• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,822 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Sunset Corner

"Whew-wee!" Applejack smiled as she trotted out of Sugarcube Corner with Stu in tow. "I am so full of cupcakes I could just about burst!" She nudged Stu. "How about you, partner?"

"I'm full of something alright—" Stu's eyes crossed, and he facehoofed. "Ungh... must I walk into everything?"

"Hah hah hah!" Applejack slapped her own knee. "Oh c'mon, now, darlin'. Just spread it around some and it'll make the flowers go!"

"Goodness me!" Rarity smiled as she, Twilight, and Trixie exited into the setting sun. "I do believe this is an entirely new side of Applejack!"

"Yeah! Heehee!" Pinkie Pie waved from the front entrance as she locked up. "The bubbly kind! Nighty night, everypony!"

"I am too bubbly!" Applejack pouted. "You've seen me when I'm playin' fetch with Winona or teachin' Apple Bloom how to hog tie!"

"You really g-get into it when you show me how to apple buck," Stu said with a fuzzy smile.

"Alas..." Rainbow flew overhead. "...another year, another pet."

"Oh hush!" Applejack spat.

"Heeheehee..." Rainbow giggled, landing at Fluttershy's side.

"So long, everypony!" Twilight waved as she and Trixie trotted towards the Golden Oaks library. "This was a really, really good day!"

"So long, Miss Sparkle. Miss Lulamoon." Stu waved back. "It was very... very nice getting a chance to hang out with you all."

"Back at you, Stu."

"Mmmm. Yes. Trixie enjoyed the cupcakes and Applejack's new mate. But mostly the cupcakes."

"Eugh... Trixie..."

"What? Trixie was being sincere!"

"Let's get back to planning our Canterlot trip."

"Sometimes, Sparkle, you confuse the mana out of me..."

"Bye everypony!" Rarity waved, trotting towards the far side of town. "So long, Mr. Leaves! It's been a pleasure!"

"I'd best be getting back to Angel and the rest of my animal friends," Fluttershy said. "They might not enjoy cupcakes, but they deserve treats too."

"Eeyup. Reckon we held y'all up long enough." Applejack cleared her throat. "But, for what it's worth, thanks. Thank y'all so much for... well... y'know..."

"For you, AJ, anything," Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack looked over. She smiled.

"May I walk you home, Applejack?" Stu asked.

"Heh..." Applejack winked and tilted her chin up. "Thought you'd never ask."

"But I was planning to all along—"

"Augh! Just take my hoof, ya silly varmint!"

"Oh! Uh! Sure thing!" Stu Leaves escorted her away from Sugarcube Corner.

"Been less than three hours since doin' my one and only couple's nuzzle and already I'm tryin' on Rarityisms."

"Heheh... maybe she's rubbed off on you?"

"That so? Reckon I should wear my mane like her?"

"Oh heck no."

"Hahahahah... oh golly, yer a hoot."

"If you say so, AJ."

"So long!" Fluttershy waved. She cupped her hooves around her muzzle. "You two are adorablllle!" She stood there, gazing with a warm smile. At last, with a sigh, she said, "Now Big Macintosh won't feel so awkward spending so much time at the cottage."

"Depends on whether or not all the animals have blindfolds," Rainbow droned.

"Uh!" Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Rainbowwww..."

Rainbow sported a cheesy grin. "Fluttershyyyyyy..."

Both friends looked at one another in the dying light.

"Are you really okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm... I'm getting there." Rainbow cleared her throat. "Just... uhhhhh..." She stared down at her squirming hooves.

Fluttershy stared at her... patient and quiet.

Rainbow swallowed a lump down her throat. "Fluttershy, if... if it's not a big deal..." Her voice shook slighty. "You... you think it'd be okay if... like... I-I hung out with you a bit longer tonight?"

"I think that would be more than perfect, Rainbow," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"I'll totally h-help you feed the animals their supper and whatnot—"

"Hehehe..." Fluttershy waved. "You don't have to do a thing."

"Just... j-just that..." Rainbow nervously glanced east, shivering. She sniffled. "...not sure I'm ready to be home alone quite yet."

Fluttershy closed the distance between them, nuzzling Rainbow close.

Rainbow lowered her head. At last, she produced a heavy sigh.

"Let's go for a walk," Fluttershy said. "We don't have to be at the cottage by sundown." She trotted forward, then motioned Rainbow to trot along. "You and Scootaloo have been hanging out a lot together, haven't you? Why don't you tell me how her flight lessons are going along?"

"Heh... the lil' squirt?" Rainbow Dash smirked, skipping ahead to join Fluttershy. "Light as a feather. And totally a quick learner. You've no idea!"

"Hehehe... apparently I don't! Why don't you fill me in!"

"Alrighty... brace yourself for awesomeness..."

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