• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 2,782 Views, 177 Comments

Diamonds and Butterflies - Princess Glitzy

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

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Clubs+Partying+Friends= Fun... WRONG!

Rarity walked into a club full of many ponies, yet she was still able to find Fluttershy immediately. She ran over to greet her best friends in all of Equestria.

"Hey girls!" She hugged them and smiled broadly. "It's been forever darlings! Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, AJ, Twilight! I just haven't seen you in ages! We need to catch up! How are you?"

Pinkie was the first one to talk. "I created a cool, new dance move where you-" Pinkie Pie got up to show them. "Walk left to right while waving your arms and-" Rainbow put her hoof on her mouth.

"I've got an even cooler story!" Pinkie didn't care if she was interrupted, she was automatically excited to hear Rainbow Dash's story.

"I figured out how to do this awesome move! I do a spin, then I do a nose dive into a bunch of clouds. Then, I fly back up while dodging the clouds. Then, I spin those same clouds. Finally, I fly through the still spinning clouds and do a sonic rainboom, causing all of them to shoot out in a flurry of color!"

Suddenly, Twilight felt very happy. "YOU USED THE WORD 'FLURRY'!" Rainbow Dash looked around nervously and then turned to Twi.

"I did not! I'm not an egghead!" Pinkie Pie jumped in between the two of them.

"Did to!"

The two of them gave her a skeptical look. Pinkie's ears flopped down. "What? It looked like fun." Applejack grabbed Pinkie and hugged her.

"It's might fine o' ya ta want ta have fun! There ain't no way, no how that that's not okay!" She turned to Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "The two o' ya ought ta be ashamed o' yourselves! Pinkie may a bit- very annoyin' at times, but we have to support her!"

Fluttershy and Rarity looked at each other. "This needs to be fixed, nopony is having any fun." they said at the same time. Rarity turned to her friends.

"We should be partying and laughing! Instead we're fighting! I don't know about you, but I shall order a nice drink." She turned to Applejack. "You know a thing or two about cider, would you happen to know any good drinks to get at a... for lack of a better term, bar?"

"Strawberry Daiquiri would probably be ta yer likin' Rarity." Rarity smiled and then turned to the bartender. She wasn't at all surprised that it was Berry Punch.

"Hello Berry, I would like a Strawberry Daiquiri please." She turned and fetched Rarity some Strawberry Daiquiri with a little umbrella green in it.

"Could I please have a different colored umbrella, green is such a horrid color." Berry Punch sighed and then gave her a new, purple umbrella.

"Thank you!" She then turned to Fluttershy. "Would you like a drink?"

I don't know. I have never had alcohol before. Well, I think I might have tried some cider, but I'm more into some nice sparkling water, ice cold lemonade or chamomile tea.

She looked at her friends. They are all drinking.

"Um... I'll have a... Tequila Sunrise I think... please."

"Okay I'll have that for you in a jiffy, Fluttershy."

After a little while everypony in the club was having a great time... except for Rarity. Pinkie Pie was laughing with Spike who really should not be there. Also, Twilight and Applejack were talking about the Apple Farm and their families. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were dancing happily in the crowd of excited ponies, talking about anything and laughing loudly.

Rarity wasn't sure why, but she wasn't having fun. She was one to get up and dance with her friends or compliment ponies on their manes or clothes, but whenever she looked at Fluttershy and Rainbow she felt extremely sad, angry, envious and very confused. In fact, she didn't know what to feel.

Out of all nights, this night has been THE WORST POSSIBLE NIGHT! Fluttershy's ignoring me and I didn't think that it would hurt so much, but it does.

Twilight could tell that Rarity was upset, so she excused herself from Applejack and then went over to talk with Rarity.

"Rarity, are you okay? You have drank about five Strawberry Daiquiris and you keep looking sadly into the crowd. That's not like you."

"Twilight, dear, I am not sure how I'm feeling. I- I'm just so..." She threw her head into Twilight lap and began crying.

"It's okay Rarity, you're smart, beautiful and strong. I'm not sure what happened, but you'll feel better soon."

Rarity looked up into Twilight's big violet eyes. By now Rarity was beyond drunk and said something that was probably just the alcohol talking. She smiled playfully at Twilight.

"Do you wanna get out of here?"

Fluttershy had been drunk right after half a glass of her Tequila Sunrise. She is way too frail to handle it.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm having a great time!" She started dancing wildly and Rainbow couldn't help, but stare. Fluttershy danced in circles, shaking her head to the music.

"I love this song!" She shook around the room having a great time in her inebriated state. Fluttershy flew up into the air and began to dance up there, but she was too tired to continue flying. She flapped her wings one more time then she fell. Rainbow Dash jumped just in time to catch her.

"Fluttershy, you need to go home."

"Thank you for saving me from the mean floor." Rainbow Dash chuckled quietly.

"Rainbow Dash, has anypony ever told you that your hot pink eyes sparkle under the light."