• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,822 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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"You woke us all up at four in the morning and dragged us here for this?"

"Dang it, Lyra! Don't you see?! This is an emergency!"

"Yeah. Something that her better friends can deal with."

"She does not want to burden her other friends with this! Don't you know that by now?! Haven't you paid attention to any of the things she's said and cried about at the pub every time we've hung out?!"

"Meh. Still don't see why you're getting us involved. It's two hours before sunrise."

"And did you have work to go to today? Huh? Well?!"

"Mrmmmfff... you got me there. Still... coulda just thrown her onto the curb in front of the hospital or something."

"Vinyl. Caramel. Help me out here. Don't you think this has gone on long enough?"

"Well... yeah. Obviously. But what are we expected to do, Bon Bon? You know Rainbow Dash. Even at her best, she's hopeless."

"I agree with what Bon Bon is doing here. Rainbow Dash? She needs an intervention!"

"Half of us are musicians. The other half are sugary princesses. What are we even expected to do?"

"Uhm... give her a drink?"

"Yeah. Good thinking, Caramel. Why not drown her in the process? Oh! I know! I'll shove cotton down her throat while you rip out her liver with a chain-saw! How's that for a brilliant bucking plan!"

"Look, I'm half awake here..."

"If you ask me, she needs a drastic change of scenery. Something that will disrupt the repeating pattern she's stuck in."

"What did you have in mind, Vinyl?"

"I don't know. I'm just as exhausted as Caramel here."

"Why don't we hang her upside down in a refrigerator and play pinata with your baking sheets?"

"Lyra. I invited everyone here—including you—so we can do something to save our friend. I mean... I-I just found her hanging out of my horse trough in the middle of the night! This... this is Rainbow Dash we're talking about! Have any of us... any of us seen her in this bad a shape?"

"Look, Bon-Squared. I feel for her. I really do! But.. I-I just don't know what we can do for the loony bird-horse! She's a lovesick victim of her own circumstances! Even if we gave her all the smelling salts that exist in this world and melted her hangover to oblivion, she'd still be in love with Applejack so much that she'd be willing to drink herself to destruction... again."

"I kinda like what Vinyl suggested. A change in scenery. Something to disrupt the self-destructive flow."

"But how? And with what?"


"What's with the 'hmmmm'-ing, Bon Bon?"

"I'm thinking."

"Seriously? That's the sound you make when you think? What are you, a cartoon?"

"Darn it, Lyra! Won't you be constructive for once?!"

"It's hard to be constructive at dark-as-balls-o'clock! I know you dragged us all to your place to try and save Rainbow Dash's skin, but it's what's inside that needs the royal mallet to the noggin'! And I just don't know if we've got the smarts or wherewithawal to do that!"

"Ugh... maybe we should bring Twilight Sparkle and the others in on this."

"You said it yourself. Rainbow would rather die then get them involved."

"Then... hwatever we do... it's up to us."



"... ... ... ... ...Vinyl?"

"Yeah, Caramel?"

"When... when are you headed to Las Pegasus?"

"I was going to take the train in two days."

"Have... you thought about giving yourself a head start?"

"Eh... I dunno. Las Pegasus is a lousy town when you're there by yourself for any length of time."

"But if you weren't by yourself?"

"... ... ...I'm sorry, Caramel. But I really don't have the strength or energy to drag around a drunk little pegasus with me for the entire tour."

"And who says you have to?"


"What are you getting at, Caramel?"

"Just what you were wanting to do, Bon Bon! An intervention... but an intervention on the road!"


"Well? You're on vacation. Lyra's got nothing else to do. I'm... well... I'm me."

"And just what will we do?"

"Anything. Everything. Can you really... truly think of a better town to... y'know... distract Rainbow Dash at?"

"It... it could backfire horribly."

"But it's worth a shot, don't you think? Isn't Rainbow's health worth it?"

"I... I think it could work. Lyra?"

"Guh... I don't know about Rainbow Dash, but I'm starting to feel like the walls of this stinkin' town are closing in. It might be just as good for me as it would be for her. Vinyl? What do you think of this psychotic idea?"

"Yes, Vinyl. Would it hurt your schedule at all?"

"I'm not worried about my schedule. I am a bit worried about my sanity, though."

"That's what I'm saying! You don't have to worry about a thing! Lyra, Bon Bon and I will take care of Rainbow! We just need your ticket to get there! Can't you land us a place at Las Pegasus for free with your connections?"

"Well, sure..."

"Then let's do this! Throw caution to the wind! Live in the moment and inject some joy and freedom into our friend! I mean... in Rainbow's case, anything has gotta be better than where she was landing herself!"

"You know, it may just be crazy enough to work. What do you think, Lyra?"

"It's wild, shortsighted, irresponsible, and potentially illegal. Hell, count me in."

"Squee! Then let's do it!"

"Should we wake her up and tell her?"

"Who, Rainbow? Nah... she'll find out soon enough."

"But... but what if she wakes up hating us?"

"Heh... let's see her punch her way through that kind of a hangover..."

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