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Chapter 18

Author's Note:

Warning: This chapter will have a failed suicide attempt and some emotional heartbreak. If you don't wish to see this chapter, turn away.

I own nothing, everything belongs to rightful owners.

Spike has managed to return back to the present. His wounds and bruises were regenerating as he made his way to the mirror world and saw the school was intact and so far nothing looked to be out of place. As he walked, he noticed it was snowing and made his way in the school.

The halls were empty. Spike continued to walk down the halls and said

"Where is everybody?"

Spike soon reached the door to the gymnasium. He saw the Rainbooms and the other students. They were having fun with Christmas activities and snacks. Spike only gave a small smile and left.

As he walked, a voice called out to him.


Spike turned around and it was Principal Celestia with a look of concern.

"Are you alright?" Celestia asked

Spike only nodded and Principal Celestia said "Well, Sunset and the others are in the gym. They said they're waiting for you."

Spike nodded and said "Thanks Principal Celestia."

Spike rurned away, until Principal Celestia said

"Spike wait! Are you ok? After you and the other you we saw disappeared, we were worried sick. Are you sure your ok?"

"I am Principal Celestia. I'll be ok." Spike said with acknowledged care.

Principal Celestia nodded, albeit reluctantly and left as Spike only looked down. He felt he should be happy, but he couldn't. Although he stopped his evil self, he couldn't find it in himself to be happy. Spike only began to walk down the halls but passed the gym entrance.

Spike made his way up the stairs and managed to reach the top floor. He then went up a few more stairs and reached a door. After he opened the door, Spike reached the roof and sat near the edge.

Spike only looked at the sky. The snowflakes coming down only made him give a solemn look of depression and guilt. He only hugged his nears and shed some tears to himself, which he wiped away with his hand.

"I guess I should leave the girls be. I can't risk them or anybody else getting hurt or put in danger with how much power I have. I may have an adoptive aunt and mother now. But that doesn't change the fact that I nearly put them and my friends in danger. Not only that,but what if I lose everything like with Equestria. Thorax, Ember and Big Mac....I think it's best I end it here and now."

Spike only stood and moved back from the edge and gave a heavy breath of air.

(Inside the Gymnasium)

The students and teachers were having fun with the holiday activities set up. There were tables of food and games made around as the students had mingled. The Rainbooms also were having fun and played games with each other. Even the Dazzlings were having a good time.

"Man. This holiday party is awesome!" Rainbow Dash said

"You said it Dashie!" Pinkie acknowledged

"It looks like Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna really outdid themselves!" Rarity said

They continued to have fun with each other. However, Principal Celestia had came in and looked around but saw no sign of Spike.

"Hey Principal Celestia!" Sunset said to the approaching adult.

"Hello girls. Is the party well?" Celestia asked

"You bet it is! I set it up with snacks, activities, balloons, streamers and music! And it is The most AWESOMEST CHRISTMAS PARTY EVER!" Pinkie shouted with amazement

The girls all cheered, until Celestia asked "By the way, has Spike come by?"

The girls looked at each other and gave confused looks and shook their heads.

"Sorry Principal Celestia. We haven't seen him anywhere." Applejack said

"Plus, we haven't seen him ever since him and that evil twin of his showed up here." Rarity said as well

"Is he ok?" Sunset asked

"I haven't seen him ever since he returned. He only said he would join, but it's been past 8 minutes since we waited." Principal Celestia said

The girls were confused and surprised at Celestia's response.

"We should go looking for him." Rainbow Dash said

"Yeah! Spikey is our friend! He should be here with us!" Pinkie agreed

The other girls nodded and began to head to the gym doors.

(Back with Spike)

Spike only gave a look of guilt and grief as he looked at the sky. His life in the mirror world may have been able to help him gain some of his love and friendship again, but that didn't change the fact his evil self had also managed to return and nearly put them in harms way.

"It's time to end all of this." Spike said with a look of acceptance.

He closed his eyes and readied his feet. With a slow huff of his breath, he began to run to the edge of the roof of the school.

Now near the edge, he shed a tear in his eyes and jumped off the roof.


Spike fell on the hard ground near the entrance of CHS. While there were no signs of blood, his bones had been dislocated. This was due to the amulet fused in him regenerating his body.

"Goodbye...Sunset." Spike said in pain, with his bruises slowly regenerating.

Sunset and the girls continued to look for Spike around the halls but he was nowhere in sight.

"Where can Spike be?" Sci-Twi said

"I'm sure he wouldn't leave us Twilight." Sunset said

"Plus, the way he helped us against an evil twin of him shows he's a tough kid." Rainbow Dash added.

As the Rainbooms looked around, they heard a scene coming outside.

"Huh? What's going on outside?" Applejack asked

"It sounds like someone's hurt!" Sunset said

They ran out the door entrance and saw a number of students and paramedics checking someone. They pushed the onlookers aside and their confused looks turned to horror, shock and grief on who it was.

"SPIKE!?!?!?!?"" The girls screamed in shock.

The paramedics rolled the injured and unconscious Spike on a stretcher and put him in the back before leaving the school grounds.

The girls had given different reactions. Rarity had tears flowing, which caused make-up to stream down her face, Fluttershy only cried out of grief and sadness, Pinkie's hair had deflated and her smile was replaced with a frown, Rainbow Dash only looked down woth tears falking down her face, Applejack covered her face with her hat to hide her grief-stricken tears, Sci-Twi only put a hand to her mouth as she shed some tears while Sunset had not only covered her mouth in grief, but her eyes were widened as to what happened.

"How could this happen?!" Rarity shouted

"I dunno. But who could hurt Spike like that?!" Rainbow Dash said

"We better check with him what happened." Sunset said

"Sunset's right. Let's get to the hospital and see if we can get answers." Sci-Twi said

With the paramedics, they managed to reach the Canterlot City Hospital. Spike was then rolled out the ambulance and into the hospital.

(In Equestria)

Jungle Guardian was in the School of Friendship and he was currently in the class of Loyalty. While there were not many students around, he stood paying attention as Rainbow Dash taught the class.

"And that's what you need to do to be loyal to your friends." Rainbow Dash finished

Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike was writing notes as Rainbow Dash had lectured the students. After a few hours had passed, the bell rang and the students left the classroom

As Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike was walking through the halls, he began to slowly look around the place and said in his thoughts.

"So far, it looks like I have time to bide until I strike.....good"

He only continued through the halls, avoiding the students around him.

(Back in mirror world)

Spike was being taken into the Canterlot Hospital building on a stretcher by paramedics. As they moved him, doctors came and began to see what was wrong.

(A few hours later)

Spike was in a dark void. He looked around and said



"Who said that?!" Spike asked.

"It's me Spike, Venom. Why did you do this?!" Venom shouted in shock and worry as he appeared in a red flashing orb.

"Because Venom. I can't be near them anymore. I risked their lives too many times already with my evil self. I have to take responsibility. It's best I stay away from it all. I'll just have to suffer alone so we don't suffer all together."

"Spike, I understand your grief and fear of how things have been recently, but that doesn't mean things should end like this! " Venom replied

"...I can't....i can't do this anymore....I'm sorry." Spike said with a grief-stricken tone.

Spike began to slowly awaken as the black void began to shape and collapse and he started to open his eyes. He was in a bed and there were some wires on his body linked to some machines. As he opened his eyes, Spike began to feel a bit better due to his wounds regenerating.

"....why.....?" Spike said in depression.

As Spike layed down, the doctor came in and said

"Oh! Your awake. Are you feeling ok?"

Spike nodded slowly but did not speak

"While you did fall and break some of the bones in your legs, no blood came out surprisingly. You should be fine after you stay in a few days."

Spike still didn't say anything. He only nodded with a thumbs up to the doctor, who left the room.

With the Rainbooms. They were in the waiting room and sat next to each other and waited on Spike's condition. They only worried on what was going to happen to him. The hospital doors opened and the Dazzlings came in alimg with the two Principals. They had looks of worry and fear just as the Rainbooms did. They sat on the other side and waited.

After a few hours passed, the doctor came in. The girls noticed amd gave hopeful looks to the doctor

The doctor asked "Are you each friends with a boy named Spike?"

They each nodded as Principal Celestia asked "Is he ok?"

"He's fine. Surprisingly, there were no major bones or arteries broken when he fell. He should be ok in the next few days." The doctor said

"Is it ok if we see him?" Vice-Principal Luna asked

The doctor nodded and led them to the room Spike was in.

As soon as the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings and the Principals reached the room Spike was being treated in. Upon entering, the doctor opened the door and said

"Spike, you have some visitors. Do you want to see them?"

Spike only nodded, albeit slowly out of reluctance.

The doctor complied and let all the girls in. As soon as they entered, they only gave looks of mixed relief and sadness.

"Hey buddy. You ok?" Rainbow Dash said

Spike replied "So far."

"How did this happen?" Applejack asked

Spike was hesitant to answer about his injuries. He didn't want to lie, but he didn't want them to know what he did to himself. He only said

"I fell." Spike replied

The girls looked at Applejack, who only gave an unconvinced look and said "Yer lyin Spike."

"What?!" The girls said confused.

Sunset, now suspicious, walked over to Spike and touched his cheek. Her eyes turned white and she saw Spike's memories....especially when he jumped off the roof. Sunset backed away with shock and said to Spike.

"What is wrong with you?!?!"

"Sunset?" Sci-Twi asked

"Spike did fall, but he jumped off the school's ROOF!" Sunset told them.

This only shocked the girls and the Principals as they each shouted with disbelief.


Spike only looked down as Adagio slapped him.


"Why would you do THAT?!?!?!" Adagio said with tears.

Spike didn't reply, he only looked down as Rarity said

"Your our friend Spike! How could you do that?!?!"

Spike didn't know how to tell them. He couldn't after how he put the girls lives at risk.

"Spike. Answer the question!" Vice-Principal Luna asked again firmly.

Spike eventually was about to open his mouth, until he groaned in pain and held his head in his hands. After a few seconds his eyes turned black said red and said

"I believe I can answer that."

"Spike?" Pinkie asked

"Yes and No. I am Spike, but I am Venom, the Guardian that Sunset saw in his mind months ago. I am in his mind as the stress of the recent events is already hurting him. Since he cannot tell you, I am in his subconscious and talking to you in his body. That is why I will tell you what he told me. "

The girls were taken aback, until Sunset asked "Why did Spike jump off the roof!?!?!"

"Spike said he couldn't bear to see you all in danger after his evil self kept putting your lives at risk. Not only that, but the stress and trauma from what happened in his home and here began to affect him more then ever. He said it's better he'd die and let you all be safe in peace then suffering all together. I even tried to talk to him, but his grief was too much for him. He wanted the pain and fear to go away so much that he thought it's better if he'd.....be gone. " Venom/Spike replied

The girls and the Principals were left shocked and mortified at how Spike wanted his pain and grief to stop. They each had tears in their eyes as Venom gave a look of guilt and grief.

"Can we talk with Spike? I think we should hear his part of it." Celestia asked.

Venom/Spike nodded and his eyes began to return to their normal green color. He shook his head and looked at the girls.

"Ok. What is it?" Spike said

"We want to know why you did this to yourself?!" Pinkie asked

"The reason is because, when I was fighting my evil self. I kept thinking as to how he nearly hurts you guys and comes back even if we stop him. I thought that if I stop him myself it would end, but he kept returning. Since he is me from an alternate future time, I thought if I'd...end it that you would all be safe." Spike confessed with guilt

This confession left the girls shocked at how much Spike cared about them, with Spike continuing.

"Not only that, but the fact that he had a almost reasonable point on destroying Equestria and my friends only made me question if I ever had any friends at all. With how much we both went through, I can't risk anyone left in my life being taken away from me. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think you all should be near me. I can't do this. Not without you all almost gettinig hurt or killed!"

Spike's confession only deepened the hole in his friends and adoptive guardians hearts as he spoke.

"Look, I know that I-"


Spike was slapped again, but this time by Sunset, who had tears in her eyes.

"Spike. Look at me."

Spike did so and saw the grief in Sunset's eyes.

"I understand you don't want us to get hurt, but this won't do any better either! We care about you too much after how much you went through here and from Equestria! I know your scared, and you have every right, but this won't change anything!"

Adagio added "Spike, I get your scared for our safety, and your not wrong. But hurting yourself like this will only hurt us more then ever! Please Spike! You saved my and my sisters from him, it's time we save you. He may have forced you into so much, but that doesn't mean your alone."

"I may not know how much you went through Spike, but doing this is NEVER the answer! We love you too much to hurt yourself this way. When me and Luna adopted you, we saw how much pain and suffering you had to go through. I know it's been hard for you, but we are here for you. You helped save us, we're each here to do the same."

Spike only looked down and shed some tears with a frown. He looked up again and said

"But what if I lose one of you? What if I'm not strong enough to help you all or anyone else?"

"That's something you shouldn't think about now. And your not alone Spikey-Wikey. What matters is that you treasure the moments that you have now with those you cherish and care about. And remember, you are never alone." Rarity said

Spike only looked down again and closed his eyes. With reinvigorated valor and confidence, he said


The girls and the Principals smiled and group hugged Spike with happiness, with Rarity and the Dazzlings kissing his cheeks with relief and loving care. After a few minutes, they broke the hug and Spike said

"Thank you."

"Your very welcome." Fluttershy said

They left the room in order for Spike to recover. As Spike lied on the bed, he shed a tear of happiness....with his eyes turning dark red then light green as he blinked his eyes....