• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,732 Views, 1,590 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Adventure Start! (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Adventure Starts

Green to start music and red to stop music

Ponyville Train Station

Twilight couldn't help but watch with a conflicted expression as the train pulled off with her friends in tow. She released a heavy sigh as the hoof she was waving goodbye with slowly dropped back to the wooden floorboards below.

Beside her, Applejack stood with a stoic expression that near rivaled that of the Royal Canterlot Guards. The apple farmer cast a gaze over to Twilight, before placing a hoof gently upon her shoulder.

“You sure you don’t want to teleport the rest of us onto that there train Twilight? Ah mean ah’m sure you could do it easily. Just don’t feel too right letting the four of them go off without the rest of the elements.”

“I…I know Applejack. I know.” Twilight said softly, shaking her head. “But I can’t allow both yours and Pinkie’s elements to run untested after what happened back in the Crystal Empire.”

“You were allowing me and Pinks to do that transforming thing before back on ma farm.” Applejack countered as she stopped her hoof on the wooden floor. “What’s the difference between then and now?”

“The difference, Applejack, is that when you three did transformations, it was done under a watchful eye and a controlled environment. And more to the point, you three were not under direct threat.” Twilight said. “Also, the act of the transformation leaves all of the subjects tired and weak for some reason. Something that Sora even says is new to him. So for now, no, I need you and Pinkie Pie here so I can study the Elements in length.”

The lavender mare looked away from her friend. “I will not put my friends in any type of situation like back at the Crystal Empire. Sora is strong enough as it is for now and Celestia herself said that she had sent a contingent her personal guards ahead of them to help out. I’m sure that they can deal with whatever is in Trottingham well enough.”

Applejack snorted before lowering her head. “Still…ah feel kinda useless, now, just sitting on the sidelines as it were. What with Equestira in danger the way it is and what not.”

“I know…I know. But we are helping Equestria too, in our own way. With this new power of the Elements we will be able to fight back the Darkness like our predecessors in the past did.” Twilight beamed as she nudged her friend. “We may be split up for now but we are heading for the same goal. Right?”

Applejack snorted again, more out of humor then anything. “Heh. Ya know. That sounds like something Sora would say to us.”

Twilight giggled softly. “Oh? You know Sora that well huh?”

“Well yeah.” Applejack answered honestly. “Ah mean he does live with ma family and me and what not. Despite everything that’s happened to him up till this point, he’s still just a young’en making mistakes.” She chuckled. “Still, if there’s one thing ah do know about him, ah know that despite him being such a strong pony…ah…Hooman.” Applejack corrected as she pronounced the odd term for his race. “Ah know that he’s rather just a normal little colt at heart. And if’n ah know ma colts, he's still learning something new about the world every day.”

Twilight could only nod in agreement at her friend’s words. “I think we all learn something new about our world every day…” The mare looked out into the sky, a look of determination forming on her brow. “And I think…I want to see it all.”

The apple farmer followed her friend’s gaze to the sky above. “Ya really thinking of going out there, past the sky and stars and whatnot?”

Twilight didn’t answer at first, lost in an aray of her own thoughts. After a few moments however, the mare would nod. “When this is all over here in Ponyville and Equestria. Yeah…I will ask Sora about taking me I think.”

“What do ya think the princess would say about that?” Applejack inquired as she led the way off the wooden platform.

“I…Don’t know exactly. I really don’t.” Twilight said as she shook her head. “But I do know that I need to go. There's so much that even the princesses do not know. So much that nopony alive knows…”

Applejack gave a wry chuckle. “Twilight…Always wanting to learn new things.” She mused before nudging the mare. “If’n ya do decide ta leave, make sure ta send a letter ya hear? Let us know what it’s like out there and what not.”

Twilight giggled as well. “Will do Applejack.”


Friendship Express
Ongoing Towards Trottingham

Fluttershy sighed wistfully as she sat upon the train’s rather comfortable seating, her gaze falling to the fading sun that slowly slipped beyond the horizon, making way for the Luna’s moonlit night.

I…I must be crazy…I have to be crazy…

The fact that she had actually agreed to go on this crazy mission meant that she was indeed crazy. Why had she agreed to go to a potentially dangerous place, knowing dangerous Heartless that would want nothing better than to take her very heart out of her chest would be there?

She could think of a dozen reasons for her to not go and just stay at home where it was relatively safe. And yet, she could think of one important reason that seemed to outweigh every excuse her mind would think up to stop her from going. One reason that pushed her to be a thunderhead and accept to go on a mission that could potentially killed.

The yellow mare’s gaze would fall on Sora as he sat opposite of Rainbow Dash not too far away from her. The cyan mare seemingly trying to get as much information out of him about his adventures traveling between worlds as she could. Admittedly, the fact that he was able to see all kinds of worlds and make many animal friends appealed to the yellow mare quite a bit. At least she knew that he was an animal lover.

“Are those hearts in your eyes or did you get contacts darling?” Said an eloquent voice to Fluttershy’s side, making the butter yellow mare squeak in surprise. She quickly turned to her side to find Rarity smiling coyly at her, which only made the poor shy mare blush even harder.

“I…I mean…It's…I…You know I…” Fluttershy stuttered as she cast away from her white unicorn friend.

“Darling, you are just too cute when you have a crush.” Rarity mused as he waved a hoof. “Why not go over and talk to him. I know you want to and I’m sure I can occupy Rainbow’s time with something else.”

“Oh but…This is the first time I’ve seen Sora and Rainbow talk the way they are.” Fluttershy said as she looked to the pair of pegasi, the mare enraptured by the tale he was weaving. He seemed to be at the part where he had to digitize himself into a master computer...whatever that means. Honestly, that mean computer sounded really scary to Fluttershy.

“I…Really don’t want to interrupt them. This is really the first time I've seen Rainbow have a normal conversation with him so…"

Rarity smiled as she patted Fluttershy on her shoulder.

"They won't mind if you interrupt their little conversation." Rarity reassured. "Besides, don't you want to spend more time with the stallion of your dreams."

“B…But he…I mean…He will leave when…”

“Fluttershy.” Rarity said sternly, causing her shy friend to button her lips. “If it is meant to be, then love will find a way to make it work. Trust me.” She gave her friend a quivering pout. “You do trust me, don’t you darling?”

“I...I do...” Fluttershy squeaked as she nodded timidly. "I do trust you Rarity...but..."

“Good!” The white mare mused as she covered the mare's mouth with a hoof. “Because I, my dear Fluttershy, have a plan…”

On the other side, the latter pair of the group of ponies would notice both Rarity and Fluttershy conversing a ways away from them.

“Haha. Seems like they are having fun.” Sora committed tilting his head at the pair. "Wonder what they are talking about."

“Don’t know, don’t care.” Rainbow huffed with a wave of her hoof. “Pretty sure its something...ugh...frilly if its Rarity and Flutters. Anyway. Back to the topic at hoof.” The blue mare leaned over the table, her cheeks resting within her hooves. "So those Light Bike things you talked about before. Tell it too me straights. How fast do you think those bad boys were going?”

The stallion blinked before tapping a hoof to his chin, thinking long and hard about it. "I'm not sure honestly. It was pretty fast I think but I really was trying not to get run off the road by the Heartless to really think about it."

“Ugh. Some help you are.” Rainbow whined, leaning back into her chair, folding her hooves across her chest. "If I’m ever going to be the fastest then I need to know my competition.”

“Competition?” Sora asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well duh! I wanna see these Light Bikes in action myself. Maybe even challenge it to a good ol fashion race.”

“Challenge them to a race?” Sora asked with wide eyes. "But that would mean...Travelling to another world..."

“Well duh. That's to be expected after all. Bedsides, If you get to do it then so do I.” Rainbow glared at the stallion. “Or were you going to just keep the other worlds all to yourself.”

Sora shook his head as he backed into his seat. “I-It’s not that Dash. It’s just…Well…I never really had someone ask to go with me to see the other worlds before.” He scratched his cheek. “And I'm not even sure it’s really allowed.”

Rainbow huffed as she folded her wings. “What gives? I thought we were friends. I mean, you always tell ponies to follow their heart and just do what makes me happy…”

"We are friends, Rainbow. And I do want you to follow your heart, but going to other worlds isn't as simple as it sounds. It's risky, and there are rules about interfering in different worlds." He sighed as he looked away from the mare. "I could even get into big trouble for even telling you about my adventures...though...you guys all pretty much deserved to know since the threat is that big here now."

Rainbow Dash's expression softened a bit, much more then Sora was used to from the usually brash mare. "I get it, Sora. But this threat—this big thing you're facing—it's not just your problem, it affects all of us. If there's a way we can help, then we should. And if that means exploring other worlds or whatever it takes, count me in."

"Still...I don't know..."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “See it like this Sora. They didn’t tell you it was not allowed, right?”

The stallion considered his friend's point, weighing the pros and cons of her argument. "I guess you have a point. They didn't specifically say it was forbidden to bring others from different worlds."

Rainbow nodded, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Exactly! If it's not explicitly prohibited, then what's the harm in giving it a try?" She winked at the stallion. "Just gotta know how to work the system."

"I think you are more trying to brake the system."

Rainbow shrugged at him as she continued to smile. "Maybe, but at least I'm having fun doing it. Besides, you gonna let a little thing like rules stop me from seeing what's out there?"

"Would never dream of Rainbow Dash." Sora mused with a smirk.

The mare laughed softly before leaning back in her chair again. "So...kind of a subject change but...Compared to your other adventures. How does this one feel to you?"

Sora sat up at her question, his gaze falling away from her as he thought. “I’m not too sure to be honest.” He smiled at the mare. “These Heartless are behaving differently than the ones I am used to.” His gaze would fall slightly. “Everything is just weird now...not to mention that Sunset could even be there…”

Rainbow sighed softly before gently flicking his head. “Hey. No getting cold feet hero. Yeah she kicked your butt once but you just gotta kick hers even harder, got it?”

Sora smiled as he nodded. "Yeah...I get it."

“And besides, you only lost because you didn’t have your keyblade and she had us trapped. Next time we are the ones who will catch her off guard." Rainbow said with a grin. "And then we will really show her what the power of teamwork can do."

“You two seem to be getting along well enough,” Rarity, the white mare making herself known to the two pegasi. She flipped her mane as she looked between the two of them. “But I think it’s about time for the four of us to get some rest soon.”

Rainbow snorted as she cast an annoyed gaze at the white unicorn. “Who keeled over and made you leader?”

The white smiled coyly at Rainbow as she took a seat next to her friend. “Who said I was leading?” She asked with a smile. Rarity said without missing a beat. “We have a big day tomorrow after all.” She gave the rainbow maned mare a smug smile. “Besides, my dear Rainbow, how are you going to be your best if you don’t get your proper rest? We may very well have to deal with Heartless after all and you don’t want moi showing you up.”

Rainbow snorted again but mumbled under her breath something akin to ‘As if’ before slipping from the booth. "Fine MOM" She raised a hoof, prompting Sora to bump it with her own. "See ya later hero. I still wanna know all about those weird Gummi Ship things." She said as she made her way towards her cabin, leaving Rarity alone with Sora.

The white unicorn couldn’t help but shake her head. “Honestly that mare can be quite clingy when she finds a new friend…” Casting her gaze back towards Sora she gave him a smile and a wink. “You best get some rest too Sora. Don't want you tired out and all of that after all.” She mused before making her way away. Before she did so, she paused at the door, turning back to face the stallion. “Oh and…Be a dear and do me a favor?”


Unknown World

Sora swung his blade in a wide arc, swiftly eliminating any nearby heartless. Twisting his weapon skillfully, he swiftly struck down an ominous-looking heartless, a more malevolent version of the ones he had encountered before.

Tossing his Keyblade into the air, Sora conjured a potent ball of fiery energy in his palm, and with a forceful command, he unleashed it upon a group of heartless, obliterating them instantly. After a nod of approval at the swift action, he deftly caught his blade, preparing for the next wave of enemies.

Focused and resolute, Sora readied himself for battle, knowing that success was crucial. His determination was fueled by the need to rescue someone significant.

His attention was drawn to a solitary cage among the heartless. Inside was someone, a person who he felt an intense connection to, even though he didn't recognize the voice crying out for help. Despite the mystery, Sora was driven to protect this individual.

With a steely expression, Sora braced himself to engage, prepared to confront any obstacle that stood between him and his objective. He was ready to face any opposition preventing him from reaching the one he felt a deep obligation to safeguard. He was determined to fight to his limits and beyond, driven by a relentless sense of purpose. Yet, abruptly, he paused, his expression now a mixture of puzzlement and disbelief.

To his surprise and utter bewilderment, time seemed to stop all around him, the heartless that were nearly upon him frozen in place, almost as if they were statues.

Slowly, the boy would lower his guard and make his way to one of the nearest one heartless. Ever so carefully, he would raise his blade, allowing the tip of it to tap Heartless’s body, a gentle clang resounding throughout the dark, empty space that he was within.

"Hang on…" Sora murmured to himself, casting a perplexed glance around the unfamiliar terrain. "How did I end up here? And where is here, exactly?"

Turning in search of answers, Sora discovered that the encroaching heartless had suddenly vanished, leaving him amidst a serene grassy meadow, bathed in the ethereal light of a heart-shaped moon. A moon he knew all too well.

“So that is Kingdom Hearts.”

Sora would turn just in time to see a familiar figure making her way beside him. Her midnight blue fur shimmering just as much as her flowing starry. The pony's gaze would keep to the moon within the sky, before slowly looking towards the boy beside her. “Tis a beautiful sight, though...We are not entirely certain how we feel upon witnessing its visage," Luna spoke softly. "On one hoof, observing the moon being sought after in such a manner... It is rather surprising, even for me. On the other hoof... Knowing villains like the ones you face desire nothing more than to deface it for their own ends..."

Sora blinked long and hard before tilting his head at the mare beside him. “Princess Luna?”

The Princess of the Moon would nod curtly to the young hero. “Tis so, fair Sora. Forgive my intrusion upon your dreams, but I would like to have words with thee. If that is fine with you that is.”

Sora would shake his head slowly, a confused expression on his face. "Dreams?" he muttered softly to himself. "This doesn't feel like a dream."

"It may feel that way, but it is true dear Wielder." Luna mused softly. "It is why you are in your original form and not the pony one. With me here, dream and reality is almost one and the same."

"That makes sense…" Sora murmured, his mind spinning. He would soon look upon his hands, flexing his fingers as he did so.

"Is something the matter Keyblade Wielder?"

Sora shook his head slowly, the sensation of being back in his body prompting a reflective pause. “No…It’s just.” He chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating his thoughts. “Kinda feels weird to be back in my body again. Feels like it’s been forever since I’ve had fingers.”

“That would be the transformation spell I would suspect. I was told that mine sister had explained the spell in detail to you, am I correct?”

“Yeah, a little bit I think.” Sora told her. “She didn’t know about my clothes transformation ability so…” He looked towards the lunar princess , folding his arms about his chest as he did so. "So...why are you here?"

Luna would tilt her head, a curious look crossing her features. "Because i wanted to see you. Is that wrong of me?"

Sora shook his head, his confusion forgotten for the moment. "No! It's not!" he exclaimed, a bright smile crossing his lips. "Just…Why do you want to see me?"

"To...talk if nothing else. You have done so much for us..." She paused before adding. "For Equestria I mean. We have had barely any time to speak with you plainly Keyblade Wielder. We...I...wish to know you. As mine sister has done." She patted the spot next to her, offering Sora a place to sit.

"Okay…" Sora would follow the princess' lead and take a seat beside her. "Then what do we…talk about, your highness?"

"We can talk about anything you wish, but..." She paused again, as if trying to choose her words carefully. "If you do not mind, we wish you to treat us the way you have done mine sister, as a friend. You may call us Luna, if you so choose."

The young man blinked before giving the mare the widest grin. "Sure! Luna it is. And you can just call me Sora. Its what all my friends do after all."

Luna was slightly taken aback by how fast Sora agreed to her request. The mare would give him a gentle nod. “As you wish, Sora.”

The pair would remain silent for a while, Luna taking the opportunity to observe the young Keyblade Wielder. Sora would seem deep in thought, his eyes seeming to drift back and forth across the vast expanse of the field, She would follow his gaze, content for the time being. The pair would just bash in each other's company for a while, the boy and mare keeping their gaze upwards as both looked upon the faux moon that was Kingdom Hearts.

The mare would cast her gaze to the human, raising an eyebrow. “So…do toy have any questions for me?” She finally asked after a bout of silence.

He mulled over Luna's offer, his thoughts wandering as he considered what to ask the lunar princess. He smiled at her before gazing back at the moon. "Not really. At least nothing I can think of now. Though... Maybe... how does your mane do that flowing thing?"

The mare of the night let out a soft chuckle, her expression amused. "Ah, my mane and tail are a result of the magical properties within the night, a representation of the starry night sky. They have a life of their own, cascading and shimmering much like the heavens above."

Sora's eyes widened with curiosity. "So, your mane and tail are like the night sky itself? That is pretty cool!"

The mare blushed at the praise, her demeanor becoming a touch more dignified. "Well... yes. Indeed it is... cool." Following this exchange, the two eased into a more relaxed conversation, the Keyblade Wielder and the Princess of the moon discussing various topics, sharing stories and insights. Both human and pony found enjoyment in the conversation, passing time in each other's company. However, the lightheartedness shifted when Luna posed a question of her own.

"Sora... you have fought those that are part of the darkness for a while, have you not?"

The Keyblade Wielder blinked at the question, his gaze turning to meet Luna's own. "Well...Yeah. I guess. It's kinda part of the deal when wielding the Keyblade. Fighting the Heartless and other dark creatures to protect the worlds."

Luna grew quiet for a small moment before asking in a quiet voice, "Then... What... do you think of Darkness?"

Sora sat up, crossing his legs as he pondered the mare's question a bit deeper. "That's... I never really thought about it before."

"I don't mean to put anything heavy on you. 'Tis just a question. Nothing more. You need not answer if you don't want to."

Sora smiled warmly at the mare. "It's nothing like that, Luna. It's just... A little complicated, I guess. Darkness, well, it's a part of life. The Heartless may be part of the Darkness... but... they don't define it. I mean I've fought many Heartless that used the power of light"

"How do you mean?" The mare asked, her curiosity piqued with a raised eyebrow.

"Darkness isn't all evil, I think. I know for a fact my friend is able to use it. And he uses it to fight against the Heartless. And me..." He raised his hand, making a fist in front of his face. "I'm still dealing with my own Darkness... but... I know I've used it to help others... even if I don't remember it." He frowned as he folded his arms about his chest once more. "Geeze...I guess What I'm trying to say is...Darkness or Light...It depends on the person using it to determine how it is used."

Luna couldn’t help but shake her head in amusement. “That...is a truth I wished I had learned sooner.” Her ears lowered slightly as she looked up towards the stars. “A lesson learned far too late for the damage I caused my sister.”

"Did...something happen between you and Celestia?"

Luna’s expression turned somber, memories of the past resurfacing. "Yes... I let darkness cloud my judgment. It consumed me, leading to actions that caused a divide between us. The jealousy and bitterness I felt turned me against my sister. It led me to become Nightmare Moon and nearly brought darkness to Equestria."

The Keyblade Wielder shivered softly. "That... reminds me of..."

"You and your friend Riku?" The mare finished for him. "Indeed it does...I am sad to say that I, like your friend Riku, had fallen to the evil side of Darkness oh so long ago, Sora. I let it consume my heart so badly that Celestia had to banish me to the very moon within our Sky.” The mare placed a hoof upon her chest. “I know I was saved...by New Elements of Harmony...but...It still pains me to know that I...would have done the worst sin somepony could do to their own family...one who did nothing but try and help me before…”

Sora’s gaze fell to the ground. “I think I understand...If it wasn’t for my friends, I think I would have fallen to the darkness a long time ago. Riku, Lea, the King, Donald and Goofy. They saved me when I really needed them because I wasn’t strong enough to fight off the darkness on my own." He shivered again. "If the Organization had got me like they had planned...then..."

“I guess that you and I have that in common then.” Luna said with a resolute sigh. "Though neither of us are quite as strong as our betters."

"Though... Cadance was right," Sora began as he looked towards the mare. "We don't need to just rely on our own powers. If we need help, then our friends really can pick up the slack if we need it." He smiled as he raised his fist towards the mare. "So... if you ever need any help, Luna. Just call on me."

The mare blinked as she looked towards the held fist. With a gentle chuckle, she raised her hoof, allowing it to bump against it. "Then... we shall say the same to you, Sora."

Before Sora could comment further, the mare would gasp and look off into the distance, a resolute look growing on her features. “Your dream will be ending now. You’re about to wake up soon, Sora." She turned to face him. "If there is anything you need ask you best do it now.”

“Already? Thats a bummer.” Sora looked around himself before stopping his gaze on the cage that was still left in the distance. “Well…If you’re the master of dreams, you think you can tell me who’s in the cage back there.”

“Within that cage?” Luna looked towards the covered bars before casting a sideways glance at Sora. “That is something that I cannot outright answer for you.”

“Aww!” Sora pouted. “Why not?”

“Because Sora…What is within is the one you want to see the most. Only you can answer that question and no pony else.”

“The one I want the most?” Sora looked back to the cage, the sound of the one calling for him ringing clear as day in his ears and yet he could not place a name for the voice. “Who…Do I care for the most?”

“I do not know Sora.” Luna told him. “But I do know that the answer is usually right in front of you.”

“What?” Sora asked. “What the heck is that suppose to-“


Sora jolted awake in a flailing of hooves as his head throbbed, the jacket that had been covering him falling to the floor beside him. He placed a hoof over his head, as if that would somehow placate the rapid beating it was releasing. Looking down, he would see the bag that had accosted him during his sleep, a confused look crossing his features. After a time, the caramel stallion sighed softly before gaining his bearings once again. The familiar train cabin that he had somehow grown accustomed to meeting his gaze. He was on a train. A train heading towards his next destination.


As he slowly sat up, Sora would try to grasp for any part of the dream he had experienced prior, yet the only thing he could even remotely remember from that dream was someone calling out to him. Someone reaching out to his heart in a way he had never felt before. Sora sighed softly as he closed his eyes, allowing his back to rest, once again, upon the cot within his cabin. He could see, from his position, the break of sunlight over the horizon, day looming ever closer in the distance as the train traversed the scenic landscape of beautiful green fields. Sora’s thoughts soon began to drift towards what he was going to do when he reached their destination.

Someone…Or somepony had erected a barrier around an entire city, keeping everypony on the outside out and, more importantly, everypony within the inside of it in. Whatever it was that was going on, he had to find out what it was, and if the Heartless or the Organization was involved.

His thoughts were interrupted however as he saw the sleeping form of his butter yellow pegasus friend. The gentle rise and fall of her chest from her curled position opposite of his cot caused him to smile slightly.

She’s pretty cute when she sleeps…

Sora paused as he looked down.

Did I really just…Well it’s not untrue…I guess…The ponies are rather cute looking. And Fluttershy is…really cute looking.

Sora shook his head before sighing softly. Sitting up, he could see the other mares nearby, each one sleeping peacefully upon a different chair. Slowly, he would slip from the one he occupied before making his way down and out the door of the cabin. He doubted he could get any sleep right now anyway, not with trying to keep his thoughts focused and all, so he figured a walk around the train would do him some good. In Fact some food sounded really good right about now.

He had always found eating a good way to get one’s thoughts in order so an early morning snack was in order. What he wouldn't give to have one of Pinkie Pie’s delicious cupcakes right about now.

Before he could he could take more than a couple of steps within the train’s other car however, the gentle closing of the door behind him would cause his gaze to fall upon Fluttershy of all ponies, a soft epp escaping her as he twisted to turn towards her completely.

Fluttershy?” Sora said with a confused look as he gazed upon the mare. “I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked, his voice low, his tone soft.

After a moment, she would nod softly in response. "You didn't, I was...well...I was always a light sleeper so..." She whispered softly, watching him for a moment before looking away.

"Well...I was just on my way for a quick bite of breakfast" He told her, motioning towards the nearby kitchen. "Care to join me?" He asked with a small smile.

Fluttershy's ears twitched in surprise as she turned towards him, a smile spreading across her muzzle. "Um...sure."

With Sora’s final nod, the pair of ponies made their way to the serving area.

It goes without saying that Sora was impressed with the way ponies were able to fit nearly a whole kitchen within one whole train cart. If he didn’t quite know any better, he was sure that it looked a lot bigger on the inside than it did on the outside.

“Really nice of Celestia to pull out all the stops when it comes to our travels around Equestria.” Sora noted, as he began to rummage through one of the cabinets, silently praising himself on the fact that his hooves are working with him better than ever before.

“Oh…Well…Yes. She is very kind in that regard.” Fluttershy agreed, pulling out more than a few items out of the cabinets.

“It’s a shame that AJ and Pinkie couldn’t come with us this time.” Sora said. “They can really cook some mean pancakes.”

The butter yellow mare nodded. "Mhm, they're both great cooks...and I'm sure Pinkie would've gone a little crazy with the decorations if she came along." She added with a laugh.

The keyblade wielder laughed as well. "You're telling me. But Shes's always fun to hang around. Never a dull moment with her."

The shy mare nodded. "Same here...although she is a bit too much for me sometimes..." She admitted.

Sora smiled warmly at that. "I can see that. But its pretty cool that you and her are friends all the same." He said with a chuckle.

She looked away, shyly. "Well...I can't say that she's the easiest to be around," she admitted. "But she's still a good friend to have. I'm happy to have met her...and all my friends really."

"I know the feeling. Riku can be a bit of a jerk sometimes but...I could always count on him, ya know..." he looked away, a frown forming on his face. "He would've been the first to help if there was something wrong. Even if he were busy, he'd make time to be with you."

And yet he still...

Fluttershy nodded softly in agreement, her own expression growing pensive as she looked upon the stallion's expression. Gently she would tug at his jacket, gaining his attention . "Do you...want to talk about it?"

Sora's would look towards the shy pegasus, his mouth opening before closing again, the stallion looking away from her as if in defeat. "Maybe...some other time, Shy...Sorry."

"No! It's ok!" She said quickly, placing a hoof against his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. Just...remember what I told you...I don't mind you using me as your strength. We are friends after all...I don't mind at all. Not when its...you..."

The stallion would blush at that, remember the time back on the dirt road to Fluttershy's house. "Y-Yeah...I remember. Thanks, Shy." He smiled at the mare. "So...about breakfast...What should we do?"

Fluttershy blushed slightly as she looked his way. “W-Well…Um…I can, if you want me to, make you something…if that’s okay with you that is.” She offered hesitantly, her expression showing how nervous she was on the inside.

Sora would smile at that. "You sure? I mean...it would be a lot of work..."

“Oh! B-But it will be no trouble at all.” Fluttershy told him. “I-I mean…You’re my friend too. And I know I can’t fight like the other girls can. S-So if I can do anything to help you, I want to do it.” She added with a shy smile.

A small sigh escaped Sora as he thought about that offer. "Alright, but I'm gonna help. Can't leave ya to do all the work, can I?" He asked with a chuckle.

The young pegasus nodded. "Y-Yes. That would be very nice of you."

"Sweet," Sora said with a grin. "Then lets get to work."


Rarity sighed softly as she closed the door the cart Fluttershy and Sora occupied. “The rest is up to you Fluttershy. Don’t you dare ruin this for yourself.”

Turning away from the door, she would make her way back to her seat. “Curse you for wanting to see love bloom…” The mare mumbled to herself. “Still, if it means making one of my friends happy, even if it’s for a little while, I’ll gladly resign myself to a fate of loneliness for a little longer.”

The white mare couldn’t help but smile, the memory of waking the butter-yellow Pegasus up just as Sora left the room. Sure she had told her to lie, which Applejack would never forgive her for, but this was in the name of love! And love overrules all! Or so she has been told in her Romance Novels.

Rarity sighed once again before slipping back into her chair, away from the still snoring Rainbow Dash as she slept wistfully unaware of everything around her. Looking out the window, Rarity gave the slightest of smiles. “Well…Maybe…Just maybe…Fluttershy is a sharing type?”

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