• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,822 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Dense Potatoes are the Best

"I can't thank you two enough for helping me with this last second commission!" Rarity exclaimed, carrying a stuffed shopping bag on her flank. "Especially considering that I ended up finding what I needed in the first shop I went to. Who would have thought?!"

"Yeah... uh..." Rainbow scratched her head in mid-hover. "Since when did that fru-fruey Soap and Perfume shop in downtown sell the materials for making suit alteration materials?"

"Oh! Uhm... the... uh..." Rarity glanced at Sharp Quill, then smiled at Rainbow. "The owner is something of an entrepreneur! And—wouldn't you know it?! She had some some silk and felt on the side! What an absolute life-saver!"

"I'll say!" Sharp Quill said with a smirk.

"Heh... whatever works, I guess," Rainbow said with a shrug.

"I'm terribly sorry for taking your time," Rarity said.

"I didn't mind." Sharp Quill turned towards Rainbow, smiling. "The weather's nice, at least!"

"Yeah, not bad..." Rainbow yawned. "Considering it was kicked by somepony else today."

"I feel like I should make this up to you somehow," Rarity said. "The both of you." She turned and—all too quickly—set her eyes on a patio grill across the road. "Oh! I know! How about I treat you two to an early dinner?"

"Uh... that's really nice of you, Rarity," Rainbow said. "But... I kinda have things to do..."

"On an empty stomach?!" Rarity frowned. "Rainbow, I'm surprised at you! With that sort of attitude, you'll never grow any bigger!"

"Hey! For real!" Rainbow pouted. "Knock it off with the whole 'tiny pegasus' thing!"

"I think she's just the right size!" Sharp Quill said with a proud smirk.

"Hah!" Rainbow pointed at him. "See? Somepony with some good sense!"

"Eh heh heh heh..."

"Rainbow Dash." Rarity put her hoof down. "I must insist! Let me treat you to a deserving meal!"

"I... I-I just don't feel like my tummy needs anything stuffed in it at the moment. Besides, I was thinking of going by Sugarcube Corner later and I've still gotta work out what to pack for my trip to Fillyda with Applejack and—"

"I hear they serve the 'tater tots' here at this hour." Rarity said, grinning wide.

"... ... ..." Rainbow Dash blinked. She looked at Rarity.

"Mrmmm-fmmchmmp..." Rainbow scarfed some fried potato bits down her muzzle, dipped another bite-sized piece into ketchp, and gulped it as well. "Mmmmmm..."

Rarity giggled and sipped from a cup of tea. She leaned back in her stool from across the restaurant's table. "Works every time..."

"Heh..." Sharp Quill nibbled on a daffodil sandwich and swallowed it down with some lemonade. The wind from beyond the patio's edge kicked at his light mane. "Guess we know where you get all that wingpower from."

"Mrmmmff... mmm-hmmm..." Rainbow gulped and took a breath. "Back at Flight Camp, they used to call me the Potato Twister."

"Is that a fact?"

"Yeah. The moment I caught wind of the cafeteria cooking up fries, they all disappeared."

"Heh... I'm surprised Cloudsdale got ahold of any potatoes."

"Oh, right. You're from Las Pegasus. I forget." Rainbow swallowed another pair of tater tots down and smiled. "Tell me. How's the cactus fruit over there?"

"Bleakkk..." Sharp Quill made a face. "You'd grow sick of it by the time you got your cutie mark." He smirked. "But the golden crispy hay is to die for. Especially when sun-roasted."

"Heh. I believe you. Most of the hay here always gets wet and soggy from the rain," Rainbow said. "I think that's why most of the farm ponies use it in their outhouses for—"

"Ahem." Rarity cleared her throat.

But Sharp Quill was already chuckling. "No, she's right! That freaked me out the first time I visited my cousins at the Harvest farm. I was all 'Wait, I thought you were supposed to eat this! Not the other way around!'"

He and Rainbow chuckled.

Rarity smiled. In fact, she had been smiling for a good few minutes.

Rainbow only noticed it just now. "Something up?"

"Oh, not at all." Rarity blinked. "Oh, actually, there is something..."

"Hmmm...?" Rainbow munched her way through another pair of tater tots. "What's that?"

"I just remembered that I have to pick Sweetie Belle up from her dance recital."

"Awwww..." Sharp Quill smirked. "That sounds stupidly adorable."

Rainbow blinked. "Sweetie Belle can dance."

"She'll absolutely abhor me if I am late," Rarity said. "Here..." She stood up, placing down several bits across the table. "This should cover the meal."

"Mrmmff...mrrrmmfity?" Rainbow sipped some water to wash the latest bite down. "Where the hay are you going?"

"Like I said, I must pick up my dear sister. I would love to stay and chat, but, you both seem to be carrying on just fine without me." She winked in Sharp Quill's direction. "It's been ever so fun. Please, do enjoy your meal. You both deserve it."

"Much thanks, Rarity." Sharp Quill stood just long enough to bow at her. "It's been a really swell afternoon."

"Yes. And... best wishes for an enjoyable evening. Hmmm?" Rarity turned towards Rainbow with a calm smile, then back to Sharp Quill... and then she trotted off. "Ta-ta!"

"Heh..." Rainbow sighed, shaking her head as she fished around what was left on her plate. "That's Rarity, for you. Creative genius, but can't be bucked to do one single darn thing for more than an hour."

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with that, personally," Sharp Quill said. "She's something of a renaissance mare, I suppose." He cleared his throat, took a shuddering breath, then spoke with a fragile smile. "I... uh... I-I hear that you're a mare of many talents yourself."

"Hmmm..." Rainbow nodded, gobbling another morsel. "I guess I try to be. I dunno. I'm too hard on Rarity. Heh... I hate to admit it, but she and I are a lot alike."

"You... mean to tell me you're into fashion and high-class etiquette?"

"HAH! Heck, no!" Rainbow smirked. "Only—like—we have sort of a short attention span and we like to make a splash. Well... maybe Rarity likes making a splash. Me? I dig causing explosions."

"Heheheh..." Sharp Quill leaned forward, propping his chin against his hoof. "Like the legendary sonic rainboom?"

"..." Rainbow blinked at him. She leaned back.

Sharp Quill bit his lip. "Is... is that a sore subject?"

"Er... no. I... just..." Rainbow blinked. "Did Rarity tell you that I did that?"

"Yes! At the Best Young Flier's Competition!" Sharp Quill smirked. "We have competitions just like it back at Las Pegasus, but nobody cares, seeing as neither Princess Celestia or the Wonderbolts attend."

"Eheheh... yeah. It was pretty awesome and all." Rainbow shuddered. "I'm just... s-surprised that Rarity shared with you about it."

"Why's that?"

"Because she... er... the part she had to play in it wasn't very... flattering..."

"She told me that you saved her life," Sharp Quill said. "That you've put down your life several times for the ponies you care about." He grinned. "You're like the town's loyal hero! It's quite a thing to be proud of."

"Er... yeah. I mean... sure." Rainbow slicked her mane back. "Being heroic is sort of a fringe benefit that comes with being the proverbial badflank of Equestria."

"I bet you make kicking flank look real good."

"Uh..." Rainbow glanced aside as her tail flicked. "Yeah..."

"Say, that reminds me!" Sharp Quill reached into his saddlebag. He paused, taking a deep breath. When he stood back up, he held out a slender gray box. His hooves shook slightly, but he hid it with smile. "I've got something for ya."

"Uhm... for me?"

He nodded. "Open it up and see!"

The mare blinked. Shrugging, she grasped the box in two hooves and flipped the lid open. She squinted. "...a bicycle chain?"

He laughed. "Take it out. Look closer."

She did just that. "Oh... ohhhhhhhh." She dangled a gold chain with several multicolored stones dangling from the length. "It's a necklace! I get it."

"Do you like it?"

"Heh. Certainly is shiny. Almost looks like those fancy things they wear in Canterlot."

"It's actually a Las Pegasus design," Sharp Quill said. "'Desert Gems' we call them."

"Heh... better not get them within a mile of baby dragons."


"Sorry. Inside joke."

"Wanna try it on?"

"Huh?" Rainbow blinked at him. "Oh. Well... I guess that's what a necklace is for. The neck." She slung the thing around her head, fidgeted, then realized she had it on backwards. After a bit of fussing, she got the multicolored gemstones to dangle towards the front of her chest. They glimmered in the waning sunlight.

"Will you look at that?" Sharp Quill exhaled, cheeks rosy. "Your mane brings out the color in them."

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess they do." Rainbow squinted, smirking. "Guess that's kind of cool."

"You really are beautiful in so many ways, Rainbow."

"Uh huh. I guess that I—" Rainbow's ruby eyes bugged. She darted a glance at him. "What."

"I mean... y-you don't flaunt it," Sharp Quill said. He avoided her gaze, blushing. "And, I think that's what makes it so special. Your confidence is what makes you shine." He brushed his bangs back and smiled bashfully at her. "I... I-I'm really glad that I got to hang out with you today."

"To... hang out with... me..." She blinked. "Today..." She looked at the necklace, then at the dinner table, then at the patio, then at the glaring absence of Rarity. "Uh huh..." She looked at the necklace again. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh." Her ears folded as her brow furrowed. "Uh huh. Yup."

Sharp Quill bit his lip. The ends of his hooves clutched the table's edge. "Did... d-did I say something wrong?" He cleared his throat. "I... I-I hope I'm not being too forward."

Rainbow sighed long and hard. "Rarity... Rarity... Rarity." Her teeth gnashed. "What am I going to do with you, girl?"


"Look... uhhh... Shredder Queef."

"Sharp Quill."

"Yes. Dang it." Rainbow held a hoof over her face, groaned, then looked at him with a weary smile. "Let's go for a walk."

He blinked. "Uhhh..." A nervous smile. "Okay!"

"A long... lonnnnnnng walk..."

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