• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 2,781 Views, 177 Comments

Diamonds and Butterflies - Princess Glitzy

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

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I L- Lov... Lo-Lov... How Am I Going To Do This?

Fluttershy awakens in a comfy and soft bed. Her eyes flutter open and she see the love of her life, Rarity. "Good morning Rarity. Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning. I slept fabulously with you here. My heart beats faster each time I`m with you and you just complete me darling. I am generous, but you are even more so. You have generously given me your heart and that`s more than I have ever wanted." Fluttershy began crying.

"R- Rarity it`s too early to be um... poetic. It was b- beautiful though. I mean, I cherish you. Being able to wake up and see your big, beautiful, blue eyes is great. I can`t imagine living my life without you... Rarity. I- I know that I may be sort of um... shy, but you bring out the best in me and I feel like I`m..." Falling in love with you. Come on! Say it! Fluttershy don`t be so shy! "...The happiest when I`m with you." I`m so angry at myself that I could do the stare... at myself? No, that wouldn`t work. Never mind I guess.

"I feel the same way about you! Would you like to go out to breakfast? We could stay at home though, if you would prefer to do that."

"Um... how about we... go out to breakfast. I think. I am not really sure, I`m sorry. You choose, if that`s all right with you."

"Darling! I don`t care! I know that you want to make me happy, but you are my fillyfriend! You need to make decisions in this relationship too!" When she said 'relationship', Fluttershy`s heart skipped a beat.

Relationship?! Yay! Well, I mean we are living together. We are progressing in this relationship, but we still haven`t said I love you yet. Wait! We haven`t said I love you yet?! Rarity wants me to be a part of this, I need to tell her. It should be romantic. She looked up at an impatient Rarity. Oh my gosh! She`s looking at me! I need to answer!

"I would like to go to Ponyriffic Pancakes, if it`s okay-" No. "Let`s go to Ponyriffic Pancakes, darling?"

"Sure! Sounds great! Also, good job using darling! I guess some of my fabulosity has rubbed off on you!" She gave Fluttershy a quick kiss and then got up to take a shower.

Fluttershy watched Rarity take off her robe. Her eyes slowly drifted down to her flank. "Enjoying the show?" Fluttershy shook herself out of her dazed state.

"Yeah... I MEAN NO! Yes? No? ...yes." Rarity giggled at her confused fillyfriend.

"I am your fillyfriend, it`s fine to 'check me out'. I`m not going to lie and say that my mind hasn`t gone there with you." Fluttershy blushed. Rarity began doing a little sexy dance thing specifically to embarrass Fluttershy. This put Fluttershy over the edge. Her face was as red as Big Mac and she felt like she needed some air. Rarity slowly stepped into the shower. When did she even turn it on?

Rarity smiled and then shut the shower curtain. Fluttershy could still see Rarity`s silhouette. She couldn`t help herself. She slowly got up off the bed and inched closer and closer to the beckoning shower. She pulled back the curtain and stepped into the awesome shower. Rarity wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and kissed her. The two ponies began kissing passionately. Fluttershy pulled away and hugged Rarity. She gave her a nose nuzzle and then stepped out of the shower.

"You look really pretty when you`re um... wet. YOU LOOK GOOD ALL THE TIME THOUGH! I didn`t mean that you aren`t pretty! You`re the prettiest mare ever! Prettiest pony ever! Except for maybe Celestia... I mean um! Uh! You heard nothing! Oh geez..."

"Fluttershy, don`t get yourself all worked up. It was a nice compliment. I would say the same thing to you. And Celestia undoubtedly has the best mane and body shape. You were starting to sound like Pinkie Pie for a second there."

"Well Pinkie and I are both played by Andrea Libman."

"What was that dear? Didn`t quite catch that."

"Uh... your mane looks so pretty!"

"Awww! Thank you! That`s so sweet!" Phew! That worked out.

"We can dry off and then um... go."

"Sounds lovely Fluttershy!" She quickly dried of her mane and coat. She hadn`t done anything to it, yet it looked perfect to Fluttershy. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was so busy admiring Rarity`s hair that she forgot to dry off her own coat. She dried the ends of her mane and tail and then shook off for the rest. The two mares smiled at each other, grabbed their purses and then headed out the door.

"Um... Rarity, can we walk there. If it`s okay with you that is."

"How about we teleport half way and then walk the rest. I don`t want to walk that far without my special shoes. I could hurt myself. You don`t want that do you?" YOU?! IN PAIN?! NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD! I don`t want that to happen to Rarity. I need to be a good fillyfriend and accommodate Rarity. Stupid Fluttershy, wanting to walk the whole way.

"NO! I DON`T EVER WANT YOU TO BE IN PAIN! YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST! I could fly you there." Rarity thought about the last time Fluttershy tried to fly somepony somewhere.

"Uh, you know what, let`s just walk there."

"A- Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive love~!" Fluttershy shrugged. She offered her hoof to her fillyfriend and she gladly took it. They walked hoof in hoof with Rarity`s head leaning on Fluttershy`s shoulder and their hearts filled with the joy of being with one another.

Wait! She called me 'love'! Does she love me? Is she going to say it soon?! I have to tell her! Now! ...or at the restaurant... or at the house or- NO! Fluttershy, you can do this! "R- Rar- Rarity... I- I wanted t- to tell you that I- I-" She was cut off by Rarity`s sudden outburst.

"Are you okay?! You are shaking like a leaf! You seem like you are scared or something. You can tell me anything."

"I- I love... I love-" *SIGH* "...your purse."

"That`s all? Why was it so hard to get that off your chest?"

"I am um... jealous? Your purse is just so pretty that I like it more than mine? Um... yeah, that." Rarity wrapped her arms around Fluttershy`s neck.

"You don`t have to be jealous! What`s mine is yours! Would you like to trade?"

"No, I`m fine. You can keep your..." She looked at the tag. "...GUCCI PURSE?! Doesn`t this cost like 1,000 bits?! Has this one even come out yet?!"

"Well I work with Photo Finish, Hoity Toity and Silver Glimmer, not to mention that I know the princess herself. So, I have a few connections. Isn`t it just fabulous?!"

"It`s really... nice Rarity. As I was saying before, this beautiful purse is yours."

"Okay then." Rarity looked up. "Hey! We`re already here! And my hooves don`t hurt! As Rainbow would say, 'EPIC'!" Fluttershy sighed.

I- I couldn`t say it. The moment was perfect. The whole purse things was... um... awkward. I messed it all up. Hopefully, I get another good moment. Hopefully, I DON`T MESS IT UP THIS TIME! I`m so upset that I could scream! She looked at Rarity walking into Ponyriffic Pancakes. Well, maybe I can`t shout. I could shout in my head. That`s just... weird though. Hmph...

"Aren`t you coming Fluttershy?"

"What? Um... yeah. I mean yes, yes, I will be in in a second." Rarity walked over to a table and sat down, but not before thoroughly wiping it down with a clean rag.

"Hehehe!" She couldn`t hold in her giggles. Rarity, you`re such a neat fanatic. Fluttershy took a seat opposite to the side Rarity was sitting on.

"What are you going to order?"

"Well, I was going to order the-"

"The waiter`s coming over!" A young mare with a messy mane walked over to them, she seemed like a teenager. She was probably working there to earn some bits for college or to waste on shopping.

"Hello, what can-" She stopped to find her quill. She scrambled around for a while until she finally found it. "HAHA! I- I mean, what can I get you?"

"Are you okay darling? You seem a bit flustered."

"Well, this is my first week here, I have mid-terms so I am super busy, I have been staying up late studying, I have to take care of my little brother all the time and my parents are getting a divorce so they are being really annoying. Everypony knew that it was just a matter of time before they finally broke it off. I was just hoping that I could move out before it happened. My little brother has gotten quiet recently because of all the fighting, I think that it`s getting to him. Also, my best friend is having major issues with her coltfriend. Oh, and I don`t have a date to the dance." Fluttershy and Rarity stared at her in shock.

"Oh, that sounds awful! Would you like to sit with us?"

"I can`t, I need to work. I just have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I- It`s just so much..." She broke out into tears. She buried her face into Fluttershy`s coat and mane. She didn`t mind one bit, she wanted this poor mare to feel better.

"What`s your name?"

"My name is Sweetie Swirl."

"First things first, everypony`s first week at a job is tough, especially if it`s your very first job. Mid-terms will be over soon and you seem like a smart kid so try to ease off the studying just a little, somepony who falls asleep during a test isn`t going to get a good grade. Try to hang out with your brother by doing fun things, get him to feel better. Divorces are tough on families, just make sure that you stay strong and try to help everypony, they feel just as bad as you do. Try to comfort your friend, once she`s done you can vent your problems to her. You will listen to each other`s problems and work to get through them. As for the date to the dance, I think that it will work out, you are a lovely mare who has a bright future ahead of you. If you don`t find a date then go with friends. Everything will work out, don`t you worry."

Rarity stared at Fluttershy in her element, making people feel better, whether they are an animal, pony or draconequus! Fluttershy hugged the mare and then helped her stand back up.

"Now, go and have a great life, don`t let anything ruin your day."

"Thanks, now what would you like to order?"

"I will take an order of two pancakes with OJ."

"I would like some toast and hay bacon with whole milk." Sweetie Swirl smiled and then turned to tell the chef what they want. Rarity leaned across the table and planted a kiss on Fluttershy`s lips. Fluttershy smiled and felt like the moment was finally right. There was peace and quiet, they had just kissed and she had a good feeling.



"I love you. I`m in love with you. I`m head over heels in love with you. You`re the only one for me. I have always loved you, even when I didn`t know it yet. You are the love of my life and I can`t imagine a world without you. You make me better and you make me happier. You make me feel like there are butterflies in my stomach. You are the only one that make me feel hot, embarrassed, happy, elated and confused at the same time. Rarity, you mean the world and more to me. I love you more than my heart can love." Rarity began crying.

"I LOVE YOU TOO~!" She wrapped her in a tight hug and then kissed her passionately and deeply. They ignored the hustle and bustle of the diner, all that mattered once again was there love. They stayed that way for a long period of time. They didn`t care if their public display of affection grossed anypony out. They were in love and love is a powerful thing.

Sweetie walked over with their food and saw the two of them hugging and kissing each other. "Awww!" She walked over to them and put down the food slowly, as not to alarm them. "Your food is here if you care." They broke the kiss and looked at her and the extremely appetizing food.

"Thanks, looks great."

"You`re welcome. Also, you two are cute together. Like kindness and generosity, both nice things." They laughed, why did she choose to compare those two things! It was such a coincidence.

"Actually we are kindness and generosity."

"How? What do you- OHMYGOSH! You are the elements of harmony! Fluttershy of kindness and Rarity of generosity! I should have recognized you guys! They taught us about you in school! The elements of harmony helped to defeat Discord, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis and Sombra! You are legends!"

"We are famous?!"

"Well, duh!"

"Here that Fluttershy?! We are famous!"


"May I take a picture with you mares?" Rarity nodded. They posed and Sweetie snapped the pic. She beamed and then skipped away.

"She is nice." Fluttershy nodded. They began eating because they were famished. "MMMMMMMM..." They ate their food and ended up with syrup covered faces. The two mares smiled and cleaned themselves up. The two of them paid and then began walking home.