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Chapter 13

Spike was in bed again, as he was sleeping, he tossed and turned with fear at his dream.

(in Spike's mind)

Spike was lying in a cave. As he got up he saw he was in his dragon form from Equestria and said

"What? Where am i?"

As he looked around, he noticed someone in front of him, bjt the figure's face was hidden in the dark cave.

"Who are you?" Spike asked

The figure did not speak. Spike then saw a nearby torch and granbed it. Putting the torch near the figure, he gave a shocked look.

The figure was revealed to be Twilight Sparkle, his Twilight from Equestria. However, there was a scar on her left cheek and she had bruises and a nosebleed.

"Twilight!?" Spike said with surprise.

"....Sleep....you....cannot....escape.....your....destiny." Twilight said to Spike

Spike was left in shock as his mind was consumed by dark black flashes.


Spike woke up with a shocked breath at his nightmare. He breathed deep breathes at how the dream almost felt real. With a quick breath to recompose himself, Spike got off his bed and began to slowly ease himself up a bit as he yawned.

"Man, what a nightmare." Spike said in tired exhaustion.

As Spike got up, he began to change his clothes and got ready for his last day of the week for school.

(At Canterlot High)

Spike entered the school and began to head to his classes. As he did, he began to think about the recent events that occurred so far during his time in the mirror world. From Sunset learning the truth, to Spike having to fight his dark self and redeeming the Dazzling's, he felt as if things had been different had it not been for the fact, he was forcefully fused with the Alicorn Amulet.

As Spike was thinking, he tried to let things ease down before resuming his attention to the teacher.

(At the Soccer Field)

Outside CHS, near the soccer field, Spike was watching along with a few other students on the sports team play against each other. One notable player was Rainbow Dash. Spike only watched as she was quick and fast and scored numerous goals for her team.

"Nice try Soarin! But you can't beat me!" Rainbow Dash said

"Bring it on Rainbow!" Soarin taunted with a smirk.

The two continued to play and as they did, Soarin kicked the ball hard and it flew near Spike.

"Whoa!" Spike said

However, Spike reflexively did a headbutt at the ball, causing it to go in Soarin's team net with incredible speed and power.

"Nice headshot Spike!" Rainbow Dash said with acknowledgement.

"Good one newbie!" Soarin complimented

Spike was surprised as a voice was heard in his head. The voice said

"Your welcome."

"Venom? It was you?!" Spike said in his thoughts.

"Indeed, the amulet can increase your senses and resilience when facing an enemy."

Spike only gave a look of confusion as to what had transpired. He then continued to watch as some of the students gave looks of surprise at Spike hitting the ball with his face.

(In Equestria)

Twilight and the girls were hanging out with each other and doing their own activities. Twilight was reading a book, Starlight was practicing her magic, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were arm wrestling, Rarity was reading a fashion magazine, Fluttershy was tending to a little mouse she had with her while Pinkie Pie was eating some cupcakes.

"Do you think the school is going to be ok?" Applejack asked

"With how that evil Spike nearly ruined us? Not so much." Rainbow Dash asked

"Then again darlings, we did pretty much deserve it." Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah. With how Thorax, Ember and the other ambassadors refused to send students from their lands to the Friendship School, I don't think we'll have a school anymore at this rate." Pinkie said

The other girls gave solemn nods of agreement and tried to take their minds of things. Twilight had it worse though, with how Spike left and was not intending to come back, she was already grief-stricken with the fact he would never likely forgive her or the girls. Not only has Spike's departure caused her grief, but the other girls had it rough too.

(Flashback with Rainbow Dash)

Rainbow Dash was at the Wonderbolts Academy and was ready to leave for the day after she put her things away. As she began to leave, some of the recruits only gave her cold looks. As Rainbow Dash left the Academy, she began to fly home to Ponyville and as she did, saw Scootaloo on her scooter.

"Hey squirt."

Scootaloo however, ignored her hero. Rainbow Dash said again.

"Come on squirt, I know you can hear me."

"Why should I? You never heard about Spike or cared about his well-being." Scootaloo said

"Listen squirt, me and the girls never meant to-" Rainbow Dash said, but Scootaloo cut her off

"Wrong Dash. You did, and you never showed any way to make up for how you treated him. Your supposed to be awesome Rainbow Dash! Hurting Spike...that wasn't awesome."

Scootaloo then left Rainbow Dash and used her scooter to head on her way, leaving Rainbow Dash alone.

Rainbow Dash only gave a look of remorse and flew back her house.

As she did however, some pegasi recognized her and gave looks of disgust. When Rainbow Dash reached her house, there were a bunch of slanderous messages.


Rainbow Dash only sighed and went in her home, not caring about the slanderous messages on her home. Not because she didn't care they were insults. They were the truth. The same truth that Dark Spike had exposed to all.

(Flashback With Pinkie Pie)

Pinkie was making some sweets for some customers for Ponyville. While there were not many customers, she still managed and did what she could.

As Pinkie was working, she still could not let go of the fact Spike was gone and did not want to come back. As Pinkie was thinking, Derpy Hooves had came and said

"Um excuse me? You have a letter."

Pinkie took the letter from Derpy and said with a smile "Thanks Derpy."

Derpy nodded and left the bakery. Pinkie opened it and frowned in dismay.

Dear Pinkie Pie

We regret to inform you that as a result of your abuse of your title and Element to the Crystal Empire Hero Spike the Dragon that you are hereafter not only banished and to never enter into Yakyakistan, but we will have to refuse your offer to allow yaks to join the School of Friendship in Ponyville. You are to only enter unless for business related reasons permitted by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.


Prince Rutherford

Pinkie gave look of guilt with tears in her eyes at how much affect Spike's departure had on her and likely the girls. She had to resist the urge to not fall into a deep depression with her mane turning flat.

(Flashback with Rarity)

Rarity was busy sewing another form of clothing and had a frown on her face. She had trouble thinking of what else to make.

"Oh Spikey-Wikey. I'm sorry that I never got to see you for the true angel you are." Rarity said with guilt

As Rarity was sewing, she was seen by Sweetie Belle. With a quick turn of her head, Rarity noticed her and said

"Hello Sweetie Belle."

However, the young filly refused to reply, only giving a look of disdain at her older sister. Rarity sighed as Sweetie Belle continued ignoring her.

"Sweetie Belle, it's not nice to ignore ponies." Rarity said

"Oh it isn't? You mean like how you kept on ignoring and hurting Spike on a daily basis with your friends?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Sweetie Belle! How dare you say that to!" Rarity said in offense.

"How dare I?! How dare YOU for how much you hurt Spike and treated him all the time!" Sweetie Belle retorted with a frown that was just as offended, if not angry.

"Sweetie Belle! It wasn't like that!" Rarity tried to explain.

"No Rarity. That's exactly what it was like. He was more generous than you ever were and him protecting us is proof of that. You and the girls may have helped him, but that doesn't excuse the fact you each are the ones who caused him so much misery." Sweetie Belle replied.

Rarity was left speechless at how her little sister knew everything and was just as disappointed in her then she thought. Sweetie Belle only left to her room while Rarity pondered her words. Rarity only said with tears in a quiet tone.

"Oh Spikey-Wikey. Forgive me."

(Flashback with Applejack)

Applejack was bucking trees and putting the apples in baskets as she did. As she did, she could not get the recent events that occurred out of her mind. From Spike defeating Dark Spike to Spike leaving Equestria had really put a emotional strain on her and the other girls.

As soon as she picked up the apple filled basked, she placed it in the cart with the other ones and dragged it back to the barn. After she reached the barn, Applejack saw Big Macintosh coming and grabbing some of the apple filled buckets.

"Howdy Big Macintosh." Applejack greeted to her brother.

Big Macintosh however, refused to respond and merely left with the bucket of apples.

Applejack grabbed a bucket too and went into the barn. As she did, she set down the basket of apples and Apple Bloom had trotted down.

"Apple Bloom. What's the matter with Big Mac?" Applejack asked

"I think you know sis. " Apple Bloom said with disappointment.

"Spike?" Applejack asked.

The two Apple siblings only gave her looks of disgust and disappointment as Big Mac said

"Not just Spike. The fact that his evil clone from the future not only told us that you and the girls caused Equestria's destruction, but how you had kept treating him to the point where he destroyed our home."

Applejack backed up and said "Look, Ah know that what the evil Spike did had hurt us-"

However, Apple Bloom cut her off with an tone of disappointed anger

"No, you did this to us. Even Granny Smith didn't want to talk to you when she told me to say the truth to her. Yer supposed to be the Element of Honesty and ya lied to both him and us about yer friendships and how ya cared."

Applejack tried to talk, but her mouth ran out of a response to say. She knew that with how Dark Spike exposed her and the girls, the proof and revelation he did was not just thorough but outright true. Applejack only tried to say something in a stammering mess.

"Ah..Ah didn't...ah didn't mean."

The two siblings only left her to her thought, but not before Big Mac said before he left upstairs.

"An by the way Applejack, no true Apple ever lies. Let alone as an Element of Friendship."

Applejack only gave a look of guilt at his words with a silent breath.

(Flashback with Fluttershy)

Fluttershy was in her cottage and she had been treating her animals to care as much as she could. However, the events from Dark Spike's rampage in Ponyville still shook her to the core.

As Fluttershy was treating Angel, she only sighed and tried to take her mind of things. Discord had then poofed in and Fluttershy saw the Spirit of Chaos. However, he had a frown on his face and was clearly unhappy.

"Hi Discord." Fluttershy said

Discord only nodded at Fluttershy, who then gave a look of remorse and said "You know too?"

"I don't just know Fluttershy, I saw everything. I am very ashamed of you!" Discord replied with distaste

"Discord I didn't mean to!" Fluttershy tried to justify.

"Yes you did. It was you who helped me see the meaning of Friendship, yet now I learn you don't show it to Spike? The same dragon that always wanted to help you and yet you cast him out like he was an dangerous dragon your scared of!?" Discord asked with disgust.

Fluttershy slowly began to form tears and said "I..didn't mean to hurt him."

Discord only shook his head with disappointment and said

"You didn't just hurt him. You and the girls betrayed him, his trust and his love for you all. He was willing to stick his neck out for you each and you take advantage of it to benefit yourselves. "

"I..I'm..sorry." Fluttershy said

"It's not me you should say that to, it's Spike." Discord notified.

The spirit of chaos then teleported with a snap of his fingers and left the pegasus alone, where she shed tears in guilt at his words.

(Flashback with Twilight)

Twilight was in her castle reading a book in her room. As she read, she tried to get over Spike. But no matter what she did, she couldn't. Twilight had even seen a picture of her family. Her mom, dad and Shining were in it. But Spike wasn't.

"Spike...I'm sorry." Twilight said

The lavender alicorn only cried to herself silently and was grief-stricken at how he was not coming back.

Outside Twilight's room, Starlight had heard her crying and wanted to comfort her. However, what could she say? With Spike gone, she didn't know how to reassure Twilight of the love they both had as family. Spike had left after he discovered why his evil counterpart from the future had existed, and Twilight and the girls were to blame and they were too depressed to let anyone help them.

(End of Flashbacks)

The girls were already dismayed at the current circumstances. As much as they missed Spike leaving after he saved Equestria with them. They knew they were just as much to blame for causing Dark Spike's rampage both in his timeline and in theirs.

"I really miss him." Twilight said in sorrow.

"We all do sugarcube." Applejack said

"If I had the chance, I would make things right for Spike to be our friend again." Rainbow Dash said in guilt

"Same here." Fluttershy added.

"I know I threw parties for all of my friends, but forgetting Spike is a mistake I'll never forget. When he comes back. I'll throw Spike the best Welcome back to Equestria party!" Pinkie Pie said with an promising tone.

The girls only gave looks of amusement to Pinkie and her vow and hugged each other.

(In the Everfree Forest)

A cloaked figure was approaching the entrance to Ponyville. The figure removed the hood, revealing it was Dark Spike. He said

"If I am to infiltrate and further destroy this stupid village and that hypocritical princess and her friends, I must play it smart....and I think I know how."

Dark Spike shapeshifted and in dark green flames, turned from his true form into the form of his younger self. However, there was a twist.

He wasn't a dragon...he was an alicorn colt!, he had an green mane and tail along with a purple colored coat. His eyes were green and he had a purple little horn and wings on his back. His cutie mark was a scroll in dark green flames

"This mini form of my younger self should be an perfect way to ride off suspicion and cause a bit of mischief."

He trotted into the entrance of Ponyville further. He stopped and then said

"Before I leave though. I need a precaution and an new name to blend in.....how about....Jungle Guardian?"

Dark Spike's eyes and horn glowed and a clone of Dark Spike. The clone said to Dark Spike/Jungle Guardian.

"What's the plan?"

"Go to the mirror world and do what you need to hurt my young self and his bacon haired girlfriend. I'll stay here and deal with the six phonies." Dark Spike/Jungle Guardian said

The clone nodded and created a dark green portal with his hand emitting a flaming dark green aura. The Dark Spike clone entered and the portal disappeared while the disguised Dark Spike entered Ponyville's entrance.