• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 152: To His Coy Mistress


No way am I permitting that monster holding any grasp of my Empire with its diseased hoofs. Today, Zagreus will fall.


"You know who I am."

"In a sense."

"Because you know Sombra."

"It's not just the Changelings who have infiltrated the Empire. Their Queen is here too. Queen Chrysalis has entered the kingdom."

I'm asking you, out of whatever friendship we have... Protect her... Please.

Remember Jack.The imbalance here hinders your abilities. You must rely on wits and cunning than sole strength this time around. Zagreus will evidently be expecting you here.

"Then promise me you'll be safe. For your friends, Stardust."

"Well done ladies, in bringing this cretin to me."

"This has been a long time coming... Jack..."

"The Genesis of Imbalance... Begins today... And shall never, ever, conclude."

Hazy... Unfocused...

Mind's a blur... Barely see...

Can't make out... Faint shapes... Circling...

My muzzle... Hoarsely groaned... Feel bound... To something... Can't remember...

What... What happened... To me...?

Eyes blinking... Trying to... Recognize the shapes... Moving left and right... To my vision...

"Have you ever drowned?"

Dark voice... Black... Black mane... Flowing... Red eyes... Cruel, cruel grin...

"Or became alight in flames?"

Feminine... Blue mane... Black body... Green sickly... Eyes... Crude expression...

"Faced your darkest nightmares?"

Back and forth... They moved around... Like wild predators... Ready to eat...

"Suffered the worst torments?"

Can't... Head hurts... Vision too damaged...

Focus Jack. For the love of Celestia, focus!


Two heads... Gazing at me... Enough clarity... To fully see the two creatures... Glaring with gleeful hate...

"What we're asking is..." King Sombra paused, briefly exchanging a glance with the Changeling Queen, stalling for the moment. "Well..."

Chrysalis finished with a mocking question towards my state. "Any last requests?"

Vision's... Going blurry again... Can't fight it... A...

Jack, you must concentrate. The fate of all rests on you; you must fight...!


Aaa my head...!

My body involuntarily twitched from the pain, head knocking side to side to rid the constant pain aching from within. Please tell me I wasn't internal bleeding, because that would suck the most-!

...Wait a minute.

I purposely twitched this time, or at least attempted to... But the obvious magical chains binding me onto the uncomfortable chair were preventing any further movement, my head the only free limb able to move at the moment. My eyes blinked wearily, waking up from the darkness as my head tried to clear itself of the pain, struggling to recall just what the [BEEP] was even going on.

And the further I was brought to the waking realm, the muffled voices to my eyes were soon beginning to make more and more sense, my hazel eyes squinting somewhat towards the shapes of four figures with their backs turned to me, overlooking from a balcony down an obvious kingdom below.

Suddenly, it all came crashing back to me, prompting my pained and shocked wince.

Ah... Right.

"This is the dawn of a new era, my friends." King Sombra's brooding voice, filled with sinister malice, declared as they gazed upon the unsuspecting Empire below. "I believe we should waste no further time and secure our hold over Equestria with the assistance of your minions. How about it Queen Chrysalis?"

"It would be my pleasure, your Majesty." The overgrown bug sounded positively thrilled and filled with hunger. "At this point in time, my past self deals with Princess Twilight's overrated student and the traitors, which buys us time to take over the kingdoms I have already secured in one swift stroke. Together, we shall be invincible!"

Wow, already declaring themselves the victors... And I haven't even had breakfast yet.

Of course, the croaky old Zagreus decides to finish the classic villain monologue. I would roll my eyes if the situation wasn't so severe. "We have reached the epitome of our goals. Our combined magic will be enough to cripple any who oppose us. Imbalance shall spread, and we will provide the land- No... The world with a new order, cleansing away the old and corrupt with something Equestria has always been destined to achieve." And the classic villain laughter followed, unaware of my waking state.

Strength was slowly returning... Starswirl, Sombra, are you there? A part of me dreaded the worse surrounding the latter.

You need not fret, Jack. We are here.

Oh thank God...

This would be the worst time to thank a controversial deity, Jack. Our present dilemma, to call it dire, would be underwhelming.

The minute after King Sombra's resurrection. Starswirl started with a hint of regret to it. They were quick to subdue and render you unconscious. Thankfully, they appear to have no incentive of exterminating you yet.

Meaning they want you for some other goal.

Yeah, for me to watch as they enslave everyone I love...

Which will never come to pass. The future is fixed, evident with the presence of this Chrysalis. My teacher pointed out assuredly. We may have a chance yet.

Sombra, the one in the mental realm, replied with skepticism. Implying Zagreus' own abominable presence doesn't somehow change this timeline to suit his needs, utilizing the Changeling and... Myself as pawns to his sickening game.

Meanwhile, the three stooges of generic villainy continued singing their own self-proclaimed triumph, Chrysalis laughing with glee. "And when my past self joins us, nothing will stop us! Not this time, and not ever again!"

"Stop me if you've heard this one before." Christ, my voice sounded parched. I wearily gazed to the three turning to the sound of my groaning tone. "Three cliche villains walk into a bar and declare themselves rulers of all. The bartender promptly kicks them out for wasting everyone's time."

...Even for you that was a cheap attempt.

The physical King Sombra sneered distastefully. "The petty human awakens."

"Jack!" Zagreus sounded far more thrilled. "I was wondering when you would join us! Revenge isn't as fulfilling when the object of said vengeance remains blissfully unaware."

"Had a decent nap, warrior?" Chrysalis stepped forward, leering down on my defenseless posture with a victorious grin. "Because, today, it may be your last."

I looked between them warily. "Then why not just kill me and get it over with? Save you the trouble of me escaping and kicking your [BEEP]es like there's no tomorrow?" With that, I added with a grin of my own, consisting of snark. "Unless your egos are so big you think I'm too powerless now to stop you?"

"One cannot argue with the facts, Jack..."

Scoffing, I looked over to the King by the balcony. "And you; last I checked the Crystal Heart destroyed your body completely."

"Your own failure for underestimating my will for survival, and my dominion." The dark unicorn answered coolly. "To retain my righteousness on the throne. Like Princess Celestia and her sibling, you merely delayed me from regaining my birthright."

Oh God, the pretentiousness coming from these three was through the roof. "Guessing it wasn't easy, bringing you back."

The King scoffed, and I noticed with curious interest that Radiant, standing by the side of the balcony, had yet to say anything, refusing to acknowledge anyone's look towards her, her expression blank as this Sombra's personality. "You couldn't possibly understand."

"Ah, let's give it a try." I glanced from the mare to the dark tyrant. "Your girlfriend found your horn, kept it safe, tried everything in her power to bring you back. Zagreus offered her the chance to bring her childhood friend back regardless of the consequences, and here we are." King Sombra smirked widely at that, Radiant regarding the floor on my words. "So now we are once again graced by the former pretentious bipolar tyrant of the Crystal Empire."


You are a bit, let's be fair here pal.

That wiped the smirk off the physical form's face. "Bipolar?"

Chrysalis commented faintly. "You are a little unstable."

Jesus Christ, Chrysalis echoed my thoughts. I feel violated now.

"Silence." Sombra looked back to me with a sneer, his red horn lighting up with dark magic- Ugh! My chair skidded across the floor somewhat, the King gesturing as I was closer to them towards the outside black storm. "Look around you, Jack Wright! This is my ascendance! My legacy unbound! All your efforts to destroy me have been for naught! Once more, I will not be denied my glory!"

"Wonderful isn't it?!" Chrysalis added, standing beside the gleeful King with a widened grin. "Our rule shall extend over the masses! The lands and beyond will become ours, once and for all! And it's all thanks to you, for making this happen, human."

Oh of course, somehow it's all my doing...

"And I suppose you two are just fine with taking order now from a puppet master who's just going to get rid of you once your usefulness has been dried up."

Before either could retaliate, Zagreus walked around and offered a hoof for peace, smiling sickeningly towards me behind that dark hood. "You are mistaken, Jack." Those black void eyes sent a chill down my spine, shivering if I could in this position. "I merely offer these two rightful rulers of the lands with the assistance of my own unique magic. They are wise to accept that offer."

"A magic which corrupts and destroys anything else unlike it." My heated eyes snapped to the Changeling. "You're completely fine working with the same pony who had you under his spell for a long time now?"

"Pay no heed to his words, my dear. Humans are notoriously deceptive."

"Oh, I learnt such first-hand during our battle in Canterlot." My head stiffened, grimacing in disgust as Chrysalis approached closer at my helpless state, daring to brush my cheek with a black hoof, neon eyes glowing hungrily and with... Admiration? "Pretended to be a Changeling in order to attack me. I... Approve of such deceptive means."

I felt bile rose to my throat. She still wasn't thinking about...!

"This appears to be the perfect opportunity to extend my own offer once again, human." Chrysalis began, motioning to herself and the other villains observing. "We know as much as you do that you will never truly belong with those ponies, Jack. Join us, rule by our side, and we shall true glory and balance to all against us!"

My answer shall and always remains the same: [BEEP] no. What makes this creature possibly believe I'd even consider such a vile scenario? Was it the beard? Did I scream 'supervillain' to them? My scowl was the only answer I provided as Chrysalis gazed down upon me with undiscerned want.

Not in a million years you foul hag.

Zagreus then approached, the imbalance radiating off him prompting me to lean back in discomfort, and placed a faux sympathetic hoof to the Changeling's side. "Regrettably, your Majesty, this human has become too brainwashed by the ideals of that Princess and her friends. He is beyond salvation I'm afraid."

"A pity." Chrysalis seemed to express genuine remorse, sighing with a shake of the head as she stepped back. "This could've saved your life today, Jack. But then again, I suppose it's fitting considering you've turned my own kind against me."

I raised a skeptical brow. Blaming me again for your own [BEEP], your Majesty? "Have I now?"

Green eyes glowed in outrage, revealing the true nature of this fallen, desperate creature. "Do not feign ignorance child! As we speak, Starlight Glimmer and her team are aided infiltrating my former castle with my own children! Pharynx and others brainwashed by your sickening ideals guide them towards the throne room, instrumental to this temporary defeat!" A black hoof pointed with dawning contempt. "All because of you!"

...Huh. So I inadvertently changed the finale there somewhat. Starswirl, whatever happens, it wasn't my intent.

Do no despair, my pupil. All is said and done.

"Bah!" Sombra scoffed, swerving around the two and stood directly before me, having brushed past a concerned Radiant. "It matters not whether he serves or opposes us; what matters is what the boy chooses to conceal from us."


He noted my confusion with a disgruntled sneer. "Oh don't play dumb human. Dear Radiant informed me of everything." Said unicorn flinched, avoiding my glance. The King continued with a faint smirk. "You are hiding something from me... Or, some one."

...Oh [BEEP]. I knew exactly who he was referring to...

Sombra must've noticed the faint change of expression, his impatient look worsening. "You will give me the location of my other self, the part of me who has obviously somehow attained a form himself." ...What? "Share with me where he hides, so I may become complete entirely and rule without anymore delays."

Whatever you do, tell this mad pony nothing!

But the physical version was no mood for such, as his magically pulled me closer once again- Oh Jesus! The upper half of my body was now greeted over the edge of the balcony, towards the unsuspecting kingdom with its still-frozen citizens waiting below.

"I would infiltrate your mind and obtain the information myself." Sombra's close voice to my ear prompted my grimace. Sheesh, personal space thank you. "But my patience is rather thin nowadays. Tell me where he is,now."

...Was it just me or were the chains loosening somewhat?

"You have wronged all of us by some means, my friend." Zagreus added from behind with an air of calmness. "You finally have the option to redeem yourself, here and now."

No... Yeah I could feel it. The tightness pressed against my fur and limbs were beginning to soften, subtly feeling my body able to shift comfortably again, despite half-dangling over the edge of a long drop. Glancing down carefully, I noticed the faint blueness of magic tugging at the chains with care and concealment, prompting my realizing smirk.

Meeting their deadly gazes, I replied with a tinge of smugness. "You'll have to kill me I'm afraid. I don't betray the locations of my friends."

Sombra snarled, whether by the refusal or implication or both, and I felt the chair immediately begin to tumble over the edge, my vision blurring from spinning around vertically. But it was already too late, Radiant saved me in the nick of time.

And Balance aided me this time next.

The tyrant was completely unprepared as I gripped the edge of the balcony and spun upwards, his left cheek impacted by my extended kick, sending the taller pony flying back past a reflexive Chrysalis. Both her and Zagreus looked stunned at first, before gazing at my freed state with dawning outrage and readying to retaliate.

My decision was quickly made, descending down with a smirking leap as black and green magic blasted spot I formerly stood upon, debris of the balcony falling down rapidly alongside me. The chair with chains greeted the ground first with a loud clang and crash, thankfully impacting none of the oblivious civilians below. My eyes were beginning to prick with tears at the rapid descent down to the ground, teeth grit in determined preparation.

Come on Balance, don't fail me now!

But instead, my salvation was made by blue magic flashing my vision.

Thankfully today I seemed to have the reflexes of a cat, landing on all four hoofs onto solid ground which greeted my vision next, wincing from the impact. The floor shattered beneath me somewhat from the speed and force, limbs trembling after basically falling from a great height just a second ago. The good news, as I slowly maintained composure to my body, was that I could feel Balance a great deal again, clearly being far away now from Zagreus' suffocating magic.

My relieved grin switched to a frown by a sudden blue flash beside me, a certain dark pink unicorn following me to wherever she took me. Won't lie, I was torn between thanking her or scolding her for everything she's done today; the gratitude for saving my life, but the lecture for basically bringing back a dark tyrant under the control of a genocidal entity.

No offense Sombra.

Hmph. You dare raise your voice against her, boy, and those monsters will be the least of your troubles.

Duly noted-

Hang on... I know this place. My hazel eyes whipped around to the ceiling, the furniture, the recognizable architect used for a hideaway like a monarch. This was your secret palace, Sombra! No wonder the imbalance feels so far away right now, we're a few miles away from the Crystal Empire.

The distance will be irrelevant soon, I'm afraid. Starswirl spoke up gravely. His influence is slowly spreading outside the kingdom like a war-marching plague. It's only a matter of time before Zagreus senses our presence here and strikes.

Meaning we have to think of a plan, right here and now. Without further prompting, I gazed around the clean interior, ignoring Radiant's presence for the moment in favour of finding something useful to aid us.

Sombra, you know this layout inside and out. Are there any weapons here? Defenses we can use?

All traps and weaponry are in form of my own magic. Nothing we can take outside to strike back against our adversaries.

[BEEP]... So we'll have to improvise.

"What are you doing?" The unicorn inquired behind me, and I resisted the urge to snap at her, partially out of respect - or fear - for Sombra, and because she reminded of another certain mare... A mare whom and her friends were in far more danger than being trapped in Present Chrysalis' cocoons.

"Devising a plan to take on three corrupt tyrants." I replied simply without turning.

Taking on a weaker Zagreus and controlled Chrysalis had been the original hopeful plan. But now? Zagreus was stronger, Chrysalis seemed to have developed her own free will somewhat this time, and now a resurrected dark version of King Sombra was here. Basically, we have our work cut out for us.

By the way, speaking of the third villain, Sombra, you didn't seem entirely too happy towards witnessing your usual self planning global domination. I thought you'd been happy about it.

The King in my mind sneered. That thing, that single-minded mess, is far from being me. It is a creature under a monster's control, and is a fool for not realizing otherwise. An amalgamation formed from the magic of the Crystal Heart and what remained of me inside the horn. I am the one true King Sombra, not that impostor which those clowns created.

Ah, okay, a matter of self-esteem. Got it.

A pink hoof proceeded to grip the edge of my cape, inciting me to look at the frowning Radiant Hope emanating mixed emotions. "But don't you see? The answer is obvious." Was it now? "Sombra said it himself, there's a part of him hiding somewhere, and you know where he is. Think about it; if Sombra was completely restored, he'll be back to his old self!"

My own features hardened at the words which sounded terribly recycled. "Is that what Zagreus told you...?" The mare flinched, but stood her ground, looking absolutely determined. Once again, she was replaced with the image of a purple alicorn glaring at me in challenge, prompting my hitched breath.

But thankfully, the image returned to the dark pink equine. "I know it'd work. Sombra only acted like he did just now because he's incomplete, without his full personality. Surely you know there's more to him than just how everypony else perceives him since you're clearly so determined in concealing the rest of him from them." From me.

"Or perhaps because reuniting them completely is part of Zagreus' motive." My teeth grit in slight irritation, refusing to concede by her words. "That monster, the creature you helped bring back today, isn't King Sombra, and I'll be damned before allowing my friend to merge with that beast and become a complete slave to power and imbalance."

"He's stronger than that!" But the doubt and worry was already festering in the mare's heart, Radiant stepping back slowly with an unconvincing shake of the head. "He would never give in...!"

"What do you call his tyranny, then, a thousand years ago?" I asked with a hint of dryness. "The greed, the hunger for power, the desire to enslave and control all living things? The Sombra you've known from childhood is long gone, Radiant, replaced by what we saw today." Realizing my voice was rising, I took a moment to breath, sighing with a remorseful expression. "I'm sorry... But I can' risk what you ask. It's too dangerous."

"Please." Her voice sounded terribly close to cracking, and I forced myself to look away from the sheer awfulness of her breaking expression, once more reminding me of Twilight far too much. "Sombra... He means everything to me. I all just want is my best friend back... That must mean something for the special somepony of the Princess of Friendship...!"

Guilt was bubbling in my throat, but I had to stay strong. "It's out of that friendship with Sombra that I keep him safe..."

Radiant said nothing, for the moment, but the depressed emotions were palpable in the air, prompting my flinch of regret. All she wanted was her friend back, that shouldn't be too difficult to ask for. But Zagreus, of course, corrupted that yearning as a trap for myself, a trap to rid of a deadly opponent to his games. Radiant was as much a victim as anyone else. And I'm sorry I had to deny her that wish, Sombra.

Don't be... The fallen King murmured, sounding quite sorrowful himself. It is I who should be regretful for everything.

...You still forgive her, after she sold you out to Celestia and Luna?

I swore he smiled in my head. There would never be a moment in history where I could ever be mad at her...

Radiant, as I looked back, was regarding a window to outside, arctic eyes solemn and her voice resonated with softness, melodious in that tone. "We made a pact, Sombra and I. One day, regardless of what destiny told us, we would run. Run like the wind; explore all of Equestria and what it had to offer, together. We'd do everything together: Play games, cook meals, share stories, bother our elders... To the very end."

She often bested me in games, such as chess... But helped me learn from my mistakes. I often than not exploded my own food by adding too much magic, which she playfully teased me for and helped me improve. Her stories were far more fascinating, and entertaining, because she was telling them. Nopony in the Crystal Empire could stand us together...

Her hoof pressed against the aged glass, as though soothing it in circles. A tiny smile of reminisce. "By his side, I was always happy. Sombra was teased as a colt, you know, by the other children, but I saw something in him. Greatness... To become something those other ponies only hoped to attain."

She saw something in me that I failed to, encouraging me and keeping me composed to the very end. The other children saw me as easy prey, but Radiant kept me protected. Gave me... Hope.

With a gentle sigh, the unicorn removed her hoof from the window and turned back to me, her expression far too somber for me to bear. "All I ever wanted was to be with him."

All I truly wanted was to be beside her.

"Running forever."

Until the end of eternity.

"Without anyone's judgement."

Without anyone's meddling.

"A future where we were always happy."

A future ruled by our shared content.

"...So what happened?" I was asking neither, but both, their shared thoughts and feeling compelling me to speak with a quiet tinge of sadness. "What made Sombra the tyrant he is today? What changed him?"

Radiant winced, and I almost replied with an apology for asking before she answered whilst glaring at the ground. "That forsaken Crystal Heart." What? She took notice of my confusion and explained solemnly. "All Crystal Mares and Stallions, as a tradition among the Empire, were to touch the Crystal Heart itself and be shown their own future." The unicorn sniffed, eyes closed painfully at the memory. "It showed me becoming the next Princess of the Crystal Empire. But Sombra... It showed him... Him..."

"...Becoming a dark ruler."

Radiant confirmed this horrified soft statement with a weary nod, obvious tears threatening to prick from her eyes. Either by compulsion or because of Sombra's own feelings in my mind, I hurried over and softly embraced the mare, to her immediate tight return, tearfully responding into my cape. "He was afraid, so deathly afraid of this future... That he pushed me away, or tried to, in fear that he'd drag me alongside this terrible foreseen event."

"Not realizing that pushing you was the trigger of this event." The implications were dreadful to imagine, and my teeth grit in enraged irritation as my hoof soother the mare's back. If destiny was a person, I would punch him in the face. How dare some magic rock decide Sombra's future like that... It was abominable!

I told you, Jack. One cannot interfere with fate. Sombra sounded awfully drained as he spoke. My path down this predestined point was always inevitable. But at the very least, I could keep the mare I... Care for more than anypony else safe from the darkness I walked down.


Radiant glanced up at my one, firm word. "Huh?"

I met her tearful blue gaze with a stern expression. "I said no. I am so, so sick of destiny making decisions for everyone. [BEEP] destiny so much I'd rather DIE than be its pawn. What Sombra attempted was noble, but, Radiant, your boyfriend was a massive idiot if he believed this was the only path for him."

How dare you-

"Shut up Sombra!" I snapped to the ceiling, prompting Radiant's eye-widened look, Glaring back down to the mare, I kept her at arm's length whilst continuing with a heated disposition. "To Hell with fate! Destiny, singular roads. They can all go [BEEP] themselves! You decide what path to take, not what some magic crystal says! You and Sombra always had the choice, Radiant. Tell me, haveyouever become a Princess?"

"Well... No but-!"

"There we are." I was leaving no room for argument, grinning rather madly now. "Sombra has always been too stubborn for his own good. I've tried time and time again to prove that destiny doesn't always have the last say, and today I'm going to make that an example. Because do you know what I'm going to do?"

It felt as if Balance itself was flaring up in anticipation with my words. Radiant shook her head, but her eyes were fixated in curiosity and wonder.

"I'm going to save the Crystal Empire. I'm going to rescue all the hapless citizens. I'm going to make sure everyone we love is safe and protected by those three monsters ruling from the castle. And then, I'm going to blast said monsters into the heavens, and straight down to Hell!" With a golden firm hoof on the mare's unflinching shoulder, I added matter-of-factly. "And then, I'm going to reunite you with the pony you love. King Sombra, the real one, misses you more than anything, Radiant. You're going to be happy together. You're going to run."


No buts Sombra. I'm fulfilling my promise, not just to you but those who asked me to protect those important to me, to the bitter end. You will get your body back, somehow, and you're going to run forever with the mare you love!

Wiping her remaining tears from her eyes, Radiant seems to have become inspired enough, managing a hopeful smile and newfound determined glint in her eyes. "Then I'm going to make up for my deceit, my betrayal to another of Sombra's friends today. Tell me what we're planning to do, Stardust Balance."

I nodded, grinning rather wickedly. Now who was feeling triumphant, Zagreus?

"So," I began, getting straight to business as we equally paced around the main foyer of the palace. "Let's start detailing our plan by addressing what we already know."

Radiant nodded from the opposite side of the room, taking the lead first. "We know that Sombra, Zagreus and Chrysalis intend to spread some sinister magic slowly across Equestria while its protectors are still captured."

"We also know that Sombra and Chrysalis seem to hold some sort of free will, when Zagreus typically uses his magic to enslave anyone, regardless how strong they were, to his will. Meaning he trusts them enough to cooperate..."

"Or he's powerful enough to feel invincible against the two should they betray him."

Or perhaps they remain under his control without their own knowledge of such.

"So three supervillains intend to rule all of Equestria, and eventually beyond, with an iron hoof."

"And we seem to be the only two ponies in the area who have the capability to stop them." Radiant sounded somewhat exasperated, sending me a faint expression of doubt. "Although our abilities appear limited now. With the Crystal Heart in their possession, we may very well simply be trotting into oblivion. We have no current advantages."

Ah, but don't we? "On the contrary." I smirked knowingly, looking over to the unicorn. "One benefit is staring at us right in the face."

Radiant tilted her head, frowning. "Then care to share it with the class?"

Gladly. "Sombra, Chrysalis and Zagreus are all a selfish sort; no doubt the idea of sharing their kingdom equally with anyone would be repulsive to them all. And Zagreus, for all intents and purposes, simply desires the extinction of all life for his sickening idea of utopia. The other two, however, would be easy to turn against one another."

"Once they begin to squabble about who rules over what." Shiny blue eyes glinted in epiphany. "They'd sooner be destroyed than ever considering sharing even a part of their kingdoms with others."

It is the nature of classic villainy. No doubt King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis will feel less than inclined to ever exchange negotiations with one another in a peaceful disposition.

They might be dangerous old tyrants, but they were still cliche cartoon villains all the same.

"That would potentially solve one problem, okay, but such distractions would only fool them for so long." Radiant pointed out worriedly. "As you've described Zagreus, that pony could keep those two in line if he wanted. We should be concerned about him first before dealing with the other two, agreed?"

Fair enough. "Good thinking." I nodded, regarding the ground with a furrowed brow. "And Zagreus has become powerful enough now to cast magic left and right. Strong magic. I still remember the feel of it when he held me down." Such recollection prompted my own shiver. "He's the bigger threat, yes."

"So how would we stop him?"

The answer came with a golden hue beginning to surface from my right hoof, myself regarding the glow solemnly. "Typically, Balance magic would be the key. But the imbalance spread throughout the Empire is too strong for me to use the power effectively. We could try to draw Zagreus out..."

"But he's smarter than that."

I nodded wearily. "Sadly."

Radiant hummed, beginning to pace again a second before me. That was a pickle. Sombra and Chrysalis were small fry next to Zagreus, regardless of what they think. Zagreus might be stronger now, but he wasn't dumb enough to leave his fortress of protection without good reason to. Drawing him out would take too long, and time was of the essence. And engaging him was a fool's errand, not with the suffocating imbalance all around and having two power-hungry tyrants defending the monster.

You know, it astounds me at times how much you share in common with your Princess, Jack; over-analyzing every dilemma when, as you said, the answer lies right before your face.

I paused, regarding the ceiling in tired weariness. Alright Sombra, so what's the oh-so obvious answer I'm clearly missing?

Why, they very thing that brought that incomplete version from the magical realm, of course.

...The Crystal Heart.

The Crystal Heart. Sombra affirmed, reverberating with mighty conviction. We use the Heart, we can vanquish our enemies for good. That is, two of them at least. The Changeling Queen would be relatively unharmed, but defenseless by the onslaught of magic.

But how would we use it then? The citizens of the Empire were frozen stiff by magic, and we wouldn't have the time to free them all and unite their love into the Heart against the usurpers.

We needn't rely on the help of them this time, Jack. Starswirl interjected with a small degree of triumph.We've seen what both sides of magic can achieve when combined with the power of the Crystal Heart. But there's one side we've yet to witness used upon it, one only a certain trained pony can utilize.


We use Balance on the Crystal Heart! Is that possible? Would that work even?!

There is only one way with finding out.

We must retrieve the Crystal Heart at all costs. Then, using what magic you can, strike at the center of the powerful object and engulf the entire kingdom with the golden hue of Balance itself. The chain reaction would cancel out and vanquish all forms of imbalance, freeing the ponies from their petrified prisons. All life in the vicinity would experience the flow of balanced magic; Chaos and Harmony intertwined to a beautiful shade of unity. And for once, no one here would feel conflicted ever again.

And the power would annihilate anything even related to the imbalance. For prime examples, Zagreus and Sombra. My physical self would evaporate into smoke, the horn used to bring that form about what only remains. And Zagreus, the more vital threat, would be gone for all eternity. It's a win-win scenario, wouldn't you say?

...It's the only choice we have, isn't it?

"What? What is it?"

I looked over to the frowning Radiant, who took note of my mixed expressions. Sighing, I relayed everything addressed in my mind, and those arctic orbs widened second by second with every word uttered, the mare eventually gasping from the plan.

"Of course. The Crystal Heart would be our sole solution for all this. It's brilliant!" And she seemed to have no qualms with the potential to annihilate a life, Zagreus aside. Sombra, no wonder you like her so much.

Snark all you want, Jack. In this case there are fewer options left. Zagreus must be stopped, and death is his only destination. The King paused, adding rather reluctantly. Think of it as... Correcting a mistake, a mistake which would cost you the lives of everyone you love. Your choice, warrior.

Sighing, I nodded to the unicorn, preferring to take my mind off that issue for now. "We'd have to obtain it from the grasp of those villains first... Radiant, exactly how well adept in magic are you?"

Minutes later, with the plan discussed and thought out, the pair of us were ready to head out and end this indefinitely. Opening the front doors greeted us to a growing blizzard, white specks of snow falling steadily to the ground, speed only increasing by the unstable magic and darkness touching the Empire's precious Heart.

With one hoof catching a flake, I frowned in concern as it refused to melt in my fur, the wind playing against my cape. My fedora was still inside the castle after they knocked me out. "Time is running short..."

"Then we'll just have to hurry." Radiant commented beside me. "Fortunately, I do know a shortcut." Hm? And from the corner of my eye she smiled grimly. "Being Sombra's childhood best friend does have its perks."

Shortcut to the Empire? Easy.

Walking into the heart of the Empire whilst meeting no resistance whatsoever? No sweat.

Radiant and I developing a thorough strategy to besting Zagreus, Chrysalis and the evil side of her boyfriend before the day was done? Possible.

Carrying out the plan? Now that's where the fun begins.

Now, you'd think the better tactic right now would be to find another passageway into the tall looming castle and sneak within the interior, infiltrating the floors and finding exactly where they contained the Crystal Heart. But, as one of us pointed out, that would be what they'd expect, and possibly set traps for each and every secret passage waiting to ensnare us. So instead, we, or at least, I, resorted to taking a far more simpler route into the castle.

The front door.

With a cheerful hum, I strode with purpose, shaking the fallen pieces of snow onto the carpet upon arrival, greeted with no welcome. That snowstorm was something fierce, but Radiant and I managed to get through before the worst of it would come. Just another sign of how exactly [BEEP]ed this situation was.

Speaking of Radiant, after reaching the entrance to the castle, the mare and I turned to regard one another, exchanging farewells and good lucks as we proceeded to go through with this bold and rather incredibly risky plan which determined the fate of all. Sombra, though he refused to admit as such blatantly, was worried for her as the unicorn disappeared from sight to carry through with her part, prompting my small smile. Naturally, of course, I would be too if it was Twilight in her place, but that didn't mean I wasn't concerned for Radiant's well-being regardless. I just had to trust the mare wouldn't get fooled again and stayed hidden well enough to retrieve the Heart as I carried through with my end.

You're certain she can be trusted no matter what, after all, Sombra.

With my life.

And mine as well, in this case. We're taking an incredible gamble here. But then again, I gathered she'd probably carry through with this plan with or without my approval.

The King grunted in fond acknowledgement. Or mine. Once her mind is set on a task, nothing shall stop Radiant from accomplishing it. It is nigh impossible to win any sort of debate with her.

...So... Kinda like a Anakin and Padme romance then.

Sombra scoffed derisively. A stubborn, whiny petulant teenage child murderer and an over-emotional, illogical midwife? Your comparisons are often shoddy at best.

I shook my head with a smirk. I was moreso comparing the good parts, Sombra. Leave it to you to dwell on the negative. But who was I to talk?

Anyway, despite this amusing internal exchange happening, I kept my eyes open and senses sharp for any hint on an ambush on my way up the castle, feeling somewhat like Mario at a boss level. Hopefully the King, Queen and Abomination from Hell weren't in another castle, because that would definitely suck, to say the least. My body kept tensed, ready for a trap at any given moment, and at the same time myself applying the logical step to approaching the trap Obi-Wan Kenobi would be proud of.

Springing the trap.

You're truly going through with this, aren't you...?

I almost paused by the uncharacteristically soft inquiry. I mean, it's a little late to change my mind about it, Sombra. I'm basically marching into Tartarus itself with what awaited me; can't back down now.

That's not what I meant and you know it. The unicorn in my head fumed somewhat before calming. I refer to your intent with regaining me my own form after we have dealt with those intruders. Don't attempt any deception, Jack, I sense whenever you're lying... You were truthful to Radiant before.

Well... I slyly grinned. You caught me good King, I meant what I said back there, fair enough. After defeating them, getting your body back will be my next priority.


Why what?

Don't play childish with me. Why would you ever consider that option? Our relationship is far from close for you to feel obligated in assisting me this way. Unless you simply intend to rid of my presence in your mind to risk this, but I can sense it's far deeper than that selfish logic. After everything I've done to you; taking over your body, hounding you repeatedly, scolding and mocking you along with your often asinine decisions. What possible motive do you have to do this for me... Unless you've begun the fatal mistake of pitying me-

Oh don't be so presumptuous, Sombra. It has nothing to do with pity or sympathy. And the past is in the past, Twilight and the rest have taught me enough to let go of certain things from back then. My reasoning behind this goal doesn't have any intent of simply getting rid of you either. The answer is very, very simple my friend.

Well? I'm all ears, oh forgiving one.

As I just said in last statement. You're my friend, Sombra, whether you've realized this or not. After everything we've been through together, I think it's only fair to acknowledge you as such. And as my friend, I'm willing to take this risk so you and Radiant can be happy together. You've changed, Sombra. You might not know it, but you have. And if I'm hopeful enough, changed to the point where domination is no longer a fixated goal of yours.

I could practically feel Sombra's incredulity rolling off in waves, inciting my humoured smile whilst passing down another white corridor, following the presence of imbalance perverting the walls. Almost there now... The point of no return.

In other words, you're risking all this on blind faith. On hope.

Oh Sombra... I always live in Hope.

I kept quiet for a moment, allowing the implication to sink in. That's right, because I know Radiant will be here this time to help the unicorn see the light. Heh, may when all is said and done, you could tell me stories of your childhood antics with her, Sombra.

...No promises Jack.

I'll take that as a yes.

Upon that confirmation, we arrived, the large doors opened invitingly with magic widening them, clearly expecting my presence. Straightening, I grinned wryly.

Well, this was it. About to face the battle of my life here, today. Zagreus, ChrysalisandKing Sombra... Oh boy. This was certainly it.

Have faith in hope, my young student. My teacher finally decided to speak up after allowing the King and I some privacy. Everything will result in things our way, I can sense it. But never lower your guard, Jack. Today shall become the catalyst of tomorrow, and the future to come.

Alright I'll keep that in mind... Heh. Swallowing a gulp, I nodded, maintaining a calm expression before walking through, into where destiny awaited. Funny thing, destiny, in that I hate the bloody word and all its meaning. But this time, for once, there was no escaping it nor the confrontation happening today.

The first step inside the throne room, the temperature lowered down exponentially than earlier, the pressure of magic tingling against my skin and fur, almost prompting my shiver. But this was zero time to express discomfort, instead glaring forward towards the throne itself... And the King sitting upon it with a Changeling Queen standing beside him, red and green eyes collectively regarding their visitor with equal greed and contempt.

To my slight relief, Sunburst and the frozen guards in the room looked barely harmed, so thankfully these villains decided not to take their anger out on them. The Changelings disguised as royals, however, looked discarded in their petrified states, lying uncomfortably on the floor as though cast aside there.

"Do not concern yourself with my former subjects." Chrysalis spat, evidently noting my glance. "They will betray their true ruler soon enough thanks to your friends."

That resulted in my frown on disgust, glaring back to the two. For Chrysalis to harm her own kind. Her own children... And she honestly expected me to side alongside her for some reason. What a disgusting, pitiful creature.

"I will admit, this was an unexpected development." The Dark King grinned satisfyingly. "But then again, your reputation for reckless abandonment is nothing to be underestimated." Sombra rose, settling on all fours as his red regal cape dramatically whipped from the gesture, the royal smirking. "Have you finally reached enough sense to submit, child, or do you have hold some asinine intent which would only result in your doom?"

I shrugged callously. "I'm already doomed regardless. My powers are diminished while I'm here. I have no backup, no weapons, nothing worth a damn to fight back. I'm basically at your mercy, oh great ones."

The Changeling Queen's grin widened, obviously pleased to hear me acknowledge that fact. "At last, he sees truth! And it only took the domination and capture of your loved ones by past me for you to acknowledge such."

"Yep, I'm powerless and ready to be converted to your side." That said, I gazed around in faint curiosity. The Crystal Heart didn't seem to be here. That's some good news. Potential bad news however? "So where's the third member of your little party? Zagreus extending his leash? That's nice of him."

That quickly wiped off their smug looks. Sombra scowled dangerously. "Even now you continue to make petty quips, in hopes of prolonging the inevitable."

"When the reality being that the inevitable is now." Chrysalis continued with a knowing smile, upper fangs sticking out. "You are beaten, thoroughly and without anyone left to back up on. Even that little traitor who saved your life abandons you, realizing her error in betraying the only pony she cares for. Yes, I know about little Radiant Hope." A crude grin, green orbs flashing at my flinch. "Poor little mare, believing she could save her childhood friend. But she has, whether she chooses to believe so or not."

This version of Sombra, in contrast to the Sombra growling in my mind, seemed mighty okay with Chrysalis mocking his childhood sweetheart. The tyrannical unicorn leaned forward, red eyes narrowed intensely as though peering into my soul. "I am not a heartless King by nature, Jack. Mercy isn't beyond my capabilities; simply grant me what I desire, and I shall make certain you have a place among our new world order. If you aren't so hesitant, perhaps your friends will be spared additionally."

Oh yeah sure, if I was anymore of an idiot I might buy that. C'mon guys I'm autistic, not [BEEP]ed. I refrained from smirking at Sombra's 'generous' offer, slightly wondering how Radiant was getting along elsewhere in the castle. Hopefully by now she at least had some clue, I could only stall these villains for so long. Because, this time, I wasn't relying on brute strength to win this battle; that was just asking for an [BEEP]-kicking on my part.

No, instead I relied on another attribute of mine: Wits.

"Why are you so determined in getting that part of you back?" I had to ask, further attempting to stall for time. "Those remains may be tainted for all you know. Aren't you fine enough to establish your dominance with or without being wholly complete?"

"That is precisely why I must attain that form of me." The King retorted irritably. "I cannot allow some corrupted version of me running around, threatening my grand designs for the future. Even if you or your friends have hardly influenced him, there is no place in my vision for a rival."

"You might as confess now, human." The Queen added matter-of-factly, stepping forward somewhat. "I imagine good King Sombra's patience here, especially upon his recent resurrection, is on present thin ice. Simply tell us where the rest of him hides, and we promise no further harm shall be inflicted upon you."

"No, but everyone else on the other hand?" I provided a deadpan expression. "Might as well hand over all my assets on a silver platter while I'm at it."

"That would be very preferable, yes. As it would certainly save you the trouble of facing our wrath."

"Which you are mere moments away from." Sombra snapped with a darkened look, taking one step menacingly. I barely backed down, only my posture rising slightly. "Enough wasting for time, child. Where is the remaining part of my soul?"

"...Oh alright, since you're so very persuasive." I sighed, putting on a facade of weary defeat. "He's hiding in your little palace in the outskirts of the kingdom. Happy?"

Red eyes glinted dangerously, a pleased grin on his muzzle. "Very."

Chrysalis seemed to agree. "A wise decision, Jack. Now nothing shall oppose us. Thorax and his traitorous Changelings won't stand a chance against our combined might. They, along with Starlight Glimmer, will pay severely for ever crossing me!"

Heh, yeah, over my cold dead body first.

If you continue being so callous, that may become a reality.

I know what I'm doing... And now I have a new idea, observing the smug pair.

"So, as I understand it." I began with a careful venture. "You intend on taking over Equestria and remaking the land in your image."

"That is correct." Chrysalis nodded proudly.

"We have yet to work out the details." Sombra added dismissively. "But that is a trifling matter, soon to be rectified."

"Uh-huh." I nodded with a thoughtful look. "So who'll be in charge of this new world order?"

"Me." Both tyrants blinked and snapped glares at one another. "Me!"

Easy as pie. Pinkie would be thrilled.

"Ahh, I figured this might happen." I grinned widely, pointing out in knowing observation. "That's the problem with establishing a monarchy, there's never any room to share. And I imagine sharing was never part of either your intentions, was it?"

"...Oh, I see what you are attempting human." Chrysalis sneered.

"You're attempting to sow discord between two partners of royalty." Sombra added irritably, the Changeling Queen then adding.

"We shall rule Equestria and beyond in harmony, regardless of what you may choose to believe warrior."

"Oh well, fair enough." I replied slyly, regarding the floor with interest. "I'm only saying that it may be hard considering how use you both are to being sole rulers. I mean think about it, you're both more comfortable ordering about than sharing the power. Not to mention, you two have different personalities." Somewhat. "If you both rule and have to make a tough decision benefiting your ideal utopia, then who gets final say? No one would dare vote under your rule, it's either all for one or nothing at all. A monarchy can't have two supreme rulers by definition."

"You truly believe we would disagree over mediocre affairs?"

"I suspect you already have." The two shared looks, and I knew. I had them in the bag. Come on Radiant, if this doesn't work, I can only hope I've brought you more time...!

"You know..." Chrysalis started, turning to address the fallen King. "He does raise a significant point."

"He may be right... To a degree." Sombra admitted reluctantly, frowning in revulsion. "The idea of sharing my power is hardly something I'm accustomed towards."

"Indeed..." The Changeling nodded, making a decision with a raised tone. "Tell you what, how about you stick to the shadows, take charge from there and-"

"What? While you rule from the top I suppose?"

"Well, yes. With all due respect your Majesty, your time has long since past. You're a relic. I on the other hand have adapted to modern times, and understand the basics of ruling today."

"The time means nothing. I am perfectly capable of establishing dominance over the masses. The timeline ir irrelevant. Here's a much better proposal, you sliver back to the hole you emerged from and allow me to rule my kind appropriately."

"Oh don't be so prejudiced. It's not may fault you were bested by some idealistic ponies and the magic of a shiny rock. Face it, your era is overdue."

"That 'shiny rock' is the key to a successful future. My future. I have no qualms ruling over Equestria without the meddling of some desperate Changeling abandoned by her own kind."

"Now you're just being terribly petty-"

This moment of, admittedly, entertaining exchanges were interrupted by a croaky voice belonging to an abomination from the depths of imbalance. "I can't leave you two peacefully alone for a minute it seems." Tensing, I slowly turned around to face the real threat of it all-


The mare entered the room alongside the cloaked Zagreus, thankfully displaying no traces of imbalance in her eyes nor a blank expression. But it didn't stop me from worrying for her well-being, standing so close to the monstrous pony regarding the two tyrants in open disdain. "You allow this human to plant seeds of distrust against one another. You should know better, my friends."

Ignoring that, my gaze focused on the dark pink mare, with the Crystal Heart itself floating above between herself and Zagreus. At my furrowed concerned brow, Radiant looked away, as if in shame. And the fact she only began walking beside the monster around me from a safe distance only confirmed my sinking suspicion.


The Sombra in my head growled, in anger, bitterness and... Despair. The physical Sombra, however, looked more than pleased by Radiant's apparent loyalty beside him, the mare joining himself and Chrysalis along with a smiling Zagreus, turning to me while inclining his hooded features to the shining object hovering above them.

"An impressive yet futile idea, Jack." Zagreus stated matter-of-factly. "Luckily I helped young Radiant here be reminded of the truth, rather than your misguided ways."


The unicorn avoided my sorrowful gaze, Zagreus continuing oh-so gleefully. "That is the tragedy of friendship; this young pony would never have the heart to double-cross someone who means more to her than anyone else. A worthy equal by her King's side, wouldn't you say Sombra?"

I flinched at the roar of outrage emerging from the mental King's throat, whilst the physical form nodded and brushing beneath Radiant's muzzle, prompting her to look up at his power-hungry gaze. "This will more than make up for your traitorous transgressions in the past, my dear Radiant. I know you will never let me down again, after bringing this foolish human back to me."

The unicorn managed a small hopeful smile. "All I ever wanted was to be by your side again, Sombra."

We must do something. You must do something now!

What can I do?!

"And now, Jack, this is where we face the end." All three sinister heads turned my way, Zagreus' soulless black voids for eyes glinting maliciously despite the calm tone. "Your end in fact. No friends or companions to bail you out this time, I'm afraid. Once more, I thank you for my creation once more, Jack, and you will die knowing you became the catalyst of a balanced new world."

Improvise, God dammit Jack! Use one of your famous speeches! Make it up for all I care! Save Radiant and yourself from his mess before both my friends are lost to me! You can do this!

As if those words flipped a switch, I stared pleadingly to the mare as the other three gathered their energy. "Radiant, remember what I said, about Sombra being my friend too?" Radiant flinched, but slowly met my gaze, and I continued imploringly. "If you do this, he'll never forgive you. The real Sombra, not this monster masquerading as one."

"Do not heed his words, Radiant. Humans are nothing but deceptive by nature."

"And you're any better?" I sneered to the King before trying again regardless. "You're a good pony, Radiant, surely you'd rather be against the land being engulfed in total darkness and eventual extinction by these mad ponies? It wasn't for no reason Sombra adores you so!"

"Hush now, warrior." Chrysalis cooed mockingly, the three horns beginning to light up respectively in preparation to end my life in one fall swoop. "Save your last breath."

But I was far from intimidated, keeping my gaze fixed on the uncertain unicorn. "Sombra loves you because you're brave, compassionate and always believe in the best of him. You're his best friend not because of loyalty alone, but you understand and want what's best for him regardless of what he may think. Even when the Crystal Heart showed him his terrible future, you stood by him and believed in his best no matter what. Sombra would never want you to rule by his side; not like this! Not ever like this!"

My eyes squinted hard then, at the flashes of light preparing to fire directly into me. "You waste your final moments pleading for a hopeless cause. Ah well, your kind has killed themselves for more pathetic reasons." Was Zagreus' last comment before all three foes fired in direct accuracy, reaching my still state as I called out one last piece.

"I know this, Radiant Hope, because King Sombra still lives in me!"

With the green and black lights getting closer, I braced myself, teeth clenched and eyes shut to meet the end. Balance wasn't strong enough here to protect me, and I anticipated, for a long moment, in expecting to be greeted by hot searing pain penetrating through my chest and out of my neck.

Instead, opening my eyes a moment afterwards, I found myself surrounded by a bright blue shield, a certain unicorn and a magical object protecting me from the onslaught without fault. Radiant stood before me, directly opposing the others and knocking back their magic with the reinforcement of the Heart. After a moment, that temporary moment of relieved respite was disrupted by myself catching the mare who almost collapsed from shielding against three powerful beams of magic, Crystal Heart enhancing her strength or not.

Once more, Zagreus has underestimated the goodness in one's heart.

I faintly grinned at Starswirl's comment, the recovering unicorn looking up to me with a drained smile. But an outraged snarl interrupted the thankful moment, but of us turning to the physical form of King Sombra.

With red bloodied eyes glaring with an outright murderous glint in them. Uh oh. "Once more..." The King growled as the other two stepped back knowingly. "You betray the only pony who ever understood you..."

Radiant flinched, rising to stand despite my help. "Sombra..." Her voice cracked tiredly, and in small despair. "I only want to help you..."

"You always thought with your heart than your head, Radiant... I've overestimated you countless times now, repeating the same mistake again and again... No more." We both flinched by the tone. "Give me the Crystal Heart, now!"

The unicorn gasped painfully, as though seeing such hatred aimed towards her was physically painful. It probably was. "S...Sombra..."

But his patience reached a breaking point, sadly. "That's King Sombra to you worm!" And I released a cry of despair as the unicorn magically flung the helpless mare to the side carelessly. "And before me you are nothing!"


But Starswirl then called out, Jack, the Heart!

Said object landed harmlessly on the ground, discarded and laying between myself and the greedy King, who stared hungrily and desperately towards it. Oh no you don't! My body leaped forward at the same time, ignoring the pained objected cries of those around me as I reached out with hope towards the object, Sombra extending his grasp at the same time.

A gold and grey hoof touched both sides of the Heart. And everything exploded.

Argh! My eyes were clenched shut by the onslaught of light, the force of both of us contacting with the Heart blowing myself back, sliding against the floor and struggling to regain composure, feeling my head searing in pain. Mentally, Balance resonated in reaction to whatever the [BEEP] just happened.

Speaking of which, what the [BEEP] was even happening at all?!

Thankfully, the light quickly died down, but by God the throbbing headache remained. Wincing, my eyes carefully opened to reveal the Crystal Heart floating beautifully between myself and Sombra, the latter with his eyes placatingly closed. The mystifying object spun as though nothing was wrong in the world. What the Hell happened? Did I do something? Did I make a mistake? I seem to have accomplished something for better or worse because King Sombra was just standing there with his eyes calmly shut.

...Did I accidentally put him in a coma standing up? That'd be an achievement in itself.

"Something is amiss..." Zagreus commented quietly, in contrast to a certain Changeling Queen booming next.

"What are you waiting for King? Destroy him, now! Destroy the human!"

On cue, the read horn began to light up, and I noted with faint curiosity that Sombra's typical flowing black mane wasn't doing that anymore. Bracing myself, I expected the unicorn to fire powerful magic my way.

And I was right... Half right at least.

My bewildered stare watched as the King suddenly swung around and fired, aiming for two specific individuals rather than myself. Zagreus was quick to deflect the magic, unlike the surprised Chrysalis; the Changeling caught entirely off-guard whilst releasing a cry of disbelieving anger from the crystallized magic encasing most of her body, save for the moving head.

What the [BEEP]...? What the [BEEP]?! Sombra, what was happening to your other self?!




Sombra?! Answer me here!

Radiant gasped loudly, clearly seeing something I didn't. And when the King turned back to me, I tensed from my kneeling state-


And suddenly, it all came crashing down on me, the implications sinking in as my hazel eyes widened from meeting the unicorn's stare. Just one look at his eyes told me everything I needed to know. Why the Sombra in my mind was no longer communicating with me, why this form suddenly attacked his own former partners, why Radiant was staring at her childhood best friend with newfound hope and wonder. Touching the Crystal Heart did something which didn't take me long to deduce.

And after all our hardships, our trials, our banter and arguments. Everything we've been through together, Sombra and I, leading up to today, to this point. After all is said done, I fulfilled the vow for my and Radiant's friend, without even knowing it happened. It all culminates to here and now. Balance itself has guided us up to this.

Knowing all of that now, I only had one thing to say to the reformed King...

"You looked way better with red eyes."

Green orbs rolled with a short huff, an extended grey hoof clad in armour offered down to my state, the sincerity and warmth rolling off him in waves. "Rise and fight with me, Twilight Warrior." With a grin at that snarky comment, I grasped his limb, Sombra helping me stand as we regarded each other, two kindred spirits at last coming to an understanding.

"I told you." I couldn't resist stating with a wide smile. "Ages ago, I told you your destiny was yours to decide."

"And so you were correct." Sombra nodded, a smile so sincere it seemed alien to his previously malicious features. "I was too stubborn to believe otherwise. I can safely admit that now."


"Sombra..." Ah yes. We both turned towards the approaching unicorn, slowly walking forward with glinting arctic eyes. Radiant was understandably hesitant, warily moving whilst intently staring at her friend and nothing else. Her voice was soft, melodious and filled with, what else, hope. "Is it... Truly you... Really you...?"

The other unicorn kept quiet, turning to face the mare fully and cautiously stepping forward, uncaring what anyone else saw. Radiant winced, but maintained her stance, staring up at the King standing face-to-face with her, regarding each other silently. Silence dominated the room for a long moment, save for Chrysalis' outcries of seething contempt. I stayed back, knowing this was their moment and theirs alone.

And the biggest smile broke out on my muzzle at what happened next, the suffocating imbalance not enough to ruin this heart-touching event between two long lost souls finally finding each other again, for real this time. The two loving unicorns embraced each other tightly, Sombra, surprisingly, taking the lead first, mumbling something in the tearful mare's ear beyond my hearing range. But judging by the tiny smile breaking on Radiant's face, I can guess what the stallion was saying.

The two were always destined to reunite. My mentor commented with ill-concealed warmth and affection, probably smiling at the spectacle along with me. Believe it or not, my faithful student, you made it far easier than their original reunion. In the media of comics, Radiant would resurrect Sombra and... Well, that's quite a story for another day.

...Those are canon?

"This cannot possibly be..." Ah, trust him to ruin the moment. Our moods immediately turned sour and cautious by the hooded unicorn, regarding us all stonily. "No matter of your efforts, Jack, you cannot stop the unstable tides of the universe." Chrysalis, meanwhile, was still writhing in her temporary prison, Zagreus taking one dangerous step forward, prompting the three of us to stand readily, Sombra in the center as we opposed the very personification of imbalance itself. "Don't you realize that stalling all this will only doom yourselves? You need me, all of you. I am very proof of your need for salvation."

There is only one thing left to do, my proud student.

"Maybe you do have some points." I shrugged, moving over slightly to where the powerful object spun around innocent, suddenly ceasing on my approach. "Maybe the world is imbalanced, probably because of me. Definitely perhaps. But if the world is unstable... Then it just needs some balance!"

Guess I didn't need to fight through brawn after all. One golden touch to the center of the object was all it took.


Chrysalis and Zagreus collectively screeched in outrage, as the Crystal Heart worked its magic in an entire new way, the golden rays suddenly emanating from the powerful artifact blowing Chrysalis out of her prison and into a wall, and forcing Zagreus to suddenly up and vanish via magic, but I'll worry about that tidbit later.

For now, I was too busy focused on the newfound magic pulsing into the Heart. The force of it prompted me to step back at a safe distance, allowing the magic to complete the rest. The blue hue transformed to a solid, richly gold, therefore encompassing the throne room with that very same colour, extending to which, I imagine, the rest of the Crystal Empire.

Behold, what the magic of Balance can achieve. The ability to create, to destroy... To restore.

My grin widened as the magic also affected the still postures of trapped ponies and Changelings like, reverting the latter back to their original forms, rendering them unconscious along with the future iteration of their Queen. As for Sunburst and the other, the looked around wildly before gazing in wonder at their own sudden golden bodies, along with their clothes and all. Laughing in triumph, I turned to Sombra and Radiant, those two also painted in the colour of Balance itself, spreading its song all over the Empire.

And sing it did, the melody of magic ringing in our ears as the souls and bodies of all victims from imbalance were freed, singing a chant unlike anything I've heard before. It reminded me of that Ood song from series four of Doctor Who! It was beautiful! Quickly, I rushed to the nearby window, Sombra and Radiant quick to follow as we gazed in eye-wide wonder from the spectacular sight before us.

Buildings, pathways, grass and trees. Even the birds were coloured in bright yellow! Ponies left and right stared in awe at one another, no doubt wondering what the [BEEP] was even going on. The magic extended to the very edges of the kingdom, even transforming the outskirts and the snow itself to that very cover, clearing the dark skies and lightning to reveal a sky witnessed only in my ideal world.

This was the power of Balance. It... It was incredible!

But the sight didn't stop there. Radiant pointed upwards towards the sky further, and awed gasps escaped our muzzles by the beams of auroras producing from the spire of the castle, emitting various shades of gold to carry the song of Balance across Equestria. If Twilight and the others were freed now... Imagine their reactions to this!

A grey- No, grey-gold hoof touched my side, prompted me to meet Sombra's small smirk with my outstretched grin. "I've never said this quite sincerely before." The stallion commented in faint humour, nodding once. "Thank you."

Alright, I will never forget today for a single minute. I'll be holding this moment against you for the rest of your life, be prepared Sombra!

Radiant suddenly pouted. "That's not fair, I could never get him to say thank you and mean it!" Pfft! And Sombra laughed beside me, wholeheartedly, Radiant's giggling following afterwards. We deserved this moment, as did the rest of the kingdom.

We took another moment to witness the glorious spectacle outside before a throat cleared. Ah, right. Our gazes turned to a curious Sunburst, who looked from me, to Sombra, to Chrysalis, and me again. "Hey, Stardust... Mind telling us what in the name of Celestia we just missed?"

We only smiled and chuckled knowingly in response.

Welp, all's well that ends well!

The kingdom was saved, the citizens were freed from their petrified prisons, Chrysalis was bested and returned to her true point in time - courtesy of Starswirl - the unconscious Changelings apprehended and taken to the dungeons below as we wait for the others to return, and best of all, the former King of the Crystal Empire has been completely and utterly reformed. The sad side to all this, though, was Zagreus managing to use one last bit of magic to flee before the Balance magic could reach him.

We will see him again soon, I suspect. For now, take pride in your victory today Jack. This is an accomplishment well worth remembering.

True. I'm actually kinda glad, though, that he escaped before the power of the Heart could destroy him. I still don't want that on my conscience, abomination of my own creation or no. But what matters most, as Starswirl said, is the triumph here, today. As we waited for Twilight, Starlight and everyone else to turn up, Sombra, Radiant, Sunburst and I stood patiently right beneath the castle, the glowing Crystal Heart spinning around with a radiant golden hue, still expelling the power of Balance throughout all the equally-coloured kingdom. Everyone's fur but their manes and eyes have turned a solid gold, and they seem to be loving every minute of it, all wandering around with plastered grins on their muzzles.

Guess everyone loves gold.

More than that, my young pupil. Balance has the capacity to soothe one's heart with harmony, erasing all doubts and regrets in favour for peace and acceptance within, uniting both the Chaos and Harmony resting inside one's soul to bring a beautiful melody of bliss. I envisioned the ancient unicorn gazing around in warm fondness. And now, thanks to you, everypony is experiencing that wondrous sensation. I am incredibly proud of you, my outstanding student.

As Starswirl said this, my senses flared up, detecting the incoming presence of certain ponies, one most of all. And my grin widened, ignoring Sombra and Sunburst's knowing gazes, upon seeing the approach of a purple alicorn sadly unaffected by the Balance due to being outside the kingdom once I touched the Heart.

Didn't matter, Twilight was always beautiful no matter what. Spotting me, the grinning mare was quick to run forward and deliver me a welcoming warm embrace, to which I returned with renewed vigor, my own heart soaring in content. Never gets old, these embraces. My eyes shut happily as we stayed silent, only enjoying each other's company for the moment.

"Huh." I heard Starlight comment, no doubt addressing her own childhood friend. "I like the new look. You look brighter than usual."

Sunburst played along with her humour. "I thought I'd just give my own body a small polish. It's weird though, I feel strangely... Content with myself. Like, there's nothing truly wrong with the world any longer. This must be the magic of Balance itself at work. It's a wonderful sensation." Further proving Starswirl's point.

Twilight then pulled back, regarding my own glittering state up and down with a sly smile. "Somepony's been very busy."

"You like it?" I joked with a grin, spinning humouredly to show off my new magical paint job. "I think the colour brings out my eyes."

"Hmm..." The alicorn hummed playfully, tilting her head. "Could work better without that facial hair covering some of it."

"I thought you loved the beard."

"You're long overdue for a trim, honey."

Before the banter could continue, it was Celestia whom spoke up next, approaching with a clam air. "I see things have changed significantly. When Sunburst requested us all from Starlight's village, I didn't know what to expect." The white alicorn stared down at the golden form of the former tyrant who stared right back, neither unwavering. "But now I see why. It has been far too long, King Sombra."

Obviously everyone else didn't recognize him right off the bat. I struggled to contain a smirk, failing miserably, at the loud gasps and shocked exclamations of everyone else, even Twilight. Shining and Cadence immediately shielded their gurgling child defensively, and Sunburst couldn't hide his wry smile.

"Whoa whoa. King Sombra?!" Rainbow regarded the taller equine with a flabbergasted expression. "But how?! You were trapped in Stardust's mind!"

"Past tense." I shrugged, gaining their attention, prompting my sheepish smile. "It's quite a story. But there's no need to feel afraid of him any longer. I've got some wonderful news to share regarding the former tyrant before us."

"Allow me Jack." Oh? I glanced curiously to Sombra, but nodded, wondering what he'll do. Stepping forward from Radiant's comfort, the previous King addressed the observing Princess of the Sun with a steady gaze. "Indeed, it has been too long, Princess Celestia. Never would I imagine our next encounter would be this way."

"Neither have I." A knowing smile from the tall alicorn. "Your reformation was the last thing I expected to see today. But nothing should be so surprising considering with Prince Thorax and his Changelings having recently reformed as well."

"Well done on that, by the way." I added to Starlight, who smiled in sheepish flattery.

The pink unicorn then shrugged. "I had a little help along the way..."

Celestia continued serenely, glancing over to a certain mare refusing to leave Sombra's side. "I remember, a long time ago, a promising young unicorn whom expressed deep concern and safety for her best friend. A friend who was eventually lost to the hatred in his own heart, consumed." The Princess then grinned kindly. "It pleases me to know you two have reunited under good circumstances. Allow me to welcome you back, Sombra."

As the others regarded the unicorn in wonder, Sombra proceeded to step aside and motion to myself. "All thanks to this stubborn human." I smirked as he grinned lightly, genuine warmth in his voice. "Not once did he ever give up on me. It was his and Radiant's belief, infused with the magic of Balance, that I was able to overcome my own dark past and become the pony I was a very long time ago." Green eyes regarded me in fond amusement, speaking from the heart as though he was a different pony entirely. "I owe him my life."

"Well..." Now I was beginning to feel embarrassed, especially with Twilight's proud grin widening on her muzzle. "I still say you looked a million times better with red eyes, Sombra."

Radiant chuckled, standing beside her childhood friend whilst meeting his gaze endearingly. "We'll have to agree to disagree there." And turned back to me with a blissful smile. "Thank you. Despite everything we've both done in the past, you believed in us. You have my eternal gratitude, Stardust Balance."

Okay, things were starting to get out of hand. Sensing my discomfort, Twilight giggled warmly and pressed herself to my side, not unlike what Sombra and Radiant were doing. The purple alicorn whispered softly. "To say I'm proud of you, Jack, would be a terrible understatement..." I smiled warmly, leaning into the alicorn I loved comfortably.

And then, meanwhile, Shining himself approached the taller royal, face-to-face to Sombra with a firm expression, green and blue eyes expressing silent communication. Oh this should be good. Everyone watched with anticipation, wondering with baited breath what the Prince would do or say next...

"I get the feeling you helped save the kingdom today." The white unicorn eventually stated.

Sombra nodded. "Despite my past sins, this is still my home. I will allow no one to ruin it."

Shining regarded the other stallion... Then extended an inviting hoof, a warm smile eventually growing on his muzzle. "A friend of Stardust is a friend of mine. Though you have a lot to make up for, I think you're deserving of a second chance if he thinks so." Sombra stared at the white limb, slowly taking the offer with a firm shake, reaching an understanding, thankfully, with one another. Twilight grinned happily at the display.

"Friendship comes in all shapes and forms." The purple alicorn began, walking forward to the two stallions. "There's a lot we can learn today, for both Changeling kind and a former King have been reformed thanks to the efforts of some wonderful ponies." Twilight threw her head back to me with a smirk. "I suppose I don't need to recount the events involving the Changelings to you, do I?"

"I already know that a fantastic unicorn helped save the day, thus proving once more why she's more than a worthy student for Equestria's greatest alicorn." Starlight flushed at the praise, prompting Sunburst to regard her in awed curiosity. Twilight shook her head, internally thrilled by the last compliment. Sombra sighed wearily, glancing to Radiant with a smile.

"Would you mind sharing with these ponies the events here whilst I converse with my friend for a moment?" The mare nodded with a knowing smile, and Sombra grinned gratefully, motioning for me to follow. Hm? Should be interesting. At a safe distance from hearing range, right before the shining Crystal Heart itself, we both regarded the mystifying artifact in proud wonder before the former King addressed me again. "We've been through a lot together, you and I. It turns out I was right during our conversation in the ancient castle after all." Sombra turned to me. "You were the closest thing I had to a friend right then."

Smirking, I glanced to the blissful Radiant conversing with my friends, obviously holding a captivated audience. "What are you gonna do now?"

Sombra followed my gaze, sounding rather solemn then. "Radiant and I have already discussed our next step, which she happily agreed to. Obviously she never desires to leave my side again..."

Heh... "I expect to be Best Man at your wedding."

But Sombra wasn't in the mood for jokes then, turning away with a thoughtful expression, speaking rather softly. "Before my time as ruler of this kingdom, there was another... A kind, beloved figure named Princess Amore. Like Radiant and yourself, she believed I could choose my own destiny. She was... The first pony to experience my rampage, and suffered for it." The unicorn sighed, refusing to meet my inquisitive look for the moment. "My magic turned her to stone, and I promptly shattered her, her remains spread all over the land of Equestria, never to be seen again."

"...Jesus." So Sunburst was right... What else could I say to that...?

"Yeah..." And then, the taller unicorn looked back, blazing determination in his green eyes. "And that is the first mistake I must rectify. I will travel to all corners of Equestria in order to find her pieces, and restore the Princess completely. That is my destiny, the one I choose, here and now. In other words." Sombra smirked humouredly. "You'll finally be rid of my presence, for a long while at least."

"...I'll admit, I'm actually gonna miss hearing your abrasive [BEEP] talk in my head." I grinned back jokingly, shaking the stallion's hoof friendly. "But this is your decision, and I won't stop you. We all have to try to make up for the past. Despite our own history... I am proud to call you my friend, Sombra."

That was the truth, plain and simple.

"The sentiment is shared there, boy." We both smirked, before Sombra leaned forward slightly and added knowingly. "And best of luck, for what happens next."

What happens-?

Oh... Right.

The King then winked at my expression. "Give that green-haired neanderthal a good black eye from yours truly." Before straightening, nodding with me once and proceeding to walk back towards his childhood sweetheart, leaving me alone by the golden Heart. Sombra then paused, calling back one last time. "And Jack?" I met his firm gaze. "Find Zagreus. No matter what, that fiend must be stopped at all costs, even if you have to resort to means your friends would hate you for... Some things are beyond our own choice, whether we like it or not."

...Right. I only nodded solemnly with a tiny smile in turn, and Sombra seemed happy enough with the response, joining his gleeful childhood friend. As the two exchanged their farewells to the group, both Sombra and Radiant, as I walked back to the others, proceeded to head forward with an action they may finally do together.


Run like the wind.

"You better keep up, Radiant Hope!"

"Same to you, Starburst Sombra!"

Again, reminding me again terribly of my own relationship with Twi-


No, hold on now...

Starburst Sombra-?!

The others looked earnestly confused as I suddenly guffawed out-loud, clutching my own underbelly at the realization of Sombra's first and full name. Hahahahahahaha! Starburst! He's named after a sweet! That's brilliant! No wonder he never mentioned that! Hahahahaha!

"Something funny we missed?" Rarity asked, dumbfounded.

"Must be a human thing." Oh Applejack, you have no idea...

[BEEP]ing Starburst... Christ... Bless that pony. He's never gonna hear the end of that once I see the poor [BEEP]tard again.

...Best of luck, old friend.

We watched the two ponies shrink into the distance, the setting sun welcomingly their approach beautifully. Twilight sighed warmly, standing very close to my side with Spike on the other, the dragon eventually asking, "So what exactly happened, dad? That pony left before she could get to the best parts."

"Dad?" I smirked at Cadence, Luna, Shining, Celestia and Sunburst's bewildered looks, and shrugged.

"I'll tell you when we get back Spike." And craned my neck with a sigh. "It's been a long day for everyone I think."

And very soon, it'll be a much longer day for me. Because there was another threat rearing their ugly heads coming soon. I'm gonna take a long rest after today to prepare for the worst special of all time.

Watch out, Daisy, Timber. This time, you're not getting away with your crimes. I'm coming for you.

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