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Chapter 4

(In the cafeteria)

Spike was meanwhile sitting at the table with the girls, but he was slightly away from them with a fearful look. This didn't go unnoticed by the Rainbooms, who were giving looks of concern and worry.

"Um, Spike? Are you ok?" Sci-Twi asked with fear of his well-being.

"Sugarcube, you look pale as a ghost." Applejack added with concern.

Spike only looked at them with a frown at their looks of worry to him. He only said

"Never better." Spike said simply

This only made the girls more worried as Spike simply continued to eat with an anxious look. As he did, Fluttershy said in fear.

"Um, Spike? Do you need to talk?"

"No, it's ok." Spike reassured.

"Are you sure?" Sunset said worried.

Spike nodded, leaving the girls with concern and said "I'll let you know if something's up."

He then finished his lunch and headed out of the cafeteria, leaving the girls worried.

As Spike left, he made his way to the hallway and walked through the halls.

"JOIN US........" An dark voice said

Spike turned and as he did, a locker opened ominously and showed a dark shadow near the door's shadow, which moved.


Spike only ran and hid in the boys bathroom and went to a sink and washed his face, but saw an shadow in the mirror instead of his own reflection.


"I'll never turn into that! Or be like you! The Elements saved me, removed your corruption and purified you in my body!" Spike refuted.

"AND THAT MEANS YOU ARE SAFE FROM ME?......OR YOU?" The shadow in the mirror answered.

Spike only shouted in defiance "GET OUT OF MY MIND!"

"........YOU ONLY DELAY YOUR TRUE PATH..AND....DESTINY......" The shadow said before dissipating.

Spike only looked and saw his reflection again and the shadow was gone. He looked and saw there was nothing else amiss either and shook his head with annoyance and relief.

"Ok, that's over." Spike said, and he left the bathroom.

As Spike left, he saw the students panic and run in fright. He was confused until he saw the girls in bright uniforms.

They were fighting a shadowy like monster in the gym. It has red eyes and 5 tentacles on it's body and cloud mist like form.

"What is this thing?!" Rainbow Dash shouted in shock at the mysterious monster.

"Whatever it is, our magic can't hurt it!" Rarity said.

Spike saw the danger the girls were in, with the monster even managing to grab Rarity and Sunset in dark tentacles.

"Oh no! The girls are in danger!" Spike said scared

He breathed in and out as he slowly became consumed by rage and fear at Sunset and the Rainbooms being hurt. His clothes turned dark green and purple as did his skin, his hair turned dark green while his eyes turned red and black like in the gym class with Coach Spitfire.

Spike was surrounded by dark green flames and gained green and black armor from head to toe, with a dark green face mask. He lunged into the frey and fought the creature. He started by cutting it's tentacles with a flaming charged sword, freeing the Rainbooms.

"Whoa!" Sunset said at the mysterious hero.

"Who is that?" Sci-Twi asked

The armored Spike formed a dark shadowy aura from his hands and began to suck in the creature. The monster screeched and tried to escape, but Spike drained him and he dissipated into nothing. Spike then said

"Good riddance."

Students from nearby began to clap and cheer at the armored Spike aiding the girls. Spike only looked at the girls and began to leave. As he did, the Rainbooms approached.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash called out

The armored hero however, teleported away in a dark shadowy mist, leaving the girls confused as to who their savior was.

"Who was that guy?" Sci-Twi asked

"Whoever he was, he has magic like us." Sunset said

With Spike, he was outside the school and turned back to normal, hiding behind the statue near CHS. As Spike breathed in and out, he only said to himself.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

" YOU HAVE ONLY BEGUN YOUR STEP INTO YOUR FUTURE." The shadow before said, with Spike seeing him behind him on the statue.

"Stop trying to make me be like my future self. I'll never turn into him! Ever!" Spike refused

The shadow said before it dissipated once more "....YOU......HAVE....NO.......CHOICE......"

Spike only breathed in and out and began to get up and go back inside CHS. As he entered, Spike began to hear the students talk about the events with him saving the girls

"Dude, did you see that armored guy save those girls?"

"Yeah, You think he's one of them?"

"I hope he might look cute without his mask on."

"Whoever he is, I am so dating him when I see him."

Spike only blushed and tried to not draw attention as the students spoke about the mysterious hero. As Spike walked, he entered the cafeteria and went to the girl's.

"Hey girls." Spike greeted.

"Hey Spike." Sunset said

"What happened?" Spike asked

"Me and the girls had to deal with some creature made of darkness, but none of us could hurt it." Sunset said

"Well, that was until this helpful fellow helped us stop that vile ruffian from causing more damage." Rarity said

Spike only sheepishly laughed a bit and said "Really? Who was it?"

"We don't exactly know. He wore green and black armor and used shadow like magic like that creature." Applejack said

"Really? Weird?" Spike said

However, Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer only looked at him suspiciously. Sci-Twi asked with suspicion

"By the way Spike, where were you when this happened?"

"Oh! I was in the bathroom....doing my business." Spike said innocently

This left him and the girls uncomfortable as they continued to eat.

(In Equestria(?))

In an unknown location, a shadowy figure was in a cave and had red eyes and a shadowy, mist like form.

"Hmmmm. So...I...return." The figure said in a familiar teen voice

He began to form into a familiar dragon form and said

"If he's in the mirror world, I guess that gives me some free time to myself."

It disappeared, leaving no trace of itself behind.