• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 585 Views, 0 Comments

An Alicorn's Destiny - StormDash

twilight sparkle and rainbow dash have jealousy between each other. will it ruin their friendship forever?

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Striking Back

chapter 6

Striking Back

Magenta put her hoof back onto the floor "Cloud Gazer, lock all of the door and windows" She demanded the grey stallion. Cloud Gazer looked up and walked away, "yes Princess" he said as he locked up the doors and windows. "Now! Rainbow Dash you will perish!" Magenta Sun rammed into Rainbow Dash's side. Rainbow Dash recovered quickly and bolted to the other side of the Huge room, she let her gaze slide over To Cloud Gazer the stallion looked sad and looked liked he seen a ghost, her gaze slid back over to Magenta "why hello!" she grinned her face was close to Rainbow Dash's Face. A bolt of magic was shot and rainbow dash banged against the stone wall. rainbow dash screamed in agony, as she heard a horrid crack. Magenta laughed in joy as rainbow Dash slithered down the wall, half awake. Cloud Gazer eyes shot wide open in dismay i must help Rainbow Dash! he thought to himself. Cloud Gazer galloped towards Magenta gradually getting faster and faster until he's running, Cloud Gazer puts his head down and runs towards Magenta. Rainbow Dash looked up at the Magenta mare, she had her hoof in the air ready to squish Rainbow Dash. Cloud Gazer head-butted magenta in the side, He watch magenta fall to the floor in confusion. Rainbow Dash struggled to get up "wha..wha...what just...happ.." Rainbow Dash coughed up some blood she watched in dismay as the blood fell to the floor what happened, I never lose! she thought to herself. Magenta got up after sometime she gained her balance " Cloud Gazer!" she screamed a some debris fell from the ceiling "what have you done!" she charged up all her magic and aimed at Rainbow Dash "you will pay!" she whispered as she shot the magic at her.

"But, Princess Luna!" Twilight tried to argue with the Dark blue alicorn. "NO buts Twilight since Princess Celestia has...deceased," Princess Luna stopped to wipe a tear "and since Rainbow Dash is gone, and she can't teach you," Princess Luna went on. not like I would let her train me! Twilight thought as she smiled. "Twilight! i see nothing funny with the topic we are on!" Luna scolded the purple mare. "Anyway just because Princess Celestia choose Rainbow Dash to be the next Princess of equestria, Doesn't mean you can go storming out like that!" Princess Luna walked towards A window, " your lucky that i could get you out of..." Luna was interupted, "please Princess Luna don't remind of that horrible place" Twilight looked down at her hooves. "Yes well, I will now have to teach you Everything Princess Celestia hasn't" Princess Luna said. "i don't care, princess luna I should of been Choosen not that Rainbow FREAK!, i Should of became an Alicorn!" Twilight Screamed on the top of her lungs. "Twilight, is that what all of this is about?" Princess Luna asked as Twilight just nodded " Twilight the only reason why Princess Celestia chose Rainbow Dash over you is because you have plenty to learn!" Princess Luna explained "it wasn't because Rainbow Dash is better than you or that She can learn faster than you or anything like that!" Princess Luna was holding up Twilight's chin "Everypony is the same, nopony is better and nopony is worse" Twilight jerked her chin from Princess Luna's hoof and walked out of the room who does Princess Luna think she is! Princess of the no it alls! Twilight laughed at that.

Author's Note:

Please read at your own risk guys this is rated T for a reason this mild violence and some romance in it. ^^