• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Down Here On the Farm


Rainbow Dash touched down, breathless, along the grassy edges of Sweet Apple Acres. She squinted through the sunlight glistening off the nearby baskets of fruit.

“Looks like an early harvest,” she murmured to herself, then trotted forward on light hooves. “So... what's the problem?” She gulped and continued in a soft, feeble voice. “Did worms eat up half her crops? Are the vampire fruits back? Is... is...” Her pupils shrank as her blue coat went pale. “...is there a death in the family?”

Rainbow's eyes instantly darted towards a lone rocker on the front porch. Nopony was sitting in it—especially no green, wrinkly nopony.

“Ohgosh... ohgosh...” Rainbow squeaked. “She was soooooooooo super old. It was just a matter of time, huh?! And here I've been flying all over the place trying to save the world from deadly chaos shards! Guh! Stupid world!” She sat on her haunches and repeatedly whapped her little head. “Idiot! Dumbflank! Freakabimbo! You should have been here for Applejack! You should have been here with her for when her grandmother—

Rainbow heard hoofsteps. She gasped, swinging towards the barn. A sweaty equine figure was marching out, depositing baskets full of apples into a wagon.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash darted over. “I came as soon as I heard! Well—erm... I didn't hear much of anything, really... but I came anyway! What's going on! How can I help?!”

“Hrmmm? Help?” A stallion spun around. Bright green eyes blinked, followed by a bright, cheery smile. “H-hey! I know you! You're Rainbow Dash, right? AJ's friend?”

Rainbow Dash blinked... then blinked harder. “Uhhhhh...”

“Stu! Stu Leaves!” The stallion dropped a basket and held his hoof out. “Weather flier? Transferred from Cloudsdale?”

Rainbow Dash's eyes thinned. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...”

“Pffft... come on, silly!” He chuckled. “We met not long ago! At the Saddlehay Soiree, remember?”

Sisterhooves social,” Applejack corrected, trotting around the wagon with three times as many baskets on her back. “Honestly, can't ya ever get it right, one time, Stu?”

“Eugh...” He rolled his eyes, chuckling. “So help me! I'm new around here!”

“Thankfully you're useful for yer wings, not so much as yer head.”

“Hardy har har.”

Applejack turned and smiled at the sight of her friend. “Howdy, Rainbow! What brings you around these parts on such a warm, sunny day!”

Rainbow blinked. “I... just... I felt like—”

Oh AJ!” A frail voice chirped, followed by a front porch door opening and slapping shut. “Don't forget to drop off the irrigation equipment y'all borrowed from them Harvest ponies up the road! It was right neighborly of them to lend us the tools, and wouldn't be proper to hold 'em any longer! Ya hear?!”

“Darn tootin', Granny! I'll get right on that!”

“Uhm...” Rainbow spun and flashed a look at the porch.

A healthy and decidedly alive Granny Smith sat on her rocker, sipping from a glass of lemonade. She caught a glimpse of Rainbow and waved pleasantly.

“You look out of sorts, Rainbow!” Applejack said. “Seems like I haven't seen ya in ages! How are ya, darlin'?”

Rainbow's heart skipped a beat. She spun about and stammered, “I've been... around.” She blinked. “You look really friggin' happy.”

“Heh!” Applejack half-guffawed. “And why shouldn't I be? The farm's doin' well and there ain't no cloud in the sky! Couldn't have asked Celestia for a better day even if she were to carve it herself!”

“You can say that again!” Stu Leaves exclaimed.

“Now now, Stu, nopony likes an echo.”

“Erm... r-right...” He bit his lip with drooping wings. “Sorry...”

Applejack chuckled for a good straight five seconds. “Honestly, Stu, don't ya go all Fluttershy on us. My brother's liable to start chasin' after ya!”

“Hahah... that's funny.” Stu smiled, blinked, then cleared his throat. “Uhm... you are joking, r-right?

Rainbow Dash hovered in place. “Applejack, who is—?”

“You mean to tell me ya don't recognize Stu Leaves?” Applejack said, trotting around the wagon. “Ponyville's newest weather flier?”

“I... uh... I-I can't say that I do...”

“I was trying to tell her that we met at the Summerhorse Seminar,” Stu said.

Sisterhooves Social! Heavens to Betsy!” Applejack winked at Rainbow Dash. “They certainly don't teach much more than flight at flight school, do they, Rainbow?”

“I wouldn't know,” Rainbow droned. “I never finished.”

“Oh, you're a Cloudsdalian alright!” Stu Leaves said with a grin. “I can smell it off your feathers!”

“Down, boy,” Rainbow said with a frown. “Really, though, I've lived in Ponyville for several years.”

“Yeah, but you can never take the clouds out of your mane!” Stu chuckled and sighed. “Hoooo boy, am I finding that out the hard way.”

“Awwww... you've been doing alright in my book, Stu,” Applejack said. “Besides, yer doin' the right thang, what with lendin' a hoof here on the farm—”

He's been helping out on the farm?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Well, sure!” Applejack smirked. “A real helpin' hoof, this here Stu. I'm surprised you two haven't run into each other in the skies!”

“Yeah!” Stu exclaimed. “All week on weather detail, I haven't seen you, Miss Dash!”

“Please, just call me Dash.”

Dash. Everywhere I go, ponies talk about how awesome and amazing you are! Even above the rooftops of Ponyville with the other pegasi!” He chuckled. “If I hadn't seen you at the...” He looked nervously at Applejack. “...Sisterhooves Social...” He smiled back at Rainbow. “...I would have guessed you were just some crazy legend!”

“Heheheh!” Applejack chuckled. “He's learnin'!”

“I've been... uhm...” Rainbow Dash rubbed her forelimbs together. “Uhhh... how do I put this...

“Rainbow Dash here has been a super busy pony as of late!” Applejack exclaimed, packing as many baskets of apples into the wagon as possible. “What, with all her deliveries and cross country flights n'all...”

“Oh! A delivery pony!” Stu smiled up at her. “Even more that we have in common! I work part-time at the local post office!”

“Uh huh...” Rainbow avoided his gaze, fidgeting. “...that's nice...”

“Boy, I tell you what. I never thought a small-town parcel service would be so exciting! Between that hilariously sweet pegasus with bubbles for cutie marks and all the random explosions that happen in this town, I can't get no end of excitement—”

“Welcome to Ponyville, Stu Leaves,” Applejack said in a low tone. “It only goes downhill from here.”

“Heh. That remains to be seen. How about I help you with drawing the wagon to the Harvests?”

“You've done enough today, Stu. We're all greatful, really.”

“Seriously! It's no sweat!”

“The day I can't draw my own wagon is the day I quit buckin' apples, and between you and Rainbow and me, I'd rather be shot dead than let that happen overnight!”

“Heh. Guess I won't be delivering any lead bullets anytime soon. But if you need more help getting the apples off these trees...” Stu wiped his brow and smirked. “Just give me a holler!”

“Sure thang, Stu. I might do that. Especially with Big Mac bein' all... how should I put this... super distracted as of late.” Applejack finished with a twangy guffaw.

“Heh... I won't ask questions,” Stu said with a smile.

“Good! Cuz I ain't givin' ya answers!”

“See you later, Applejack!” Stu waved. “Granny Smith!” He bowed towards the porch from long distance, then swiveled to smile at Rainbow. “Nice seeing you for once, Rainbow! Here's hoping we get to clear clouds together soon! I'd just love to learn some of the moves that make you crazy famous!”

“Jee, thanks...” Rainbow waved at him as he trotted off. “...you just might be crazy lucky.”

Stu Leaves hummed to himself as he left through the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres in a bouncy canter.

“Hmmm... he's got a heapin' helpin' of cheer,” Applejack said. “It almost makes up for what's missin' upstairs,” she said with a wink.

“Just... how long has he been... uh... helping out at the farm?”

“Oh, I dunno. A few days?” Applejack shrugged her way into the wagon's riggings. “I swear, this whole week has flown by.”

“Yeah, well—”

“And I hadn't gotten a single glance of you in all that time!” Applejack smirked. “Even Rarity made it out to the farm once or twice! But you? Where ya been, Rainbow?! Not gettin' in too much trouble, I hope!”

“Heh... heheheheh...” Rainbow avoided Applejack's glance as her cheeks flushed. “Ohhhhhhhh... you know me.”

“Reckon I don't, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Especially not lately.”

“Yeah... erm...” Rainbow Dash bit her lip and fiddled with her hooves. “Well...”

“What finally brings you down to my farm all of the sudden?”

“I... uh... I h-heard that... that...”


Rainbow Dash clenched her jaw. Finally, she summoned the strength to look at Applejack dead-on. “I heard through the grape vine that you were feeling down in the dumps.”

“Who? Me?” Applejack blinked. She snickered and slapped her knee as the wagon behind her rattled. “Y'all serious? Do I look like I'm missin' any sunshine to ya?”


“Whatever put that silly idea in yer head?”

“It's j-just that... Pinkie Pie said—”

“Lemme guess.” Applejack smirked. “The ol' 'Sourapplejack' bit.”

“Err... yeahhhhhhhhh.” Rainbow winced.

“Listen, sugarcube. Pinkie Pie says thangs all of the time. Rarity says thangs all of the time. She may not even admit it, but even our dear ol' Fluttershy says thangs all of the time. Twilight would say thangs, if only the sweet gal wasn't so busy believin' all the nonsense from the other ponies! Heheheh... but unless I'm hearin' the truth from the horse's mouth—so to speak—t'ain't no sense in takin' stock in whatever's miserable or dramatic-like, ya feel me?”

“Yeah... sure...” Rainbow Dash exhaled, her ears folded back over a smiling expression. “I feel you...”

“Besides...” Applejack smirked knowingly. “You ain't got time for feelin' miserable as of late. Am I right, Rainbow?”

“Uhm...” Rainbow Dash squinted. “What's that supposed to mean?”

“Whoops! Uhm...” Applejack chuckled lightly, adjusting the brim of her hat. “Nothin', I-I reckon! Time to... uh...” She started pulling the wagon. “...give back the Harvests' tools and drop these apples off in Ponyville! I'd love to chat, darlin', but there's work to be done!”

“Yeah. You and me both.”

“Ain't it the truth!” Applejack waved as she carried the wagon over the nearby hill. “See ya, Rainbow Dash! We and the girls oughta hang out together again soon!”

“Right... brilliant idea...”

“Darn tootin'!” And the bright orange shape was gone, along with her bright orange voice.

Rainbow sighed the heaviest she had all day. She hugged herself in midair, staring down at the scattered empty baskets by where the wagon had previously been parked.

“Why do I feel like a stranger in my own hometown...?”

“Hey, there, speedy!” Granny Smith warbled from the porch below. “If yer gonna be flyin' up there anyways, ya mind wranglin' in a little bit of rain to help the southwest fields?”

Rainbow exhaled through her nostrils. She pivoted and gave Granny a calm, quiet smile. “Hey... no problem. I'll knock it out on a jiff.”

“There's a good girl! I'll give ya a whole pitcher of lemonade!”

“Thanks. But no thanks.” Rainbow shot up into the air, sweeping the sky for errant rain clouds to gather. “I've had all I can take of sour stuff this week...

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