• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

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Bloody Sun

Chapter 18

Bloody Sun

Cloud Gazer watched as the Stallion faded and everything went back to normal. The stallion sighed "What does that mean?" He whispered sadly, "What does what mean Cloud Gazer?" Raindrop walked up from behind him. "I'm not sure what that was about but at least, I'm not Frozen!" Jet Laughed to FlameDust. The sun was completely out from behind the horizon, Cloud Gazer looked up at it and sighed Watch out for the ones who you can't hold close? Cloud Gazer Sighed in confusion "It was nothing..." The stallion told the purple colored mare, "Cloud Gazer! Who was that weird Stallion?!" Raindrop asked as she pressed against Cloud Gazer. "He was nopony..." The grey Stallion lied as Raindrop looked up at the sun, it flickered red and then went back to normal, Frightened she lept back and shook her head warily. Cloud Gazer was gazing up at the sun too. Cloud Gazer. It's coming... The whispers wouldn't leave him alone, He listened once and he wouldn't do it again, "Leave me alone" He whispered. Cloud Gazer utterly wanted some peace and quiet. FlameDust looked at the Grey Stallion with Confusion, He backs away from me but comes back to save me? FlameDust shook the thought out of his head and went to go help Violet make a fire. Cloud Gazer held his head down and walked off towards the horizon. Raindrop looked behind her and spotted Cloud Gazer's shillouete stretching into great heights.

Cloud Gazer sighed with his head down. What is wrong with me? I'm not a monster! Cloud Gazer imagined that the sun was spreading a redish glow just like his dream. Don't fight it Cloud Gazer, It's coming and then you can fight! The voice kept on echoing in his ears, "I told you to leave me ALONE!" Cloud Gazer once again gripped his ears and screamed. "Rainbow Dash is my friend though!" Cloud Gazer whimpered. HA you wish, after all shes done to you? I doubt it! The whispers argued back. "What about all my other friends?" Even FlameDust? your a loner Cloud Gazer your only friend is Raindrop and trust me she will have a role with me too! Cloud Gazer's eyes got wide, Watch out for the ones you can't hold close! Cloud Gazer let a tear fall from his eye " I have to watch out for them?" Cloud Gazer asked as he watched the other ponies. Exactly but WATCH out... Cloud Gazer shook his head "I'm going insane!" The stallion walked back to the others watching his own back, unaware of the mare that snuck up on him "Hey jumpy!" Raindrop screamed making Cloud Gazer jump out of his coat. With his hoof to his heart he took a deep breath "Woah! you scared me!" He gasped for breath when Misty stuck her mouth out of the tent "Go to bed!" She grumbled sleepily. The two ponies giggled softly and said there goodbyes. RainDrop walked her way back to the green tent, Cloud Gazer turn to watch the mare disappear beneath the green cloth. The Stallion found a spot near the fire and huddled as close as he could without getting burned, so he could escaped the coldness that gripped onto him as tight as it could.

Cloud Gazer snored in his sleep as Misty yawned and stumbled out of the tent "Hellllooooo wor..." Misty stopped the birds weren't chirping and there was a strong wind, but the worse thing was that the sun was a redish- orange glow. "WHAT IN THE WORLD!?" Misty screamed startling Cloud Gazer. "Wha...?" The stallion got up and stretched, "Oh no!" He murmured as he ran over to the green tent "RainDrop get up, we got company!" The grey pony called as he ran over to the other tent "GET UP!" He yelled madly as he raced across the clearing. The ponies looked up at the sky, At least 100 ponies were flying with two mares in the center, "Magenta..." Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes when she saw two pegasus holding the Aqua unicorn. "Dear Celestia!" Jet prayed for his life when out of nowhere AppleJack And Fluttershy came burst through the foilage. "We're here to help ya'll!" AppleJack walked over and hugged Rainbow Dash "We missed Ya'll!" AppleJack greeted. "um I'm just here to um you know help zecora with things" Fluttershy spoke in a soft voice. Magenta stepped onto the gound with the other pony another Alicorn, but surprisingly the other one was taller then magenta "NO!" Cloud Gazer screamed as FlameDust looked at him with the same horror "Queen Aura!" The two Stallions said in unison. AppleJack was followed by half of PonyVille's citizens. Magenta's side lined up beside her and PonyVille's citizens lined up beside Rainbow Dash.

Rarity was sitting beside Pinkie Pie, Polishing her hooves. Cloud Gazer and FlameDust stood in between the two sides, Both of the Stallions were getting glares from both sides Come on Cloud Gazer! They don't need you... Cloud Gazer looked at Magenta then at Rainbow Dash for once in a long time, Cloud Gazer saw something in her eyes as he tried to decide which side to go to. I'm sorry Queen Aura... Cloud Gazer turned back to Rainbow Dash and walked over to her, FlameDust was already beside her. Obviously he hasn't been getting little voices in his head! Cloud Gazer walked over to RainDrop "Good Choice!" Raindrop teased him happily, Cloud Gazer replied with a smile. FOOLS! both of you disgusting Ponies, Just remember this Cloud Gazer I'll get revenge! Cloud Gazer shook his head to clear everything inside it, The stallion got ready to attack the other side when A purple mare appeared out of nowhere "ATTACK!" The mare screamed as ponies from each side rushed towards each other. Cloud Gazer lost sight of all his friends, even FlameDust. Everypony became slow-mo then they stopped completely. Cloud Gazer looked around trying to find somepony that he knew "Rainbow Dash? Raindrop? Misty? Anypony there?" Cloud Gazer was just about to give up when something tapped on his shoulder. The stallion turned around to face the future him. "I understand what you mean!" Cloud Gazer yelled at the other older, broken version of him. "Be quiet! They can hear you!" The other Cloud Gazer pointed to the Queen.