• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Five: ...But The Moment...


"Remember what you said about Tirek eventually making his move on Equestria?"

"I'm fine... Just, a little annoyed and worried for my friends is all."

"Because of this 'Tirek' everypony's evacuating from?"

"I've never seen him so terrified..."

"You're going to fight this Tirek, aren't you?"

"I hope not, but it seems to be that way."

"You. All of you, have been the greatest things to happen to my life. From each of you I've learnt something important; you've all reminded me what it means to live again without fear, without prejudice nor anger. And I will always be thankful for that."

"You should not be here..."

"Go! Your kingdom needs you!"

"That was a worthy battle, pony. Unfortunately, not even your advanced magic could save you... No, I will give you a fate far worse than taking your magic, for assaulting your true leader!"

It only felt like an eternity before feeling the pressuring rubble pulled off me, followed by numerous hoofs dragging my pained body out with sounds of exerted grunts. Finally, keeping all that debris from crushing me was almost exhausting. With the help of certain ponies, I was pulled safely out of the debris Tirek had generously placed on top of me, greeted by the relieved yet tired faces of ponies I knew all too well.

Not that I wasn't exerted myself. "Thanks..." I said gratefully, coughing before breathing slowly to regain breath and feeling to my body, gently waving off the guards who assisted me. Jesus was I in pain... "How long was I trapped?"

"Only for half an hour," Cadence answered, Shining leaning onto her for support. Huh, poor bloke. Seeing the white stallion in his state filled me with a sense of sympathy and dread. "Are you alright?"

"Never better." I grinned weakly, wincing at the slight aches in my body. "And all of you?"

Luna responded, "As well as possible. We are assisting the kingdom as much as possible; everypony is helping one another recover from their terrible ordeal."

I nodded. Then, remembering who inflicted their ordeal in the first place, a heavy frown emerged on my features. "And Tirek?"

"Gone." Celestia shook her head, sorrow apparent on her typically apathetic features. "He left after your battle opposing him... To the direction of Ponyville, I fear..."

...Then I failed.

I failed...

God dammit...

"[BEEP]!" The ponies blinked as I suddenly released a large beeping noise, expressing my righteous anger and disbelief, glaring at the ruined floor. I couldn't do it. I honestly couldn't have saved my friends from this inevitable fate. Tirek will absorb their magic regardless of my interference. Oh, they'll win the day of course, but I couldn't have stopped them from getting hurt in the process.

Ain't life grand...?

Shining let out a noise. "It's not your fault..." Cadence regarded him with clear worry and sadness along with the stallion's parents. But even so, the big brother of my girlfriend smiled wanly. "You did the best you could..."

And yet, my best clearly wasn't enough.

Moving forward to assist them, despite my own discomfort, Shining's grin stretched to a degree at the help, shaking his head slightly. "Don't worry... It's Twilight you should be focusing on, Stardust..."

"The Prince is right," Trixie spoke up, having stayed in the background during the conversation, pink misty eyes blazing with a ferocity even when her magic was lost. "Your friends are about to become the next snack of that monster."

A little late to stop him now...

Not necessarily.


Tirek only departed a short time ago. If we hurry, we may pursue and prevent him from reaching any further.

Then... I can still stop him...?

The very concept of catching that villain before he gets to Ponyville filled me with a sense of hope, but not enough conviction. I tried beating him once already, who's to say I won't fail again...?

Fool, Sombra sneered. Only a weakling submits after one battle. You will try again, and we will triumph!

...Not sure I like that tone you have, Sombra...

He's right, Jack, Specter wisely pitched in, There is still time to best this foe long before it's too late. The only question is, what will you do from here?

What do you mean...?

I failed to notice the looks of confusion and worry on the others faces, focusing on what Specter was saying. In the finale, you have a choice; a decision to intervene with the events of the original unfolding this world tells. You may help your friends, or allow things to continue playing out. Whatever decision you make, we are behind you.

"...One choice..."

Trixie asked in earnest scepticism upon hearing my mumble, "What's wrong with him now...?"

"I believe I know..." Celestia replied with a tone of pained intrigue.

No matter which event plays out, have faith that you shall succeed. Friendship triumphs over all in this world. The ties that bind you and everyone you love are more powerful than Tirek nor anypony else even realizes.

If I can prevent Tirek from getting to Twilight, Spike, everyone... Then, yes...

Yes... I will take that risk.

I finally looked up, my gaze of steel conviction facing their tired yet concerned faces. My tone was as edgy as a sharpened knife, "Keep helping everyone you can. Make sure no one is left untreated."

"And what of you?" Luna inquired, though something tells me she already suspected the answer.

Cadence picked up on that too, pure eyes widening. "You're not considering chasing after him...?"

The others released fake gasps, and I shrugged. What can I say?

"Stardust... You're already injured from your last battle," Night pointed out, sounding both concerned and objective. "You would risk that further?"

"I would risk facing the sun itself if it meant protecting my friends." My gaze idly wandered to Celestia, making it abundantly clear we were going to have a discussion about all the [BEEP] she's pulled recently. Add that to the bucket list of things she did to endanger her species further.

"Not a particularly wise decision..."

I shrugged at Trixie's mutter. "I'm the King of Terrible Decisions. Ask Twilight."

"Who I'm certain wouldn't prefer you getting harmed more than you already are currently."

"Better me than her," Was my retort, Cadence blinking at the sudden snappish tone. Though it wasn't intended, my voice remained just as heated if anyone questioned the things I would do to keep Twilight Sparkle safe. "I would take on the whole universe if it meant she'd be protected. You think that monster's going to stop me?"

For a painfully long moment, the ponies just stared at me in wide-eyed wonder. Despite their states, they were slowly getting use to walking properly without their magic. Then, a small chuckle broke the silence, Shining gesturing in reassurance to his wife he was able to move on his four hooves alone. "I'm gonna hold you to that then, Stardust Balance. You should back up that claim now then."

"With pleasure."

"You're lucky once Tirek didn't take your magic from you," Luna pointed out tiredly as I walked past them, grimacing at the aching but growing accustomed to it; can't allow pain stopping me now. "Next time, you may not be so fortunate."

"In Twilight's place, I'll happily accept my fate."

Trixie shook her head. "Stubborn fool. Trixie knew you were hopelessly smitten with Twilight Sparkle, but are you really so absurdly reckless as to sacrifice everything to defend her from danger?"

"Her and everyone I cherish, gladly." Was my heated yet matter-of-factly reply, which seemed to satisfy the stunned mare enough. It took only a few further seconds before someone else responded, exhausted warm voice belonging to none other than the mare who saw me as one of her own.

"Twilight's Warrior indeed..." Velvet said softly, voice mixing in slight discomfort yet pride.

Huh... Weird sensation in my stomach.

I do believe it's a feeling upon a mother praising her son.


"Her reckless, often irrational warrior," Shining added with fond humour... And approval.

With one last smirk over my shoulder, I asked rhetorically before leaving after the villain, "And who would have it any other way?"

That battle was just the appetizer. Now for the entree...

What an ominous red...

The further I entered the abandoned town, the darker the shade of blood filled the sky, something utterly alien in contrast to the cheerful blue which almost always showed above. Few clouds remained, the atmosphere so quiet you could practically feel it brush against your mane. It was a sign, a sign that I had to hurry, to reach Twilight in time and-

Suddenly, everything froze to a complete halt.

Where the library - my home, our home - once stood remained nothing more than smoke and fire. A charred trunk, scattered books, pages and branches lying all over the place...

"No..." My hoarse broken whisper expressed just how distressed I was. And I had a VERY good idea who was responsible for it.

That... That...!

This is the result of power, Sombra said, expressing no sympathy... Nor cruelty. That demon will do all in his power to preserve absolution. I warned you; we should have captured Tirek when we had the chance. Now, your friends will suffer, just as you have.

Shut up!

Just... Shut up...

Memories of all the times I had spent in that house surfaced; fun times, sad times, forgiving times, and most of all happy times. That library became more than a place of refuge; it was my home. A home where I was always greeted in the morning by one pony and dragon who saw me as their own. Where laughter and understanding was shared. Where everything valuable I acquired over time in Equestria, along with my own things gifted to Twilight and Spike, were housed... Now, all cinders...

...I'll... I'll...

Thankfully, my distressed enraged mind was somewhat soothed by the empathetic voice of Specter. Jack... I am so sorry. I know what you are feeling right now. But we have to focus; Tirek and Princess Twilight are in battle right now, and the conclusion is about to begin. We must hurry...


His tone lowered, more sympathetic and patient with me. There will be time to grieve later, my friend... But your friends need you.

Your Princess needs you, Sombra added with more stress to his tone.

...You're both right. There's no time to break down because of this... Twilight and the others need me. I had to go save them before-

The ground rumbled again, and some sort of explosion caught from the right of my eye's corner drew my attention.

The battle...

With a stern, hardened expression, anger, rage, fury and resolution pulsing through my being, I tore off, the emotions fueling my speed as I hurried towards where Twilight and Tirek fought. When I see that monster I will tear him to pieces! I will rip his cold heart out and dine on it! I'll-!

Become almost what Sombra made you.


I couldn't sigh, too busy running towards the combatants, who were beginning to get clear in sight. Specter spoke some more as I sidestepped rubble and rocks created from the battle, Your final test approaches now, Jack. Are you prepared?

Certainly... But I'm not feeling the right balance of emotions right now to use my power.

That won't be necessary, Specter almost sounded mischievous. Are you ready?

The King answered before me, I am always prepared.


You fought Lord Tirek previously without our assistance.

But this time, that will not be the case.

For true unity of harmony and chaos.

Shall be gifted unto you, this time.

"Balance..." I whispered out-loud, finally making a stop upon reaching the mare and monster, sighing in pure relief that Twilight was seemingly okay, glaring at Tirek defiantly. The villain looked far more larger than my last encounter with him, more built, more powerful. Both were oblivious to my presence.

"How about a trade, Princess Twilight?" Tirek inquired with a snap of his fingers. A growl emerged from my throat at the sight of our friends floating above the villain, trapped in large bubbles. Even Discord. "Their release, for all the alicorn magic in Equestria!"

How about Hell no...

Time is short. We must begin.


Slowly breathing in and out, I waited, and in my mind's eye I saw two shapes, outlines of a pony of harmony, and one of chaos. Light, and darkness, standing beside one another not as enemies, but as allies. As it is, as it always should be.

People often thought that light and darkness were natural enemies; always fated to do battle against for another for dominance. But that wasn't it; light and darkness were so much more. Friends, brother and sister, lovers, depending how you view it. The light was the shield, the darkness the sword. Two incomplete things that needed to unite to create what would bring peace and prosperity to all living things, from chaos or harmony.



The edges of my vision were leaking a gold aura, the same warm yet powerful sensation I felt back at the Crystal Empire enveloped my being, covering my like a protective blanket. Now I understood what it was; Sombra and Specter uniting their powers of dark and light, and I could feel them as though they were standing right beside me.

And that they were. The three of us stood united, staring defiantly and resolved to face the creature which continued baiting my beloved to make a harsh choice. "What's it going to be, Princess?"

"Sombra... Starswirl... Give me strength!"

And I charged, the raw power of complete balance fuelling my determined soul, Tirek and Twilight barely reacting in time after hearing my voice, the former releasing a noise of disgruntled confusion at the extended hoof impacting into his side, and sending him flying off miles and miles away, landing somewhere within the trees of the forest far off.

Landing where he once stood, I glared at the direction before stating matter-of-factly, "She will never have to make that choice. Never again."

"J...Jack...?" Twilight paused from her advance in surprise, purple eyes widened in stunned relief and shock. "Your eyes..." Huh? But from my new enhanced vision, I could make out the gold from my orbs reflecting out of Twilight's worried own.

With a small grin, I said, "Hey love... You're not mad at me right?"

Twilight blinked in earnest confusion. "No... Should I be?"

Before I could answer, Rainbow cried from above, "Look out!" And my limb raised just in time, extending my other to push Twilight back as a dominant beam of pure malicious magic met its target. But this wasn't like that last battle; this time, I was more than ready to kick this villain's arse more than anything else. My limb pushed the magic away, hurling it to explode elsewhere, while finally removing my cape.

And as my friends knew, removing my cape meant some serious [BEEP] was about to go down.

Speaking of which, Starswirl, could you help with taking my friends elsewhere to safety?

It was as though he was speaking into my right ear. Of course. And the sound of magic above prompted us to glance and see that the mares, Spike and Discord had disappeared. Alright, great.

"They're safe," I reassured Twilight, as Tirek began looming closer, the quakes in the ground raising in volume at the approach. "Get out of here. I'll deal with our friend here."

But the mare only shook her head, this time standing to my left in opposition towards the leering Tirek. Her expression was as firm and resolved as my own, the sparkle in her eyes gone. "This time, we will fight him, together."

...I would object, but... Yeah.

And together, balance and magic took their stances, myself standing on two hind legs whereas Twilight looked ready to stab her horn into something, or someone. The villain barely appeared fazed, however, instead grinning down at his opponents. "So, you're still kicking, huh?" I said nothing, not giving this [BEEP] the satisfaction. "Good, I suppose, now I have more magic to take- UGH!"

Above me the villain gasped in immense pain, my speed much quicker than our last battle, hoof sinking into his torso. Twilight took that opportunity as I leaped off him, the villain bathed in a purple glow before being flipped upside down, rather casually so, and with teamwork, I charged once again, landing spinning powered kick swiftly into the upside-down monster's large chest, sending the vocally enraged Tirek flying back, head borrowing into the ground as his body landed meters away.

Twilight caught me from landing myself, grabbing my two front hoofs as she ascended into the air, flying at a proximity I never seen her use before. The combination of alicorn magic was fueling her just as the unification of chaos and harmony was empowering me. Together, Tirek stood no chance. The villain recomposed in time to see our assault, attempting a swift punch forward. Twilight, however, threw me forward underneath the fist, and my own successful kick crashed into the demon's stomach while the alicorn bathed herself in a powerful shield, smacking into Tirek's face.

[Insert music Final Battle With Bowser from Super Mario Galaxy.]

Four giant hooves skidded through the dirt, the forced back villain stopping himself and roaring in pure livid, this time two magic beams dividing from the space in-between his two curved horns. Twilight and I dodged the beams, the mare ascending higher whereas I remained on the ground. The villain was then forced to cover his face, blocking the high-powered colours of magic Twilight was distracting him with, giving me ample time to slide underneath the villain's body and utilize a tactic I employed on the Ursaminor long ago. Tirek unwillingly knelt at the back of his centaur knees being struck each, and I grabbed his swishing silver tail, using that to project myself upwards and flew, landing another kick this time on Tirek's back.

If the monster hadn't seen it coming first, a hand reaching out grabbing my extended limb, almost crushing my bones, and hurling me over his body as far away as possible. Luckily help came in the form of Twilight, who caught me in time as Tirek fired off more magic attacks, the mare constantly teleporting to dodge the assaults. But when another beam seemed to almost hit us successfully, I retaliated with a reared hoof, my hind leg batting the attack in return, forcing Tirek to raise his arms in defense and smoke blocking his view from us.

But he didn't give up, as demonstrated by the scattered boulders and rocks beginning to fly slowly into the air, radiating in red magic. Yellow deadly eyes emerged from the smoke followed by a wide snarl before the boulders were sent in our direction at a fast speed. Releasing myself from Twilight, I kicked the first small boulder away, punching cleanly through the second, flipping under the third and running across the fourth, I descended like an arrow, front hoof clenched and ready to meet Tirek's own, who reared back his own first before throwing it, the raw power sending shockwaves through the air and ground. From the corner of my eye, clouds evaporated into nothingness by such interaction of magic and balance.

Falling, I rolled from an attempted uppercut, before meeting the ground and swiftly raising my front hoofs upwards, meeting Tirek's large hands. Yellow eyes met gold, the battle for dominance commencing, exerted grunts and growls escaping our throats as we struggled to overpower the other. Beneath I felt the ground begin to crack at the pressure, magic and balance clashing like two tidal waves and forcing everything around it to get swept up in the waves.

If help hadn't arrived in the form of Twilight. Tirek couldn't react in time to the dead trees flying into his side and face, forcing our lock to break. Using that, my right hoof glowed as I leaped, landing my own harsh uppercut against Tirek's pained face. Following that was a grab on the villain's long beard, and the villain snarled in displeasure as I pulled forward, flinging the large demon over my pony shoulder and into the ground before me. And Twilight finished the job for me, as I leaped back in time whereas Tirek watched helplessly at the purple spear descending downwards towards his state, the Twilight bathed in mixed magic impacting the fallen villain and creating a massive explosion as the result, forcing myself to shield my eyes and body from the close power forcing my body backwards.

When the blinding light died down, where Tirek once lay was a large hole, and Twilight teleported to my side, flying over the hole cautiously. No! The mare barely reacted to the swung fist knocking her flying back, and I myself almost succumbed to an attack if my raised limb hadn't blocked most of it, forcing my other hooves to skid across the ground roughly, the magic much stronger the time, indicating exactly how furious Tirek truly was. Yet the magic dying down was followed by a shadow looming above me, and I rolled to dodge the first impacting the ground, before another beam fired from the villain, this time my body going much faster at the successful hit forcing me rolling across the ground and into a lodged huge stone.

But when my opened eyes spotted another red ball of magic flung my way, Twilight acted as my shield, the purple alicorn appearing before me suddenly and conjuring her shield, blocking the blast perfectly. Then she retaliated with her own blast, Tirek leaping upwards to dodge, four centaur hoofs cantering and intending to squash us. But Twilight once again managed to teleport a distance away, watching as the villain smashed into the rock and smoke enveloped his lower body.

"This isn't working!" Twilight claimed, "The more this fight drags out, we'll be exhausted before long."

Easy for you, I barely feel- Ugh...

Never mind...

There is a way, Specter than stated, as Twilight regarded me in worry and Tirek in conviction. The Tree.

"The Tree of Harmony?"

Twilight looked at me. "What about it?"

One final key remains... And it is closer than you or the Princess believes. She must go there.

Nodding, I met Twilight's look. "Twilight, we have to-" From the corner of my eye, I spotted the incoming danger, screaming without thought, "LOOK OUT!"

My own power forced the surprised mare hurtling back so I could take the blunt of that magical ball of fire flung our way, spotting it right over the mare's shoulder. My own feeling of panic was replaced by pain at the massive assault sending me skidding across the ground, my back roughly scraping against the harsh dirt and stones while spotting Tirek pursue, focusing on Twilight than I. No... I won't let him. With balance pumping my body, I recomposed myself and raced after him, intending to protect the mare with my life! Tirek couldn't perform an attack on her in time as a charged back hoof swung into his left cheek, causing a ridiculous expression before his own face landed into the ground, a Balance Shockwave hitting under his centaur body to keep him away as possible.

Quickly taking that, I glared determinedly at Twilight. "Get to the Tree of Harmony. That's where our friends are." How do I know this? Because I can sense them close by, and I had a felling where precisely they were.

Twilight shook her head fiercely, purple eyes blazing. "I'm not leaving you alone to face this! Not this time!"

"You're needed!"

"So are you!"

"Your friends need you more!"

"I need you more!"

That confession prompted my next rebuttal to a grinding halt, Twilight breathing shallowly, but expression and eyes softening somewhat. "Twilight..."

We don't have time for this!

"Isn't that precious?"

Followed by a sight I would never had wanted to witness. "Twilight!" The mare was helplessly flung back by a red beam, forcing her far from us. And before I could glare at the demon responsible for hurting the most important being in my life, I was greeted in the face by a red fist, swiftly knocking me backwards. Another fist having me rolling uncomfortably. A kick against my side sending me upwards before followed by an swiping muscular elbow, and my vision was coated in a magic red beam.

My pained body landed roughly onto the ground, slowly composing to stand up and continue this fight. I don't understand, I thought this new power was-

You may possess this power, Sombra interrupted harshly. But you lack the composure and training to wield it. This is too strong for you to control; I knew we shouldn't have used it in this fight!

...No... I won't give up, not yet.

You might as well, The fallen King sneered, speaking into my left ear. Continue, and your body will succumb to the exertion, your magic taken by this fiend. You will only make things worse for yourself, your friends and your Princess.

I had little time for a retort, Tirek towering over me with a condescending smirk. "Even with help, neither you nor the Princess can stand up to me. But don't worry, I shall honour your bravery once I take your magic. And this time, I will not make the same mistake." A magic orb centered before the creature's horn, ready to fire off another attack no doubt to render me immobile. Glaring upwards, I was ready to face this. Rather me than Twilight, after all...

I had no regrets.

That was, until the pony who took the blast for me showed up between us. Time stilled, a purple body flying before us to take the hit, the power of stolen combined magic hitting the mare with harsh success, and I barley heard my own yell of "No!" escape me at the sight of a pained, eye-closed Twilight Sparkle delicately flying in the air, causing in an impact of the ground near by, a crater where the fallen Princess lay in pain, all to protect me.

For me...

"No..." This can't be happening... This just can't be... "Twilight..."

Tirek scoffed, while I looked at the hurt mare in sheer sorrow and despair. "Pathetic. Sacrificing yourself for others will reward you with nothing."

My body trembled, teeth beginning to bare and grind against one another, hoofs clenching into the ground when a deep, fiery fury began emerging from the depths of my being. An anger I have never felt before, the anger of seeing someone so special to you get hurt, just to protect yourself. If there was one certain about this...

Tirek was in for a world of hurt...!

[Insert music Vegeta's Super Saiyan Theme.]

"How... Dare you... Hurt my TWILIGHT!"

Gold, furious light enveloped my being, cracking the ground around us to express my pure hatred against this mocking creature. A scream of absolute rage erupted from my throat, gold eyes blazing heatedly at the frowning demon, slowly unfolding his arms at the display of raw power aimed in his direction. If he wanted my power, HE CAN [BEEP]ING TAKE IT!


The swung fist which temporarily halted my advance hardly stopped me, with one hoof I batted the hand away and retaliated against the stunned Tirek with a forceful punch into his black chest. The villain gasped, but I was hardly beginning, and soon the creature who dared harm my Twilight was suffering from various punches and kicks against his chest, torso and face, little could be done to defend from my relentless assault. Fury and resolution hardened my punches, rage and retribution powering my legs. I was going to make certain this villain would face as much pain as he had inflicted on everyone else... And much more!

The Fury of a Warrior...

The Retribution of Compassion...

And the Conviction of a Human!

With one final punch, Tirek was forced back by the offensives, but I wasn't going to let him have a turn. No, he will never have a turn again. The villain gaped at my sudden speed which would make Rainbow Dash drop her jaw in awe as I appeared right before him, meeting his slightly worried gaze for a moment.

Good, let him feel fear.

Before a barrage of assaults folded, utilizing a familiar attack from Monkey D. Luffy, clenched pony equivalent of fists struck with lightning speed, barrelling into every part of the monster's upper body without taking a break. I won't give him the satisfaction. I will finish this, here and now! Tirek only gasped, the one action he was permitted to do while his body was being ruthless assaulted on. Imaging Twilight's hurt body, lying carelessly on the ground like that strengthened my resolve, and in addition, my attacks, speeding up my blur of punches before delivering another uppercut, this time from a back hoof, sending Tirek flying.

And I pursued, hovering above the monster after a powerful leap from the ground. Tirek almost attacked before I flipped forward, a sweeping kick which connected with his torso for a few seconds... Then the villain flew back into the ground, lying helplessly. With that, I outstretched both my front limbs, feeling the power cackling in my limbs and extending onto my hoofs. As though knowing what I was about to do, Tirek was beginning raise his arms in defence.

The golden crescent of a shockwave landed into him with a pure yellow explosion, and I landed on the ground rather softly, waiting indifferently for the light which poured into the sky to die down. And like last time, all that remained from the villain was a large hole, but I sensed his presence beneath, knowing he still lived.
That's fine. I'm not doing playing with my food-

But my body was.

Ugh! Collapsing forward, my lungs struggled to breathe, my battered body finally completely exhausted from the raw power I had possessed. And I felt balance itself slowly drain from my being, indicating I've done enough...

No... No, I can't...

It's over... Boy... Sombra sounded incredibly tired himself, breathing shallowly within the depths of my mind. We have... Given you all we could... Now, it seems destiny is taking its turn...

And from the small vibrations I felt from the ground, so it was. My body ached to rest, but I couldn't. Not now...

We've failed Jack... Just give in...

No... Specter- Starswirl interjected, voice expressing as much exertion as us. I managed... To send the Princess to the Tree... As Tirek was preoccupied...

When wide horns began emerging from the hole, Sombra inquired with a snarl, What good will that do us, old fool...?

I pictured a smile in my tired mind. Give it a moment...

We might not have that time...

Sombra might be right. My battered body knelt before the floating Tirek, who glared down at me in annoyance and... Respect? "Long has it been since I fought a being with such prowess. You were a worthy adversary... What is your name, little pony?"

Stall him...

...Alright. "Stardust... Stardust Balance... The Twilight... Warrior..."

At my weak attempt of sounding strong, Tirek barked out a harsh laugh. "Hahahaha! A warrior?! You delude yourself so?!" Yellow eyes leered, head leaning downwards so much as if to emphasize his words. "You are no warrior, little stallion. Just a lucky pony with unique magic, magic I am eager to take for myself. Then, your Princess is next."

Over my dead-!

At seeing my enraged flinch, Tirek smirked cruelly. "Ahh, you care for the Princess. You and she are close, I presume?" I simply glared at him, prompting his nod. "I see, no wonder your fury was strong. But not strong enough. You're not a hero, Stardust Balance. You're not anything; just a mere, weak pony. And I will show you and your Princess that right now."


My short laughter caused Tirek to halt from grabbing me, regarding me with a raised brow. With a pained chuckle, I used whatever tiny energy was left to stand, giving this villain one last act of defiance. "You're right... I'm not a hero... A saviour... A good person... Anything positive, really. But I'll tell you what..."

Almost there...

"I... Am an idiot! A coward, who lied to people close to him because he felt afraid of their reactions! A meddler, who often got himself hurt for the trouble of changing the outcomes! A lucky son of a [BEEP], who won the heart of the greatest thing to ever happen to him!" My breathing was slowly becoming erratic, even as Tirek began lifting me up via his magic. "And I am one-hundred percent okay with that! I'm fine with being a flawed, nitpicking party pooper! I'm fine being disliked and scorned because of who I am! But at least, there is one I will always be proud of having, the one thing you scoff at Tirek: I have friends!"

And with that said, I felt the magic slowly drained from me, the aura of power absorbing into Tirek's welcome mouth. And, immediately, pain began dispersing through my being, and I wanted to twitch and turn at the sudden, overlapping sensation! Argh! What the-! They didn't warn me it'd hurt that much!

"Hm... You were right about your idiocy," I vaguely heard Tirek say, sounding albeit disappointed about something, before my discarded body dropped to the ground, which added little to soothe the pain encasing my being. My hands clutched to my temples and-

Wait... Hands...?

True enough, hands with fingers replaced hoofs, followed by clothed arms, and I felt my own body violently transforming, forcing me to convulse at the agonizing experience. And not the human body I wore in the Equestria Girls universe... This was my real form! My one true body!

I don't understand- ACK!

You fool! Sombra roared in my mind. It was magic which had your body adapt to this world. Now that it is gone, it cannot bear with the laws of reality here!

Is that why I couldn't breathe...?!

Despite my body literally dying from the contrast of it against the fictional world, Tirek's voice roared in anger, "NO! Where is she?!"
The image of the purple prompted my small smile, even if I was about to meet my end here and there, body lying on one side while succumbing. Twilight was safe, at least, thanks to Specter... Along with my friends. They now have a chance to defeat him... I can die in peace...



The corner of my eye shone in a bright light, and it took all my willpower to even turn my head around to see what was happening now. And what floated before us had me grin slightly. Now, Tirek was truly, truly [BEEP]ed.

As the Mane Six flew in the sky, bathed in a pure multi-coloured angelic lights, this time in new forms. Their manes were longer, various new bright colours added to their beings. Basically their own versions of Super Sonic, ready to kick some villain [BEEP]. A hoarse, empty chuckle emerged from my dying throat.

After Tirek tried, and failed, to attack them with a magical beam, the demon exclaimed in enraged disbelief, "How is this possible?! Your friends have no magic!"

Twilight, as ever, spoke as their leader, voice as confident and lecturing as always, "You're wrong Tirek! You may have taken their magic, but they carry within them just as I do the most powerful magic of all!"

Friendship [BEEP]! I knew they'd come through...

And at my own small triumphant grin and the protesting villain getting pounded by magical beams of the mare's individual colours, I finally lapsed into unconsciousness, Starswirl's voice the last thing I heard.

In some ways, magic is balance just as it is friendship too...

My peaceful nap was disrupted by a cool sensation washing down my body, forcing me to sit up. Gah! That's bloody freezing!

"Wakey wakey eggs and bacey!"

That voice... Discord?

My head snapped to the left, glaring through pulled back strands of wet hair at the prankster who threw the empty bucket away casually and beaming while gesturing to me. "And he awakens! Sorry for the rude wake-up call Starry, but some friends of yours are expecting you at Twilight's castle."

I'll give you a rude wake-up call next time- Wait...

Twilight's castle...

Tirek... The battle... Twilight getting hurt...!

"Easy there champ," Discord said nonchalantly at my standing position, rubbing a towel against my drenched body. "Gonna want to look presentably when we get there!"

"Never mind that!" I snapped, briefly checking myself a moment. Not to look presentable, but in case I was... Nope, back to my pony body. Our surroundings looked as though no battle had commenced in the first place. And the sky, looking up I saw a clear serene blue. Then that means... "Twilight's okay?"

A mischievous look. "Just Twilight? I thought you'd care about how I feel too, Star."


The creature of chaos simply rolled his eyes at the impatient growl emitting from my warning tone. "Yes yes they're fine. Right as rain, in fact, now that everypony in all of Equestria has their magic back and Twilight have her own castle. Speaking of which." The chaotic prankster barely gave me time to process that Twilight and everyone else was safe and sound before a flash before my eyes, now before us standing a large blue structure. "Ta-da!"

Ta-da is right... I took a few steps back to behold the large castle in Ponyville, taking the shape of a huge blue crystallized tree. What is it with these ponies and crystals... I'll never know. But yeah, the castle has seemed to have shown up in this world regardless now. Not that I didn't want it to appear at all, but my friends needn't suffer for it...

...Still, it was pretty to look at...

"Come on in." Before another flash and boom, we were inside presumably one of the castle's hallways. Huh, blue. I approve..."This way. Our friends are waiting for us."

"They've forgiven you then?" I asked, eagerly following the hovering creature. To see my friends again after this whole ordeal... To see they're okay... And the fact I'm alive... Again...

...Really should stop thinking I'm about to die in this world anytime soon.

"Oh, yes. Ponies are always the forgiving sort aren't they?" Discord asked jovially, before seeming to hesitate, glancing at me warily. "You're not... Mad at me yourself are you?"

With a low chuckle, I answered with my own smile, "I forgave you a long time ago, Discord. So no, I'm not mad." He exhaled in clear relief, prompting me to add humouredly. "No, I saw it coming ages ago." And my smirk widened at the brief flicker of surprise from the creature followed by low grumbling, an idea then popping up. "You know what, we should hang out. Just the two of us. Humans and chaos mix hand in hand, you know."

Maybe I should've done THAT from the start to avoid having Discord team up with Tirek...

It took only a brief second to ponder the idea. Discord smirked lightly. "I'd like that. Very much so." But from his eyes I could make out his genuine happiness, the relief that all was forgiven. "Well, here we are." And, the large doors opening with a snap of his fingers, he walked in first, hollering, "Honey I'm home! And I brought the ill-tempered human you all asked for!"

That's what I would've said.

Many heads turned, smiling at Discord and his antics before their expressions grew brighter at my entrance. And before I knew it I was engulfed by hugs all over, the Mane Six, Spike, Hell even Discord joined in. From the side, Celestia, Luna and Cadence smiled warmly at the scene.

And the mare hugging my chest met my eyes, her own sparkling with those perfect purple orbs. "I'm glad you're okay."

"The same to you, love..." I grinned sincerely and in pure, utter relief; every urge to embrace Twilight and not let go for a very long time there- Ah [BEEP] it, the mare made a noise of surprise at the sudden embrace, but returned the warm gesture quite happily, and I struggled against not letting her go eventually.

She's fine...

She's absolutely fine.

As though hearing my thoughts, two hoofs rubbed against my back in soft reassurance. But then another mare coughed, prompting my humoured glance and added words, "I'm glad everyone is okay... I'm just upset I couldn't stop him at Canterlot first..."

Twilight shook her head. "It's probably better that way... Although we will be having words about that." Oh boy. The other exchanged amused fond looks at that. Twilight looked the least humoured, but was still smiling regardless. "It took more than one of us to defeat Tirek, in any case. Our friendship triumphed, as it always does."

"You seemed to have handled him without me."

"Not our fault!" Rainbow interjected. "Besides, you were probably exhausted after wailing on Tirek when we heard you yell 'my Twilight!'" At that, chuckles echoed the room, whereas the alicorn herself blushed a bright red, avoiding my own embarrassed gaze. Rainbow chortled somewhat. "We heard that all the way from the Tree of Harmony."

"Something must of happened that ticked yer off like that, sugarcube, and that's probably when Twilight suddenly appeared to us lookin' hurt," Applejack stated.

"We never heard you so angry before," Fluttershy pointed out.

"It was super-duper scary!" Pinkie exclaimed with a grin.

"Quite romantic when one dwells on the implications," Rarity said with a soft smile.

"Even I had chills down my spine." Discord shuddered for emphasis, a giant ice block suddenly sliding down his backside.

At my shrug, the memory of how pained my girlfriend was previously making me grimace, I answered matter-of-factly, "Well, that's a lesson in life: Never [BEEP] off a human. Especially by harming someone who means more to him than anything else."

The other "aww-ed" at that, while Twilight looked back at me with a bright, tearful expression, embracing me again. And this time, I fully focused on her, relief and joy pouring from my being. She was safe. They were all safe. My effort wasn't for naught... Even if Twilight got physically hurt, she was fine now... That's what matters.

Then, abruptly, Twilight pulled back, dragging my hoof further into the room. "You have to see this." See what- Oh. For before us, in the center of the room, stood seven white clean chairs - one smaller chair attached to a larger one, belonging to Spike obviously - that could be mistaken for thrones, each bearing the cutie marks of their respective owners on top. Including mine...

...Well, I'll be sure to paint that off when I get the chance to.

"So what's this, the Council of Friendship?" I inquired in both humour and curiosity. So I have my own throne now? Well, that was nice of them.

The mares exchanged raised brows at that. "You know, I do like the sound of that," Rarity stated, followed by the girls nodding.
"So do I." Twilight turned to me with a smile. "The Council of Friendship it is," She decreed. Why not? Always wanted to be part of a council. Though that was mostly thinking towards the Jedi Council-

"Oh come on, he gets a throne?"

With a smirk, I looked at Discord along with the exasperated girls. "Probably because I didn't sell my friends out to a maniacal tyrant." Expressed by the former villain pouting, the mares and dragon laughing before I joined in, followed by Discord eventually starting to laugh at his own expense too.

But also at the relief that it was all, finally over.

What else closed the curtains of todays chapter with, of course, a party and a song? Twilight had welcomed all the curious residents into the castle after informing them the danger had passed, and the ponies eagerly returned to see their home was safe and sound, and that their Princess now had her own castle.

Shame about our old home...

Sighing, I released a small smile, regarding the grass beneath my hoofs. On the plus side, a new family photo of me and my friends was made to replace the one that got lost in the library... Ah who am I kidding? Getting over losing my home won't be for a while.

The sun was beginning to descend, Celestia wasting no time in concluding the day, eager to resume her royal duties of doing something the sun was just fine with doing on its own. Still needed to have a word with her about what she did... Ah well, enjoy the moment as it lasts. I'll let Celestia off the hook while everyone all over Ponyville was celebrating the return of what is partially their life force. Twilight and the others were still at the castle, partying to their heart's content. I had excused myself halfway through, wanting to reflect on todays events and try not to berate myself too much for failing to stop Tirek from reaching Ponyville to begin with. Guess I should've trained more as opposed to goofing off, as Sombra said.

Realizing I was right for once?

Hmph, don't push it. But I smiled anyway at that tinge of smugness in his tone.

Another beautiful yet eventful day concludes, the sun sets, and her sister rises. Specter started getting philosophical, but I was glad to hear he sounded at peace himself.

Although I couldn't resist pointing out my own faults. "I'm sorry, by the way... Even with your help I couldn't beat him."

You weren't meant to. Wait what?

Sombra shared that befuddlement. Something you wish to share, old one?

Specter clarified with a hint of amusement. It was never your fate to succeed against Tirek. Not alone, in any case. Guided by Discord himself - whom valued friendship by this point it was far too late for Tirek's manipulations to rip apart those bonds - the power of friendship was willed to fight and win this day. Balance itself has another role to play elsewhere.

But... Then, what was the point?

No one told you to begin preparing yourself to face this foe. Sombra's snort echoed through my mind. It was your choice, and yours alone; choosing to help your friends through this battle and keeping those close to you safe from harm's reach. A certain image of a purple alicorn came to mind, making me shudder. Just as Princess Twilight's heart chose to save you from that attack. You need not blame yourself for her affection towards you. Have you not conducted the same action over and over again. I pictured his smile. I dare say you rubbed off on her with your reckless streak.

Ohhh boy, that wouldn't be a good thing.

Sombra shared that sentiment. Then all of Equestria is doomed. That Princess is far more suitable for the throne than the other mares...

...Did... Did you just praise Twilight?

Don't read into it-

Miracles can happen!

Hmph. The former King snorted again as I laughed out loud, changing the subject swiftly. What puzzles me, however, is how you finally deduced 'Specter's' identity, boy.

Hm... Oh, that.

I too would like to know this. I didn't think I made it too obvious for myself.

I shrugged helplessly. I sorta didn't figure it out, guys... The name just came to me in the heat of the moment.

Sombra was probably blinking incomprehensibly. You... Discovered out of pure luck...


...You are a baffling creature, Jack Wright.

My laughter grew. I get that a lot.

But seriously though, it's true Specter... You're the legendary unicorn everyone and their mothers praise about...?

A deep chuckle. I wouldn't know about 'legendary.'

Then my right was suddenly blinded. What the-?! I covered my vision for a moment by the sudden unexpected flash of light to the side, carefully lowering my limb when it seemed to die down. And before me, to my jaw-dropping awe, stood the transparent old pony himself. White fur, silver long beard and warm ancient eyes. His body incredibly see-though, the outline covered in gold. He reminded me of a Force Ghost...

Oh my God, he's a Force Ghost.

Starswirl the Bearded chuckled, slowly approaching me, the grass beneath not even pressed down as his see-through hoofs walked forwards. "Long ago, two creatures arrived in Equestria. One who wanted to rule, one who wished to have peace with the ponies he met. You encountered the former to day."

My eyes widened. "Tirek..." He had a brother? I never knew this!

Specter- Sorry, Starswirl nodded, eyes lowering to the grass slightly, which wavered a little by his gaze. "Scorpan only desired peace among them. What befell his brother shamed him, and left ponykind for the sins of his aggressive older sibling. He was a good friend; the closest thing I had to a brother all those years ago."

"...I'm sorry."

The ancient wizard smiled, eyes reflecting empathetic wisdom. "Thank you." Before looking out to the sunset, and I followed suit. "In many ways, you remind me of him. Wary at first, distrusting of the new different inhabitants he found himself surrounded by. But over time, grew to love and care for who would become his friends, ready to sacrifice his own happiness to keep everyone, friend or foe, safe from harm's reach."

"...So what happens now?" I couldn't help but ask, even though a billion other questions are burning through my mind right now concerning this powerful unicorn standing as a ghost beside me. "Was that my final test, sacrificing myself?"

"You were about to meet your fate in accepted happiness, were you not?"

The memory prompted me to rub the back of my head sheepishly. "Well... Yeah."


Be quiet you.

Starswirl seemed amused by the antics... Then that smile dropped significantly, giving me a look I decided I didn't like. "Your time has reached its peak, my friend..." I frowned. Was that hesitation? Then the pony smiled sadly. "And now, your family awaits you."

My family? "Are they done partying already...?" My question died down when staring at the expression, conveying a message it didn't take long for me to decipher, my jaw dropping slightly at the implication, stuttering out, "You... You don't mean...?"

He truly wasn't meaning...?

Starswirl nodded. "You had done all that was required to become a better person. You've learnt so much in your time on this world; made so many friends and realized the beauty of life once more." The old stallion had the audacity to sound prideful. "But now, balance must be upheld; bringing you here bent the rules of reality itself, and in essence, the core of balance. Tell me, do you wish to go home, your true home?"

I bit back from exclaiming "But my true home is here!" Before my mind spoke up rationally, reminding me of the family and friends I had been raised with. My brother, my sisters... Then that image blurred, replaced by the six mares and dragon I have also called my family. Memories surfaced of both lives I have lived through my time, logic and emotions fighting against each other for which decides my fate.

Mom... Dad...

Fluttershy... Rarity...

John... Ryan...

Applejack... Rainbow Dash...

Deryn... Joe...

Pinkie Pie... Spike...



"Is there no other way?" My voice sounded hoarse, as though what was to happen now hurt more than any wound I received since my time in Equestria. And you know what, that is the case!

I... I don't want to go! Not yet!

After everything I've done for them, for balance, for friendship, for Twilight! Surely I can be given a little slack?!

Starswirl clearly heard my thoughts, a transparent hoof placed on my distressed shoulder. Though I couldn't feel it, I appreciated the gesture... "You have made many lives here for the better, just as they done to you. You will carry a piece of them in your heart, as they will hold a piece of you." Those warm eyes glinted, although his tone was wise and apologetic. "I brought you here, because I sensed your sadness from across the stars... That longing which was shared by Scorpan so long ago. But I know you have no regrets now, don't you? He's made the greatest friends possible, correct?"

"That and much more." I nodded, throat feeling dry, before I asked rather heatedly, desperate for any attempt to at least stay a little longer. "But what do I tell them? Tell her?"

"Tell us what?"

The sudden curious voice snapped my head around, greeted by the approach of all my friends. Twilight, the girls, Spike, Bon Bon, Lyra, the Doctor, Derpy, Zecora, Cadence, Shining, Celestia and Luna. Hell, even Trixie was here. And they were all beaming positively, as though they just had the party of their lives. A brief glance to my left indicated the ancient unicorn bailed on me.

Gee, thanks Starswirl, you're certainly Celestia's teacher all right... [BEEP]hole.

Rainbow continued with her question, "That you're planning to propose to Twilight right after the party you're missing out on?" Prompted by several sly looks, Shining grimacing and others sharing light laughter at the snark.

Meanwhile, Twilight blushed a bright pink, glaring disapprovingly at her friend. "I doubt that's the case, Rainbow."

Shrugging, the flying pegasus crossed her limbs. "Why not ask him?"

"Doth my ears deceive me?" A certain voice popped up from the air, followed by Discord appearing between us with a devious expression. "Are we to have a bachelor party straight after the celebration party?" Emphasized with him putting on a tux, top hat and holding up a camera. "Count me in! You know I am often revered for throwing great bachelor celebrations for the lucky groom."

Twilight's blush only got more brighter by the prospect, while Pinkie exclaimed joyfully, "That's a great idea! Let's celebrate Twilight and Stardust's wedding party right away!"

"No one is getting married to my little sister anytime soon!" Shining cried in irritation, while Cadence giggled at her husband's reaction.
"He hasn't even proposed yet!" Before Twilight realized the inclusion of the last word in her statement, now glowing a bright scarlet as everyone shared even further mischievous looks and laughter, glaring at the ground in pure embarrassment.

And while they teased her, a small smile was slowly was rising upwards, watching this scene of my friends all... Just being themselves. I felt like crying, I really did... This was probably the last time I got to see any of them... All these people I've met, befriended... Cherished... I had no desire to see them suffer, let alone for me.

Life was really, really unfair...

"Stardust... You're glowing."

That brought everyone's attention back to me by Luna's observation. Inspecting myself, true enough, golden light was beginning encompass my being, rising off me as though gravity was pulling the light upwards. Kinda familiar... The ponies looked at me in pure awe and curiosity, no doubt expecting the light a good thing.

If only...

"Jack...?" Twilight inquired, frowning in worry at my expression.

"Twilight..." With a soft smile aimed mostly at the mare I've grown to care for more than anything else in the world, I looked individually at everyone, taking in their warm friendly faces one last time. "Everyone... It's been a blast..." It was so hard to speak those words. "But I... Have to go..."

Fluttershy tilted her head. "'Go?' Where are you going?"

"My time here is done... I have to go back to my world."

The reaction took a few seconds, followed by massive gasps and expressions of disbelief. "Unbelievable..." Shining mumbled, sounding stunned at the news.

"Your world?" Rarity asked, processing those words. "As in, going home?"

"This will always be my home," I reassured them gently. "And you my family."

[Insert music Farewell from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.]

"Then why are you leaving?" Pinkie then said, sounding abruptly distressed by the news. "We- We just planned on having another party!"
"And we just kicked Tirek's butt!" Rainbow cried in disbelief, voice breaking while she glared. "You can't go now!"

"She's right darling." Rarity nodded in affirmation, but even I could see her eyes were watering somewhat at the sudden news. "For you to leave us now... Just after we... Say it isn't so...!" My sharp inhale and hesitation was all that was needed, before the mare followed by a few others began leaking unwelcomed tears.

"We don't want you to go..." Fluttershy whispered in pure sadness, comforted by a just-as-sad looking Discord.

I know...

"Can't it wait for another day...?" Applejack asked hoarsely, green eyes reflecting sorrow. At the shake of my own depressed head, the orange mare slammed her hoof into the ground before looking away. "Gosh darn it! It's too soon!"


Looking away, Celestia and Luna were looking at me in understanding, but their ancient reflected their own sadness. Bon and Lyra were embracing each other for comfort. Whooves patting a depressed Derpy's backside. Spike was being treated by Cadence and Shining, who looked at me with their own tiny depressed smiles. Even Trixie was looking away, trying and failing to look unfazed; a single tear dropping down her features. Meanwhile, Twilight said nothing, only staring at the floor with a grieving expression, tears slowly descending down her perfect face...

It pained me just as much as them, if not more... No, that was unfair of me to think of. They undoubtedly shared the burning sensation in my own chest. To become so close with someone like this, only for them to leave without warning and sooner than they should, never to return.

...No. I won't let this end like that. The last goodbye WON'T end on a sad note.

"Stop it." They looked back at me in surprise at my sudden resolved tone, the light around my body beginning to glow brighter. "Stop crying at my expense. I won't make this goodbye a sad one. Hear my out on this."

Twilight wiped her muzzle a little, purple eyes reflecting pure protestant and depression. "But-?"

"Please, let me speak love," I interrupted gently, gazing at them all with my own sincere smile. "You were all the bestest friends I could ever have; you made me a better person than I ever was, although I hardly deserved the effort. You taught me the values of friendship, what it means to have fun, play around, help each other, and in the end, I have no regrets for learning these important attributes."

"Generosity." Rarity looked away.

"Kindness." Fluttershy hid her face into Discord's fur.

"Honesty." Applejack smiled sadly, green eyes revealing small tears.

"Loyalty." Rainbow grit her teeth.

"Laughter." Pinkie nodded slowly, not as energetic as she was previously.

"Family." Spike sniffled.

My gaze looked at one last pony. "And most importantly of all, the magic of friendship... And much more..." Twilight still said nothing... My focus resumed on all the faces of my friends. "You all reminded me what those things truly meant, and I will never forget it. You never gave up on me, despite how much of a rude, condescending piece of donkey [BEEP] I truly was... Still am, in some cases. I am indebted to you all forever; each and every one will be in my heart for the rest of time itself. If friendship is magic... Then magic is certainly balance... Thank you."

Their reactions were small smiles and broken grins at my words, despite the fallen tears and expressions of sadness and outrage at my inevitable absence, clearly just as proud to have me as their friend as I was them. Despite our arguments and disagreements, these people meant the world to me, and I'd rather leave them with happiness than depression. I give them one last speech, a final lesson taught by myself about the values of friendship...

Just as I have learnt from them.

The light glowed all the more vibrant, and I knew my time was short. I could feel the pull, desiring to guide me back to whence I came. But I had a feeling it wasn't over just yet, as one familiar pony finally stepped forward. Twilight Sparkle - the mare of my life - only stopped barely a few centimeters from me, meeting my own saddened gaze with sparkle-less eyes.

"Jack..." Twilight started, hesitating slightly. "I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me... After everything we've been through; our time together, the lessons we've learnt... I don't think I can say it all now..." The purple eyes suddenly focused, reflecting that sparkling glint I always loved to see in those heart-melting orbs. "I want you to know, I wouldn't trade our time together for the world... I... I..."

"...Twilight." She wasn't the only one who had something to say about their beloved. A small smile graced my muzzle, one hoof reaching up to stroke the troubled mare's cheek. Though I suppose 'troubled' was an understatement right then. "You were... ARE the best thing to ever happen to me. If I could, I would stay. If my friends are the reason why I should remain, you're the core reason... My Princess."

Even I was struggling to find the right words, time was becoming too pressuring. But the mare took the hint, expression softening at my words and gesture. "Stop it..." Twilight pleaded, a warm purple hoof brushing my cheek in turn, and I slowly leaned into the touch. "Please... Don't leave us... Don't leave me..."

"I don't want to..."

Twilight sniffled. "Then why...?"

I smiled sadly. This hurt too much... But for her, I would suffer all the world gives in an effort to cheer her up. "Because... Life's a [BEEP]." At that, a twitch of a smile emerged on the mare's muzzle, prompting me to continue. "But I will never forget my friends... Or you... Ever. My heart will always yearn for the day we somehow meet again... Twilight Sparkle, my Princess."

Through the sad tears, a quiet happy smile, voice a tender softness through the content breeze. "As does mine... Jack Wright, my Twilight Warrior."

And then came the final kiss. The soft, tender contact of two muzzles that never wanted to let go. Human and pony. Man and mare. Balance and magic. Warrior and Princess... And everything felt at peace...

...Before everything became white.

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