• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

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Chapter 10


FlameDust stopped "why were you so upset about Swiftstar?" FlameDust asked not aware that it slipped out. Rainbow Dash looked at him her eyes were still watery but she wasn't crying anymore. "Can you keep a secret?" she asked him again. " Yes Rainbow Dash...I can" FlameDust told Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked down at the ground, it just started to rain, Rainbow Dash looked up she was crying again. She pressed her muzzle into his coat "Swiftstar mean't soooo much to me, she was so supportive, so loving!" She was drenched her mane was dark and it felt heavy, but she needed to get this out. "Swiftstar was my," Rainbow Dash looked at FlameDust "my...mother" she looked down and started to trot away "wait up!" FlameDust called after "I have something to tell you!" he said, rainbow dash stopped and waited for FlameDust to catch up "what do you have to tell me?" Rainbow Dash asked curious. "it's about my sister." FlameDust said. that caught Rainbow Dash's attention."go on" she encouraged him. "my sister is...is...is a wonderbolt" FlameDust started. "Which one?" Rainbow Dash asked getting a little impatient. "Spitfire!" He said solemnly. "oh and I wanted to give you this," he said in a happier way, "give me wha..." Rainbow Dash was cut off when FlameDust grabbed her and pulled her closer. "For this." He whispered to her as he lightly Kissed her, he let her go and ran off. Rainbow Dash stunned about what just happened raced off after him. (to bad her wing is broken)

Cloud Gazer was pacing back and forth mumbling stuff "where are they!" he whispered. "um, Cloud Gazer?" Misty tried to get his attention. "what if he couldn't find her?!" he whispered some more obviously he didn't here Misty. "what if Magenta got her!" he started to pace back and forth faster whispering more and more. "CLOUD GAZER!" Misty screamed at the grey Stallion, "what?!" he yelled back. "they're back!" she said softly as she pointed to them. Rainbow Dash is standing close to FlameDust. why are they standing so close! What happened out there? I knew it, I just knew it! I should of been out there looking for her not Flame... Wait a minute...FlameDust was a Guard For Magenta... I KNOW HIM! Cloud Gazer Gasped, He walked over to Rainbow Dash whispered something to her and they walked away. "What do you want?" Rainbow Dash asked kindly "First I was really, really worried!" he said. Before Rainbow Dash could Answer he went on "Second, I don't think you should be spending time with FlameDust!" He said his eyes were filled with pity. Rainbow Dash didn't let him explain she was furious "Who do you thik you are, Cloud Gazer, My father!" she screamed. "no! let me explain!" He pleaded. "explain!...EXPLAIN! why should I?" she said with narrowed eyes. "because I know FlameDust, he's evil just like me! Magenta controls us remind when I told you she controlled me?!" Cloud Gazer asked. "you know what Cloud Gazer your just jealous!" Rainbow Dash stormed off not caring where she was going or anything when there was a scream from the beach. "MISTY!" Rainbow Dash yelled racing through the forest as quick as she could hoping she wasn't to late.

about ten ponies were surrounding Jet,Misty, and FlameDust. Rainbow Dash ran through some ferns watching the horror of her friends being trapped she couldn't take it. This isn't my first time using magic, it's my second! Rainbow Dash tried to encourage herself as she bundle some magic up she aimed for the nearest guard, she easily shot him down just enough magic to temporarily Paralyze him. Cloud Gazer was picking up guard from the sky and dropping them. One-by-one The guard went down Five left! Misty,Jet, And FlameDust has gotten free they were safe with Cloud Gazer. I must find the others. " you guys are lucky!" Rainbow Dash whispered. even though Rainbow Dash broke her wing she had to get to the others the only way she could do that is if she flys. "okay this is going to hurt!" she lept up into the air her bad wing barely able to move. Rainbow Dash slowly made it to the other side of the beach, Rainbow Dash tried to land gently but her wing couldn't hold anymore. "OWW" Rainbow Dash hissed loudly, Alerting a couple of guard. oops! Rainbow Dash thought to herself and she stumbled to get up, she started to sprint despite the pain in her wing. something hot hit her in the side of the head. Rainbow Dash looked back There was an aquamarine unicorn guard chasing her with the other pegasus guards. "aw! come on a Unicorn!" she screamed as she dodged another bolt of magic. "give me a break!" she yelled over her shoulder. Misty Ran up to her "Come on! we can lose them if we head into the forest!" she said as she turned to her left, Rainbow Dash followed quickly. Rainbow Dash looked behind her they've been running in the forest for quite a while. She stopped the pain in her wing Was unbearable, and her headache didn't help it any. Rainbow Dash shut her eyes, something Hot and Sticky stuck to her.

Cloud Gazer was inspecting her when she opened her eyes. Her coat felt heavy and sticky she looked at her wing it was covered in something that looked like bandages, she went to poke it but Misty slapped her hand away. "no touchie touchie! your badly hurt!" Misty Told her what had happen after she passed out. I wish I never would Have became an Alicorn Princess! Rainbow Dash groaned in agony. She was in a great deal of pain. "where are we?" Rainbow Dash asked warily. FlameDust walked over to her "Don't worry about that right now okay!" he said as Rainbow Dash closed her eyes the last thing she saw before passing out again was the angry scowl that Cloud Gazer Gave FlameDust. Rainbow Dash woke up in a pure white area, no trees,ferns,bracken,stones, or ponies it was just her and white. "i'm in heaven!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she fell forward. somepony laughed and Rainbow Dash sat straight up "Yes Rainbow Dash your in heaven but your not Dead" said the pony. Rainbow Dash turned around and gasped in total shock, "Princess Celestia!"