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Chapter 10

It had been weeks after Spike's confrontation with Twilight. Spike was in his bed, yet he shook in fear. He got up with a shocked gasp and sweat pouring down his head.

"Man, what a dream." Spike said.

He slowly got up from his bed and grabbed a spare set of clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. After he finished, he got his bag and headed to Canterlot High.

(At CHS)

Spike had reached the school and walked inside and got ready to go to his classes.


Spike turned and heard his name, as he looked around. He continued to look, but there was nobody in sight that stood out. Ignoring it for now, Spike went to his first class.

(A few hours later)

Spike left the classroom and began to make time for his lunch hour . As he walked, however, the voice before was heard again


Spike looked around again and began to search in irritation for who was whispering his name.

Spike turned around and the moment he did, his eyes widened with shock at who it was.

Hiding behind a few students was an dark green haired and dark purple skinned version of him with darker clothes and he wore sunglasses. He smiled at Spike and he was holding hands with a familiar blue haired, pony tailed girl. With a disgusted and mortified scowl, Spike then began to slowly walk to him through the crowd's of students in the halls.

Sunset Shimmer was walking through the halls after class and began to search for things to do. However, as she walked, her geode began to glow.

"Huh?" Sunset said confused

She walked closer and saw Spike in front of her, she hid by some lockers to look and said to herself

"Spike, what is he doing?"

However, when she turned her to the side further to her disbelief and surprise, another Spike, but drastically more different, who was holding a familiar blue siren by the cheek.

"Oh no, that must be Spike's evil future self he mentioned! And...wait...is that...Sonata?!" Sunset said in realization

She continued to remain hidden as they talked to each other.

Spike only glared at his evil self and how he held Sonata close to him like a throwable projectile. With a quick removal of his glasses, Dark Spike said with a smile.

"How you doin, little dude?"

Spike only began to prepare his magic abilities by forming a shadowy aura in his hand, but Dark Spike held Sonata close by her neck. She only gave a whimpering look of fear.

"Easy." Dark Spike said

He moved his index finger through Sonata's left cheek, her lips and then her neck. His finger then sharpened into a knife-like claw finger as she only shook in fear at what he would do.

"Wouldn't want the blue siren of tacos to lose her throat and life now, would we?" Dark Spike calmly threatened

The fearful look on Sonata's face only made Spike relent.

"So here we are again eh?" Dark Spike said with a smirk.

"How?" Spike simply asked

"I have my ways. With the time I spent in Equestria and here, you learn a lot of new tricks." Dark Spike replied

The two only faced each other with cold-blooded intent. As they did, Spike only said.

"What are you doing here?"

"Same old. Unaliving the Hypocrites of Harmony, make Twilight miserable, turn you into me and break that bacon haired girlfriend of yours." Dark Spike replied

"Sunset isn't my girlfriend!" Spike said in protest.

"With how you look at her recently, I doubt it." Dark Spike responded

Spike blushed in annoyance and embarrassment at his response. Sunset, who overheard them talking, blushed in embarrassment at Dark Spike's words.

"How do you even know about that?!" Spike asked with a blush

"Because I'm still technically you remember?" Dark Spike responded

"Why are you here in this dimension?" Spike asked

Dark Spike only looked around and said "Well, it's just that with my power and Tree's purity saving you. You got the best of both worlds. Dark magic, yet no evil corruption."

"Not exactly the way I see it." Spike said

"Oh so your all Hero of the Empire again? Come on, spare me the Friendship is Magic baloney and garbage ok? Not every friend has a good intention and you and I are both living and breathing proof."

Dark Spike turned his head and directed his look of distaste at some other students and said

"Look at em. Their copies. Similar to those hypocrites in Equestria. What difference does it make? Abuse, lies, inequality. Morality isn't even entered into their standards. Us, we're just the black sheep of the dragons compared to Alicorn magic and the geodes of Sunset and her so called friends."

"Your point being?" Spike asked

"As much as I hate the girls and you. I'm here to offer you a truce. I want you to join me in not only conquering Equestria. But this planet and dimension as well."

Sunset was shocked at such a offer and how Dark Spike was willing to enslave both her home in Equestria, but her home in the mirror world.

"Don't do it Spike!" Sunset whispered.

Spike only looked at his evil future self. With how much trouble and chaos he caused to his life, he knew it wouldn't stop. He hadn't stopped before, he wouldn't even think of stopping now.

"Tempting offer." Spike said

Sunset gasped in fear, until he continued.

"But do you really think I'm stupid? While I am willing to hurt Twilight and the others for what they did to me all these years, but there's one big difference between us and what we want.

"And what would that be?" Dark Spike said while gripping Sonata tighter.

"I'm not a tyrant like you. I want justice and equal reason, you want power and rule." Spike replied

"Choose your next words carefully." Dark Spike said menacingly, his claw nearly cutting a now scared and tear dropping Sonata's throat

"Not only that, but while I admit the girls and the others deserved it, what about Thorax and Ember?" Spike further questioned

"Your a fool. I tried to be nice, I tried to have the easy way out for us both. But I swear, when this is over, your gonna wish that those stupid horses and that bacon haired ripoff girlfriend of yours was never cut outta-" Dark Spike said

Spike cut him off by charging his palm and throwing a magic knife of green fire. Dark Spike however dodged and violently threw Sonata out his hand through the halls and then teleported her in dark green flames with a snap of his fingers.

Spike chased his future self out the achool, avoiding students and teachers along the way. Dark Spike ran from the halls to the top floors and then to the roof. Spike reached him and said

"It's over faker!"

"Oh really?" Dark Spike said, pointing up in the sky.

Spike looked at where was pointing and saw Sonata falling through the sky screaming in terror.

"Me or her? Your choice." Dark Spike taunted.

Spike began to think and hesitate. Go after Dark Spike or save Sonata Dusk? As Sonata was falling and nearing the ground, he decided to save her ran and jumped to catch her in his arms and landed near the school entrance safely using his amulet's fused abilities, while his future self escaped by teleportation.

Sonata was left petrified at her near death experience and cried in Spike's chest.

"You ok?" Spike asked concerned.

The blue siren turned human nodded in fear and hugged Spike in gratitude and said

"Thank you, thank you so much! You saved me!"

"No problem." Spike said as he set her down.


"What's going on here?!"

Spike turned and saw the Rainbooms approaching. They all gasped when they saw Sonata and Rainbow Dash said with an accusing tone.

"What is she doing here?!

"Yeah! She tried to destroy us!" Applejack pointed out

"And take over the world!" Rarity added

However, Sunset and Spike stepped in front of them to stop them.

"Look. I know she's your enemy, but we have BIGGER problems!" Spike said

"The reason she was here is because that evil future Spike Spike told us about is BACK! And he used her as a hostage!" Sunset said in fear

The girls were shocked and Applejack only saw the truth upon looking at their shock and fear, while Sonata said "But thanks to my hero here, he saved me from falling down and going splat!"

She hugged Spike near her and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a blue kiss mark. The girls only gave looks of envy and secretly burning jealous glares as Spike removed the kiss mark on his face with a blush.

"Why are you even here?!" Rarity asked

"Because that meanie version of Spike kidnapped me, Adagio and Aria, stole our van and created evil clones of us. He then ate my taco stash and used me as bait for good Spike!" Sonata said with despair, notably at her tacos being eaten by Dark Spike.

The girls looked at her with shock as Sci-Twi asked

"Do you know where they are now?"

Sonata shook her head.

"Ok, right now we still have school, we should go until the classes are done." Sunset said

The others nodded and walked in, with Sonata staying close to Spike, who asked.

"Um girls?"

They turned and saw him pointing at Sonata.

"We still need to help Sonata too." Spike reminded

"If we leave her out here, she could get taken again." Fluttershy said

"Plus if we did, we could get in trouble." Sci-Twi said

"Shy's right. We can't leave her here."

They nodded as Spike said to Sonata "Follow me."

The taco loving, pony-tailed girl eagerly did so and followed him in the school, with the Rainbooms giving jealous and untrusting glares at her.

"By the way Spike?" Sunset said

"Yeah?" Spike asked

"Can we talk in private? At the library after school?"

Spike was a bit confused, but nodded saying 'Sure thing. But what's the matter?"

Sunset blushed and sai "I'll tell you when we talk."

Spike only gave a look of confusion, but shrugged it off and went to the school building with the Rainbooms and Sonata.

Author's Note:

Based off the Truce scene with Frost and Blade from the movie Blade.

I own nothing. Everything belongs to rightful owners.