• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Two: A Pain in the Comparison

If you'd permit me, I'd like to compare the alicorn sitting by the center of the table receiving all the attention to another well-respected leader with considerable similarities.

Albus Percivial Wilhuff Something Dumbledore.

Now is that considerably fair of me? Yes and no.

But as I sat here between two of the many residents of Ponyville, all praising the monarch in the room taking the compliments with flattery, I noticed some things she had in common with the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Really I had nothing better to do than to wait until this whole event was completed.

Let's address what they do have in common.

They've aged beyond the lifespan of their kinds. People and ponies look up to them for wisdom and guidance. They both have their own personal students to guide, and those personal students defeated deadly enemies time and time again - though Harry being a student of the old man's was up for debate. And they're both manipulative towards their students, tricking them into facing danger without their help.

Just that reminder caused me to frown deeper, staring from across the room at the smiling Celestia, who was ignorant to my gaze. Beside her was her beloved student, who was attempting to get the Princess' approval of her friends. The owners of Sugarcube Corner trying to get in the alicorn's good graces. And I couldn't resist shaking my head in repulse at the display.

Now what about what they didn't have in common?

That's simple. Dumbledore actually does stuff. I mean, despite his age and ever slowness, the old Headmaster not only assisted Harry, albeit partially, throughout his trials against the rather weak antagonist, but he also showed decent wisdom, brought back a secret order to face the villain and a corrupt magical government, went through hell to help take down the villain, and sacrificed himself to ensure Voldemort's demise in a rather clever, yet almost convoluted plan.

In short, that character from Harry Potter deserved respect, despite the questionable actions and trickery he has done. But at least the man admitted to his mistakes and asked for the main protaganist's forgiveness.

Celestia's excuse?

"Cool party, huh?" From the corner of my eye, Derpy commented her enthusiasm while devouring a muffin. I nodded, my eyes remaining focused on the monarch, who was politely dismissing the gratified Mrs. Cupcake.

Why was I here again? Oh right... that meeting Celestia requested after this was all done.

Speaking of which, her bright pink eyes finally met with mine, reflecting nothing but warmness in contrast to my wariness. But not to draw attention to myself I nodded briskly to her, and Celestia responded politely before speaking with her grinning subjects.

I was curious with what she wished to speak with me about.

Okay, my back is tired now. And... release.

I settled myself back on all four limbs instead of my two hind hooves, looking at Spike. "Well?"

"One minute and fourty-eight seconds." The obedient dragon reported when he pressed the stopwatch, showing the results. "Better than last time."

"Only by sixteen seconds." I nodded, a little pleased by the progress. "By this evening or tomorrow I could reach up to two whole minutes. Imagine that as an improvement."

Spike nodded in turn. "So that's it for now?"

"Yeah... don't think my back can currently take any more." The backside covered by my dark blue cape already felt as though it was straining. A consequence for my task, but one I had already come to terms with. If I can walk on two legs again, at least then I'd be more useful not to just myself but the library too.

While Celestia was having a meeting with the Mayor, thereby postponing my eventual discussion with the alicorn, I decided to utilize this spare time to attempt my efforts in standing and walking like a human again.

Spike expressed a desire to assist me when I informed him of that. I previously confessed to the infant dragon that I wanted to at least have some similarities to my own species, and the innocent dragon wanted to aid me for some reason. Though Twilight continued to believe the whole 'rite of passage' bull I spread when she once inquired why I was doing this.

"So, do you have any idea yet why the Princess wants to talk to you yet?" The lizard queried while taking a seat on my nearby bed.

I shrugged while pacing back and forth. "Who knows what goes on in that alicorn's mind, Spike." And quite frankly, I had no intention on ever discovering that. "Though I imagine it's in relation to my circumstance."

"You being from another world?"


"Hmm..." One of those few times Spike looked contemplative about something, tapping his own chin. "Maybe she's found a way to take you back home?"

An innocent idea, but one I shook my head at. "Unlikely, my friend. That would be far too a stretch in terms of this world."

"Why's that?"

Oh, oops... forgot that dragon nearby doesn't know the truth about Equestria and its inhabitants. "Because... Celestia already tole me she has found no complete answer. And if she can't find one, what chances does the rest of Equestria have?"

Thankfully, the lie was convincing enough. "True." Spike concurred. "What are you gonna do now until the Princess finishes talking with the Mayor?"

Good question...

"I imagine I'll just be pacing around the room until then. Read a book or something."

"Or make those delicious brownies of yours." Spike then suggested, and I raised an amused brow at the clear hunger in his tone.

"...You just want some brownies, don't you Spike?"

The dragon smiled sheepishly. "I can't help it. Your brownies are great!"

"Hardly." I rolled my eyes... before the idea held merit in my mind. I shrugged in finality. "Ah, why the hell not? Gives me something to do in the meantime." Plus it'd take my mind off the upcoming meeting with that pitiful excuse for a monarch, for now.

I shook my head in amusement as Spike, without attempt, punched the air with a "All right!"

"You know Twilight, just because you knock on the door, doesn't mean you can follow that by barging in." I commented dryly as the unicorn and I stepped into the cottage. I then focused on the petrified-looking Fluttershy. "Sorry about that my dear."

The pegasus quickly shook her head, "I-It's fine, I-I just wasn't expecting any company today..."

I shrugged while waiting for that dragon to hurry with catching up to us. Twilight was more than willing give him a ride to Fluttershy's house, but I managed to convince her that the lizard needed at least some exercise. I swear that dragon's more lazy than I am.

Spike was carrying the basket filled with a portion of the brownies I made today. And since Twilight earlier said she was going to visit Fluttershy later to thank the pegasus for helping her at the party, I decided why not share some of these treats with the quiet and polite pony? At least it keeps my mind off the eventual meeting with Celestia even further.

A sharp loud gasp immediately cut off any further conversation between the yellow mare and I, as our attention quickly focused on a shocked Twilight, who was staring in a flabbergasted expression towards...

"...Isn't that Celestia's pet chicken?"

True enough, the animal that looked like it was dying in Sugarcube Corner was within the cottage. The apparent fact that the alicorn couldn't even take proper care of an animal right persuaded my doubts about her. The pink creature had clear feathers taped back onto it, no doubt by the sympathetic Fluttershy.

Why does Celestia have a pet chicken, anyway...? Bah, that monarch never makes any absolute sense to me. Why should I even nitpick over this surreal detail?

Oh, that's right. I'm nit-picky to the core. So what the hell is her featherless chicken doing here?

"What is Celestia's pet doing here?" Saying the name of your mentor without title, Twilight? That's a new one.

That was then the most obvious answer hit me. "I imagine, my dear, the good Princess requested Fluttershy to heal the poor thing." I pointed out.

"I couldn't leave the poor thing there. She needed my help."

"Oh no nononono no! This is bad!"

"How could I just walk away and not do anything?"

...Hold on.

"You mean, Celestia doesn't know?" I queried in disbelief, and at Fluttershy's meek nod my eyesbrow raised to exponential levels. "You mean you... STOLE the monarch's bird?"

"W-Well, not exactly... I just didn't ask, that's all."

"'That's all'?!"

I ignored Twilight's own disbelieving mood, my eyes focused on the shy pegasus over what she had done. "So let me get this straight, Fluttershy... you, with good intentions, took your ruler's pet chicken, without permission."

The sparks were lit; I just needed one simple answer to set me off.


And the fireworks unleashed.

"HAHA HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!" There was no holding back the hysterical situation before me, as I clutched my stomach admist my laughter over how joyful and downright satisfied I was. "Yes, Fluttershy you beautiful beautiful pony you! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"This isn't funny Stardust!"

"You're right; it's completely comical!" I responded to Twilight's growing irritation, laughing harder than just before. By the time I was finally done, I wiped an imaginary tear from my eye before addressing the puzzled pegasus. "Fluttershy, from the bottom of my heart... thank you. Thank you."

"Erm... you're welcome?" The yellow mare's face was a temporary bright pink, probably from my blissful compliments. Meanwhile Twilight was shaking her head at it all, but I couldn't care less.

This was exactly what I required today to cheer me up. Celestia's visit was in itself depressing to me, but Fluttershy's actions today brought more joy to me than the residents of Oz after the Wicked Witch's death.

"What are we laughing about?" I heard Spike inquire. Perfect timing my friend! As he set the basket filled with the still-warm brownies aside, I turned my grin to him.

"Something completely unexpected but downright hysterical, Spike."

"This is far from humourous!" Twilight objected from behind. "Fluttershy, this bird doesn't belong to you; you can't just take the Princess' pet without asking first."

"But I had to do something!"

"Without telling anypony?! Without asking permission?!"

"But-!" I merely chuckled as the chicken wheezed.

"Wait, isn't that Princess Celestia's pet?" Spike asked beside me.


"And Fluttershy took him?"

"Yep." My voice grew higher with every answer.

"And the Princess doesn't know?"

"Yep!" My tone was in a high pitch for a moment, as I was unashamed to display my amusement. And when the situation finally processed in the dragon's brain, that little chuckle of his caused me to unleash another laughing fit. "Hahahahaahahaahahaahaha! This is the best day of my life!"

"Hahaha!" Spike concurred with a snorting chortle. "Fluttershy, I didn't know you had it in you!"

I snickered. "It's official, Fluttershy is my second favourite pony in all of Ponyville. Congratulations my dear!"

"Erm... thank you, again?"

My announcement had Spike then ask. "Wait, who's the first?"

"Does it matter?!" Twilight interjected hotly, still more than displeased by the bird's kidnapping alongside Spike and I's justified reactions. Upon realizing how raised her voice was, the purple unicorn cleared her throat and began a calmer approach. "I know you had good intentions, Fluttershy, but you have got to return the Princess' pet."

"But-!" Keep protesting Fluttershy, and I might just side with you on this one.

Celestia's pet chicken or not, stealing was a crime. Not that I was going to act like a police officer here.

After said chicken inhaled a long sick breath, Fluttershy submitted to Twilight's command. "You're right; okay let's-" The featherless bird coughed. "- Go."

"Hey," I said casually, waves of amusement still rolling from my tongue. "If the worse happens we can always put it out of it's misery... I haven't ate chicken in a while." I whispered that last part to an eye-widened Spike... before I broke out in laughter again, to the occupants of the room's horror.

"I wish you wouldn't joke at a time like this."

"My dear Twilight... nah I haven't got a response for that." I chuckled away while the unicorn rolled her eyes at my admittedly childish behaviour.

You can't blame me, folks. This was the breath of fresh air I required. I haven't had a good laugh at any antics from the Mane Six in a while. I mean, after Pinkie Pie's display in Appleloosa, anything's laughable.

And while the two mares prepared for departure, I turned around - may as well play the gentleman, despite how much of an arse I was being - to open the door for the two. But two pairs of blue stern focused eyes stared right back at me from the other side.

"Uh oh..." I heard Spike whisper in fear at the pair of guards awaiting entrance into the cottage.

And their blue orbs seemed to narrow slightly at the sight of who opened the door for them. "Pardon us, sir." One said before walking by my still state.

Wait, that voice-

Ohohohoho! It's like Christmas Day for me!

"We were told Twilight Sparkle was here." Wait, by who? "We regret to inform you that the Princess' pet has gone missing."

Twilight, of course, feigned obliviousness. "Really? You don't say!"

...What followed were pitiful attempts to hide the chicken's rough coughing from within the basket resting on Fluttershy's back.

Honestly, I should have a word with the mare about discretion.

I sighed at the fake-coughing of the two mare's before clearing my own throat. "I'm afraid, gentlemen, that Twilight and her friend are feeling rather rough by the edges at the moment, so-"

"Clearly." The stern interruption had my eyes narrow. Oh, so you do remember me my golden-armoured friend? I guess they're still sour over my blunt disrespect to their monarch last time when I visited Canterlot. One of the guards looked over his shoulder, his blue eyes seemingly glaring at me before addressing the whole room. "If any of you happen to find it, please be sure to inform either us or the Princess. Good day."

"I hope your search comes fruitful." One of the two pegasi glared in disdain at my sarcasm upon leaving - though I imagined that wasn't the only reason - and Spike quickly shut the door behind him with a somewhat panicking expression.

"Excuse me, Stardust." I turned around after my moment of satisfaction and allowed Fluttershy to walk by... who was immediately intercepted by Twilight.

"What are you doing?!"

"Going to return Philomena, remember?" Is that its name? All the more reason to take it out of its misery.

"We can't now!" Oh so now Twilight was protesting against the idea? Make up your mind girl!

"Why not?" The unicorn's own pet asked innocently.

"Spike, Stardust,m Fluttershy: none of you have any idea what the Princess is gonna do if she finds out Fluttershy took her pet!"

"You're being theatrical, Twilight." I sighed at her exaggeration. "Humour us; what is the worse she can do?"

"Well... I-I don't know."

"You don't know."

"No... but it can't be anything good!"

"The only punishment I can imagine is a timeout." I commented seriously, to Spike's quiet chuckling.

"She might banish Fluttershy from Equestria! Or throw her in a dungeon! Or banish her and throw her in a dungeon in the place she banishes Fluttershy to!"

"You really think the Princess would do that?" The yellow mare asked with fear in that meek tone of hers.

"No, I don't." I interjected before Twilight could respond, glaring at the purple mare in annoyance before deciding to reassure the unnerved Fluttershy. "I sincerely don't believe Celestia would ever cast such sentences on you for stealing a mere pet."

"It's not just a mere pet, Stardust, it's the Princess' pet!"

I rolled my eyes at Twilight's theatrics. "Irrelevant. I'm more than certain your ruler won't banish you, or lock you up, for taking her pet with noble intentions."

"Maybe not, but do we really want to take any chances?"

"Twilight." I've had enough of this childish conversation. The purple mare looked at me in confusion as Fluttershy set the basket with the chicken inside down. "You've known Celestia ever since you gained your cutie mark, correct? Do you honestly believe she would punish someone like Fluttershy here in any cruel way, even over what she's done?"

"Well... I don't know, maybe?" The studious mare rubbed her forehead thoughtfully. "Still, we stole something precious to the Princess. Some form of punishment is bound to happen!"

Not if I can help it.

I felt poking against my leg, inciting me to look at a curious Spike. The dragon proceeded to ask, "What do you think we should do?"

Me? "...Shouldn't you be asking Twilight that?"

He shrugged before folding his arms. "Maybe, but you seem to be the only one here taking this calmly. Do you have a plan?"

"A plan?" He nodded, rather expectantly as I chuckled. My gaze turned to Twilight and Flutterhsy discussing what to do next. "Really this is an enjoyment to me than a situation. Honestly I don't what this to be resolved just yet."

Or ever at all.

"...You really don't like Celestia, do you?"

"Dislike? Oh no Spike." Yet a smirk emerged on my muzzle at the image of the distressed alicorn searching for her missing pet. "But I hold no fondness for her either."

"Is it just me, Stardust, or are you also getting the feeling this isn't going to end well?"

"Definitely not just you, Spike." I responded to the mouthful lizard, who had currently helped himself to the cottage's fridge. While we were observing the two ponies playing doctor with the near-featherless bird, Spike and I took a spot out of the way as the two mare's clearly had no idea what they were doing, despite Twilight's apparent expertise. "Tell me, in the times you got sick Spike, did Twilight ever treat you back to health in that manner?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"I'd pity you otherwise then." Just as I held sympathy for the blasted bird. My amusement on the whole ordeal still remained, don't get me wrong, but if I had a penny for the amount of eyebrow raising from yours truly at the show before us, I'd buy out Canterlot.

Twilight's devilish expression didn't help out matters at all when Fluttershy informed her the chicken wouldn't take the soup. The purple unicorn proceeded to magically take the blanket off the cage trapping the poor bird, who then released a high pitch at the sight of either Twilight's look or the soup.

I'm willing to bet both.

"Hey, where are you going?!" The unicorn called out towards the escaping chicken.

But upon noticing something I cried in disbelief and amusement. "Who opened the front door?" As the abducted pet managed top leave the house by pulling a runner. "Hey, that's my dinner escaping!"

"Stardust!" Twilight called out in shock and annoyance.

"Philomena! Come back!" Fluttershy proceeded to chase after the bird, pursued by the purple mare. Thus leaving Spike and I behind.

"Are you really going to eat that chicken?"

"I wish..." I muttered with a disappointing scoff. This body just won't allow me to. Glancing at the lizard, I smirked as an entertaining idea popped up. "Fancy a chase, Spike?"

So after a long and admittedly slightly nauseating pursuit of the rather intelligent chicken, who used methods of deceit even my little sister would call out on, we have finally cornered the damn thing.

Which was a shame too. But Spike needed to recover some breath from the combination of our running and laughing fits over how the bird fooled the gullible mare's; I had to point out to Spike myself how the chicken was tricking them.

Disguises. Drawing the missing posters. Using stealth while in an open area. Even Celestia's sick pet knew just how naive these ponies were.

I'm loving today. Though the lack of townsfolk currently around was noted and warranted questioning.

"Philomena, get down from there! You'll hurt yourself!" Fluttershy commanded fearfully. The featherless bird currently made its presence known atop a fountain statue. The whole Mane Six, Spike, two of the same guards we met earlier and myself observing it.

"No, do a back flip!" I ordered the chicken, having no complete desire for my source of entertainment concluded with just yet, ignoring any sent look of disapproval towards me. I'm not one to prefer having things drag on - my writing says otherwise - but I just wanted this event to prolong further, just a little more.

Alas, all things must end.

After playing dead for five seconds - which was a relief, otherwise I'd be shocked at the audacity of Faust - the chicken fell backwards off the fountain.

And Fluttershy rushed to the rescue while the mare's gasped. "I'll catch you!" Oh please let it fall in the water. It won't die, this world wouldn't allow it to, but there's some time left in the day for more comedy-


"Jesus!" I cried out in shock as the bird set itself on fire in midair; as though it came falling from space.

Beside me Spike gasped in astonishment, but I kept my gaze focused on the remains of the chicken landing on the poor pegasus' laid-open hooves, the rest of the ponies gasping in their complete and utter shock.

What... What the...?

I literally couldn't move. My own limbs were planted in the ground as nothing but confusion and horror controlled my temporary body. The... The bird just... incinerated... in thin air... how? Why? W-What...?

And without needing to predict as such, the innocent Fluttershy began weeping at the traces of ash resting on her hooves. And the sight of her grieving had my shocked eyes narrow in effort to express my building rage.

What the hell Hasbro?!

"What's going on here?"

And look who turns up!

"Twilight." With a stern tone I've never heard the alicorn used until now, Celestia addressed her pupil behind me.

"Yes, your Majesty..."

Ah [BEEP] it, while there was someone to blame.

"To hell with formalities, Twilight!" I finally tore my eyes from the awful remains, switching my hardened gaze to the puzzled monarch. Who better to yell at? Because I needed to express my disbelief and anger somehow. "Your [BEEP] bird just died, Celestia, in Fluttershy's hooves! And you dare act high and mighty even now?"

The guards between her growled in displeasure at my blatant disrespect, Twilight gasped at the censored language against her mentor. Meanwhile the Princess didn't look at all fazed by the rightful outburst.

"Stardust, don't..."

I ignored Twilight's weak plea and gaze, pointing at the undisturbed alicorn. "Could you for one moment just let the poor pegasus behind us mourn in peace over your pet? She tried everything to heal it when it was clearly sick."

Said yellow mare spoke up. "Stardust, please. It was my fault, Princess." What?! My stare switched to Fluttershy.

"No, it wasn't. It was my fault Princess; Fluttershy didn't know what she was doing." Not you too Twilight!

"I'm the one who did it." You did nothing!

"I was trying to help-"

"Oh for [BEEP] sake." I rolled my eyes at the two, the purple unicorn inhaling a sharp breath at my usage of beeped words, myself staring determinedly at Celestia. "If anyone's to blame for this travesty, there's no one else but me."

The tall royal alicorn, to her small credit, held up a hoof that ordered Twilight and Fluttershy to be silent from protesting. "Go on."

"I stole the bird."

Heaven be damned if I allowed Twilight or Fluttershy to be punished in any way by this excuse for monarch. If anyone deserves to be banished or imprisoned for committing treasonous acts against Celestia, then look no further; because here I am.

I let my humour get the best of me, instead of rationality inciting me to return the bird, and thanks to that entertainment the chicken died in in poor Fluttershy's lying hooves.

The Princess of the Sun didn't look at all surprised, raising an intrigued brow. "Indeed?"

I nodded at the neutral tone. "Indeed. Any my treatment towards it caused your bird to disintegrate." At least she's being calm about it, though that caused me to frown. Your pet just died, for God's sake!

"And what motivation, might I inquire, would you have to abducting Philomena?"

Despite the horrific demise behind me, I smirked. "Out of spite, mother-[BEEP]." You know, it was kinda like anyone's reaction in Harry Potter to saying Voldemort by his name, with the amount of shock Twilight was displaying from my clear lack of love for her teacher.

I wonder about the expressions of the others but the guards. How are the rest of the Mane Six reacting to my lack of acknowledgement towards Celestia's status?

One thing to dwell in my banishment or imprisonment, I imagine.

"Stardust, don't do this-"

"Better me than you two, Fluttershy." I whispered in turn to my left. Then another thought popped up. "I'm sorry, my dear." Beneath that anger was regret; regret that I refused to return the dead animal back to its home...

...Wait a minute.

"Your Highness," Well one of the guards was in clear favour of getting rid of me, it seems. Blue distasteful eyes focused on me as the pegasus royal guard continued. "Should we arrest this stallion? He has displayed just as much disrespect towards you back in Canterlot; surely that alone warrants his imprisonment?"

I doubt I caused any major changes... was the bird going to die anyway? Around Fluttershy and Twilight?

Those curious thoughts occupied my mind more than the judging expression on Celestia's features.

And since when did chickens suddenly get engulfed with flames and quickly turn into ash...?

"Guys! Look!"

Spike's sudden surprised call caused everyone's, mine included, gaze towards where he was pointing at-

What in the name of the Anti-Christ?!

The ash was... flying into the air, like smoke before taking the image of a tiny tornado. My jaw was literally agape as all anger vanished, replaced by confusion while common sense pounded against my brains to figure out what the hell was exactly going on.

"Your mistreatment, you say Stardust?" I heard a humoured Celestia inquire from behind me.

The bird became ash, so what was this-... No...

No... No...!

But my worst suspicion came to life as the red and orange bird emerged from the ashes, posing majestically before us.

While ponies around me let out sounds of wonder at the sight before us, my only expression was disbelief and even more rage. Oh I'm happy the bird's not dead, but that is very, VERY short to the disdain of my comparison earlier today being reinforced by the revelation of Celestia's pet Phoenix!

"Bull-[BEEP]! BULL-[BEEP]!"

But my vocal seething fell on deaf ears by everyone, as their attention was now focused on the rare mythical creature and its owner. "This is Philomena. She's quite a sight as I said."

And a ripoff, Dumble-mare...

"But nothing unusual for a Phoenix. Isn't that right, Philomena?"

I hate everything now...

"I must say, Stardust, how bold it was of you to take the blame on yourself like that." The white tall mare commented pleasantly as we walked down some pathway around Ponyville's park.

"Someone like Twilight or Fluttershy didn't deserve any sort of punishment for taking a pet, royalty or not." I responded evenly, wondering how long exactly this leisurely stroll was going to occupy the pair of us.

With that disaster finally over with, my entertainment for today ending in shock and rage - surprise surprise - Celestia excused herself from the group and asked me to accompany her outside the town, despite her guards protesting at the thought of leaving her with the likes of me. Wise stallions; clearly more wise than their ruler.

I was, of course, still furious over the fact Celestia's pet was a Phoenix. While it did explain its previous apparent illness- no, no I'm not defending anything here, I'm still fricking infuriated over the fact Celestia had a God damn Phoenix! Thus adding another comparison between two leaders their separate species looked up to.

First we had Sonic the Pegasus. Now Dumble-mare. Why does this make me so angry? Because... Because... I just was!


"Still, were the theatrics against me necessary?"

"It's just so easy to be mad at you." I retorted, glancing at the unperturbed alicorn who was arguably taller than my own Dad. "And can you honestly blame me, considering my belief that your pet died in that poor pegasus' hooves?"

The Princess cocked her head a little, her own gaze set on the path. "Perhaps. But one must not deny that your vulgar language towards me today was completely unacceptable."

"Bite me."

The unfazed reply caused Celestia to sigh. "You are fortunate that I chose not to have you imprisoned for your lack of respect today, or back in Canterlot. But that will only last for so long."

"Throw me away then." I challenged hotly, halting in my walk while staring at the ancient mare. "Show me you're someone worth respecting then."

Looking over her shoulder after eventually halting herself, Celestia raised a genuinely curious brow. "Are you truly so uncaring of your fate?"

"Seeing my family again is far more important to me than anything else." Sod my own well-being. "Unless you have a reason to speak to me, throw me away into a cell or go back to sit on your throne and do nothing."

Instead of rising to the bait, the alicorn at least displayed some calm intelligence. "Very well. I did state in my letter I wished to speak with you over something." Finally. She waited for me to walk beside her again before addressing the subject. "I was wondering if you would tell me more about who and what you are."

At the statement I raised a brow. Who and what I am? "Why do you ask...?" What purpose would that fulfill?

The alicorn began to provide and explanation, one that was clearly thought of before arriving to Ponyville. "I believe it would assist in my research over your dilemma. You still wish to return home, correct?"

"More than anything." Was my immediate, definite answer. "Is this why we are taking this walk, so no one will overhear us?"

She shook her head, her soft tone waving rolls of amusement. "No, I just like to take a stroll sometimes while I can escape the stuffiness of my duties." When she chuckled and I didn't, Celestia cleared her throat to continue the more important topic. "I hereby request your presence in Canterlot for a few days or so, beginning with the night of the Grand Galloping Gala."

That was enough to cause an immediate derailment in my movement, while Celestia smiled lightly at my reaction. "You want me to... stick around in that uptight kingdom of yours for a couple of days?" Just for clarification.

She nodded positively, obviously feigning ignorance to the "uptight" comment. "Indeed. The decision is yours, of course, and I will provide you with time to dwell on it until that night. The Gala is very fast approaching, as you know-" Well no, I didn't. "- Plus it could aid us in solving your plight, despite the task given to you."


"And you believe discussing about my own species will... aid in helping me?"

"I understand your skepticism, Stardust. Speaking of your task, however, I would like to add that through my eyes you are making tremendous progress with befriending my beloved student and her friends."

I waved off the compliment. There were higher priorities. "I'll think about your proposition." I said. On one hand it could prove beneficial for me, despite the odds, and I rather enjoyed the food they served in that large kingdom.

I would just have to be careful with what I tell Celestia... or her sister.

Speaking of. "How is Luna, by the way?" I queried. I haven't seen her since my visit to the castle, and she was seemingly recovering well from the fact of her horrific banishment to an isolated rock for over ten centuries.

The alicorn blinked at the change of subject, but answered warmly regardless. "Why, my dear sister is doing fine, thank you. I will be sure to inform Luna you inquired about her." I nodded in thanks. Well at least the better of the two sisters was recovering swiftly. "I shall see you at the gala then, my friend?"

"You will." I replied, nodding again but in farewell as Celestia smiled pleasantly before walking back the way we arrived from.

"Very good. Farewell, Stardust."

Farewell you disgraceful ripoff. "Farewell, Celestia."

No acknowledgement to my addressing her without title? Okay then.

I sighed in relief when the monarch wasn't within hearing distance. Finally, glad to be rid of her, for now. But I suppose that won't be the case at the gala and afterwards. I keep forgetting that was even a thing.

When was that event occurring again...? No idea.

Though I'm sure Twilight and Spike will keep reminding me as the days towards it draw closer.

I sighed. Nothing better to do, really. But that comment about how well I was doing in Celestia's eyes repeated in my mind, inciting my scoff.

"Tch, as if I deserve to be friends with them..."

Especially today, after my clear disrespect towards their Princess without any remorse for it. Hell, I respect that Phoenix more than I do its owner. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were already suspicious of me, they made that clear a while back, but seeing my confrontation with the monarch today must have sealed the case for them-

A shifting bush in my line of sight caused me to raise a brow, and halt my thought process. "Come on out." I ordered sternly. It might be a squirrel, but better safe than sorry. Plus after today I just didn't want to tolerate any more bull...

And out-stepped the purple unicorn, staring at me with a mixture of sheepishness and shame. "Hey Stardust..."

"...Hello Twilight." My defeated tone replied. I rubbed my forehead as bits of frustration remained in its prime over my mind. "How much did you hear...?"

...Oh [BEEP]. If she heard everything...

An embarrassed shrug. "Enough, though I'm awfully sorry for eavesdropping like that. I wanted to clarify with the Princess if there was any letter she wanted me to write today, but-"

"You're forgiven." I cut her off sharply as I continued swallowing my irritation. "Really, it should be me apologizing to you... big time, I might add."

"If you're referring to your outrageous attitude towards the Princess-"

"More than that. I was nothing but a huge arse today. When you and Fluttershy were attempting to heal and find the bird. I just sat around and did nothing, while encouraging Spike not to assist you the whole time." I finally removed my hoof from my features, viewing Twilight's patient expression. "I don't know what caused such behaviour today... I'm sorry, Twilight."

Was I truly sorry for laughing at their expense? No. But I held regret for Fluttershy's temporary depression after the Phoenix was apparently dead. I wanted to apologize for at least something.

For a long moment, the intelligent unicorn stared at me before finally sighing, looking elsewhere. "Sometimes, Stardust, you are such a mystery to me." Twilight admitted with a shifted thoughtful expression. "Your words. Your actions and decisions. Anything rational with you just seems futile at times."

With that perception, I released a light smirk. "You're not the first I've befuddled."

But the clever mare was in no mood for jesting. "I promised long ago I wouldn't ask any further about your illogical existence; specifically that inexplicable strength of yours and why you do the things you do. Overhearing your conversation with Princess Celestia only makes me more curious about you, Stardust, but I know you hate me asking about anything unusual about you."

"I don't hate it, Twilight; I just prefer not to answer."

"But there is one thing I would like to know; something I think you can answer." The unicorn walked closer, staring at me with an uncertain expression on those pony features. "I gave you a room in the library by the Princess' request, and as a way of thanking you for helping us defeat Nightmare Moon. I was led to believe you residing in the house was a test I must solve."

Her ears drooped a little. "But now I'm not so sure anymore, after listening in to that talk you two had. So I want you to be honest with me, Stardust Balance... is your staying in Ponyville - in the library - making friends with myself, Spike and the girls a task for me... or for you?"

That's all she desired to know...?

Well, she was right about one thing, it was a question I could answer without exposing who or what I truly was. And if it puts some of her mind at ease, and earns Twilight's trust more, then the least I can do is indulge her.

"For me, Twilight... it was always for me." I admitted firmly. After processing that and slowly nodding, Twilight's expression asked me to continue. "There are some things about myself I can't answer, nor explain. Not because you don't deserve to know, but it just wouldn't do myself any favours."

"How so?"

Endless pestering questions from you comes to the top of my mind. "Basically, my dear, there are some things about me that will blow your mind."

I waited for a moment. After the sharp mare finally realized I wasn't going to satisfy her curiosity any further, she smiled a little. "Well, as if you don't do that enough." I shrugged while Twilight nodded. "Alright, I think that's enough questioning you. I think after this hectic day we all require some rest; are you coming back to the library with me?"

"...May as well; since your mentor abandoned me in this park."

"Just be glad she didn't do worse, considering what you did."

"I said I was sorry." Though not for telling off Celestia, necessary or not.

"One can forgive, Stardust, but never forget."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Must you take everything seriously?"

"Says you." Yet instead of waiting for my retort, the pony walking to my right changed the topic. And there was something about her tone I couldn't quite put a finger on. "Did you... really mean what you said to Fluttershy?"

Hm? I raised a curious brow at the gaze-avoiding Twilight. "About me being more deserving than you two with being banished? Yes, I did."

A shake of her head. "That's not true and you know it. But no, I meant what you said to her in the cottage."

"...What did I say again?" There were a lot of things I must have said admist my laughing fits in Fluttershy's house.

"You... you know what? Never mind." Twilight shook her head again, this time in determination, while a smile was thrown at me. "Forget it. I'm sure I was just hearing things." If I didn't know better, she looked ashamed for inquiring.

"Erm... okay?" And she calls me baffling.

"And by the way, Princess Celestia was right about you making remarkable progress with becoming friends with us." Twilight commented, admitting to an extent over what she heard. "Though today might have derailed that, for the time being."

I scoffed. "No doubt." A small inconvenience, but I'm certain they'll all forgive me for blatantly yelling at and vocally abusing their royal monarch.

From the corner of my eye the thoughtful mare glanced at me. "Are we close yet to being friends in your eyes?"

I might be imagining things, or there was hope in her tone.

"...I won't lie Twilight; you're closer than you've ever been before."

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