 Comments

Diamonds and Butterflies - Princess Glitzy

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

  • ...

The Morning After

Fluttershy woke up. She snuggled her head deeper into a blue pillow. Wait, a blue pillow?! The pillows at my house are yellow? She went to move her arm, but something seemed to be holding her down. She turned slightly and then looked to the left. A cyan arm was draped across her body and something was lying right next to her.

"OH MY GOSH!" Luckily she screamed quietly enough to not wake up the pony next to her, but they did move a little bit and changed positions. Fluttershy looked over and saw that the pony next her was Rainbow Dash. She again screamed quietly.

"I'm in a bed, spooning with Rainbow Dash!" She got up out of the bed and saw the outfit that she had been wearing was thrown on the floor. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"My mane is ruined! Rarity will be so upset! Wait, why am I thinking about Rarity?!" Suddenly the events of last night flood her mind.

I remember getting drunk, dancing with Rainbow and then... coming back over here. I remember kissing Rainbow Dash... and assorted other things.

"Rainbow Dash!" She shook her violently to wake her up. Her quiet voice has been replaced by a loud panicked voice. Rainbow Dash woke up, but was too tired to notice the tone of her voice. She grabs Fluttershy and kisses her deeply.

"Morning~!" Fluttershy stepped back horrified. "D- Did we s- sleep together?!" Rainbow looked hurt.

"Yes, you told me that my eyes looked pretty and then you kissed me. I had liked you since Flight Camp and I was so happy that you liked me back. We came back here and... you know."

"Rainbow Dash, I- I... so you've been in love with me since Flight Camp?" Rainbow Dash nodded.

That makes this so much harder. "I was very drunk last night and I had no clue what I was doing. I'm sorry, so, so sorry... but... um, Rainbow... I- I don't feel the same way."

"I... I've liked you for so long. GET OUT!"

"But, Rainbow I-"


Fluttershy left and head toward Rarity's boutique. That's one of the only places that she feels truly safe.

Rarity woke up in an uncomfortable bed. Where is my top-of-the-line bed? Where are my silk sheets?! She got up and saw that this was obviously not her room. A lavender mare was in her bed.

"I- IS THAT TWILIGHT?!" She looked around the room and saw that her special outfit had been thrown on the floor and noticed that her mane is a mess and her mouth has an odd taste.

"Good morning Rarity. That was the best night of my life. I love you." Rarity nearly fainted at the words coming out of Twilight's mouth.

"WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!" Twilight walked over to her and put her horn to Rarity's. The events of last night came into her mind because of Twilight's remembrance of last night.

"Twilight h- how long have you l- lo- loved me?!"

"Since the day we saved you from those diamond dogs. You were so smart that you could trick three dogs and get their diamonds. I knew that you were the perfect mare."

Rarity picked up her clothes and put them into her purse. "Twilight-" Twilight interrupted her by kissing her. Twilight then proceeded to take out a checklist titled 'Checklist of Life'.

She checked off 'find a future special somepony who's perfect'.

"Twilight, I can't be your special somepony." Twilight looked at her with a confused expression on her face.

"In my book, according to chapter three, 'two ponies who engage in coitus are now physically bonded and the next step is to become special someponies if you aren't already'. Also, I really do care about you."

"I'm not sure, but I think that I like somepony else. Also, you're a great mare, but I don't feel the same way about you. I was drunk, so officially, I didn't know that we 'engaged in coitus'."

"I understand, Rarity. It's just really painful. Could you please leave. I- I need to have some time alone."

"Goodbye, Twilight." She teleported into her boutique. I need some time to think, too.

Rarity walked in to see Fluttershy crying softly on the ground. She ran over to her at full gallop, forgetting about Twilight, her love life and anything else. All that mattered was Fluttershy.

"Are you o-" She was interrupted by Fluttershy throwing her arms around her.

"I woke up in bed with Rainbow Dash! She's loved me since Flight School! It was my first time and I barely remember it. Also, I didn't even know that one of my best friends liked me that way! I'm not even sure about my feelings! And, I messed up my mane that you spent so much time on!"

Rarity wasn't sure what she should address first.

"I woke up in bed with Twilight, she's loved me since the diamond dog issue. I'm not sure about how ponies feel about me either, but I do have a pretty good idea about my love life. Also, I don't care if you're mane is ruined! You're upset and that's all that matters! Don't be upset. I'm here for you and Rainbow Dash and Twilight will calm down. We've faced harder times than getting drunk and doing something bad."

She put her head on Fluttershy's shoulder and the two of them sat in silence for a little while. "Hey, Rarity, do you think that you could come over to my cottage later today? We could um... take care of the animals to keep our minds off of things. Only if you want to, though."

"That sounds lovely, Fluttershy."