• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 2,781 Views, 177 Comments

Diamonds and Butterflies - Princess Glitzy

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

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They Had To Know At Some Point

When Rarity woke up, she was extremely unhappy that her Fluttershy wasn't there. She knew Fluttershy wasn't supposed to be there and that Fluttershy got nothing telling her to do so, but doing anything without Fluttershy these days was... shall I say 'THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!'

She got up and began her morning routine: shower, brush her teeth, hair styling, makeup, possible outfit, perfume and then breakfast.

Rarity showered, brushed her teeth and then tried to decide her hair style of the day. Do I want to try something different today or my regular style? She examined her mane. New is fabulous, but I've already figured out every last detail of this hair style and I've perfected it! That settles it! Today typical glam beats funky new styles.

Rarity put on her eyeshadow as usual, but used sparkly pink instead of her usual baby blue. What am I going to wear? Am I even wearing clothes today? Well, my birthday suit does fit perfectly! She skipped getting dressed and then put on one of her many perfumes.

She grabbed a muffin and ate it fast, well at least by her dainty standards. She was supposed to take a walk with Fluttershy, and she didn't want to be late. They may even have a picnic! She quickly read the newspaper and then grabbed her purse. She had just finished breakfast and was ready for the day.

She ran outside and then teleported into Fluttershy's cottage. She walked into the living room and surprisingly she didn't see Fluttershy there. Rarity walked into Fluttershy's room. It wasn't an invasion of her private space or areas because she had been in there dozens of times.

Awww! Fluttershy's asleep! It was too tempting, so she got into bed with Fluttershy and began spooning with her. Fluttershy's soft coat made her happy, until she suddenly realized how far she had just taken their relationship. She was not only touching her flank, but her wings too. This was a step up and her fillyfriend was still fast asleep.

"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, wake up." No response. "Wake up!" Fluttershy was startled and she turned fast towards the noise and at the same time grabbing Rarity's pony boob. She looked up and saw what a bad situation they were in. Nopony minded, though it was just one day after their first date.

Rarity slowly backed away, but quickly returned to her side. "You know, what they say, 'when in rome' or in this case when in a bed with your fillyfriend." She kissed Fluttershy and softly pet along the tips of her wings. She let out a small purr of delight. The two of them kissed deeply while their bodies were touching, a lot.

Rainbow Dash walked into Fluttershy's cottage and so did Twilight. Twilight had already tried the boutique, but Rarity wasn't there, so she figured that if she wasn't there, then she was probably with her best friend.

"Twilight, why are you here?"

"Rainbow why are you here?"

"Let's answer at the same time. 3, 3, 1 GO!"

"I need to apologize to Rarity." "I need to apologize to Fluttershy." they said at the same time. The two of them nodded at each other and then made their way to the bedroom where they thought they heard sounds.

The slowly eased open the door and walked in. They saw wing boners, horns glowing, kissing and lots of touching.

"What the buck is going on here!" Rainbow screamed.

"R- Rarity... I- I..." Twilight started crying.

Rarity and Fluttershy changed their position to them loosely holding each other in their arms.

"Well, um... I..."

"Fluttershy and I are fillyfriends." Two gasps escaped from the elements of magic and loyalty. Rainbow Dash choked back her tears. She looked at Fluttershy with a pained expression.

"D- Do you love her the way I loved you?" Fluttershy nodded.

"Rarity is the one for me."

Twilight looked at Rarity. Tears covering her face and a sad aura around her. With her head hung low, she asked quietly, yet still unmistakably devastatingly "Is s- she why you don't love me back?"

"Twilight," she laid a hoof on her shoulder. "You don't choose who you fall for, you just do. Fluttershy may be my fillyfriend, but I still love the four of you as sisters."

Rainbow Dash and Twilight took one glance back at their loves and then walked out of the room. This was gut wrenchingly terrible for both of them.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy with sad eyes. "They mean so much to me and I hate seeing them in pain, but they shouldn't get in the way of true happiness. If you do care about me as much as I think you do then we shouldn't let them tear us apart. They'll find somepony. The greatest flyer in all of Equestria and Celestia's star pupil can handle themselves." This brought much comfort to Fluttershy's heart. The two of them laid in bed and cuddled. When they had finally decided that they didn't want to mope around Fluttershy's cottage anymore, they got up and got the picnic basket ready.

They made salad and apple pie together. Angel could smell the food and hopped in. He looked at Rarity and Fluttershy and then sighed. Fluttershy turned to look at her bunny.

"What's wrong?" Angel made a heart with his hands and then pointed to the two mares.

"Rarity and I dating?" Angel nodded. He then placed a hand on his chest, pointed at her and then backed up far away.

"Rarity and I are dating and you're far away? Oh, um... are you afraid that I won't spend time with you now that I have Rarity?" Angel nodded. She patted his furry head.

"I won't forget about you!" Rarity smacked Fluttershy's flank. She blushed.

"R- Rarity..."

"Will you bring your luscious lips over to mine?" Fluttershy felt hot and nervous. Rarity kissed Fluttershy passionately.

"...awesome." Fluttershy just barely squeaked out. The two of them walked out the door and then began to take a walk around the park.

"Fluttershy, would you ever be able to live without all of your animals?"

"Without all, then yes, but without any I would be heartbroken. It's like asking if you could live without a single piece of clothing or jewelry. You couldn't live happily that way. It's who we are."

"Who do you think the prettiest mare in Equestria is?"


"Awww! You're the cutest and I really like you which makes you even more attractive, but nopony can beat Celestia's mane."

"True, true."

The two mares looked up and saw that they had walked all the way back to Fluttershy's cottage. They turned around and walked to the clearing near her house. They set down the basket and then put out the food.

They ate their food while talking about a certain pony's personalities or books they've read. Fluttershy kissed Rarity goodbye and then went back to take care of her animals.

"Goodbye, Fluttershy!"

"Goodbye, Rarity!"

She makes everything better, she even made the day we woke up with Twilight and Rainbow Dash in our beds better. Fluttershy is great.