• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

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Déjà vu

Chapter 17

Déjà vu

Rainbow Dash peered over a fluffy cloud. "Come on Rainbow, I thought you were better then this!" Flurry Winds teased as he shot forward. The cloud Burst into Tiny particles of dust. Misty and Violet were engaged in a conversation. "Look I really don't see why we have to chase after this Stallion, He's just acting like a Colt!" Raindrop told Rainbow Dash. "He's just trying to get you upset!" Rainbow Dash snorted in disagreement. "Look! There he goes!" Rainbow Dash spotted the light blue Stallion sneaking his way around another cloud Wow! He sure does blend in with the clouds! Rainbow Dash's eyes watch the stallion then shot off with Raindrop and FlameDust Close behind. Cloud Gazer followed the others making sure to lag behind. When he reached the others they were in a field looking around, Misty and FlameDust looked exhausted they were the ponies that were carrying everything. "Let's just unpack this can be our camp for now." FlameDust coughed, something weird was happening to him.

The Stallion put down the luggage and walked off, Something isn't right here I can feel it. FlameDust sat down with his head up, staring at the sun. "FlameDust? Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash let go of the spike that was connected to the tent, and Walked over to him. Cloud Gazer Watch them he was also sitting down, he had a severe headache and to top it off he couldn't get the feeling that he knows this place. Raindrop Looked over at Cloud Gazer "Hey, you okay?" She walked over to him and wrapped her tail around him. "I'm just tired...That's all" He got up and walked over to the nearest Tree and laid beside it's trunk. Cloud Gazer woke up the sun was a redish orange. Strange... Cloud Gazer looked around the tents weren't there anymore but instead there was ponies everywhere. Ponies in uniforms and Ponies that weren't wearing anything. Cloud Gazer walked forward he saw a few ponies that he has seen before. Flurry Winds, AppleJack, Fluttershy, Twilight, Magenta Sun, That unicorn Guard, Lyra, BonBon, Big Macintosh, And many more all lined up, some were on diffrent sides. Cloud Gazer's mouth dangled open as he saw a super tall Mare looking at him blinking even though all the other ponies were still, still as ice. "Welcome my little warrior..." Her voice stung the inside of his ears, Her voice was more vile then a Rattle Snake's venom. Cloud Gazer covered his ears "I was never your little warrior!" Cloud Gazer frowned as he remembered his childhood after he was taken from his family, How Queen Aqua used her powers to control him. A shadow stalked up to him, it had no form. The shadow stalked up to the panicked Stallion and got ready to kill him. the grey Stallion flew to the ground and was turned over, "LIVE THIS..." The figure grinned and rammed into him.

FlameDust sighed, he just couldn't find a way to go to sleep. He got up and walked out of the tent I still can't believe we wet all over the place just to find that Stallion, just to...to...to go to a STUPID field! FlameDust bent down and looked at the dried remains of a crop. FlameDust's stomach rumbled in hunger the Stallion hasn't ate anything in a few days. "Cloud Gazer?" FlameDust walked over to the Stallion, he was breathing hard and looked like he was sweating. "DUDE!?" FlameDust shook Cloud Gazer. The Stallion jumped up "What?" The Stallion looked startled. FlameDust walked closer to him "Dude. it's only me!" FlameDust walked even closer. "I KNOW!" Cloud Gazer raced off not once looking back. Why does he scare me so much! Cloud Gazer stopped to catch his breath. This field much go on forever! Cloud Gazer looked ahead of himself, there were no trees, no flowers, no bushes, nothing but dead crops. "Live this..." Cloud Gazer murmured. "I remember saying that before going crazy back at the camp before we met Violet Sun" He murmured again. Walking further and further away Cloud Gazer sighed and looked up at the sky. The purple glow of the dawn skies lit up the field, but it couldn't light up Cloud Gazer's feelings. Why, am I so paranoid! Cloud Gazer dwelled on the thought. He turned around and started to run back to the camp, Some other pony has to be up other then FlameDust! I just don't trust him![ Cloud Gazer sighed. And you shouldn't trust him... Somepony whispered in his ear again.

"Leave me alone!" Cloud Gazer mumbled. Why my little Warrior. Cloud Gazer stopped right in his tracks My little Warrior, My little Warrior, My little Warrior. The words echoed in his head as he looked up, The camp was near by. Cloud Gazer stopped trotting and started to walk when some pony screamed. "Raindrop!" Cloud Gazer screamed as he began to run as fast as his legs would take him. When Cloud Gazer got to the camp everypony was huddling close together by the green tent. A pegasus guard stood there he wasn't in good shape, blood everywhere and he seemed to have cuts and scars everywhere. "Who are you?" Cloud Gazer scowled at the Stallion. "HA you would want to know..." The Stallion's voice was scratchy. The stallion walked up to Cloud Gazer and whispered in his ear, "Just make sure you watch out for the ones you can't hold...Trust me..I know" Cloud Gazer could see what color the Stallion was; Grey with Purple eyes. He turned to look at the others, they weren't moving they must of been frozen in place. "What do you mean?" Cloud Gazer asked, "And who are you?" The mysterious Stallion grinned "first of all, I can't tell you what it means but I can tell you who I am" The Stallion had a scab right below his lip, everytime the Stallion talked the scab opened just a little until it sliced open. "Well who are you?" Cloud Gazer looked at his frozen friends. A little blood seeped out of his scab, "I'm you"