• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Change of Pace

"I must admit, I'm pleased to have a guest who enjoys this game as much as I."

I shrugged, calculating my options before proceeding to move another pawn forward. My opponent evidently didn't mind my answer, knowing I was focusing on the game before us.

Only a day had passed after the hectic Grand Galloping Gala. Twilight and the others returned to Ponyville after the purple unicorn recovered from collapsing in shock, without me seeing them off of course. I was shown to my quarters by a servant, rudely woken up by the same servant, attended a breakfast meal with the monarchy whilst ignoring the vocal protests by the same servant over how messed up my mane was, and answered as many questions passed by Celestia over my homeworld and own species.

Without giving too much away, of course.

Afterwards - when, by Celestia's insistence, I got myself cleaned up and my bruises from last night's battle healed - I was given a grand tour of the entire castle, generously escorted by, guess who, the future Prince of the Crystal Empire. Armor was surprisingly pleased to see me again, for some reason, and had volunteered to show me around while Celestia conducted her royal duties... of, I imagine, just sitting on that throne of hers and doing absolutely nothing.

After the tour concluded, myself having been literally moved from the library because I was so transfixed by the massive collection of literature, Celestia requested my presence in her study, offering a game of chess - pony edition of course.

And was pleasantly surprised by my enthusiasm for the game.

My skills were rusty; I haven't played chess in years. But I've always appreciated the game that requires calculated planning and outsmarting the opponent. Chess was the most simplest of mind games, yet the most effective one too.

It tells you a lot about who you're playing against.

"I haven't played against anyone ever since Twilight departed to study about friendship." The alicorn continued, having been kind enough to tell me what the name of the pieces were again, using her magic to forward her remaining rook by three spaces. Lucky her; I have to be careful that my hoof doesn't knock down any of the pieces. "I'm not ashamed to say my humble student won more times than I whenever we played. Has she ever challenged you?"

"I didn't even know this world had chess." I confessed, debating whether to advance another of my six remaining pawns, or a bishop to counteract that approaching knight of her's. "Besides, I doubt I'd ever win against Twilight."

"I doubt anypony would. Her skills of the mind are admirable."


The game continued on, the phoenix, Philomena or, to my eyes, Fawkes Two-Point-Oh, chirped majestically by the side. In that time I manged to take out both the monarch's bishops, seven of her pawns, one knight, one of her rooks and I was close to taking out the queen. Both Celestia proved herself an expert of the game; having gotten rid of six of my pawns now, both my rooks, my queen and both bishops.

In short; I was losing.

But I didn't allow it to get to me. As I said, chess wasn't something I've played in a long time. Of course I was going to lose, especially to one who's obviously played the game for over ten centuries-

Oh hang on...

Keyword: WAS losing.

The alicorn raised an intrigued brow after I removed her final pawn with my knight. Did she already pick up that I had a plan? The white alicorn then smiled lightly. "Ah, I know that look. It's the same expression my beloved pupil makes whenever she is certain that victory is at hand."

"Should I be flattered that you're comparing me to Twilight?"

"Considering your friendship with her, I'd thought you would take the comparison as a compliment." I shrugged, awaiting her next move... and internally smiling as she did so.

Oh I have this in the bag. Underestimate me Celestia, and you pay the price.

Though when the alicorn proceeded to advance with her queen, a question popped up, over a subject that honestly had me baffled about the monarch before me. "Why don't you call yourself a Queen?"

Celestia blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"You're a ruler of a kingdom, and technically the entire world, so why don't you address yourself as a Queen?" I clarified, moving my next piece. I can already taste the triumph. "If you're the one in charge, you're either a King or Queen. Do you prefer calling yourself a Princess because it sounds cute, or fitting?"

Really, it garners more respect if when all your subjects and you acknowledge yourself as a Queen, my dear. Plus it takes you more seriously. Maybe I would regard Celetsia with a little more respect if she at least acknowledged herself as a proper ruler with the proper title.

Her expression was impassive, and her tone calm. "I, and my subjects, address myself as a Princess, not because of the sound of the title, but in respect to my mother,"

I raised a brow. "Your mother?"

She nodded, her mouth a thin line as Celestia fixed her eyes on the chessboard. "The previous ruler from a thousand years ago. My mother was a proud and respected monarch, alongside my father, loved by all who they ruled together. I can never be like the mare who truly deserves such a title as Queen like her. It would be terrible of me to acknowledge myself with the same position of power as my mother, who had, and has, no true equal."

"...I see." I released a short, thoughtful reply while taking out her remaining knight. Huh... Celestia honestly deemed herself unworthy of being her mother's equal. Looking up I noticed her pink eyes seemed distant, as though remembering something from countless years ago. "Well... I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you now."

Did I mean that? Hell no, but I'd rather not set a depressive mood right now. I can belittle this 'Princess' later.

The tall alicorn, upon hearing those words, returned to reality, looking grateful at me before moving another white piece. "Thank you."

"You're welcome... checkmate by the way." I smirked as her eyes widened in surprise, having fallen for a very unorthodox tactic. My remaining pieces surrounding her king with the white queen and rook. "Rule one of chess Celestia; never get distracted from the game."

"I heard you caused quite a blow to the monarchy last night." My guide through the kingdom commented casually. As Celestia returned to her royal duties, this unicorn offered me to walk around town with him. For whatever reason.

"News travels fast I see." Then again, I doubt much occurs even in this large kingdom. I spared the unicorn walking alongside me a glance. "Besides, it was Blueblood. Wouldn't you do the same thing in my position?"

"...What I would've done doesn't matter." I smirked knowingly at the reply. I bet it doesn't Armor. The stallion noticed my expression, shaking his head as we walked down another street in the kingdom of Canterlot. "I swear, a duel in the Grand Galloping Gala, against a Prince no less."

"He challenged me."

"And you accepted, without possibly knowing the consequences upon doing so." He lowered his tone. "I don't know how monarchy operates in your world, Stardust, but know this, if the Princess hasn't informed you of it yet; you may have made yourself an enemy of a kingdom. Do you know what that entails?"

"It means I must never set foot in that kingdom." I nodded, noting some looks sent in our direction. And instead like last time where they were aimed at Armor, they were focused on me. It didn't take a genius to know why. "But it seems I'm more welcomed here."

The white stallion followed my gaze, grunting in agreement. "So it seems. Prince Blueblood isn't on anyone's most favourite list of monarch's. You're fortunate, at least, to have picked a fight with the least loved one of the royal family."

A thought then occurred to me, directing my attention to the soon-to-be-Prince. "So, where were you last night then, if not at the gala?"

"I was preoccupied." He shrugged casually, a small smile lifting on his features. "I'm sure you've heard of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza by now."

"No...?" I frowned. Who the [BEEP] was that?

Armor raised a brow at my answer, blue eyes glinting in curiosity. "Has Twilight not told you about her foalsitter when she was a filly?" Before I could answer, something obviously popped up in his mind. "Speaking of which, did my sister enjoy herself at the gala?"

Having half a mind to scold the taller stallion for not allowing me to answer his first question, I nodded. "It was an... interesting night for us all." It was the most productive night for me.

He seemed to know what I was talking about. "Ah, Princess Celestia did inform me the event was one to be remembered."

"Putting it mildly."

"But tell me." The stallion ceased walking, fully turning to face me with a serious expression. I obliged in turn, wondering what was on the Guard Captain's mind now. "What was the real reason behind dueling Blueblood?"

I frowned at the question. "My friend's honour. Didn't Celestia tell you-?"

"So it wasn't just to impress my sister then?"

"Impress your-?" The implications had me halt my own train of thought, disregarding my frown for a glare. "Do you honestly think that-?"

"Captain!" A male voice called, as a pegasus clad in gold armour approached his commanding officer with a salute. "Princess Cadenza urgently requests your presence."

"Thank you." Armor replied, looking quite as peeved as I for the interruption. The white stallion regarded me before stating, "There is a bookstore nearby, if you're interested." Obviously recalling my reaction to the library in the castle. "Would you mind waiting for me there while I speak with the Princess?"

"By all means." I shrugged. "Our conversation was getting ridiculous anyhow."

"Welcome to Velvet and Light's Bookstore." A familiar voice called out while I awaited for whoever was running the store- and my insides immediately froze upon identifying the grey-ish unicorn coming to greet me from the other room where I presumed all the books were. "How might I be of- Oh."

Oh indeed...

Any more surprises you wish to throw at me, God?

Yet that surprised expression quickly switched to a pleasant one, as Twilight Velvet seemed rather happy to see me. "Stardust Balance, if I'm not mistaken? It's an honour to see you again."

"Um... the honour is all mine." I replied awkwardly, feeling the sudden urge to just leave. The door was right behind me, after all.

"Oh come now, there's no need to feel nervous." The mother of Twilight Sparkle gently assured me, walking forward. "What brings you here?"

I cleared my throat. Thank God my composure swiftly returned. "Well, I was told this was a bookstore, and I was hoping to look around and-"

"Say no more, you've come to the right place. Please follow me." I obliged while moving behind the unicorn towards the door she exited from. Maybe this was a massive mistake-


"Impressive, isn't it?" I could only nod dumbly. And I thought Twilight's library was big. But this... this was another level entirely.

I was fairly certain there were more books in here than Ponyville's library altogether. My eyes wandered all over the area, as stacks upon stacks of literature, all neatly placed in the many shelves that would require a ladder to reach. Bigger than the castle's library, I'd say as well.

"Are you looking for anything specifically?"

The inquisitive tone caused me to snap out of it, returning my attention to the smiling grey unicorn. "Umm, truth be told, I was asked to wait here by your son while he attends to royal business."

"Ahh." Velvet nodded knowingly. "Then by all means, feel free to look around. My husband is out doing some business of his own at the moment, but I'm sure he'd be happy to see the stallion who saved our beloved son again." I released a forced grin at the remark. Then she raised a brow. "Though I wasn't aware you had a fondness for books, Stardust."

"Well I prefer writing over reading but-"

"'Writing'? You're a writer?" I slowly nodded after blinking at the sudden excited tone in her voice. At the confirmation her grin widened. "How wonderful! My daughter is friends with a writer! I'm not sure if you're aware, Stardust, but I happen to dabble in the writing arts myself."

At this I raised a brow. Indeed, I wasn't aware of this. "Oh?"

"Oh yes." The unicorn nodded positively. "Are you a fictional writer, like myself?" When I nodded again it only seemed to increase her happiness. "Oh it just gets better! Tell me, have you written any books so far?"

Well I see where her daughter gets the enthusiasm from. I chuckled, rubbing the back of my head subconsciously. "I've written some stories, though I haven't reached that level of skill to write and publish a book yet I'm afraid, Mrs Velvet-"

"Oh please please, just call me Twilight."

"...I'd rather not, don't want to make things confusing if you and your daughter were ever in the same room." I smirked.

"Of course. Velvet it is then." She laughed lightly. "How is she, by the way?"

"Twilight? She's doing fine. Couldn't be better."

"And Spike?"

"Just as well."

She was evidently satisfied. "It pleases me to hear that, especially concerning with what happened at the Grand Galloping Gala." Gesturing for me to take a seat by the rather large table in the center of the room, I obliged while she down alongside me, regarding me with pleasant curiosity. "So, tell me, what kind of genre's do you prefer to write in?"

After an incredibly long conversation with the mother of Twilight Sparkle discussing our shared love for the writing arts, a guard had arrived to escort me to the location of Shining Armor. I left the bookstore with an admittedly ridiculous grin on my muzzle. It was refreshing, really, to talk about a hobby I haven't done since I was forcibly taken away from my own world. Velvet knew what she was talking about, and offered some books of her own for me to borrow, along others that she recommended during when I informed her of my tastes in literature.

I turned down the offer, of course, as I wouldn't be in Canterlot for long and I had no desire to feel guilty over borrowing some books from a store instead of a library. Despite that, the grey unicorn simply smiled in understanding, assuring me that should I change my mind, the store will always be open for me; as any friend of their daughter and son's is a friend of her and Light's. I think, if saving their son wasn't enough, I've gotten Twilight's parents to somehow like me even further.

Sometimes I think these ponies wear their hearts on their sleeves for their own good. Though during that conversation I noted the many similarities between mother and daughter.

Speaking of the latter. How is she doing, I wonder; was Twilight still processing the fact an alternate life form had taken up residence in her own home? Was Spike reassuring her that I meant no harm, already informing the unicorn as much about my own species I told him about? Did she already tell the others about what I really was? If so, how are they responding to the truth?

I'll find out soon, I imagine.

Though honestly I wish I was there to witness the reactions over the fact I'm from the stars-

"Don't let her escape!"

A commanding voice caused both the guard and I to halt, quickly recognizing the voice belonging to Shining Armor. Though instead of him or any of his loyal guards running towards us, we were faced with an approaching white mare with pink mane, carrying a scroll in her mouth and, upon noticing us, quickly spun ninety degrees to the left and headed down the next street.

"Stardust! After her!"

Immediately I obeyed, the pegasus guard and I in pursuit of the white unicorn with Armor and his own squad behind us feet away. Whatever it was that mare had done, it must be important if she was being chased by the Captain of the Guards.

Or maybe she got herself in trouble and he just happened to be there. Who knows?

Well whoever this unicorn was, she was making me work to catching up to her. I don't think I've ran like this since luring the ursaminor away from Ponyville. I quick side-stepped any passing pony while my target rammed into them, doing her best to create obstacles for me and the guards behind. Somehow I already lost my escort.

Let it never be said that Stardust Balance never exercised on a treadmill before.

I almost manged to jump over any fallen objects the unicorn decided to throw in my way, wondering what on Earth was so important for this mare to avoid us so. It was obviously to do with the paper in her mouth. Was it a signed treaty or something?

One way to find out.

As the mare made another quick turn, running within an alleyway, I smirked a little while following. If my hunch was correct-

And it was.

But instead of finding a solid stone wall blocking the unicorn from fleeing, a tall pink alicorn with mane and tail multiple hues of pink, purple and light yellow. Her horn lit up the dark alley, prevented the cowering mare from going further. The taller pony had quite a fierce expression on her, that of disapproval and annoyance.

And my eyes widened upon immediately identifying who this alicorn was. She must've teleported into the alley to block the unicorn from going further.

But instead of pointing that out, I smiled lightly as the smaller mare backed away nervously, unintentionally towards me. Don't you know, my dear, that scenario's like this, running into an alleyway to escape, never turns out in the villain's favour.

"We have you now." I heard Armor say from behind, causing the unicorn to yelp in fright and, realizing she's cornered, place her back against a wall as we all approached her. "Good job you two."

"She did all the work." I pointed out, gesturing to Cadence. Not acknowledging this praise, the pink alicorn focused with stern eyes on the target, who gulped in fear. Relax girl, it's just Cadence. Really you should be worried about what the only human being around here will do.

That is, when I discover what the hell is even going on.

"I'm so sorry Princess!" A female voice called out in sadness, causing me to glance behind at a unicorn with a white coat and pink mane-


Looking back and forth to the cowering unicorn with her back pressed to the wall, and the apologetic unicorn flanked by pegasus guards, it all clicked into place.



Upon hearing the name of its kind, the target released a snarl of contempt, covering itself with bright green magic before revealing its true form. A black decayed-looking version of an alicorn, bright bug-like blue eyes. Yet it made the mistake of dropping the paper from its mouth upon releasing its snarl, and Cadence was quick to recover the parchment with her magic. And despite having wings, the Changeling doesn't seem to be using them to attempt an escape.

Not so intelligent without its mother, I see.

Rolling the paper open and reading its contents, the alicorn's eyes widened in surprise. "This is the list of invitations!"

To the royal wedding, I presume.

Beside me, Armor's eyes narrowed as he approached the changeling threateningly. "Why did you take it?" The changeling gave no reply, choosing to snarl at his captors. "Did your Queen send you?"

What was that Queen's name again? Crysa... Criphalis... Ah [BEEP] it I'll just call her Queen Syphillis.

Again a pitiful hiss in response. "As Captain of the Royal Guards of Canterlot, I order you to answer my questions." As impressive as that sounded, the changeling failed to heed his words.

Welp, this requires a human touch.

"Let me try." Before anyone could protest, I moved forward grabbed the yelping black pony, pulling him towards me before slamming his back into the stone wall. I heard gasps of shock by the violence, and I placed on an expression of sadistic delight. "We can do this the easy way... or the fun way. Unless you decided to answer my friend's questions, I'm afraid you won't be able to fly anytime soon with your wings forcibly ripped off by yours truly."

An empty threat, of course. I wouldn't turn to such barbarism. But it was a rather effective image to dwell upon, as the blue eyes widened in fear.

"Cease this savage questioning at once."

"I know what I'm doing." I threw a retort to Cadence's demand, leaning my head closer, forcing the servant of that villain to see me eye-to-eye. "What will it be, changeling? I should point out that unlike these ponies surrounding you, I'm not afraid to beat answers out of you."

Armor chose that moment to speak up. "That's quite enough, Stardust-"

"My Queen requested me to steal the list of royal wedding invitations." I smirked over my threat working. The black alicorn began running its mouth. "She wished to see who would be attending the royal wedding in a few months time."

Cadence questioned the captured minion next, sounding confused and quite steamed. "And what is your Queen planning? Why would she desire a list of the invitations?"

Was it not obvious?

The changeling had the nerve to grin savagely. "You are doomed. All of you. My Queen shall emerge triumphant, and all you lesser ponies will bow and cower before her might!"

I waited for a moment before literally throwing him at the squad of pegasi, who caught him with ease. "Take him away. We can question him back at the castle."

"I give the orders here." Armor pointed out firmly, before nodding to the ponies clad in gold armour. "Do as he says." Some of them saluted, subduing the hissing changeling to be taken back to, I imagine, the dungeons.

The real pink-haired mare who the minion was disguised as chose that moment to approach the alicorn and bow for forgiveness. "Your Highness! I'm so sorry for allowing that thing to obtain the list of invitations! I don't deserve to be your bridesmaid-"

"Calm yourself Twinkleshine." The taller pony placed a soothing hoof on her royal subject, and suddenly I felt... well I don't know what. As though some invisible power of pure calmness was being broadcast through the air. "Even I would have been fooled, if you haven't arrived before the impostor left."

As Cadence proceeded to comfort her bridesmaid, Armor chose that moment to speak with me. "You knew what he was."

It wasn't a question, evidently. I turned to face the curious stallion, already having thought of an excuse. "Twilight's library was quite handy in terms of information. Changelings included."

"Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?" We both looked at the pink alicorn, and I nodded while Armor cleared his throat.

"Stardust, may I introduce you to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza - known by her friends as Cadence - my fiancee." This I knew. But I bowed formally in greeting anyway, as the alicorn smiled at the gesture, though her eyes reflected uncertainty.

Yes I suppose I made a poor first impression over questioning the Changeling.

The white stallion then stood beside the monarch to show just how close they were, pointing then to me. "Dear, let me introduce you to Stardust Balance, a close friend of my sister's and a stallion from a faraway land."

Oh... Oh! Oh Cadence doesn't know? You'd think with Celestia, Luna, Armor and recently Blueblood knowing, this alicorn before me would be well aware as well that I was not from this world.

"Oh. So you're the pony who saved my future husband's life."

I nodded at the observation. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Mi Amore... Cadenza...?"

A light chuckle at the attempt. "Please, call me Cadence. Shining told me you don't really treat royalty with much respect anyhow."

I smirked. "Only to those who deserve it, my dear." But as the alicorn took a step forward I quickly moved back. I was informed, after all, by my brother that Cadence has the unnatural ability to force anyone to become unwillingly infatuated with others.

"I don't bite." Cadence stated calmly with a gentle smile. "Any friend of Twilight's, and who also happens to have saved my fiancee, is a friend of mine."

"And he has yet to say anything more?"

"No more than what was revealed to us in the town, your Highness." Armor continued his report on what occurred. He, Cadence and myself were currently in the throne room, answering the questions of Celestia's about what exactly the changeling was doing in Canterlot. "We are currently attempting to gain more answers from him in the castle dungeons."

Well, Twilight's brother was the one reporting to the tall white alicorn mostly.

I meanwhile was taking my spot a distant away, looking out a window towards the well-designed kingdom below. From this viewpoint, it was rather admirable. The buildings were elegant and screamed loyalty. If it weren't for the high-and-mighty posh residents below, I might've considered living here.

...Would you believe me if I said I already missed the library back in Ponyville... and the residents within?

"- Stardust interrogated the servant of that Queen in a rather unorthodox method. It was quite effective, I'll grant him that, but it wasn't something you would approve of." I felt numerous pairs of eyes on me, but I remained concentrating on not meeting their gazes.

Let them think what they please.

"I see. Is the changeling harmed?"

"Not as such. But I imagine his back will be bruised for a while."

I heard Celestia speak then in a satisfied tone. "Well, I must express my gratitude to you three, along with the guards and Miss Twinkleshine, for apprehending Chrysalis' servant before he could return to her with the list in hoof. I will have the security of the castle doubled in time for the wedding, and I shall send out guards to search the kingdom for any more changelings who are potentially hiding among my beloved subjects."

Good luck with that...

I could just tell them what happens at the wedding... but I'm not going to. Why? Because God forbid I expose more about their world than they should already be aware of.

"Shining. Cadence. I trust this event hasn't made you think of postponing the wedding?"

I imagined the two lovers glanced at one another before Cadence responded. "No, Princess. We won't allow any obstacle to stall the most wonderful day of our lives."

I released a small smile at those sincere and determined words. Ah love. What a powerful emotion and motivation-

What followed by the sound of the doors opening was an obnoxious tone. "Princess Celestia! Pardon me for interrupting whatever you were discussing, but I must speak with you."

Oh boy...

"Ah, nephew. If you would just wait a moment, there is a crisis we are dealing with-"

Blueblood rudely cut off his aunt's words - seriously, I'm still curious about who the mother is - sounding rather like a prissy child. "Forgive me, but your discussion can wait. I must request you arrest a pony who dared humiliate and stallion-handle me at the gala last night."

I smirked and raised a brow, facing the monarch with a snort of amusing. "If I recall, you lost the duel fair and square."

My voice caused the stallion to comically freeze in place, slowly turning his neck to face me in shock and horror. "Y-You!"


"Aunt Celestia! Arrest him at once!" Hans the Unicorn pointed at me with barely-concealed anger and loathing in his tone.

"Aw. I'm happy to see you too." From the side Armor looked like he was attempting to maintain a serious expression. And Cadence looked simply curious by the conversation.

"You have some nerve being here, you... you... thing!"

I blinked at the pitiful insult. "Oh how your words wound me, Bluebutt. But I've been called far worse, believe me." I'm shocked Celestia wasn't doing anything at the moment to make this exchange cease.

The opposing stallion seemed to notice this too. "What are you waiting for, Princess? Throw him in the dungeons! Make this thing suffer for mocking royalty."

"She can try." I stated calmly, while the guards on both side of the bottom steps to the throne did nothing. "Or have you forgotten what I was capable of doing last night?"

"A mere magic trick!" 'Mere'? You call blocking every spell of yours trivial? The white Prince slammed his own front hooves on the red carpet in anger, eyes narrowed in repulsive contempt. "You cheated in our duel, claiming it was 'balance' or some half-attempted nonsense that gave you a fluke of a victory."

"...I never knew your family held sore losers in them, Celestia."

I was delighting in his seething. "If you will not apprehend this pony, Aunt Celestia, then I will! You're under arrest for disrespecting and attacking a Prince of Equestria-"

"Cut the absurd childish talking, Blueblood." Okay, that was not me. Instead it was Shining Armor himself, who then chose to stand between myself and the boiling Prince before us. Narrowed blue eyes focused on the equally tall stallion. "Even Princess Celestia can confirm you lost that duel fair and square."

The arrogant stallion glanced at the older sibling of Twilight with clear loathing. "Be silent, Armor; you are no Prince yet. And besides, you weren't there; you were preoccupied making your fiancee swoon. When we all know a pony of her status deserves so much better than you." He spat.

"Just as anypony, regardless of status, deserves much better than you."

Burn. May as well let Armor take this one, as he clearly despises this obnoxious Prince just as much as I.

The white unicorn was grinding his teeth. "I will not tolerate this any further." He switched his glare to the observing Celestia. "I beg of you, Princess. Throw both of them in the dungeons. It is horrifying that one of these disrespecting ponies is to become royalty."

"He's not invited to the wedding is he?"

"He's certainly not." Cadence answered my question, staring at Blueblood with barely-disguised disgust. "For you to go so low as to attempt to have my love and a friend of a very special friend of mine arrested because you are acting like a childish colt. Even I can tolerate you so much, Prince Blueblood."

The stallion scoffed. "Equestria is doomed then if you are to have that stallion-" He pointed in irritation at the frowning Armor. "- To be your husband. Simply because you foalsitted his naive foolish egghead of a sibling-"

He cut himself off as Armor approached him threateningly, and for some reason as did I. But the pink alicorn was quick to throw a soothing gesture towards us, before staring back at the prideful Prince with a raised brow. "Your arrogance, Blueblood, shall one day become your downfall. Last night was a fitting example, was it not? Now, please leave the throne room before my future husband decides to throw you out the room."

Or I decide to throw him out the window behind me.

"I seem to be making a habit of this..." I muttered thoughtfully, the three of us now walking down some hallway through the castle after that hectic meeting was concluded. Blueblood had given p when Celestia eventually refused to heed his plea's, dismissing him with a light apology and that she will speak with him soon.

"A habit of what?" Cadence inquired from the other side of Armor, who was in the middle of our small group.

I shrugged. "Everywhere I go some event happens with me in the middle of it."

Armor smiled lightly, sounding quite amused. "Indeed. With the fire, the gala, the changeling and now what occurred back there. I sometimes worry that you living with my sister was a bad idea from the start."

Well Celestia's full of bad ideas and poor planning.

"Though I thank you for sticking up for me back there, Armor, despite it being unnecessary." I said sincerely.

"Any excuse to take a shot against that arrogant monarch."

"Still, I didn't need back-up."

"Probably. But what kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least back you up?" I blinked at the honest tone. As though sensing my puzzlement, the stallion halted in his movement and smiled, holding out a white hoof. "You saved my life. And from what I heard from Princess Celestia; you've saved Twilight's a handful of times. At the very least, I owe you my friendship, Stardust Balance."

"I... thank you." Wow. I felt rather shocked and flattered by the sincere offer of it all. But still, I firmly shook his offered hoof in agreement. "I accept your friendship, Shining Armor- pfft. Sorry, still getting use to that name." The future Prince frowned in mock annoyance as I couldn't resist snorting at his full positively absurd name.

After that sentimental conversation was concluded, Cadence spoke up next. "So, you're living under the same roof as Twilight?" I nodded, raising a brow at that suspicious tone of hers. The alicorn then smiled pleasantly. "Are you and her perhaps-"

Knowing exactly what she was going to ask, Armor spoke on my behalf. "Nothing like that, love... at least I hope not." I glared in distaste at him and the very idea. "No, Twilight has been tasked with looking after Stardust here while he deals with being in unfamiliar territory."

"Speaking of which," I chose to speak up, glancing at Armor while continuing casually. "It would surprise you to know that Twilight is now aware of the truth."

The soon-to-be Prince almost halted. "She knows?"

"Not my decision, but yes." I was still mad at Celestia for that. Thankfully I got my revenge when I bested her at chess earlier.

"And how did she take it?"

"...She fainted."

"...I see." Armor released a small smile. Guess he thought it was a proper reaction his sister would do over learning that. "I suppose it could have been worse." I snorted in agreement.

"What truth is this, might I ask?" We both looked at Cadence, who was evidently confused and curious about our topic.

The stallion glanced at me. "Would you mind if I...?"

...Sure, why not? Celestia, Luna, Armor and now Blueblood are now aware; why keep another of the royals away from the truth?

I nodded, spotting something from the corner of my eye; a blue alicorn having spotted us and quickly turning around the corner, "Go right ahead. There's someone else I have to speak with. If you'll excuse me..."

Having followed the dark blue tall mare to the same balcony Celestia and I spoke upon last night, I waited with patience while the alicorn I wished to speak to looked down at the kingdom below. Somehow I had the funny feeling she knew I was behind her at a respectable distance, so I resorted to waiting.

Patience has never failed me before.

And it hasn't begun now. "Stardust Balance." The alicorn finally acknowledged without turning to face the stallion behind her.

"Princess Luna." I responded evenly, pushing myself off the doorway. "Pardon me for following you but-"

"It is of no concern." She looked over her shoulder, a dark blue eye staring at me impassively. "Why don't thou join us?"

At the usage of Old English, I smiled while politely obliging. "It would be an honour."

At those sincere words however, the Princess of the Night scoffed a little. "An honour. Absurd; nopony would wish to stand beside us."

You'd be surprised, my dear. "How are you faring?" I inquired gently, wondering myself if she's fully recovered from being alone for a thousand years while taken over by a dark entity.

The tall blue mare sighed. "Fairer than anticipated, according to our dearest sister."

I nodded, turning to observe the bright kingdom below alongside her. Right now I felt a sense of pity and sympathy for this alicorn beside me. All she went through, it must've been hard to get through. Understatement I imagine.

Though, thinking about it, Celestia's method to banishing her own sibling was a bit extreme, no? She couldn't have just simply locked her up in a magic-confining cell or something? A thousand years on a silent rock with no interaction from anyone? I'm a fan of being alone but even that's not something I'd ever consider subjecting myself to.

What was Celestia honestly thinking back then? It falls into the lack of logic where that alicorn did absolutely nothing to aid her student in defeating Nightmare Moon when she returned.

"Thou was there."

I blinked at the sudden shift in tone, looking at Luna. "I'm sorry?"

Her downcast eyes refused to meet mine. "Thou was there, when our dearest sister's student and her friends fought us. Why?"

"...I wanted to help." I admitted. Though the general reason was being myself stalling for time to distract Moon, that changed upon noticing the insane mare wasn't completely without hope.

"We recall." Luna continued slowly, "Thou spoke to us, attempted to return us to the way we are now." Finally her dark blue uncertain eyes glanced up at me, filled with confusion and regret. "Why did thou believe in us?"

"Because I know no one is beyond redemption, my dear." I said quietly, putting on a somber tone. "I knew you were in there, somewhere. Everything could have been resolved without the need for violence." Though to be fair, if I had managed to redeem her, Twilight and the others would have possibly never gained their Elements of Harmony. "Plus, a thousand years on the moon, all alone... no one deserved that kind of treatment. Not even you, Luna."

I released a small smile, looking back at the kingdom below. "Or perhaps I'm just a sentimental fool."

"...Perhaps." Well thanks Luna. Yet before I could retort jokingly, the blue alicorn continued while looking down with me. "Yet we must express gratitude towards thou, for trying to help us."

I chose to say nothing, instead releasing a small sound of acknowledgement. You'll get better soon love, I know it. And while we were on a rather downcast mood, something curious sprung to mind.

"You ponies are weak." As I felt her eyes on me, I clarified with sternness. "You use magic to solve everything. To create life and construct buildings. And yet... you have built all this." I gestured thoughtfully to the wide town. "Without the slightest touch of arrogance. The majority of your kind, despite being filled with being capable of utilizing magic, have always been modest and hard-working, magic or not. You choose not to make all bow down to your power. It's quite admirable, really."

"We are seldom arrogant, Stardust Balance." The alicorn responded with a touch of resolve. "We pride ourselves in what we do, certainly, but we would never resort ourselves to the level of who look down upon others."

"Clearly." Still, one would be envy by the amount of work done by this species, yet they hardly ever boast about them. And the ones who do are just plain unlikable by the majority. Amazing. Humanity only wishes it could be this humble and kind to the world and all its inhabitants.

Though I'm sure they wouldn't envy the naivety...

"If we might inquire." Luna spoke up next after a moment of silence, as the sunset began to already set. What, the day goes fast. "How did thou know about us, if thou originates from another world?"


I cleared my throat, looking for the perfect excuse. Let's see... aha! "Didn't you know? You and Celestia are well-known on my world. We've heard wonderful stories about you two and your capabilities." And to be completely honest with the alicorn, I threw her a small grin and stated, "Though, Luna, you're quite more popular among my people than your dearest sister."

I chuckled a little at the shocked expression.

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