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Chapter 12

Spike was getting up from bed yet again. He slowly got up with a yawn and grabbed some clothes from his closet. He then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and showered and put his clothes on.

"Well, time for school."

As Spike was getting ready, he grabbed his stuff along with his newly gained phone and left the house.

(At Canterlot High)

Spike was walking through the hallways. However, as he did, some students gave looks of shock and surprise and some said.

"Hey. Isn't that him?"

"Yeah. It has to be."

"But he looks a bit...younger."

"He was the one on the video!"

Spike was confused as to what the students were all talking about. However, he saw the girls with looks of shock as they saw something on their phones. They saw him approaching and Sunset said

"Spike? What happened?"

"What do you mean?" Spike asked

"You didn't see the news?" Sci-Twi asked

Spike shook his head and looked at her phone. Sci-Twi played the video on the news feed link she had.

The title was YOU CAN"T RUN....

The video started and it showed an abandoned building with absolute darkness and no light.

There were muffling sounds and screams. After a few seconds some lights turned on and it was none other then the two Dazzlings, Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. The two were tied up and gagged on some chairs and were trying in vain to escape. As they did, a voice was heard saying.

"Well well, looks like the Dazzlings have already been put under my spell...sort of."

The camera moved and in came Spike. But there was one key difference, his eyes were blood red and black, meaning it was Spike's evil future self.

"It's him!" Spike said, recognizing his dark future self.

As Dark Spike showed himself, he said.

"When one's makes a choice, it leads to different outcomes. Without them, those outcomes shape not just our lives, but our paths."

As he spoke, he turned the camera to the two trapped Dazzlings. He approached Adagio slowly, who muffled in protest and tried to move, but was unable to due to her arms being tied too hard. As Dark Spike approached, he circled her and moved the camera close to her face, with her eyes widening in fear.

"Do you know why I do this?" Dark Spike said

The frightened Adagio shook her head as he placed his hand on her right cheek, which chilled her spine. Dark Spike slowly approached her left ear while he tenderly stroked Adagio's poofy hair by the side.

"I do it for my past, my present, my FUTURE. But you three were no better when you tried to destroy Sunset and CHS. Not to mention try to enslave Twilight and ME." Dark Spike whispered.

Adagio only shuffled fearfully as Dark Spike touched her cheek, nose and belly with a tender touch before he kissed her forehead, which ironically only began to demoralize and degrade her the same way she and the other two Dazzlings did to their previous victims in Equestria and in the mirror world.

"Mmphhh! Mmpphhhh! (Please stop. Please.)" Adagio muffled with tears in her eyes as Dark Spike continued.

Dark Spike then advanced on Aria Blaze, who only angrily looked at him as he said mockingly

"Well, you have the spirit of a fighter. Yet you do this for what? Your sisters or yourself?"

Aria only glared and muffled "Mmmpph! Mmmmph! Mmmmmph! (None of your beeswax creep!)"

Dark Spike only smiled maliciously and replied "Is that so?"

Aria angrily struggled against her binds, with Dark Spike only saying "Yeah you both do. You REALLY do!"

He went behind Aria while keeping the camera on her. Aria then slowly felt her pigtails and neck be touched tenderly. Aria resisted the urge to moan as Dark Spike's hands moved to her shoulders and used his left hand to lift her chin and made her face the camera with him.

"So you think Spike or those girls or anybody can save you? Huh?" Dark Spike asked with mockery

Dark Spike then said "Look at me."

The two sirens only looked down with fear.

"LOOK AT ME!!!!!" Dark Spike shouted in menacingly demonic voice

The two siren turned humans complied and looked at Dark Spike with broken looks of fear and terror.

(He said it like this)


"If you want to save these two little sea dwellers like the blue one. I recommend you find me. And come ALONE. I've sent you the address in your locker. Don't keep me waiting." Dark Spike said with a cold smirk.

"Starting tonight. I'll be seeing you." Dark Spike said once more

He then stroked Aria's pigtails and kissed Aria's cheek, which made her blush and give a look of anger at him.

Dark Spike then stood up and maniacally laughed as the camera shook and the video ended in static as the girls were left shocked while Spike only gave a look of dismay and worry.

"We have to help them." Spike said

"Are you serious Spike? They tried to kill us!" Rainbow Dash protested

"And take over the world!" Pinkie said

"I know the Dazzlings are guilty, and they deserve punishment. But right now, they don't deserve it like this! I admit I am still angry at them too, but I'm not gonna let them get killed by someone worse then them! It's my fault he's after you guys, I have to fix it."

The girls were left shocked at his answer and reason to help them. While they were each reluctant to save the Dazzlings due to their previous actions, they knew that a threat worse then them could likely use them as pawns or their power when he could.

"Ok Spike. We'll help." Sunset agreed

"Not right now you won't" Spike refused.

"What?!" The Rainbooms said in shock

"Spike, are you crazy?!" Rarity asked

"Yeah! You can't trust what he said!" Rainbow Dash pointed out

"You heard him, it could be another trap like last time! I have to do this alone. It was my fault he hurt them and nearly you girls! I have to take responsibility." Spike said

"Then we'll come as back up." Applejack said

"AJ's right, who knows what he has planned." Rainbow Dash said

Spike tried to protest, but Sunset cut him off "Spike, they gave a point. With how he nearly killed Sonata and you in Equestria, we can't take any chances."

Seeing that they were firm on his choice, Spike sighed and said "Ok."

Spike went to his locker and found a piece of paper. He grabbed it and showed the girls.

"It says Canterlot Warehouse near the old Flim and Flam pawn shop." Spike said

"We'll go there when our classes are done."

They all nodded and went to their classes, with Spike having to ignore the looks he was given.

(A few hours later)

Spike was with the girls heading to the location he was sent by Dark Spike. Applejack was driving them in her truck and Spike was sitting near Sunset Shimmer. As soon as the car stopped, Applejack said

"Alright everybody! We're here!"

The girls and Spike got out of the truck and saw the warehouse. It looked a bit intact, but some windows were broken. Spike went to the door and the moment he touched it, the door creaked open.

"Girls. Find another way inside. I'll go in here." Spike said

"You sure?" Applejack asked

"If I need backup, we need to make sure he doesn't know it. Hurry, there might be an entrance in the back of the roof." Spike replied

The Rainbooms nodded and went to look for other entrances while Spike entered the warehouse.

Inside there were open crates and broken equipment. As Spike walked, he used his amulet's abilities to search for any trace of the Dazzlings or Dark Spike. As he walked, a sound was heard.


Spike heard the sound and saw it coming from an open door saying SHIPPING AREA. He entered and saw the two Dazzlings tied up in chairs with mouth gags. Spike ran over and freed them of their restraints and said while helping them up.

"Are you two ok?"

Adagio only gave a look of distrust and said "How do we know you aren't him?!"

"Well, I mean technically i am. But I'm not." Spike answered

Aria, with anger got up and grabbed him by the shirt and readied to hurt him

"And you expect us to believe that shorty?!" Aria said with rage.

"Look! I'm not my evil self!"

Aria and Adagio were still unconvinced and were about to attack, until a loud sound was heard.


"What was that?!" Adagio said

"It sounds like it came from there!" Spike said, pointing to a door saying EQUIPMENT ROOM.

They went and saw it was the Rainbooms fighting Dark Spike, but had some difficulty due to his more higher experience and training in his timeline.

"Wait, is that you?!" Aria said, pointing at Dark Spike.

"But how?!" Adagio asked

"Look, I'll explain later. Right now, get to safety!" Spike said

The two Dazzlings complied and ran to get to a hiding spot away from harm as Spike turned into his armored dragon form in dark and light green flames. He charged at Dark Spike, kicking him into a generator.

The dark dragon turned human teen quickly got up and said "Ready to play?"

"Playtime's over! Ready girls?" Spike responded

"Yeah!" The Rainbooms agreed

The two charged and attacked and countered each other's blows or magic attacks.

(Dark Spike Boss Theme)


Spike elbowed Dark Spike, who then countered by kneeing him and began to throttle him to the ground, but Sci-Twi threw him into a wall with her magic while Applejack dealt a powerful blow to his chest, though he easily regenerated his wounds or injuries. Dark Spike, powering up his foot, stomped on the ground and a powerful pulsing blast knocked the girls and Spike back.

Dark Spike teleported in dark flames behind them, but had Adagio as a shield.

"You unalive me, I waste her!" Dark Spike threatened

"Oh no you-!" Rainbow Dash said, until Dark Spike aimed his right hand at them.

Dark Spike's hand glowed a dark green flaming aura and a large flaming hand of flames held the girls captive.

"Girls!" Spike said in fear.

"That was an warning. Next time it's for real." Dark Spike threatened.

"What do you want?" Spike asked

"You know what I want!" Dark Spike responded

"It's a bit late for that!" Spike replied

"Then goodbye and GOOD RIDDANCE!"

Dark Spike was about to hurt Adagio, but felt something on his back. He turned and saw it was an furious Sonata Dusk.

"Hey meanie! Leave my sisters alone!" Sonata said with rage.

She punched Dark Spike in the face, but he was barely phased. He only smacked her hardly into the ground. However, this distraction allowed Spike to uppercut him with a powerful flaming fist.

The girls and the Dazzlings reunited with each other and got up as Dark Spike fell into unconsciousness.

(End of Boss Theme)


The armored dragon boy turned and the Rainbooms embraced him with gratitude.

"You did it sugarcube!" Applejack said

"That was epic!" Rainbow Dash complimented

"Um girls? He's gone." Fluttershy said pointing behind them.

They turned and saw that Dark Spike was indeed gone.

"Well, I guess we'll see him again one day." Spike said

"Right now. Let's get out of here." Rarity said

"Agreed." Sci-Twi said

The Rainbooms and Dazzlings had began to leave, until Adagio said


The Rainbooms and Spike turned to her. The Dazzlings were giving looks of confusion.

"Why did you save us? I thought you all hated us." Aria asked

"Because Spike convinced us." Sunset said

The 3 turned to Spike who said "I know you three did bad things to us all in the past. But I was taught something. Friendship is based on forgiveness. Even though you guys tried to hurt me, Twilight and the Rainbooms before. You have to let go of the past because it doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that does matter, is who and what you choose to be now."

The 3 siren turned humans were surprised at his words as Spike continued.

"My evil self reminded me that if I had never knew the love of my friends in here or Equestria. I would have never become a hero nor learn the meaning of Friendship or Family. But he also reminded me that if I let my past consume me, would I ever be the same again? And now i wanna ask you three something. If you hold onto your hate now like him, what would you become?" Spike further said

The Dazzlings were left wide-eyed at his words as they had different reactions. Sonata was left in tears, Aria had a look of guilt and dismay while Adagio only gave a look of silent remorse.

"But what should we do? We don't have our amulets anymore." Adagio asked

Spike, with a quick pull from his pocket, revealed their amulets.

"How did you find them?!" Aria asked

"My evil self had them in his pocket when we were fighting." Spike replied

He placed their respective amulets in their hands and Spike's eyes glowed red and black as mist came from the corrupted amulets. After a few minutes, they each had different colors that matched them.

Aria had a purple amulet, Sonata had a blue amulet while Adagio had a yellow amulet.

"What did you do?" Sonata asked

"I removed the evil and hate from your amulets. Now whenever you sing, you can make people happy and not corrupt them. It also absorbs positive energy instead of negative energy like your previous ones." Spike said with a smile.

The Dazzlings were shocked at the kindness Spike showed as Sunset said

"Spike. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I am Sunset. They are just like my evil self. They needed to survive like he did and I wanna help. Because that's what friends do." Spike said with a smile.

These words touched both the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings. Spike had began to slowly be the good person and hero he dreamed of being and he had helped three enemies of Twilight. The three
Dazzlings cried in emotional comfort and hugged each other with sad, tearful happiness.

(Back at the CHS entrance)

"So he got rid of the video?" Spike asked

"Yeah. We tried going on it but it said video erased." Sci-Twi answered

"I guess he must've put too much risk on this stunt." Applejack said

"Not to mention expose himself." Rarity said

As they spoke, they heard a familiar voice.


The girls and Spike looked and saw it was the Dazzlings. They were wearing their new amulets and had happy smiles and the clothes they wore during their transfer at CHS.

"What are you three doing here?" Sunset asked

"Well, after Spike helped us, we decided to enroll in CHS also." Adagio said

"But aren't you three on tour?" Spike asked

"Actually, we managed to pull some strings and have ourselves join a school for higher education. " Adagio replied

"And to get away from all the fans chasing us." Aria added

"Plus, we wanna thank Spikey for helping us." Sonata said with gratitude.

The Dazzlings only gave looks of seduction as they walked to Spike.

"Ummmm. Just trying to do the right thing." Spike said

Sonata was in front of Spike and held his chin high, Adagio put her hands on his shoulders while Aria was behind Adagio to make sure he wouldn't run.

"Doing the right thing has a reward to dear~" Adagio seductively said, even stroking his hair.

"I admit that I hate most guys. But you squirt, you have a lot of edge and steel. I like that in a man~." Aria said with an flirty tone,

The Rainbooms gave looks of amusement or dismay as The Dazzlings made moves on Spike, who wanted to refuse, but didn't want to hurt their feelings. They then began to close in on his face with their lips and kiss him all over.


Spike only tried to not faint as the three Dazzlings kissed him all over his face.

(With Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna)

Back at the home of Spike's adoptive guardians, the two principals were busy with paperwork.

"Have you seen Spike? He didn't answer his phone." Principal Celestia said in concern

"No, I checked the school, but he was in his classes." Vice-Principal Luna said.

As if on cue, the door opened and Spike came in, with an embarrassed look of humiliation. There were kiss marks of different colour all over on his face. Blue was from Sonata, Yellow was Adagio's and Purple was from Aria.

"What happened Spike?" Celestia asked

"Can I tell you when I wash my face?" Spike said in a dizzy tone.

The two women gave looks of confusion but nodded, with Spike running to the bathroom to clean his face.

(Unknown Location)

Dark Spike was in the warehouse from before and said in satisfaction.

"Now that I have enough power, I have enough to erase both worlds."

Dark Spike looked at his hand and it emitted a dark green flaming aura.

"But first, I should visit my so-called friends." Dark Spike said in disdain

He created a dark green portal and said "In EQUESTRIA."

He entered with the portal dissipating after a few seconds, leaving the dark warehouse abandoned.

Author's Note:

I do not own anything. Everything belongs to rightful owners.