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Chapter 1

Spike (From Equestria) was walking through the alleyway and made his way out to the city of Canterlot. AKA the mirror world. He was now a human thanks to the abilities his had from the amulet his dark self fused in him and only had a look of sadness on his face, along with some bruises thanks to his fight in Equestria with his evil future self. He had a scar on his cheek, some cuts on his legs and arms along with some bruises on his chest. Luckily for him, his wounds began to heal slowly.

As we walked, he only said to himself.

"I'm sorry Twilight, I'm sorry Thorax, Sunburst and...everypony. But I have to do this."

As he walked, he continued to make his way to the only location he knew at the moment...Canterlot High.

(A few hours later)

The dragon turned human had managed to reach the school building and looked at it.

Spike, with a breath of air, having nothing to lose, went to the entrance and entered. The halls were filled with students Spike recalled had counterparts in Equestria. As Spike walked through the halls, he managed to reach the cafeteria, but got some glances due to the bruises on his body.

As Spike entered, he saw the counterparts of his friends near a table along with someone he knew all too well.

Sunset Shimmer.

Spike remembered her as Celestia's former student, who had been consumed by envy and ambition had retreated to the mirror world with the Element of Magic. Both him and Twilight had pursued her and managed to stop her when she had turned into a raging she-demon. Twilight had managed to reform her and show her the meaning of friendship. Spike, however, decided to not draw attention and simply be on his way, limping a bit as he walked.

(With the Human 7)

The girls were speaking with one another and had either laughed or smiled. Rainbow Dash said

"And that's how I was able to win!"

The girls only looked at Rainbow Dash with different expressions.

"No offense Rainbow Dash, but I doubt you won the challenge without your super speed." Twilight (Sci-Twi) said with doubt

"Hey! When your as awesome and fast as me, your pretty much bound to win!" Rainbow said with pride

As the girls continued to converse, Pinkie Pie noticed something and said

"Hey look girls! A new student!"

The girls turned to where she was pointing and saw a boy with green hair, green eyes and purple skin, along with a green shirt, purple pants and shoes that had green flame designs and purple color. However, he looked like he had been in a fight as he had a cut on his face along with some cuts on his arms and alot of bruises on his body.

"Whoa, what happened to him?" Rarity asked in worry.

"Looks like the poor feller was in a fight." Applejack said

"Wait...why does he look.....familiar?" Sunset asked intrigued.

As the girls looked at him, the boy looked towards them, but ignored them and sat at a nearby table.

(With Spike)

Spike only rested on a chair and slept on the table, as he did, he heard some footsteps, but ignored it.

"Um, excuse me?"

Spike awoke and saw a familiar looking girl with blond hair, yellow eyes and grey skin.

"What do you want?" Spike asked

"Can I sit here? All the other seats and tables are taken." Derpy asked

Spike only looked her over and recognized her as Derpy Hooves, with a few fond memories of her from Equestria, he relented and said.

"Sure thing."

The dragon turned human scooted over a bit and let her sit with him. As Spike looked at her, she simply pulled out some muffins and began to eat some. She then handed one to him and said politely

"Do you want some?"

Spike however, gently refused and said with a smile "That's ok, I already ate."

Derpy shrugged and ate the muffin herself. Unbeknownst to Spike, the girls, mostly Sunset only looked at him as he rested his head on the lunch table.

"Wow, he is a nice guy." Twilight (Sci-Twi) said

"Yeah, he's helpin Derpy and tha poor gal has alot given her....ya know." Applejack added

The girls nodded and continued to look while Sunset, however had a suspicious look on her face and began to approach.

"Sunset, what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked.

Spike only looked at the table, until he heard footsteps, he noticed Sunset was approaching him. With a quick nod, Spike got up and proceeded to leave as well.

"Excuse me?" Sunset called to Spike

Spike however, didn't acknowledge her and began to run out the cafeteria. Sunset again tried to reach him.

"Hey!" Sunset Shimmer said, but Spike managed to run to the exit door and run through the hallway.

"Oh man! Oh man! How do I lose her without exposing myself?!"

Spike managed to reach a nearby boys restroom and entered just as he was nearly seen by Sunset Shimmer.

Spike managed to hide in a nearby stall and waited until Sunset was gone. After a few minutes, there was no movement or voice and Spike went to check it out. He went to the door and slowly opened it, looked left and right and said

"Ok, looks like she's gone."

Spike slowly exited the bathroom and made his way through the halls. As he walked however, he heard a familiar cry.


Spike turned and saw it was Sunset and said "Oh crud!"

He ran and tried to avoid the students throughout the halls, but Sunset was catching up to him, just as she did, Spike reached the outside of the school and stopped near the statue (where the portal was for Equestria) and tried to catch his breath.

"Stop running!" Sunset shouted to him.

Spike turned and said in his thoughts "Man, she is just as persistent as Twilight. Well aside from being less obsessive."

As Sunset approached him, she asked "Why did you run away?"

"It's kinda personal." Spike replied.

"What do you mean personal?" Sunset asked again.

"Look, can you please leave me alone?" Spike asked in a pleading tone.

He turned to walk away, until Sunset grabbed his arm and both their eyes glowed.

(In Spike's mind)

Sunset was inside a dark void and shouted "Hello?"

"Hey Sunset."

Sunset Shimmer turned and saw Spike behind her, but he looked different. His green eyes were replaced with a black and red eye on the left and a yellow magma red on the right. He was in his dragon form from Equestria this time.

"Spike? What's going on?" Sunset asked him worried.

Spike simply pointed behind her and she saw his memories....especially the one's with Dark Spike. Sunset only gave a look of shock and horror at what came and said

"What happened to you and Twilight?"

"I...it's a long story." Spike asked

As more memories came, Sunset saw Dark Spike in some of them. Spike, not wanting to see more, readied a green flame in his hands and punched the ground, knocking Sunset out his mind.

(Back to Reality)

Spike and Sunset backed away from each other and Sunset said

"Spike? What happened to you? How are you a human?"

Spike only looked at her and said "Can we talk alone...privately?"

Sunset saw the pleading in his eyes and said "Follow me."

The two went inside CHS and began to walk near the halls to library. As the entered, they went to an isolated desk and Sunset asked again once more.

"Alright Spike, What's going on?"

Spike sighed, he knew he can't run anymore and began to speak to Sunset.

(Unknown location)

Inside an cave, there was a pulsating, red and familiar amulet on the ground. The eye of the amulet began to glow more bright red and dark until it shined. After a few seconds, the red glow dissappated and shadow figure was seen.

"Finally......I. AM.......Inevitable."

The figure then teleported away in a shadow flash, leaving his identity and appearance a complete mystery.

Author's Note:

I do not own anything, Everything belongs to rightful owners.

Plus apologies if there is errors, I have not watched much of Equestria Girls but I will do what I can to follow the story for Spike and Dark Spike.