• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 182: There Was A Man I Knew

"Remind me again, honey."

"Hm, love?"

"Why I'm bothering to indulge your attempt to stall me from my responsibilities." The purple angel clarified in faint amusement from my lap, rested down comfortably with me upon the blanket. "I have friendships reports to fill out, you know."

"You have a picnic to eat." Came my witty retort, teasingly popping a green grape into the mare's mouth, my other hoof stroking that soft lovely long mane. "Friendship can wait one day for its Princess while she has a lovely picnic with her incredibly romantic and thoughtful boyfriend."

"Hm. If you were anypony else, Jack, I wouldn't be so callous about my own duties."

"Good thing I'm not anyPONY else. Ey? Ey?"

A light shove to my side. "Quiet you." But there was no concealing the enthusiasm and love in her beautiful tone, the alicorn resuming back to snuggling against me with content. From above, the sunlight blazed with approval across the stark blue cloudless skies. "But still, this was a lovely idea for a sunny day. I suppose some break was warranted."

"Anything for my Princess." I responded with sincere solemn happiness, smiling down at the blushing young mare and chuckling at the reaction. "Maybe we should schedule for picnic weekends."

"Willingly volunteering for outside outings?" The angel proceeded to teasing, tilting her cute head in mock wonder. "Who are you, and what happened to my wonderful if not equally hardheaded Warrior?"

"He became infatuated with a Goddess pony to the point where he became an entirely new person."

"Not entirely." A warm, heart-flipping peck to my cheek, the lavender alicorn pulling back with a sweet smile and half-lidded sparkling violet eyes. "But for the better." And the snuggle fest resumed, a moment of pure, blissful peace between two who never felt more content than in each other.

Then a certain childish dragon called out from a distance. "Dad! Dad you promised we'd play ball! Come on already!"

Twilight giggled lovingly into my fur. "Your son's calling for you."

I scoffed in amusement, resting my chin atop that gorgeous purple mane for the moment. "Until this picnic is over he's your son."

"Dad! Stop snuggling with Mom and spend time with your favourite son already!"

"You're my only son, Spike..." I grumbled out fondly, feeling Twilight shift her head and hoof from my side and letting me stand. But I didn't leave down the hill before lowering my face towards Twilight's own, lightly brushing the tip of our muzzles together with equally blissful smiles. "You are my life, Twilight..."

And my angel closed her eyes-

The upper half of my body hit something cold and marble.

"We found him just sitting there, in the middle of the lake." A gruff voice popped up, dragging me back from the comfort of my own dreamland further into the harsh outbreak of reality. "Guess that demon girl really did a number on him."


A familiar voice, but somewhat hazy to pinpoint with my currently distraught mind, responded from nearby. "And where is Zagreus' pet demon now?"

"Disappeared, your Highness. We only found him amidst the scene."

Twilight... I'm so... Sorry...

"Hmm..." The vague sound of trotting hooves. "Help him sit up."


Some rough talons gripped the sides of my defeated arms, hoisting me upwards. But my stunned gaze lingered to the blue and gold carpet before my knees, unable to bring myself to move in the slightest for any reason.

I'm sorry... I'm so, so...

"What is wrong with him?"

"We just found him this way, your Highness."

Twilight... Twilight...

Someone scoffed, derisive and dismissive, and a hard white hoof clutched the side of my face, as though examining me. The carpet was stepped upon with white hoofs and further, evidence of royal attire from the upper half of the four limbs. "The mighty Twilight Warrior... His true face, at last..."


The hoof released me, leaving my head to keep hanging downwards. "This is what Zagreus has been fearing all this time? What I remained apprehensive towards; humiliated by since years ago?" The hooves paced back and forth before me. "A sad, pathetic non-pony who hides behind the status and protection of an undeserving 'Princess?' Guess freaks do share common ground."

Twilight... Twilight, I'm... I...

"Tch, no matter." The pompous tone picked up again, the white legs approaching close to personal space yet again. "I have him now. Equestria's misguided saviour. At last in my grasp, unable to be reached by my dear aunt or her student. Years of striving for vengeance and justice reaching the pinnacle. Retribution has guided you to me, Stardust Balance... Although, that was never your proper name, was it freak?"

Twilight... I can't... I couldn't... You...

The sensation of a strong hoof clutching my face without mercy happened again, but any physical blows delivered were numb compared to the emotional hurricane currently devastating my heart and soul. "How the mighty hath fallen, almost as depressing to see than when I was once outcast from my brief status as a Duke." The grip tightened. "Do not deny your sins, little creature... Don't worry, Zagreus has left you in my capable hoofs while he goes off for his machinations."

Twilight... Twilight...!

"It was a hassle, sending out those wanted posters. The other royals protested, even those who witnessed only your actions during the Equestriua Games. But see, the difference between those impotent royals and all lesser creatures, and I, my friend..." Nothing friendly in that tone whatsoever, any my face was forcibly lifted upwards...

Twilight... I am so... So... Sorry...

And my clouded gaze meeting the gleeful and ill-composed features of Prince Blueblood. "I always get what I want... And you will never be leaving my kingdom alive. Welcome, friend, to Canterblueblood."

"Court is now in session."

The sounds of multiple resounding hoofs ll around me stomping once, then sitting down in simultaneous order. But I couldn't bring myself to look upwards, nor feel any incentive to move a single muscle, my hand tied with iron and gaze fixated despairingly upon the wooden clean surface of a table.

"The honourable judge presiding." The bailiff announced, soon followed with a snooty posh voice that sounded rather vaguely familiar to my distraught ears, the sound of a hammer banging against wood straight before.

"The case over the Royal Crown of Canterblueblood versus the visitor of another world, known generally and be it not exclusively as Stardust Balance, will now commence. How does your client plead?"

Some other stuck-up tone beside me. "Not guilty, your Honor." Why bother? This whole trial was a farce anyhow. It was only a matter of time.

And I couldn't even bring it in myself to care...

"Very well. We shall begin with what the defendant has been thoroughly accused of. Prosecutor, please proceed."

Another voice, male and just as stuck-up, answered with the scraping of a chair. "Your Honor, the defendant is charged with open impertinence, disrespect and opposing the royal beloved hierarchy of Equestria. Not to mention sabotage and deception of our fair society. He is also charged with, dare I say it, assaulting and thoroughly humiliating the fair ruler of our proud kingdom."

"Indeed..." The other voice mused. "I have it on record, prosecutor, that Princess Celestia herself has pardoned Mr. Balance of his crimes in the past."

"That is so your Honor. However your client attests that her royal Highness granted Mr. Balance far too much leniency during these events."

"Very well. Solicitor, you may commence with your review."

As my so-called 'lawyer' began spewing lies and half-truths, my own mind was currently preoccupied on my own despair and self-loathing. By all rights, I should be defending myself, vocally objecting to this sham of a trial, loudly announcing my innocence and fighting back against this openly corrupt system. I should be forcing myself to glare upwards in heated contempt and conviction, accusing the foul Prince right back of deception and pure spite. This trial was nothing more than a means of convicting me to some ill fate for the rest of eternity, just so Blueblood can finally have his petty satisfaction and so-called 'justice.' I was tempted, for a brief second, to lift my head and fight back with the spirit and anger I was known for with good reason.

But even with the slightest inclination of head movement, my mind flashed. An unpleasant recollection of a fallen angel in my arms.

Features looking all too peace... That beautiful tragic smile...

I was finding it hard to breathe...

"...Thank you, solicitor." The snooty voice from her podium brought me back to the unfortunate present. "However, since we have no witnesses at hoof, and the evidence the court had provided before this trial started, not to mention with the court already being in favour of his Highness's case, this affair appears overall straightforward. Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"Yes your Honor." Another female voice popped up, open disgust and greed leaking from her tone. "We find Stardust Balance guilty on all accounts."

"Very well then. The sentence, at our Prince's request, will be public execution by the end of the week." Another bang of the hammer, and multiple shocked and gossiping equines conversing under their breaths.

I should be reacting. By all accounts I had the right to protest to this nonsense and even flinch from the threat of death in front of thousands of ponies... But yet, something far more foreboding crawled down my dry throat.

Death never sounded more appealing to me than at this point.

It was all my fault...

That was never meant to happen...

No matter where I changed locations, either willingly or dragged, my posture remained the same, then currently sitting on the edge of the wooden bed with barely a pillow, regarding my defeated hand clad in rusty iron. A dark dungeon, naturally, with scarce sunlight leaking through the tiny bars above my temporary bed.

All my fault...

How many days since the trial, I wonder... Two? Three? Only some more time before I was executed by the spiteful hoof of Blueblood. Who would've thought that [BEEP]tard had it in him... Huh... Guess revenge would really drive others to places you'd never thought they'd reach.


Where was Nightshade? I recall him disappearing after we...

My breath hitched.

...Disappearing from my sight during the ambush set by Sunset and those other creatures. I could only hope he made it out okay, and is currently safe elsewhere, far away from my own welcoming predicament.

Because, let's all face the truth here, no matter how much we would like to immediately dismiss the unfortunate reality of things. I DESERVE this.

You can't blame yourself-

Shut up. Just... Shut up, Starswirl... Please...

I deserved this and we both knew it. I let her... Let Twilight DIE. Whether or not she was the Twilight Sparkle I knew and grew to love never mattered; I broke a promise made long ago and allowed an innocent young woman to perish for my own mistakes... And that will haunt me for the rest of my brief existence left on this planet.

All for the better, really...


No... The damage is done... It is fate. Irreversible. I paid for my own recklessness just as she paid for it with me, dying and vanishing right before my arms. There is no repenting, no making up for such a travesty and waste of a perfect life.

I always said to Twilight that I'd rather die before she ever could... It was never meant to be the other way around, not even with some other universe version of her...!

Breathe, my boy...

It's all my fault... All my fault... All my... All...

Shh... Even the sensation akin to that of a warm blanket was hopeless against the numb cold ocean that was my own being. I will not allow the boy I have guided, trained and consider as my own child to deem himself solely responsible for what occurred. Zagreus, Blueblood. They were the cause for what befell your friend, Jack, not you. Never you.

...Solely responsible... Which implies I was STILL responsible regardless. [BEEP], Twilight was right. They were all right this whole time, and I was too idiotic and stubborn to see the truth!

I was reckless, impulsive, driven by my own emotions and selfish sense of judgement! I never took anyone's word into account unless it benefited me in some means!


SHUT UP! Shut up, shut up, shut... Up...





It's alright. The warm aged voice breather soothingly, and for a brief second my all-over-the-place mind had the image of someone rubbing my hunched back in reassurance and compassion. Both I didn't deserve. I'm as much to blame as yourself... I am so, so sorry for your friend, Jack... So very sorry.

The genuine remorse, tiredness and kindness equal in his tone only made things feel worse, but my body had no energy left to make a visible reaction. How long has it been since I had eaten...?


But no, it wasn't your fault, Starswirl, or even Blueblood's or Zagreus... It was mine, all mine. And nothing would change that. Had I been stronger, had I paid attention and committed to improving the stamina and physial prowess of this pathetic, bare-boned, weak meaty excuse of a body. Had I listened to my Twilight and the others, or even the Twilight who... Who...

Had I listened and gone back home, she would still be alive and... And...

Still in Zagreus' clutches. Still encased in that nightmarish form-

You could've taken her home and have my friends there fix her instead! I could've taken her back to my home and help her then! There's no use pretending every other option wasn't a better alternative!

Even as Zagreus' slave would've meant she would still be alive than my own selfish behaviour and attitude! So I wouldn't have to close my eyes and see every time the peaceful affectionate features of a perishing young woman with hopes, dreams, ambitions. Go home, become her human self again, graduate high school, go to college. Become an academic, a teacher, a scientist, a university lecturer. Have a family, surrounded by friends and people who all loved and cherished her so.

Something to live for!

...All I had taken away...




There was nothing left for me.

My barely-comprehensive ears picked up the sound of rustic metal doors opening, my oh-so hospitable warden calling out with grim callousness. "Stand straight human scum. His Highness wishes to see you."

Even being pushed, dragged and shoved forward down the many halls and staircases, my gaze lingered on stairs and carpet the whole trip to and back. Really, the many floors I came across were my only greeted views these days... Appropriate too.

I wish I just sunk into the floor and never rise again...

The sound of grand doors opening, like last time, and move shoving and pulling me further... Then pushing me down to my numb knees without relent, and I never felt a thing. The familiar blue and gold carpet from my first visit here greeted my tired gaze yet again.

"We have brought him, as you requested your Highness."

"I see your payment for stating the evident remains with positive results." Came a dry response, followed with a cold dismissive nature. "Now, leave the two of us."

One guard sounded particularly stunned. "But, your Highness! What if he-?!"

"You need not fret. The abomination is broken and powerless without friends or absurd magic to keep him safe. And remove his chains, too." Soon enough, even the numbness from my hands being encased with metal remained that way, the heavy sounds of iron banging against the floor, prompting the Prince's disgusted tone. "Now take it and yourselves out. Resume your usual patrols."

The sound of more trotting hoofs from behind with closing massive doors. I imagined, briefly, the two guard stallions deeply genuflecting with ill-guided respect his way. It wouldn't shock me if brown-nosing was one's means of earning their minimum wage as a guard here-

Another flash image of those peaceful lavender features, not even making witty retorts to myself sparing me... Ugh...


"They may act concerned, but merely for their own payment and not true loyalty. A valuable lesson, my friend, is learning to overcome the lunacy of caring for another and trusting only yourself, especially among royals and politicians with their own agendas and ambitions. Everyone else is dirt to step across for power."

Here we go. The villain monologue. Let's just get this over with...

Blueblood seemed to have sensed that desire, his hooves approaching my line of sight, approaching from his no-doubt lavishing throne. "And all the dirt I walked upon to reach my position. But you, worse than dirt, scarcely doing little yet somehow reaching friends among royals. But then, you humans are natural when it comes to taking the easy route, no?"

Say as much as you like, Blueblood, nothing hurts anymore than that day...

"Oh yes, my fellow ally informed me of everything over your inferior kind." That stern hoof clutching the side of my face again, but I barely winced. That voice then softened to mocking wonder. "Warmongers; a history of bloodshed and greed. Selfish and caring only when it benefits your own people, dealing only in absolutes and hoarding power and wealth for your own means than the welfare of the less entitled. Oh yes, your foolish kind are nothing compared to us; no better than Diamond Dogs!"

I had nothing to say defending my own species, nor had I any words of spite or resignation to express towards you, your Highness... Sooner or later, he'll get straight to the point and leave me to wallow in despair. I'm sure he enjoyed watching me suffer this way.

The hoof released my face yet again, Blueblood's limbs turning around. "And no matter how much you pretend to be one of us, that will never come to pass. You are too immersed in your volatile nature and lust for power to ever truly appreciate our place as Kings among all other kinds." I pictured the tall white unicorn motioning with widened front hoofs. "All life was born to serve Equestrians! It was us who charted the lands, who established our rules, invented modern technology and wonders, while all other creatures lived in their caves and mountains and other repulsive habitats! We are above war and cravings and deceit. We are perfection!"

The grandiose speech filled with delusion and gestures of hypocrisy. Glad we got to that part. Next...

"Soon enough, ponykind shall explore and conquer all over the planet, placing ourselves as the true hierarchy of all life, with everything else at the bottom of the food chain. Dragons, griffons, Changelings, yaks and various other unworthy specimens, all made to become our servants, warriors and guard dogs. And once I have your execution shown, the evidence presented to the Princesses themselves, they will have no choice but to accept the true reality of ruling."

And the limbs approached me yet again. Please, just get this pretentious ego-inducing moment over with already your intolerable fop... Just let me go back to my cell and wallow around in my own misery and weary wishing for death. At least grant this mercy for once... What very little I deserved...

Or perhaps not at all. Maybe this was part of the retribution warranted for my own mistakes; mocked and belittled by my own enemies, again and again. There was no amount of justice that could ever make up for what I've done... What I've become...

A murderer...

A liar...

A coward...

A... Terrible friend...

Then, the sound of something being carried with magic. "This weapon was found on your belt. An interesting little toy, but entirely undeserved for your filthy hands, I suppose. No creature who can't even rely on himself for the simplest of tasks should be playing with such a thing. Why, what would your precious Princess think?" A mock gasp. "Of course, nothing else than the despair of her beloved's death sentence for openly defying his true masters."

The reaction was instantaneous. My hands clenched tightly from the mention and very scenario, the image of Twilight bawling in tears and regret for my own death filling up my mind ruthlessly.

"Hm?" And the Princes obviously noticed. "A reaction at last? Does the thought of your precious mare in such devastation unnerve you so? Is this what love is?" And Blueblood scoffed. "Pathetic. Alas, not that she'll be distraught after I am done courting her and fulfilling our destinies together at last. She deserves much better than a cowardly child, after all."


"Oh, did I not mention? Call it petty if you'd prefer, but I, as your better in mind, body and spirit, find it appropriate to guide 'Princess' Twilight to the proper means of ruling and having a place amongst the hierarchy. Celestia knows she'd need all the help she can possibly get with how much her human dragged her down."

My teeth grit.

What... What was this... Mother[BEEP]er...

"Hm? Are you shaking now my friend? With what? Rage? Disgust? Shame? Probably the last since you're in no right to feel anything else. I would spit out on the ground before you, but I just got the carpet cleaned this morning, and the next cleaning's in one hour exact." The [BEEP]tard sounded particularly malicious and openly gleeful with spite at this point. "Maybe I'll have use for your friends too. Six special servants and warriors under my bidding. They would have to be properly conditioned and re-purposed for my own suited needs, of course... Hmm... Perhaps seven strong brides would do better than one..."

My mind flashed back, amidst the growing red haze and steadily anger turning erratic with every word coming out of that impudent coward's muzzle... Flashing back to that picture Starlight had left for me. My sister, because she knew I'd need it more than anything... All my friends, smiling in bliss and wishing me good luck... My family...

My... Family...

...Under... Blueblood's... Metaphorical... Thumb...

Not... In... A... Million... [BEEP]ing... Years...

"And that pet dragon of hers. Spike, I believe his name was." My body stilled, as Blueblood's callous thoughts vocally expressed. "I have no use for an extra child servant. But with the right guidance and discipline, I'm confident the dragon would sever his proper place well as a mere guard mutt for the dungeons- GAH!"

Everything turned red, just for that moment. As some force inside of me raged out against the storm of despair and retaliated with strength of conviction and unbridled rage. A sensation not unlike when I fought Tirek, a firestorm opposing the hurricane. My body lurched forward on its own accord, letting my emotions do all the actions for me with my common sense taking a back seat.

Soon enough, the impudent coward was now serving his own place well quivering with a shocked gaze beneath my feet, one boot pressing into his underbelly and my own hand gripping that furry throat with no restraint. The physical touch cancelled the magic, the lightsaber hilt falling into my open palm, igniting without hesitation and the illuminating green tip pointed inches from his trembling muzzle, terrified and horrified pure blue eyes darting to and from the threatening blade to my own blazing and grieving hazel eyes.

"GUARDS- ACK!" Not when I'm applying pressure to your throat you won't. I growled loudly, an alien urge to press the tip of the burning forward and...




"P-Please... You wouldn't...!" Blueblood already began bargaining for his miserable excuse for a life, revealing the true colours from within in a heartbeat. "You-You don't have it in you!"

That was before you started threatening my own son...!

Two front hoofs clasped my pinning leg pathetically. "What-What would your friends think... What... What would Twi-Twilight think-!"



The all too familiar voice instantly had the intended effect, my grip on the Prince loosening and causing me to stagger backwards in shock, snapping my head around wildly. Twilight?! It felt as though she was just there, beside me... But...!

But... What...?

"Guards...!" Blueblood's normally smooth and cultured voice choking, now gasped as the pathetic stallion struggled to sit upwards, slowly recovering from his moment of being almost choked to death. "Guards!"

Choked... To death...

...Oh God. What did I just-?!

Dwell on the consequences later, Jack. Starswirl cut through rather urgently next. Escape whilst you have the chance!


The two stallion guards barging into the throne room, soon found themselves barreled to the side by a desperate little man seeking an exit, away from the awful coughing sounds of a Prince he had almost straight-up murdered...

I didn't even know where it was I was running towards, just through hallways and more hallways. Hallways of which decorated with lavish accessories, curtains, vases of rare exotic flowers and royal gold carpets no matter where I went. Blueblood obviously was compensating for something.

At least he had something to compensate for. What did I have anymore...?


"Don't stop Jack!"

"Stop him!"

I swiftly rounded a corner before three guards could get the jump on me, bursting through a door and collapsing atop themselves. From the end of the next exaggeratedly large corridor, a squadron waiting in royal blue and gold armour. Two of my favourite colours, mixed for Blueblood's own perverted rule.

Since when was gold a favourite...?

"Your left, Jack!"

With my arms thrown upwards, the set of doors to my left were forced open cleanly, soon finding myself leaping onto the long elegant table filled with various fruit, desserts and champagne. Trust that clown to be hosting himself every evening, and I had no objection in myself to knocking over every tray, glass and bottle along the way, guards of unicorn and pegasi alike in hot pursuit from the left right of the long table.

"Your right, your right!"

As of this moment, I wasn't even caring or acknowledging about the fact I was listening to the imagined beautiful voice guiding me, simply obeying with bursting through more doors and taking a swift right, soon finding myself running and jumping down some steps, taking a harsh left.

Then a right.

Then two corridors straight.

Having no absolute idea where I was even going, just managing my best to swerve, jump and duck beneath guards throwing themselves towards me, including the one wielding swords and spears. My body was doing all the work, despite how injured, hungry and tired it truly was, something inside me causing me to move forward, enhancing my senses and willpower to keep fighting.

If I could just make it... I could... I could...!

"I'm just happy to have you all with me, my family... I love you all."

My grit determined teeth released a sharp and weary growl among the running. Damn you, past me! [BEEP] you for never giving up on them, and I couldn't bring myself to do either!

I HAD to escape! It was the only way to... To...!

"And we love you too."

"You're almost there Jack!"

The sudden contrast between affection and urgent almost threw me off, yet I remained vigilant, somehow reaching what could be the main foyer, leaping down a few more steps towards between a more massive staircase and an over-dramatic stained glass featuring you-know-who over, standing tall and smug over the rest of the poor subjects who would enter this castle.

My attention, however, didn't linger on that as opposed to the opposition waiting for me right at the bottom of the grand carpeted staircase, a good number of stallions, too many to count, wielding crossbows and other weapons pointed dangerously in my direction. The griffon mercenaries, naturally, standing amongst the middle of the small army.

And from the sounds of both sides, the other smaller staircases between me were soon filled with more guards aiming threatening weaponry my way. Charming... And look who was also waiting on top of the right stairs, with folded smug arms and grinning leering eyes. Garble and the two hench-dragons, of course.

Heavy panting caught my left ear's attention, looking back up the other steps to see a certain unicorn Prince shoving himself past his guards, looking somewhat disheveled. And for the first time of late, I allowed myself to feel a small stab of satisfaction at the sight. Blueblood worked to smooth out his yellow absurd gelled mane, then pointing with two steps down with a mixture of glee and fear in his cultured tone.

"You're not going down anymore steps Stardust! This ends now!" As the guards readied their weapons, judging by the clicks resonating throughout the grand exaggerate foyer.

It took one thoughtful glance behind me, raising both brows before glaring back up to Blueblood... Releasing my first smile in a while. Okay!

A blur of ignited green light, the sounds of shattering stained glass, wind blowing into my face and unkempt hair. And soon enough, I felt the wind even overtake my whole body, falling, falling and falling. Descending down away from the foyer where Blueblood and his slaves watched me fall without taking action.

Ponies. Do one thing which takes them by surprise and they'll act my statues the whole time.

My glasses were welcomed with whips of greasy hair, but that didn't cease from allowing me to take in the rather beautiful sunset blazing over a large wide round kingdom. Of course, he paid for everything expense, and naturally Blueblood would have his castle built atop a mountain, overseeing and acting like a God among his own people.

...Christ, I was so tired...

Freefalling felt as though all the energy was being drained from me at an exponential rate, wasting no time in taking back the power lent to helping me subdue Blueblood and manage an escape. All that stamina, all that raw strength and the will to keep moving, fleeing from the clutches of a vile monarch and his domain.

All from being triggered by one pony threatening Spike.

My eyes already felt weary, even despite falling at a fast rate... Twilight... Everyone... I'll see you again, soon...

Very, very soon...

"Aren't you upset about Zagreus getting away again?"

"Right now, I'm honestly content that my friends, and especially my son, are safe." My hand around her hoof tightened somewhat in affection, beaming widely despite all my unpleasant injuries aching my every movement right then. "You saved the day today, Starlight, and I will always be grateful to have you as a friend and sister to this wonderful family."

As expected, tears welled up in the mare's eyes, but Starlight quickly wiped them and shared a proud smile. "And no, Stardust, despite what you think. You're not a liability to us now that you're human again. I think everypony here agrees."

Twilight and the others blinked. "Is that what you think?" The purple alicorn inquired rather incredulously, a glimmer of disappointment in her sparkling eyes. "That you're somehow a burden to us now being reverted back to human form?"

I shrugged helplessly, only able to grin meekly from Twilight's expectant stare. I could hide nothing from her. "Useless, without magic, muscles or anything noteworthy. This body was really only ever good for criticizing or writing. I spoke to Starswirl." I added, capturing everyone's complete attention. "He... Confessed that it will take a long time before I can become a pony again. He's strained enough as is with keeping balance stable because of this. So, right now I'm not... Anything."

A moment of silence.

"Pfft!" A loud scoff from, guess who, Rainbow Dash. "So you're human now? You honestly think that matters to us? After all we've been trying to get through that thick head of yours? Twilight, your special somepony's more stubborn than you!"

"Darling, I confess some things may differ now surrounding your interaction with others." Rarity added, smiling with light fondness and reassurance. "But you have to worry about regarding your friends. A burden? Useless? Perish the thought! That silver tongue, mature mindset, logical reasoning and creative mind has always come in handy. You don't need magic to consider yourself worthy of our friendship."

"Our bonds together are stronger than you think." Starlight pitched in merrily, my family nodding in agreement. "We'll help you through this, no matter what it takes. Even without Balance, you have your friends to aid you in whatever trial comes next."

"And I'll keep working on finding a solution to your condition." Twilight stated with firm conviction, once again brushing my bare arm with her lavender hoof, a fire in those breathtaking eyes. "We're all here for you Jack."

"...I'm not really surprised." Was all I could say, smiling in affection and exasperation by the sheer display of loyalty, stubbornness and strong will of my amazing friends. "My mind might have to be convinced though about me possibly being useful to anyone now looking like... This."

Applejack smirked. "I'm sure some of us will find plenty of use for ya sugarcube." And Twilight pointedly looked away with a light blush from the farmer's coy glance. "Those hands of yours might come in handy around the farm."

Oh, farm work. A joy...

"Ooh, those hands might also come in handy for reaching high places to decorate for parties! And for making cakes!"

That sounds much better. Everyone soon joined in.

"You could help in showing me how humans handle my friends with care at the cottage."

"You would assist me in revolutionizing a new form of fashion."

"Show me how fast humans can run!"

"It'll be easier to play video games with hands instead of hoofs now."

"It'd be fascinating to study human biology live. Without the dissecting Jack, stop giving me that look."

"You could show us how humans fly kites." Everyone turned to Starlight, whom flushed with an adorable grin. "Or show just me... Heh."

They all looked back to me expectantly, and those stares could only incite me to shrug with a humoured smile. "Why not? Might as well try to make use of this situation. You're all right, this changes nothing regarding our friendship." But what it changes regarding my romance with Twilight I'll worry about tomorrow. "Just try to be patient with me now. I'm not as physically productive nor strong as I was a pony."

"You have nothing to be concerned over, Stardust." Rarity said. "Now, let us address something else we take advantage over. Quite frankly, your new appearance." Uh oh. The others gave me amused apologetic looks. "I took an opportunity to examine your hair, Stardust, and, may I just say... Good grief! It's more entangled than the Everfree Forest in there! Did you ever comb back as a human?"

"...Often after I shower."

"Dare I ask, how many times do you shower a week?" My body instinctively shrunk back by the arched brow and waiting expression on the pale unicorn's face.

"...You know the details aren't really important."

Rarity looked aghast, shaking her head with a sly look to Twilight. "Twilight, I must protest. This situation cannot possibly wait. I will return with the necessary supplies shortly. Mark my words, your human boyfriend will look just as gorgeous as his previous form."

...Well, miracles have often happened in Equestria.

Twilight smirked lightly. "I'll make sure Jack doesn't try to escape." Oh ha ha. "And if he tries, getting a new hairdo would be the last thing he'll worry about."

...I gulped, pulling the quilt closer to me-


"Am I naked again?" The girls blinked, Spike snickering in good humour whereas Twilight looked away again with pink cheeks, Rainbow inquiring, befuddled.

"You keep making a big deal out of that. Why do you wanna keep wearing clothes now?"

Something in that dream jolted me... Or maybe it was the fact I was resting in a very uncomfortable position... Maybe it was the heavy murmurs all around me, alerting my dazed state to the fact I was being watched whilst being asleep.

Any of them, it helped me wake up then, to that of a loud groan of protest at the aching from my back and neck sleeping against hard stone, in contrast to the warm yet thin red and black blanket spread over the front of my sat body-

Wait, blanket...? Blueblood... The fall... Twilight-!

I jerked upwards, evidently making the other people surrounding me back up in sheer surprise, slowly pushing the blanket away with my boots and gripping the edges of the wall for support, welcomed by a shabby-looking room with few torches scattered about among the musty walls. Where the Hell was I now-?

...Oh... Oh...!

Now, that was a genuine surprise, moreso than the fact it was Blueblood who put out a bounty on my head. I blinked, removing my glasses and rubbing my closed eyelids with grimy fingers, then putting the glasses right back on, just to keep certain I wasn't simply hallucinating, staring right back at the multiples pairs of eyes regarding me openly, circling around but maintaining a safe distance.



A few Changelings.



Even Diamond Dogs.

And... Were those Parasprites... And those fairy-like creatures Fluttershy once helped out after keeping a few for herself that one time...?

All regarding me or themselves with clear features and eyes of curiosity, wariness... And fear.

Most of them looking awfully too young, that I could somehow tell.

But what caught my growing-dreaded attention next, however, were the shackling sounds of metal below, and the prickling sensation of apprehension, fear and pure disgust followed when I cautiously looked down, amplified immensely from my worst suspicions confirmed. Metal clads, binding the various mixed creatures all around me together with chains.


These were all slaves... And I had a pretty good idea to whom they served...

Would Blueblood have been this cruel? Would Celestia have failed this much? Slavery! Slavery for [BEEP]'s sake! These ponies have failed again! I didn't even see a single pony in sight! Just what many consider the lesser unimportant species, as Blueblood himself had proclaimed wrongly, all chained together and forced to do one stallion's bidding, without rhyme or reason. And look at them, half of them were clearly children for God's sake!

...He didn't... He didn't... Take the young from their parents... Even the eggs... To have them born to serve him... Even that would be...!

Would be-!


My head snapped towards the all-too familiar sound, an instinctive smile of flabbergasted relief at the sight of the good old owl flying over the creatures, perching straight atop my shoulder and nuzzling my cheek warmly. Nightshade... I opened my mouth, just to express how gratified, happy and pleased to see him alive and unharmed.

But no words came out... I found myself incapable of speaking. And it didn't take a guess to realize why... So instead, I resorted for simply stroking the soft brown fur affectionately, the smile immediately disappearing from my face without further provocation.

And the sound of something truly heartbreaking, a crying child catching our attention then, Nightshade immediately flying over towards it and ordering me clearly to follow. "Hoo!"

As if by command, the other various creatures moved out of the way, and it only felt like more stabs to my chest and a flip of my stomach at the sheer obedience and fear they all portrayed. This was wrong, so incredibly wrong... Why would he do this...? Why couldn't the horrors of my world's reality just leave me be...?

Have I warranted to suffer so much...?


I slowly followed after the sounds of Nightshade's cry and the cries of an innocent child, finding myself limping on the way. Guess my recovering injuries didn't take too kindly to my former actions, perhaps the fall down didn't help either. Slowly, and carefully moving over the chains and shackles on the ground connecting various species to one another, unable myself to meet their distraught and defeated gazes.

All of them, clearing a straight path to the source of the gut-wrenching noise... A family of three resting at the back of the depressingly large group of creatures. Two griffons, with a tearful child between their loving grasp.

No, not griffons... They looked different somehow...

Where have I...


With stunned disbelief, I steadily knelt beside Nightshade and before the resting family, the couple barely acknowledging my presence physically and working on keeping their upset child happily. A child who looked far, far too young for any of this...

Blueblood... What have you done...?

"We were too late to join the rest of our people..." The male Hippogriff stated solemnly, bathed in azure blue dirtied and unclean, not taking his eyes off the child between him and his beloved for a second. "As Mt. Aris fell, the Storm King deemed a poor family of Hippogriffs without connections to the Queen obsolete, casting us in iron and selling us away to the highest bidder, for creatures who find us... Valuable..."

My hands were clenching and unclenching with every word, mind becoming entirely numb.

"We've been enslaved to that Prince for a long time now... We're not sure how specifically anymore." Soothing his child's back lovingly with the faintest of smiles, the sniffles an upgrade from the open tears, but not by much, and the father knew it. "You were found, and brought to us by your brave friend here." Nightshade. "We tended as much as we could but... There was scarcely little any of us could do. His Highness never properly educated the young on medical techniques, and we have neither the proper equipment..."


Their own skills with the child were working wonders, evidently, from years of experience. The father smiled down more wryly at his young. "Three years old, our pride and joy... Who deserves much better than this... And his younger sibling." Alerted, my head craned to the mother, pure white and just as unclean, whose gaze turned in fond tiredness at her exposed underbelly, and the implications shattered all manners of apology and anger.

But a cold, deep sinking feeling of despair and horror.

It never helped that, suddenly, the image of the family transformed. Not to Twilight, Spike and I... But Shining, Cadence and Flurry. All dirty, chained down by their hooves, the youngest crying and being cared for by her loving parents despite the terrible tragic circumstances.

My eyes shut tight to endless darkness, head slowly bowing with painful despair. The murmurs and cries of the innocent haunting my weary ears. They've failed... I've failed... There's nothing left... I was weak, and powerless, and tired, and dependent on others... What could I possibly do to save them... All these other helpless, chained creatures who deserved nothing but freedom and peace...

"All life was born to serve Equestrians! It was us who charted the lands, who established our rules, invented modern technology and wonders, while all other creatures lived in their caves and mountains and other repulsive habitats! We are above war and cravings and deceit. We are perfection!"





My eyes snapped open from the soft, concerned yet oddly encouraging tone of the mare I loved, though my mind's eye envisioned the human version, whom I let down so terribly, speaking that to me. And still, before me, she smiled gently, reaching out with care and affection, hope and compassion sparkling behind those beautiful starry eyes.

"Help them..."

My hands dug into the hay on the ground... Before I slowly stood, inciting Nightshade's curious reaction. My eyes then stared downwards to regard the dirtied open palms, which were so ready earlier to strangle the Prince to death... And the same hands which... Which...

Helped guided her to peace...

...I understood.

Clenching my hands shut, digging grimy nails into my skin, I glared upwards sternly. Starswirl! I'm gonna need some equipment! I whirled around and stormed straight over towards the dusty table nearby, ignoring the curious and terrified gazes of various species.

My life was in shambles. Innocent lives were enslaved by a tyrant. Children were crying. Equestria would soon be invaded by foes opposing my friends and I alike. Twilight and the others were in danger. Nothing more needed to be said.

But a far lot more needed to be done.

"That look...!" One Changeling suddenly perked up, sounding female. "Are you...?"

My tired mind picked up on what was being asked, staring straight back to the poor enslaved creature with firm weariness. "I am not Stardust Balance... Or Jack Wright..." God my voice sounded parched. My head shook. "Nor the Twilight Warrior..."

None of these names was I worthy for any longer. Stardust would keep pursuing Zagreus. Jack would stay home with Twilight and the others. The Twilight Warrior would work to help these poor creatures escape. None would ever have allowed any Twilight to sacrifice herself for his own mistakes... Never again...

No... I was something else, at this moment...

Eyes opened again, a warm sensation of blessing from above draped over me. "I am the Man Who Walked The Stars."

And in my mind's eye, both Starswirl and the human Twilight smiled over me.

To be continued...

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