• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Heart to Heart

Rainbow Dash lay on the front porch to the Apple Family farm house. Her chin was slumped over her crossed forelimbs, and she gazed with lethargic eyes upon the mares and fillies performing one competition after another among the barrels towards the far end of the field.

There was a slight breeze, followed by the flapping of feathers. Four yellow hooves daintily touched down on the wooden floorboards behind Rainbow Dash.

“Uhm... I-I see that you didn't touch any of Granny Smith's 'vittles,'” Fluttershy said.

“Meh,” Rainbow meh'd. Her nostrils flared as she stared off into the orchards. “I'm not really all that hungry.”

“Don't you get tired of using that excuse, Rainbow Dash?”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

Fluttershy trotted forward and stood beside the other pegasus. “I really, really wish you would eat more. I mean... you're such an active pegasus, and you're small enough as it is.”

“Oh for the love of—” Rainbow rolled her eyes and glanced aside. “What is it with everypony insisting that I'm somehow scrawny compared to the rest of you guys?”

“Erm... w-well...” Fluttershy bit her lip.

Rainbow blinked at her. She glanced at Fluttershy's left foreleg, then at her own hooves. Three seconds into her eyes adjusting for the size difference, she gave up and glared up at the sky. “Eugh... whatever...”

Fluttershy stifled a giggle and squatted down beside Rainbow Dash. “This is nice, isn't it?”

“Define nice,” Rainbow droned. “You have more meanings for it than a walrus has for 'snow.'”

“Hearth's Warming has always been a bit too festive for me. And you know how I feel about Nightmare Night.”

“Uh huh...”

“But this? This Social?” Fluttershy smiled warmly into the distant crowd of ponies. “It's a perfectly serene celebration of family and sisterhood. I wish all occasions were as lovely and... nice as this.”

“Fluttershy, you've never been all that big on family,” Rainbow said. “I mean—like—you never got the chance to.”

“Yes.” Fluttershy hung her head. “I know.” She sighed a bit, but produced a weak smile. “But all of that may be changing soon.”

Rainbow Dash glanced aside at her. “You're dead-set, aren't you?”

Fluttershy avoided her gaze. “Uhm... I-I'm not alone.”

“No.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “You're not.”


With a sigh, Rainbow gazed once more at the crowd. “Fluttershy, what's our deal?”


“Why is it that we... y'know... dig the Apple Family so damn much?”

Fluttershy's pupils shrank upon the realization of that. Something burst out of her dainty muzzle in the form of a laugh. After a few seconds, she brushed a mane over her flushed forehead. “Oh m-my... we both do love the Apple Family, don't we?”

“Nnnngh...” Rainbow grumbled. “Yeah.”

Fluttershy winced. She gazed at her friend, then rested her head down until it was level with Rainbow's. “Well, let's see... uh... they're nice.”

“Ugh.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Gimme a break.”

“Heehee... ahem... What I suppose I should say is that they find time to be nice. They have so many pressing concerns as it is. They have a farm to run. They have a community to support. They have livestock to feed and produce to sell in markets both near and far. And yet, in spite of all the strength and courage they already exercise, they find time for ponies like us. They find time for their friends, and they find time for... for the ponies they love.”

“Uh huh...” Rainbow Dash nodded limply. “Some more than others.”

Instead of wincing again, Fluttershy tightened her jaw and said, “Big Macintosh has so much on his plate. I've always known that his family takes first for him. And yet—especially lately—when we're together?” She sighed out her nostrils and rested her face in a melting smile. “I feel as though his whole world revolves around me.”

Rainbow Dash shut her eyes.

Fluttershy went on. “I-I didn't ask for it at first! For that matter, I didn't even think anything was happening! I simply found him a good and valued friend, and I admired his steadfastness and courage. I marveled that he could be so strong and fearless... and yet so soft-spoken and shy at the same time. It's amazing. Even the strongest of ponies can relish in gentleness, and even the weakest of ponies have great strength to show. And he's given me the opportunity to be strong for him... and to be strong for myself.” She stared down at her hooves and fiddled with the wooden knotches in the porch's floorboards. “I love him. I really do. And I love that a stallion who exemplifies so much integrity could actually find something in me to love. It... it's made me more proud to be alive than I ever was.”

“And that's sayin' something,” Rainbow muttered.

“Erm... yes. Yes, it is.”

Another sigh, and then Rainbow said, “I envy you, Fluttershy...”

Fluttershy gulped. “Rainbow...”

“No, for real.” Rainbow gazed aside at her. “I wish I could... y'know... fall in love quietly. I wish that it didn't have to make or break me with each breath I took. I used to laugh at you for being afraid of your own shadow. But... really? In the long run?” She stared back out into the field. “You're not the one who's a coward.”

“I don't think it's cowardly to love who you love, Rainbow Dash.”

“No, but it's stupid and it's lame. I mean, I'm awesome. I deserve better than to tear myself apart like this! Why, if I had any friggin' respect for myself whatsoever, I... I...”

Fluttershy bit on her lip.

Rainbow's eyes twitched. She thought aloud, “I w-wouldn't settle for anything less than what was legit...”


At last, Fluttershy spoke. “Rainbow, I... I-I cannot pretend to understand your motivations half of the time. I shudder whenever I remember the day that I turned down my best friend. Just to imagine the look on your little f-face...” Fluttershy's voice waved slightly.

Rainbow winced at that, but tried not to show it.

Clearing her throat, Fluttershy continued. “But I have always sensed—always known—that the love you've had to give has always been a true love. The truest, deepest, and most precious love there is to give.”

“Even with Listing? Gilda?”

“Nopony's perfect.”

“Heheheh...” Rainbow chuckled bitterly. “No crap.”

“Those were mistakes and everypony knew them.” Fluttershy fidgeted. “Some of us... knew the consequences of those mistakes more than others. I worried about you so much, Rainbow Dash. I really did.”

“Mmmf... I know...”

“Do you?” Fluttershy gulped. “There were days when I thought I'd never see you again... that I may not be blessed with the excitement and charisma you'd have to give my everyday life.” She smiled painfully. “But then Twilight showed up.” Her eyes moistened slightly. “And a force greater than the Sun and Moon brought us back together again. And... it's been so wonderful, Rainbow Dash. It's been so absolutely incredible...”

“Yeah... I'll agree with that,” Rainbow Dash said. “Though, with a little less sap.”

“And now...” Fluttershy grimaced slightly. “I... I-I can't help but feel worried about you again.”

Rainbow turned her head to look at her.

Fluttershy gazed earnestly. “I'm worried that... that your days with Listing Breeze—or perhaps something worse that I don't even know about—has made you believe that you have to suffer for love. And that shouldn't be the case.” She shook her head. “Nopony as amazing as you deserves to be punished over and over again for no reason.”

Rainbow stared lazily. “If Big Macintosh woke up one morning, and he forgot everything about the two of you, would you give up on winning him back?”

Fluttershy's muzzle hung open. Ultimately she hung her head, avoiding Rainbow's face.

Rainbow shrugged limply. “It's okay, Fluttershy. Really. Don't feel so bad.” She gazed out at the field. “I'm the most awesome pegasus around. Being cool as that is bound to come with some eccentricities. Like legs that don't wanna work half the time.” She rested her chin on her hooves. “Or a heart that doesn't know which friggin' way is north...”

“I... uh... I don't know how to help you, Rainbow.”

“Then don't.”

Nevertheless, Fluttershy clenched her teeth and said, “But I do know this. I know there's a pony who thinks the world of you.”

Rainbow Dash lay still, listening.

“I know that there's a pony who believes that you are everything you've ever said you were.” Fluttershy smiled. “A pony who's entire day brightens when you so much as fly by.”

“I know where you're going with this, Flutters,” Rainbow muttered.

“Do you?” Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. “Then why do you keep ignoring it?”

“I'm not ignoring it,” Rainbow grunted, then sighed. “It's for her own good.”

“How...” Fluttershy blinked painfully, fumbling for words. “What could that possibly—?”

“When I was Scootaloo's age, I didn't have anypony to turn to,” Rainbow muttered. “When my dad died, I was on my own. Sure, there were adults who rushed in, trying to coddle me with all sorts of lame words and pretend-feelings. But I gave them the cold shoulder. And it was all for the best. Life sucked—and all they were gonna do was set me up for an even bigger fall. I didn't need that; I didn't need them. All I needed was myself... and I got by pretty well.”

“And what does that have to do with Scootaloo?”

“What doesn't it have to do with her?” Rainbow sighed. “The kid's got issues. I recognize some, but I can't pretend to know all of them. And I sure as heck can't pretend that I can suddenly and magically make her world all better just by giving her a pat on the back.”


“I mean it! The kid's talented. She's awesome in her own right. If she wants to get far in this world, all she needs is herself. She doesn't need me stumbling into her... and breaking her heart.” Rainbow gulped and stared off towards the horizon. “She doesn't need some lame-o like me as a role model... a pony who dropped out of flight school, got into two horribad relationships, and now pines away everyday for a heaven-sent mare who couldn't be damned into giving me more than a passing wink.” Rainbow's eyes closed. “As far as Scootaloo knows, I'm the best there is. Might as well keep it that way.”

“Rainbow, do you honestly think any of that actually matters?”

Rainbow was silent.

Fluttershy squinted. “What would it mean to you if—for one single day—Applejack was to drop everything that she was doing and cherish you from the bottom of her heart?”

Rainbow's entire body flinched. Still, she said nothing.

“Would it not bring you unfathomable joy, Rainbow?”

“Mrmmf... Fluttershy, let's be real here.” Rainbow's eyes opened, and they were misty. “That's never going to happen... ever.” She sniffled, blinking towards the grassy lawn. “And even if it did happen... it wouldn't be real.”

“Rainbow...” Fluttershy reached a hoof over. “Look at me.”

Rainbow's gaze tilted up to meet her friend's.

Fluttershy smiled. “You have nothing but real love to give. The realest and truest love that I've ever been blessed to see. You need to realize that it's okay to start giving that love... instead of waiting forever to receive something that's barely an ounce of what you have to bestow.”

Rainbow gulped. When she spoke, it was in a shaky tone. “I'm too sc-scared, Fluttershy. Scootaloo... sh-she reminds me too much of me when I was her age. She deserves an older sister who w-won't let her down.”

“Now, does that sound like somepony who doesn't care for the foal?” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow's lips pursed, but she had nothing to say.

Fluttershy leaned in to nuzzle Rainbow. As she did so, she murmured close to her ear. “Maybe Applejack is meant for you. Maybe she isn't. In this life, marefriends and colfriends come and go. But we both know that there's one pony who deserves a sister today... and only one sister. Your heart is strong, Rainbow. Share that heart with somepony. Please, don't be alone.”

Rainbow inhaled sharply upon hearing that. Her eyes glinted with a gray sheen, like the misty beds of Cloudsdale on a pale afternoon. When she blinked, Fluttershy was gone, flying off to join the festivities. Rainbow Dash sat alone with the thuds of her heartbeat, and it tore her to shreds.

She didn't realize she was standing up until she felt a wobble to her knees. She glanced down at her hooves. She could barely feel them, but she knew that they were supporting her all the same. With a clenched jaw, she trotted forward, broke into a gallop, then lifted off.

“Nice one there, Dinky!” Applejack clapped her hooves and cheered from the sidelines. “You and Amethyst sure are givin' the rest the run for their money! Heheheh!” She leaned against the wooden fence and smiled down at two familiar figures. “Why so glum, darlin's? Y'all are up soon!”

“Nnngh... Let's face it, Applejack...” I kicked limply at the grass blades. “We suck at all the competitions.”

“Awwwww...” Applejack pouted and smirked at the same time. “Now what kind of an attitude is that?!”

“It's okay, sis...” Apple Bloom said with a nervous smile. “It's my fault, really. I'm so used to being coordinated with you every year.” She rubbed her head and half-muttered to me. “Sorry, Scoots. I feel like I'm just slowin' ya down.”

“Naw! Naw, it's okay!” I smiled crookedly. “Really! I'm having fun! I mean... just 'being sisters for a day' is all that it's about.”

“Pffft. Ya sure about that, kid?” A gust of air nearly knocked the two of us off our haunches. “Cuz, from where I fly, winning is the name of the game!”

I looked up. “Oh, hi there, Rainbow.” I did a double-take, then hopped up on all four hooves. “Rainbow! You're still here?!”

“Yup!” Rainbow nodded with a smirk. “And I couldn't help but overhear how lame things have been as of late.”

“Uhhhhh—” Applejack blinked dumbly.

“Pfft! You kidding?” I waved a hoof and brought my other forelimb around Apple Bloom's shoulder. “We're just warming up! You wait around long enough to check us out, Rainbow! We're gonna smoke all these posers!”

“I was thinking of something a little bit different.”

I blinked, my limp hoof dropping Apple Bloom (“Whoah!” Thud!) “You were...?”

“Hmmmmm...” Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin in thought. “Apple Bloom's used to coordinating with Applejack, and Scootaloo's not used to having to slow down!” She stamped her hoof down. “Well. Looks like there's only one option.” She smirked. “Apple Bloom should hook back up with her real sibling, AJ. And as for me?” She not-so-stealthily dragged me towards her by a wing. “IIIIII think it's about time I tried this sister-for-a-day thing myself.”

“You-whoah-wait-what?!” My eyes went wide-as-saucers. “You... mean you wanna be sisters-for-a-day...” I gulped. “With me?!”

“What?” Rainbow squinted. “You afraid? Heh... as if the world revolves around you, kid. I gotta try every competition in Ponyville at least once. I've held back all this time cuz I didn't wanna make the rest of these chumps look bad.”

“Uhhh... uhhhh...” I stammered, wings twitching.

“So, whaddya say, squirt?”

“Yes!” Apple Bloom jumped with joy. “Yes yes yes!” She flew sideways and clung to Applejack's forelimb. “I'm paired up with my sister again! Squeeeeeee!” She blinked, then winced in my direction. “Uhm... n-no offense, Scootaloo...”

“Heh... are you k-kidding?” I giggled breathily. “This is great! This is more than great!” I leaned into Rainbow's embrace, my eyes tightly shut above a warm smile. “Thanks so much, Rainbow Dash! I won't let you down!”

“Yeah, better make sure you don't, kid.”

“Wow...” Apple Bloom blinked up at Applejack. “I can't believe we actually get to compete with half of the competitions still left! Isn't that amazin', Applejack?!”

“It sure is,” Applejack said, all the while her eyes rested on Rainbow Dash. Smirking, she said, “Almost makes you wonder why it didn't happen sooner.”

“Eheh...” Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, her cheeks red. “If some ponies can be 'fashionably late,' then certainly there's a method of being 'awesomely late.'”

“Whatever plucks yer corn, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash smiled.

Applejack smiled.

“Oooh! Oooh! That whistle!” I hopped. “That means we're up! Let's get going, Rainbow!”

“Not so fast, kid. Being quick is my job. You're just the... uh... pupil!”

“Heh! Whatever you say!” I galloped off, a difficult task considering how much I was giggling. Rainbow swiftly glided after me.

Apple Bloom, in the meanwhile, tugged on Applejack's foreleg. “Come on! Come on! The barrel competition is about to start! Let's show Team Rainbowloo who owns this farm!”

“Heheh... alright, AB! Just dun tug so hard!”

As we all scampered off, one figure bounced up from where she sat in the wooden stands. “Oh come on!” Sweetie Belle incredulously barked, gawking at Rarity. “Did you see that?! Did you?!” her voice cracked. “What's our excuse?! Huh?!”

“Uh uh uh, Sweetie Belle. Lower your voice. You might accidentally squeeze the sweat out from my pores...”

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