• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 2,779 Views, 177 Comments

Diamonds and Butterflies - Princess Glitzy

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

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Friend Meeting ASAP!

Fluttershy and Rarity sat down at the table in the library. The main six are there, all with different expressions. Rarity is confident that everything will be fine and Fluttershy is nervous as to how her friends will react to Rarishy. Pinkie Pie is ecstatic to see her friends and Applejack thinks that something suspicious is going on. Twilight is depressed because the mare who broke her heart is right across the room and Rainbow Dash is everything and nothing.

Rainbow Dash is sad, furious, heartbroken, devastated and confused, yet also happy for Fluttershy and envious. Rainbow Dash tries to hold in her pain. Though she feels these emotions, she doesn't feel like punching or flying to let off steam, she's as calm as she could be... for a sad/angry mare.

The main six looked at each other in silence until Pinkie Pie decided to break the tension. "How are you ponies?" Everypony looked at her with an expression that said 'Don't even go there'. All except Spike and AJ who had no clue what was going on.

Rarity held Fluttershy's hoof and then stood up. "I- We have an announcement to make. Feel free to show your emotions, this is a friends' meeting after all." Fluttershy nodded slightly for Rarity to continue and tell them the news.

"Fluttershy and I are fillyfriends." Pinkie Pie jumped up.

"We're all fillyfriends! We know each other well and we're buddies!" Rarity sighed softly.

"To clarify, we are in a pretty serious relationship. Pinkie, that means that Fluttershy and I are dating." A bunch of gasps escaped the crowd. Twilight began crying, she knew that it was serious, but they were going steady! Rainbow Dash let a single tear fall down her face. She would be strong... screw it! What the hay! She's been mine my whole life and Rarity's j- just going to take her, nuh-uh, not gonna happen on my watch! She slammed her hoof down.

"I've loved Fluttershy my whole life and in one day you just show up and steal her heart! I've known her for so long! I defended her honor!" Fluttershy rose from her seat.

"You also let me fall." Rainbow took that in. I did let her fall. I was busy winning t- that I ju- just smacked right into her and let her fall and if she was at the right angle, possibly to her death.

Spike 'took the stage'. "I love you Rarity! I've always loved you! I- I'm cute! I'm your Spikey-Wikey!"

"You will always be my Spikey-Wikey, but you're not Fluttershy, she's my fillyfriend. I know you're young, but you'll have to accept that." Twilight walked up and punched Rarity square in the face. It wasn't rational or sensible, it just wasn't something Twilight did. Unless of course you broke her and her baby dragon's hearts.

Rarity was unconscious. She lied on the floor, blissfully unaware of what was about to ensue. "YOU PUNCHED RARITY IN THE FACE YOU BIOTCH! YOU STUPID, CONDESCENDING JERK! YOU DON'T GET TO PUNCH HER! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO TOUCH HER!" Fluttershy knocked Twilight to the ground and proceeded to try to choke Twilight.

"F- Flu..." Rainbow Dash shoved Fluttershy off of Twilight. Fluttershy then toppled her and started punching her.



"YOU-" *PUNCH* "HURT-" *PUNCH* "RARITY!!!!" The anger coming out almost as painfully as the punches did. Fluttershy looked up at Pinkie Pie's scared eyes and froze. She slapped Twilight and Rainbow Dash, hard, and then flew back over to her seat. She put her head down and began crying. Applejack stared at her friends.

Do ah comfort RD and Twi or Fluttershy? Ah don't know the full story, ah can't decide. Applejack and Pinkie Pie looked at the scene. 1 unconscious mare, 2 beat up meanies, 1 crying mare and 3 totally confused ponies/dragons.

Spike ran up to Twilight and hugged her. "You're okay Twi. It's okay." He stroked her mane softly. He looked like he was on the verge of insanity. His love and his 'mother', both hurt.

Fluttershy lied down next to Rarity and then snuggled up to her. She kissed her on the cheek and then Rarity woke up. "What happened?"

"Oh! You told us about Rarishy. I like the sound of it, 'Rarishy'. Off topic! Then, Rainbow punched you and you took a nap! Fluttershy went berserk and nearly killed Rainbow Dash and Twilight physically. She also yelled really loudly and furiously at them. She screamed like you died or something. Really, seriously. Then, the three of them cried hysterically!" AJ looked at Pinkie and punched her sort of roughly, not enough to give her any bruises or anything.

"Shut up Pinkie! JUST SHUT UP!" Applejack yelled. Pinkie Pie closed her mouth and then frowned. The main six, then looked at each other with sorrow.

"I miss the way we used to be." Rarity started whimpering. All of them hesitantly hugged each other loosely. Feelings and ponies were hurt, but it was a start. They all cried softly and looked at each other.

"Rainbow, Twilight, I'm sorry. I think it was fair... um... but, it was unkind. Rarity and I are together. You two will find somepony. You are the elements of harmony after all." Rarity smiled.

"I'm sorry that I didn't catch onto your feelings and let you down sooner, so this didn't have to happen so fast, but Twilight, I am with Fluttershy." She turned to Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"Both of you need to let go." Pinkie Pie left the room and then came back with cupcakes. She shoved one in each ponies mouth.

"No more talking! It makes us sad! Let's... hug some more?" Everypony was shocked that Pinkie Pie didn`t say 'party' or 'par-tay'. Though they were shocked, they were also proud of Pinkie for not making everything a party and taking them seriously. The main six reunited for more hugs. They stood huddled up together. Suddenly, a little whine filled the air.

"I wanna hug you ponies too!"

"C'mon Spike! Ah'd be mighty happy if ya'd join us!" Spike joined the hug too. They hugged for a while and then Rarity pulled out.

"Do you know what we're doing?" They shook their heads 'no'.

"Spending quality time together... as friends!" They all smiled. Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked at each other.

"We accept your relationship." they said in unison.

Everypony (and one dragon) smiled. It was like everything was back to normal... except Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash's body parts still hurt.