• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

  • ...

Down Fall

#1- down fall


Twilight woke up, horns were blaring she shot out of her bed rarity and applejack were at her door "what is that horrible noise!?" Rarity covered up her ears "poor opalescence, she is scared to death by the noise" Rarity pouted. There was a crash upstairs "what in tarnation!" Applejack screamed over the loud blaring rainbow dash zoomed over to the three with fluttershy's tail in her mouth. "fluttershy! it's okay" twilight encouraged the shakened pony "n...n...n...no it's not" fluttershy pouted there was a pounding at the door "where's pinkie," applejack asked as the door came of it's hinges and came slamming onto the library's floor. three royal guards came running in and grabbed the five ponies and threw them into a caridge.

"where am i?" Rainbow Dash asked painfully through gritted teeth."ouch Rainbow Dash get off my tail!" applejack pulled her tail out of the pile of ponies. After a few minutes, a grey guard walked towards them "rainbow dash, and twilight sparkle," he wondered over to an iron door and pushed it open "Princess Celestia needs you two." he scowls and walks through it with Rainbow Dash and Twilight following close behind. Celestia sat warily in her throne her once beautiful mane was now dull and ugly. " Princess Celestia!" Twilight gasped. "what happened!" Rainbow Dash finished her sentence. Princess Celestia stood up slowly "i'm not immortal" she said sickly. the Two just nodded " there is one that will take my place and it will be one of you" she said ignoring the gasps that came from Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"one who is fast and brave, who holds the color of loyalty in her hooves" Princess Celestia said stronger but got weaker. She looked a twilight and then at rainbow Dash "Twilight you are loyal to me and your studies, you are brave enough to fight a roaring tiger but," she stopped and turned to rainbow dash "but Rainbow Dash is faster, brave enough to fight a mighty Dragon, and she is the element of loyalty!" she said as two guards came and walked Twilight back to the room they were in before. "Rainbow Dash are you ready to become an alicorn princess!" Princess Celestia asked as Rainbow Dash shook her head eagerly. Princess Celestia gathered up all her strengh and shot a bolt of magic at Rainbow Dash, sending her flying up in the air. Princess Celestia dropped to the floor and whispered "please rule equestria good" Rainbow Dash held back a tear as she watched Princess Celestia breathe her last breath.

Author's Note:

Sorry everyone about the short chapters this was my very first fanfic EVER and it was really really short trust me it gets longer by a long shot!