• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 205: Weebow Dash


"When a woman acquires a certain age... And the men who adore you no longer swoon."


"It pays to avoid the sunlit days... And live by the night of the kindly moon."


"But the moon grows old, just like us all. And her beautiful years are done..."


"So now she prays, through endless days..."


"To take, her revenge, on the sun..."


"You done yet?" Rolling my eyes in wry exasperation, my hazel eyes turned to the sole audience whom invited herself to observe my moment. The smirking blue Wonderbolt perched happily on a close by cloud shortly from my occupied own.

"I am now." Came my dry response, perking an expectant brow towards the blue friend. "Something you needed, Rainbow, or did Twilight send you?"

Snorting in good nature was her first reply. "Pft, as if. I was just enjoying my daily nap until suddenly being disturbed by a certain Prince playing with that toy of his and acting melac... Melacon..."


"Yeah that. So what gives Star? You look like you've raced across Equestria five times over. Trouble in paradise or somethin'?"

The unspoken "Again?" lingered by the last question. I huffed in weariness, but managed a small smile in acknowledgement before clarifying the reason while I looked as though I've endured through an elephant stampede.

"Nothing like that. I had to go back to that human world, take a boat out to God knows where in the middle of the sea, and handle an imbalance in the form of a [BEEP]ing tornado. It was... A rough week." So much so I had regaled myself to the bed for three days straight. A whole week out in sea, in the EQG world.

Seasickness wasn't an issue. Enduring with my fear over large bodies of water and being, for the most part, trapped on that generic, stereotypical planet was slowly killing me on the inside.

Rainbow slowly nodded, getting the gist of my internal distress and mental exhaustion. "That explains why none of us saw you for over a week. And your way of recovering is by... Playing an instrument on the clouds?"

My mind had little other ideas. Twilight had been too busy of late, and Spike was out on an ambassador meeting with Ember. In the end, my reaction was a miniature shrug. "I'm just weird, Rainbow."

"Heh, ain't that a given?" My smirk matched her playful own, before the blue pegasus cocked her head in thought. "Still, there are like a gajillion better way of coping than just standing around, staring at nothing and playing with strings. Ever considered something more thrilling and easily taking your mind off things?"

Could already envision where this was heading. "Like, if I knew a certain tough, stubborn, ambitious friend, challenging me to a heated race around Ponyville?"

"A certain tough, stubborn, ambitious awesome friend challenging you to a heated race around Ponvyille." Now hovering by her light blue, extended wings, flapping in eager participation. Her grin couldn't stretch any wider. "Come on! When you lose I'll get you some ice cream. My treat."

"Don't patronize me." Regardless, a wry smirk became on my bearded pony face, nodding in acceptance, lowering the guitar to my side. "Give me a sec." Closing my eyes in concentration, focusing magically upon the instrument held by my left hoof.

A flash of gold light later, and I gazed down. Vanished.

Rainbow whistled. "Looks like you're getting much better at it." 'It' referring to my magical practices. Well, I've had good teachers.

"Sent back to my room... Hopefully." If not, I can check later, after I'm done kicking some pegasus plot. Regarding the star Wonderbolt next, my hazel eyes, like her pink own, glinted in challenge. The incident a few days back already being forgotten for the heat of challenge. "Let's hope your encounter with Lightning hasn't left you 'dusty,' my dear."

"The only 'dust' will be the dust in your name being dragged behind after I'm through with you."




"Er, pretend I never said that."

Surprise surprise. Rainbow emerged the victor upon her first reach to the marked cloud, grinning smugly my way while I halfheatedly caught up. Once again, in my defense while panting for breath a little, I wasn't a hundred percent in mastering the art of pegasus flight, no matter what the others may assume.

Besides, with her years of practice and being not only an athletic mare, but also regarded as one of the fastest fliers in the land, it wasn't really a fair competition. Though I didn't dare point that factual information out, as, knowing Rainbow, she'll boastly dismiss and narrow it down to skill alone rather than being gifted.

Meanwhile, the Wonderbolt chuckled upon my close approach to join her, good-naturedly punching my front leg. "Good race, Stardust, you're getting better everyday."

Well, at least she was being a good sport and not rubbing it in my face. Perhaps Rainbow's time with our friends has taught her to at least become a tad more humble herself-

"Heck, you're as close to catching up with Fluttershy by now. Although you'll never manage to reach up to my speed, but feel free to keep trying."

Yep, that didn't last long. Huffing, I shook my head and turned to the side, examining my own extended wing, which pushed up the cape. She did have one point; I was getting better by some degree. I honestly couldn't tell which was harder to master, flying or Equestrian magic. There's plenty of more variety in the latter, thus there being more to practice, learn and experience. Magic requires years and years of hard training, research and dedication, and I've yet to even fully master Balance magic. Spells, incantations, attacks, defenses, the oh so many possibilities.

Flying, by contrast, took more mastery over the body than the mental capacity. Having self-confidence helps, but it doesn't help that pegasi in general learn to use their wings since foals. I must look like a huge joke if some unfortunate souls watched my unfortunate arse keep trying to learn how to use these feathers.

Wasn't sure which was actually worse, publicly flying or publicly utilizing old fashioned magic. In either case, I was somewhat getting better, so I didn't have to keep feeling like smacking myself senseless after continously [BEEP]ing myself up every time some practice goes wrong.

Oh wow, Rainbow was still chatting away about her achievements whilst I was having that whole inward contemplation. "-And that is the secret to most pegasi success! Any questions pal, or you got all that?"

"Uh, sure." I nodded, looking back to the Wonderbolt with a skeptic raised brow. Did I need to hear it? Probably unlikely since the most predictable thing was that Rainbow was merely boasting about her own successes and passing it off that any pegasus could learn these 'skills.' Ah well, change of subject. "Still, at least you were right about one thing, it DID help me keep my mind off other things so... Thanks for that, Rainbow."

"Heh, I knew it would." The blue mare with pink gleaming eyes smirked with self-triumph, though through our bond I could pick up the trace of relief for my own well-being. Aww, she did care. "So, what now? Got anything else that'll stop you from being a grouch all over again?"

"Uhh..." Took a moment, before shrugging. Nothing that sprung to mind. "I don't know, maybe some light reading?"

Half-expected the mare to immediately express dull acknowledgement by such a proposed hobby. Instead, her interest peaked. "Oh, like Daring Do?"

Seriously, was that all she read? "Rainbow, you do know that there are plenty of other exciting adventure books besides Daring Do, right?"

"Well, yeah, but nothing as exciting." Oh please. Rolling my eyes with a smirk, I inclined my head downwards, to where the peacefully quiet town waited. Rainbow blinked, before the Wonderbolt took after my lead and followed my descent, calling out from behind, "Where are we going?"

"I'm going to blow your mind away by the proof of existence that there are more fiction books out there."

"Hmm, let me see... Harry Potter... Star Wars novels... Fifty Shades of- Why the Hell do I have that in my collection... Hm, the Twisted series. Still have yet to read those... Wordsearch books..."

Pointedly ignoring Rainbow's whistle of boredom from behind me as I searched through my rather disorganized book piles, wiping off dust with my wings in the process. Hey, they're good for something than sucking at flight! Now let's see, a decent book series that catches one like the Wonderbolt's taste.

Maze Runner? Hm, I'll add it to the list of 'maybe.'

Doctor Who novels? Nah, too technobabble and exposition. Rainbow would likely skim read the majority of them.




Oh... This series might work. Hopefully Rainbow would at least find the slow start and middle engaging enough by the built tension, dread and intrigue. Smiling to myself in satisfaction, I picked out the three volumes of the famous series with an admittedly weak protagonist, but it may suit Rainbow's expectations.

Turning around to face the mare after re-organizing the piles with magic - hah, I was getting better! - I presented the coloured books. "Tada! Hunger Games! Think you'll be a huge fan of these series."

"Yeah-huh." The female equine was helping herself to examining another collection of mine beneath the TV plasma, pulling up a certain Switch game with a look of geniune interest. Figured she'd pick that one. "What's 'Super Smash Bros Ultimate?'"

"It's a fighting game."

"Oh... Sweet, how'd ya play?"

...Books could wait, I suppose. Plus, I still needed to get my one-up after Rainbow kicked my rear in that race earlier.

"Why do you keep picking Sonic?"

"Why wouldn't you keep picking Sonic?" Rainbow regarded me smugly from her side of the couch, both wings holding up the joycons in the form of a coy shrug. "What can I say, the dude resonates with me."

Oh, the fans won't disagree there Rainbow.

Rolling my eyes, I placed the Switch Gamecube controller down in a huff, exasperated but having a good game all the same. I kept winning, so obviously, but the mare was a fast learner. That is, quickly learning the hard way what would happen had she committed fully the act of chucking her controllers at the screen. Still, good game all the same.

"Wanna play Mario Kart?"

"Hm? That a racing one?" At my nod, the mare replied in the negative by shaking her head, lengthy rainbow mane swishing. "Nah, I've had my fill of beating you to the ground with races." Uh-huh. "Got anything else?"

"Uhh..." Once again, using magic to pull up what few games I possessed for the console in question. "I've got Let's Go Pikachu... Big mistake on my part, honestly."

Rainbow sniffed, inspecting the cover of the yellow mouse with red puffy cheeks in frowned curiosity. "That that Pokemon thing you and Spike constantly talk about?"

Not constantly, but yes, pretty much. "It's a good series. Capture and train wild beasts and becoming the very best. It started with games, had its own trading card game that no one bothers learning how to actually play, its own, albeit mediocre, anime that varies good to bad to good to bad as it goes on, its own line of decent movies and- What?"

What was she snickering at? The Wonderbolt removed her own hoof and grinned lightly. "Not use to hearing you geek out like that, Stardust." Oh hardy har. I snorted, just as Rainbow then cocked her head with a wry smile. "Alright, show me how good this 'Pokemon' stuff is; training some powerful creatures and get strong sounds like my kind of deal. Although, one question before we do that."


"...What's an 'anime?'"

...Ohohohohoho, am I gonna ruin you, my dear.

"So why is its name 'Pikachu?'"

"Because that's its name. Why is your name 'Rainbow?'"

"But they're all Pokemon, right?"


Rainbow's expression remained ever so dubious, as she observed me the franchise's most infamous protagonist fail to catch a Spearow. "So if some keep them as pets, then why do they keep the name of what they are as their pet names? You don't hear me call Tank 'Tortoise,' or Applejack calling Willow 'Dog.'"

I shrugged, not really able to come up with a satisfying answer for that particular puzzle. "Some people just like the names as they are, I guess?"

"...That's just stupid." I shook my head in reply. Oh, you are opening some new worms here, my dear. "Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier to give them like individual names so they can be told apart? I mean, has Ash never thought of it?"

"Unless we're watching through Hoenn, Sinnoh and Kalos, 'Ash' and 'thinking' don't really fall into the same category." Despite what Spike objects to the contrary. Seriously, that dragon has grown to like the character for some reason. Nah, Brock's where it's at.

Twilight! Oh Twilight~!

The Wonderbolt just wasn't taking my admittedly weak explainations for an answer, motioning heatedly to the screen by the utter failure of a trainer. "He's not even catching it right! Who throws a pebble at a bird and expects it to do anything but annoy it? I wouldn't be surprised if a whole flock of birds turn up to- Oh."

...She was going that invested into it and I wasn't sure whether to be proud, humoured or unnerved. That said, I'll merely settle on all the above.









"Gah!" My senses and awakened state were brought to immediate full capacity from the sudden disruption of my beauty sleep, brought on by the Wonderbolt herself flying right in front of my bewildered and alert features. Frowning irritably, I snapped as tired eyes blinked. "Jesus Christ Rainbow, you almost made me tear your wings off...!"

What's with those bags under eyes? My hazel eyes took notice of the TV screen still lit up, just behind the hovering mare, and then to the clear bags beneath her pink eyes. Oh please tell me she hasn't been-

"You were totally right Star! Attack on Titan is awesome! One Piece is all right, though a bit too long for me. Naruto's pretty good too. Just started getting into that Dragon Ball stuff you and Spike love so much, and it just inspired me for this awesome idea of gravity training! Think about it, if it can make us that strong-!"

My weary, gold hoof halted the mare in her tracks, taking a moment to ruffle away brown locks from my own dishevled features. Wryly smiling in exasperated amusement. "Rainbow, did you spend all night watching anime?"

"..." Oh, a blush, that was a new one. Still, I was right, Rainbow WOULD be ruined by becoming a weeb. How many fans would be [BEEP]ed off right about now?

Ah well, too tired to give a damn.

Yawning loudly, I kicked off my cover as Rainbow, finally, gave me space, flying to the side whilst I stretched limbs, wings and craning neck, blinking a few times again before smiling coyly towards the star Wonderbolt. "So, gravity training huh?"

Her features perked back to excitement. "Yeah! I mean, we could totally ask Twilight to use some magic to make some like gravity room that increases and decreases whenever we like! In there, we could train like never before and become the strongest ponies in all of Equestria! What do ya think, pretty cool right?"

Hmm, it was possible. Provided Twilight was completely on board with the idea. If not, Starlight could help out. Besides, it echoed my past idea of using lifted clothing for a lengthy time, and that turned out so well! Yeah, a gravity room might be more effective.

Plus, the very vision of Rainbow struggling to do just about anything in such a room was hysterical and approvingly tempting.

"Where abouts are you on DBZ?"

"Hm? Oh uh, they just beat Vegeta." Rainbow shrugged, and it suddenly threw my mind in a loop for Rainbow Dash to say the name 'Vegeta.' Not sure why.

Just wait 'till she witnesses the existence of Super Saiyans; I could already see the eagerly-spoken comparison to the time she and the girls defeated Tirek. "Before we get on any gravity training, Rainbow, let's also discover your Semblance, Elemental Bending, and Stand Power. Come on."

You know, Rainbow and I didn't often agree on a variety of subjects - which was fine, it'd be a boring friendship if people agreed on everything with no distinction between themselves - but, however, in this particular instance, the fact whenever we concurred over something was typically done with smug glee.

"Yang is awesome and I won't hear anything else."

"Oh, I'm not arguing there Rainbow, she IS awesome." I smirked and nodded, the pair of us currently on flight again towards a particular direction. Where were we going? Oh somewhere, you'll find out. "I'm pretty confident that, had I hypothetically landed in that world, I would have absolutely dated Yang."

The pegasus, going at a more casual pace so I could catch up during this flight together under the warm clear sun, gave me a smug side-eye. "That sure huh? I dunno, I think she'd give you a run for your bits."

"I have no objections to any partner of mine wearing the pants in our relationship, Rainbow."

"That explains so much..."

"What was that?"

"Uh. Still, Yang's a pretty solid choice, even if she would kick your plot into next week." Rainbow threw me a perked brow in amused interest. "Would've thought Blake'd be more your type."

"...Maybe." I tilted my head, considering it. "Though I could honestly moreso see myself ending up with Ruby more if Yang was off the table."

"...Really?" The Wonderbolt expressed skepticism. "I wouldn't have thought she'd be your type."

"Eh, I find the innocence endearing. She's adorable, but she's also a pure bad[BEEP] with a sick scythe." Pausing for a long moment, as we skimmed by a cloud, and I glanced to the mare expectantly. "We're never sharing this conversation with the others, by the way?"

"Heh. You mean never sharing it with Twilight, buddy?"

"Do so, and I'll devote the rest of existence teasing you by shipping yourself and Sun Wukong." There, that wiped the smile from Rainbow's smug features, and my own grin only widened from the negative.

"He ain't my type." Ohh that's down to opinion. "He's more Pinkie's, let's be real here."

Silence came to the air, broken only often from the flapping of blue and gold - which was how often I saw the colours of that controversial dress from eons back - until the mare herself snorted, and I gazed over to her as the mare paused for a moment, allowing me to slow down too. What was funny now?

"Look at us, geeking out about something together, pairing our own friends with fictional characters. Don't comment." I shut my muzzle firm when Rainbow sternly added the not to comment moment. Before she beamed again in cheerful disbelief whilst gesturing with open front limbs. "Just the two of us, hanging out. No threats in the air. No arguments or bickering but playful banter. Do you know how much I've missed this?!"

Although pure intent of expressing her relief and joy for things to go back to normal, the reminder didn't help my mood just sink a little there. Sighing, I nodded a little, a small measure of guilt welling up in me-

"Oh no you don't!"

"Ow!" I rubbed the back of my dark mane, glaring irritably to the Wonderbolt whom whacked me behind the head. By her own tail! "What was that for...?"

Grinning wide in self victory. "Just stopping you from becoming a depressive slouch AGAIN." Before that expression softened, but the smile remaining confident and encouraging. "Listen Stardust, I know you've been feeling bad for all the past things you did. Who wouldn't? I also know that you've been dedicated to spending a whole day between friends when you can. Lucky me, I get two days!" My smile was twitched and expectant, as the smug pegasus proceeded with her speech of friendship. Her own way. "Point being, bringing up the past either by thinking or just out-loud is just bringing yourself down! What was that thing you often say to Spike whenever you're about to do something dumb?"

"Hakuna Matata?"

"Yeah that! Just use that Stardust! We don't care what you've done in the past, it's all behind us. We're all just more excited to hang out with a best friend again, nothing else matters! So... Get over yourself, and just enjoy the moment, huh?!"




That... Was most encouraging and heartwarming in Rainbow's own manner of boosting people's morale. I couldn't stop smiling in kind from Rainbow's encouraged, passionate speech about the past; her own way of expressing forgiveness. Guess I was worrying over nothing after all.

My reflective expression merely widened the brightened expression on my friend's equine features. Playfully proceeding to nudge my side. "So, don't even think of acting like a sad mess for the gajillionith time, and let's just get to wherever you're taking us while talking about pairing our friends up with different anime characters, before I drop a literal rain cloud on your head, capiche?"

Her own method of telling me to stop being a moody [BEEP], but effective all the same. In answer, I beamed in gratification towards the mare before proceeding on our way through the nice blue sky once again. Right, focus on the now, not the past. Just hanging out with a dear, good friend whom's selflessly spent time with me while expecting little in return.

It took a few more second before our previous topic returned to the surface, myself asking this next one casually, "What about Spike and Velvet?"

"That the rabbit girl?" Rainbow squinted in thought beside me. "Ehh... I thought with Spike's 'friendship' with Rarity, he would go for Weiss."

Snorting loudly, I shook my head with a wide, knowing grin. "Nah. While Weiss is relatively a nice girl with the grace and elegance, she lack Rarity's... Generous, patient nature. I doubt Spike could keep up."

"Heh, yeah. So what avout Twilight and-?"

"Kindly keep Twilight out of this, thank you Rainbow."


Yep, this was the place! The Wonderbolt friend and I landing just atop a nice patch of warm grass atop a beautiful hill, overlooking a familiar setting. Rainbow gazed around, whilsting in approval by the trainquil setting and atmosphere.

"Nice, so this is where you and Fluttershy went to. So what are we doin' here, checking up on those butterfly friends of yours?"

Maybe we'll get to that after our first order of business here was done. "Nah, something else. AT least first. Help me a wide, stable spot will you?"

This the next fifteen minutes devoted to walking, flying and just generally checking around for a good location of the peaceful fields and hills. Why were we here? Oh, we shan't spoil the surprise just yet. Not even Rainbow was aware of my intentions here. Especially once she called out cheerfully, "This look big enough?!"

Flying over to the mare's side, I took in the massive ground spot she was motioning towards, myself walking around the rather flat hill surrounded by an awesome view of trees, mountains and other landscapes. The sunshine pouring down here flawlessly, as if just telling me this was the exact spot I sought.

Who was I to argue?

"It's perfect." I nodded with another thankful smile to the satisfied mare. "That's the location down, now to mark it." And then would come the materials for this project of mine.

As I proceeded placing marks over the flat area, Minecraft style, the Wonderbolt helped out while asking from her posture in befuddled amusement. "So, gonna tell me what exactly you're up to here?"

Wouldn't you like to know? But all good things come to those whom wait, Rainbow. My answer was predictably simple yet vague, as often when I was up to something secretive for any friend - or lover - of mine.

"Just... Taking Rarity's advice."

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