• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-Eight: A Dragon's Tail


Once again, I have vastly taken for granted the many fantastic things Equestria had to offer. Aside from my friends behind, vocally just as equally awestruck noises. And now this: A whole group of countless dragons flying overheard majestically, this event only occurring once every generation, known as the 'Great Dragon Migration.' I arrived to watch the spectacle with the others, helping them in digging a hole we observed in to protect ourselves just in case, and ludicrously wearing an army outfit with the others save for Rarity, and I wasn't disappointed.

The sight was... was...


Took the word right out of my mouth, Twilight.

It didn't take much convincing for me to join them in watching the swarm of dragons flying above us. The only one missing out on the event was Fluttershy, who was frightened by the idea alone of seeing hundreds of dragons soaring through the skies above her. Which was odd, considering her last encounter with a full adult dragon.

Guess old habits die hard-

Oh [BEEP]!

Our heads immediately ducked at the incoming blaze. Now I can see how useful this ditch really was; we would've been toast just then.

Still, I was rather entranced by the spectacle, barely paying attention to the conversing others as my eyes were fully focused on the overhead lizards of death. I wonder if I'll spot a Blue Eyes White Dragon if I'm lucky enough; that'd make my day.

The migration doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon; the number of dragons flying overhead looks limitless. That's fine, I don't have anything planned for today anyway.

"You're obviously enjoying this."

"Ten points to Ravenclaw for observation." I replied to the casual voice without directing my attention away from the sky. "You were absolutely right though, Twilight, it was worth coming here."

"I'm glad you like it." Twilight said, sounding rather happy by my enthusiasm over the event. "As I knew you would."

"Shame they don't have dragons where you're from, Star." Rainbow commented.

That statement incited my chuckle at the thought. "A shame or a blessing, depending how you view it, Rainbow. Humans and dragons? Not the best combination."

"Hm? But you seem to get along with Spike very well." Rarity pointed out, clearly bemused.

"Well, Rarity, I'm referring to bloodthirsty merciless fire-breathing beasts of destruction." I clarified in amusement, gesturing to the mighty beasts soaring through the skies. "Add those with my species, and... well, the whole world's boned."

...Huh, speaking of dragons, where did Spike go?

"So the slip of paper that the petrified Hermione held revealed to be the crucial information Harry and Ron sought. They finally learned of the creature which plagued their school's name, a Basilisk. It was a giant serpent which- You know, Spike, I know when my audience isn't paying attention."

"Oh, sorry." The sheepish infant dragon rubbed his back head, expression apologetic and depressing. "It's just... Forget it."

I smirked at his words. "Well, I can't continue a story when obviously my audience's thoughts are elsewhere." Shifting myself for more comfort, I asked patiently, "What troubles you, Spike?"

The lizard was clearly distressed over something, but I dismissed it earlier as exhaustion from another day of chores. But it's very apparent now that Spike was in saddened contemplation, and it would do no favours if I didn't try to help him.

Spike sighed after a moment. "I just... I'm not sure who I am."

...Okay, wasn't expecting that. "You're Spike."

The dragon rolled his eyes at the dry observation. "That's not what I meant. I mean, who am I really? What am I? Why am I here and not with other dragons?" Was he having an identity crisis? His eyes were downcast, "I don't know where I even came from, before I was given to Twilight as an egg. Even she doesn't know. I just feel that I..."

"...Don't belong here." Welcome to the club.

"Exactly!" Spike nodded, pointing in realization. "You understand that part! But unlike you, I don't know my origins or where my true home is."

"I can answer the latter." The troubled lizard met my stare at that, eyes reflecting hope at my answer. I'm hoping myself that what I have to say helps clam his mind, "Your true home is with your family, the ones who are closest to you the most. And where do you think that is?"

"...Here?" Spike speculated, frowning.

"Bingo." I nodded. "That is, of course, you consider Twilight family."

"Of course I do! Both Twilight and you, Stardust!" The lizard said rather heatedly, as though making it undoubtedly clear who was family to him. "But, that doesn't help me find out where I come from, who I truly am."

"...In the words of a genetic clone of the world's most rarest Pokemon, Spike; the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life which determines who you are." For physical comfort, my hoof rubbed Spike's head in an affectionate manner. "I don't blame you for desiring to find out about your bloodline, though."

"So then, what should I do?"

Easy. "Well, if you're really curious about your origins, then I recommend you try and find out. Research your species, for example. Ask questions from dragon experts. Or have Twilight do some some bizarre magic bull which shows you your family tree." Spike's chuckle at that incited my pleased smile. "But, we can save all that for tomorrow, Spike. I suggest you sleep on it before making any final decisions."

After a moment's pause, the infant lizard nodded. But I could still detect traces of uncertainty on his features. "You're right, thanks Stardust."

"Of course." I ceased rubbing his head and turned towards the door, switching off the light. "Sleep well, Spike."

Hopefully my suggestions helped. Honestly I was surprised Spike was even asking himself about where he originated from now. Did something happen to warrant this curiosity? I recall before with Twilight saying during our watch of the migration that Spike returned home early in a sour mood. Was he envious of his fellow kind? Did he want to be like them, not just in appearance but in full dragon adultery and might?

And did I really just refer to this library as my home?

Talk about already being taken aback first thing in the morning.

Opening the bedroom door while yawning, the last thing I expected was a surprised Twilight with a note attached to a pin flying beside her. The sight prompted my rapid blinking and rubbing my eyes, raising a brow afterwards.

"Oh, good morning Jack." The unicorn greeted rather awkwardly, just as caught off-guard as I, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "I didn't expect you to be up this... early."

There was something about that hesitation that immediately put me on edge. "Aren't I always full of surprises, my dear?" Twilight shrugged, before her eyes widened almost panic-like as I snatched the floating note, curious as to what Twilight had written down to be placed on my bedroom door.

"You probably should get yourself a glass of water before-"

"'Jack,'" I began reading the words out-loud, the dryness in my throat completely forgotten with every sentence. "'Rarity, Rainbow Dash and I will be departing Ponyville for a while to keep an eye on Spike, who has gone to join the Great Dragon Migration in a quest for self-discovery...'"

My mind hasn't really woken up properly just yet. If it was, I would be criticizing the mare for doing something so reckless.

"Care to explain, love?" I asked sternly, a frown creasing my tired features towards the peace gesturing unicorn.

"Before you get mad, Jack, you must understand that this was something Spike wanted to do, and we couldn't deny him the right to find out where he comes from-"

"That's not what's infuriating me at this moment, Twilight." Though props to the mare, she wasn't even wincing at my irritated heated tone, "And you know, it's incredible that you manage to make me mad as soon as I get out of bed. You're certainly a wonder, my dear."


"Don't 'Jack' me, Twilight." I snapped, pointing at the irresponsible mare's direction, "You let Spike go join his kind alone?"

"We intend to pursue after we're done with- Wait, where are you going?"

My hooves were already on the move, and I can hear Twilight behind hurriedly catching up with my pace. Already descending the stairs to the first floor, my priority changed from getting some water to chasing after the helpless infant dragon before he could get in serious danger.

"Why, good morning Stardust." Rarity said happily upon noticing my stomping descent, looking up from her work of suing up a giant Chinese dragon costume. This incited my pause. "Yes, magnificent is it not? At least it would be perfection if Rainbow here wasn't doing it wrong with the head."

Said pegasus' head popped out from the open mouth of the costume. "It's not my fault you're being so nitpicky with this. We're not making a dragon for fashion!"

"I'm most certainly not being nitpicky, you're just rushing things-"

"Girls girls, can you please focus on the costume?" The two mares quickly returned to work at Twilight's annoyed request. "See, Ja- Stardust? We have a plan, we're going to keep an eye on Spike while he's there and- Would you please stop ignoring me?"

I stepped back a little from my pace, from the unicorn's teleportation to directly in front of me. My frown immediately returned. "You allowed Spike to wander off after a herd of dangerous predatory dragons. That is completely and utterly reckless and irresponsible of you, Twilight-"

"And you betting the library one time on a pure hunch can be defined as wisdom?"

"That's not the same as allowing Spike to run headfirst into danger!" I rubbed my forehead after shouting in disbelief. Yet the mare's gaze didn't even shift at the raised angered tone. "What were you thinking?"

"What will help him find closure." Twilight refused to back down from my judging gaze, matching my heated stare evenly. Yet hers was slightly more tender. "All I want is for you to not interfere and wait for us here- Hear me out!" Her voice raised a little when I made a movement to walk around her, purple eyes pleading. "Spike will be fine, I can guarantee you that. I simply ask that you trust us on this, just as I trusted you in wagering the library. We'll bring Spike home as soon as he finds his closure. I promise."

"Don't make promises you aren't sure you can keep." Coming from me. I was still uncertain whether I could keep my word on Cadence's request. And it was that trail of thought which kept me adamant in protesting to this idea. "Have you learned nothing from the whole time-travel incident, Twilight? Spike is too young and naive to get through this without supervision, which is why-"

"Which is why we are going after him." Rarity interjected from behind, prompting my glance towards her. Without looking away from her work, the white unicorn continued casually, "Your concern for Spike is completely understandable, Stardust. We wouldn't have allowed him to go after those awful dragons if we didn't know what we were doing." That's just it; do you know what you're doing? "Friends trust one another, don't you trust us?"

"I-... That's not relevant-"

"We vow to bring our Spike back safe and sound. All you need to do is just have faith in your friends."

...What was WRONG with these ponies? Trust? Faith? Spike was probably going to be thrown into a lave pit by those lizards with wings as we speak. How can they be so calm about it?! Looking back at Twilight, I then noticed the confident expression, the reflection in her eyes asking me to trust her and the others, a reassuring smile that Spike will return back to Ponyville without a scratch.

Thinking about it, perhaps I shouldn't be so adamant about this- yes I should, I have every right to be. But... Was it wrong of me to doubt my friends like this? There wasn't any reason not to trust them on taking care of their friends. Plus, Spike still stuck around during the the rest of the show, so logically nothing fatal will occur to the poor dragon.

I can't believe I was doing this...

"You have until the evening to bring him back." Twilight looked genuinely taken aback at the resignation. I sighed in reluctance. "You want me to trust you? Fine. If you're not back by then, I'm coming after you."

The studious unicorn smiled after a moment's pause, relieved by my answer. "Fair enough. I'm glad you decided to trust us, Stardust. I promise you, Spike won't be harmed, and we'll be back in no time."

"If we have anything to say about it." Rarity added in conviction.

"You sure you'll be alright?" I asked. The last time there was an encounter with a full life-threatening fire-breathing dragon didn't turn out so well. Mostly for me.

Twilight must've noted the concern in my voice, her smile softening gently. "After everything else we've been through, dragons won't be enough to make us back down."

"Yeah! It'll take more than some fire-breathing monsters of destruction to take us down!" Rainbow Dash joined in the conversation with a confident tone... Before slowly retreating into the tall costume at our expressions.

Alright, the evening just arrived, it was time to go.

The second the clock struck six, my hooves were immediately on the move, shutting the red door to the library behind me as I began my pursuit of the others, following the direction where the entire fleet of dragons left to, which I memorized earlier. I had to hurry, Spike might not have be danger from his fellow species - if he's careful enough - but from what I understood from Twilight earlier; they hold no fondness over ponies. Meaning it could be those three mares at risk. Oh sure they were quite capable of handling danger themselves.

But against a whole armada of dragons? I wasn't taking the risk.

As I hurriedly left the town, unable to spot the three ponies and infant lizard in question, my movement quickened. Was Spike having an extended stay with his kind? Were the others being attacked while I pursued them? I won't know until I make sure. Unless those dragons were that brain-dead, their plan of wearing a lifesize dragon costume for disguise while watching over Spike would've already failed.

So, in case their idea failed, what was my plan? Well depending on the situation, I'll be either be negotiating with the terrifying lizards of death, stalling for time to allow the others their escape, or beat the ever lasting [BEEP] out of the dragons. Probably both plan two and three at once, if the dragons held that much disdain for pony kind. I'm not sure even informing them I wasn't a pony will work right away.

Exactly how far was the home of these creatures again? According to Twilight a pretty long-arse distance. The mare estimated it would probably take over a day to tomorrow evening before any of them arrive, but that wasn't enough to dissuade me from waiting any longer than the following evening. I promised Cadence I'd look after my friends, even though she meant for the wedding.

And I always keep my promises.

Already I was quite a distance away from Ponyville, upon glancing back for a split-second. Guess that was a testament as to how exactly much I cared for my friends. Well of course I cared; I'm not some heartless monster. It was a misconception for anyone to believe I disliked the concept of friendship at all. No, I just had no intention to use it as a means to an end, as Specter commanded.

It was mature of you to trust Miss Sparkle like that.

Speak of the devil.

"What do you want?" There was no point in repressing my harshness towards the aged voice echoing through my mind. Specter's sudden presence did nothing to stop me in my pace.

You're filled with determination, aren't you Jack? Your commitment to your vows and love for your friends is palpable. I'm proud by how far you've progressed, opening yourself to others like this after so long.

"What. Do. You. Want?"

I'll tell you what I didn't want; his praise. There were some friends of mine to keep an eye on, and some mystic voice that brought me here by magic bull-[BEEP] wasn't going to halt me in my tracks.

I sensed how gratified and happy the student of Princess Celestia was by your willingness to trust her. You must understand that you can't assist them through every situation; an example being the time-travel dilemma Miss Sparkle had.

"And I've regretted it ever since." The memory of Twilight's state prompted my wince. After returning from Canterlot, I did my best to look after Twilight and Spike, and took over house duties for the day as they rested peacefully, recovering from exhaustion and her injuries, despite her many protests that she was fine and the damage to her head and eye wasn't fatal.

You care for her.

"I care for them all." I snapped irritably, looking at the sky as though expecting some to be there. Like hell was I going to allow the detestable voice in my head to start implying absolute bull-[BEEP] as well.

Even to the point of accepting Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's request. Your heart has softened at a rate I am proud of. However, The tone of the invisible man shifted rather dramatically, inciting my blink, Not every outcome you make will be pleasant, Jack. In time, the choices you make for our friends shall end in the suffering of others. You are fortunate to have affected endings so far that aren't so difficult to change.

"So it'll just get harder and harder as time goes on?" Make sense, if the writers decided to make each episode more cleverer with every passing season. "But then why have me change some outcomes anyway? What's the point of it all?" There were so many questions; this burning sensation to seek out the truth must be how Twilight feels everytime she asks me questions about humanity and Earth.

Forgive my repetitive nature, but as I said a while back; you will learn eventually.

I scoffed at the calm statement, my pace quickening even more as the yellow sun began descending at a notable rate. "Then please, leave me be if you have nothing important to say, Specter. There's something I need to do."

Of course. And as ever, the voice wasn't offended whatsoever, to my frustration. Your desire to look after your friends is admirable, I can feel your emotions rolling off like waves. You are like your father in your protectiveness to those you consider family.

"[BEEP] off."

Longest. Walk. Of my life.

I mean Jesus, just how far off was this home of the dragons? Not far now, judging by the smoke originating from the mountains over the forest I was now entering. It's been over a day now since I departed from Ponyville in pursuit of Twilight and the others, and now night had already fallen. I was tired, exhausted from the long walk, and, predictably, hungry.

A loud exhale escaped my muzzle as I transverse through the woods. Hopefully Spike and the mares escaped the mountains, and without my notice. I've yet to encounter any of them, so the implications were Spike was still with his kind, and Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow were still watching over him. Honestly, I never expected the walk to stretch out like this. I must have traveled by the equivalent of walking from England to France.

Exaggeration? Most likely.

But my condition was the least of my concern; Spike was probably still with his fellow species, and who knows what they're doing to him. It wasn't doubt on Spike's ability to look after himself - partially - but there was no preparation or contingency plan in case Spike's quest for self-discovery went wrong. The gullible lizard left the library with the cliche red and white bag on a stick, that's it. What was Spike actually hoping he can do upon arriving to the migration's home?

And Twilight's acceptance of Spike's resolve. What was she thinking? How exactly did Twilight plan to help Spike escape in the middle of a dragon migration? All she said was that they intend to aid him in case anything went downhill, but didn't specify. Guess she thought it depended on the situation. Were they going to leave by Rainbow's Rainboom? Rarity's charm? Lecturing the dragons to death?

I was already regretting trusting Twilight's word like this, if there's no guarantee they can- What the hell am I saying?! Of course I can trust her! I DO trust her, and my friends! If not for the fact they're still alive during the rest of the show. I suppose, since Twilight turned up in Canterlot a short while ago in that horrific state, it must be paranoia on my part. A trait gained from my Dad-

Already there were voices echoing the dark woods nearby, prompting my glance to the right where it was suggested where the sources were.

"Well, I guess the raid wasn't a total waste after all." A young male voice said, followed by cheering from others. "Nice going Spike."


My hooves immediately derailed from their original path, passing by a couple trees to observe the scene from a safe distance. There was the dragon I sought out, indeed, accompanied by three more of his kind. Yet they were older and looked to be somewhere in their teenage years, if dragons worked like that.

A lean red dragon, with dark orange spikes and yellow patterned stomach and wings, was clearly the leader of the small group. A much more thinner purple dragon with darker shade of purple spikes, lime wings and front and yellow hair - hair? - covering the eyes. And a fat brown slightly spotted dragon with tiny red wings and blue horns.

Yep, teenagers alright. Lucky for me, because I despised teenagers. And they looked like a couple of [BEEP]-holes if I ever saw one.

"Well what are you waiting for Spike?" The fat one asked, as the three towered over Spike, as though expecting something out of him. "Smash it!"

My eyes furrowed. Smash what?

"Smash the egg?" Egg? What egg? Oh, now I noticed Spike was clearly holding something - presumably the egg in question - but I couldn't see it from this angle from behind the infant lizard.

"Yeah!" The brown dragon replied rather excitedly.

"Yeah!" The lean purple one said next in rather surfer-like tone. Oh how fantastic, teenage dragon stereotypes. "Throw it on the ground as hard as ya can!" Followed by yells of encouragement from the three creatures.

Don't even think about it, Spike.

Yet as my front hoof stepped out from the shadows, the soft-hearted dragon already held the orange egg upwards, causing my body to freeze and eyes widen.

He wouldn't... He actually wouldn't...

And after a pause of tension, Spike finally made his decision, embracing the object firmly and away from the teenager's grasps. "No!" I breathed out in relief at Spike's defiant answer. "It's just a defenseless egg! Like I was! And I'm not gonna let you hurt it!"

Ha! Take that you sons of [BEEP]! I have never felt more proud of the young lizard until now. Spike would never, EVER, harm another living being intentionally, and he certainly wasn't heartless enough to destroy an egg.

Yet my frown remained upon noticing the other's reactions, looking not at all pleased by the reply. "What did ya say?" The tall red one asked in clear disbelief.

"I said 'no'."

"No one says 'no' to me." Oh, cocky little [BEEP] aren't we, my tall red friend?

"Clearly that's changed." Now it was time to finally reveal myself, as my body stepped out from between the trees into the moonlight. All four heads immediately responded to the voice, looking towards me.

"Stardust!" Spike exclaimed in surprise and relief.

While his fellow kind looked shocked and irritated. "Friend of yours, Spike?" The red one sneered, clearly repulsed by the sight of me. Hey, to be fair, I haven't had a shower for two days. Hardly my fault.

"Well done Spike." I let the pride be clear to all around us upon approaching the infant dragon, placing a hoof on his shoulder in a gesture of comfort. My smile met his happy expression. "I've never been more proud of you until now, stepping up to these mindless brutes along with defending innocent life."

The small lizard grinned at the praise, before both our gazes fixed on the snarling group before us. "You guys are in trouble now."

The leader of the three scoffed. "So what? One little pony and a baby dragon against the three of us?"

"Make that four little ponies and a baby dragon." Our attention quickly turned behind us, towards a familiar dragon costume no doubt worn by the three mares themselves. And look and behold, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash threw off the disguise before us, stares hardened and equally prepared to fend off these teenage dragons.

Hearing loathing hisses, a smirked graced my features as the three ponies joined us, Spike moving behind to protect the egg. My eyes focused again on the glaring dragons. "Now, you have two options, my friends; you can leave now, and return to your home unharmed. Or... you can have a bad time. The choice is yours."

...Okay, wasn't expecting laughter in return. But that only caused myself to become annoyed by these arrogant creatures, obviously not taking us the least bit serious. That was their first mistake.

"Scary." The leader gestured mockingly before pointing at us. "Spike, are these nanny-panny ponies your friends?"

I interjected evenly before Spike could answer, "More than that, reptiles."

Twilight followed my train of thought easily, "We're his family."

The determined tone and statement incited nothing but more mocking laughter. "Oh, this is rich!" The tall red one wiped a tear from his small eye. "No wonder you couldn't smash the egg, Spike, if you're surrounded by this kind of sentimental garbage!"

"We'll see if you can still chortle after I rip out your laughing box."

Their eyes narrowed at my dark challenge, the three taller creatures preparing themselves for battle. "Bring it."

Challenge accepted.

"The leader's mine." I announced, removing my cape in the process and dropping it. Let's see exactly how powerful teenager dragons were than their adult forms. On the plus side, at least we weren't fighting the latter.

"Wait, we're really going to fight them?"

Seriously? "What else were you expecting, Rarity?"

"I was thinking perhaps we can retreat."

"You can run off if you like then-" [BEEP]! My two front hooves immediately extended, grabbing the upper and lower jaws of the dragon who lunged at me with an open mouth. What, was he attempting to swallow me whole? Don't bite off more than you can chew, my friend. My eyes met his yellow frustrated ones-

Before a purple beam spell instantly impacted and sent the red lizard hurtling back, crashing into a tree. Owe you one, Twilight. And as the two dragons lunged next, their attacks were quickly halted as they smacked head-first into a concentrated magic force field, faces sliding down in classic cartoon style. Glancing to my right, Twilight's horn was lighting up, eyes focused in clear determination.


"On it!"

The blue pegasus obliged to Twilight's address, and the shield continued protecting us as a strong wind clearly appeared from Rainbow's assault. The two dazed dragons only recovered for two seconds before they were beyond our sight, covered in a strong whirlwind where we only heard their yells from within. As the small tornado cleared, the fat and lean dragons quickly attempted to stand up and fly, before noticing their laughable state. Their tails wrapped around together like a shoelace, while Rainbow regarded her handiwork with smug satisfaction.

Two down. One to- Oh no you don't!

As the concentrated force field evaporated, so Twilight could regather her strength, I spotted the leader lunging at the purple unicorn from the corner of my eyes, prompting my body to leap out and- SMACK! My clenched hoof landed straight into the dragon's right cheek, sending him hurling into a nearby bush. Sounded like it hurt.

Twilight and I exchanged a thankful smile each. Now we're even, my dear.

Rarity, clearly not wanting to miss out on the fun, had her turn next. As the two other dragons worked to untangle their tails, the white mare stepped up confidently, her horn lighting up a dark blue colour. What followed next incited my small chuckle; the costume they wore earlier lifted from behind us and quickly decorated the two struggling lizards. Add that with their already trapped state, resulted in them crashing into another tree trunk, and I swore I saw tiny gems flaying around their covered heads.

Rarity and Rainbow high-hoofed one another in triumph, before a hateful snarl was heard. Our attention returned to the now flying red dragon, sneering down at us whilst rubbing his own injured cheek. Hurts like a [BEEP], doesn't it? His eyes then glanced to his left, where Spike was observing the battle quietly.

And his expression turned quite gleeful...

"Not on my watch!" Twilight said, understanding the lizard's intentions while he swooped down towards the helpless baby dragon. Amen Twilight! As Spike shielded the egg from the flying teenager, bars of steel appeared from nowhere, the red lizard smashing head-first into them, and exhaling a roar of pain from the impact.

I took the opportunity while he was keeling over. My front hoofs grabbed the tip of the red dragon's tail tightly, and my foe had little time to react before releasing sounds of protest from being spun around like this. With all the strength given to me by balance, I finally released after a few moments of hurling him around, aiming towards his dazed friends. Twilight was quick to help steady my dizzy state afterwards.

"Ugh..." The tall red dragon said after a moment's silence, the three teenage lizards cramped together on the ground in clear dazed pain and frustration. Slowly recovering, the leader pounded his fist on the ground. "Darn it! I can't believe we just got humiliated like that!"

"Heck yeah! Ponies one, dragons zero!" Rainbow cheered in hype. "Uh, no offence Spike."

Approaching the three, my hoof quickly reached down and grabbed the red lizard by the lower jaw. The time for games was over. "If you have the slightest amount of intelligence, you and your cronies will leave while you can." A growl was the only response, which incited my eyes to narrow. "And if you ever try to harm my brother again, I will devote my life to shoving so many gems up your arses you'll be coughing up coal."

The message was clear. evidently. Reluctantly, the dragon nodded, and Twilight gestured for Rarity to take the costume off the other two lizards and untangle their tails. Giving them space, the three dragons regarded us with loathing gazes for a long moment, before the lean red one nodded to his cronies, and they took off to the night sky.

"You'll pay for this! One day!" That empty vow echoed through the night sky.

"You sure you weren't a little excessive there with the gem threat, Stardust?" Rarity inquired.

"I think he was just being more bark than bite in that regard." Twilight responded in my defense, despite not needing to. "Now then, are you all right, Spike?"

My attention tore from the departing lizards to the infant dragon, who nodded while still holding the egg. "Yeah. It was awesome of you guys to stick up for me like that."

"Well yeah." Rainbow said in a 'Duh' voice. "What are friends for?"

"...You're more than friends. You're my family." Spike then announced with a sentimental expression, looking as though he was ready to cry. His words were followed by a group hug, and I waited patiently for that to end. It took a moment before they released each other, and Spike looked at everyone happily before his smile dropped at my expression. "Stardust...?"

Where do I even begin?

"I should be mad at you, Spike." Was the first thing to come out, while approaching the happy-to-ashamed dragon slowly. My tone was nothing serious. "You sought out to communicate with your own kind without precaution or proper preparation, and almost got hurt without any certainty that we were here to back you up."


"No, he's right, Twilight." Spike interjected the protestant mare, bowing his head and looking as though he was a centimeter away from crying. "I'm so sorry for even-"

"Let me finish." The lizard's mouth quickly shut at my firm command, and I ignored the gazes of the mares. "By all rights, I should be rightfully lecturing and punishing you, if Twilight refuses to do so. However." His head perked up at the sudden shift of tone, meeting my gaze with nervous confusion, "You showed more bravery and defiance than I've ever seen of you, and saved the life of an innocent animal that has yet to hatch. That deserves at least some leniency."

"Stardust..." A small smile was rising on Spike's mouth.

Smiling warmly, I made an offering gesture. "As long as I'm stuck in Equestria, I would be honoured and proud, Spike, to call you my brother."

Even though I don't deserve to be regarded as such. But it was too late to deny how highly I regarded this young dragon before me.

The leaky eyes and fierce embrace into my chest was all the acceptance required. "You belong here just as much as I do, Stardust..." Spike whispered emotionally, prompting my flattered smile to widen. Rubbing the dragon's head fondly, I met the ecstatic stares of the others who watched the display, before joining in the warm embrace.

Family indeed...

"Spike just sent the letter to Princess Celestia." Twilight informed us cheerfully, arriving into the kitchen to join us for a hearty breakfast. "Now he's playing the newest addition to the household."

While she was checking on him, both Rarity and Rainbow had proceeded to share with me the events that went on during Spike's interaction with his fellow species. The white unicorn had clearly been exaggerating when describing the 'grueling' trials that the teenage gang gave Spike in order to prove himself a full dragon. It sounded to me it was just punk teenagers being exactly that, punk teenagers.

Though in their defense, when I heard about the part about what they did with Celestia's letter, I chuckled. To the other's eye rolls.

"I think Spike will be a wonderful owner to that baby phoenix." Rarity commented pleasantly, sipping her tea ladylike. "I'd call it a reward for surviving such a harsh quest." Rainbow and I exchanged exasperated glances.

"I don't doubt it Rarity." Twilight replied evenly, joining us by the table.

To be honest, the baby phoenix Spike was currently raising upstairs gave me mixed feelings. "Are you sure we shouldn't return it to its true parents?"

Twilight glanced up thoughtfully, "Well, Spike said their nest was already destroyed, and it's too late now for us to find its parents out of all the phoenixes in Equestria. In addition, it's already acknowledged him as its new parent."

Rainbow shrugged dismissively, "Besides, having a phoenix for a pet is undeniably awesome. Nopony in their right mind would say no to keeping one for their self."

"If you say so..."

Rarity's blue eyes wandered over to me, "Speaking of new developments, Stardust, imagine my surprise on your display of sentimentality last night. I wasn't even aware you and Spike created a brotherly bond beforehand. No wonder you were so worried the day before."

"You should see them when they play together." Twilight commented in half amusement and half teasing, sending a light grin my way. "They look like they're having the time of their lives whenever they fight with those swords, or when Stardust gives Spike a bedtime story."

"Yes, well..." I frowned at the shared laughter towards my meek words. "The joy from my end stems from my general fondness for children, a weakness of mine. And it reminds me of the times I played with and told my little sister stories..." I trailed off, covering my eyes in annoyance and embarrassment from the 'Aww' expressions Twilight and Rarity were making.

Why do I do this to myself...?

"Still," I spoke up then, with every intention to change the subject. "Spike's defiance against those dragons last night was something to behold. I'm very proud of him for standing up to them like that."

Twilight nodded, "Yes, just as I'm proud of you, Stardust, for opening up to Spike like that. I can't think of a more perfect candidate for Spike to look up to as a brother."

I waved off the praise. Well, at least attempted to. "There are plenty of others who are more competent and deserving for the position-"

"Will you just stop being so humble for once and accept the compliment?" Rainbow interjected, sounding exasperated at my tone. "I mean, for the love of Celestia, I thought Fluttershy was too modest for her own good."

"As blatant as that was, I have to agree with Rainbow." Twilight said, "You always give yourself too little credit, Stardust."

"But, in his defense, modesty is a very appreciative trait." Rarity pointed out.

"As is trust." The purple mare's smile brightened considerably. "Speaking of which, thank you again for trusting us, Stardust. I know it was difficult for you but-"

"I've trusted you for a very long time now, my dear Twilight. You and our friends." I said in slight amusement, to their surprise before expressions of gratitude and happiness towards my sincere words. Alright, enough about me. I'll let these mares proceed with good ol' fashioned girl talk. "Well, I certainly appreciated this conversation, ladies." I stood up, bowing formally. As they smiled at the gesture, my hooves moved towards the doorway. "If you don't mind, Twilight, I'd like to skip today's session."

"Oh." The purple unicorn blinked, not expecting that request, yet nodded anyway. "Of course. Any particular reason?"

"Indeed." My determined eyes met their curious ones. "Last night, Twilight, Spike's bravery has given me an epiphany. And it's with this realization that I know what I must do for the next few weeks."

It took us returning to the library for me to finally realize. If Spike can stand up for others no matter the opposition, then why was I so reluctant with my promise to Cadence? No, I always keep my word, regardless of what I was facing. Twilight's future sister-in-law. her brother and her parents are counting on me to protect them in case of the upcoming circumstances at the Canterlot wedding. If my interference with Queen Syphilis' plans hasn't prolonged the plot of the eventual two-parter yet, than I should begin with preparing for the event immediately. It was time I actually made an effort in life to benefit and protect others.

"What are you going to do?" Rainbow asked.

A small smirk graced my muzzle. "Something I've never done properly before in my entire life, Rainbow. I'm going to train."

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