• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Hats Off To Ya

Even after nightfall, Rainbow's speed did not let up. She zipped from orchard to orchard, practically bucking each tree in the dark. Applejack had to scramble to catch up, laying baskets down for the pegasus' lopped fruit to fall neatly into. The two formed a nocturnal machine of rapid industry, and already two and a half wagons were filled up with freshly bucked apples.

About two hours into moonlight, Rainbow Dash finally felt herself slowing down, and it was only because she could easily hear Applejack's labored breaths from halfway across the farm. She paused, hovering above a line of unbucked trees, glancing back to where an orange shadow lingered besides several baskets that glistened in the moonlight.

Applejack paused to regain her strength. She leaned against a tree, shaking the cobwebs out of her blonde head. Her cutie mark shone like three tiny red beacons in the night.

Rainbow Dash blinked. She lowered until she felt the supporting length of a pair of forked branches beneath her hooves. Resting, she folded her legs beneath her. They still tingled with unnatural energy. Rainbow was thankful that the pills had taken their course, but she also felt a tiny bit remorseful over beating Applejack at every turn, not that this was a race or anything.

No, it wasn't a race. As soon as Rainbow Dash realized that, she exhaled gracefully, then leaned down against the branches, staring from a distance at the farm mare. The darkness gave Rainbow plenty of lease to gaze for a prolonged period of time, and she did so—unashamedly.

Applejack slouched, taking her hat off and fanning herself. The mare—usually vibrant and full of strength and energy—looked remarkably drained. Her features hung in melancholic tatters, and her mane was frayed in many places, almost bulging loose altogether from the red tie that kept her bundled blonde threads intact. Something glistened across her face, like twin emeralds shrinking away from the moonlight, and yet she stayed in place, as if anchored to the landscape, keeping the farm from floating away on a current of darkness.

Rainbow's breath left her. Her voice cracked into the leaves rustling overhead. "Why...?" She gulped. "Why are you so friggin' beautiful?" Her muzzle curved, and she nuzzled her own forelimbs with her blue cheek, all the while staring at the breathless mare from afar. "Even when you're sad, you're just... just so you." A shuddering sigh. "It'll be okay, Applejack. I don't even care if you're not... if you're n-not..."

But then Rainbow's face winced painfully. She bit her lip, and her eyes finally fluttered to the ground. Moisture escaped the edges of her sockets, and a slight sniffle issued from her nostrils.

"Awwww gul-darn it!"

Rainbow jerked up, hitting her head on an overstretching branch. "Ow!" She hissed through her teeth, rubbing her prismatic bangs. She glanced down. "Huh...?"

Applejack's hat toppled loosely down hill, carried by a moonlit breeze. She heard the pitter-patter of Applejack's distant hooves in the grass.

"Chillax, AJ!" Rainbow victoriously bellowed as she took a nose-dive off the branch. "I got it!"

In a blur, Rainbow touched down and snatched the hat up in her teeth. "Hrmmmf—You should staple this thing to your ears, I swear—"

"Don't touch that!" Applejack violently barked.

Rainbow jumped in place, scooting several inches back and trembling. The hat rolled upside down and came to a stop. Applejack plodded up, wheezing.

Her ears were folded awkwardly as she winced and said, "I... I-I mean... please, sugarcube, if you don't m-mind..." She gulped and swiped the hat up. She didn't instantly put it on, but rather felt around the inside with her hoof. At one point she froze, exhaled with relief, and finally plopped the thing back onto her crown. "Whew! It's just that... uhm... you see, I've got... uhm..."

Rainbow stared at her, wide-eyed, her heart beating savagely.

Applejack gulped a lump down her throat. "Right. Reckon th-that's enough apple buckin' for the day. Heh... t'ain't even day anymore. By golly did we get a lot of fruit basketed!" She twirled around and marched up hill. "Could use a lil' help rollin' the wagons in, darlin', if ya don't mind helpin' me just a sneeze more. There's a good filly."

Rainbow Dash stood in place, her ears still ringing with the sharp tone of Applejack's shouting voice just half-a-minute before.

"Yeah... s-sure..." Biting her lip, Rainbow trotted limply up the hill after her. "No pr-problem..."

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