• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

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Dividing Worlds

Chapter 14

dividing worlds

Cloud gazer looked around, little images flashed around, blocking his vision from the waking world. "Where am I?" He asked walking around, he was in a field. Other ponies stood not moving just standing. There were ponies in the Guard uniforms and then there were ponies that had nothing on at all, Cloud Gazer walked over to one of the guards. There was A pegasus with a Black aura around it, on the Guard's uniform, Cloud Gazer slowly walked away Magenta! Cloud Gazer slowly shook his head when all chaos broke free. "Attack!" A dark purple mare Screamed, She had a bright red and gold crown on, When The guards and The other ponies rushed towards each other in a fury that no-pony could stop, Cloud Gazer started to Panick, A yellow-orange Stallion was rushing towards him "Live THIS..." The Stallion yelled as he Head-butted Cloud Gazer right in the chest! Cloud Gazer jolted out of his sleep, breathing hard. He was lying next to a river, tiny ripples spreaded as the rain pounded into the water. Cloud Gazer's forelegs were tucked neatly underneath him. After stretching Cloud Gazer went to walk back to the camp, Cloud Gazer! The whispers has been haunting him ever since the shocks have started. "Go away!" He whined grabbing his ears again, "please! Just go AWAY!" His yell echoed through the trees, making some birds that were sheltering from the rain, fly off. "Why Cloud Gazer? I thought I was your Princess" Cloud Gazer's ears shot up, and his eyes got wide in terror as he slowly turned That wasn't A whisper! He looked at the tall mare. Rainbow Dash was nearly her height Probably an Alicorn thing. Cloud Gazer stood there his hooves frozen onto the ground, "Magenta, What are you doing here?" He asked as he bowed his feet were finally unfrozen, When Cloud Gazer got back up Magenta was gone just like every other pony. "Alone again" Cloud Gazer sighed and walked back to the camp, his mane drooped down into his eyes and his tail felt heavy and was dragging on the ground. Cloud Gazer finally arrived back at camp. Just what I thought! Everypony is asleep! Cloud Gazer Groaned as he once again laid in the ran. The fire was out I guess the rain put it out. Cloud Gazer Rolled over facing the log, after a hour or two Cloud Gazer let his eyes shut and he too fell asleep.

Raindrop was the first one out, her Golden mane was shiny and she was Brushing her hair. She smiled and threw the brush back into the Tent. Raindrop walked over to the fire, she hasn't seen Cloud Gazer yet. Raindrop turned to light the fire when she gasped and trotted over to the soaking wet Stallion "Cloud Gazer?!" She dropped to the ground and shook his shoulder. "What?...Oh Raindrop" He looked over his shoulder and seen the mare, not caring a single bit he turned back to the log, thinking. "Get up lazy!" She teased hoping that would cheer him up, Raindrop pushed him up just to watch him slump back down. "Now let's go! Just because one pony wouldn't help, I'll be the one to blame!" She hollered right in his ear. Cloud Gazer jumped to his hooves "I'm up!" He mumbled still half asleep "Come on drippy! We have to pack!" Raindrop walked over to the spot where there was a fire. "Cloud Gazer!" She hollered as she seen he was swaying in all diffrent directions, obviously sleeping. "What? oh yeah...okay!" He shook his head, little drops of water was dripping off his chin. Cloud Gazer walked over to Raindrop "thank you, now pack up these and these!" Raindrop pointed to some flint and kindle, Cloud Gazer shook his head still half sleep, he watched Raindrop with Drowsy eyes. The spot had rock forming a circle, inside the circle was burn't wood and ashes, Cloud Gazer tripped over one of the rocks trying to get to the Flint and Kindle. He landed Face first into a Pile of ashes, getting up he blinked and turned to find Raindrop trying not to laugh. "Shut up!" He tried wiping the ashes off but he ended up smearing them deep into his coat. Thank Magenta that my coat is grey He looked up with his eyes shut, When somepony pulled his head down and went to wipe his face, he opened his eyes and saw Raindrop's green eyes staring back at him, she smiled at him then went back to packing up her tent. Cloud Gazer goes around the pile and collected the Flint and goes to grab the Kindle when Raindrop spooks him, Cloud Gazer jumps nearly landed on the pile again when Raindrop grabbed him by the hooves "Woah! Jumpy today?" Raindrop laughed as she pulled him.

Cloud Gazer laughed with her, once again they locked eye contact. Raindrop was still holding Cloud Gazer's hoof when he broke the silence "Are you done packing?" he asked not breaking eye contact. Raindrop just nodded "good!" He smiled still holding her hoof he pulled her up into the air "Woah! Cloud Gazer!" Raindrop looked up as Cloud Gazer threw her up as he stopped. "Come and get me!" He said playfully as he zipped off happily, Raindrop laughed and zoomed off after him I never decline a challenge! she smiled as she raced up beside him. Cloud Gazer looked beside him, not watching what he was doing "Look out!" she warned him as he slapped right into A fluffy Cloud. Raindrop tried to hold back from laughing but when he popped his head out he looked like a White lion, Raindrop Laughed as hard as she ever could. Cloud Gazer and Raindrop Raced each other to the ground "Tie!" He argued but Raindrop shook her head. "Nope! I won!" She triumphantly Laughed softly When Once again the two locked eye contact but this time they leaned in closely they were close to kissing when somepony unzipped the other tent. Cloud Gazer and Raindrop walked away from each other both of them were blushing. Rainbow Dash, Jet, FlameDust, Misty, and Violet walked out of the tent in amazment half of the camp was already packed up. They all helped with packing the other tent, Cloud Gazer and Raindrop acted like nothing happened although Cloud Gazer would never forget the feelings he has when he nearly kissed the purple mare, he had this one feeling once and it was with Rainbow Dash. Cloud Gazer was the first one to speak "Okay, I think we should get moving!" He was rubbing the back of his head with his hoof. Rainbow Dash glared at him, when FlameDust smiled " I think we should too." He said he had a bag that went around his sides, Jet, misty, And Violet also had one. After a little breakfast the seven pony went blasting into the air.