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Chapter 15

Adagio and Aria were in the karaoke bar doing their annual routine, singing for customers. After they finished, they went backstage and took off their mics.

"Well today was different." Aria said indifferently

"Yeah, but where's Sonata? She's never late." Adagio said confused

Arua shrugged until her phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket. She gave a surprised look and said

"Hey it's from Sonata. She sent a video and said that other Spike is up to no-good."

Adagio looked at the phone and saw the text message.

"Girls! We have a big problem! That meanie Spike is planning to frame Sunset and Spike with that Anon-a-Miss scam months ago that was all over the news!

The two sirens gave looks of surprise at Sonata's message.

"We better tell Sunset and the others." Adagio said worried

She, along with Aria pulled out their phones.

(In Equestria)

Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike was knocking on the door of the Castle of Friendship. He lit his horn and a dark green magic aura emitted from his horn. Suddenly a cloak covered his wings.

"Just to avoid detection or suspicion." Dark Spike thought

After a few seconds, the doors opened and it was Starlight.

"Yes?" Starlight asked

"Um hello? I was told this is the School of Friendship." Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike said

"As a matter of fact it is. Can I help you?" Starlight kindly replied

"I want to join. I know its not really good right now. But I wanna join the school." Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike asked

"Ok. I'll let Princess Twilight know." Starlight said and she went in to speak with Twilight.

Spike was in school at CHS. As he was heading to the library, he saw Sci-Twi at a table reading a book. He kept on walking until Sci-Twi had noticed him.

"Spike!" Sci-Twi said

Spike gave a look at the smart girl and said "Hey Twilight. Whatcha doin?"

"Oh. I'm just studying a bit. You?" Sci-Twi replied

"Nothing much. Can I sit here?" Spike said

Sci-Twi nodded and Spike sat on the opposite side of the table. The two gave awkward looks as Spike decided to break the ice.

"So...how's the dog version of me?" Spike asked

"Oh he's doing ok. He can even talk thanks to the magic that came from your world." Sci-Twi said

Spike only nodded and said "Great."

"Do you gave any plans today?" Spike asked

"Yeah. I'm going to spend the holidays with my niece and brother along with his wife."

"Holidays?" Spike asked

"Oh. Since it's December, there's a few days until Christmas. A holiday we celebrate and spend time with our loved ones ang get presents if we're good and nice." Sci-Twi explained

Spike only nodded with a smile and thought "So basically a version of Hearts Warming Eve and Shining, Flurry Heart and Cadance are here too? Guess I missed alot."

As the two continued to talk, they were watched by Dark Spike, who was hiding near one of the book shelves.

"SPIKE! TWILIGHT!" A familiar voice cried.

The two gave looks of confusion at who shouted and looked around.

The door to the library had suddenly burst open and in came Pinkie Pie. She had a frantic look and said.

"Did you see the new posts on MyStable?!" Pinkie asked

"No. What happened?" Sci-Twi asked

"It's Anon-A-Miss! Their posting students secrets again!" Pinkie replied.

The two gave looks of confusion as Spike asked "Anon-A-Miss?"

Pinkie turned to Spike and saw his confusion, but remembered he was not with them previously when...the events with Sunset and how the students believed she became the bully she once was had occurred.

"Oh right. You two don't know about that?" Pinkie remembered.

"About what?" Sci-Twi asked

Pinkie only gave a reluctant look and sweated due to what happened previously with Anon-A-Miss. With how it nearly hurt her and the other girls when they thought Sunset had betrayed them, it only brought back bad memories. As Pinkie struggled to answer the question, the door opened and the other Rainbooms had come in along with Sunset. None of them looked too happy.

"Ah can't believe tha varmint is back!" Applejack said angry.

"We had to deal with it once, now it's coming back again?!" Rainbow Dash said with outrage.

Spike and Twilight got up as Spike asked "What is going on?!"

Sunset looked away from her phone and said "It's kind of a long story. But I'll tell you two."

Sunset only began to explain what Anon-A-Miss was and what they did to her and her friends. From posting personal info about the girls and the other students to even their most personal secrets. Spike and Sci-Twi gave appalled looks, mostly at the other Rainbooms.

"So you each believed she had gone back to her old self that easily when this happened? How could you?!" Spike said with horror and disgust.

"We didn't know! We weren't thinking straight and-" Rarity said, but Spike cut her off.

"Didn't think?, it sounds more like you didn't CARE!" Spike shouted

The young dragon turned human's outburst made some other students look with confusion or shock while the girls backed away in slight fear. Spike only breathed in to calm down and asked.

"Do you have any suspects?" Spike asked

The girls only gave shakes of their heads, meaning no. Spike only sighed and left the library.

"Where ya goin sugarcube?" Applejack asked

"You'll see." Spike replied.

He then left the library. Unbeknownst to him and the girls, Dark Spike was watching the events and said

"Now to make my goody two-shows younger self suffer a little revenge..... but first, I'll give a little surprise to my younger self."

Spike was walking and noticed the conflict among the students.

"Did you hear what happened?!"

"Anon-A-Miss is back again!"

"How?! I thought those three crusaders were the ones behind it!"

"Well if it's Anon-A-Miss, I'm gonna make them pay!"

This left Spike worried and fearful at how the whole thing began to replay.

"I hope Sunset and everybody else is going to be ok." Spike thought with fear.

As he walked, the PA spoke and it was from Vice-Principal Luna.

"Attention all students, we have a special mandatory announcement regarding the incident of the online user Anon-A-Miss. It will be at 1 PM in the gym at the auditorium and there will be requirement for all students to attend. Thank you."

Spike was only worried at the fact that what could occur can likely get worse as a result of the incident Sunset had told him about.

(A few hours later)

The time for the announcement had come and Spike made his to the gymnasium. As soon as he entered he sat on one of the bleachers. After a few minutes, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had came in and walked up to the microphone.

"Good afternoon students of CHS. As I am aware you are preparing for the holidays. However, it has recently come to my attention that the user Anon-A-Miss has once again risen and bullying our students. We have recently spoken with the previous culprits and they have so far proven to be innocent for now. However, we ask that students remove their activity online in case Anon-A-Miss strikes again." Principal Celestia spoke.

There was a lot of chatter among the students about the situation. Even the Rainbooms were talking of what to do and how they could find the user. Spike was only debating on what to do and how he could help.

"Here is the evidence we found. " Vice-Principal Luna said

They went over the projector and played it on the announcement screen. The first slide showed an image of the school.

"The first clue we found was that the user was a CHS student and has been targeting students at random. Similar to what happened previously." Vice-Principal Luna

This left some CHS students somewhat dismayed and weary as the Principals continued to the next slide, which showed the library.

"The next clue was that user used the library to post the students secrets and has managed to do it simultaneously with different accounts." Principal Celestia added

Principal Celestia went to the next slide, showing a hooded figure in the background in the school hallways, but the figure's face was not shown.

"The last piece of evidence we found was that the culprit is not only a student, but likely intends to keep doing this secretly by any means-"

At that moment, the lights went out.

"Hey! What happened!?"

"Who turned out the lights?!"

"I can't see!"

Eventually, after a few seconds, the lights came back on, however the announcement screen had shown static instead of the slides.

"What happened to the slides?!" Principal Celestia asked

"I don't know! The projector is working and the slides are connected how is-?!" Vice-Principal Luna said, but was cut off by a voice from the static.


The static stopped and a video played of a dark room as Spike said

"What the heck?!"

"What's going on?!" Sunset said with fright.

The screen showed a tied up Sonata, who muffled in protest as the camera user said

"So...you...want to...know....?"

The students, including Spike and the Rainbooms, were left shocked at the voice, who continued.


The figures words only left the students more anxious as he continued.

"Well faker...I hope your watching this."

The camera turned and showed Spike...or rather Dark Spike. This was evident as while he had Spike's appearance, his eyes were blood red.

"SPIKE?!" The Principal's said shocked with disbelief.

"Spike?!" The students said with equal shock.

Spike only gave a look at the screen in horror and the Rainbooms, knowing it was not the Spike they knew and cared for, also were left shocked and mortified. Spike only got up and looked at the screen with disbelief.

"So, your all wondering if I'm Anon-A-Miss? Well I am, but not the way you all think." Dark Spike (clone) said

"What do you want this time faker?!" Spike asked

"Oh me? Nothing. But it's not about what I want. Right now, it's about what you want." Dark Spike (clone) said with a smirk.

The dark dragon turned human moved and showed not just Sonata...but Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. He had them captive! This only left Spike more shocked and infuriated. The same happened with Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who gave looks of anger and worry at the young girls captivity.

"Let em go ya no good two-faced varmint!" Applejack said to Dark Spike (clone)

"If you touch my sister, I will PULVERIZE YOU!" Rarity said angrily.

"Let Scootaloo go you CREEP!" Rainbow Dash threatened

"Ok I will." Dark Spike (clone) said

This confused the girls as Spike said "Really?"

"Yeah. But I have some demands. Don't worry its just one."

The students only gave looks to each other of fear or confusion as Spike asked "What do you want?"

"Do you remember the old warehouse? Meet me there again...ALONE this time....NOW." Dark Spike (clone) said

The screen went static as the slides returned and the students and Principals were left in stunned surprise and silence at the message by Dark Spike.

Spike only gave a nod to himself and got up began to leave the gym entrance. The students noticed and were left shocked as were the Principals and the Rainbooms.

"Spike! What are you doing?!" Sunset said

"Ya can't be seriously doing this!" Applejack added

"What choice do we have? If I get help he'll only hurt your sisters. I have to settle the score with him alone." Spike replied

"No Spike! We are not letting you get hurt!" Principal Celestia refused out of concern.

"And who knows what that imposter is planning by now!" Vice-Principal Luna said, equally worried

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna risk your safety or theirs! I'm the one who caused this, I have to take responsibility." Spike replied.

The two Principals were shocked at their adopted son's reasoning and refusal to let them help. Spike then began to leave, but not before saying to them with guilt.

"I'm sorry."

The dragon turned dog now turned human had left the gym silently.

The Rainbooms were in the gymnasium while the other students began to leave. They only gave looks of concern and worry as they debated while looking down.

"So what do we do?" Sci-Twi asked

"We have to find a way to save them without evil Spike knowing." Sunset said

"We can't risk helping or he'll hurt our sisters." Rarity said in dismay.

"Not to mention likely us sooner or later." Fluttershy said

"Well we have to help the poor darling someway!" Rarity said

"Yeah, the poor guy went through alot from what Sunset told us. " Rainbow Dash said

As they were thinking, the girls heard a voice behind them.

"Maybe we can help."

They turned and saw it was none other then Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. They both had looks of seriousness on their faces.

Author's Note:

Happy Holidays everypony! Sorry it took so long! The next few chapters will be with a battle between the two Spike's and activities holiday related.

I do apologize for the long wait.