• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

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Magenta Sun

Chapter 5

darkness awaits

Rainbow Dash looked at the long corridor with only one or two torches lighting its way "I'm sorry cloud gazer I really am, like applejack says, one rotten apple shouldn't spoil the rest" She encouraged the grey stallion "let's just go..." He said as he wandered into the corridor with his head down, Rainbow dash following close behind him. In front of them something snap, a tree root or stick something, Cloud gazer heard it and stepped in front of the cyan alicorn " stay back!" he yelled into the growing blackness, when the corridor lit up for a second when something or someone threw a bolt of magic at them. Rainbow dash pushed cloud gazer down away from the magic bolt, she reflected with her own magic. Her horn has grown to superior lengths over the past few days. "Who's out there! show yourself NOW!" Rainbow dash looked at the stallion and when she looked back up she squinted to see A figure moving slowly in the dark "who's there?" She demanded. the figure walked to a spot with a torch, the torch showed a purple Mare standing, waiting. "wait, what are you doing here!" Rainbow dash cursed under her breath. Cloud gazer stood back up and dusted himself off "duck!" She said and he was pushed back down as another bolt went flying above his head. " you shouldn't of been picked, I should of!" The mare charged down the corridor , faster then Rainbow dash expected. The mare headbutted Rainbow Dash, knocking the breathe out of her. "Ow!" She struggled to get back on her hooves, failing she flopped back down. The mare walked over to Rainbow dash eagerly "i've been waiting for this!" She said pointing her horn at Rainbow dash. "NO!, magenta sun has to kill her!" Cloud gazer flew into the purple pony smashing her into the opposite wall, knocking her out. "come on!" cloud gazer urged the cyan Alicorn. The two raced down the corridor, farther and farther away from the purple mare. "Thank you" Rainbow Dash whispered half to herself, half to cloud gazer. He must of heard her for he replied with a sincere nod.

There was a larger chamber with a beam of light shining down from the ceiling. "Where are we?" Rainbow Dash slowed to a trot as they enter the chamber. " we are in the center of The Evergreen Chambers" Cloud gazer said sitting down, in the center of the beam it looked light a spotlight. Rainbow Dash looked into Cloud gazer's dark green eyes is it me or is he cute? Rainbow dash thought to herself, at the thought she slightly shook herself. "what's wrong" cloud gazer asked. "Nothing!" Rainbow dash said quickly. Cloud gazer nodded, as the caverns rumbled, it's time, Cloud gazer stood up " let's go" he whispered, as he led her to a pitch black corridor, then turned to a locked iron door. A pony looked through the peep hole " ah magenta is waiting for you!" The pony's voice was deep and erie, as the pony opened the door rainbow dash walked into the room. The pony was a stallion he had scars and he looked mean but scared. Clod gazer led Rainbow dash into another room with three long hallways, decorated with diffrent colored wallpaper. "Where are we?" Rainbow dash asked her voice was steady. There was a deep laugh going down the hallway with the blood red wallpaper, "let's go" Cloud gazer raced down the hallway with Rainbow dash quickly flying behind him. They stopped infront of two huge doors "trust me, I'll keep you safe." He promised as he pushed open the doors and galloped inside.

Magenta Sun laughed in joy as cloud gazer and Rainbow dash entered the room. "I've been waiting for this!" She squealed, her neatly combed mane swayed side to side as she got up. Rainbow dash gulped she had bright blue eyes and a magenta colored coat. Beautiful but deadly. "Ok...i'm ready!" She said with a horrifying grin, as she put a hoof under Rainbow's chin and pulled it up "Ready for what!?" Rainbow dash asked "To kill you!" She whispered in Rainbow Dash ear.